red band alley building plot slabs v04

  • 2 days ago
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red band alley building plot

Drag and drop Blender plane 4x4 2m RGB
all you need to do is add road markings
all other assets will be uploaded soon

download free thanks
00:00Hello and welcome back. This part as I said we need to colour the strip down the side
00:07of here. If you are watching my videos as I said I very much appreciate it. It is a
00:11video log anyway so I need to do the video just for any future references. So as I said
00:15I need to colour this the same colour as this. I need to do this border down here. It is
00:20not there yet. I need to chop this part out and put a little white there and join that
00:26down there. That's what we need to do. So first of all we need to hide the house because
00:33we need to go over here. Now as you know if you are watching the videos, if you haven't
00:40been watching the videos you probably won't know where I am. So I need to go to my tool
00:46and select on the edges of the building, the edge of the actual slab. So this is like the
00:53foundation basically for the house. Basically that's what this is. Except I am making the
00:58corner a different way around. Sometimes I make my geometry back to front. Sometimes
01:05I do. Just because sometimes it is actually easier to do that. So I want to bring it to
01:14here and I do need to bring it to there but I need to chop that. So I am still going to
01:22bring it to there. So what I need to do is go back to the top view. I need to find the
01:27edge. So it is one square out. So I need to go to extrude. Extrude it one square. As I
01:40said it is only one square. So go down to here. Now here is a tricky part. So what I
01:49need to do is fill in this little part here. So how I am going to do this is I am going
01:55to hold the key. I want to go here and not there. I want to go right in that corner.
02:02I need the corner right there. Go to points. Click that corner. Click this corner. Do this
02:12corner and this corner. Join it. Now this sounds kind of crazy. Go over here. Press
02:20this line tool. Drop a line in it. Enter. Leave it like that. That's top. As I said
02:28this is my kind of way of cheating. Now I want to go here. Select the two points. Bend
02:34this down here. Now of course I needed to touch that. So what I want to do is go here
02:41and delete this point. So I have only got one point. Bring it back down and you see
02:47that line now. Keep it straight. Make it straight that way. Make it straight that way. So we
02:56have got a floating little strand. Nothing. I think it is lovely. It just makes nice easy
03:05work of the corner. Here not there. Here and here. Fill that. As I said it makes a
03:18difficult corner. Nice and easy. Put there and there. And there we are. A lovely corner
03:28How is that for a cheat? Well that's lovely. I just like when things work like that. Now
03:36of course if you look at this side. So what I need to do now is go back on top view. I
03:44need to find where that box is that I can't actually see. I'm going to work from this
03:53view as I can't actually see it. Go back to line tool. Skip that one and go here. I'm
04:02only telling you to skip it because we need to join it. Not that one. This one. Here and
04:24here. As I said. Now what I want to do here. Flip it to the side. Look at the box. Extrude.
04:36Extrude it down one square. Of course it's not going to extrude it in. It did. What amazing.
04:48I said this would be the curve basically around the house. Well it wouldn't be the curve around
04:54the house. It would be. In my world it's a curve around the house. But it's not really
05:01a curve around the house. But it is like a foundation basically for the house. So you
05:07could call it a curve. Now this one I'm going to cheat again. Because I need to cut the
05:15slab. I can't cut the slab because I need to keep the lip. Actually maybe I don't. Is
05:28there any more? No. I can actually chop the whole thing. That's great. So what I want
05:35to do is go over to this side. Select all of this and chop it. Get rid of it. Of course
05:41it's going to leave the foundation. This is how I get my skeletons by the way. So you
05:48know if you want to make a cloud. Just delete the thing. Maybe I just want to do that. Where
06:03is the thing? Give me a second. I've kind of lost myself for a second. I want to redo
06:13that one. I'll redo that one. I've kind of lost myself there for a second. Because I've
06:33kind of looked at the wrong thing. I was looking at something else and obviously it's going
06:38to be a little lag. But it makes you do more effort and you can do this a little bit easier.
06:44Zoom out a little bit. Back in. I said that we can't delete the edge of this. We have
06:56to keep it. We don't want this part. This part. Now you see when you get here. We have
07:11to get close but we can't get too close to it. Because we won't have none of it. Now
07:26if I get rid of that it's going to delete that line. I've got really no choice after
07:36really. It doesn't really matter because I'm still joining. I said I'm not trying to do
07:42poor work and especially in the little cracks like that. And there's one there. Oh there's
07:50three of them. I said don't delete the slab. I'll leave that one for a moment. I said because
08:18it's really kind of skinny. Let's stretch that over here. Let's bring back that surface
08:30for a moment. You know what it is? It's further down. I'm being too careful. I don't want
08:43that one. Actually what I might be able to do here. Just so I can actually cheat. I can
08:53put this in here. Which is going to be kind of great. I'm going to zoom out for a second
09:01so I can see where the road is. I don't want the road. I need the pavement. That's the
09:10road there I think. Move this to here. Turn off snapping because it's cornered just slightly
09:21to correct. Let's have a look at that. That's definitely the guttery. If I chop it there.
09:40Just looking at it. Don't forget I don't have to add the guttery. I think I might actually
09:54have to. I'm going to have to add the kerb. That's what I'm going to have to do. So I'm
10:02going to have to bring the kerb up. How does that work? Let's have a look at that floor.
10:22But there's something not quite right with that. Where's the kerb? Let's turn that off.
10:32The kerb is here. Go back to here. Ah, here it is. I'm going by the actual kerb. By the
10:46road. I'm not going by the road. I'm going by the actual slab. I was looking at the wrong
10:51one. Which is kind of great for me because it's going to save me a bit more work. I thought
10:58actually, you know what, I thought I put the surface too far down in the hole. That's what
11:05I don't really want to raise the surface. So leave that there. Go back into wireframe.
11:19What are you doing? Give me a second. I need to click on this one. How come I can't click
11:39it? How come I can't click on it? I don't know. I'll just save that. What if I accidentally
11:59crash? Can I click anything? No, I can't click nothing. Crash. See, I can't seem to
12:11basically do anything. It's gone and crashed. See, I can't click on anything. I can't edit
12:24nothing. I can't select nothing. OK, Blender's crashed. Thank you Blender. Anyway, what I'm
12:33going to do, off the video, I'm just going to delete this little piece here. What I'm
12:37going to do is select this little box. Select the end bar. I can select it or I can't. I
12:42can't click it or I can't do nothing to it. Thanks Blender. But anyway, all I do is select
12:49this part, delete this part, grab the end of that, pull it to the end of here, pull
12:55the road to the end of there and then in the next part I'll be just basically splitting
13:01the edge of that, changing the colour of it so it blends with that and then basically
13:07colour the slabs. So we can do that and then we just pull the edge of this down, play around
13:13with it and that's it. That will be the end of the video. So come back in the next part
13:19and you'll see me basically modifying this last little bit here. I'm not going to modify
13:24it now. I'll do it in the next video. So I'll modify this part. I really truly apologise
13:29for the crashing. There's nothing I can do about it. So as I said, when you come back
13:33we'll chop this, we'll pull this and then we'll fix the edge of that and we'll colour
13:37in the slabs and the pavement. That's it. The end of the video. As I say, thanks very
13:43much for watching. I very much appreciate you. Again, I apologise for the crashing of
13:47the Blender. It's one of those things. Anyway, see you soon. Bye.
