• 3 weeks ago
00:00Hibbs have probably got the players who can find him as well.
00:03You saw that ball, it's a brilliant cross from Caden.
00:06Caden's probably one of the everyday heroes that gets kind of overlooked sometimes about what a good footballer he is.
00:15So whether he plays it right back and pushes Miller out or he plays on the wing,
00:20I think you've got players in there who can deliver the ball into dangerous areas.
00:25For Kourevic, yes, and for Gale.
00:27But Gale's movement was great.
00:29Like I said, it's six months since he played a competitive game of football.
00:33Now he kept fit with that PFA pre-season thing.
00:36He played in a bounce game during that last kind of enforced break that Hibbs had.
00:42So that was why Gray was quite happy to throw him into the game.
00:47He thought he was ready.
00:48And you would like to think until he gets up to full match sharpness, that experience and knowing where to be,
00:55I think that's probably the big thing you miss when you're not playing competitively.
00:59It's just that experience.
01:00You know what it's like if you go back to fives after eight weeks away or something like that,
01:05and you've had an injury.
01:06You go back, the first 10 minutes you're like,
01:07what am I supposed to be doing?
01:09Where am I supposed to be?
01:10Imagine that a thousand times the level of it.
01:13And you've been out for six months and you just maybe forget things.
01:17But his, it's just ingrained in his DNA from years and years and years.
01:20Ball's there.
01:21I know where I'm going.
01:22I know how I'm going to do it.
01:23And I know how I'm going to lose my defender to get there free.
01:26Because anyone can run to that spot, but have a defender right on top of them.
01:31And time to run wrong and arrive too early,
01:34therefore gives the defender time to close them down or arrive too late and the ball's already away.
01:39He's got that kind of just years and years and years of training.
01:43He must have done about a million finishing drills over the years.
01:46He's played in umpteen games, big games, scored winners, scored in the decisive moments.
01:52And these guys, strikers, are just, they're just different.
01:55No matter how good a footballer you are, you've seen it all the time.
01:58We stick a midfielder up front to help.
02:00He's a really good player, he'll figure it out and it just doesn't work.
02:04You've got to have that little instinct to know where the ball is.
02:09Like they say, if you threw the ball up in the air in the penalty box, it would land at his feet.
02:13That's how it works.
