• 去年
00:00Look, another TCBY, it's a fricking goldmine.
00:29This is, this is exactly what I want to do with Mr. Buffalo.
00:31Everywhere that there's a TCBY, there should be a Mr. Buffalo across the street.
00:35I mean, healthy food, friendly service, come on, we will be printing money.
00:40You mark my words, Eric.
00:41What TCBY did for yogurt, that is exactly what Mr. Buffalo is going to do for Buffalo
00:47Could you put on fucking Kiss FM, please?
00:59Just take it easy.
01:00I just feel like I got to tell this fucking guy every time.
01:06I fucking love these guys.
01:14I told Jamie when these guys come to the forum, we are like, they're.
01:20And music, that's the other thing.
01:21A Mr. Buffalo customer, he comes in to eat wings and chill, right?
01:26Music's going to be a big part of that.
01:28Look at those dad shoes.
01:29Are you wearing his shoes?
01:31Yeah, we got to fill his shoes now, right?
01:32So I was like, well, what better way to set up.
01:33Actually, these are Alden 560s, so they run narrow.
01:34I should actually try to get these in a nine and a half wide.
01:35Stop that.
01:38Listen to me.
01:39You're not fucking doing this right now.
01:40I'm sorry.
01:41Suck it the fuck up and get out of here.
01:42I'm sorry.
01:43I'm sorry.
01:44I'm sorry.
01:45I'm sorry.
01:46I'm sorry.
01:47I'm sorry.
01:48I'm sorry.
01:49I'm sorry.
01:50I'm sorry.
01:51I'm sorry.
01:52I'm sorry.
01:53I'm sorry.
01:54I'm sorry.
01:55I'm sorry.
01:56I'm sorry.
01:57I'm sorry.
01:58I'm sorry.
01:59I'm sorry.
02:00I'm sorry.
02:01I'm sorry.
02:02I'm so sorry there's something wrong.
02:03It's alright.
02:04It's alright.
02:05Suck it the fuck up and do not act like a goddamn pussy.
02:10It's alright.
02:11It's alright.
02:14I love you.
02:15I love you.
02:16I love you too.
02:17You're okay.
02:18It's up to us now, right?
02:19Then they would be proud of us.
02:20They'd be proud of us.
02:21What did you say yesterday?
02:22What did you say to me?
02:23Tell me.
02:24Eric, I know that they would be proud of us.
02:39Hey, it's right up here.
02:43Hey, hey, hey!
02:44Fucking stop the car!
02:46I'm supposed to drop you around back.
02:48No, no, no, no, no. You're dropping us at the curb.
02:50It's just a big crowd out front.
02:51Well, then fucking run them over.
03:05What the fuck? They're supposed to go to the loading dock.
03:09Eric! Eric! Eric!
03:11Did the Mafia kill your parents?
03:14No, I'm Lyle.
03:15I don't know. It certainly appears as such, but that's what we've got to find out.
03:18Are you afraid the Mafia could come after you?
03:21Hey, where's your camera?
03:23Hey, Mafia, after what we've been through, I'd like to see you try.
03:26Okay, is that a threat?
03:27Hey, come on.
03:28Keep your targets, okay?
03:30We're going to need you full-time security, 24-7, okay?
03:38Peter, there's something that I really need you to get right today.
04:09Are you sure he's going to be able to do this?
04:12Don't worry. He's a great actor.
04:14He did a Shakespeare monologue once.
04:22Um, I thought I'd start by sharing a story.
04:27Um, when Lyle and I were little, there was a big window in the front of the house.
04:33These birds would always fly, hit the window, and they'd fall and get injured.
04:40And my mom, she'd scoop up the birds, and she'd bring them inside,
04:45and she'd heal them, help them get better,
04:49and see them off and see them fly away.
04:56It's just one of my favorite images of my mom.
05:01Just how she cared for the birds.
05:09I guess what I would say to them is,
05:12maybe someday, when I see you in heaven,
05:17we could all hit a few balls back and forth.
05:28Those poor boys.
05:30Lyle is obsessed we get this song right.
05:46Captain of industry.
05:49Husband tennis coach.
05:52Most men could only dream of being one of these things,
05:54but Jose Menendez was all of them.
05:58And he was also our father.
06:04Anyone who knew my dad,
06:07anyone who knew my dad,
06:09will tell you that he was tough.
06:13Just ask a line judge who missed a call
06:16at one of Minor Eric's tennis matches.
06:25Well, dad, if you're listening, and I know that you are,
06:29you can rest assured that I am ready to take up your mantle
06:34and be the rock of this family.
06:37And mom, what can I say?
06:43If dad was our foundation, well, mom,
06:45you were the wallpaper and the beautiful furnishings.
06:50I know that it wasn't always easy having two rambunctious boys,
06:54but you made every house that we lived in a home.
06:59So, mom, from my final words to you,
07:02I will leave this to two poets who are much better at this than I.
07:06In their words, girl, I'm going to miss you.
07:32Take my breath away, but that was nothing I could do
07:36To make you stay, I'm going to miss you
07:39All the love I feel for you
07:42Nothing could make me change my point of view
07:46Oh, girl, I'm going to miss you, baby
07:52Giving all the love I feel for you
07:55Couldn't make you change your point of view
07:58You're leaving
08:03Now I'm sitting here, wasting my time
08:07I just don't know what I should do
08:15It's a tragedy for me to see
08:19The dream is over
08:22And I never will forget the day we met
08:26Girl, I'm going to miss you
08:32I'm going to miss you
08:35I'm going to miss you
09:00It's been over two months
09:02Since the brutal murders of Jose and Kitty Menendez
09:05In their Beverly Hills home
09:08But so far, the police don't seem to be any closer
09:11To finding their killers
09:20Initial reports speculated that it might have been a mafia hit
09:23Possibly related to Jose Menendez's business dealings
09:26In the home video industry
09:28As an executive for Live Entertainment
09:33But Detective Les Zoler with the Beverly Hills Police Department
09:37Recently told reporters that they're still pursuing all potential angles
09:41I can't give too many details
09:44But I can say that this is still very much an active investigation
09:48And that our guys will not rest until whoever committed
09:51These senseless and heinous killings is behind bars
09:55And facing the death penalty
10:03A film by
10:07A film by
10:11A film by
10:15A film by
10:19A film by
10:23A film by
10:27A film by
10:31A film by
10:35A film by
10:39A film by
10:58A film by
11:02A film by
11:06A film by
11:10A film by
11:17Can you believe that she actually said that she picked these dresses out
11:20Because she felt that we could wear them again?
11:23I can wear this again
11:25The hill freezes over and I'm invited to the skating party
11:37Dr. Azeal speaking
11:39Dr. Azeal, it's Eric Menendez
11:45I know that it's very last minute but
11:48Is there any way that I could see you today?
11:51It's important
11:54Looks like I have a two o'clock if that works for you
12:00I want to be your last appointment
12:02I don't want any of your other patients to see me
12:06Please, Dr. Azeal
12:09How about four o'clock?
12:11We could talk as long as you need
12:13Okay, four o'clock, sounds good
12:15Okay, I'll see you then
12:27Holy shit, did you see that Jamie?
12:29Just fucking jumped like a little schoolgirl, that was classic
12:32Don't be a prick, Lyle
12:34Hey Eric
12:35Hey Jamie
12:36You going somewhere?
12:37Yeah, just gotta run a few errands
12:39Okay, well hurry back
12:41Jamie and me just bought a shit ton of Halloween candy to pass out to the kids
12:44And not the cheap shit either, we got the good shit
12:46You know how much I freaking love Halloween
12:49Gotta keep up the family tradition, Eric
12:52Eric, please come in, have a seat
12:56You look amazing, it is so good to see you young man
13:14Eric, come in
13:22I'm really glad you called
13:24Yeah, me too
13:26So, you are feeling...
13:33Yeah, I've just been kind of...
13:42Eric, why don't you have a seat?
13:45Eric, why don't you have a seat?
13:57Um, what I talk about here, like...
14:02No one's listening, right?
14:05Like you're not recording this?
14:08Then you can't tell anybody what I tell you?
14:11Well, now when you came to me before
14:15About the burglary conviction, that silly stuff that you're way beyond now
14:19The court mandated that I tell your parents what we talked about
14:24But now, obviously, I mean they're...
14:28Do you think we could just go for a walk maybe?
14:33Yeah, I've just been having these nightmares
14:36Like every night about my mom and my dad
14:39And in these nightmares they're getting killed?
14:42Yeah, mostly
14:44It's like in a dream I'm there and I'm reliving it
14:50But it's in like slow motion
14:53And I'm standing there and my mom gets shot in the stomach
14:58And then the leg, because her knee practically exploded
15:05And she keeps getting shot but she won't die
15:09And my dad's face gets blown off again and again and again
15:14And his face is just gone and there's smoke everywhere
15:17And this is every night, this dream?
15:19Yeah, pretty much
15:21Oh, that's Thriller
15:24Kids dressed up like Michael Jackson from Thriller
15:29Why do you want to kill yourself, Eric?
15:31What would that solve?
15:50Here we go
15:54You dropped your sword, bud
15:56Thank you
15:57There you go
15:58There you go
16:00There you go
16:01What are you dressed as?
16:04I'm Tom Cruise from Cocktail
16:08Duh, fuckin' iconic
16:10Hey, is this the house where those parents got...
16:13Got what?
16:18Well, why don't you come inside and have a look?
16:21How about you get the fuck off my property
16:23Before I shove that fuckin' Snickers bar
16:26All the way up your ass, cowboy
16:39He was a great man, my dad
16:42A lot of people didn't know that
16:44He started working for Hertz and then he made his way into the movie business
16:49He was on the money side, behind the scenes stuff
16:52But he was every bit as influential as Spielberg, Scorsese
16:57Sure, yeah
16:58So I thought maybe I should write a book about him
17:01Just because, you know, he had all these goals
17:04And he wanted to be a senator, did you know that?
17:07He wanted to be the first Cuban-American senator in Florida
17:11Well, he'd have to move to Florida though, right?
17:14Yeah, he was going to move us there
17:16We were going to be like the Kennedys
17:18See, this will all be in the book
17:22He also thought that Lyle and me
17:26That we could be president someday
17:30And that's why he was so hard on us
17:34Just all the time
17:38He was just really...
17:53What's going on, Eric?
18:02We did it, my brother and I
18:10You shot them?
18:19Okay, um...
18:22What do you think, maybe we should go back to the office
18:25And talk about it
18:27Okay, okay
18:33Do you feel any better
18:36After having told me that?
18:38A little
18:44I'm going to need you to walk me through what happened
18:47If you can
18:49Okay, but you're not recording this
18:52I'm not recording this
18:54Why do you need to know that, though?
18:57I just need to talk through my feelings
19:00Yes, and telling me what happened is the best way to do that
19:08I guess the plan started
19:11When I was watching this movie
19:13Billionaire Boys Club
19:15He was scared, really scared
19:17It's about these kids who have these rich parents
19:19And they kill them, the kids do
19:22And it just got me thinking
19:24Because it seemed exactly like our lives
19:27Lyle's and mine
19:30Lyle, look at this
19:32The blood started seeping
19:34So we quickly wrapped him up in the comforter
19:36And took him out to the car
19:38So we just started talking casually about it
19:42Like what it would be like
19:44To have this negative, controlling force gone from our lives
19:49So we quickly made a plan
19:51I wanted to do it soon
19:53Before we lost the nerve to go through with it
19:55But Lyle really wanted to take the time
19:57Really plan it out
19:59So we agreed we'd do it in about a week
20:01And probably on a Sunday
20:03Why on a Sunday?
20:05Well, the maid was off on weekends
20:08Well, that's it
20:11You just, you watched a movie
20:13And you decided to kill your parents, Eric
20:20Why what?
20:23Why did we do it?
20:25Yes, Eric
20:28Parasite is a very, very serious course of action to take
20:32What's parasite?
20:34When you kill your parents
20:39Of course, Eric, it's not unheard of
20:42It happens
20:44One in every four murders involves a family member
20:47Really? Wow
20:51All of these cases are different
20:54But most involve aggravating circumstances
20:58Yeah, well, they were really aggravating
21:01No, I mean
21:04There's abuse
21:07There's disputes over money
21:12Your father is very controlling
21:14You and I have talked about that
21:19Eric, you watched a movie
21:21And you decided to kill your parents
21:23Most people don't do that
21:33Or they don't know my dad
21:44Game, please play Game Squad
21:46What the fuck was that?
21:48What the fuck was that?
21:49What the fuck are you doing, Eric?
21:51Jesus, you little piece of shit
21:53What have we been working on?
21:57Mr. Menendez, please
21:58No, no, no, did you fucking touch me?
22:00Twenty-five thousand fucking dollars
22:02Get the fuck out of here
22:03You're fired
22:07Hold the fucking position
22:11Was your father physically abusive, Eric?
22:27South Dakota
22:33South Dakota
22:36Boss, boss, boss!
22:38Honey, what?
22:40Dumb fucking shit, it's Pierre
22:46I cannot believe you go to Princeton
22:48I cannot believe it
22:49I cannot believe you go to Princeton
22:57No, not really
22:59That was your fucking last chance, you hear me?
23:01What did I tell you?
23:02And then you pulled that shit like a little bitch
23:05That was a bad call
23:06Bad call?
23:07Bad call my ass, get in there
23:09Shut the door
23:11Just very domineering
23:22And why would you kill your mom?
23:30She was addicted to our dad
23:35He had an affair
23:37And she started drinking a lot
23:40Taking these pills
23:42She was suicidal
23:46So we thought that was a sign that her life had no value
23:50And this was us kind of
23:55Putting her out of her misery
23:59There was this thing that happened
24:04Lyle was home
24:06He had gotten kicked out of Princeton for plagiarism
24:08Fuck you Lucy, piece of shit
24:10Okay, okay, fuck you
24:11What are you going to do about it?
24:12What are you going to do about it, dad?
24:13Are you going to fucking hate me?
24:14I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what
24:15I want you to fucking hate me right now
24:17Shut the fuck up
24:18Let's see it on me
24:19Let's see it on me
24:21It just wouldn't stop
24:23And then my mom got involved
24:25I love her, and I think that you should understand, mom
24:27Twenty years old, you are not getting married
24:30No way, uh-uh
24:31Why should I listen to you two when you got married at exactly my age?
24:34She's a whore
24:35Yeah, look at how it turned out for me
24:37Look at my happy marriage
24:38You're a hypocrite, and I don't care what you say
24:40I'm marrying her
24:41Hypocrite? Don't you dare call me that
24:43She's not coming from a good family, and it's not going to happen
24:46Not in a million years
24:47I am trying to save you
24:49No, you don't get to say it when you did exactly the same thing when you were my age, mom
24:52You are the hypocrite, huh?
24:54What about this?
25:00Oh, oh
25:01Oy, oy, oy, oy
25:11Oy, boy
25:12It's okay
25:20Boy, boy, boy
25:46How long have you had that?
25:50Like, uh...
25:51Three years ago?
25:54Well, I didn't know that
25:55How come I didn't know that?
25:56Because I didn't want you to know
25:57That's the fucking point, Eric
25:59Nobody's supposed to know
26:04Jamie doesn't even know
26:10Down on Wilshire, it's the...
26:12hair replacements
26:16Something about that
26:20You're seeing my brother
26:24Who I idolized, right?
26:27Who always...
26:32who protected me
26:36And seeing him...
26:38so vulnerable like that
26:44It just...
26:46screws in
26:49It's more like it, uh...
26:51hooks on
26:57Dad made me
27:02I just saw him
27:06And I suddenly saw how cruel it was
27:09What was going on in that house
27:11And, um...
27:15I finally told him
27:26What did you tell him?
27:37Just that, uh...
27:40loved him
27:44And that from now on
27:45I was always gonna choose my brother over my parents
27:50And is that when it all changed for you, that moment?
27:54And that's when I saw the movie
27:56And in that moment
27:58I knew it was gonna happen
28:00I knew we were gonna go through with it
28:02We didn't even have to say a word about it
28:04It just had its own...
28:08So we went to this gun store
28:10in West L.A.
28:11For a handgun, though, that's a two-week waiting period
28:14Wait, what?
28:15No way
28:16That is like my right
28:17I'm preaching to the choir, dude
28:18Thank Jerry Brown for that
28:20The fuckin' California Uniform Firearm Act
28:22is complete bullshit
28:26So all's it needs?
28:27A California driver's license
28:29So we drive this other place
28:30in Orange County
28:31You each gotta show me your license
28:32Then you get the guns
28:33Fuck that
28:34That is illegal
28:36I'm an American citizen
28:37And an American citizen has certain rights
28:40It's in the Constitution!
28:42The problem was
28:43Lyle's license was suspended
28:44from all of his speeding tickets
28:46And I didn't have my real license on me
28:47Just my fake
28:50And these would be good against intruders?
28:52Oh, hell yeah
28:53And finally, we found this Big Five in San Diego
28:56where you could get a shotgun with just one ID
28:58Okay, and then I'll just need your ID
29:00In a Big Five, you need
29:02two forms of ID to cash a check
29:04but just one to buy shotguns
29:06So, I used my fake
29:08You let her walk away
29:11Now it just don't feel the same
29:14Gotta blame it on something
29:16Gotta blame it on something
29:20Blame it on the rain
29:22That was falling, falling
29:25And after that, we got the albio set up
29:28with Lyle's friend Perry Berman
29:36Hey, what's up, buttface?
29:40Fuck yeah, I'll meet you at the Taste of L.A.
29:42I haven't been there in years
29:45So, it was set
29:48And it was Sunday
29:51So we had to do it then
30:13We're really gonna do this
30:28Okay, we're gonna do this
30:31We're gonna do this
30:33We're gonna do this
30:35Okay, we're gonna do this.
30:38We're gonna do this.
30:40We're gonna do this. We're gonna do this.
30:42We're gonna do this. We're gonna do this.
30:43We're gonna do this.
30:51Okay, let's go do this right now.
31:57Okay, you have to shoot first so that you don't back out.
32:07I love you, Eric.
32:09I love you.
33:11That's a better word, 24 hours.
33:14What are you doing?
33:15What is that?
35:43Pick up the shells
36:11Can you drive I don't think I can
36:16Let's go cold water
37:16Are you having trouble hearing me the 950 screening of Batman? Yeah, but it's 1040 now
37:22I know but that's the one that we want to see. Can you help me out here?
37:25My girlfriend is in there. Tell her the last half is the best
37:28we are the first half sucks and
37:31That it ruins the rest of it. So we just we want to see the last half. It's theater policy
37:36We can't sell tickets after 15 minutes
37:40Please stop swearing at me. Okay. Okay. Give me two tickets to the fucking 1055 I guess
37:52Slower please
37:55Thanks, enjoy the show
37:59You know what? Hey Eric, Eric, Eric, fuck it. Let's just go to taste of LA
38:04Lyle what are we doing? He's getting the fucking car Eric. Those tickets are useless now. Let's just go
38:24Excuse me, excuse me. Is this eat on? Yeah, it's a smoky. Um
38:31It's creamy is what it is here Eric try this
38:34You know what though I wouldn't pair it with a Chablis Wow, I think we should just go will you calm the fuck down
38:40We're too late. Perry's not here. So I am enjoying some fine wine and some fine cheese and I'm making sure that people see us
38:48We've been here what four hours now, you know what they say time flies when you're at the taste
38:59Know what they say time flies when you're at the taste
39:02There's nobody here
40:03Do you feel
40:08Not good
40:13Eric Eric, just take me back to that night
40:20What the fuck kind of therapist are you I came here to feel better. How can I make you feel better Eric?
40:26I came here. So do you tell me I'm not a bad person
40:29Tell me I'm not a bad person you killed your mom and dad Eric, I know I know
40:39I'm not a bad person. I'm not
40:45We just say it you're not a bad person Eric
40:53I'm having these nightmares and I can't sleep
40:59And I'm I'm living a house that I shot my parents in I
41:04can't sleep and every night, it's a nightmare and
41:09Every night. I'm in that house. It's a nightmare where I'm shooting them and
41:13They just don't die
41:15And they don't stop
41:17The only way they stop is when I shoot myself
41:41Can't sleep
41:43You're safe here. Okay. I
41:46Strongly suggest we do something I
41:50Think we should call Lyle and I think he should come here right now. Okay, okay
41:59Trick-or-treat. Yep. There you go
42:07Hey, can I get another one?
42:10Fuck you talking about?
42:12Those are king-size Snickers. You know how generous that is. She is just asking
42:19How about you go back to fucking Van Nuys you poor fucking piece of shit. Yeah, fuck you
42:25Fuck you a nice cheap-ass costume you pussy
42:30Fucking kids
42:42It's dr. Ozeal. I want you to come into the office Eric's here. What Lyle?
42:48He's told me everything
42:51What no put him on the phone no come down to the office right now and
42:55We can talk about it put my fucking brother on the phone right now
42:58No, I'm not gonna do that Lyle come down to the office and you can talk to him in person. This is important. I
43:08Think he's on his way down
43:12Eric you did the right thing telling me now. I gotta ask you to stay right here. I gotta go get some coffee
43:20Because I feel like this is gonna be a long night. Just just don't don't just don't leave. I'll be right back
43:46Oh, come on come on
44:02Who the fuck do you think you are?
44:06I'm sorry. Let's have a better marriage. Uh, let's fuck and I'll tell judal on it's over. Well, fuck you Jerry
44:16Just confessed to the murders
44:21I need you here to be a witness. No, I am NOT coming down there. Oh, so they can fucking kill me
44:29Nobody's killing you just get here now
44:33What Jerry?
45:51You've been waiting long doctors, right
46:07Fuck did you tell him? I'll have a seat. Fuck up. I'm not talking to you. What did you say to him?
46:12What did you tell him? Huh about what about?
46:16Mom and dad because we don't know who killed them
46:20I told him everything
46:23Everything about what how it was probably the mafia how the mob probably did it
46:28while the nightmares I was having I I
46:32Had to tell somebody
46:36He told me everything, okay
46:37Well, I don't know what the fuck that means
46:38He told me everything because I don't know what the fuck everything is and just because he fucking said it doesn't mean that it's fucking
46:43Wow, I
46:45Was afraid I was gonna kill myself, please you shut the fuck up, please. I am talking to my brother
46:52He killed him
46:54He shot them
47:03Who the fuck was that what who the fuck was that I have no idea this office is soundproof
47:10Will you sit down please Lyle? It's okay. It's okay. You just sit
47:15Tell me how it's okay. If Eric and I killed our fucking parents, how would that be? Okay. Well, you don't
47:20You don't have a gun
47:22Do you?
47:24Okay, this is confidential anything you say here. It's confidential
47:29Everything you tell me or your brother. I can't tell anyone so it's okay
47:34If you just what if I want if you just tell me what's in your pocket, please don't do this fuck down Eric
47:41I don't even know what the fuck I'm supposed to do with you right now. I don't know who the fuck you are
47:43I don't have a brother. I just needed to tell somebody then you fucking tell me you fucking tell me I mean fuck
47:51Why the fuck would you make up something like this Eric? It's not a lie Lyle. We did it
48:01Tell me what is in your pocket, it's a fucking king-size stickers
48:04Okay, I just gave away like 300 of these at our house kids love our place. We're good people
48:15Ruin my favorite fucking night of the year
48:19With you know this job
48:22Lying, it's not a lie. Will you shut the fuck up?
48:25Dr. O'Neill shut the fuck up and let me think
48:35Because if we did do it then we would just kill you Lyle wouldn't we I
48:40I don't think that's a good idea
48:50Are you afraid dr. Aziz Lyle I
48:56Choose not to live in fear neither did my dad
49:03Just because my brother tells you something does not make it true dr. Aziz
49:12Dr. O'Neill can't tell anybody. Why can't you just understand?
49:15Nobody was ever gonna fucking find out Eric. Nobody was ever gonna fucking find out
49:20It was the perfect crime and he would have been proud even he would have been fucking proud. You said so
49:38Nobody is ever gonna find out. Isn't that right?
49:42Whatever we say in here, we can't be charged with that in court. So it's okay and we could just say that he was doing a
49:50Mental exercise. Yeah. Yeah, you are correct. I can't tell anybody
49:57Anybody I
50:01Just needed to talk to somebody
50:07Well, please sit down I
50:19This could be a good thing
50:21What let's just say for a moment that you get convicted wait, you're just I'm not gonna say any I can't tell anyone
50:28All right. Are we clear about that? If you get caught I will not be the reason
50:37Say somebody saw
50:46I could be your lifeline
50:50Because I'd know what really happened if you tell me everything I
50:56Could tell the court that you were scared
50:59The controlling father that you just couldn't take it
51:04There are different kinds of murders, you know, there's crimes of passion where you just
51:12rather than
51:14You know something more thought-out something premeditated like a
51:21Sociopathic murder. So which is it then? Do you think?
51:29Are we sociopaths dr. Z?
51:32Well, no, that's why I think you should come tell me the whole story. So you think so
51:38I do. I really do. I really think you should come back. I think I can help you through this
51:47What are you gonna do now
51:50Are you gonna call Diane Sawyer?
51:53Well, I'm asking you what you're going to do
51:57right now
51:58with this information
52:05I'm gonna go have dinner with my wife
52:22Good luck
53:05I'm on Rexford
53:10Okay, I'll drive you
53:40I'm sorry. No, no
53:56It's okay
54:02We know what we have to do now what
54:09Have to kill
55:35You can baby