Nach langer Funkstille gibt es endlich neues Gameplay aus dem düstere Action-Adventure Hell is Us . Das Spiel soll laut Aussage der Entwickler an Spiele der 90er Jahre erinnern und schickt euch in das vom Brügerkrieg verwüstete, aber abgeschottete Land Hadea.
Spielfigur Remi wurde in Hadea geboren, allerdings im Kindesalter außer Landes gebracht. Bei dem Fluchtversuch kam auch seine Mutter ums Leben. Nach Jahren im Ausland kehrt Remi als Teil einer UN-Friedensmission nach Hadea zurück, um auf eigene Faust mehr über die eigene Vergangenheit zu erfahren.
Das Gameplay besteht aus einem Mix aus an Death Stranding erinnernden Laufeinlagen und Souls-ähnlichen, knackigen Kämpfen gegen übernatürliche Monster, die durch die Grauen des Krieges heraufbeschworen wurden.
Auf eurer Spurensuche erkundet ihr die semi-offene Spielwelt und werdet dabei vom Spiel nur geringfügig an der Hand genommen. Es gibt kein Quest-Log oder eine detaillierte Map , stattdessen müsst ihr eure Umgebung auf eigene Faust erforschen und selbst herausfinden, wie ihr weiterkommt.
Das Action-Adventure erscheint 2025 für die Playstation 5 für Xbox Series X, PS5 und den PC.
Spielfigur Remi wurde in Hadea geboren, allerdings im Kindesalter außer Landes gebracht. Bei dem Fluchtversuch kam auch seine Mutter ums Leben. Nach Jahren im Ausland kehrt Remi als Teil einer UN-Friedensmission nach Hadea zurück, um auf eigene Faust mehr über die eigene Vergangenheit zu erfahren.
Das Gameplay besteht aus einem Mix aus an Death Stranding erinnernden Laufeinlagen und Souls-ähnlichen, knackigen Kämpfen gegen übernatürliche Monster, die durch die Grauen des Krieges heraufbeschworen wurden.
Auf eurer Spurensuche erkundet ihr die semi-offene Spielwelt und werdet dabei vom Spiel nur geringfügig an der Hand genommen. Es gibt kein Quest-Log oder eine detaillierte Map , stattdessen müsst ihr eure Umgebung auf eigene Faust erforschen und selbst herausfinden, wie ihr weiterkommt.
Das Action-Adventure erscheint 2025 für die Playstation 5 für Xbox Series X, PS5 und den PC.
00:18Hi everyone, my name is Jonathan Jacques-Belatet.
00:20I'm the creative director and the art director on Hellas Us.
00:23I hope you enjoyed the trailer that you've seen recently.
00:26Today we're back in the spotlight.
00:27I'm going to show you a bit of gameplay, a bit more than what you've seen in the trailer.
00:31And I hope that you will enjoy this part greatly.
00:33All right, so let's start with the basics.
00:35So Hellas Us is set to be released in 2025.
00:39It's for pretty much everything.
00:41So Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5 and PC.
00:45So the game is a bit of a take back to games from the 1990s.
00:49We're a team of passionate people.
00:51The average on the team is like 20 years of development experience.
00:55So we're from different generations and we have a lot of love
00:57for how the games in the 90s were made and how they were played and experienced.
01:01Especially the fact that, you know, there was no hand-holding.
01:05There was no silver plattering.
01:06You kind of had to figure stuff out by yourself.
01:09You were really in control of your exploration and your own discoveries.
01:12And this is what we're trying to do in Hellas Us.
01:16Obviously with modern flair and kind of like modern knowledge of game design and whatnot.
01:21But very much puts you back in the driver's seat of your experience and of your exploration
01:26and then the result and the joy of your discoveries.
01:31So Hellas Us takes place in a country called Hadea.
01:34Hadea is in the grips of a vicious civil war.
01:38You play the role of Remy.
01:39Remy is actually from Hadea.
01:41He was born there, but his mom smuggled him out at the age of five.
01:44Like it sometimes happens in those countries.
01:47And what I mean by that is Hadea is a hermit state.
01:49It's a turtle state.
01:50It's completely closed off on itself.
01:52Nobody goes out.
01:53Nobody comes in.
01:54And that's why Remy's mom decided to smuggle him out so he can have a better life.
01:58He grew up in the foster home system or the foster system in Canada.
02:02He's always wanted to come back to Hadea.
02:04He wants to find his parents again.
02:06He wants to kind of like confront them.
02:07He's got a lot of questions for them.
02:08He understands why they abandoned him.
02:10But yet, you know, abandonment is pretty much the biggest trauma that a child can have.
02:15And there's like a loop that hasn't been closed properly for him towards this situation
02:19and his parents.
02:20When the game starts, Remy has finally been able to infiltrate Hadea during the brutal
02:26civil war that I was talking about.
02:27Remy is a ON peacekeeper.
02:30He quit his post.
02:31He went AWOL, infiltrated the country.
02:34And this is where the game starts.
02:36Remy remembers two things.
02:37And that means the players remember two things.
02:39It's that his village of birth was called Jova and his father was the blacksmith of
02:45Those are the only clues you begin the game with.
02:47And these are the only clues that Remy also knows.
02:49So equipped with this knowledge, with these clues, you begin a game and you try to find
02:53your way to Jova.
03:19Okay, so let's talk about this design philosophy that I've mentioned earlier, which is, you
03:48know, I said the word silver platter rank is something that I had been thinking about
03:51for quite a few years and the team as well, which is if you look at modern day or contemporary
03:56adventure games and RPGs, pretty much everything is given to you on a silver platter.
04:01What I mean by that is when you explore, everything appears in front of you.
04:04You know, you have your compass on top of you.
04:05That's like a sixth sense, like a magical sense that detects, you know, all the caves
04:09and all the cool stuff around you and the towers and this and whatnot.
04:13It just appears magically.
04:14And you have your map and you have your mini map and you have your quest markers and you
04:17have your objective markers and you can drop your own markers and you have your quest
04:20journals and it just never ends.
04:22And if you think about it, what happens with that is that you're not truly, truly exploring.
04:27You're just kind of like flying by wire.
04:28And when you find something, it's not really your discovery.
04:31It was kind of handed to you on a silver platter.
04:34So what you're looking at now is we're having a discussion with a bloke named Ernest Cadell.
04:38He's telling us certain information and then he tells us it's quite far.
04:42You need to itch a ride.
04:43You might find people that are willing to give you a ride.
04:47It's up to the north of my house.
04:48So you're going to have to use your compass, but your real compass, right?
04:50With the coordinates on it.
04:51North, south, east, west, blah, blah, blah.
04:53And follow that.
04:54And he tells you that in the lost woods, in order to find your way out, just follow the
04:58wind chimes.
04:59He says, I've attached them there for my kids when they were young because they kept getting
05:02lost in those bloody woods.
05:04And then he tells you, follow the sound of the wind chimes and you'll find your way on
05:08the other side of the woods.
05:10That's how we do it.
05:11It's very organic.
05:12It's very realistic.
05:14You know, someone in real life could have told you the exact same thing.
05:16So the environments, the visuals of the game are not just there to illustrate.
05:20They're there to communicate.
05:22So you need to play the game.
05:23You need to open your eyes.
05:24You need to open your ears to what NPCs tell you and you'll find your way and you'll
05:28discover things and you will truly own your discoveries and the great joy that comes
05:34with that.
05:49So here's another scene or another section that could be considered part of our player
05:53plattering philosophy.
05:55So here's a puzzle and there's obviously a solution to the puzzle, but nothing eventually
05:59is going to tell you, you know, if the player ends up kind of like taking a bit of time
06:03to find a solution.
06:04There's not going to be any artificial kind of ways that are going to help him or tell
06:08him what to do.
06:09Remy's not going to start talking to himself or i.e. talking to the player with, you know,
06:13little clues and whatever.
06:14It's really up to you to figure them out.
06:15And in the way that the player plattering is inserted in this, we have a good example
06:18here with your trusty drone named Cappy.
06:21By the way, you can tell now that Remy has his poncho and he has his sword and he has
06:25his drone.
06:26So it's after he's acquired them, right?
06:28Because at the beginning of the game, you saw he was not dressed like that.
06:31Now there's a reason why he ends up dressed like this.
06:33There's a reason why he needs these things, this equipment, but we don't need to get
06:37into these details today.
06:38So anyway, there's an ancient language in the country and you kind of find it throughout
06:43the game.
06:44And the drone has a software, one of his many softwares, and this specific one can translate
06:50the ancient language.
06:51So this puzzle, the way that it works, you need to kind of like explore and observe your
06:55environment around this specific puzzle in order to find the clues on how to solve it.
07:00You need the drone, your trusty Cappy.
07:02His name is Cappy.
07:03Also, there's something behind that, of course.
07:06And you translate those old texts.
07:08It gives you little passages of a poem or a psalm or something like that.
07:12And through what they tell you and the order in which they seem to have to be pieced back
07:18together, you find your clues on what this puzzle does and how to solve it.
07:22So again, the players are kind of like just led to their own devices, but things are there.
07:28The answers are there.
07:29And you have to explore.
07:30And again, I repeat it, you have to open your eyes and open your ears and you'll figure
07:34it out.
07:51So by now, you've seen a lot of what I guess is like exploration and looking around and
07:56talking to people and doing puzzles and all that kind of sweet stuff.
07:59But if you've seen the trailer, you of course notice that there's another big aspect of
08:04the game, which is third-person melee combat.
08:07So we like to say that the game is 50% exploration and 50% combat.
08:12The game is not at all only about combat, and it's definitely not at all just walking
08:16around and figuring stuff out.
08:18It's the combination of both.
08:19And we also think that the way that we've combined them is quite refreshing and quite
08:23And hell is us.
08:25So like I said, combat is an integral part of the game.
08:27I do want to emphasize now that we're not a Souls-like game.
08:31The game is a lot more mid-core.
08:32It's have fun getting it.
08:34And hack and slash, it doesn't mean it's easy.
08:36It's not overly hard.
08:37There's a learning curve.
08:38There's subtleties.
08:39There's little things that we've invented just for the flair and the flavor of hell
08:43is us.
08:44It's very crunchy.
08:44I think the friction is pretty good.
08:46And I hope you'll enjoy it.
08:48So there's a wide variety of enemies in the game.
08:51So we have kind of like the more common enemy type, which we call the Hollow Walker.
08:55So it's these kind of humanoid bipedal white enemies that you can see here with the holes
09:00in their faces and their chests and whatnot.
09:02So obviously there's a reason why they're called Hollow Walkers.
09:04And there's different types of them and different kind of tiers of strength and powers.
09:08But when you're facing pretty much the biggest threats in the game, it's what we call like
09:13a dual entity.
09:14So it's like a Hollow Walker has a haze inside of it.
09:17So it's when the haze is present.
09:19I'm not going to get into the details right away of what the haze represents.
09:22It's all part of the lore and what you'll figure out in the game.
09:25But when you're facing a combo like these dual entities, and you can go to like three
09:28of them, four of them, there's the herders, there's the fervents and different types like
09:33But that's when you really need to master the combat system.
09:35That's when you start having to use all the tools and techniques at your disposal.
09:39The drone has tons of skills to upgrade it.
09:42And the drone is very much your little sidekick to help you in fighting multiple enemies at
09:46a time.
09:47He's not a sidekick in a sense where he talks and he has an AI.
09:49He's very much a drone that has its own protocol to do this crowd management during the combat.
09:54So you have your different weapons, you have your limbic skills, attack to weapons, which
09:58is basically you consider as your magic.
09:59Even though in the game it's not considered magic, it's kind of like a scientific base
10:02to them.
10:02But that's when you really need to master all the little subtleties of the combat system.
10:06Use all the tools in your arsenal and at your disposition and get in the melee with these
10:12kind of dual or triple or quadruple entities and being able to manage them and be victorious.
10:19So like I mentioned, here specifically you can see a combat against a limbic entity that
10:24has multiple hazes attached to the hollow walker.
10:27That's when it gets really complex.
10:28It gets very overwhelming because you're alone.
10:30But you got your trusty little Cappy.
10:32So you need to use its skill.
10:34So for example, Cappy has a skill where you can distract an entity, either a haze or a
10:39hollow walker.
10:40You can use the forward charge, which is one of my favorite.
10:42You also have the typhoon.
10:44You have the super dash skill, which is another one of my favorites.
10:47So you can start dashing sideways or backwards really, really fast.
10:50It gives you like this Japanese action game style.
10:53And then you also have your limbic skills.
10:55So you need to find the glyphs in the game and you need to attach them to your weapons.
10:58And this is when you start getting powers that come from these weapons that allow you
11:02to take care of these enemies in much more powerful and kind of like impressive ways.
11:07That's when the VFX and the sound effects all come together and give you this combat
11:12bang that we all like and love.
11:14Okay, so now let's take a little pause from the combat and let's go back to the investigation
11:20and the exploration.
11:21So like I said, there's no silver plattering.
11:23There's none of these kind of like fly by wire.
11:26It's up to you to figure out what your kicker is.
11:29What I mean by kicker is what you're supposed to achieve at this specific moment, what you're
11:32actually looking for, where to look for it and how to look for it, right?
11:36Remy and the players are at a ratio of information, which is 1-1.
11:47So one of the tools that we're providing you to still kind of help you a bit and manage
11:51this 1-1 kind of like knowledge ratio is your data pad.
11:54Think of it as a bit your investigation wall if you want, but in a digital 90s format.
12:00So your clues, your leads, the important people that are related to your investigation
12:06trying to find your parents and a lot more eventually are all stored here.
12:09They're linked together by the relationships and now it's up to you to go and investigate
12:14about them.
12:22So as you can see here, some of the areas can be quite wide opened.
12:26This one here called the Casa Marshes is one of the bigger ones and as I spoke quite a
12:31bit already, the game doesn't hold your hand or doesn't really tell you where to go.
12:34So out of your main leads or clues or ideas that you have in your head of what you're
12:39supposed to do or where you're supposed to go at any given moment, you will also be
12:43attracted by a lot of points of interest or just little things in the environment that
12:48pique your curiosity and as you walk towards them or explore, that's when you'll start
12:52also making a ton of like peripheral or side discoveries on your own, things that you
12:56cannot solve right away or things that you might think that there is a thing to be done
13:00with it when there's none and it's all part of the fun stuff and the kind of like
13:04experience that we're providing in the game.
13:06So as you can see here, there's a tree with people that have been hung.
13:10Like I said, this takes place during a very vicious civil war between two different ethnicities
13:14in the countries that are still basically the exact same people and you found this tree.
13:18It's actually not part of the golden path or not part of something tremendously important
13:22in the game, but there's still something around it.
13:25There's still something to be found and it's probably linked to more stuff that you
13:29can do in relation to it, but that you had to do your own exploration to find it and
13:34even more of your own exploration and investigation to figure out what it's linked to and what
13:39you can do from it if you want.
13:49So here we are in a dungeon in the game.
13:52So yes, the game has dungeons.
13:53This was really important to us.
13:55Like I said at the beginning, there's a bit of a love letter to games from the 90s,
13:59but one of the challenges was the game takes place in a contemporary setting.
14:02The game takes place in 1993 and yet we still wanted dungeons in the game and I didn't want
14:07the dungeons to take place in an abandoned metro station or in an abandoned factory because
14:12it's the modern era.
14:13I still wanted the dungeons to be very ancient things and this brings us to another really
14:17important aspect of the game or one of the very important themes of the game, which is
14:21history, historicity, deep history.
14:23So history that goes even before history.
14:25So there's a lot of mysteries and a lot of lore and the origin of what's going on in
14:28the country and the link to the civil war is all tied to that deep history and also
14:32what has happened since.
14:34I won't get into too much details because that will be part of another video for you
14:37guys, but you can see a bit of it here and it shows you the varied palettes and moods
14:42and atmospheres that we have in the game, which also I think is something quite interesting
14:46and unique that we're doing in Hell Is Us.
14:49Thanks a lot.
14:50Thanks for being with us.
14:51I hope you enjoyed it.
14:52I'm extremely grateful to have you guys following us, the team as well.
14:56So just to repeat, the game Hell Is Us will be released in 2025 as a box series, PlayStation
15:015 and PC and there's a lot more coming soon about the game.
15:05This is just the beginning.
15:06We'll explain other aspects of it and get into some topics that we'll be covering in
15:11the future.
15:11But for now, thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.
15:18...sometimes a bit of the minutia, so stay tuned and speak to you soon.
15:22Thank you.