Home and Away 8365 1st October 2024

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00:00♪ Closer each day, home in the way ♪
00:11I didn't mean it.
00:14Hey, what happened?
00:15I killed my dad.
00:16Your dad breached an AVO and threatened you.
00:18I'll call the police.
00:19No, no, no way.
00:21They'll understand.
00:22What's wrong?
00:23He's gone.
00:24Man, I need to borrow some money, please.
00:26I've got to get out of here.
00:27Let's just think about this for a second, okay?
00:29No one knows you're here.
00:30Your phone is off.
00:31They can't trace you.
00:32You're safe here.
00:33I won't let you down.
00:34If you're hiding Perry, you could be charged with aiding and abetting.
00:37Perry needs to hand himself in.
00:39The longer this goes on, the worse it looks.
00:41Yeah, I know that, Harper.
00:42I'm not hiding him.
00:44If you want to keep busy, I could always use a hand.
00:47You're giving her a job?
00:48She wants it?
00:49Absolutely, yeah.
00:50Are you planning to come back to work any time soon?
00:52I'll be there in a minute.
00:53Abigail, your break is over.
00:55You're not in charge of me.
00:56You don't own this place.
00:57No, but I do.
00:59What's going on?
01:00I was just telling Abigail that if she wants to come back tomorrow,
01:03she needs to leave the Attitude at home.
01:24No sign of Perry yet?
01:26Just checked the beach again.
01:28Used to crash here sometimes when we had nowhere to go.
01:30Ah, he'll show up.
01:31I'm not so sure.
01:33It's been days now.
01:35Just hope he's alright.
01:38Well, hello.
01:39Here's the cavalry again.
01:41Maybe they'll have something positive to say this time.
01:44Doubt it.
01:46They're here a lot?
01:47Every day.
01:48They show up, check the house, check the yard.
01:51Just in case I'm hiding Perry in a cupboard.
01:54Well, good luck with it.
01:55Yeah, thanks.
01:57Morning, John.
02:00Never seen Perry.
02:01Would you actually tell me if he had?
02:03Well, I know how badly he needs to clear things up with you, so yeah, I would.
02:08I take it you guys are coming in?
02:15I left the service book in the passenger seat for you.
02:17Thanks, mate.
02:18No worries.
02:26He's gone.
02:31I thought he'd never leave.
02:33Yeah, well, this is a business.
02:34Customers are kind of essential.
02:36Yeah, I know.
02:38Hey, thanks again for letting me stay.
02:41No worries.
02:42But I'm not sure how much longer we can keep this up.
02:44Look, I just need to lay low until the heat dies down a bit, okay?
02:48And then what?
02:49And then what?
02:50And then what?
02:51And then what?
02:52And then what?
02:53And then what?
02:54And then what?
02:55And then it'll be easier for me to leave town.
02:57That could be weeks or months.
03:00I managed to put Justin off for today, but I can't keep doing that.
03:02I'll hide outside if he shows up.
03:04In a car, maybe.
03:05What if the customer sees you?
03:06Your face is all over the news.
03:08They're going to recognise you.
03:10I'll be careful.
03:11I'll change my look, shave my head if I have to.
03:13It's going to take much more than that.
03:14I'll do whatever it takes, mate.
03:15I can't go to prison.
03:20You have my number if you do hear from him.
03:24Yeah, I understand, but...
03:26Yeah, thanks, bye.
03:28Another dead end.
03:30I've talked to the teachers at Perry's old school,
03:32a couple of classmates, even some of the boys he went to juvie with.
03:35No, nothing.
03:36They all say the same thing.
03:37They barely knew the guy.
03:38Okay, yeah, we're going to put this away.
03:40We're going to get some food.
03:42Here we go.
03:44Oh, we didn't order this.
03:45I did.
03:46I'm on break.
03:51Maybe I should talk to some of the boys from the youth programme.
03:53They might have heard from him.
03:54Someone needs to take care of you, okay?
03:55Food first, then phone.
03:57I can take care of me.
03:58Not from what I'm seeing.
03:59This dress is not good for you, and it's not good for the baby.
04:08You think that Tane does know where Perry is?
04:10If he knew, he would tell the police.
04:13Sorry, yeah, that was a stupid question.
04:16I actually had the same thought at first.
04:18I shouldn't have.
04:19No, no, it's okay.
04:20I mean, you're obviously worried about him.
04:23I really am.
04:30Let me guess.
04:31Didn't find anything?
04:33And you weren't because Perry's not here.
04:36Then you've got nothing to worry about.
04:40No sign of him.
04:41I told you, you're wasting your time here, Rose.
04:42I haven't seen him, I haven't heard from him.
04:47Are you expecting someone?
04:56You're early today.
04:58Well, there's no point turning up at the same time every day.
05:01That'd make it too easy.
05:02Too easy?
05:03Too easy for what?
05:04I live with a cop.
05:05If I was hiding Perry, which I'm not, I wouldn't be here.
05:08He's right.
05:09It wouldn't make any sense.
05:10I'm just trying to do my job.
05:11I swear to you, Rose, I don't know where Perry is.
05:17If you hear from him...
05:18You'll be my first call.
05:24This is doing my head in.
05:25Yeah, I don't blame you.
05:27The cops are so busy looking in the wrong place, they're never going to find him.
05:29And he's out there somewhere.
05:34You're on a bad commute, eh?
05:37And free.
05:39Pays to share a place with your boss.
05:42Working at the board job might just be the perfect job.
05:45Almost perfect.
05:48So, how's it going?
05:52So, this shirt looks good on you.
05:55Ready to get to work?
05:57Looking forward to some parts more than others.
05:59I thought someone was going to leave the attitude at home today.
06:02I will try.
06:04I have a lesson starting in a minute, so I'm going to go collect the boards and take them down.
06:08You enjoy.
06:09Always do.
06:11So, last night, when I asked you if there were going to be any more problems between you and Kirby...
06:20You said, absolutely not.
06:23I did.
06:24How big of a lie was that?
06:26Pretty big.
06:28But I will try and play nice during work hours, and that is 100% true.
06:44We were meaning to catch up with you.
06:47Why's that?
06:48Do you mind?
06:49No, no.
06:50Go for it.
06:52So, uh, you're a friend of Perry's, right?
06:55Uh, we hung out a few times.
06:58Not super close or anything.
07:00But you know there's a warrant out for his arrest?
07:02Yeah, the whole town's talking about it.
07:03You wouldn't have any idea where he might be, would you?
07:07He didn't mention any friends or special places he'd go?
07:10Uh, no, no.
07:12Not that I remember.
07:13Any detail would be helpful, even if it seems insignificant to you.
07:16Sorry, I can't help you.
07:23Hey, Rose.
07:24What's going to happen to Perry if he doesn't show up soon?
07:27Well, the longer he's in hiding, the more guilty he looks.
07:30I just hope he hands himself in before things get any worse.
07:42I've asked Perry's old social worker for a list of places he used to hang out.
07:46It's a long shot.
07:47Well, it's worth a try.
07:49I keep checking the same places over and over again,
07:51but let's face it, he might be in another state by now.
07:57How are you feeling?
07:59You look tired.
08:01Are you resting enough?
08:03You've got enough going on.
08:04You don't need to worry about me.
08:06Dana's worrying enough for all of us.
08:08Yeah, okay.
08:09But just so you know, I'll always worry about you and our baby.
08:16Theo, hey.
08:18What's up?
08:19I need to speak to you about those paths you ordered.
08:22I was going to call, but I was heading past, so...
08:25Right, okay.
08:26Are you alright with reconditioned?
08:28There's just a wait on new stock.
08:31I'll leave you to it.
08:32Yeah, I'll check in with you later, yeah?
08:40What was all that about?
08:42I know where Perry is.
08:44He didn't want me to tell you, but I don't know what else to do.
08:47Take me to him.
09:06I know you're here, mate.
09:08I'm not leaving until you talk to me.
09:18You said you had my back.
09:20Hey, I do.
09:21But hiding out here is just making things worse for you.
09:23That's not your call to make.
09:24Hey, you did the right thing.
09:29Theo, just give us a minute, please.
09:31Theo, just give us a minute, please.
09:33I've got it from here.
09:36I'm sorry.
09:53I got you a milkshake.
09:54With a calcium.
09:57How is Tana?
09:59Losing hope.
10:02If I was Perry and I saw that, I'd want to run too.
10:09Are you okay? What's happening?
10:11Baby's kicking.
10:13I hate boundaries.
10:14Oh, aunties don't have boundaries.
10:21It's actually happening.
10:23There's a baby in there.
10:25You're a nurse and this is only just occurring to you.
10:28Oh, shut up.
10:29I felt it again.
10:30Oh, hello.
10:33See, this is why I worry.
10:36We have to take care of this little one.
10:39I know.
10:41Welcome aboard.
10:43Pun intended.
10:44I already gave Mrs Stewart her paperwork.
10:46Pleased to hear it.
10:47This is the employee handbook.
10:48But she's not your employee.
10:50I know.
10:51This outlines in detail the club's rules and code of conduct.
10:55Oh, okay.
10:56Extreme detail.
10:57No one dots an I across as a T better than John Palmer.
11:00You can expect a pop quiz on that.
11:02He's not serious, is he?
11:04Actually, he probably is.
11:06Hey, how'd you listen to her?
11:10Alright, what?
11:11I am trying to be nice.
11:13Well, how about instead of trying to be nice, we deal with the actual problem?
11:18Meaning that story that you told Mark upstairs about Eden missing your birthday party.
11:22Oh, because she was too busy with you at a bar?
11:25Yes, Abby, I get why you were upset.
11:27Do you?
11:29I know that Eden is your big sister, but back then she was just a teenager.
11:32And so was I.
11:34So, teenagers don't always make the best decisions.
11:37She's right.
11:38You should have seen what I got up to.
11:43I don't care how old you were.
11:45You were still too busy coming up with excuses to even stop and think about how I felt.
11:53I tried.
11:56I tried.
12:08Hey, Rose.
12:11What's up?
12:12Have you heard something about Perry?
12:13No, but I wanted to talk to you about broadening a search.
12:16I get the theory that someone is helping him hide, but you've just decided that it's Tanya without even considering other options.
12:23There is something we're missing here.
12:25You're right.
12:27Things aren't adding up.
12:29What does that mean?
12:31The autopsy report just came in.
12:36It cast doubt on the claim that Perry was acting in self-defence.
12:41I don't understand.
12:42There was water in Carl's lungs, which means he was alive when he went in the pool.
12:47So he drowned?
12:48So, I mean, that's terrible, but why does that change things for Perry?
12:52It means he had ample opportunity to save his father, and he didn't.
12:58I can't keep stalling. I need to hand this over to Homicide.
13:01But what does that mean for Perry?
13:04You have to hand yourself in.
13:06Talking to the police, telling them exactly what happened is the only way out of this.
13:09No, they let my dad walk free.
13:11They couldn't keep him away from me, even with an AVO.
13:13They're useless.
13:14Okay, then trust me.
13:15Why would I trust you?
13:17You're the one who called the cops on me.
13:19Well, I didn't have a choice.
13:20We had a body floating in our pool.
13:23Look, I've been where you are, okay?
13:25Running isn't the answer.
13:27You joined my programme so you could be a better person, to make better decisions.
13:32Yeah, and look how that turned out.
13:34Perry, what happened to your father wasn't a choice you made.
13:38He pushed you to do that.
13:40But what you do next is your choice.
13:45I just hope you make the right one.
13:50That's it?
13:52You're leaving?
13:55It's up to you now.
13:58Decide what kind of man you want to be.
14:21You can either study for that pop quiz,
14:25or you can explain to me what happened earlier between you and Kirby.
14:30It's your call.
14:37Good choice.
14:45So, are you the Mr Birthday Party?
14:50It's a pretty big grudge to hold over one party.
14:54It was my first birthday after my parents got divorced.
14:57Downing and Levi were long gone by then.
15:01Must have been tough.
15:03Yeah, it was.
15:06I still had mum and Eden, so it was...
15:11Then Eden met Remy and Kirby.
15:16They formed a band and then suddenly she was gone too.
15:20At a gig, rehearsing, travelling, and I...
15:24I just can't forgive them for that.
15:27Yeah, but Eden is no pushover.
15:30If she left, it's because she wanted to.
15:35But you two are okay now.
15:38You forgave her, right?
15:43I never thought about it.
15:45Because it's easier to hate on Remy and Kirby than your big sister?
15:50I don't know. Maybe.
15:59The bin's just there.
16:03Yeah, sorry, what?
16:04I was wondering if you had done the roster for next week's patrol.
16:08Good. Can I have less shifts than normal?
16:10Depends on what you think is more important than saving lives.
16:13I'd like to be there for Harper. She really needs me right now.
16:16Alright, consider it done.
16:17Thank you. You're the best.
16:35What are you up to?
16:37Uh, just finishing off my lunch.
16:39Then I'm gonna go do some stop orders.
16:42Do you mind if I watch in line?
16:45Not at all.
16:47I love an audience.
17:02We've got a problem.
17:04Another one?
17:05I was talking to Rose and apparently Carl's autopsy report doesn't back up Perry's self-defence claim.
17:13Homicide are taking over the case.
17:14So they're just gonna ignore everything that led up to it?
17:16Without Perry's side of the story, they can only go on the evidence in front of them.
17:24What is it?
17:26I might have just made a big mistake.
17:38Oh my goodness, are you alright?
17:39You alright?
17:45I've made my choice.
17:47I know what kind of man I want to be.
17:55Yes, detective.
17:57I will be sending out case notes through to you shortly.
18:00No problem.
18:02Okay. Bye.
18:19I'm done running.
18:22I'm glad to hear that.
18:40Perry Hayes?
18:43You're under arrest for the murder of Carl Hayes.