• last year
Psychology vs. Technology: Confronting Your Digital Doppelgänger
Picture this: you enter a room and encounter a living, breathing digital replica of yourself. This isn’t just a mirror image; it knows your thoughts, shares your beliefs, and genuinely believes it is you. How would you navigate the profound implications of this eerie encounter? Explore the intersection of psychology and technology as we confront the complexities of identity in a digital age.

00:00:00 Introduction to Mind Uploading
00:00:29 The Concept of Digital Doppelgängers
00:00:47 Coexistence Challenges
00:01:15 Psychological Implications of Identity Crisis
00:01:52 Authenticity and Perception
00:02:07 Interpersonal Challenges with Digital Self
00:02:16 Competition vs. Collaboration
00:03:00 Mental Health Impacts
00:03:22 Ethical Questions of Autonomy
00:03:58 Issues of Privacy and Identity Theft
00:04:16 Existential Questions
00:04:39 Navigating Future Implications
00:04:56 Redefining Identity
00:05:15 Conclusion: Psychological and Philosophical Questions


