Dororo episode 1 [ English Dubbed ] Dororo to Hyakkimaru episode 1 english dubbed

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00My lady, please, endure just a little while longer.
00:21You can do it.
00:22Be strong.
00:23Your child will be here any minute now.
00:53Sir Daigo.
01:22One who willingly steps into this hall of hell has made a choice-
01:28to cast off Buddha and the gods in favor of the demons.
01:33I see it is futile to try and stop you.
01:41But hear me one last time.
01:44Sir Daigo, to cast off Buddha is to tread the path of evil,
01:51It is to no longer be human.
01:54If you cross this line, only hell shall await to embrace you on the other side.
02:00You foolish priest.
02:02We are living in hell already.
02:05The holy path of the Buddha that you so dearly worship does not exist on this plane of reality.
02:11There shall be consequences.
02:15I care not.
02:28I thank you, sir.
02:31This will be my salvation.
02:34This world is indeed hell.
02:36Just as you said.
02:38The prayers I offered seem more and more pointless.
02:41My greatest fear, after all my years of worshipping,
02:45was that someday I would begin to doubt Buddha.
02:51I'm glad to die before that day had arrived for me.
02:54So Daigo, please stay away from the demons that you so seek.
03:00Do not let yourself succumb to evil, as enticing as it may seem at the moment.
03:06No, priest. It is too late.
03:12Twelve demon gods.
03:14I am Daigo Kagemitsu.
03:17Under the order of Togashi Masachika, governor of Kaga province,
03:21I serve as the great lord of Ishikawa.
03:24Repeated famines and epidemics have swept my land,
03:27weakening my people to the point of prolonged starvation and untimely death.
03:33Given the state of my life thus far,
03:36I shall never attain the power and renown I so crave.
03:40My ambitions will remain a mere dream.
03:43But I refuse to rely on the Buddha or the gods.
03:47I do not offer you a prayer.
03:49Prayers can too easily go unanswered.
03:52I seek a bargain.
03:54If you protect my land and allow me to rule as I so wish,
03:58I shall give you anything of mine.
04:00As long as the land is protected, hear me now.
04:04Take from me whatever you wish. Anything!
04:08Do we have a deal, demon gods?
04:23My lady, just a bit more. Almost there. Push.
04:28Oh, please, Kanan. God is a mercy.
04:31Lend me your strength.
04:41Oh, what a boy!
04:44Well done, my lady.
05:01What is it?
05:02My lord.
05:03Is the baby born?
05:05It is, but, uh...
05:06What? Speak, woman!
05:08It is done. We have a blessing.
05:12You now have a son.
05:14My lady.
05:15An heir. You've done very well, my wife.
05:18Sir, no.
05:25I do not know what happened, my lord.
05:27He is most certainly alive, but has no limbs to walk,
05:30eyes to see, nor a nose to smell.
05:33He has not even skin to cover his body.
05:36I shall give you anything of mine.
05:38Hear me now.
05:40Take from me whatever you wish. Anything!
05:43My lord, I feel a deep, profound love for this woeful child of ours.
05:48His appearance matters not to me,
05:50for he is our son made from our love and union.
05:58I have done it.
05:59My dream will now be fulfilled as I see fit.
06:01Done what?
06:02The demons agreed to the deal I proposed to them.
06:07You need not worry, my wife.
06:10Thank you for bearing him to term.
06:12What are you doing?
06:13Don't take him away from me! Come back!
06:16Forget him.
06:17Pretend he never existed in the first place.
06:19No! Please, don't!
06:21My lady. No, you mustn't get out of bed just yet.
06:24My lord, have mercy.
06:25My wife, forget him. He was doomed to an early death.
06:28Then at least let him pass in the arms of his mother.
06:30Enough of this nonsense!
06:37You will have the chance to bear another.
06:39No, you must.
06:41The next will be the heir of a great ruler.
06:55What's this?
06:57My lord, it was damaged whenever the lightning struck earlier.
07:01The midwife believed it may be some sort of sacrifice.
07:37I have no idea what could have caused this.
07:40And sadly, dear child, our life would be far worse than any death.
07:50Now, this is it, dear.
07:53Buddha will await you on the other side.
07:59Why do I hesitate so?
08:01I should be accustomed to doing these deeds by now.
08:07Do you, child, have the desire to go on?
08:28The rest is up to you and luck, dear boy.
08:45It reeks around here.
08:47The smell is the rancid, sickened stench of evil.
09:18What is that?
09:21It certainly is no human.
09:23And yet it is not a yokai either, is it?
09:27Two truths, but smells of a curse just the same.
09:38Daigo Kagamitsu's land rested at the border of Kaga.
09:43And on this day, so began its steady rise to prosperity,
09:48overcoming vicious famines which previously crippled its people.
09:54Meanwhile, a tiny soul, cursed by the sins of his father,
09:59quietly vanished into the wild.
10:04In this age, there was never a fortnight without the horrors of war.
10:10The lives of the people meant nothing more than the stones on the ground.
10:28Hello there.
10:30Are you the doctor who has been fitting prosthetics for the dead
10:33so the living may mourn properly for them?
10:37Your name is Jukai, correct?
10:40Your work is truly commendable.
10:43It's not. I just figured it'd be better than having to throw away all the extra prototypes.
10:48But I am sure they are still grateful for it.
11:10Yamato no Orochi Legend
11:41Come on! First come, first serve!
11:47What have we here?
11:51This is just about everything we were carrying with us, isn't it?
11:55Got any proof this stuff is actually yours?
11:57Shut up! You said you were out here starving to death,
12:01so we hired you to look after all our stuff.
12:03We hear this isn't the first time you've gone around pulling this kind of stunt.
12:07Pretty gutsy for a kid.
12:08Some gentleman asked me to make sure you paid for it this time.
12:12This is what you get for thinking I'm just some stupid kid.
12:15You know what, guys? You can learn something from me.
12:18Right. No more Mr. Nice Guy, kid.
12:21You will suffer the consequences just like an adult.
12:26All right, you little snot!
12:29Deadbeats like you ain't gonna catch me!
12:45Thank you, sir.
12:47Don't just stand there. Say thank you.
12:51Is there a festival today, Mama?
12:53Of course not. We just had one not that long ago.
12:56But that guy had a mask covering up his face.
13:03Where did that little street urchin go?
13:06What the...
13:08It's shit!
13:12God damn it!
13:14Clean yourselves up and try your luck elsewhere.
13:18What the fuck? That kid is gonna get it now.
13:27That was fun.
13:30It's way too bad about that load, though.
13:32That was some good stuff.
13:34Well, I'll just have to find another sucker.
13:39What is it?
13:41Hey, can't find your mommy?
13:44Are you hungry or something?
13:46I, uh, got this.
13:48No, I can't. I'm afraid you have to learn how to live on your own now.
13:52Trust me, it wouldn't do you any good to spoil you.
13:55You gotta learn how to find your own food.
14:00I'm sorry. I'm doing this for your own good, you know.
14:05No escape now, Dororo.
14:08Hey! Let that poor little thing go!
14:10Is this your puppy?
14:12Maybe I'll have to punish him along with you.
14:14How about that?
14:16Put it down.
14:17Then do what I say.
14:27Get it through your thick skull!
14:29You rip us off again and you're dead!
14:32Oh, you asked for it, now!
14:34Oh, that's it!
14:42Listen up.
14:43You better leave and never come back.
14:46Got it?
14:49You can go to hell.
14:53Nobody ever gets to just order me around.
14:56I choose where I go and when!
15:02You wanna get pounded pretty bad, huh?
15:05Well then, be my damn guest!
15:11Hey! Bring me that straw mat over there!
15:13We're wrapping this kid up!
15:16Sure thing.
15:24What are you doing? Hurry up, you damn moron!
15:26Hey, um, uh...
15:27There's some guy standing up there.
15:33There's something wrong with his face.
15:35His eyes, too. Where's he even looking?
15:37Who is this creepy freak?
15:41Hey there, buddy!
15:42You got a problem or what?
15:44We're not down here just beating up on some innocent little school kid, you know.
15:47He's getting exactly what he deserves.
15:50You hear me?
15:51You looking for trouble?
15:56I don't think that...
15:58He's looking at us.
16:01His eyes...
16:07It's like he's looking straight past us, but...
16:11What the hell are you talking about?
16:13There's nothing to see out there.
16:25It's just some floating garbage.
16:27What the...
16:34It just...
16:35It ate him!
17:08That guy's not even looking at it!
17:58Oh, wow!
17:59That was...
18:00Really amazing!
18:13Hey, that face of yours...
18:15And your eyes and ears...
18:17They're all fake, right?
18:19How do you know what's around you?
18:21I bet you can't hear with those fake ears, can you, mister?
18:27I would be way too scared to walk even a single step with my eyes closed.
18:31But you can run and jump all over without a cane or anything!
18:35How are you doing all that, anyway?
18:38What is it?
18:39What's wrong?
18:41Are you okay?
18:55What is happening to the skin on your face?
19:14What in the...
19:19This can't be!
19:31I got a turtle!
19:33It's okay!
19:34It's okay!
19:35It's okay!
19:36It's okay!
19:37It's okay!
19:38It's okay!
19:39It's okay!
19:40It's okay!
19:41It's okay!
19:42I got a turtle top on the hunt!
19:45You are going to get to eat it!
19:47And I, Tahoma Rue, will cook it for you!
19:52Nicely done!
19:57It rained like this on that day as well.
20:04My dear son...
20:19Your face!
20:21What the hell?
20:22What is this?
20:25What are you?
20:28Are you even human?
20:44Want you to lift me up so high...
20:47A place that no one's ever been...
20:51Take me to oblivion...
20:59I wanna feel the dark with you...
21:03A place that no one's ever been...
21:07Take me to oblivion...
21:12Take me to oblivion...
