• 3 weeks ago
VR 360' Apollo 11 Moon Mission YouTube VR
00:00Okay, guys, I already took you to Mars and a couple other places. Now I'm gonna go to the moon.
00:06360 Moon Space Mission in Virtual Reality, Apollo 11.
00:11We choose to go to the moon.
00:14We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things.
00:18Not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
00:22Because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills.
00:29Because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win.
00:38And the others too.
00:40The momentous, most memorable thing that I can recall about that particular day was the opportunity,
00:52while my two friends here were being put into the spacecraft,
00:57to stand alone by myself out there and look at the rocket and the quietness,
01:02and see the sun come up and the waves rolling in,
01:05and evidence of the millions of people watching, but nothing specific.
01:10It was so quiet, and to realize that indeed such a contrast was going to take place,
01:15all the frantic activity preparing the rocket, but it was so quiet up there for me personally,
01:20and that in a very few moments we were going to be departing in a great roar and offer a momentous event.
01:28I thought we had a 90% chance of getting back safely to Earth on that flight,
01:33but only a 50-50 chance of making a successful landing on the first attempt.
01:39There's so many unknowns in that descending from lunar orbit down to the surface
01:44that had not been demonstrated yet by testing.
01:47It's a risk-reward equation.
01:51And you're able to accept a level of risk so long as it's commensurate with the roar reward
02:00that you will get by achieving the goal that you're after.
02:31In the countdown, guidance system goes on internal at 17 seconds,
02:36leading up to the ignition sequence at 8.9 seconds.
02:39We're approaching the 60-second mark on the Apollo 11 mission.
02:4412, 11, 10, 9, ignition sequence start.
02:506, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.
02:57Let's do it, fellas.
02:59You ready?
03:01All right.
03:03I hope you can do this thing.
03:05What's it like to get it now?
03:08Don't give a thumbs up.
03:10We've got to come back.
03:12Neil Armstrong reporting.
03:14The roll and switch program puts Apollo 11 on a proper heading.
03:17She's doing it, man.
03:20Downrange one mile.
03:22Altitude three, four miles now.
03:25It's coming up.
03:28Velocity 2,195 feet per second.
03:3511, Houston, approach is go.
03:37All engines are looking good.
03:40Houston, you are go for staging.
03:44Tower's going.
03:45Roger, tower.
03:48Inboard cutoff.
03:49Inboard engine's out.
03:51Inboard cutoff.
03:56Houston, gravity.
04:07Houston, be advised the visual is go today.
04:11This is Houston.
04:12Roger that.
04:15Neil, he finally gave me a window to look at.
04:19Look at the window.
04:20You've got the moon on his side.
04:23I was looking for the moon too.
04:25We're going back home to Earth.
04:27Houston, you're go for separation.
04:30Our system's recommendation is arm both pyro buses.
04:36Okay, pyro B coming armed.
04:38My intent is to use bottle primary one as per the checklist.
04:42Therefore, I just turned A on.
04:45We concur with the logic.
04:47Look at that reflection.
04:56I want to get her a gift she'll actually use.
04:58Big brand yoga gear for great prices at Sierra.
05:01Get her this video I'm watching right now.
05:05And action.
05:12Apollo 11, this is Houston.
05:14Radio check.
05:17We've got the high gain locked on now.
05:20Okay, you're coming in loud and clear, but Mike is just barely readable.
05:29Loud and clear now, Mike, and we understand that you are docked.
05:35Houston, we're ready for LEM ejection.
05:38Go for LEM ejection.
05:48Apollo 11, this is Houston.
05:53Roger, Houston.
05:54Apollo 11.
05:55Go ahead.
05:57Could you give us some comments on how the transposition is docking?
05:59Dude, the cuff one's got to go to the moon.
06:01Got it.
06:02I thought it went pretty well.
06:08Apollo 11, Houston.
06:10Houston, we are go for undocking.
06:23Eagles undocked.
06:25How does it look?
06:26The Eagle has wings.
06:28Eagle, Houston.
06:29Houston, we see you on the stairwell.
06:31I do believe you've got thrusters on board that vehicle.
06:33You've got it.
06:36Let us know when you're ready to go.
06:57Houston, let us know when you're ready to copy.
06:58We have a DOI pad, VN, a PDI pad.
07:06Guidance says we're go.
07:10875 feet.
07:11That's looking good.
07:12Down a half.
07:14This is a real visual look at what it looks like up here at the moment.
07:1860 seconds.
07:19This might be real.
07:20Lights on.
07:24Down two and a half.
07:29It's almost done, man.
07:31We'll see it.
07:3340 feet.
07:34Down two and a half.
07:35It's going down slow.
07:3640 feet down.
07:3740 feet.
07:38Two and a half.
07:40Take that out.
07:41Where are you getting that information from?
07:42Four forward.
07:43Four forward.
07:44Drifting to the right a little.
07:46Down a half.
07:4730 seconds.
07:53Contact right.
07:57Engine stop.
07:58I don't even see the number.
08:00Here we go.
08:02That's it.
08:04Engine arm off.
08:06413 is in.
08:11We copy you down, Eagle.
08:14Hit it.
08:15He's made on the moon.
08:17Tranquility base here.
08:18The Eagle has landed.
08:20Roger, Tranquility.
08:22We copy you on the ground.
08:23You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue.
08:25We're breathing again.
08:26Thanks a lot.
08:27The surface appears to be very, very fine-grained as you get close to it.
08:34It's almost like a powder.
08:36Ground mass is very fine.
08:45He's not even standing on the ground yet.
08:47Just to make sure.
08:51I'm going to step off the LM now.
08:52Look at the support.
08:54There it goes.
08:55One step for mankind.
09:02That's one small step for man.
09:06One giant step for mankind.
09:07One giant leap for mankind.
09:15Go ahead, Mr. President.
09:18I'm going to do it like that because there might be another flash on the planet.
09:21I'm talking to you by telephone from the Oval Room at the White House.
09:26And this certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made.
09:32I just can't tell you how proud we all are of what you do.
09:36For every American, this has to be the proudest day of our lives.
09:40And for people all over the world, I am sure they too join with us in recognizing what an immense feat this is.
09:52Because of what you have done, the heavens have become a part of man's world.
10:11We're going to catch it up.
10:12I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.
10:25Excellent, man. That's my video over there.
10:26Thanks for watching. Please put a like and subscribe.
10:29Stay tuned for the next video, but not this one.