Murder Mindfully Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: When mafia lawyer Björn attends a mindfulness class to find a better work-life balance, he discovers surprising new coping strategies — including murder.
00:00I'm not a violent person. On the contrary.
00:03For example, I've never fought in my entire life.
00:06And I only killed the first person when I was 42.
00:12As a lawyer, I was the ace in the hole of the office.
00:15I was allowed to do the dirty work, but was never put on the ball.
00:19I solve problems.
00:21Drugs, prostitutes, weapons.
00:24Not a good mix, if you ask me.
00:28My family lived very well without me.
00:32I know you don't want to change anything for me.
00:34But maybe for Emily. Maybe this is something for you.
00:37Caution? Are you serious?
00:40I thought that was totally shit.
00:45The breath is the central tool of caution.
00:49They show everything that has nothing to do with the here and now.
00:55And that's how I change all the assholes around me, right?
01:00And then it happened.
01:02Like a heavenly beam from the black clouds of my soul,
01:05I felt complete peace within me.
01:13Let the breath flow.
01:19You will establish time islands for your daughter.
01:22Caution can break noses.
01:25And kill people.
01:27Dad, what smells so strange here?
01:31That's the work in the trunk.
01:34Now breathe in.
01:37And out again.
01:42And out again.
01:49Breathing is so strange.
01:51Are you aware of that?