• 2 days ago
00:09:20Llamaré cuando acabe con el servidor.
00:09:21¿De acuerdo?
00:09:22-¡Te extraño, Sam!
00:09:23-¡Yo también, cariño!
00:09:27¿Qué? ¿No hubo fruta?
00:09:33Que tenga un buen día.
00:09:39Son 32 con 20, por favor.
00:09:41De acuerdo.
00:09:44Guarda el cambio.
00:09:45Muchas gracias.
00:10:03¿No vas a hablarme todo el fin de semana?
00:10:09¿De qué quieres que hablemos?
00:10:18Ah, percibo mucho resentimiento.
00:10:20Ay, mamá, ¿lo dices por mí?
00:10:22¿Sobre tu cumpleaños?
00:10:24No, sobre ti.
00:10:32¿Cuál es su problema?
00:10:39¿Quieres rebasar?
00:10:42Solo rebase.
00:10:43¡Adelante, rebase!
00:10:54Get out of the way, get out of the way!
00:11:00What an idiot!
00:11:01Be careful!
00:11:03What's wrong with her?
00:11:04Get out of the way!
00:11:09What are you doing?
00:11:10Get out of the way!
00:11:11You can call the police!
00:11:12Hold on to the seat belt.
00:11:17Hey, you!
00:11:18Get out of the way!
00:11:20Hey, hold on!
00:11:21What are you doing?
00:11:23I don't know!
00:11:24Get in!
00:11:26Watch out!
00:11:34Are you okay?
00:11:42Did you see the license plate?
00:11:45No, and you?
00:11:49I need my phone.
00:11:51I'm sorry.
00:11:52I threw it out the window when you turned around.
00:11:56It's okay.
00:11:58It's okay.
00:12:09My God.
00:12:11What happened?
00:12:12Damn it, I don't know.
00:12:21I'm going to look for someone on the road.
00:12:24No, Gwen.
00:12:25Stay in the car.
00:12:26I'm going to get a phone.
00:12:27Mom, can I help you?
00:12:29Stay in the car, okay?
00:12:30Just do what I tell you once.
00:12:32I don't want to fight anymore.
00:12:34Just stay here.
00:12:35I'll be back.
00:13:00Damn it!
00:13:09Is anyone here?
00:13:31The place is closed, ma'am.
00:13:34You scared me.
00:13:36I know the place is closed.
00:13:38I just need to use a phone.
00:13:40My car broke down.
00:13:42The phone doesn't work.
00:13:46I have one in the office that I can use.
00:13:48Come on, follow me.
00:13:54Be careful.
00:13:55There are some nails and broken videos.
00:14:11An idiot took us out of the way and the car doesn't start.
00:14:14There's smoke everywhere.
00:14:16Do you want something to drink?
00:14:17Do you want water?
00:14:18That would be great.
00:14:21Assistance on the way.
00:14:22How can I help you?
00:14:24Hi, yes.
00:14:26I'm at the Hidden Cove Hostel in Santa Rena.
00:14:29And my car broke down.
00:14:32Okay, I have it.
00:14:34A car will be there in 20 minutes.
00:14:37Thank you very much.
00:14:38You're welcome.
00:14:46Thank you for the phone.
00:14:50So, is it being renovated?
00:14:52It's being demolished.
00:14:54They're building condominiums, 40 units.
00:14:56With a sea view.
00:14:57They say the view is worth a million dollars.
00:15:00Well, it's quiet.
00:15:02Some people like isolation.
00:15:07Are you okay?
00:15:09Is something wrong?
00:15:10I'm fine.
00:15:11I think I'm going out to get some fresh air.
00:15:16Come on, where is everyone?
00:15:47I love you.
00:15:49I love you.
00:16:16I love you.
00:16:31Hey, I'm locked up!
00:17:00Success and technology.
00:17:02Samantha Reed's other passion.
00:17:17My God!
00:17:34Hello, Mrs. Reed.
00:17:37Who is this?
00:17:38I assume you already found your partner in the bathtub.
00:17:43Why is Steven dead?
00:17:45What are you doing?
00:17:47Why am I here?
00:17:49Do whatever you want.
00:17:51And I promise this will all end in a few hours.
00:17:57What the hell is going on?
00:18:00Take a deep breath.
00:18:08That's better.
00:18:10Now, I'm going to turn on the TV.
00:18:26Listen carefully, Mrs. Reed.
00:18:28Follow my instructions and you and your daughter will live.
00:18:34Please, don't hurt her.
00:18:37Please, let her go.
00:18:40We understand, Mrs. Reed.
00:18:42We understand, Mrs. Reed.
00:18:52There is a computer on the desk behind you.
00:19:07The desk cover.
00:19:13Very good.
00:19:16Now, open it.
00:19:20Turn it on.
00:19:28The battery is halfway.
00:19:31That gives you 85 minutes to do the task I'm going to give you.
00:19:36Open the Internet browser.
00:19:39What is it?
00:19:41It's the database that contains the information I need.
00:19:45As you can see, it's encoded.
00:19:48I count on your knowledge to decode the code and get the information.
00:19:52What kind of information?
00:19:54You have 85 minutes.
00:19:57It's when the battery runs out.
00:20:00Wait, what kind of information?
00:20:03That's important.
00:20:05And before you think of something heroic,
00:20:09you must know that I control all telephone lines and the computer network.
00:20:15If you send any message, I'll cut your dear daughter's neck.
00:20:23Why me?
00:20:25What makes you think I can do this?
00:20:30You are an extraordinary woman, Mrs. Reed.
00:20:33You are in charge of one of the largest computer networks in the world.
00:20:38This must not be difficult for you.
00:20:41What about Steven?
00:20:43Was it what he told you before he killed him?
00:20:46He was just a child, damn it!
00:20:48For your daughter's well-being.
00:20:50I hope Steven's boss is better at her job than Steven was.
00:21:07I have to get out of here.
00:21:17I'll get you out of here, Gwen.
00:23:29Bien, listo.
00:23:33El auto está oculto.
00:23:59¿Seguro que puede hacerlo?
00:24:02¡Lo está haciendo!
00:24:04Mueven a Natalia a las seis en punto.
00:24:11Los materialistas y los locos nunca tienen dudas.
00:24:16Gilbert Kidd y Chesterton.
00:24:18Los materialistas y los locos nunca tienen dudas.
00:24:23Gilbert Kidd y Chesterton.
00:24:33You look worried, Mrs. Reed.
00:24:36It's a 248-bit code.
00:24:39Working 24 hours, 7 days a week,
00:24:41a person would take years to recover this information.
00:24:44No me interesan los problemas, solo las soluciones.
00:24:48Necesito la información contenida en esa base de datos.
00:24:51Es una imposibilidad matemática.
00:24:53No tengo el poder de procesamiento para descifrar el código.
00:24:57Tal vez si utiliza el mismo fervor que el usó para obtener a Crucero Schiffer como cliente,
00:25:03podría descifrar el código.
00:25:06Verá, Samantha, no existe Crucero Schiffer.
00:25:09Todo fue... ¿Cómo lo llaman?
00:25:14Todo fue un engaño.
00:25:17Todo esto fue una trampa desde el principio.
00:25:23Y le aseguro que estoy preparado para cualquier eventualidad.
00:25:27Podría matarla ahora mismo y no me preocuparía en lo más mínimo.
00:25:32Sin embargo, me decepciona con qué facilidad pone en riesgo la vida de su hija.
00:25:39Adiós, señora Reed.
00:25:45Tal vez pueda hacerlo.
00:25:47Pero necesito algo.
00:25:49Confunde mi preocupación por compasión.
00:25:52Ya que a ambos nos interesa que obtengan lo que buscan,
00:25:55necesito acceso al servidor de mi oficina.
00:25:57No está en posición de...
00:25:59¿Quiere la información o no?
00:26:03Escuche, con acceso a la red en mi oficina,
00:26:05podré usar un grupo de computadoras para obtener su preciada información.
00:26:11Tiene dos minutos.
00:26:13Pero si me traiciona,
00:26:15cortaré uno de los delicados dedos de su hija.
00:26:19Tal vez el que tiene la sortija que le dio en su cumpleaños.
00:26:33Muy bien, señora Reed.
00:26:35Ahora consiga el código de acceso.
00:26:40Activar red.
00:27:09¿Ya lo descifró?
00:27:10Aún no.
00:27:11Le di acceso a la red de su oficina.
00:27:14No es un riesgo.
00:27:16Es muy inteligente.
00:27:18Sabe cómo sacar poder sin utilizar las demás computadoras.
00:27:28Un minuto con treinta segundos.
00:27:37Casi lo tengo.
00:27:48Conexión inalámbrica débil.
00:27:50Debe estar lejos del enrutador.
00:27:52Un minuto con diez segundos.
00:27:55¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:28:05Un minuto con cinco segundos.
00:28:16¿En verdad vas a cortarle los dedos?
00:28:18Hacemos lo que debemos.
00:28:20Y lo llamamos con el mejor nombre.
00:28:23Ralph Waldo Emerson.
00:28:28Voy a ver a la niña.
00:28:39Correo electrónico.
00:28:43¿Qué es lo que hace?
00:28:46Auxilio, estoy atrapada en Santa Rena.
00:28:48Hostal en Gineco.
00:28:52Señora Reed.
00:28:53Le hice una pregunta.
00:28:55Estoy ocupada.
00:28:56¿Cuándo hago preguntas?
00:28:58Espero que las conteste.
00:29:01Bien. ¿Ha escuchado del correo La Bella y la Bestia?
00:29:05Lo que sucede es que recibe el correo con una foto anexa.
00:29:07Usualmente una mujer con poca ropa.
00:29:09Cuando usted lo abre, el hacker que lo envió roba su procesador para algunos programas complejos.
00:29:15Se conoce como zombificar computadoras.
00:29:17Combinar computadoras individuales creando una supercomputadora.
00:29:22Así es.
00:29:23Y en lugar de trabajar con esta computadora, lo haré con miles.
00:29:30Cada persona que abre el correo, mi programa hackea su computadora usándola para descifrar el código.
00:29:36El código.
00:29:45Wow, wow.
00:29:46Friend, what good legs.
00:29:49Maybe a little thin there.
00:29:52Good breasts.
00:29:59Wow, look at this.
00:30:08It's very interesting.
00:30:10Now, don't let me down.
00:30:22Access code.
00:30:36Let's go.
00:30:55You are very beautiful.
00:31:27Where is my mother?
00:31:32Don't stop until you have sixteen.
00:31:40My king.
00:31:47That idiot.
00:31:52No noise.
00:32:03Get out.
00:32:16Did I hurt you?
00:32:34No estarás sola con él otra vez.
00:33:03Si toca a la niña otra vez, lo mataré yo mismo.
00:33:27We'll see you again.
00:33:49I know the system is unstable.
00:33:51That's why I updated the chip's motherboard.
00:33:54Listen, I told Abertain...
00:33:56I also want Samantha to approve it, but she went to Santa Rena to work and will return on Monday.
00:34:01We'll discuss it then, okay?
00:34:05I don't know what you want me to tell you, Spencer. I don't do miracles.
00:34:11Partially corrupt message.
00:34:13I'll call you later.
00:34:19Hey, Rich.
00:34:22I want to talk to someone about the Schieffer cruise now.
00:34:35Please tell me you received the mail.
00:35:12Witness Protection Program.
00:35:15My God.
00:35:17Oh, no.
00:35:25Agent Randall, this is Central. Do you read me? Over.
00:35:28This is Agent Randall. Over.
00:35:30We've located the hacker.
00:35:32Head to the Danta Business Corporation at 1700 Broad Street Avenue. Last floor.
00:35:391700 Broad Street Avenue. We're on our way.
00:35:55No, I already looked for information.
00:35:57Nobody knows anything about the Schieffer cruise.
00:36:01I'll call you later.
00:36:05Can I help you?
00:36:06Agent Randall, this is Agent Hergott, FBI Cyber Investigation Unit.
00:36:12Is there a problem with any product?
00:36:14In fact, an employee, Samantha Reed.
00:36:18Close the door, please.
00:36:19Yes, sir.
00:36:25What do you need to know about Samantha?
00:36:29A week ago, we detected that someone was trying to access the federal server.
00:36:33The FBI implemented a tracking system in case they returned.
00:36:37Fifteen minutes ago, we detected an intruder trying to enter that network.
00:36:41The intruder was trying to decrypt information using several of their programs.
00:36:45These are their security codes, aren't they?
00:36:52We sell our technology to hundreds of companies, including the government.
00:36:56We know about the applications of your products, Mr. Iser.
00:36:59These programs include a particular fingerprint, username, Reed, Samantha E.
00:37:05He tried to hack the database of the Witness Protection Program.
00:37:09I spoke to her an hour ago.
00:37:12She's on her way to Santa Rena to visit a client,
00:37:15so obviously someone else is using her identification and password.
00:37:19A client?
00:37:20Cruiser Schiffer.
00:37:22Is she there now?
00:37:23She's a little late.
00:37:25Can you call her for us?
00:37:29Of course.
00:37:41Hi, I'm Samantha Reed. I'm not here at the moment. Please leave a message.
00:37:45Obviously someone is lying here.
00:37:49And if it's you, pray to God that you don't find out.
00:37:54Hi, I'm Samantha Reed. I'm not here at the moment. Please leave a message.
00:38:10Hi, I'm Samantha Reed. I'm not here at the moment. Please leave a message.
00:38:14I'm David. I received your email, but I can't read it. It's corrupted.
00:38:17And the FBI was in my office asking about you.
00:38:20What the hell is going on, Sam? Call me.
00:38:25Sandy, phone.
00:38:31Sandy, answer the phone.
00:38:34The phone.
00:38:35Yes, yes.
00:38:36Yes, yes.
00:38:37Santa Rena police station.
00:38:39Yes, I need to talk to an officer.
00:38:43Hi, this is Officer Erickson from Santa Rena police station. How can I help you?
00:38:47I'm David Easter from Data Business Corporation.
00:38:50I want to know if you have reported an accident, a car accident, or something like that.
00:38:55One of my employees is in Santa Rena for business with her daughter, and I haven't been able to contact her.
00:39:00Sandy, has anyone reported an accident today?
00:39:04I don't have anything here. The woman's name?
00:39:07Reed. Samantha Reed. R-E-E-D. And her daughter's name is Gwen.
00:39:12What kind of car was she driving?
00:39:14A red Ford Taurus from 1997.
00:39:17Where was the meeting?
00:39:20A company called Crucero Seafair.
00:39:23Crucero Seafair.
00:39:25Very well. I'll tell you what, send me a picture and I'll show it to you here, okay?
00:39:29Yes, sure. What's your email address?
00:39:34Okay, I have it. I'll do it now.
00:39:36Okay. Thank you.
00:39:42Santa Rena police station.
00:39:49Santa Rena police station.
00:39:55Unit 4, I'm heading to the entrance of 48 El Estatal. I repeat, to the entrance of 48 El Estatal.
00:39:59Hello, Sandy.
00:40:00Hello, Sandy.
00:40:01Hello, Inspector.
00:40:04Look at this. An 11-meter jet engine, 11,200 kilograms, 310 horsepower engine.
00:40:11I drove it around this morning.
00:40:13What, did you win the lottery?
00:40:15A man can dream, can't he?
00:40:18And what did I miss?
00:40:19A call from the Data Business Corporation.
00:40:22They think one of their employees may have had an accident or something.
00:40:25She didn't make it to a meeting and she doesn't know anything about it.
00:40:28The life of a small town, huh?
00:40:31Where were you going?
00:40:32Crucero Seafair. Have you heard of it?
00:40:37Do you have a picture of it?
00:40:40I have it now.
00:40:42I received an email.
00:40:44I'll print it.
00:40:51Here it is.
00:40:55Mother and daughter.
00:41:13Mother and daughter.
00:41:25We isolated the source of the intrusion.
00:41:27Was it Reed?
00:41:28Possibly by the line. It's commercial, not residential.
00:41:32Right here in San Diego.
00:41:33When will we have an address?
00:41:35In minutes.
00:41:36My signal wants a team ready to intercept. Is there movement in Reed's house?
00:41:40We've been reported activity in the last 30 minutes.
00:41:42Let's do it.
00:41:44All right, Sandy. What do you have?
00:41:46Well, I checked the Business Administration List.
00:41:49I checked the Commerce Chamber.
00:41:52And I checked the Transactions Office.
00:41:54But no one has registered Crucero Seafair.
00:41:57No one, huh?
00:41:58No one.
00:41:59Are you sure?
00:42:01All right, Sandy. Thanks.
00:42:05Unit 14 reporting to headquarters.
00:42:08What's going on?
00:42:13What's going on?
00:42:17Come here.
00:42:18Look at this.
00:42:19I looked up Samantha Reed's reports. She seems to be in trouble.
00:42:22You looked up reports?
00:42:24Come on, Erickson. She probably left her husband.
00:42:27The feds blocked everything about her. Bank accounts, phones, everything.
00:42:30The feds?
00:42:31They're on top of this.
00:42:32Yeah, look. That's good. Let them take care of it.
00:42:35She could be in a lot of trouble.
00:42:37The last thing we need are feds behind our backs.
00:42:40Come on, boss. I'm just saying...
00:42:42Leave him, Erickson. Leave him to me.
00:42:46I'm going out.
00:42:48Yes, sir.
00:43:02Personal information.
00:43:10Personal information.
00:43:20Good morning.
00:43:21Good morning.
00:43:22Good morning.
00:43:23Good morning.
00:43:24Good morning.
00:43:25Good morning.
00:43:40Since she committed the crime nine months ago.
00:43:53Something's going to happen, Mrs. Reed.
00:43:55What are you going to do with her?
00:43:57So, she's made progress.
00:44:02Tell me.
00:44:04It's something that doesn't concern you, Samantha Reed.
00:44:08It's the Colstead case, isn't it?
00:44:10She's innocent. I haven't done anything against you.
00:44:13We have similar jobs, you and me.
00:44:17You send us to correct the mistakes of others.
00:44:21Your daughter is nine years old.
00:44:23If you think I'm going to help you turn her into an orphan...
00:44:26There will be no orphans.
00:44:29He's a bastard.
00:44:32I need the name and the address.
00:44:35I won't be part of this. Do you hear me? I won't be.
00:44:41A woman and her daughter will die today.
00:44:46I'm just giving you the opportunity to choose who they will be.
00:44:52I'm going to kill you.
00:44:54I'm going to kill you.
00:44:56Let her choose who they will be.
00:45:13Where's Ivan?
00:45:15I don't know.
00:45:21I need some fresh air.
00:45:26Let's go.
00:46:02Honey, we have to go in.
00:46:04They'll pick us up in 30 minutes.
00:46:06Five minutes, please.
00:46:10Okay, but not one more minute.
00:46:26Oh, God.
00:46:57I need to tell you something.
00:46:59You're wonderful, you know that?
00:47:04I love you.
00:47:26No one else will die today.
00:48:16Emergency, 911...
00:48:18Help me! I'm trapped in a room at the Santa Rena Hotel.
00:48:33Hello? Santa Rena Police Station.
00:48:36Officer, please.
00:48:39Hello, this is Officer Erickson.
00:48:41I'm calling from the San Diego Emergency Commutator.
00:48:43We have a call from a unit to verify.
00:48:46Let's hear it.
00:48:50911, what's your emergency?
00:48:52Help me! I'm trapped in a room at the Santa Rena Hotel.
00:48:55Did you track her down?
00:48:57Thank you. I'll investigate.
00:49:01Sandy, do we have a directory around here?
00:49:03I think so.
00:49:13Here, Sandy. Sandy, here it is, okay?
00:49:15Okay, I'm going out.
00:49:16What should I tell the boss?
00:49:18Tell him I went out for a hamburger.
00:49:25Here's the FBI.
00:49:31The hacker is in the cybercafe.
00:49:33Go get him!
00:49:39San Diego Police! Everyone get away from your computers!
00:49:46We got him.
00:49:55We got him.
00:50:11What are you doing?
00:50:15I was having a little fun with the girl.
00:50:18What's the problem? Mom's doing her job.
00:50:34It's a man's mind.
00:50:37Not his enemies.
00:50:39Which leads him down the wrong path.
00:51:13San Diego Police
00:51:38It's locked.
00:51:39Yes, it's locked.
00:51:43San Diego Police
00:51:52What the hell?
00:51:56What the hell is this?
00:51:57It's everything we found.
00:51:59A router?
00:52:00It could be anywhere.
00:52:03Thanks for your help, Inspector.
00:52:05What's next?
00:52:07It's time to talk to your boss.
00:52:09Let's go.
00:52:13Samantha Reed and her daughter aren't registered yet?
00:52:16Not yet.
00:52:18I have them in this package.
00:52:20Mother and daughter.
00:52:21Mother and daughter?
00:52:23If they arrive, could you call me, please?
00:52:25Of course.
00:52:26Should I tell them you came?
00:52:29Just call me.
00:52:32Of course.
00:52:42San Diego Police
00:53:10What's wrong?
00:53:12Where are they?
00:53:13Where are they hiding?
00:53:20We have company.
00:53:23He must only be patrolling.
00:53:29No one has come for a week.
00:53:32I won't risk it.
00:53:34You'll be fine.
00:53:36Don't worry about the police. Just stick to the plan.
00:53:38I don't like it.
00:53:43San Diego Police
00:53:50Unit 4, report to headquarters. Over.
00:53:52I repeat, Unit 4, report to headquarters.
00:54:06Remember, we must not...
00:54:12Unit 4, report to headquarters. Over.
00:54:42Unit 4, report to headquarters. Over.
00:55:12Unit 4, report to headquarters. Over.
00:55:43Unit 4, report to headquarters. Over.
00:56:43Damn it.
00:56:44Something's wrong.
00:57:04I told you there was nothing to worry about.
00:57:13San Diego Police
00:57:30How dare you?
00:57:31Where's my daughter?
00:57:32She's still alive. That's all you should worry about.
00:57:34Son of a bitch.
00:57:37Go back to work.
00:57:39You have ten minutes.
00:57:43San Diego Police
00:58:06Santa Rena Police Department.
00:58:08Hi, Sandy.
00:58:09Hi, Erickson.
00:58:10Is the boss here?
00:58:14Erickson, where the hell are you?
00:58:16You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago.
00:58:18I think I found the women we're looking for.
00:58:20And I thought I told you not to forget.
00:58:22I need you to come to Hyden Cove.
00:58:24That dumpster?
00:58:27I need support, please, boss!
00:58:40Hyden Cove
00:58:58What the hell do you want to tell me?
00:59:01What's going on here?
00:59:03We have a situation in there.
00:59:05Let me tell you something.
00:59:06Nothing that has happened in this town can be described as a situation.
00:59:10Emergencia reported that a woman called saying she was trapped in a hotel room.
00:59:14Do you know how many hotel rooms there are in San Diego?
00:59:17I saw three men there, and they don't look like gardeners.
00:59:20Someone was trying to send me a signal through one of the windows.
00:59:29Wait here.
00:59:30Where are you going?
00:59:43Is anyone here?
00:59:52Santa Rena police.
00:59:59Find the girl.
01:00:06Here! Come!
01:00:08I'm here! Come here!
01:00:36Come on.
01:01:06Help me!
01:01:08Help me!
01:01:14Someone please help me!
01:01:44This way! This way!
01:01:48Damn it!
01:02:14I need that address.
01:02:16Time is running out for you and your daughter.
01:02:36Come on.
01:03:00Give me one of your hands.
01:03:03That's it.
01:03:05I'm going to help you up.
01:03:07Ready? Come on.
01:03:13Are you okay?
01:03:20There are three men.
01:03:22They have my mom inside.
01:03:24I don't know.
01:03:26It's one of them.
01:03:29He says three men have his mom inside.
01:03:34I think we should do something.
01:03:41No! No!
01:03:45Let me go!
01:03:58Let me go!
01:04:18Forgot something.
01:04:20Character tool, man.
01:04:29Son of a bitch!
01:04:33Erickson, what are you doing?
01:04:35Let the girl go!
01:04:37Erickson, everything is under control.
01:04:39I said let her go!
01:04:41Put your gun down.
01:04:43I won't say it again! Let the girl go!
01:05:15The girl has my phone!
01:05:17Forget the phone! Catch her!
01:05:28Let's go.
01:05:59Do you want Dana to be a widow?
01:06:02Do you want your son to grow up without his father?
01:06:06Put the gun down!
01:06:10I'm not going to shoot you. We're partners.
01:06:14Calm down.
01:06:17I'm not going to shoot you.
01:06:19I'm not going to shoot you.
01:06:21I'm not going to shoot you.
01:06:23I'm not going to shoot you.
01:06:25I'm not going to shoot you.
01:06:27I'm not going to shoot you.
01:06:29I'm not going to shoot you.
01:06:31I'm not going to shoot you.
01:06:56Find the damn address.
01:07:01Find the damn address.
01:07:03Find the damn address.
01:07:29Activate network.
01:07:33Activate network.
01:08:07What is the situation?
01:08:09What is the situation?
01:08:11The girl escaped. I can't find her.
01:08:14Keep looking. I don't want anyone running.
01:08:19Yes, sir.
01:08:34This is Officer Erikson.
01:08:36Erikson, the San Diego Emergencies are on the line.
01:08:39They say it's the girl from the hotel.
01:08:41Tell me.
01:08:42Hello, this is Officer Erikson.
01:08:44Are you the girl in the hotel?
01:08:46Yes. Thank you for helping me escape.
01:08:50You gave me the signal with the light, right?
01:08:53You're very brave. What's your name?
01:08:56Good, Gwen. Where are you now?
01:08:59In the hospital.
01:09:01Where are you now?
01:09:03In the gym.
01:09:04Are you alone?
01:09:07And your mom?
01:09:09I don't know.
01:09:10Listen, Gwen. Stay there, okay?
01:09:14I'm going to get you out. Hold on.
01:09:16Okay. Yes.
01:09:19Sandy, are you on the line?
01:09:20Here I am.
01:09:22Call the department. I need you to ask for immediate support.
01:09:25Where's the boss?
01:09:26Just do it, Sandy.
01:09:32I'm in.
01:09:50You should see this, David.
01:10:01What's that?
01:10:05Rich, bring an engineer.
01:10:12Do you have him?
01:10:14He's good. He got the address.
01:10:22Rich, listen to me. Find the fastest way to get to Santa Rena.
01:10:55Good. Just in time.
01:10:57The address. Give it to me.
01:11:00We had a deal. I want to see my daughter.
01:11:03I won't fail you next time.
01:11:06Give me the address.
01:11:16I did what you asked. I want to see Gwen.
01:11:21Let me out!
01:11:30Let me out!
01:12:01It's him. Let's go.
01:12:12Any sign of Mr. Easter?
01:12:14He's still looking for his daughter.
01:12:16What about her mother?
01:12:18Kill her.
01:12:40Freeze! You're under arrest!
01:14:16Are you okay?
01:14:17I'm fine.
01:14:18You must be Gwen, right?
01:14:20If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have found you.
01:14:23Mom, it's over.
01:14:24It's okay, honey. We're safe.
01:14:27Don't worry. The reinforcements are on their way.
01:14:30It'll be too late.
01:14:31Late for what?
01:14:32Do you know where Larson Way is?
01:14:34Yeah, why?
01:14:57Stop! Stop, honey! Run!
01:15:56They're here.
01:15:59I need you both to stay here, understood?
01:16:01I gave that son of a bitch the address.
01:16:03I don't care. They're not coming.
01:16:05I want to go, too.
01:16:06No. Get in the car.
01:16:08Hide in the back seat.
01:16:10And you, calm down.
01:16:13Cover yourself.
01:16:28Here we go.
01:16:35Here we go.
01:16:37Here we go.
01:16:55Get down. Get down.
01:16:57Stay here.
01:17:07Stay here.
01:17:22This is a shelter.
01:17:24Here is the witness of the Colsteth case.
01:17:26Call for reinforcements.
01:17:28It's Gwen, Samantha's daughter.
01:17:32Are you okay, honey?
01:17:34Stay with them. I'll check.
01:17:36Okay. I'm Agent Harrod. We need reinforcements.
01:19:37I'm okay. I'm okay.
01:19:51Are you okay?
01:19:52Yes, I think so.
01:19:54We're okay.
01:19:55There she is! Arrest her!
01:19:57Hey! What are you talking about?
01:19:59What's going on here?
01:20:00What do you think you're doing?
01:20:01Who are you? Who are you?
01:20:03If it weren't for them, Julie and her daughter would be dead.
01:20:05Yes, that's true.
01:20:06That's right.
01:20:07If you go to the hotel in Hyden Cove,
01:20:08you'll find computers and surveillance equipment.
01:20:11That's where Samantha and Gwen were locked up
01:20:13for the last two hours.
01:20:14Locked up for who?
01:20:16I don't see anyone else here.
01:20:17She hit him.
01:20:18He's unconscious in the house.
01:20:20Check him.
01:20:21Yes, check him.
01:20:22Mom. Mom.
01:20:24I'm sorry. I was so scared.
01:20:26It's okay.
01:20:27Everything will be fine.
01:20:29Oh, my love.
01:20:31Are you okay?
01:20:32I'm sorry, but you'll have to come with us.
01:20:35Don't worry, Sam.
01:20:36Don't worry.
01:20:37You'll be fine once you get to the hotel.
01:20:39They'll let you go.
01:20:41You saved my life.
01:20:43What a blow.
01:20:45I'll take care of it.
01:20:46It's okay.
01:20:53Unit 8.
01:20:54Reporting a 10-7 on Madison and 4th Avenue.
01:20:57To all units, report to headquarters.
01:20:59We're on it.
01:21:10Let's implement plan C.
01:21:20Dubbing done in Mexico by AF The Dubbing House.
01:21:24Just listen.
01:21:29Dubbing done in Mexico by AF The Dubbing House.
01:21:32Just listen.
01:21:33Dubbing done in Mexico by AF The Dubbing House.
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01:24:17Just listen.