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The Journey of Faith_ Insights from Juz 2 (Sayaqool) of Surah Al-Baqarah
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00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:06In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:12The foolish among the people will say,
00:17What turned them away from their Qibla which they were on?
00:23Say, To Allah belongs the East and the West
00:27He guides whom He wills to a straight path
00:35And thus have We made you a mediating nation
00:40That you may be witnesses over the people
00:44And that the Messenger may be a witness over you
00:49And We did not make the Qibla which you were on
00:55Except that We may know who will follow the Messenger
00:59From whom he will turn on his heels
01:04And it was not great except for those whom Allah guided
01:11And Allah would not let your faith be lost
01:16Indeed, Allah is to the people kind and merciful
01:24Indeed, We see the turning of your face in the sky
01:28So We will surely turn you to a Qibla which you will be pleased with
01:34So turn your face toward the Sacred Mosque
01:39And wherever you are, turn your faces toward it
01:44And indeed, those who have been given the Scripture
01:47know that it is the truth from their Lord
01:52And Allah is not unmindful of what they do
01:57And if you come to those who have been given the Scripture
02:01with every sign, they will not follow your Qibla
02:05And you will not follow their Qibla
02:09And some of them will not follow each other's Qibla
02:15And if you follow their whims after knowledge has come to you,
02:22indeed, you will be of the wrongdoers
02:27Those to whom We have given the Scripture know it
02:32as they know their children
02:35And indeed, a group of them conceal the truth while they know
02:43The truth is from your Lord, so do not be of the doubters
02:49And for everyone is a direction which he will turn,
02:53so race for the good things
02:56Wherever you are, Allah brings you all together
03:01Indeed, Allah is over all things competent
03:07And from where you came out, turn your face
03:10towards the Sacred Mosque
03:13And indeed, it is the truth from your Lord
03:17And Allah is not unmindful of what you do
03:22And from where you came out, turn your face
03:25towards the Sacred Mosque
03:29And wherever you are, turn your faces towards it
03:34So that there will not be for the people
03:37on you any argument except those who have wronged among them
03:42So do not fear them, but fear Me,
03:45that I may perfect My favor upon you,
03:48and that you may be guided
03:52As We have sent among you a Messenger from among you
03:56who recites to you Our verses and purifies you
04:01and teaches you the Book and Wisdom
04:08and teaches you that which you knew not
04:13So remember Me, I will remember you,
04:16and be grateful to Me, and disbelieve not
04:20O you who believe!
04:22Seek help through patience and prayer.
04:26Verily, Allah is with the patient
04:30And say not to those who are killed in the cause of Allah,
04:35that they are dead.
04:37Nay, they are alive, but you perceive it not
04:43And We will surely test you with a thing of fear and hunger
04:49and a deficiency of wealth and lives and fruits
04:55And give good tidings to the patient
04:59Those who, when a calamity befalls them, say,
05:06Verily, we belong to Allah and to Him we will return
05:13It is they upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy
05:22And it is they who are the guided
05:28Verily, purity and piety are among the signs of Allah
05:34So whoever makes Hajj to the House or performs Umrah,
05:37there is no blame upon him that he should go around them
05:42And whoever volunteers for good,
05:45verily, Allah is Appreciating and Knowing
05:49Verily, those who conceal what We have sent down of clear proofs and guidance
05:55after We have made it clear to the people in the Scripture
06:06it is those whom Allah curses and those who curse them who curse
06:12Except for those who repent and amend and make clear
06:16it is those whom I turn to for forgiveness
06:19and I am the Accepting of repentance, the Most Merciful
06:23Verily, those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers
06:27it is they upon whom is the curse of Allah and the angels and the people all together
06:39Abiding eternally therein. The punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be given respite
06:47And your God is One God. There is no deity except Him, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful
06:55Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day
07:01and the ships that sail in the sea for the benefit of the people
07:11And Allah has not sent down from the sky any water,
07:17so He brought the earth to life therewith after its death,
07:20and He spread therein every kind of worm.
07:26And the spreading of the winds and the clouds that are subjected between the heaven and the earth
07:33are signs for a people who understand.
07:39And of the people are those who take besides Allah equals whom they love as is the love of Allah.
07:48And those who believe are more in love with Allah.
07:53And if only those who were unjust could see when they saw the punishment
07:57that all power is to Allah, and that Allah is severe in punishment.
08:05When those who were followed disown those who followed,
08:09and they saw the punishment, and all means were cut off for them.
08:14And those who followed said,
08:16If only we had a second chance, we would disown them as they disowned us.
08:23Thus does Allah show them their deeds as a regret for them,
08:29and they will not come out of the Fire.
08:35O mankind, eat of what is lawful and good in the earth,
08:41and follow not the footsteps of Satan.
08:45Verily, he is to you a manifest enemy.
08:49He only commands you evil and immorality,
08:55and that you say against Allah that which you know not.
09:02And when it is said to them, Follow that which Allah has sent down,
09:06they say, Nay, but we will follow that upon which we cast our forefathers.
09:12Would their forefathers not understand a thing, nor would they be guided?
09:20And the likeness of those who disbelieve is like that of one who whispers what he hears not,
09:26except as a supplication and a call.
09:32Deaf, dumb, and blind, and they do not understand.
09:40O you who have believed, eat of the good things which We have provided for you,
09:46and be grateful to Allah, if it is He whom you worship.
09:53Verily, what is forbidden to you is the dead, and the blood, and the flesh of the pig,
09:58and that which has been made lawful for none other than Allah.
10:02So whosoever is forced, not seeking or transgressing,
10:07then there is no sin against him. Verily, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
10:13Verily, those who conceal what Allah has sent down of the Book
10:18and buy with it a small price,
10:22those will not eat in their bellies except the Fire.
10:29And Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them.
10:34And for them is a painful punishment.
10:37Those are the ones who have bought error with guidance,
10:42and punishment with forgiveness. But He made them not patient over the Fire.
10:48That is because Allah has sent down the Book in truth.
10:54And verily, those who differ concerning the Book are in a great distance.
11:01It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and the West,
11:07but righteousness is he who believes in Allah and the Last Day,
11:17and the angels, and the Book, and the Prophets.
11:22And He has given wealth for His Love to those who are near, and to the orphans,
11:27and to the needy, and to the wayfarer, and to those who ask for help,
11:36and to those who guard, and to those who establish prayer, and to those who give zakah,
11:40and to those who fulfill their covenant when they have made a covenant,
11:45and to those who are patient in hardship and adversity and during hardship.
11:52Those are the ones who are truthful, and those are the ones who are Al-Muttaqun.
12:00O you who have believed! Decrees have been written for you concerning the killing.
12:06The free is for the free, and the slave is for the slave, and the female is for the female.
12:12Then whosoever is spared from his brother a thing, then it is a good following,
12:18and a good treatment to him. That will relieve from your Lord a mercy.
12:26But whosoever transgresses after that, then for him is a painful punishment.
12:31And for you in justice is life, O you who understand, that haply you may fear Allah.
12:39It is written for you, when death approaches one of you, that if he leaves a good thing,
12:44it is a commandment. The commandment is to parents and relatives,
12:49in a good way, a right upon Al-Muttaqun.
12:53But whosoever changes it after he has heard it, then his sin is only against those who change it.
13:01Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
13:05Then whosoever fears from an adversary a transgression or a sin and makes peace between them,
13:12then there is no sin against him. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
13:20O you who have believed! Decrees have been written for you concerning the fasting,
13:25as it was written for those before you, that haply you may fear Allah.
13:31A few days. Then whosoever of you is ill or is on a journey,
13:41then a number of other days. And for those who are able to withstand it is ransom,
13:49food for the needy. Then whosoever volunteers a good deed, it is good for him.
13:56And that you fast is better for you, if you only knew.
14:03The month of Ramadan, in which the Qur'an has been revealed,
14:11is a guidance for mankind and clear proofs of guidance and distinction.
14:18So whosoever of you bears witness to the month, let him fast.
14:23And whosoever of you is ill or is on a journey, then a number of other days.
14:30Allah intends for you ease, and He does not intend for you hardship.
14:35And that you may complete the number, and that you may glorify Allah for what He has guided you.
14:41And that you may be grateful.
14:44And when My servants ask you about Me, then indeed, I am near.
14:51I answer the call of the caller when he calls.
14:56So let them respond to Me and believe in Me, that they may be guided.
15:03The night of fasting has been made lawful for you, and it will be brought to your wives.
15:09They are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them.
15:15Allah knows that you used to betray yourselves, so He has forgiven you and pardoned you.
15:25So now give them good tidings and seek that which Allah has decreed for you.
15:31And eat and drink until the white thread becomes clear to you from the black thread of dawn.
15:39Then complete the fast till the night, and give them no good tidings while you are standing in the mosques.
15:51These are the limits of Allah, so approach not them.
15:55Thus does Allah make His Ayat clear to the people, that they may fear Allah.
16:03And devour not your wealth among yourselves with falsehood,
16:08but invite it to the rulers, that you may devour a group of people's wealth by sin,
16:23while you know.
16:27They ask you about the families of Allah. Say,
16:30They are places for people and Hajj.
16:34And the righteous are not because you come to the houses from behind them,
16:39but the righteous are those who fear Allah.
16:43And come to the houses from its doors, and fear Allah that you may succeed.
16:51And fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you,
16:56and do not transgress.
16:58Verily, Allah loves not the transgressors.
17:02And kill them where you find them, and drive them out from where they have driven you out.
17:09And the trial is more severe than the killing.
17:12And do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight you therein.
17:19And if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
17:27And if they desist, then indeed, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
17:32And fight them until there is no trial, and the religion is with Allah.
17:39And if they desist, then there is no hostility except against the wrongdoers.
17:47The Sacred Month is in the Sacred Month, and the sacred things are separate.
17:54So whosoever transgresses against you, transgress against him in the same way as he transgressed against you.
18:00And fear Allah, and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.
18:06And spend in the cause of Allah, and throw not your hands into destruction, and do good.
18:14Verily, Allah loves the doers of good.
18:18And complete the Hajj and Umrah for Allah.
18:22And if you are counted, then what is easier than the guidance?
18:26And do not bow your heads until the guidance reaches its place.
18:32So whosoever among you is ill or has a headache,
18:38then it is a ransom from fasting, or charity, or almsgiving.
18:44And when you are secure, then whosoever enjoys the Umrah to the Hajj,
18:50what is easier than the guidance?
18:52And whosoever does not find, then fasting for three days in the Hajj,
18:57and seven days when you return. Those are a complete ten.
19:03That is for him whose family is not present at the Sacred Mosque.
19:09And fear Allah, and know that Allah is severe in punishment.
19:14The Hajj is a month of known events.
19:18So whosoever has made the Hajj obligatory on them,
19:22then there is no delay, no transgression, nor dispute in the Hajj.
19:26And whatever good you do, Allah knows it.
19:31And you provide for yourselves, and indeed, the best increase is Taqwa.
19:36And fear Me, O you who have understanding.
19:39It is not a sin upon you to seek bounty from your Lord.
19:45But when you have taken away from Arafat, then remember Allah at the Sacred Mosque.
19:53And remember Him as He has guided you.
19:56And if you were before Him, you would have been among the astray.
20:05Then turn away from where the people have turned away, and ask forgiveness of Allah.
20:12Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
20:17So when you have completed your rites, remember Allah as you remember your fathers,
20:28or even more strongly.
20:31And among the people are those who say,
20:33Our Lord, give us in this world, and in the Hereafter we have no creation.
20:40And among them are those who say,
20:43Our Lord, give us in this world a good deed, and in the Hereafter a good deed.
20:50And save us from the punishment of the Fire.
20:53Those will have a share of what they have earned.
20:59And Allah is Swift in reckoning.
21:02And remember Allah in numbered days.
21:07So whoever hastens in two days, there is no sin upon him,
21:12and whoever delays, there is no sin upon him for him who fears Allah.
21:17And fear Allah, and know that to Him you will be gathered.
21:23And among the people is he whose word pleases you in the life of this world.
21:29And Allah bears witness to what is in his heart, and he is the most pleasant in dispute.
21:35And when he turns away, he strives in the land to cause corruption therein,
21:39and to destroy the crops and the people. And Allah does not like corruption.
21:45And when it is said to him, Fear Allah, pride has seized him with sin.
21:51So Hell is enough for him, and what an evil abode.
21:56And among the people is he who sells himself in search of the pleasure of Allah.
22:04And Allah is Kind to the servants.
22:10O you who have believed, enter into peace in full,
22:18and follow not the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.
22:27And if you go astray after the clear proofs have come to you,
22:33then know that Allah is Exalted in Might, Wise.
22:38Do they wait except that Allah should come to them in clouds of clouds,
22:45and the angels, and the matter be decided? And to Allah are all matters returned.
22:52Ask the Children of Israel how many clear signs We have given them.
22:59And whosoever alters the favor of Allah after it has come to him,
23:04then verily, Allah is severe in punishment.
23:08The life of this world is adorned for those who disbelieve,
23:12and they mock those who believe.
23:16And those who fear Allah will be above them on the Day of Resurrection.
23:20And Allah provides for whom He wills without account.
23:26The people were one nation, and Allah raised up the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warners,
23:40and sent down with them the Book with truth,
23:48that He might judge between the people concerning that in which they differed,
23:54except those who were given it after the clear proofs had come to them,
24:00out of transgression between them.
24:02So Allah guided those who believed concerning that in which they differed,
24:07out of truth, by His permission. And Allah guides whomsoever He wills to a straight path.
24:16Or did you think that you would enter Paradise,
24:20when there came to you the example of those who passed away before you?
24:26Misery and adversity touched them, and they were shaken,
24:32until the Messenger and those who believed with him said,
24:37When is the help of Allah? Verily, the help of Allah is nigh.
24:43They ask you, What do they spend?
24:47Say, Whatever good you spend, it is for the parents and the relatives,
24:54and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer.
24:58And whatever good you do, verily, Allah is Knowing of it.
25:04Fighting is prescribed for you, and it is a dislike for you.
25:09And it may be that you dislike a thing, and it is good for you.
25:15And it may be that you love a thing, and it is bad for you.
25:20And Allah knows, and you do not know.
25:24They ask you about the Sacred Month, a great battle therein.
25:33And a barrier from the way of Allah, and disbelief in it, and the Sacred Mosque.
25:40And the expulsion of his family from it is greater in the sight of Allah.
25:45And the trial is greater than the killing.
25:48And they will not cease to fight you until they turn you away from your religion,
25:54if they can. And whoever of you turns away from his religion,
26:00and dies while he is a disbeliever,
26:05then their deeds in this world and the Hereafter will be in vain.
26:10And those are the companions of the Fire. They will abide therein eternally.
26:17Verily, those who believe and those who emigrate and strive in the cause of Allah,
26:25those are the ones who hope for the mercy of Allah. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
26:35They ask you about al-Khamr and al-Maysib. Say,
26:39Therein is a great sin and benefits for the people.
26:45And their sin is greater than their benefit.
26:49And they ask you, What do they spend? Say, Forgiveness.
26:53Thus does Allah make clear to you the Ayat, that you may reflect upon this world and the Hereafter.
27:02And they ask you about the orphans. Say, Reformation is better for them.
27:09And if you create them, they are your brothers.
27:13And Allah knows the corrupter of the reformer.
27:17And if Allah had willed, He would have made you stubborn.
27:21Verily, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
27:25And marry not the polytheists until they believe.
27:31And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even if she pleases you.
27:38And marry not the polytheists until they believe.
27:43And a believing servant is better than a polytheist, even if he pleases you.
27:50Those are the ones who will be called to the Fire.
27:55And Allah invites to Paradise and Forgiveness by His leave,
28:01and He makes clear His Ayat to the people, that they may reflect.
28:08And they ask you about the menstruation.
28:11Say, It is a sin, so leave the women in the menstruation,
28:17and do not approach them until they are pure.
28:21And when you are pure, come to them from where Allah has commanded you.
28:28Verily, Allah loves the repentant, and He loves the pure.
28:35Your wives are a crop for you, so come as a crop, as you will.
28:41And give precedence to yourselves.
28:44And fear Allah, and know that you will meet Him.
28:50And give glad tidings to the believers.
28:53And set up Allah not as a barrier to your oaths,
28:57lest you turn away, and fear Allah, and make peace between men.
29:03And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
29:06Allah will not seize you by illusion in your oaths,
29:11but He will seize you by that which your hearts have earned.
29:19And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
29:22For those of their wives who are in pain, wait four months.
29:29And if they pass away, then verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
29:35And if they decide to divorce, then verily, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
29:41And the divorced women wait three generations for themselves.
29:49And it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs,
29:56if they should believe in Allah and the Last Day.
30:04And their wives are more worthy of their Lord in that, if they desire reformation.
30:11And for them is the like of that which is upon them of the good.
30:16And for the men is a degree upon them. And Allah is Exalted in Might, Wise.
30:23Divorce is twice. So either you live in a good manner or you leave in a good manner.
30:32And it is not lawful for you to take from that which you have given them anything,
30:39except that they fear that they will not establish the limits of Allah.
30:46So if you fear that they will not establish the limits of Allah,
30:50then there is no blame upon them in that which they have taken.
30:54Those are the limits of Allah, so do not exceed them.
30:58And whoever transgresses the limits of Allah, then it is they who are the wrongdoers.
31:04And if he divorces her, then there is no lawful for him after that until she marries another husband.
31:12And if he divorces her, then there is no lawful for him after that until she marries another husband.
31:22If they think that they will establish the limits of Allah.
31:28And these are the limits of Allah which He makes clear to a people who know.
31:36And when you have divorced the women and reached their term,
31:42then hold them in a good manner or exalt them in a good manner.
31:48And do not hold them by force, lest you transgress.
31:53And whosoever does that, then he has wronged himself.
31:57And take not the Ayat of Allah as a mockery.
32:01And remember the favor of Allah upon you and that which He has sent down to you of the Book and Wisdom,
32:09that He will guide you thereby. And fear Allah and know that Allah is Knowing of all things.
32:17And when you have divorced the women and reached their term,
32:23then hold them by force, lest they marry their husbands, when they have reconciled themselves with each other in a good manner.
32:38That is admonished by him who of you believes in Allah and the Last Day.
32:46That is purer for you and purer.
32:49And Allah knows, and you know not.
32:53And the mothers give full nourishment to their children,
32:59for whosoever intends to be given full nourishment.
33:02And upon the children is their provision, and their covering in a good manner.
33:09No soul is burdened except with its coverings.
33:13No mother is harmed by her child, nor is there to be given birth to him by his child.
33:20And upon the heir is the like of that.
33:23So if they intend to separate from their progeny and to quarrel, then there is no blame upon them.
33:32And if you intend to give full nourishment to your children, then there is no blame upon you.
33:40If you give full nourishment, you have given in a good manner.
33:45And fear Allah and know that Allah, of what you do, is Seeing.
33:52And those of you who die and leave their spouses,
33:57they wait for themselves four months and ten days.
34:03And when they reach the appointed time, then there is no blame upon you
34:07concerning what they have done concerning themselves in a good manner.
34:12And Allah is Aware of what you do.
34:16And there is no blame upon you concerning what you have done concerning the speech of the women,
34:23or what you have done concerning yourselves.
34:26Allah knows that you will remember them,
34:30but you will not make a secret promise to them except that you speak a good word.
34:39And you will not make a solemn pledge of marriage until the Book reaches its appointed time.
34:45And know that Allah knows what is in yourselves, so beware of Him.
34:51And know that Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.
34:56There is no blame upon you if you divorce the women whom you have not touched,
35:03or impose upon them an obligation.
35:06And give them a goodly provision according to the extent of which it can be extended,
35:10and according to the extent of which it can be shortened.
35:15This is an obligation upon the doers of good.
35:18And if you divorce them before you touch them,
35:24and you have imposed upon them an obligation,
35:32then half of what you imposed is that they forgive or forgive the one in whose hand is the covenant of marriage.
35:44And that you forgive is nearer to righteousness.
35:48And forget not the bounty between you.
35:53Indeed, Allah, of what you do, is Seeing.
36:00Keep up the prayers and the middle prayer, and stand up to Allah obediently.
36:08And if you fear, then be on foot or on horseback.
36:12And when you are secure, remember Allah as He has taught you that which you did not know.
36:22And those of you who die and leave wives as guardians for their wives,
36:30a provision around them, not to be taken out.
36:34So if We take them out, there is no blame upon you for what We have done in their souls of good.
36:44And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
36:48And for the divorcees is a provision of good, a right upon the righteous.
36:55Thus does Allah make clear to you His signs, that you may understand.
37:03Have you not seen those who came out of their homes while they were thousands,
37:09fearing death, and Allah said to them,
37:12And fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
37:33Who is it that will lend Allah a goodly loan, and it will be multiplied for him many times?
37:43And Allah collects and enlarges, and to Him you will be returned.
37:50Have you not seen the chiefs of the Children of Israel after Moses,
37:56when they said to a prophet of theirs,
37:59Send for us a king, we will fight in the cause of Allah.
38:09He said, Do you think that if the battle is decreed for you that you will not fight?
38:17They said, And why should we not fight in the cause of Allah,
38:22when we have been driven out of our homes and our sons?
38:28But when the battle was decreed for them, they turned away, except a few of them.
38:36And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers.
38:40And their prophet said to them, Indeed, Allah has sent for you Talut as a king.
38:48They said, How can he have dominion over us when we have more right to dominion than he does,
38:55and he has not been given a portion of the wealth?
39:00He said, Indeed, Allah has chosen him over you, and increased him in knowledge and stature.
39:08And Allah gives His dominion to whom He wills, and Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.
39:18And their prophet said to them, Verily, the sign of his dominion is that the Tablet will come to you,
39:25in which there will be tranquillity from your Lord,
39:28and a remnant of that which the people of Musa and the people of Harun left,
39:35and that which the angels carry. Verily, in that is a sign for you, if you are believers.
39:49And when Talut separated the soldiers, he said,
39:53Verily, Allah will test you with a river, and whoever drinks from it is not of me.
40:02And whoever does not drink from it is of me, except he who enters a room with his own hand.
40:11So drink from it, except a little from it.
40:15And when he and those who believed with him passed it, they said,
40:21There is no power for us this day against Talut and his soldiers.
40:26Those who think that they will meet Allah will say,
40:33How many a small party has overcome a large party by permission of Allah!
40:47And Allah is with the patient.
40:50And when they appeared before Talut and his soldiers, they said,
40:56Our Lord, pour upon us patience and make firm our feet,
41:08and help us against the disbelieving people.
41:13So they defeated them by permission of Allah.
41:18And David killed Talut, and Allah gave him dominion and wisdom,
41:24and taught him whatever He willed.
41:29And if Allah had not driven the people, some of them to one another,
41:34the earth would have been corrupted.
41:37But Allah is the possessor of bounty over the worlds.
41:43These are the verses of Allah. We recite them to you in truth.
41:49And indeed, you are of the messengers.
