Police Interceptors S23E05 (30th September 2024)

  • 2 days ago
Police Interceptors S23E05 (30th September 2024)
00:00This is Police Interceptors, and you're riding with the pride of Northamptonshire.
00:12Ace pursuit drivers, with air support, and a crack dog unit.
00:28They bring down the bad guys, keep the streets safe, and battle 24-7 in the war on crime.
00:47Here's what it is, isn't it? We find them, we lock them up.
01:01When you play the game of drones...
01:06You get nicked.
01:12King of the stingers...
01:20Man's worst enemy...
01:21He's clearly quite scared of dogs.
01:36We've just been parred by a white SUV.
01:40Yeah, I got that.
01:42We're just going to spin around until we catch it up.
01:44It's the early hours. Interceptors have spotted a stolen car.
01:49And it's all systems go.
01:55Cars are plotting up across the county, cutting off escape routes and readying to box in the target.
02:04Multiple units, including Scott, are racing to intercept.
02:08Scott once fell down the bank of the N1, trying to catch a swan.
02:12Proving they really can do you an injury.
02:16He's more concerned with a potential jailbird tonight, as he looks to lock up the Merc thief.
02:28Cars are plotting up across the county, cutting off escape routes and readying to box in the target.
02:35Cars are plotting up across the county, cutting off escape routes and readying to box in the target.
02:47Are you behind it, Ed?
02:49But right now...
02:56The only thing that's seen it are ANPR cameras.
03:00Trying to hide the car out of the way.
03:05The net's tightening though.
03:13The Merc's been spotted.
03:16And Scott's off to join the party.
03:19I think we're coming off at junction 2.
03:23We'll try and get to the inside on 5199.
03:26So we've got a unit behind the stolen vehicle now.
03:31There's a convoy of three, just trying to play catch up with it.
03:37The lead car tailing the Mercedes is unmarked.
03:41Left, left, left. 85199.
03:43The lead car tailing the Mercedes is unmarked.
03:48But the target's constantly changing direction.
03:55Which may mean the driver knows he's being tailed.
04:09The cops smell a decamp and they want to be ready.
04:13The Mercedes does keep slowing down every time it gets the opportunity to try and create a bit of a gap.
04:18Scott's just a mile away.
04:23But that's an ocean in a year like this one.
04:28It's been one of the wettest UK winters ever recorded.
04:32Luckily, interceptors aren't afraid to get their wheels wet.
04:37And that's how to go through flood water.
04:40As Scott closes in, further north, the Merc has pulled up.
04:45Just in front of an unmarked unit.
04:52Any doubts they know that they're being followed have been laid to rest.
05:02Guiding in Scott and other units...
05:05Cops in the lead car are convinced the suspected thief plans to bail out.
05:16Scott's almost there.
05:24He tucks in behind the lead car.
05:34Which has just been outmanoeuvred.
05:44The runaway has gone off road and crashed into a fence.
05:51They can't get to the fleeing driver.
05:55And there's a whole lot of dark to hide in out there.
06:05The suspected car thief could be anywhere.
06:22Interceptors are after a suspected car thief in a hot Mercedes.
06:27We've got a unit behind the stolen vehicle now.
06:30He's led the cops to the wilds of the county.
06:34Taken the scenic route.
06:38And legged it in the dark.
06:44It's a dodgy needle in a pitch black haystack, but interceptors can cover a lot of hay.
06:49North Hans police boast 41 trained drone operators.
07:02And Scott's the newest of them all.
07:18This is Scott's maiden flight in the field.
07:21A lot rests on his rookie drone skills, but he's not alone.
07:34Police dog Rocky is also tracking the runaway.
07:41Rocky and Rocky need to work together and stay sharp to find their needle in the dark.
07:48If you stop at the unmarked, that's where, sort of hook or right, that's where they are.
07:54That's where the car's decamped, directly in front of it is a set of woods.
07:57So I'm just trying to scan over that wood, see if I can pick any heat signatures off it through the middle of it.
08:01Got dog handler there now, and then...
08:07Wait, wait.
08:17I can see one on the screen.
08:21Rocky's had no joy picking up a scent, and it's up to Scott to marshal their various resources.
08:27ARVs, for your information, they seem to be tracking a little bit further up from where you are at the moment.
08:35The dog handlers.
08:38So what I'll do is I'll focus my search in this general direction.
08:43In such a big area, everything hinges on the drone finding a telltale heat signature.
08:49Appears to be something there.
08:53Scott's locked on to flesh and blood thermals.
08:57That's a horse or something similar.
09:00But they've backed the wrong horse, and time is running out.
09:04The drone's been up for 15 minutes, and its battery is running low.
09:10Keeping one eye on Rocky.
09:16One on the surrounding area.
09:19Dog handler, I've got a slight heat source to your right, where the dog is, to the right of the dog.
09:24Scott goes all in on an outside bet.
09:27I've got a slight heat source, I can't determine what it is.
09:30Scott, where I am.
09:32Where's this heat source?
09:34About a metre further forward, so to your left now, and then to the right.
09:38Last bets.
09:41But have they backed the right runner this time?
09:44It looks like it might be coming from underneath that gazebo-y type thing in front of you.
09:51Where's the boy?
09:55Someone's shining their torch at it.
09:58Someone's shining their torch at it, to that gazebo in front of you.
10:04Yeah, we've got him.
10:06Mate, come out under there.
10:08Come out under that. Come out now and show me your hands.
10:10Come out and show me your hands.
10:12Show me your hands and get up.
10:14Get up now or you'll get bit.
10:16Get up now or you'll get bit.
10:18Move the thing out of the way.
10:20Move it up, kick it out.
10:22Stand up and face the boy.
10:24Face that.
10:28Mate, you under arrest or what?
10:30As first flights go, it couldn't have gone better.
10:33Yes, got him from the drone.
10:36One detained.
10:39You got anything on you, any shots or anything?
10:41Nades, weapons?
10:43Oi, answer me, any nades or any weapons?
10:45I don't understand, Tim.
10:47The next challenge, get their runner to the cars.
10:52Yeah, I'm going to push it.
10:53It's not exactly red rum, but he's over the fence.
10:57There you go, jumped out. You OK?
11:01And into a traffic car.
11:03Take a seat in there, please, young man.
11:06Hats off to the whole team.
11:08Cracking job done between myself, the initial...
11:11I'm a dog handler, so police, one, criminals, nil.
11:15I'm buzzing. One in custody.
11:19Scott may be buzzing.
11:21But his kit's beeping like 80s electro.
11:24Just as the batteries die as well,
11:26so, yeah, can't complain about that.
11:39Yeah, all the other three doors are locked,
11:42so it is going to be just the driver that was in it,
11:44so I think we definitely have our man.
11:46And he's also well known for keyless entry.
11:48He's also well known for keyless thefts,
11:51so he's bang at it.
11:54Jobs don't get better than this,
11:56unless, of course, they do.
11:59Mate, what's your name?
12:01Because firearms cops have just caught a second man
12:03who they believe is the Merc driver's accomplice.
12:06We've now got the vehicle that's bought them to steal the car
12:10with all the kit used to steal it,
12:12so two in custody and one crime group now dismantled.
12:19The runner, tracked by drone and reined in by Rocky,
12:23is awaiting a charging decision for theft of a motor vehicle,
12:26failed to stop, dangerous driving and driving without insurance.
12:31The alleged accomplice who was caught with kit for copying car keys
12:35was convicted of handling stolen goods
12:37and driving without a license or insurance,
12:40plus numerous unrelated offences including theft of a motor vehicle.
12:45He was banned for 28 weeks,
12:46had to pay £187 and was sent down for 45 weeks
12:51at his Majesty's pleasure.
13:03A member of the public has flagged us down
13:05because they said they've just had someone jump in their back garden
13:08and steal their dog.
13:10We're a nation of dog lovers.
13:12We've found him!
13:17And the Interceptors are no exception.
13:20Very cute and soft.
13:22They love little dogs.
13:24I know, we'll get you home in a second.
13:26Big dogs.
13:28You frightened me there.
13:30Clever-clogged sniffer dogs.
13:32Good boy.
13:34Even big softy tracker dogs.
13:36Good lad.
13:38He's a good boy.
13:40I mean, who wouldn't love a face like this?
13:42And one cop who certainly has a soft spot for man's best friend
13:46is dog handler...
13:48Is it Ruthers Sork Village?
13:51Lucy Sculthorpe.
13:53Oh, yes, yes.
13:55Sorry, boys, you were going to get out, weren't we?
13:58She's out tonight with police dogs Bryn and Socks.
14:02Behind the school gate, he's just over there.
14:06OK, mate, thank you.
14:08I'll be as quick as I can.
14:09There's no rest for the wickedly committed.
14:12The caller's reported a male
14:16that she thinks is stealing fuel from vehicles.
14:19Might be that, might be something else suspicious,
14:22but it's certainly something unusual.
14:24ARVs have got there and located what they think is the vehicle
14:28that's linked to potentially a suspect,
14:31but there's nobody with it,
14:33so we're going to go and see if we can track with Bryn.
14:36And see if we can find the suspect.
14:39But the village itself is very rural.
14:43When Lucy arrives at the scene of the alleged thefts...
14:51Hello, mate, where do I need to start?
14:54..there's a pretty big clue that their suspect is still in the area.
14:58I mean, he ain't going anywhere, is he?
15:00Especially not if we've got his car.
15:02And a pretty big clue someone's been on to.
15:04And a pretty big clue someone's been up to no good.
15:07Have we had a look in here? Is there fuel?
15:10I can smell fuel and his fuel cap's open.
15:13Right, OK, I'll get Bryn out and go from here then.
15:16One character who can smell a whole lot more than that
15:19is police dog Bryn.
15:24Bryn's favourite day out is the beach.
15:26Despite being a German shepherd,
15:28he stays off the sun loungers, preferring ball games.
15:32Oh, and a Mr Whippy.
15:34Bryn, wait.
15:36Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
15:38But at work, Bryn's all business.
15:41Bryn, here.
15:43Ah, no, get on.
15:45Get on, get on.
15:47There are clues not far from the suspect's car.
15:50There's stored fuel in here, Jimmy.
15:52Bryn, no.
15:54Yes, yes, but there's no way through.
15:56And they're not hard to follow.
15:58I've found an attacked vehicle.
16:02This 118 rescue vehicle has had its fuel stolen.
16:08Right, we're going to try and get into this field, I think.
16:13I'm just trying to work out where the scent goes.
16:15So he's tracked really strongly up to here.
16:18I'm just going to try and put him in the field
16:20and see if we can get anything in there.
16:21Good boy.
16:23Right, I'm in the field.
16:35I think he might still be in this garden.
16:38Lucy's being watched over from on high.
16:41Max, have you got me on your drive?
16:44I've got you.
16:46I've got you.
16:48I've got you.
16:49Max, have you got me on your drive?
16:51Just keep an eye on me on live location.
16:54But she doesn't need protection with a loaded Bryn by her side.
16:58I think he's here somewhere.
17:00The dog's going nuts in this field.
17:02Find him. Steady.
17:04Steady, steady, steady.
17:06Here, here.
17:10Roger, the dog's indicating into a premises.
17:14It's got like a big circular structure into it.
17:17Bryn, wait.
17:19Lucy says Bryn's the best tracking dog she's ever had.
17:23His record is a two mile track over tricky terrain with an arrest at the end.
17:28This track's really strong.
17:30Nobody else would be stupid enough to come down here.
17:33And nothing's going to stop the master tracker completing this assault course.
17:43Even if Lucy's making harder work of it.
17:46Wait, wait.
17:55Bryn! Out!
17:57Right, get out!
17:59Bryn's found what he was after.
18:01A man who stinks of diesel cowering by a water butt.
18:04Right, do not move.
18:07Do you hear me?
18:09Move, move away from the dog.
18:12Move away from the dog.
18:15Few things are more frightening than a barking Bryn in your face.
18:19I've had to put the dog over a fence and I'm the other side.
18:23But a barking Bryn without Lucy is one of them.
18:26Hands! Let me see your hands!
18:28Mercifully, framies arrive from the other direction.
18:32Stand up and walk towards me!
18:35Stand up and walk towards me!
18:38Do it now!
18:40Do it now! Walk towards me now!
18:45Walk! Walk!
18:47Walk towards me!
18:49Right, keep walking!
18:51Turn and face the wall! Face the wall!
18:54I don't know English, I can't understand, sorry.
18:57Your hands are small in your back.
18:59Go up to your knees, to your knees!
19:01To your knees!
19:03Yeah, no problem.
19:05You're under arrest as a suspicion of theft. Do you understand that?
19:08No, I'm not English.
19:10His English isn't great.
19:12Okay, roll towards me and I'll put you up on your bum.
19:15Okay, sit up.
19:17Sit up.
19:19Thank you. Thank you for everything.
19:21Okay, don't move.
19:23I'm not English, I understand this perfectly.
19:25At least he spoke enough German Shepherd to know not to run.
19:29Keys for what?
19:30Yes, keys.
19:31Car? Car keys?
19:32Yeah, car keys.
19:33What sort of car?
19:34My car.
19:35What sort of car? Audi?
19:36Audi, my car.
19:39There's no dog police, I'm scared of dogs.
19:41It's your lucky night then.
19:42Let's walk you out of here.
19:43No, I'm a dog.
19:45Yeah, dog's fine. Dog's up there, don't worry about the dog.
19:47The dog's with a handler, don't worry. You're not getting bit.
19:50Keeping him well clear of Bryn...
19:52This way then, chariot awaits.
19:54Hey, dog, you're not coming.
19:55Walk this way.
19:57Please not a dove.
19:58The interceptors lead the dog lover back to the cars.
20:01Mind your head, mate.
20:02While Lucy confirms he wasn't injured.
20:05Has he been nibbled or not?
20:07No, as far as I'm aware.
20:08He sounded like he had, but I don't know if he was just scared.
20:10No, he's just scared.
20:11Oh, that's fine. Okay, cool.
20:13Wonderful. That's what we like.
20:15It's a scientific fact that dogs can smell fear.
20:18So this was probably the easiest track of Bryn's career.
20:23Generally, the stronger the scent is on a track, the stronger he will pull me.
20:27Because he wants to get to that person.
20:30Because that's the end of the game for him and he gets his reward.
20:33He's jumped over that fence right at the end by himself.
20:37Which he wouldn't normally do because it was quite high.
20:40And then obviously the bloke screamed because he's almost landed on top of him.
20:44He's clearly quite scared of dogs.
20:51After investigation, no further action was taken against the dog lover that Bryn scared half to death.
20:58Though it won't have done his fear of canines any favours.
21:03In the meantime, the master tracker has earned a refuel at his favourite fast food joint.
21:09Well, he had a cheeseburger last night for his prisoner.
21:11So if they've got a McFlurry, that's his other favourite.
21:15Yeah, just do that now.
21:21Coming up.
21:22We've got all the front tyres and I think we've also got that back tyre as well.
21:26Stung by a stealth bomber.
21:28I didn't even know you were there, mate.
21:29I know, because I'm like a ghost.
21:32Burglars in the burbs.
21:34Yeah, one, two, confirm break.
21:36They've smashed in the rear door, gained access.
21:42And things get spicy with a driver from Chile.
21:45The car's coming with me anyway.
21:48The car's coming with me anyway.
21:50Hold that, hold that.
21:51Hold that.
21:52I won't.
21:53Hold that.
21:55You are getting out of this car.
22:06Let's go.
22:08When it comes to being prepared,
22:12Interceptors take a leaf out of another crime fighter's book
22:15and tool up like Batman.
22:20Packing everything from 50,000-volt tasers
22:24and eye-watering Parvus spray
22:26Six-one, male's been tasered and sprayed.
22:29to telescopic jab sticks full of sedatives.
22:32We've got authority from the local vet.
22:35And tyre nibblers called stingers.
22:38Vehicle's stunned, vehicle's stunned.
22:41What it is, is a long bed of nails.
22:46There's a load of hollow spikes
22:48and they will stick into a car's tyre
22:50and slowly deflate the air.
22:53It's almost impossible to keep driving without tyres.
23:05Flying through town on four intact tyres,
23:08bombers bag the early shift.
23:11It's midweek morning.
23:13We're going to be patrolling the north side of the county today.
23:20From briefing, there's a white Transit van
23:23that's been moving around on clone plates.
23:27We need to get that stopped.
23:29We need to find it first.
23:32Yes, yes, the mark has been put on it.
23:34Yes, it's the same thing. It's the plate.
23:36Right, that's it. This is the van.
23:38We're going.
23:40The clone van is a way away.
23:42It's hit the AMPR cameras on the other side of the county.
23:47We're going to try and put these pre-emptive tactics on
23:49and get it stopped.
23:51Hopefully, before they even know we're there.
23:54The plan is to stop the van
23:55before the driver has a chance to get his foot down.
23:58Which means Bomber needs to get ahead of it.
24:02One of my colleagues is behind the car now.
24:06We're approaching the roundabout with the A43 at the hotel.
24:10It will be aware of our presence.
24:13They're in a marked car.
24:15There's a good chance they're going to get caught up.
24:19We're going to try and get a stinger.
24:21Kettering side.
24:23There's a continuous stinger.
24:25Kettering side.
24:27There's a continuous stinger.
24:29Romeo, Papa 64. Confirm it's gone towards Geddington?
24:34Yes, yes.
24:37Roger. I'm heading towards the roundabout now.
24:44I'll look at getting a stinger sight in Geddington for you.
24:48That would be lovely.
24:49We'll do well to get this out.
24:52Bomber's worked his way in front of the target van.
24:54But it'll be here in a matter of minutes.
24:57We've got to find the stinger sight quick.
24:59The Interceptor needs somewhere to hide, so the driver doesn't spot him with a stinger.
25:06It's Bridge.
25:08Have I got any cover?
25:21Here's going to be the best place.
25:25Just trying to get it set up now.
25:35Bomber's wanted to be a cop since he was a nipper.
25:38And he needs to get a wiggle on if he's going to nip the target with a stinger.
25:43It's going to be where the crossing is.
25:49Because the van's due any second.
25:52Stinger sight is set up.
25:54At the level crossing.
25:57After the pub.
25:59Copy. It's on its way towards you now.
26:04We're about 50 metres out.
26:06Stay sharp, Bomber.
26:10Just approaching the pedestrian crossing now.
26:13Because this is it.
26:19Hidden from sight, Bomber hauls the stinger across the road.
26:23And it spikes bite.
26:27He then pulls the device clear just in time for the pursuing patrol car...
26:32Move up, move up, move up.
26:35...to fly by untouched.
26:38With flat tyres, the van's soon stationary.
26:45Out of the car, mate. Out of the car.
26:47I'm not making any moves.
26:49At this moment in time, you're under arrest.
26:50This is a clone motor vehicle.
26:52I didn't know it was a clone.
26:54How long has it been?
26:56Get some formalities done first.
26:58This guy's saying he doesn't know anything about it. He's just bought it.
27:01That may well be the case.
27:03Either way, it's definitely a clone.
27:06He can't possibly have any documents for it.
27:08I never knew that was on plates.
27:11I just bought it.
27:13I bought it literally a couple of days ago.
27:15Who did you buy it off?
27:17I've got no log book for it or nothing.
27:18I never knew it was on plates or nothing.
27:20Either way, he's getting nicked.
27:22You're not into the plates at all?
27:24You've got a full driving licence?
27:26No, I haven't got nothing.
27:28You haven't got anything? You've got a provision or anything like that?
27:30No, I ain't gonna lie to you.
27:32It's fair to say Bomber's handiwork came as a shock.
27:35I swear to God, it scared me like that.
27:37Not you, but obviously you scared me behind me.
27:40That stinger, man.
27:42It's never happened to me before.
27:44And I didn't know the van was on plates. I honestly didn't.
27:46We'll get to the bottom of it, won't we?
27:48Ultimately, the main issue at the minute is obviously you've got no licence, no insurance.
27:52I'm not disqualified or nothing.
27:54You've just never had a licence?
27:56No, I've never had a licence. I'm not disqualified or nothing.
27:58I'd never jump down that wheel if I was disqualified.
28:00I shouldn't even be behind the wheel anyway.
28:02We do indeed.
28:04Who stung me?
28:08He had it in for me. He stung me.
28:10I haven't got it in for you. I didn't even know you were in it.
28:12I didn't even know you were in it.
28:13I didn't know you was there, mate.
28:15I know, because I'm like a ghost.
28:17He said to me, he said, I didn't even know you were there.
28:21Which is exactly what we wanted as a pre-emptive.
28:24You think if I knew that stinger was there, you think I would have gone straight over it?
28:28Mate said, do you think I knew the stinger was there?
28:31That's the stinger all collapsed.
28:33We've lost spikes along two rows.
28:38So we've got all the front tyres and I think we've also got that back tyre as well.
28:41So two, maybe three tyres.
28:44This type of vehicle, because obviously it's a van.
28:47We don't know what it's carrying, but it's obviously a heavier vehicle than most cars.
28:51So pre-emptively stinging it was the best option for us really.
28:56By taking the speed out of it, it reduces the risk for us and other members of the public.
29:00The stung van isn't the only thing running slowly.
29:03Why didn't you put your blue lights on, man? I would have pulled straight over.
29:07You should have seen me there. We've been here 20 minutes.
29:08I know, I was just waking up, that's why.
29:11But the driver gradually gets up to speed.
29:14Did you follow me from Wellingborough?
29:16You did, innit?
29:18You swung on me in Corby town and I knew you swung on me, innit?
29:23Unlike his motor, there's no stopping his mouth.
29:26And it did not take all these coppers this quick yet to get to here?
29:30You see me and you just thought, let's have daddy. It's been a long time since I've had him.
29:35And now he just wants to get his van back.
29:38And I'll get it back then or what?
29:40But you're going to have to get the original plates put on it.
29:42You'll have to get the original plates put on it.
29:44Yeah, obviously.
29:46And you'll have to pass your driving test, obviously.
29:49What? What?
29:51No further action was taken regarding allegations of cloned plates.
29:56But Motormouth pleaded guilty to driving without a licence and insurance.
30:01He had to pay fines and costs of £256 and got 8 points on any future licence.
30:06Which finally took the wind out of his sails.
30:19What type of licence do you hold?
30:23Checking someone's qualified to drive isn't always straightforward.
30:26So before you had a Spanish?
30:29What licence do you have now?
30:31Now, Romanian.
30:33A Romanian licence?
30:34But with an estimated 470,000 drivers on Britain's roads not possessing a valid driving licence...
30:41I'm not convinced he's got a licence.
30:43He's got two date of births from PNC.
30:45The benefit of the doubt...
30:47Have you got a driving licence?
30:49Being honest.
30:51Is not in an interceptor's playbook.
30:53Have you got a licence?
30:57When we stop someone, if we're not...
30:59If he's got a licence, brilliant.
31:00And if we're not sure at the roadside, by allowing him to drive off, we're risking other people's safety.
31:14Paul and Harrison are on the afternoon shift.
31:17And a car with markers for a disc wall driver has just pinged an ANPR camera.
31:23Hopefully it'll be in this traffic up ahead.
31:25Eyes peeled for a white hatchback with a dodgy driver.
31:30There he is.
31:35Respond to the disc wall driver.
31:37Paul has doubts that the old boy at the wheel is their man.
31:42Not that old people don't disc wall drive, but...
31:45I'm going to put it out there that he might have just bought this or something.
31:49Whether or not he's Paul hangs in the balance.
31:51But heavy traffic tips the scale.
31:54There's two behind us.
31:56The traffic's really heavy.
31:58I'll just get them to pull in here.
32:05Hello, sir, you all right?
32:07Can you just follow my colleague into...
32:09Follow the police car, please, and pull in the left-hand side.
32:11It's not exactly a high-speed stop.
32:14Conventional way to stop it, but you never know.
32:16But with Paul's car in front and Harrison behind,
32:19it's a tidy town centre teapack.
32:25You all right? You all right to put the handbrake on?
32:28But is this their disqualified driver?
32:31Have you got a full licence?
32:33I have a provisional licence and I have a broad licence.
32:38I'm entitled to drive here for a year.
32:42Apparently, he has a provisional UK licence and a full foreign one.
32:46I sent a licence for a new one.
32:49He sent it for a renewal.
32:51A provisional wouldn't cover him without L plates
32:54and a qualified driver alongside,
32:56so a lot hinges on his foreign licence.
32:59What is your driving licence?
33:01Which country?
33:07I'm entitled to drive one year.
33:10OK, thanks for telling me that. I didn't know.
33:12It's true. A Chilean licence would cover him.
33:14It's true. A Chilean licence would cover him here for 12 months.
33:18But Harrison has his doubts.
33:20I'm not going to be surprised here if he hasn't got a licence.
33:25I'm going to ring Immigration.
33:27Paul decides to check how long the driver's been in the country.
33:34Yeah, I'm ringing Immigration.
33:36PC Clooney likes to be in possession of the facts.
33:39Clooney, as in George.
33:42And in this case...
33:45They aren't going to do the suspect any favours.
33:48When did he come in the country?
33:53The driver first came to the UK around 17 years ago.
33:57Wow. Hmm.
34:00Paul knows all about spin.
34:02He represented Great Britain at table tennis
34:05and he's about to lob the ball back into the driver's court.
34:09And when did you come to England?
34:11This afternoon.
34:13So, why earlier were you saying that you can drive in this country for a year
34:19when you came in this country in 2005?
34:3118 years.
34:33For 18 years.
34:36Last time his Chilean licence was valid here,
34:39Tony Blair was Prime Minister.
34:40But you've been here 18 years?
34:44So, I think you've gone above and beyond driving here for a year.
34:49I was abroad and I came back.
34:51It doesn't matter.
34:53And I'm going to say that you're driving whilst otherwise in accordance with a licence.
34:56So, pass me your car keys so you can't drive off.
34:59Pass me your car keys.
35:01No, I cannot pass it.
35:04Why do I have to pass my car keys?
35:06Because I'm taking your car.
35:07No, I'm not.
35:09No, you told me the law, now I'm enforcing it.
35:12Not if the driver has anything to do with it.
35:17Sorry, sorry.
35:19OK, I'll arrest you then, that's fine.
35:21I'll arrest you, that's fine.
35:23Because I'm taking your car.
35:25For otherwise in accordance with a licence.
35:27We can either go to the police station or you give me your car.
35:29Er, stand by.
35:31Let's go.
35:33What about my car?
35:34What about my car?
35:36Right, the car's coming with me anyway.
35:38The car's coming with me anyway.
35:40Hold on, hold on.
35:42Hold on.
35:44You are getting out of this car.
35:46No, no, no.
35:48Right, listen.
35:50We are taking this car, like it or not.
35:52I can't do nothing wrong.
35:54Right, well calm down then, so we don't have to go any further than this.
35:57Calm down then, so we don't have to go any further than this.
36:00We're taking the car.
36:01But you're the person who's getting aggressive with me.
36:04No, because you're refusing to let me take your car.
36:09Because otherwise in accordance with a licence.
36:11Sir, sir, please, please.
36:13Right, we're taking the car.
36:15End of.
36:17Step out of the car for me please, come.
36:19Absolutely not necessary.
36:21Stand on the path.
36:23The driver still doesn't think he's done anything wrong.
36:26You're not going to believe me.
36:28I've been trying to get my licence, my full UK licence.
36:31Every time when I go to take the test, they turn me down.
36:34It turns out the people who turned him down were driving test examiners.
36:39Have we discriminated?
36:41No, you need to pass the test. It's not about discrimination.
36:44It's about passing the test.
36:46Discrimination against bad drivers.
36:48You need to do a full UK licence if you're staying in this country.
36:53It's not just you, it's everybody.
36:55Everybody, everybody in this road, everybody in this town.
36:58I'm never going to get it.
37:00I'm the foreign guy, I still have the British passport.
37:03What, so you're saying the system's racist?
37:06I think it works different for...
37:08No, that's absolute rubbish.
37:11If my colleagues finish with you, you're free to go, but that's absolute rubbish.
37:15Become a better driver and pass the test. How about that?
37:21Are you finished with him?
37:22I've been trying many times to get a full UK licence,
37:27but I've been discriminated against in this country.
37:30I took the test four or five times.
37:33I went to different places.
37:37Leicester, Willingbrough, Birmingham, different places.
37:44Discrimination, xenophobia against foreigners is overwhelming.
37:49Not discrimination. He's had 18 years.
37:52He's just been able to go and get his licence started.
37:55Pull your finger out, knuckle down, get your driving test sorted here.
38:00Our man from Chile was issued with a fixed penalty for driving without a licence.
38:05He requested a court hearing, was found guilty as charged,
38:09and ordered to pay £155.
38:17Coming up...
38:18Please don't tell me to take that. Anyone need to make themselves known now?
38:22Home is where the grass is.
38:25Yes, it's called cannabis growing.
38:27They've converted rooms on both the second and third storey.
38:30Roughly 50-ish plants spread across two rooms.
38:32The downstairs grow room is the best one, and we've got four grow rooms.
38:48Cannabis-related crime was once thought to be low-level.
38:54Now it's big business, attracting organised crime.
39:03You get the organised groups that will rent a house
39:11and convert every single room, bar say a bathroom or a kitchen, into a grow room.
39:18And with million-pound grows increasingly common,
39:22it's no surprise cannabis gangs are playing dirty.
39:26You'll quite often have gangs that will hit each other's cannabis grow houses.
39:32They want to stop their competitors, as it were, in their tracks.
39:36It's just about making sure that we...
39:44Rob's take on weed farms will have to wait, due to a burglary in progress.
39:50There are people that can see others trying to get into a house.
39:54He's in Northampton.
39:56Last they said about four minutes ago that they didn't know if they were still inside.
40:01If we get there sharpish enough, we might find them there.
40:05Sharpish is Rob's middle name. Well, actually, it's Ben.
40:09But as a pursuit-trained advanced driver in an M340i, it may as well be.
40:15And on clear 3am roads...
40:18I'm just about to go 10-6.
40:20He's on scene before you can say, fasten your seatbelt.
40:31Which that way?
40:33What are they wearing?
40:35The burglars haven't hung around. Four men have been seen making a run for it.
40:39He said there's at least four of them. They're all in black, ballied up.
40:43Reports describe a gang in balaclavas who may have weapons.
40:47He reckons they're tooled.
40:49While the search party hits the streets...
40:52Which one is it they've got into, mate? This one?
40:54Rob moves in to secure the scene of the break-in.
40:58Yeah, 1-2, confirm break.
41:00They've smashed in the rear door, going to access it.
41:04Odds are we're not dealing with Raffles, the gentleman thief.
41:10The house is as quiet as the grave.
41:12And Rob heads inside to investigate.
41:15Hello, police, anyone in?
41:22He secures the downstairs without a peep from anyone inside.
41:26Police, I'm talking to Taser! Anyone in, make yourselves known now!
41:30No-one's making themselves known, but something's making Rob's nose twitch.
41:36Er, 1-2, I think it's going to be a grow. Bear with me.
41:41Following that trusty trouble detector, the intrepid interceptor,
41:45hacks his way into the house.
41:47I'm going to have a look.
41:49I'm going to have a look.
41:51I'm going to have a look.
41:52The trouble detector, the intrepid interceptor,
41:55hacks his way through the suburban jungle.
42:05A long transformer alley.
42:10Police, I'm talking to Taser! Anyone up here, make yourselves known now!
42:13Up the staircase of ventilation.
42:18To the curtain...
42:20..of truth.
42:25Yeah, it's a confirmed cannabis grow.
42:28They've converted rooms on both the second and third storey.
42:32It's a modest grow.
42:34How many plants are looking up?
42:362, 3, 4.
42:384 x 4 is a 16, so it's doubled up upstairs for the size.
42:4216 and 32.
42:4446 later.
42:46I'd say roughly 50-ish plants.
42:49Spread across two rooms.
42:51About 40 grand's worth.
42:53But Rob thinks there was growing room in this outfit.
42:58They weren't finished.
43:00They were in the middle of, I think, converting a couple of more rooms in the property.
43:04Looks like the burglars struck out.
43:07I don't think they've had an opportunity to actually take anything yet, though.
43:11And it looks like mystic Rob's a clairvoyant
43:14who speaks of gangs robbing cannabis grows
43:16only for it to come to pass immediately.
43:19Ironically, four persons all masked up,
43:23ballied up, have broken into this property.
43:26They probably would have known that was a cannabis grow
43:29and they've done it either in an attempt to deal with the person that's growing it
43:33or it might have been to have got in there and taken
43:36quite a lot of the produce and other things in there that's worth something
43:39before they were disturbed by a neighbour.
43:41The four masked runners haven't been found.
43:44Probably organised enough to have a vehicle to get away.
43:47But it's a lose-lose for two groups of drug dealers.
43:50They haven't had an opportunity to take it and sell it
43:53and we're going to be able to deny at least two of the groups
43:56that are looking to use it the opportunity to do so.
44:00The plants seized at the house were destroyed.
44:03No further action was taken regarding the potential burglary.
44:07Whether it was Rob,
44:08or the police,
44:10whether their narrow escape deters the culprits from future break-ins,
44:14only Mystic Rob can say.
44:17Talking about it, it's almost like we've manifested that.