WWE No Way Out (2009)__TV-DVDRip Part 02

  • 2 days ago
00:00:05Already been through the announce table
00:00:10And he said we're gonna watch Shane cry crying pain scream for his life
00:00:19Watch what she about to fall from that top rope out onto the floor
00:00:39With a superplex on Shane through the table a glance back at the table for
00:00:45Shane in all kinds of trouble. This should be the death knell for Shane
00:00:54Shane's body buckling
00:01:03Said when this match probably should have been stopped when Orton was smashed to the head now after this
00:01:11See and listen to Shane
00:01:16Shane McMahon who rolls the shoulder
00:01:20real again
00:01:23How's he doing it
00:01:25That McMahon heart we talked about
00:01:33Seems like he's in town stopping that McMahon heart for beating punishing
00:01:43Vintage city distant Randy Orton as he walks around his opponent stomping on every
00:01:50Arm and leg and of course you see the table the carnage in the ring. This is reminding everyone. This is the no-holds-barred match
00:02:01Broken ribs gasping for air again a cover by Randy Orton on Shado
00:02:22Shane is he's almost defenseless
00:02:30Somehow men's did not be pinned that's the longer it goes like that. This is gonna be
00:02:38Look at the eyes
00:02:41See Shane set up for that punch
00:02:46Exploded into Randy Orton desperation
00:02:51And tackling Orton and just taking them look like it took all the wind out of Orton sales Shane McMahon will not quit
00:02:58Look at Orton coming full speed ahead
00:03:01Shane with his huge tackle
00:03:19That chair there could be Shane's last basket of defense
00:03:38Randy Orton writhing like a snake
00:03:54This looks like maybe
00:03:56Shane is
00:03:58Returning what Orton did to him earlier and listen listen to Orton. It's Orton crying in pain
00:04:04Shane's ankle now Shane wearing out the ankles of Randy Orton with a chair. Orton begging and pleading
00:04:25For the entire McMahon family
00:04:47Shane wanted to punish
00:04:53Shane wants to win this match, of course
00:04:55But he he's not going to be content just to pin Randy's shoulders to the mat for a three count. He wants to
00:05:01Avenge what Randy Orton has done all of Randy Orton's evil actions gonna make sure that Orton won't compete at WrestleMania. Look at this
00:05:12He's measuring Orton off
00:05:20The Vipers struck
00:05:32If Shane McMahon had delivered that punt it would have been the ultimate vengeance
00:05:39But Randy Orton as you said struck like the Viper that he is
00:05:46With that RKO
00:06:02Here comes a man who lets his actions speak louder than his words
00:06:07accompanied by his son Hornswoggle that is
00:06:11Finley and Todd you and I know Jack Swagger was
00:06:15Undefeated up until two weeks ago with the assistance of Hornswoggle and the shillelagh Finley
00:06:22defeated Jack Swagger
00:06:23In fact Swagger said he felt victimized and embarrassed by Finley and Hornswoggle, but hey
00:06:30Hornswoggle stole Jack's title
00:06:32Swoggle was playing with Jack's title. Jack was looking to have the championship celebration Finley did the honorable thing and making his son give it back
00:06:41Swagger took exception
00:06:42Shoved Hornswoggle down Finley retaliated that brings us to where we are right now
00:06:48Who's right and who's wrong is open for discussion? I'm more than happy to discuss it with you if you want. No, thanks
00:06:55This is for the ECW championship a striker just mentioned Jack Swagger was on quite a run
00:07:01Four months over four months without a loss in singles competition
00:07:05But now where'd that momentum go back-to-back losses for Jack Swagger heading into this match. Hang on. Let's tell it like it is. Okay,
00:07:13Finley uses a shillelagh
00:07:15Finley uses Hornswoggle and of course to everyone's surprise last week the return of Christian and again
00:07:22The assistance of Hornswoggle and the shillelagh cost Jack Swagger the defeat. So keep that in mind
00:07:31That's right last week Christian
00:07:34Returning to WWE part of ECW and Christian says he wants the winner of this match tonight
00:07:38He wants to take on the ECW champion, whether it be Jack Swagger or Finley
00:07:44Right now notice here Finley applying the pressure to the leg
00:07:46That's the same leg that Finley's son Hornswoggle struck Swagger with the shillelagh
00:07:51So maybe just maybe this is all part of a master plan for Finley. He might not be as nice as you think
00:07:59Finley the hard-nosed brawler a man who loves to fight
00:08:04Appreciates a good brawl, doesn't he?
00:08:06Absolutely Finley started at 16 years old working on putting up rings paying his dues to pursue his dream on the flip side
00:08:14Jack Swagger is just physically blessed the 21st century superstar two-time All-American two completely different paths
00:08:25Not only was Swagger a two-time All-American and amateur wrestling also played defensive tackle for the Oklahoma Sooners and
00:08:31Wanted me to mention that he graduated with honors a three point four GPA in finance
00:08:37Says he uses that degree to count all the money he's earning right now
00:08:41Swagger is enjoying the lifestyle of being the second youngest
00:08:48Look it's no it's no secret. I like Jack Swagger. I like what Jack Swagger
00:08:52Represents he represents today's youth today's athlete and how it compares to yesterday's
00:09:02Finley I don't think
00:09:03appreciates Jack Swagger too much think about Finley's career as one championships all over the world a United States championship
00:09:08But it's never won an ECW title and here comes this brash cocky young Jack Swagger who gets it done in four months
00:09:15That's to be said for talent
00:09:17Notice right there Swagger locking the fingers which causes the arm to tense up you can lock your hand into your own hand right now
00:09:24And feel that pressure now imagine that someone like Jack Swagger. Oh, it's working over your arm
00:09:32It appeared that Finley had targeted the lower leg of Jack Swagger
00:09:36Swagger on the other hand going after that arm, and that's smart
00:09:39Oh offense is based around using a lot of short on clotheslines
00:09:43How about that impact shoulders down leg is hooked and Finley kicking out our first near fall of the match?
00:09:49So much going on tonight already
00:09:52Where is this night going to take us as we head to the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania?
00:09:56All I know is to our left used to be the raw announce table. It is no longer there
00:10:00Triple H winning back the WWE championship at Edge's expense in a
00:10:06Phenomenal elimination chamber match and yes folks there is still another one yet to come later tonight
00:10:12And that is for the world heavyweight championship
00:10:15History has already been made before that the last major title change in Seattle was in
00:10:192003 at WrestleMania 19 so history may or may not be on the side of Finley
00:10:26So now what this maneuver does is it stretches out wow look at that
00:10:30That's Finley's wrestling ability right there, and how about the counter by swagger instantly all-american-american?
00:10:36Stretching on that arm pulling it away from the tendons and the ligaments softens the arm up swagger diligent in his pursuit
00:10:43And attacking Finley's arm. I like it that's what I'm talking about
00:10:47I like it that's what I'm talking about
00:10:49Softens the arm up swagger diligent in his pursuit and attacking Finley's arm. I like it. That's why Jack Swagger's the ECW champion
00:10:59Some would say this does not behoove Finley at all to have a a chain wrestling type match here with Jack Swagger
00:11:05Can Finley beat Swagger at his own game?
00:11:08Listen I believe that there is nothing you can do Finley that he's never seen before all it takes is one punch in the face
00:11:14from the Irishman to turn this tide around
00:11:17As an amateur Jack Swagger set a record with 30 pins in a single season that still stands to this day
00:11:25Pin or one submission tonight, that's what matters
00:11:36As the shoulders down to notice Finley's arm is definitely hurting there. He could not bring himself to hook that leg
00:11:43Let's see how the damage to Finley's arm affects this match
00:11:47And when you're in a match with Finley, there's two other things you have to focus on besides Finley himself
00:11:52The Shillelagh and Finley's son Hornswoggle
00:11:55Neither of which has made an appearance in this match
00:12:04That's probably the right answer I admire that I'm gonna go with B
00:12:13The shoulders down
00:12:16And that cost Finley Swagger has spent all of his life staying off of his back it's going to take more than that
00:12:29The ECW championship is on the line
00:12:32Jack Swagger in his mid-20s has already accomplished more than many superstars do in their entire career
00:12:39I'm part of Theodore Long's new superstar initiative
00:12:43Just four and a half months ago now defending his ECW championship
00:12:52Let's not forget Swagger beat Matt Hardy to get that very title
00:12:59This could be the break Finley needs
00:13:01Finley grimacing in pain. Oh, wouldn't you be? Yeah, let me pull on your arm a little bit. Let's see what your fist is.
00:13:11That ring tonight has seen just countless amounts of pain and torture
00:13:18It's also seen athleticism. It's also seen above and beyond anything you can expect to see anywhere else
00:13:24It's not a father-son picnic. It's an ECW championship match and dad may have just won it. No.
00:13:31It's not a father-son picnic. It's an ECW championship match and dad may have just won it. No.
00:13:39Those precious seconds that Finley took to acknowledge his son that could have cost Finley the ECW championship
00:13:46I'm beginning to get a little sick and tired of Hornswoggle's presence to be honest with you
00:13:50Jack Swagger probably is too
00:13:53But right now all eyes are on Finley
00:13:58Again the cover, no. Notice Finley driving his forearm in that does that negates the wrestlers ability to bridge Finley is so smart
00:14:10Finley a former United States champion
00:14:14But told us last week a win here tonight would be the biggest of his career
00:14:30Finley ran right into his son Hornswoggle
00:14:33Who's been counterproductive for his father so far in this match?
00:14:36It was the inertia of the ropes that sent Hornswoggle to the floor there
00:14:40But again, there's no reason for a child to be out here. Swagger
00:14:44He hit it
00:14:46Ladies and gentlemen, Jack Swagger has retained his ECW championship
00:15:28This is not something I want to do this is something I have to do
00:15:34Ladies and gentlemen, my newest employee
00:15:38Shawn Michaels
00:15:41You hired me to make sure that you were the world heavyweight champion going into WrestleMania
00:15:48Since that time I've done so many things that I'm not proud of
00:15:52We have gesturing for Shawn Michaels to lay down
00:16:06This is not something I want to do
00:16:13Did the most humiliating
00:16:15Shamefully a competitor can do I lay down for you?
00:16:19It's gonna be JBL facing John Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship
00:16:30What in the world is Shawn Michaels gonna do
00:16:41What did you do
00:16:46I've got obligations
00:16:50The champ and the challenger laid out I put you on top of a nearly unconscious John Cena
00:17:15Have in mind right now to release you from your contract
00:17:20Is that what you want?
00:17:22What I want is to kick your teeth down your throat
00:17:27I'll make you a proposal you versus me
00:17:35You beat me I will pay you everything I owe you
00:17:40But if I win, I
00:17:42Own the heartbreak kid. I own Shawn Michaels and you work for me
00:17:47for the rest of
00:17:49your life
00:17:58I accept
00:18:01So you understand what you're accepting you understand that if you lose
00:18:12Bet you bring your wife
00:18:14Because I want your wife to witness firsthand
00:18:18What a broken
00:18:19battered old man
00:18:22Her husband has become
00:18:26It's all or nothing
00:18:55Introducing first from New York City John
00:19:06Rebecca Shawn Michaels wife. She is here
00:19:09And I was just about to say that, you know, we've heard JBL say a lot of things but those last remarks
00:19:16Shawn's wife Rebecca
00:19:25Many adjectives positive and negative to describe JBL
00:19:31Has to be at the top of the list
00:19:33If he wins this match, he owns Shawn Michaels name and likeness and everything that comes with it forever
00:19:42Yeah, but you know, he thought he was shrewd enough to
00:19:45Use Shawn Michaels as his employee there once again is
00:19:49beautiful wife Rebecca
00:19:52That shrewd plan of JBL's didn't really work he thought he was going to go to WrestleMania as the champion
00:20:05I couldn't tell I wish I could I knew what he's actually he's actually talking Rebecca. No, they weren't flattering
00:20:17Know if JBL does win this match he will exploit
00:20:21Shawn Michaels name and likeness for personal gain all
00:20:26For forever it I mean this it's in perpetuity right? That's forever
00:21:16Listen for mr. WrestleMania it comes down to this the biggest match of his life
00:21:24And you know Shawn Michaels has to truly be thankful that he is in this
00:21:30Position that he is in tonight at this very moment
00:21:33Certainly the last few months have been horrible for Shawn Michaels losing his entire fortune
00:21:39It's family there
00:21:42Their future in jeopardy
00:21:45And that's why you know, that's what's more Shawn Michaels, too
00:21:49To sink to the depths that he did to sign on
00:21:53With the likes of JBL, but now tonight
00:21:56Shawn can get all of that burden off his shoulders and Rebecca Shawn's wife of 10 years, you know, she's confident in her husband's ability
00:22:04But if Shawn Michaels makes one error if there's one fluke accident out here tonight if it just goes one wrong way
00:22:12That their entire life is over as they know it
00:22:19John put in a position that he absolutely had to work for JBL, but if Sean can somehow win this match tonight
00:22:28The tears
00:22:30John can somehow win this match tonight
00:22:32He's gonna get enough money from JBL that he won't have to worry about his future and he won't have to
00:22:38under the thumb of
00:22:40John Bradshaw Layfield anymore for Shawn Michaels
00:22:44It is so important for him to try to channel emotion here not to get carried away early on remember
00:22:49Shawn can't ill afford a disqualification or an account out in this matchup
00:23:02Sometimes forget about just about the size and how big JBL is
00:23:10One mistake, look at it, one mistake, one mistake, one mistake, that's all I need. One!
00:23:22An employer be addressing employee for the final time. Well
00:23:27It's like I mean a lot of people can relate to being browbeaten by your boss and that's exactly what was taking place right there
00:23:37JBL will try to bully Shawn
00:23:40Go out what let's go. We're all with him
00:23:46Shawn Michaels unloading for the first time. Remember it's been weeks since Shawn can physically have contact with Bradshaw
00:23:57Shawn Michaels, HBK had about all he could stand of that smirk
00:24:07Let's go in the ring
00:24:11What is it that's
00:24:15What's it what's it
00:24:21Again JBL trying to bait Shawn into that disqualification
00:24:37You know, you almost have to
00:24:41Physicality there, but you have to hand it to JBL
00:24:47Pure size and strength and Shawn kicks out at two
00:24:51Michaels going for the backslide. Can he get the near hit 300 pounder over? He does and JBL rolls right through using momentum
00:25:00JBL's got more than one game plan
00:25:04Thinking if he doesn't physically be chopped cover
00:25:08Get a kick out. He's not able to pin Shawn or make shots a bit. Maybe he can
00:25:14Get Shawn to get himself disqualified
00:25:17Shawn loses this match. He'll be in a sense an indentured servant
00:25:21But that there the veteran instincts of Shawn Michaels
00:25:26Cut the big man down to size
00:25:33This may be shades of hall-of-famer Ric Flair, but too close to the ropes
00:25:40Well, it's just
00:25:42You heard the referee explain the rule
00:25:47Remember if Shawn is disqualified it's over for him
00:25:52Submission maneuver
00:25:53Bradshaw in trouble middle of the ring
00:25:56Hey JBL
00:25:58Look at great counter by JBL
00:26:03JBL able to turn that near submission into a pinning competition
00:26:12Have a sense since you looked in Sean's eyes how good that chop just felt for the heartbreak kids a long time coming
00:26:25Time reversal there by JBL said he shot all the way up to the floor
00:26:36Can't afford to get Canada out either
00:26:47John Michaels a history of back problems throughout his career
00:27:00Impact the floor zone the rugged JBL dropping that near 300 pound frame
00:27:09Across the chest of Shawn Michaels to see him glance over at Shawn's wife Rebecca. Look at the
00:27:18Believe some sick way JBL is enjoying this cover Shawn Michaels kicks out it, too
00:27:27Not just Shawn's life, but his entire family's life would shrink change just drastically JBL wins this match
00:27:38Once again this all started with
00:27:43And on financial hard times bad investments were made. Here's a cover again by JBL
00:27:47It's John Michaels has to kick out at two
00:27:57How much does Shawn Michaels have left how much has this this trauma this mental trauma the past few months
00:28:03Captain, we don't know. We're gonna find out here tonight, but
00:28:08Oh good grief
00:28:18JBL could get disqualified here
00:28:38JBL is just overpowering Shawn Michaels goes back to work on the back
00:28:46Interviewee we heard Rebecca heard it JBL with those I thought uncalled-for remarks
00:28:52Say that he was going to show Shawn's wife Rebecca
00:28:58Battered old man Shawn has become then rubbing in into the fact that Shawn Michaels failed his family
00:29:04Failed in finances failed him and JBL's opportunity to go to WrestleMania as champions
00:29:12What failed was the banks I mean how did the Shawn had no control over that
00:29:15JBL doesn't care been using Shawn Michaels for his personal game for weeks and months King
00:29:20And if he wins this match he's gonna use him for the rest of his life
00:29:23But he called
00:29:25Shawn's gonna be like to Jake Layfield Enterprises like Mickey Mouse's to Disney. Yeah, but you know what?
00:29:31Just think about if Shawn Michaels
00:29:34He'll be free. He'll be emancipated
00:29:38You'll get enough money from JBL to eliminate all the tips for Shawn and his entire family
00:29:43Well the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is there but can Shawn get there?
00:29:47Does he have enough to stay on the tracks?
00:29:51Swing a neckbreaker
00:30:04Was just not able to get that cover
00:30:10He's just been through so much physically mentally emotionally
00:30:17We shot Michaels momentum perhaps inverted the time to drop that will slow JBL down
00:30:38Lot of people
00:30:42Getting exactly what he deserves
00:30:44But the back the injured back again of Shawn Michaels JBL looking to exploit it
00:30:51Punches right to the face of Shawn
00:30:57Wwe champion
00:31:03I'm doing the right thing. They're trying to keep JBL from being able to get the upper
00:31:08Got it
00:31:09Literally the upper hand wax. Imagine what the superplex will do to Shawn Michaels injured back if JBL could connect
00:31:20You're gonna have to take advantage of that exposed ribcage there. Oh nice shot to the side of the job JBL
00:31:30Crucial point in this match
00:31:34It's Shawn Michaels build on it
00:31:39In the man who's constantly in the eye of the storm become the storm careful
00:31:50No Shawn Michaels so well in the veteran Bradshaw
00:31:56Since the elbow coming
00:32:00Every time Shawn starts to get something going
00:32:06Line from hell that is yes, and that is gonna be it Shawn Michaels gonna be the property of Gino
00:32:16Shawn Michaels kicking out of a clothesline from hell
00:32:20Let's get a make JBL think what does he have to do?
00:32:34Looking at the backers he's talking to himself
00:32:39Literally personifies the typical tyrannical boss
00:32:44With a second clothesline from hell
00:33:40Beat the ten count
00:33:44I didn't know what to say because I didn't think he was going to make it.
00:33:51Disbelief from Bradshaw.
00:33:58So the punishment continues.
00:34:07JBL would love to see Charlotte out of the ring.
00:34:12Get in the ring!
00:34:13I told you he's a big guy, old man.
00:34:15Maybe when you come work for me, you'll see what I mean.
00:34:36Did Rebecca just hit JBL?
00:34:39The last thing that Bradshaw thought was going to happen.
00:34:43And here comes Shawn Michaels.
00:34:47Now Shawn feeding off the emotion.
00:34:51Vintage Michaels, the showstopper is here.
00:34:56Shawn Michaels!
00:34:57Ow! All over JBL! Look at this!
00:35:00Weeks and months of torture just flowing from the pores of Michaels.
00:35:13You can only push HBK so far!
00:35:21Yes! JBL has lost control of the situation.
00:35:24Shawn Michaels has gained it.
00:35:26Shawn Michaels with that big elbow right into the black heart of JBL.
00:35:32Vintage Shawn Michaels!
00:35:34Two in and up the band!
00:35:41Could that be the emancipation of Shawn Michaels?
00:35:46It is!
00:35:52Here is your winner, the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels!
00:36:01The sweetest chin music of Shawn Michaels' life.
00:36:11Shawn's wife Rebecca with absolute tears of joy and hate.
00:36:18I think she certainly deserves it.
00:36:22Yeah, there you go.
00:36:26Good hands when you stand by your man, Michael.
00:36:32Yeah, baby!
00:36:38Shawn Michaels said the one constant that got him through the past few months was his family.
00:36:47And Shawn Michaels' family rallied for him tonight.
00:37:02Hi, this is WWE diva Lillian Garcia with an important message for all of our WWE fans.
00:37:08WWE superstars are professionally trained performers.
00:37:12The moves they do in the ring take years of practice to perfect and to do safely.
00:37:17I urge all of our WWE fans to never try to copy what our superstars do in the ring at home or at school.
00:37:25Stay safe. Don't try this.
00:37:29Ladies and gentlemen, earlier tonight in our first Elimination Chamber match, we crowned a new WWE champion in Triple H.
00:37:36Are we about to see a new world heavyweight champion in our second Elimination Chamber match?
00:37:42Well, we're about to find out. But right now, joining me at this time, one of the superstars in our next match, please welcome Chris Jericho.
00:37:50Chris, you're about to enter the Elimination Chamber for a fifth time. How confident are you right now?
00:38:00Todd, I am the best in the world at what I do. And my confidence level is exactly where it should be.
00:38:11I am going to walk out of the chamber tonight as the new world heavyweight champion.
00:38:17And when I do win, I'm then going to invite and challenge Ric Flair to come out of retirement and face me at WrestleMania 25
00:38:26and give him the chance to become the 17-time world champion.
00:38:35You know what? I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to waste my time on a charity case like Ric Flair.
00:38:44Because I know he's watching somewhere, Todd, and I wanted to build him up before I pulled the rug away from him and took him straight down to reality.
00:38:51I wasn't serious about that. But I am serious about my guarantee that I will win the chamber match tonight.
00:38:58And I'm going to prove to all of these lying, cheating, hypocritical sycophants why I was the superstar of the year in 2008
00:39:08and why I will become the superstar of the year in 2009 as well.
00:39:39Remember what happened earlier tonight.
00:39:41I'm surprised we didn't see Edge, Peter, maybe wanting to jump off that space needle after losing his title tonight.
00:39:46Well, of course, earlier tonight, Elimination Chamber from SmackDown, Triple H becomes a 13-time world champion, winning the WWE title.
00:39:54Now, because of that, the percentages just got worse for the world champion John Cena.
00:40:00Because of that victory by Triple H, 67% of the time now, 67% of the time, the championship will change hands inside the Elimination Chamber.
00:40:12Is it going to happen with the world title on the line right now?
00:40:15Well, I'd say, let me see, I think I'd bet 67% of my money that it would.
00:40:22Ten tons of steel.
00:40:28Two miles of chain.
00:40:32The demonic Elimination Chamber.
00:40:36Two men will start this match.
00:40:39Four other superstars will be locked in those Lexion Chambers.
00:40:51John Cena!
00:41:07The following is the World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber match.
00:41:14Introducing first, from Westonbury, Massachusetts, weighing in at 240 pounds, he is the World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena!
00:41:28The champ is here!
00:41:30Well, if there's any good news for the champion John Cena, who only has a one in six chance of keeping his title tonight, is that he will not start this match.
00:41:40He is going to be locked into one of those Lexion Chambers.
00:41:44And at some point in this Chamber match, he will be released into the ring.
00:42:00John Cena won that world title back at Survivor Series with a victory over Chris Jericho.
00:42:06And John Cena, aware of Jericho's words a few moments ago, Jericho flat out guaranteed that he was going to be victorious in this World Championship Elimination Chamber match.
00:42:19Cena has successfully defended a title inside this Chamber in the past.
00:42:29Weighing in at 293 pounds, Mike Knox!
00:42:34Well, here comes someone who needs to be locked up, if you ask me.
00:42:38The monstrous Mike Knox. He won a Battle Royal to qualify for this, his first Chamber match, and the biggest match of his career.
00:42:50I got a feeling that he's going to be riding home in there.
00:42:54I agree.
00:43:05This guy is just nasty.
00:43:09Right, he's certainly nasty. He's creepy, he's hard to figure out. He just wants to beat on people.
00:43:15And then you ask him why? No reason.
00:43:19It's just, I guess, his personality.
00:43:23Weighing in at 323 pounds, Kane!
00:43:28And now we've gone from bad to worse.
00:43:30Kane making his third appearance in the Chamber, and he's another superstar who should be at home in this structure.
00:43:53Conflicted and demented.
00:44:07Understanding the heroes involved in this Elimination Chamber matchup.
00:44:32Boom, boom, boom!
00:44:33Making his way to the ring from Jamaica!
00:44:35Weighing in at 218 pounds, Kofi Kingston!
00:44:40Well, here's a young man by Gahoon.
00:44:44Is that? That's Edge!
00:44:48What the hell is Edge doing?
00:44:51Get him out of here!
00:44:55Edge is...
00:44:57Watch it.
00:45:02Come on, you've got no business out here!
00:45:05What are you doing?
00:45:13No, wait!
00:45:21Edge just busted Kofi.
00:45:24Look at this madman!
00:45:26What's he doing?
00:45:32Rey Mysterio here.
00:45:34Yeah, we need some help for Kofi.
00:45:35Get somebody out here!
00:45:39Get somebody out here!
00:45:43Edge just bashed Kofi over the head.
00:45:46Bashed his head into those metal steps.
00:45:49And then he just locked himself in the chamber.
00:46:06Rey Mysterio trying to get Edge out of there.
00:46:19And weighing in at 226 pounds, Chris Jericho!
00:46:30We'll try to reset things, ladies and gentlemen, to the best of our ability.
00:46:35John Cena, Mike Knox, and Kane are locked in their respective chambers.
00:46:41They're in the matchup.
00:46:42Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho, we know they're going to start this match.
00:46:46You see Kofi being led, helped away from the ring here by the medical crew.
00:46:54And Edge has barricaded himself in one of those chambers.
00:47:02Michael, I don't know, is this legal?
00:47:06I mean, is Edge going to be allowed to stay out here?
00:47:11I see he's got himself locked in there now.
00:47:13Well, you saw Edge literally teetering on the edge earlier tonight
00:47:16when he lost his WWE Championship inside the chamber.
00:47:22The officials are locking the chamber up.
00:47:25Well, you know what? I mean, this is probably one point I've seen discussed.
00:47:30I'll bet there's as much a loss as we are.
00:47:34I don't think this is unprecedented.
00:47:38I think they're going to start the match.
00:47:43Well, they do start the match.
00:47:45It's Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho starting things off
00:47:48as the first two men in the Elimination Chamber.
00:47:51They will reset the rules.
00:47:53These two men will start.
00:47:54Five-minute intervals throughout the matchup.
00:47:56Superstars will be released from the chambers.
00:47:59The only win by pinfall or submission, or I should say you're eliminated
00:48:03if you suffer a pinfall or submission, has to happen in the ring itself.
00:48:07And the last man standing will be the world champion.
00:48:13And we see Edge, who lost his WWE title
00:48:17in the first Elimination Chamber match of the evening.
00:48:21Now he's apparently a part of this match.
00:48:24You know, as Kofi Kingston was coming out, I was about to say,
00:48:26this young man's got to be on top of the world.
00:48:28A chance to become the world heavyweight champion here tonight.
00:48:31No sooner than, well, I didn't even get to say it.
00:48:33Edge comes out, bashes Kofi Kingston in the head,
00:48:35and takes his place in the match.
00:48:37And earlier tonight, Edge lost his WWE title in less than five minutes.
00:48:41And Edge is a SmackDown superstar.
00:48:43He's not even part of Raw.
00:48:49I mean, unprecedented is the only thing that can come to mind.
00:48:53Nothing like this has ever happened before.
00:48:54Dr. Mysterio and Jericho.
00:48:56It's down to business.
00:48:59Stamina will play a huge part for these two men
00:49:01at the beginning of this matchup.
00:49:04If they're going to win this, they're going to have to go the distance,
00:49:06one of these two.
00:49:08Set up for the 619, but nope.
00:49:14Hey! Mysterio!
00:49:17Injuring himself in the process.
00:49:20Not enough room inside that chamber there between the ropes and the wall.
00:49:23And you want to talk about the stamina of these two men.
00:49:25Remember the Royal Rumble matchup, King.
00:49:27Rey Mysterio went 50 minutes in that match.
00:49:29Chris Jericho nearly 40.
00:49:31So we know that these two men can go a long time in this type of an atmosphere.
00:49:37Nice clothesline putting Jericho back into the ring.
00:49:41Mysterio, a former world champion.
00:49:43Chris Jericho.
00:49:44We saw him as well.
00:49:46We saw a second ago that view of over the shoulder of the world heavyweight champion.
00:49:50There you see John Cena there in his pod, locked in.
00:49:54What has John Cena got to be thinking about?
00:49:56The fact that in the pod across from him is Edge now.
00:50:00Did you hear?
00:50:07That Lexan glass, it's bulletproof.
00:50:10So imagine the impact.
00:50:13They're certainly not going to get any sympathy from that.
00:50:18That man, Kane, just actually smiled and watched and listened to that.
00:50:22I mean, look at that.
00:50:25Imagine seeing something like that happen to a fellow human being
00:50:28and putting a smile on your face like it did Kane.
00:50:31Jericho, so dangerous as it is.
00:50:33And now to give him the advantage like this.
00:50:37Into the cover.
00:50:38Will Mysterio be the first to be eliminated?
00:50:40And Rey Mysterio kicks out.
00:50:42Jericho twice won the world title in 2008.
00:50:45One of the reasons he won the world title in 2008
00:50:48was because he was the first to be eliminated.
00:50:51He won the world title in 2008.
00:50:53One of the reasons he was named the 2008 Superstar of the Year.
00:50:58We heard from Jericho.
00:51:00Still I'm in shock.
00:51:02Edge in the Raw World Championship Elimination Chamber match.
00:51:07Well, he originally locked himself inside the chamber
00:51:10to stay away from Mysterio's assault.
00:51:12But it's going to happen when the chamber eventually opens
00:51:14because it's going to open at some point.
00:51:17I think obviously what Edge is hoping for
00:51:20is inserting himself in this match.
00:51:22But who gives him the right?
00:51:27I guess he does.
00:51:32Mysterio absorbing a tremendous amount of punishment in the early going.
00:51:37Before this match started we heard from Jericho.
00:51:42Watch this now.
00:51:44Mysterio scaling to the top of the chamber.
00:51:50Using those chain links to his advantage.
00:51:57The sensational Rey Mysterio.
00:51:59We've seen all kinds of things we've never seen before.
00:52:06Into the cover.
00:52:08Will Jericho be the first to be eliminated?
00:52:10And he kicks out at two and a half.
00:52:13I thought Jericho was going to relive the experience of Edge.
00:52:22It's a wall climber.
00:52:26Right out of the ceiling onto Jericho.
00:52:32We heard Jericho talking earlier.
00:52:34I don't know about you.
00:52:36Somehow when Jericho talks, people listen.
00:52:39And I have a tendency to believe...
00:52:46Who's the next superstar who's going to be released from the chamber?
00:53:02And there is no love loss for Kane with Rey Mysterio.
00:53:06The third time in his career he's been inside an elimination chamber.
00:53:11And he goes after Jericho as well.
00:53:17I don't think Kane has no love loss for anybody now.
00:53:20Look at him.
00:53:21With a stare down to Edge.
00:53:25Jericho takes advantage.
00:53:27Edge better take a real good look through that glass.
00:53:30And what he's going to have to contend with at some point.
00:53:35Opportunity offender here.
00:53:37Hit the herd on anybody.
00:53:40Rattling the bones of Mysterio.
00:53:43And Mysterio kicks out at two.
00:53:45Think about the punishment Mysterio's gone through so far in this match.
00:53:49First his skull.
00:53:51Then the Hawks on glass.
00:53:55And his body.
00:53:56Cracking it onto the steel grate around the ring.
00:53:59With a vicious sideslam.
00:54:01You think maybe Jericho is rethinking that guarantee that he made earlier.
00:54:06That he was going to win this chamber match.
00:54:10Pretty bold guarantee with the men in this match.
00:54:12Mysterio in trouble again.
00:54:14And at two and a half.
00:54:16Kicks out.
00:54:19This elimination chamber match is for the World Heavyweight Championship.
00:54:23Watch this kick again.
00:54:26You know you've got to give the veteran Jericho some type of credit though.
00:54:30Picks his opportunities.
00:54:32Oh I do.
00:54:33Back to his turn to him.
00:54:48That's such a different apparatus.
00:54:50So different.
00:54:52Over that top rope.
00:54:54You don't go down to the floor.
00:54:56You go right to the metal floor.
00:54:59Steel floor.
00:55:01That's even with the ring floor.
00:55:04This Jericho has been in five elimination chamber matches.
00:55:08He knows all about the punishment.
00:55:11That they deal out.
00:55:12Yeah that chamber itself can be just as brutal on you as your opponents.
00:55:18Taking it to Kane.
00:55:19The ultimate underdog.
00:55:21Always fighting.
00:55:22Digging deep.
00:55:28And that baseball slide.
00:55:29Both feet driven right into the rib cage of Kane.
00:55:32Mysterio won a world title at WrestleMania.
00:55:35Imagine if he could go to the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania as the world champion.
00:55:49Sometimes when you see him in there with Kane you just think he'd be lucky to survive this elimination chamber.
00:55:54The menacing and torturous Kane.
00:55:58I don't think any of these guys during this match is going to be able to think about WrestleMania.
00:56:05Think about winning here tonight.
00:56:06Great counter by Mysterio.
00:56:09Can he capitalize?
00:56:13Jericho looks to.
00:56:14Lion's Salt.
00:56:16Missed opportunity.
00:56:22Don't think this has got to be.
00:56:24Helping the champion John Cena a little bit.
00:56:26This is in his favor that three of the.
00:56:29Three of the toughest superstars are.
00:56:32Well which one is Rey going to choose?
00:56:34No one.
00:56:36The call was disconnected.
00:56:40The strength and power.
00:56:43Of the big red monster Mysterio.
00:56:48The magician connecting.
00:56:52Code breaker.
00:57:01Jericho up and over.
00:57:04Both of these guys missing a huge opportunity there.
00:57:07I think to get Kane out of this match.
00:57:10Mysterio looking to capitalize on that opportunity.
00:57:13How high is Rey Mysterio?
00:57:14On top of the chamber.
00:57:15Cena sent on.
00:57:17Kane could be down and out.
00:57:18Mysterio eliminates the big red monster.
00:57:28I thought they had taken too long.
00:57:30The damage was done to Kane but then that extra height.
00:57:33That Rey got when he climbed all the way to the top of the chamber.
00:57:37The force coming off on Kane did the job.
00:57:39Eliminating the man who put him through physical and mental abuse for much of last year.
00:57:43Look at this.
00:57:47You believe Mysterio just eliminated Kane.
00:57:51Well when you land on someone from as far up as Rey Mysterio came.
00:57:57It's going to do some damage.
00:57:58Four falls remain.
00:58:00But who's the next superstar to enter the chamber?
00:58:10The monstrous Mike Knox.
00:58:16The only thing I can say right now is.
00:58:18It's a good thing for Rey Mysterio that Kane was eliminated.
00:58:22Now here's a guy Mike Knox who said he has nothing against Rey.
00:58:26Just likes beating him up against him.
00:58:30He'll have to have his tongue notarized before I believe that statement.
00:58:33The biggest match of Mike Knox's life.
00:58:35Imagine if Kane were still in there.
00:58:36Kane and Mike Knox.
00:58:38And Jericho for Rey would have no chance.
00:58:43Kane was eliminated by Mysterio.
00:58:45Mike Knox 293 pounds.
00:58:50And fresh.
00:58:51Cover on Jericho.
00:58:52Will Jericho be eliminated?
00:58:55And a kick out at two by Jericho.
00:58:58Jericho and Rey Mysterio in this match from the opening bell.
00:59:03Mike Knox just now coming in.
00:59:05As I said fresh.
00:59:12Here's Jericho.
00:59:14Said he was eliminated.
00:59:16Mike Knox.
00:59:18Mike Knox.
00:59:20Mike Knox.
00:59:22Mike Knox.
00:59:24Mike Knox.
00:59:25Here's Jericho.
00:59:26Said he was going to be the 2009 Superstar of the Year.
00:59:29This was going to be the springboard to that.
00:59:31This matchup.
00:59:33The veteran.
00:59:34That is where the veteran instinct of Chris Jericho comes into play.
00:59:39Mike Knox.
00:59:40Seeing his first action ever in an Elimination Chamber match.
00:59:43You know we've seen a first tonight in an Elimination Chamber match as well.
00:59:48It's losing in one Elimination Chamber match and then come out here and put himself in another one.
00:59:52The same night.
00:59:53Pure power.
00:59:55And Mike Knox showing that
00:59:58he can use the Chamber as a weapon with the best of them.
01:00:02You've got to look out for the head right over his head.
01:00:05I know those are steel chains but
01:00:08when someone is as big and powerful as Mike Knox
01:00:11you can't help but think that he can drive Chris Jericho right through that steel.
01:00:15Look, look, look, look!
01:00:16Rey Mysterio!
01:00:18Rey Mysterio.
01:00:22Knox had his attention turned to Jericho.
01:00:25Oh no!
01:00:31A wedge between those steel chains
01:00:34and monstrous Mike Knox.
01:00:38Mike Knox just
01:00:39he hooked Rey Mysterio's foot in between his legs.
01:00:42Rey is a sitting duck.
01:00:48This is where that
01:00:50those chains of the Elimination Chamber become an ally
01:00:55for Mike Knox.
01:00:56Rey freed himself but with the damage done.
01:00:59And as you saw the referee
01:01:00you know it's not the referee's duty to try to help get somebody free.
01:01:03Anything that this Chamber does
01:01:05anything that happens with this Chamber goes to Mike Knox.
01:01:08Anything that this Chamber does
01:01:10anything that happens with this Chamber goes.
01:01:14John Cena looking on.
01:01:15John Cena is the world champion.
01:01:17His title is on the line here.
01:01:22The champion is yet to enter the match.
01:01:26You don't doubt about how strong
01:01:30Mike Knox is.
01:01:31It just took any doubts away.
01:01:33It intimidated.
01:01:35Just an intimidating presence.
01:01:39Maybe he
01:01:40maybe he didn't have anything personal against
01:01:43Rey Mysterio.
01:01:44I mean he's manhandling
01:01:47Jericho in there just as well.
01:01:49No, there's nothing personal tonight.
01:01:51Tonight it's every man for himself in the world championship.
01:01:54The quickness of Rey.
01:01:56And Mysterio needs to quicken the pace against the bigger man.
01:02:04Look at Mike Knox at every turn.
01:02:10He's tossing Mysterio around.
01:02:13Jericho Codebreaker!
01:02:16Knox never saw it coming.
01:02:18A Codebreaker.
01:02:20That might be enough.
01:02:21Is it enough?
01:02:22Hook of the leg.
01:02:23It is!
01:02:25Mike Knox eliminated.
01:02:27And Knox had
01:02:28I think was just seconds away from
01:02:30eliminating Rey Mysterio.
01:02:32He was about to put him away and then out of nowhere
01:02:34Jericho hits that Codebreaker.
01:02:37We are down to four superstars remaining in the Elimination Chamber.
01:02:41Two have not entered yet.
01:02:43Once again it's Jericho and Mysterio in the ring.
01:02:47Well John Cena we know is supposed to be in the match.
01:02:50And we still don't know that.
01:02:54Well he's in the match.
01:02:55He's certainly not supposed to be in this match.
01:02:59Wasn't originally intended to be in this match.
01:03:01Lost his WWE Championship earlier tonight.
01:03:04Will it be Edge's turn?
01:03:06Or Cena's turn?
01:03:20It is Edge.
01:03:22Well now we're going to find out if he really
01:03:24Oh and Mysterio!
01:03:26Mysterio and Kofi Kingston are both out.
01:03:29Mysterio and Kofi Kingston are friends.
01:03:31And Mysterio did not forget it.
01:03:33And look at Mysterio!
01:03:34Not allowing Edge to get over the box.
01:03:38And Rey Mysterio did not wait for Edge to come out of that pod.
01:03:42He joined Edge.
01:03:44Edge is seven time world champion.
01:03:46He lost his WWE title earlier tonight.
01:03:48And Mysterio looking to eliminate Edge from the get go.
01:03:59Holy Jericho!
01:04:01Oh I think Rey had completely forgotten about Jericho.
01:04:09Let's take one more look at Edge.
01:04:14He realized that Rey Mysterio was going to join him in his own pod.
01:04:21The attention starved Jericho.
01:04:23Liking his dirty work.
01:04:25Just sabotaged Mysterio.
01:04:29I really think that Rey was so focused on Edge
01:04:33that he had just completely forgotten about Jericho.
01:04:35Look at Edge.
01:04:42Two guys that our fans would just love to see possibly eliminate each other.
01:04:49Full guard sends Edge reeling.
01:04:51The only man yet to enter the chamber is the world champion.
01:04:55John Cena.
01:04:59Rey Mysterio is a gamer, isn't he?
01:05:07High elbow.
01:05:09From the former world champion Chris Jericho.
01:05:12Who said he would return to prominence tonight.
01:05:17Edge from behind!
01:05:18The advantageous Edge!
01:05:21Oh and Jericho kicked out at two.
01:05:24Jericho's guarantee almost went up in smoke there.
01:05:26I can't believe I was about to say Edge eliminates Jericho.
01:05:34That was Rey Mysterio hanging with the abuse and the punishment that Rey has absorbed in this match.
01:05:40What about Chris Jericho?
01:05:41Both Mysterio and Jericho started this match and they're still in it.
01:05:45They were never locked in a chamber.
01:05:50Jericho said earlier.
01:05:53Comes up spear.
01:05:57Here comes that spear.
01:05:59Off the leap frog.
01:06:02Went for the code breaker.
01:06:03Edge hung on.
01:06:08Edge got caught.
01:06:10Jericho again intercepting Mysterio.
01:06:15And Rey Mysterio had Edge set up for the 619.
01:06:19For a second time.
01:06:21I understand it's every man for himself.
01:06:27Jericho demonstrating that he didn't do that to try to help Edge.
01:06:31He's doing it just to take out Mysterio.
01:06:33He doesn't care about anybody but himself anyway.
01:06:35So that's no change.
01:06:43He said earlier.
01:06:44Just me personally.
01:06:45When I listened to the words and that guarantee from Jericho.
01:06:50I just got a good feeling.
01:06:52There's no reason he can't back up the words Jericho.
01:06:54I believe you.
01:06:59Yes, Edge.
01:07:01From Smackdown is in this world championship match.
01:07:07Chris Jericho.
01:07:08Sunset flip.
01:07:10Mysterio and Edge tossed.
01:07:13And he got the worst of it.
01:07:14Without a doubt Rey.
01:07:18Edge able to hang on to Rey Mysterio.
01:07:23Slamming Rey.
01:07:25Like on the back of his head.
01:07:29Watch the way that.
01:07:36Rey has suffered some punishment here tonight.
01:07:39He's still conscious.
01:07:41John Cena the world champion.
01:07:42Imagine the thoughts running through his mind.
01:07:46He is in a crouch.
01:07:48In the chamber.
01:07:50Waiting for his time.
01:07:51For his moment.
01:07:52But he's got to.
01:07:54I mean if he can.
01:07:55He's got to feel good about the fact that.
01:07:57His three opponents.
01:07:59Have been wreaking havoc on one another.
01:08:01Yeah we talked about the heavy odds against the champion in this match.
01:08:04But Cena's odds have drastically increased.
01:08:06This match has rolled along.
01:08:11Yeah certainly less than a 67% chance now.
01:08:23The world champion will be in this match in six seconds.
01:08:32Cena looks like a bull.
01:08:34About to be released from the chute.
01:08:38And here comes the world champion.
01:08:41And he's headed right for Edge.
01:08:42Who shouldn't be here anyway.
01:08:45And Cena would like to get rid of him quickly.
01:08:48John Cena says I'll be damned.
01:08:54And we have fisherman's.
01:09:02Well as we said.
01:09:05Just been sitting inside that pod from the get go.
01:09:07Watching this.
01:09:10Like a caged animal.
01:09:12Look at the expression.
01:09:13Raw emotion.
01:09:23Oh yeah.
01:09:25The champ.
01:09:28Gonna show Edge you can't see me.
01:09:31And I think we're about to see a little five knuckle shuffle.
01:09:43Four men remain in the elimination chamber.
01:09:45It may soon be three.
01:09:47Chris Jericho.
01:09:48Coal breaker.
01:09:50From out of nowhere.
01:09:52And Mysterio.
01:09:53Every man for himself.
01:09:58Edge covers the champion.
01:10:00You gotta be kidding me.
01:10:02You've gotta be kidding me.
01:10:08Even Edge can't believe it.
01:10:09Edge eliminated the world champion.
01:10:11Well wait a minute.
01:10:12There was a Coal Breaker.
01:10:13There was a 619.
01:10:15And then Edge eliminated Cena.
01:10:20It started to sink in.
01:10:22And the smile is starting to widen on the face of Edge.
01:10:25He's been allowed to remain in this match.
01:10:28And his chance of becoming.
01:10:31Can he become the world heavyweight champion?
01:10:33I guess.
01:10:34I don't know.
01:10:35What the heck's going on?
01:10:36All I know is Edge.
01:10:37Edge continues to take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself.
01:10:41Who's Smackdown?
01:10:47With a second win.
01:10:50Two more falls remain in this match.
01:10:55And Mysterio delivering that.
01:10:59Mysterio and Jericho started this match up.
01:11:02They're still in it.
01:11:04I am absolutely shocked that.
01:11:07That John Cena has been eliminated.
01:11:09And again to Jericho.
01:11:10We're about to be shocked.
01:11:14Mysterio can't do it.
01:11:15Edge moved out of the way.
01:11:16But Jericho caught in front of him.
01:11:19Thanks for coming.
01:11:28Caught by Jericho.
01:11:30Up to the walls.
01:11:32Mysterio got him.
01:11:33Mysterio pinned Jericho.
01:11:35We are down to two men.
01:11:37And I guarantee.
01:11:39Jericho can't believe that.
01:11:46Or Edge.
01:11:55You gotta get your bearings.
01:11:56You gotta watch your back.
01:11:58Both men.
01:11:59Former champions.
01:12:00Look out.
01:12:08Edge poised.
01:12:10Turn around, Ray.
01:12:11Looking to strike.
01:12:13Mysterio oblivious.
01:12:16Turn around.
01:12:17Look over here, Shimer.
01:12:23Look out.
01:12:24Mysterio felt it.
01:12:25A six sack.
01:12:26Here's the cover.
01:12:28He's got to be kidding me.
01:12:30He's got to be the champion.
01:12:32And a kick out by Edge.
01:12:36Ray Mysterio on the verge of becoming the world heavyweight champion.
01:12:43I thought Ray had him.
01:12:50The Ray champs echoing.
01:12:54Kiarino starting the feat.
01:12:56Mysterio's gonna get it.
01:12:57Edge kicks out.
01:12:58So close for Mysterio.
01:13:05Oh, man.
01:13:07I thought Edge was gonna win this thing with the spear.
01:13:11Then I thought just too.
01:13:12Look at that.
01:13:13How close.
01:13:16Ray has got to somehow let Edge take one of those 619s.
01:13:22Yes, Edge.
01:13:23And Ray Mysterio, the remaining two in the Elimination Chamber.
01:13:29Edge is up.
01:13:30Ray is gonna be the world heavyweight champion.
01:13:32Yes, again.
01:13:35A third near fall.
01:13:40What does Ray have to do?
01:13:44I don't know, but I got a feeling he's gonna do it.
01:13:47What are we doing?
01:13:48I don't know.
01:13:49We can't do it.
01:13:50We're calling a match with Ray Mysterio and Edge.
01:13:53Edge is from law.
01:13:54Edge lost the WWE title in this chamber.
01:13:57We're on his respect.
01:14:02Come on, Ray.
01:14:04Look at Mysterio.
01:14:10We gotta be seeing history here.
01:14:12Edge has gotta be the first man to ever compete in the chamber twice in one year.
01:14:18Oh, look it, look it, look it.
01:14:19Look at Ray.
01:14:20Another counter.
01:14:21Another counter.
01:14:22The cover by Mysterio.
01:14:23The cover by Mysterio.
01:14:24He's got him.
01:14:25He's got him.
01:14:26And Edge wants to shoulder up a fourth near fall.
01:14:28Cover him again.
01:14:29Cover him again.
01:14:35This is absolutely spectacular move here.
01:14:38Oh, man.
01:14:40That should have done it.
01:14:41Mysterio pleading with someone just muttering to himself.
01:14:46Ray will not give up.
01:14:47I'm telling you.
01:14:48Come on, Ray.
01:14:49There is no give up in Ray Mysterio's vocabulary.
01:14:57Now the 619 chant going.
01:15:00That's what I'm thinking.
01:15:01Oh, oh.
01:15:03Where did he come from?
01:15:05Oh, Ray starting to climb to the top.
01:15:08Ray just chucked up food at Ray right in the chest.
01:15:12And also bought himself some time.
01:15:15Come on, Ray.
01:15:16Get up, man.
01:15:19Come on, Ray.
01:15:20Come on, Ray.
01:15:21Come on, Ray.
01:15:22Come on, Ray.
01:15:23Come on, Ray.
01:15:24Come on, Ray.
01:15:25Come on, Ray.
01:15:26Come on, Ray.
01:15:27One fall remains.
01:15:28One of these two men will be world champion.
01:15:31What's this kick come from?
01:15:34That's it.
01:15:35Hey, is this up and out?
01:15:37But now they're both outside the ring.
01:15:39You can only pin your opponent inside the ring.
01:15:42Remember, Mysterio started this match.
01:15:44One of the two men to start this chamber match.
01:15:47He's a warrior.
01:15:48He's been battling.
01:15:49Edge entered second to last.
01:15:51Come on, Ray.
01:15:57And that is the Wrecking Warrior.
01:16:01Edge was going for a powerbomb on that steel floor.
01:16:06Talk about a skull crusher.
01:16:11Now what?
01:16:12What does Ray have in mind?
01:16:13Maybe it's a 9-1-6.
01:16:15To the back of the skull.
01:16:18Is that a reverse, a backward 6-1-9?
01:16:21What did you call it?
01:16:22A 9-1-6?
01:16:23I don't know.
01:16:24It worked.
01:16:25Whatever it was, Edge is going to need 9-1-1.
01:16:34What is Mysterio thinking about?
01:16:35Oh, no!
01:16:36Oh, my God!
01:16:44Come on, Ray!
01:16:48Right there!
01:16:55Come on, Ray!
01:17:00I thought Ray was going to go face first right there.
01:17:06Listen to this.
01:17:11Did it break the glass?
01:17:15I don't even know how Ray's moving now.
01:17:18Ray, near helpless.
01:17:19Edge, again.
01:17:20Oh, no!
01:17:21A spear!
01:17:22Oh, no!
01:17:23Don't tell me!
01:17:24Edge into the cover!
01:17:25Off the spear!
01:17:26You know this can't be!
01:17:31No way!
01:17:32Here is your winner, and the new World Heavyweight Champion, Edge!
01:17:42The new World Heavyweight Champion, Edge is from SmackDown!
01:17:48Frankly, this whole thing sticks.
01:17:50Well, what does this mean?
01:17:57I can't believe my eyes.
01:18:01The ultimate opportunist has struck again.
01:18:07Does Raw not have a world champion?
01:18:12Is Edge an eight-time champ now?
01:18:18To be continued...
