प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी झारखंड दौरे पर हैं। हजारीबाग में आयोजित बीजेपी की परिवर्तन सभा में पीएम मोदी ने कांग्रेस, जेएमएम और आरजेडी पर निशाना साधा। उन्होंने कहा, ''केंद्र सरकार झारखंड के विकास के लिए दिन-रात मेहनत कर रही है। दूसरी ओर झारखंड सरकार झारखंड के विकास को पटरी से उतारने में लगी है। झारखंड का बच्चा-बच्चा जान चुका है कि झारखंड के विकास में सबसे बड़ी बाधा कांग्रेस, जेएमएम और आरजेडी का गठजोड़ है। झारखंड तभी बढ़ेगा जब यहां परिवर्तन होगा। आज से झारखंड में परिवर्तन की शुरुआत हो गई है।" पीएम ने आरजेडी पर हमला करते हुए कहा, "अटल जी ने सरकार में आते ही झारखंड राज्य बनाया था। हम झारखंड का विकास चाहते थे। यहां के आदिवासी समाज के सपनों को पूरा करना चाहते थे। इन सपनों को पूरा करने में हमारी लड़ाई आरजेडी जैसी पार्टियों से थी। आरजेडी के लोगों ने झारखंड को अपनी लूट का ठिकाना बना रखा था। इस इलाके को अपराधियों-माफियाओं का सेफ हाउस बना रखा था। आरजेडी वालों को दिल्ली से कांग्रेस शह दे रही थी।"
#Jharkhand #PMModi #Hazaribagh #PMModiHazaribaghVisit #JMM #Congress #RJD
#Jharkhand #PMModi #Hazaribagh #PMModiHazaribaghVisit #JMM #Congress #RJD
00:00The central government is working hard day and night for the development of Jharkhand.
00:10On the other hand, the Jharkhand government is trying to remove Jharkhand's development from the map.
00:20Today, every child in Jharkhand knows that the biggest obstacle in the development of Jharkhand is the confluence of Congress, JNM and RJD.
00:36Jharkhand will only move forward when the government is removed.
00:52Jharkhand will only move forward when there is a change.
01:00This is why there is a people's movement for a change in Jharkhand.
01:10This change is not just a political movement.
01:20It is also a journey to fulfill the dreams of the people of Jharkhand.
01:32This journey has received the blessings of the people of Jharkhand.
01:39This journey has received the love of the mothers and sisters of Jharkhand.
01:45This journey has received the unparalleled support of the people of Jharkhand.
01:53From today, a change has begun in Jharkhand.
02:02A change for the development of Jharkhand.
02:08A change so that every poor person has a home.
02:15A change so that every house has a water connection.
02:23A change to end corruption.
02:29A change for the protection of water, forest and land.
02:36A change for the protection of sisters and daughters.
02:40A change for the rights of the tribal community.
02:46Friends, BJP is the party that has fulfilled the dreams of the people of Jharkhand.
03:02As soon as Atalji came to power, he made Jharkhand a peaceful and harmonious state.
03:13We wanted the development of Jharkhand.
03:17We wanted to fulfill the dreams of the tribal community here.
03:22But who did we fight with to fulfill these dreams?
03:30With parties like RJD.
03:34The people of RJD had made Jharkhand their place of loot.
03:42Water, forest and land were looted openly.
03:49They had made this area a safe house for criminals and mafias.
03:59And who was giving the RJD people relief from Delhi?
04:06Congress Party.
04:09Congress was equally involved in this sin of RJD.
04:17That is why the people of RJD used to say that they will not let Jharkhand be made.
04:27And the Congress Party used to ensure that the demands of Jharkhand would never be fulfilled.
04:37Brothers and sisters, today I am saddened to see that JMMP has now become a part of Congress and RJD.