Step by step / Paso a Paso | Pr. David Gates - 28/9/2024

  • hace 2 semanas
Pr. David Gates: Step by step / Paso a Paso
Sermón bilingue ( english / spanish)
Sábado Especial 28 Septiembre 2024
Red ADvenir Television
00:00:00Thank you for watching!
00:00:31Good morning! Happy Sabbath to each of you, again. It is so nice to see your
00:00:39smiling faces today. It has been another busy week and we're closer to
00:00:48Jesus coming than ever before.
00:00:52Well, we were up in the mountains. We had a shortage of water. We had a
00:01:01severe storm and our water pump was damaged. It makes you really
00:01:14appreciate water and the water of life in a special way.
00:01:22I'm so thankful today. I'm thankful to all of you that come here every
00:01:32Sabbath. It's always nice to have a house full of people where we can
00:01:41enjoy and worship together. I'm also thankful to all of you who do
00:01:51your part in other countries to help support this work. It's possible
00:02:01because of the sacrifices of God's people. Thank you very much! Even from
00:02:12the other side of the world, in Australia, there's a lot of support and
00:02:19from Europe, South America, and in North America. Thank you! I am
00:02:28grateful to you because I'm responsible for making sure we pay all the bills, so
00:02:38when I get a phone call and saying, we don't have enough to pay the bills, I
00:02:42look in all the other accounts to see and most of the time we're able to make
00:02:45it. I'm also thankful for our translator. Aren't you thankful for our
00:03:01translator? How many of you are thankful? Right now most of you would not
00:03:10understand what I'm saying if it weren't for her. God is so good. I'm just
00:03:22praising his name today. I received a phone call some weeks ago. We had a
00:03:34sermon from a visiting pastor here. Evidently there was the impression
00:03:44given that at the special resurrection, everybody would be resurrected before the
00:03:48time of trouble and go through the time of trouble.
00:04:04No, they would go through the time of trouble. So not only would they have a
00:04:11time of trouble before they died, they would have a trouble. That's what the
00:04:15idea. We want to correct that. Those who pass away and die, that die
00:04:34under the third angel's message, will be resurrected after the time of trouble.
00:04:42At the voice of Jesus when he announces the day and the hour, there will be a
00:04:49special resurrection as well. The time of Jacob's trouble will have finished.
00:05:02It will be a wonderful time together to be waiting on the last few weeks or days
00:05:13before Jesus is coming. I also want to announce there will be a baptism next
00:05:22week. So if anybody is interested in being baptized, next week would be the time to
00:05:31be able to come. After the service, we'll have the baptism. In 2002, I made a
00:05:49visit to almost all the islands of the Caribbean, looking for opportunities for
00:05:58broadcasting and opening ministries. I made a stop in the island of Dominica. I
00:06:12stayed at the pastor's house, a good friend of mine. Right next to the pastor's
00:06:20house lived a lady that was recognized to be the oldest living human on the
00:06:26planet. That's the older lady that I talked to. Her name was Elizabeth
00:06:49Israel. But they called her Mother Pampo or Ma Pampo. She was 127 at that time
00:07:07when I visited her. Born in the late 1800s, 1875. Can you believe that? Her mother was a
00:07:24slave. She was born to a slave. When I was talking to her, I said, you must be lonely.
00:07:33Most of your friends have already passed away. She said, right across the street is a
00:07:45friend of mine. She's 110. Evidently, Dominica has a very large number of the oldest
00:07:59living people. She says she had a good diet. She eats mostly the same thing as most
00:08:15everybody else on the island. Maybe there is a special kind of fish in Dominica, I
00:08:24don't know. Anyway, she didn't speak English. She only spoke Creole. I spoke to her in
00:08:32French and we understood each other. Good Caribbean food. Let us bow for a word of
00:08:50prayer before we begin. We are grateful, Heavenly Father, for all you've done for us.
00:09:08We are here today because of your goodness to us. Thank you for life and thank you for
00:09:18food and rest. In a special way, thank you for these special Sabbath hours and for
00:09:32the liberties that we still have to worship freely, to still have resources which we can
00:09:40live on and also to give to your work. Times will get harder. Times will get harder, but
00:09:57we know that you will never leave us or forsake us. If we do our part to live obediently to
00:10:04your commands, you will always take care of your people. You will accompany them to the
00:10:16end. Thank you. It gives us joy and confidence. Teach us now today, we pray, and all of those
00:10:28that accompany us at a distance. Those that have special health needs, financial needs,
00:10:41social and family needs. The enemy is angry and destroying many homes and people.
00:10:57We need your protection and blessing. Cleanse us from all sin and from the love of the world
00:11:06and accompany us today. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
00:11:26As we enter the subject today, our sermon title is Step by Step.
00:11:36We're going to discuss initially religious liberty.
00:11:47God has always sent human messengers to his people with messages.
00:12:01He doesn't always send angels. Most of the time he sends human beings.
00:12:06In the past we called those messengers prophets.
00:12:18God still sends messengers today. Most messages do not come from prophets
00:12:28because all of us are messengers of truth to others.
00:12:31But God still sends messengers to correct the errors in the church
00:12:44and to encourage the church to move in the right direction.
00:12:52Recently one of the major issues facing the world church is religious liberty.
00:13:01Some weeks ago our organization Gospel Ministries International
00:13:14had the privilege of recording and publishing a sermon
00:13:24on GMI TV
00:13:25on YouTube. The sermon was by Dr. Conrad Vine.
00:13:38Dr. Vine challenged the world leadership, the church leadership
00:13:47to give religious liberty and freedom of conscience to all its members.
00:13:56To respect the conscience of each member regarding whether they should or should not
00:14:04take the jab. Up to this date, the world leadership refuses to acknowledge their mistake
00:14:25and is forcing people to take the jab.
00:14:40If they apologized and said we made a mistake, they would be forgiven.
00:14:44If the church apologizes and says we are sorry for doing this, the church will forgive them.
00:14:56But instead of doing this, what they have done is say no, we have made the right decision.
00:15:03And some of the world leaders are even denying that they ever even
00:15:08asked the members to take that.
00:15:23The U.S. court system does not support the church's position.
00:15:33And any employer who forced their members to take the jab is now being held responsible for
00:15:40the consequences.
00:15:56The U.S. court system says it is a matter of conscience.
00:16:03Every person has the right to decide what they put in their body.
00:16:11And yet our world leadership is saying no, it's not a matter of conscience.
00:16:22I think the U.S. court system, they will soon find out,
00:16:25the church will find out the U.S. court system does not support them.
00:16:34And they're going to have to pay big time to those that they hurt.
00:16:43We ask ourselves, why has the church maintained that position?
00:16:52Because they want to protect their cash flows, their universities, and their hospitals.
00:17:04But we cannot make decisions based on cash flows.
00:17:08We have to make it based on truth.
00:17:18We are called to be loyal to God regardless of what happens to our cash flows.
00:17:22Further diseases, further pandemics, further jabs are coming down the road.
00:17:42What will the church do with its members at that point?
00:17:49There's something even worse coming down the line.
00:17:53An enforcement of the false day of worship.
00:18:04So if you want to protect your cash flows, you're naturally going to give in
00:18:09to the enforcement of a false day of worship.
00:18:22So what will church leadership do when the Sunday law comes to protect their cash flows?
00:18:39If the church has always given in to popular mandates, they will give in again.
00:18:52What are you going to do?
00:18:57Because we are faced with the same position, the same decision.
00:19:05All of us have cash flows.
00:19:07All of us have financial needs.
00:19:14All of us will be forced to make a decision between our assets and truth.
00:19:22I thank God that Dr. Conrad Vine preached that sermon.
00:19:33It has nearly two million views in almost every language.
00:19:46Church members all around the world are having to deal with that issue.
00:19:49What if my church leadership goes in the wrong direction?
00:19:52What will I do?
00:20:03That's a decision you have to make.
00:20:07The majority of church members will go the wrong direction, and your leaders,
00:20:10the majority of them as well.
00:20:17We cannot control what others do, but we have to decide what we're going to do.
00:20:22Not everything church leaders decide is in harmony with the Bible.
00:20:37This applies to every denomination, every church.
00:20:42We are held accountable by God individually.
00:20:53One Sabbath in 1975, in the country of Hungary, they received a piece of paper
00:21:08from their pastors.
00:21:11Everybody please read and sign this document.
00:21:13The pastors read it.
00:21:24The church members read it.
00:21:28I promise to be loyal to the union president of my church.
00:21:32I'm going to be loyal to the president?
00:21:44Is that what I have to sign?
00:21:50That's what they were required to sign.
00:21:58They said we're not supposed to be loyal to people, we're to be loyal to God.
00:22:02But the union president, which is the president of the church in Hungary,
00:22:20wanted a statement from every member saying they were going to be loyal to him.
00:22:23518 members and pastors refused to sign.
00:22:42They were immediately disfellowshipped.
00:22:50This was very traumatic.
00:22:54But pastors and members said God has not called us to be loyal to men, we are to be loyal to God and truth.
00:23:13Is that right or is that wrong what they did?
00:23:19Are we called to be loyal to men or to God?
00:23:24To God.
00:23:29So they had to separate and worship separately.
00:23:39They had to reorganize.
00:23:42They formed their own churches, wellness centers, universities.
00:23:54After communism fell, it was discovered that the union president was a communist employee, an employee of the government.
00:24:14We do not know the influences that affect many of our leaders.
00:24:24Some leaders obey God, some leaders obey men.
00:24:32You cannot be loyal to men.
00:24:38In fact, you can't be loyal to even organizations in the first place.
00:24:45No organizations will go to heaven.
00:24:51The organization is just a legal structure.
00:24:54It is like this building.
00:24:59It is just a structure.
00:25:02We worship here.
00:25:05We transmit here.
00:25:08This building will not go to heaven.
00:25:12No human structure will go to heaven.
00:25:17Individual people will go to heaven.
00:25:19We must pray for our leadership.
00:25:25We must pray for our organization and for every organization that is working for God.
00:25:33But our loyalty is to God and His truth.
00:25:39May God help us to stand always for truth.
00:25:41As we are broadcasting by television, cable, and satellite,
00:25:53by the internet,
00:25:59there are many people watching today
00:26:03that may not know what we know.
00:26:05They did not grow up knowing the Bible.
00:26:09They don't have that advantage.
00:26:13There are some valuable lessons that we need to know, and they need to know.
00:26:21We are going to review a few items that you may already know.
00:26:27We are going to review a few items that you may already know.
00:26:31We are going to review a few items that you may already know.
00:26:35We are going to review a few items that you may already know.
00:26:39But we need to be reminded
00:26:43that these are lessons to be learned in the sanctuary of the Old Testament.
00:26:53The world is facing a final crisis.
00:26:59We are facing it today.
00:27:01Major events are already occurring
00:27:07and laws are being passed
00:27:13that will force every human being to make a decision
00:27:15and choose sides.
00:27:21If we want to be saved, we have to understand
00:27:23and cooperate with God.
00:27:31We must be willing to read the Bible
00:27:33and with God's help
00:27:35to obey the principles placed there.
00:27:45Let's read some of these principles.
00:27:49God tells us what He is thinking about us.
00:27:55Jeremiah 29.11
00:27:57Jeremiah 29.11
00:28:01For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord,
00:28:03thoughts of peace and not of evil,
00:28:05to give you an expected end.
00:28:17Everything God thinks about us
00:28:19is to give us the best thing
00:28:21that can be expected from a loving God.
00:28:27Everything God asks us to do
00:28:29is for our own good.
00:28:39We have to know that.
00:28:41We have to believe
00:28:43and we have to act on that.
00:28:47Even if we don't understand,
00:28:49we have to still believe and obey
00:28:53because we trust that God has the best
00:28:55for us in that instruction.
00:29:03Now, what must we do?
00:29:072 Chronicles 20.20
00:29:13The King Jehoshaphat
00:29:15stood and said,
00:29:17Hear me, O Judah,
00:29:19and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem.
00:29:25Believe in the Lord your God
00:29:27and so shall ye be established.
00:29:33Believe in His prophets
00:29:35and so shall ye prosper.
00:29:39So it is up to us
00:29:41to read and obey.
00:29:47When God sends a prophet
00:29:49with a message,
00:29:51we are to listen and obey.
00:29:55And when God tells us something
00:29:57we are to obey
00:30:01that it may go well with us.
00:30:07Throughout history, God's people
00:30:09in Israel disobeyed and left God
00:30:11and they suffered the sad consequences.
00:30:21Time and time again
00:30:23they suffered terrible
00:30:25conquers and defeats
00:30:27because they refused to obey God.
00:30:35Even today,
00:30:39Israel is still refusing to obey.
00:30:45It's not salvation by works,
00:30:47it's salvation by faith.
00:30:53Trust and obey.
00:30:57There are two principles
00:30:59that we must know
00:31:01if we are going to understand
00:31:03what God has for us.
00:31:11Amos 3.7
00:31:13Surely the Lord God will do nothing
00:31:15but revealeth His secrets
00:31:17to the servants of prophets.
00:31:23That's number one.
00:31:25Number two.
00:31:29Psalm 77.13
00:31:33Thy way, O God,
00:31:35is in the sanctuary.
00:31:41Who is so great a God as our God?
00:31:45Let's review this principle here.
00:31:49First, God will do nothing
00:31:51without letting us know.
00:31:55In fact, He's already revealed it
00:31:57in His Word to His prophets.
00:32:01So as we study the Bible,
00:32:03we will learn about God's plan
00:32:05because He always reveals it first.
00:32:15It's all there.
00:32:17What happened in the past
00:32:19and what will happen in the future.
00:32:25Number two.
00:32:27God's way is to be found
00:32:29in the holy place,
00:32:31in the sanctuary.
00:32:35So we need to study
00:32:37and review the sanctuary
00:32:39if we want to understand God's way.
00:32:41And we will find
00:32:43everything there
00:32:45that God does.
00:32:51In 1831,
00:32:53William Miller was studying
00:32:55his Bible,
00:32:57especially the book of Daniel
00:33:03and he found a prophecy
00:33:05in Daniel 8.14
00:33:07In that prophecy,
00:33:09there was a
00:33:112300 day prophecy.
00:33:19He read the following.
00:33:23And he said unto me
00:33:25until 2300 days
00:33:27and then the sanctuary
00:33:29shall be cleansed.
00:33:37In Numbers 14.34
00:33:39and Ezekiel 4.6
00:33:41William Miller discovered
00:33:43that one day means a year.
00:33:59So from the order to
00:34:01reconstruct Jerusalem
00:34:032300 years in the future,
00:34:06the sanctuary would be cleansed.
00:34:18This is a chart
00:34:20of that time period.
00:34:24The decree to reconstruct Jerusalem
00:34:26happened in 457
00:34:32and 2300 years later
00:34:34would take us to 1844.
00:34:46The death of Christ right in the middle
00:34:48of the 70 week prophecy
00:34:50confirmed the timing.
00:35:00So he got excited
00:35:02to preach it in different
00:35:04evangelical churches.
00:35:10Jesus is coming soon,
00:35:12he thought to himself
00:35:14because that's the cleansing
00:35:16of the sanctuary.
00:35:20So he began to tell
00:35:22everybody Jesus is coming
00:35:24in 1843 initially
00:35:26then he realized it was 1844
00:35:32because there's no zero year
00:35:34he forgot that
00:35:36it goes from one year before
00:35:38to one year after.
00:35:44So 1844 was the date
00:35:50large numbers of people
00:35:52massive all over the United States
00:35:58and he said
00:36:00all over the United States
00:36:06they attended the meetings
00:36:08and even in South America
00:36:10and in Europe.
00:36:18The message spread like lightning
00:36:24Baptists, Methodists, Catholics
00:36:26every denomination had people there
00:36:30and then they discovered
00:36:32the sanctuary
00:36:40the problem was
00:36:42what day of 1844
00:36:48January 1
00:36:50December 31
00:36:54what day
00:36:56and then
00:36:58they discovered the sanctuary
00:37:02and they realized that God
00:37:04always acts in harmony
00:37:06with the sanctuary calendar
00:37:16and that's where they discovered
00:37:18that the secret was in the sanctuary
00:37:20and that the cleansing
00:37:22of the sanctuary
00:37:24is related to the
00:37:26day of atonement
00:37:28in the sanctuary service
00:37:36and they correctly
00:37:38found the right date
00:37:44the Keryite understanding
00:37:46biblical understanding
00:37:48of the dates
00:37:50is what they used
00:37:56because they used
00:37:58the sighting of the new moon
00:38:00combined with the barley harvest
00:38:02to set the correct
00:38:04beginning date
00:38:06of every year
00:38:12not the lunar calendar
00:38:14the lunar sighting
00:38:16and then they combine
00:38:18it with the barley harvest
00:38:24then they know
00:38:26when the year begins
00:38:30October 22 of 1844
00:38:38by the way
00:38:40here's something interesting
00:38:42did you know that 2024
00:38:44last year
00:38:48is identical to 1844
00:38:56the date today is what?
00:38:58the 28th
00:39:00today is a Saturday
00:39:04in 1844
00:39:06the same date was also a Saturday
00:39:08the 28th of September
00:39:10was also a Saturday
00:39:14this year was also
00:39:16a bishop's year
00:39:181844 was also a bishop's year
00:39:22William Miller did not understand
00:39:24what cleansing the sanctuary meant
00:39:30he thought it meant the coming of Jesus
00:39:34but in the sanctuary
00:39:36the day of atonement
00:39:38is not the last day of the year
00:39:44there's still
00:39:46another event to happen
00:39:48after the day of atonement
00:39:52but he didn't understand that
00:39:56so on October 22 of 1844
00:39:58so on October 22 of 1844
00:40:04they were all waiting for Jesus coming
00:40:1050,000 Adventists
00:40:12waited for Jesus coming
00:40:18some of them sold their farms
00:40:20some of them sold their properties
00:40:22and houses
00:40:24Jesus did not come
00:40:26on October 22
00:40:32October 23
00:40:34found a very different composition
00:40:48there was only
00:40:50950 left
00:40:54more than 49,000 people
00:40:56had deserted
00:41:00on October 23
00:41:02there was only 50 Adventists
00:41:06the next day
00:41:08there were only 950 left
00:41:14everybody left
00:41:16and they said
00:41:18Jesus is not coming after all
00:41:21but 50 Adventists
00:41:25but the prophecy is correct
00:41:31and God always reveals
00:41:33so we have to study more
00:41:37so they studied
00:41:39and they went back to the sanctuary
00:41:43and then they understood
00:41:45that the cleansing of the sanctuary
00:41:47refers to the final judgment
00:41:51that the cleansing of the sanctuary
00:41:53refers to the final judgment
00:41:57they also found Hebrews 8.5
00:42:05please read it at home
00:42:07we still have a lot to cover
00:42:15but in that opportunity
00:42:17they discovered that
00:42:23it was a symbol
00:42:27what the earthly
00:42:29high priest did
00:42:31is a symbol of what
00:42:33Jesus Christ our high priest
00:42:35is doing in heaven
00:42:37and all the sins
00:42:39that were confessed
00:42:41and forgiven
00:42:43during the year
00:42:45were cleansed
00:42:47from the most holy place
00:42:49and placed on a scapegoat
00:42:55and all the sins
00:42:57that were confessed
00:42:59and forgiven
00:43:01during the year
00:43:03were cleansed
00:43:05So let's look at the sanctuary now, and let's get an idea of the symbols, what they mean, and how it applies in heaven.
00:43:20In heaven, who is our High Priest?
00:43:26It's clear, Jesus is our High Priest.
00:43:29So the process in Israel, the Day of Atonement, is known as the Day of Judgment.
00:43:39Let's look at the symbols of the sanctuary.
00:43:46This is the real labor where the priests wash their hands and feet.
00:43:59This is what we call the type, and the symbol in heaven is the anti-type.
00:44:12Whether in heaven or on earth, we'll see what is the symbol of this.
00:44:20This type was met by its anti-type, the baptism of Jesus in A.D. 27.
00:44:29When we are baptized, we are participating in the symbol of washing in the blood of Jesus.
00:44:48There's another type, the altar of sacrifice.
00:44:52In the altar of sacrifice, the sins were confessed upon the head of the lamb, and the lamb was slain.
00:45:08That was the type.
00:45:11The anti-type was the death of the Lamb of God.
00:45:18When did it happen?
00:45:19When did it happen?
00:45:21Exactly on the day, on the Passover.
00:45:26Not exactly on the day only, but also at the exact time He died at 3 p.m.
00:45:40So here we see God acting exactly according to His calendar, and the Lamb of God died exactly according to the calendar.
00:45:50He slept on the Sabbath day in His tomb, and He resurrected on the third day.
00:46:12And exactly on the third day when He resurrected, He became the firstfruits, according to 1 Corinthians 15.
00:46:20He is following the calendar again.
00:46:33Jesus was on earth 40 more days, and then He went to heaven on the 40th day.
00:46:38And then He told them to wait in prayer for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
00:47:0050 days after the Passover is Pentecost.
00:47:08So we see all of the disciples praying, and suddenly on Pentecost, they heard like a sound of a wind, and like fire descended on their head.
00:47:17We see here that at that moment, the disciples were in prayer, they were in confession, when suddenly the Holy Spirit manifested Himself on them.
00:47:27On that very moment, Jesus was anointed as our High Priest in heaven, and the oil, like the beard of Aaron, fell down, and the Holy Spirit anointed the disciples.
00:47:38Very interesting.
00:47:41Jesus continued His daily ministry of applying our, when we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
00:47:56And we see Jesus fulfilling that role.
00:47:59If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
00:48:08And He applies His own blood, not the blood of a lamb, His own blood as payment for those sins.
00:48:27Almost all Christians believe in the final judgment.
00:48:31It's biblical.
00:48:34Before Jesus can come and take His people home, there must be a final decision made in every single case.
00:48:50Hebrews 9.27 says, and it is pointed unto men once to die, and after this, the judgment.
00:49:00Hebrews 9.27 says, and it is pointed unto men once to die, and after this, the judgment.
00:49:09We all know that unless Jesus comes in our lifetime, we all will die. Everybody knows that.
00:49:14We all know that unless Jesus comes in our lifetime, we all will die.
00:49:25When Becky and I were flying our plane up through, the mission plane up through Puerto Rico,
00:49:38we landed in the little airport of Isla Grande.
00:49:45Right near San Juan.
00:49:48There was a big yacht, massive private ship.
00:49:58They told me it was worth $250 million.
00:50:09And I said, well who does it belong to?
00:50:14Well, it used to belong to Steve Jobs from Apple Computers.
00:50:24But he just died.
00:50:26And his children are fighting over that.
00:50:32So, how much money did Steve Jobs take with him to the grave?
00:50:36To the grave.
00:50:45That's why the Bible says, it is appointed once to die, and then the judgment.
00:50:56If the person dies, there is nothing left but the judgment.
00:51:03Look at Revelation 20, verse 12.
00:51:07And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God.
00:51:10And the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life.
00:51:13And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.
00:51:18Everybody, whether you believe in God or not,
00:51:24whether you're an atheist, a Buddhist, or a Christian,
00:51:30everybody will stand before God and give an account.
00:51:36And the book of life is the book of life.
00:51:38Whether you're an atheist, a Buddhist, or a Christian,
00:51:44everybody will stand before God and give an account.
00:51:51The prophet Daniel saw the beginning of that judgment.
00:51:57In Daniel 7, 10.
00:52:02And a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him, talking about the Ancient of Days.
00:52:09That's God the Father.
00:52:15Thousands and thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousands times ten thousands stood before him.
00:52:26And the judgment was set, and the books were opened.
00:52:31That's the beginning of the judgment.
00:52:33When the sanctuary was cleansed, or beginning the cleansing process in 1844, that was the judgment that began.
00:52:48The Day of Atonement in Israel is called Yom Kippur.
00:52:55It is Judgment Day.
00:52:58It is the Day of Atonement.
00:53:03The sanctuary is to be cleansed.
00:53:09Brothers and sisters, we are living in the very last judgment right now.
00:53:21The type was in ancient Israel.
00:53:24The anti-type is happening right now.
00:53:33It started on the Day of Atonement,
00:53:37right on the calendar.
00:53:40If the calendar is telling us when things are to happen, don't you think we ought to pay attention to the calendar?
00:53:52If we don't pay attention to the calendar, the day will catch us by surprise.
00:53:55We are living today,
00:54:00actually living in the Day of God's final judgment.
00:54:06Jesus is about to come back,
00:54:10and the judgment will finish before he comes back.
00:54:15So, how are you living your life?
00:54:17Trying to make money, trying to climb the ladder into a better position, trying to get authority.
00:54:31Everybody is soon to have their name come before the judge of the universe.
00:54:34The president of this country,
00:54:39every minister,
00:54:42every mayor,
00:54:45every authority,
00:54:48in every country,
00:54:50every nation,
00:54:52in every country,
00:54:55is going to have their name brought before the judge of the universe.
00:54:58We are going to be the judges of the universe.
00:55:01We are going to be the leaders of the universe.
00:55:03country will pass before the judge. Human judges, human lawyers will stand before the
00:55:16throne. Have you done justice? God is going to ask you. Here's my law. You are held
00:55:28accountable to this law. The President of the United States, the candidates for presidency,
00:55:39the President of the United Nations, the Secretary General, the Pope, every religious leader
00:55:50will stand before God and have to give account for what he's doing. You and I are about
00:55:58to stand before the judge. It's a solemn thing to stand before a judge. If you want to know
00:56:08God's calendar, read Leviticus 23. God will tell you what he requires on every single
00:56:17calendar date. The sacred calendar is a reminder to us of Christ's death, his resurrection,
00:56:32his anointing as High Priest, the beginning of the final judgment, and the calendar will
00:56:44show us when that judgment is going to end. When that judgment finishes, it will be the
00:56:52end of probation for all mankind. When that day of grace finishes, there is no changing sides.
00:57:06We are ready or we're lost. God's people will be sealed.
00:57:18Every saint will be circled by a rainbow. God will confirm his covenant with his people,
00:57:28and he will announce the day and the hour of his second coming. At Jesus' coming will be fulfilled
00:57:41the final symbol of the sanctuary service. What is that called? The feast of tabernacles.
00:57:58How do I get ready? You need to know that God's calendar is active today.
00:58:12It was not nailed to the cross. What was nailed to the cross was our sins,
00:58:21not the calendar, not God's way of working. The Pentecost was after the cross. The beginning
00:58:361844 was after the cross. God is still acting according to his calendar. Remember that the
00:58:46biblical calendar's way of calculating is the Karaite method, the biblical method of calculation.
00:58:59Pay attention to that calendar and every event as it takes place.
00:59:09Prepare your heart. Remember what God has done for his people in the past and what he's about
00:59:15to do for you in the future. Do you want God to surround you with his protection in the future?
00:59:30Yes or no? Absolutely, but we need to understand what God is doing.
00:59:39What are the events that are still waiting before us?
00:59:46The feast of trumpets is right, it announces 10 days before the day of atonement to prepare your
00:59:53heart. It begins on October 2 at sundown.
01:00:0610 days to prepare your heart. You say, oh, but that is past. We're living in it right now.
01:00:23We're living in a day of judgment right now. If we should ever be prepared, it's right now.
01:00:28Every Seventh-day Adventist should know that,
01:00:37but the majority don't even know. They're too busy with other things.
01:00:43They're too busy going to church and forgetting that their lives are being looked at by God.
01:00:48Prepare your heart. God gives us 10 days to prepare.
01:01:02Some of us may not even have 10 days. Maybe in 10 days we may not be alive anymore.
01:01:06The day of atonement is on October 11.
01:01:19You should have your heart ready for that day.
01:01:23On October 16 and 23 is seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles.
01:01:28Then on the eighth day, the 24th, it should be a big banquet. Make a big
01:01:40supper. Do something special.
01:01:49Do you all like banquets? One person?
01:01:55Two, three? Oh my, this is easy. It's only a few people like to eat.
01:02:04The majority don't like banquets. Come on, try again. Do you like banquets?
01:02:12That's a little better. We all love banquets.
01:02:15You know what? The Feast of Tabernacles, the anti-typical fulfillment is yet to come.
01:02:32When Jesus comes, he will take us on a seven-day tour of the whole universe.
01:02:37That's the real Feast of Tabernacles.
01:02:45On the eighth day, we're going to get to the New Jerusalem.
01:02:52Our mansions are waiting there. Everybody will have a mansion.
01:02:58Then will come the wedding supper of the Lamb.
01:03:01Jesus himself has prepared the table and he will serve us with his own hand.
01:03:14By the way, look what Patriarchs and Prophets says.
01:03:21Page 540, well would it be for the people of God at the present time to have a Feast of
01:03:28Tabernacles? A joyous commemoration of the blessings of God for them.
01:03:43Isn't that what it says? Yes or no? Well would it be?
01:03:51Well, on October 16, we haven't made all the plans yet,
01:03:59but we're planning to invite all of our missionaries to come to Zamaipata
01:04:10for a week-long Feast of Tabernacles. We're going to even have a feast on the eighth day.
01:04:20I don't know how we're going to pay for it, but we're going to do it.
01:04:27If you want to bring your tent and some food and you want to join us,
01:04:38come. Come and join us, but we're going to do that up in the mountains for those who want to.
01:04:44Everybody needs a vacation. We're going to have a wonderful time, we're going to hike,
01:04:54we're going to praise God, we're going to sing, and we're going to thank God for his goodness
01:05:02throughout the year. So if you're as stressed at home and at work, come join us.
01:05:15And if you're in another country, do something special in your country.
01:05:23May God bless us with his great joy this time.
01:05:29And like they say in Israel,
01:05:37may your name be written in the Book of Life.
01:05:40That's why I want my name. Let us enjoy a special music at this time.
01:05:53It is well with my soul.
01:05:58That is what we want to all hear when our name passes before the judgment.
01:06:03Let us kneel before our Lord and thank him for the blood that was shed.
01:06:23Heavenly Father, you sent your Son to this earth.
01:06:29He lived a perfect life.
01:06:33So that he might give us his perfect record.
01:06:41And he took our sins and bore them to the cross.
01:06:49Our sins were nailed to the cross.
01:06:54Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your dear Son.
01:06:58We praise him.
01:07:02We give him our lives.
01:07:06And we only ask that you will live in our hearts.
01:07:12Take away all sin.
01:07:15All desire of worldliness.
01:07:20May we live for Jesus.
01:07:23May our lives be a testimony.
01:07:25And may we be ambassadors to a dying world.
01:07:33We long for Jesus to come.
01:07:36Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
01:07:39In Jesus' name we pray.
