HOLD YOUR BREATH | "Hold It Together" Featurette | Searchlight Pictures
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00:00Get inside!
00:02What appealed to me most about this project was the time period.
00:05It's set in the 1930s during the Dust Bowl,
00:08which was a really terrifying experience
00:11that a lot of people in our country had to endure.
00:18The storms would come and they would just lift the ground into the air
00:22and it was relentless.
00:24So it was just really ripe for a story of real horror.
00:29Any word on that drifter?
00:31It's like he just melted into the dust.
00:37We wanted to combine this sense of horror
00:40with this beautiful, kind of epic, gorgeous, cinematic sense of landscape.
00:45We were really interested in really sweeping wide shots
00:48where you just can't see the end of the earth
00:51and it feels like that's almost just as suffocating.
00:54There's no escape.
00:59Sarah Paulson has this unique gift of being able to play somebody
01:03who is holding everything together but inside is just about to crumble.
01:11I don't know how many other people could take on what she's taken on with this.
01:14This is a long distance run and it's really hard and she's really good.
01:18He's in the air, Rose!
01:21He could be anywhere!
01:25The movie is a horror film of sorts
01:28but it's a horror of the mind.
01:30The thing that changes our heroine
01:33is this desperate urge to protect her kids.
01:36That's what makes her dangerous.
01:40Leave! Leave!
01:43You heard that, right?
01:45The idea of something like this happening to any average person
01:50feels so possible that when you see something like this film
01:54you realize what would I do to save my family.
01:57Arrête-toi, Rose!
02:00Qui es-tu?
02:02Le monstre le plus effrayant n'est pas l'escalade
02:05mais c'est la chose qui reprend quelqu'un que tu aimes.