Throne of Seal Episode 127.ENG SUB

  • 2 days ago
Throne of Seal Episode 127.ENG SUB


00:00前面就是妈妈住的地方,也是你以后的家了。The place where mom lives is in front, and it will be your home in the future.
00:09这里,竟和小时候一模一样……This place is exactly the same as when I was a child.
00:13晨晨快进来,别冻着了。Chenchen, come in, don't freeze.
00:15妈,玉龙关这么冷,你的身体还好吗?Mom, Yulong Pass is so cold, how are you?
00:32我很好,别担心,大家都很照顾我。I'm fine, don't worry, everyone takes care of me.
00:35是不是很惊讶?家里的一切都没变。Are you surprised? Everything in the house hasn't changed.
00:52不过进关这么久了,怎么都没见到妈?But I haven't seen mom for so long.
00:56晨晨,听说你交了个女朋友是吗?来,快过来,给妈妈讲讲。Chenchen, I heard you have a girlfriend, right? Come here, tell me about her.
01:04走,告诉妈妈,她叫什么名字啊?Chenchen,她叫采儿,也是当初送我戒指的女孩。Cai'er, she is the girl who gave me the ring.
01:20误…忘…我?是个女孩子吧?你可要好好保管哦。Don't forget me? She is a girl, right? You have to take good care of her.
01:29看来你没有忘记承诺,好好珍惜人家,也要记得早点带来给妈妈见见哦。It seems that you haven't forgotten your promise to cherish her, and remember to bring her to me as soon as possible.
01:37你也一定会喜欢采儿的。You will definitely like Cai'er, too.
01:40好孩子,这一路辛苦了,妈妈可是听说了你不少的英雄事迹呢。Good boy, thank you for your hard work. Mom has heard a lot about your heroic deeds.
01:45爷爷,你找我来是想问你爸的事吗?Grandpa, are you asking me about your father?
02:00从禁狱龙关到现在,所有人都对爸避而不谈。当初爸与我约定切肩后便能来找他,他也没理由会躲我。From the time I was locked in the prison, everyone avoided talking to my father. My father promised me that he would come to see him later, and there was no reason for him to hide from me.
02:10你爸他失踪了。Your father is missing.
02:12什么?爸为什么会失踪?他去了哪里?What? Why is my father missing? Where did he go?
02:18他将你妈送到了禁狱龙关后,约战了战狂魔神阿难。After he sent your mother to the prison, he fought with the warlock Anand.
02:24以欺诈谋杀阿难?爸为什么会突然去找他?Why did my father suddenly go to find Anand?
02:28因为阿难发现了你爸在奥丁镇,而你爸与他有一战之约。他们约定在彼此战胜对方前,都不会轻易卷入战争。Because Anand found out that your father was in Odin Town, and your father had a one-on-one battle with him. They promised not to get involved in the war easily before they defeated each other.
02:39但这么多年来,他们约战数次,却从未分出胜负。最后一次见到你爸是一年前,他说他预感到他们的战斗即将迎来结局,可直到现在,他都了无音讯。But for so many years, they have fought several times, but have never won. The last time I saw your father was a year ago. He said he had a feeling that their battle was coming to an end. But until now, he has no news.
02:57难道爸他...Is my father...
02:59想什么呢?你爸可是神异骑士,没那么容易死。What are you thinking? Your father is a magical knight, he won't die so easily.
03:05跟我来Come with me.
03:09这就是你爸还活着的证据。This is the proof that your father is still alive.
03:40这些都是...神异王座?这些都是...神异王座?爸爸的末日与杀戮之神异王座,杨爷爷的守护与怜悯之神异王座,以及爷爷的秩序与法则之神异王座。These are all...magical knights? Dad's end and killing magic knights, Grandpa Yang's protection and mercy magic knights, and Grandpa's order and law magic knights.
03:57不错,这是骑士殿的王座之地。以劫弃的王座都会显现在这里,但如若劫弃之人身亡,或主动取消契约,这里的王座便会消失,等待再次被唤醒。That's right, this is the king's seat of the knights' hall. The king's seat of the knights' hall will be shown here, but if the person who broke it died or took the initiative to cancel the contract, the king's seat here will disappear and wait to be awakened again.
04:13原来如此,难怪你如此笃定爸还活着。So that's it. No wonder you're so sure your father is still alive.
04:16别担心,明天我就去我祖宗找他。你小子总得相信你爷爷吧。对了,上次碰到老杨,他让我把这个给你,说是你爸留给你的。By the way, last time I met Yang, he asked me to give this to you, saying it was left by your dad.
04:31这可能是我这个做父亲的能给他最后的东西了。This may be the last thing I can give him as a father.
04:37这里面储存了一道你爸的王座气息。有它在,关键时刻,你就能使用末日与杀戮之神异王座的力量。There is a king's seat of your father's breath in it. With it, you can use the power of the king's seat at the critical moment.
04:48爸他竟将这么重要的东西交给我。Dad gave me such an important thing.
05:03怎么回事?What's going on?
05:06怎么回事?What's going on?
05:27永恒与创造之神异王座居然在无主的情况下显现了!The King's Seat of Eternity and Creation has appeared in a state of helplessness!
05:37这里是驾驭养野王座和梦岛的地方!This is where the King's Seat of Eternity and Creation is!
05:53继续前进吧,此刻还不是终点。Let's move on, this is not the end yet.
06:06看来老杨说的没错,你小子竟真能得到永恒与创造之神异王座的召唤。It seems that Yang is right, you can really get the call of the King's Seat of Eternity and Creation.
06:14但当我想要靠近王座时,却被他排斥出来了。But when I wanted to get close to the King's Seat, I was rejected by him.
06:18别心急,王座认主没那么简单,你需要达到九阶开启王座考核,通过考核后才能使王座认主。Don't worry, the King's Seat of Eternity is not that simple, you need to reach the ninth stage and open the King's Seat of Eternity.
06:25加速成长吧,当前圣战局势可不乐乱,多一位神印骑士,联盟的胜算就能多一份。Let's speed up the growth, the current situation is not good, if there is one more God Hand Knight, the alliance will have a better chance of winning.
06:38魔族对我们加强攻势吗?The Demons are attacking us?
06:40恰恰相反,柳大光爱外虽然驻扎了神皇军团,但他们并没有大规模攻击,但魔族境地内他们却派人重重追来,猎杀所有的猎魔团。On the contrary, Liu Daguang loves to attack, although he has stationed the God Emperor Army, but they don't have a large-scale attack.
06:46他们是想通过限制猎魔团的行动来变相削弱我们的实力?They want to weaken our strength by restricting the action of the Demons?
07:00猎魔他已暂停了任务截取,将所有联盟内的猎魔团分到了六大关爱,若不是魔族后方有魔神之义,与奥氏九天两大称号级猎魔团牵制日月星三主,但凡日月星有任何行动,人类也许就离灭亡不远了。We will do our best to share the burden of the alliance as soon as possible.
07:28快去休息吧,从明天起,你们就得进幻洞苦修一年了。Go to bed early, you will have to go to Huan Dong for a year from tomorrow.
07:33幻洞?Huan Dong?
07:38第二天,爷爷安排寒雨与我前往幻洞,他说幻洞是骑士殿最为宝贵的修炼地,里面不仅灵力充裕,还储存了无数大能与神异骑士的秘籍,是最适合我们突破的地方。He said that Huan Dong is the most precious training ground of the Knight's Hall, and it is not only full of spiritual power, but also stores the secrets of countless great powers and Godly Knights.
07:52我们却都没想到,此行竟会多一名同行人。We didn't expect that there would be one more traveler on this trip.
08:06好了,人齐了,你们三人赶紧进去吧。Alright, everyone is here, you three go in quickly.
08:10三个人?Three people?
08:19杨兄?你怎么在这里?Brother Yang? Why are you here?
08:23原来如此,杨爷爷也让你在一年内从六界突破到七界。I see, Grandpa Yang also wants you to break through from the Six Realms to the Seven Realms within a year.
08:30嗯,对了,那个……Um, by the way, that...
08:35那个,你们最近都还好吗?Um, how are you guys doing recently?
08:40怎么以前没见你这么关心我们,你想干嘛?Why haven't I seen you care about us before? What do you want to do?
08:44就是,这么久没见了,我就关心关心,我们都挺好的。It's just that I haven't seen you for so long, so I care about you. We're all fine.
08:53别担心,婴儿也很好。Don't worry, Ying is fine too.
08:57是吗?是婴儿平时提起我多吗?Is that so? Does Ying mention me a lot?
09:01挺多的。Quite a lot.
09:03是骂你挺多的。What? You're the one who's been scolding me a lot.
09:06哼哼,汉语开玩笑的。I'm just kidding.
09:16这里的灵气也太充裕了,起码是外面的十倍不止,在这里修炼。The spirit energy here is too abundant, at least ten times more than outside. We can practice here.
09:22也许我们真的有机会完成突破。Maybe we really have a chance to break through.
09:24但为什么没看到秘技?But why didn't I see the secret technique?
09:27吾乃幻洞创立者,骑士剑第一人店主,萧霍,尔等唯有通过试炼方可习得秘技。I am the first owner of the Knight's Sword, Xiao Huo, the founder of Illusion. You can only learn the secret technique through trial.
09:41晚辈龙浩辰参见萧霍店主,请店主为我们开启试炼。Greetings, Owner Xiao Huo. Please open the trial for us.
09:47尽如幻之际,心无限寂静,战王座阴影,何无赏秘技?In the state of illusion, the heart is boundless, and the shadow of the King of War is boundless.
10:04是末日与杀戮之神鹰王座的华凯!It's Hua Kai, the King of King of Slaughter!
10:09我们要挑战的,就是他!We are going to challenge him!
10:11能挑战王座华凯的机会可不多,我们可赚大了!There are not many chances to challenge the King of Hua Kai. We can make a lot of money!
10:13来吧,我们上,准备战!Come on, let's go, get ready to fight!
10:44准备备战!Ready for battle!
10:54准备备战!Ready to fight!
11:07修罗斩!Xiu Luo Zhan!
11:08Come on!
11:12We did it!
11:13I think so.
11:14Secret technique, Ten Thousand Stars Flowing Fire.
11:18Unleash the Tornado.
11:28Is this the real Tornado?
11:30The power of this skill is so strong.
11:33It can knock the three of us down so easily.
11:35If we can learn it,
11:36we can kill more demons on the battlefield.
11:41Another secret technique.
11:49Secret technique, Five Swords.
11:53Unleash the Tornado.
11:55Unleash the Tornado.
12:05Damn it!
12:06I can't fight anymore.
12:13So many mines.
12:14They are all secret techniques.
12:17It seems that we will definitely gain a lot this time.
12:20If we can master these secret techniques,
12:22we will be able to reorganize the Demonic Hunter Regiment a year later.
12:25The Legend of Qingyuan Episode 07
12:29the Tornado is too dangerous for you now.
12:32Are you sure you want to enter it?
12:35Grandma, I can't wait any longer.
12:38I have to get stronger quickly this year.
12:40I can't be a drag on the team anymore.
12:43Come on.
12:48Come on.
12:54is this the arrangement of our team?
12:57This is the elite I borrowed from the War Room.
13:01If you still want to go to the battlefield,
13:03you have to defeat them first.
13:07Is there such a good thing?
13:09Come on.
13:13It's too dangerous for you to go to the battlefield alone with your current strength.
13:17I'll take you to meet a new Seven-Street Guardian Knight.
13:21He will cooperate with you in the future.
13:38Yuan Yuan,
13:39long time no see.
13:40Brother Fang.
13:51The taste of this wine
13:53is only made by a beauty like you
13:55who is so youthful and long-lasting
13:58and not lost in emotion.
13:59Li Yan.
14:07Please teach me the magic of attack.
14:09This time, I won't run away again.
14:19Linjie, are you sure?
14:34It's very dangerous to go back to the secret ground.
14:36Be careful when you go in.
14:40Come back if you can't hold on.
14:43Zengzu still has a lot to teach you.
14:47We don't have to go this way.
14:54Mom, you have to go in.
14:59The other teammates are working hard.
15:01I can't forget it.
15:04And I'm going to see him again.
15:10I'm not afraid of you.
15:13We only have one year.
15:15We have to hurry up and learn more secrets.
15:18Then we will definitely see you again.