• last year


00:29It's time for Family Feud's
00:32Love in the Afternoon Valentine Special!
00:40A challenge match featuring the top stars
00:43of television's daytime dramas,
00:45All My Children against General Hospital
00:48in Family Feud's fascinating fight to the finish.
00:52Introducing the ladies of the General Hospital family,
00:55Jacqueline Zeman,
00:57Bianca Ferguson,
00:58Robin Madsen,
01:00Loanne Bishop,
01:01and Emma Sands.
01:02Ready for action!
01:07And the ladies of the All My Children family,
01:10Julia Barr,
01:11Dorothy Lyman,
01:13Marcy Walker,
01:14Ruth Warwick,
01:15and Debbie Morgan.
01:17On your mark,
01:18let's start the Family Feud's
01:21Love in the Afternoon Valentine Special!
01:27With the star of Family Feud,
01:30Richard Duffin!
01:45Thank you very much.
01:48It's day four of our special week
01:51where we have the two best soap operas
01:53in all of daytime television.
01:55General Hospital playing All My Children for charity
01:58and they've done a great job.
02:00We've got two teams,
02:01a team of women and men.
02:03I'm sorry to say,
02:05men so far won all of the money.
02:11Oh, shut up.
02:14Because the ladies are going to win some money today.
02:16They're really absolutely delightful.
02:18Let's give it up for the ladies.
02:20Ha, ha, ha.
02:23Here you go, Mom.
02:26We're playing for the Juvenile...
02:29Diabetes Foundation.
02:30Diabetes Foundation.
02:32Well, they've won $55,
02:34but how much have we won all together?
02:36Oh, wow.
02:39The gentlemen representing won $5,821.
02:42We had a lot.
02:45They made five million today.
02:47That's good.
02:48Let me meet everybody, please.
02:49All right, I figure anyone that can't come up
02:51with the five names of their cast members
02:52is in trouble coming up with those answers.
02:55So I'm going to try this again.
02:56This is Loann Bishop, who plays Rose Kelly.
03:00She's a friend to everyone in Port Charles.
03:03Emma Samms, who plays Holly Sutton.
03:06Hi, Emma.
03:08And we broke in London.
03:10And Bianca Ferguson, who plays Claudia Johnson.
03:12Yay, yay.
03:13Coping out down there at the Sports Center.
03:16And Jacqueline Zeman,
03:18who plays Bobby Spencer.
03:21Very well.
03:23Let me say your character's name, Robin.
03:27I guess they figured I knew my own name.
03:30It's a bad word.
03:32Heather Webber is a bad word in Port Charles.
03:35I like bad words.
03:38They're in the right place.
03:39You did a very good job.
03:40How are you doing?
03:42I'm fine.
03:43A little cutie pie.
03:44A little nervous still.
03:45Don't be nervous.
03:46How long have you been on the show, Miss Emma?
03:48Six months.
03:50Where in England do you hail from?
03:54How pretty.
03:56How did you hear about this job?
03:58I was here already for two years before I got it.
04:02Why didn't you call?
04:05English people have to stick together.
04:07That's right.
04:08And so do we American people.
04:10That's right.
04:11We were only talking about that this morning.
04:12You look darling.
04:13Thank you much.
04:14I love this.
04:15What's this material called?
04:16It's silk liné.
04:18Very nice.
04:20I've got a suit like this.
04:21Well, it's a dress, actually.
04:23Tuxedo top.
04:26Because of you, I had the air conditioning switched on.
04:30Thank you very much.
04:34From all my children, the lady there.
04:37All my children, the ladies are up there.
04:40They're playing for the League School
04:42for Seriously Disturbed Children.
04:44You won $121.
04:45And the guys came out from all my children.
04:47Won $10,700.
04:51Thank you for being here.
04:53Thank you for being here.
04:55Introduce everybody for me, please.
04:56I will.
04:57This is the gorgeous, beautiful Marcy Walker
04:59who plays that devious Liza.
05:01And this is the gorgeous, beautiful Marcy Walker.
05:04Who plays that devious Liza Coleman.
05:07Hey, hey, hey.
05:10And this is Debbie Morgan
05:12who plays Angela Baxter
05:14who's always getting shot up by her father.
05:17Hello, Debbie.
05:18Hi, Richard.
05:20And next, the multi-talented Dorothy Lyman.
05:29Vicky Lawrence leading the applause.
05:32She's daytime and nighttime.
05:33And Julia Barr, who is my darling niece
05:36on the show, Brooke Cudahy.
05:38Welcome back, everybody.
05:42Listen, I got your book the last time you were with us.
05:44And now you've got a record out?
05:46Oh, it's a camp.
05:47It's a hoot.
05:48It's a howl.
05:49It's called Phoebe Tyler Sings and Tells.
05:51And it came out just fantastic.
05:53The music is wonderful.
05:54Will you send me a copy so I can hear it?
05:56Well, honey, I'll come and play it for you.
06:02Marcy, would you come so I could have stereo?
06:06Say yes.
06:10You're gorgeous.
06:11You're so nice.
06:13I love your sweater.
06:15It's very unusual and very pretty.
06:17Well, I love you, though.
06:18Oh, you're sweet.
06:19Time for cheering, Debbie, I'm sorry to say.
06:21Hi, Richard.
06:23Happy Valentine's.
06:25Oh, thank you.
06:26Isn't that sweet?
06:27Happy Valentine's.
06:28You didn't say that to me, dear.
06:30It's all right.
06:31It's okay.
06:32I understand.
06:33What a lover.
06:34Hi, darling.
06:35How you doing?
06:36Very well.
06:37Little one, she's a director of a play off-Broadway.
06:40Star, one of the stars of Mama's Family,
06:43which we had the pleasure of doing.
06:45It'll be on soon when we play the feud.
06:48And she's a dynamite lady, and I love her.
06:51And you're gorgeous.
06:53I want to applaud you.
06:55Standing ovation, please.
06:59We're going to play the feud.
07:00Let's go.
07:03Come on, let's go.
07:08100 people surveyed.
07:09Top five answers on the board.
07:11You got to try and get the most popular answer.
07:13Here's the question.
07:15Name something of yours that you might pawn if you needed a...
07:21Oh, no.
07:24My wedding ring.
07:26Wedding ring.
07:31Here's the question.
07:33Oh, my God.
07:35Phoebe here took a guess.
07:37Happened to be the number one answer.
07:38The question, absolutely right.
07:40You guessed correctly.
07:41Name something of yours you might pawn if you needed a quick $100.
07:46Gonna play or pass?
07:47Talk it over.
07:52I think we're gonna play.
07:53The play's the thing, Robin.
07:54They're going to play.
07:56Well done.
08:00I wish I were.
08:02Name something of yours you might pawn if you needed a quick $100.
08:06A television.
08:07TV for Marcy.
08:11I mean, I just pawned my Dun & Watch last week for $100.
08:21Have you ever pawned that?
08:27I'll say the stereo.
08:30Dorothy's stereo.
08:36How's it feeling?
08:37We're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.
08:40Then I'll say fur coat.
08:43Good answer, Julia.
08:44Very good answer.
08:45Quick $100.
08:46A fur coat.
08:50What might you pawn if you needed a quick $100 claim?
08:55Maybe the family silver.
08:57Something silver.
08:58All righty.
08:59Family silver.
09:03Hey, Hope.
09:04What are you saying, my love?
09:06Um, how about a bike?
09:09A bike.
09:10All right.
09:11A bike.
09:14You got it.
09:15You got it.
09:17Musical instrument.
09:18I'll give you $2.
09:19It's yours if you give me the right answer.
09:20You'll be right.
09:21Musical instrument.
09:23Come on.
09:24Good answer.
09:25Good answer.
09:26It's there.
09:27You get the money.
09:28And if not, $1.
09:29Musical instrument.
09:37Number five?
09:40Come on.
09:41All right.
09:43Never mind.
09:44It was a good try.
09:46We're in shock.
09:47We'll be back right after this.
09:54Let's go.
10:03100 people surveyed.
10:04Top five answers on the board.
10:06Here's the question.
10:07Name a kind of book a couple gets as a wedding present.
10:12Gift book.
10:13What is it?
10:14It's a big gift book.
10:15Gift book?
10:16Explain it to me.
10:17What do you mean?
10:18What do you mean?
10:19Don't change your name.
10:20How do you mean a gift book?
10:21Like a book with pictures.
10:23You know, a big picture.
10:24Like a coffee table.
10:25A book on the coffee table with pictures in it.
10:28Not that.
10:32Good answer.
10:40We're gonna pass.
10:41Are you?
10:43I'll walk her home.
10:44All right.
10:49Album I love.
10:50What kind of book does a couple get as a wedding present?
10:53A photo album.
10:54A photo album.
10:55Good answer, Emma.
10:56Photo album.
11:01What kind of book does a couple get as a wedding present?
11:04Let's go with the Bible.
11:05Let's do it.
11:06The Bible.
11:08All right.
11:14My darling.
11:15Um, a book about child rearing.
11:19Good answer.
11:21Child rearing and the like.
11:31A book on home decorating.
11:32Home decor.
11:33All right.
11:34That's there.
11:36Second strike.
11:37Home decor.
11:39Well, that's what I was gonna say.
11:41It was a nice gift, though, and I thank you for it.
11:43I was gonna say that would have been wrong, too.
11:44Um, I was thinking of how-to books, like, um, you know, like, personal relationships
11:50and how to work on living together.
11:55I got you.
11:56No, I got you.
11:57Good answer.
11:58Thank you, Robin.
11:59I thought you'd think of that.
12:00A how-to book.
12:01I thought you were sure.
12:02I thought you would be so mad.
12:03Oh, no.
12:04I want to make sure.
12:05A how-to book of how the couple should get home together.
12:07Yeah, you know, those, yeah, those, like, psychology.
12:10Say no more.
12:11I'm losing it.
12:12That would be your best friend.
12:14Called Marriage, A Brief Affair.
12:17No, not that.
12:19How many dollars up there?
12:22Okay, um, sex manual.
12:24Um, no.
12:26A how-to.
12:27Okay, Richard.
12:28I need an answer.
12:29I, we want, want the, the book that's there that everybody at the wedding signs in.
12:34I was here and for the put down.
12:36Yeah, that's a good book.
12:37And what they got for the gifts.
12:39Guest book.
12:40The guest book.
12:42The guest book.
12:48Number four.
12:54Come on now.
12:55That's exactly what she meant.
12:57She said the book about the couples getting on.
13:00We'll find out how this works, but, uh, we'll be back right after this.
13:04You've got to give him this.
13:06You definitely should have given them sex manual when she,
13:10all she was doing was being very polite.
13:12How to for a couple.
13:14What do you want to do?
13:15Illustrate it with diagrams?
13:19So listen, when we go into this last question,
13:22if this is a shutout, we're going to put $100 over here for that last question
13:28so they can possibly win it.
13:31You know what?
13:32Hey, you know that I would do the same for your side.
13:35Truly, I would.
13:36You know.
13:37You got $171, nothing for the sex manual.
13:39Let's go.
13:48$100 people serve.
13:53A little early for ballet.
13:55$100 people serve.
13:57A little early for ballet.
13:59$100 people serve.
14:00Top five answers on the board.
14:02Here's the question.
14:03Name a special day when a man is very proud of his wife.
14:09Wedding anniversary.
14:10Anniversary of their wedding.
14:14One answer will beat that.
14:16Um, when they give birth to their first child.
14:21Great answer, Debbie.
14:23Good one.
14:24May I say, very nice.
14:27The birth of their child.
14:33We're going to play with you.
14:40You don't look at that.
14:44Special day when a man is very proud of his wife.
14:50When she gets a job.
14:58You can tell I've been sent out to work a lot by guys in my life, can't you?
15:02Yeah, look at the breakup Julia did.
15:05You like that answer, didn't you?
15:06I thought it was very good.
15:13What special day is a man very proud of his wife?
15:16Mother's Day.
15:19Mother's Day.
15:23She's right.
15:26Well, I think he's going to start being proud of her on the wedding day itself.
15:29All right.
15:30The day they get married.
15:37How about Valentine's Day?
15:40Take a look.
15:42If it's there, okay, you got it all.
15:44If not, second strike.
15:45Valentine's Day.
15:50Well done.
15:52369 to nothing.
15:53Let's go.
16:02Here we go.
16:03Dollar values are doubled.
16:05100 people surveyed.
16:06Top four answers on the board.
16:08Here's the question.
16:09Name a fruit juice you mix with alcohol.
16:14Orange juice.
16:16Orange juice.
16:20Fair pass.
16:22We're going to play the checkers.
16:24I like it when you win, honey.
16:26You jump up and down.
16:27I love that.
16:30Louie, get away.
16:32Fruit juice you mix with alcohol.
16:35Tomato juice.
16:36Yeah, tomato juice.
16:43Tropical juice.
16:44Mixed fruit juice, tropical fruit juice.
16:47Yeah, good answer.
16:49Mixed tropical juice.
16:52Do you know what I mean?
16:53Oh, man.
16:54Oh, man.
16:55I'm not believing this.
16:57I'm going to say lime juice.
16:59That's good, honey.
17:01Lime juice.
17:02I've got to get one right.
17:03It's not there.
17:04I can't understand it.
17:06That was a good answer.
17:07I thought so.
17:08I don't understand that at all.
17:09But Amber will rescue us because...
17:13She's an English girl.
17:15What a responsibility.
17:17Pineapple juice.
17:18Good answer.
17:20If it's there, okay.
17:21That's not true.
17:27Come on, Amber.
17:31That's all I can think of.
17:33Twist a lemon and...
17:34Lemon's there.
17:35You got it.
17:36If not, get ready to steal.
17:41You got it.
17:42All right.
17:43All right.
17:44We're so excited.
17:45Grapefruit juice.
17:47Give me an answer.
17:48Grapefruit juice.
17:49I should have had a V8.
17:51Grapefruit's there.
17:52You got it.
17:53You beat the champs.
17:54If not, you get it.
17:55The game goes on.
17:58Oh, my God.
17:59I think it's amazing to see you.
18:01Go play.
18:02Come on.
18:03Let's go.
18:04Come on.
18:05Watch it, girl.
18:06Watch it.
18:07Watch it.
18:08Come on, Amber.
18:09Come on.
18:10Watch it.
18:11Watch it.
18:12Watch it.
18:13Watch it.
18:14Watch it.
18:15Watch it.
18:16Watch it.
18:17Come on.
18:18Watch it.
18:19I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't
18:49care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care
19:19How many different insurance policies you have? Four. Survey said.
19:26Cold, turning off and red. Survey.
19:31What do people drink with lunch? Milk.
19:35Survey said.
19:38What do you do to kids? Slice them.
19:42Survey said.
19:46Your favorite TV network?
19:49Unabashed, she said ABC.
19:52And the survey said.
19:55Great score.
20:0720 points.
20:1020 points, you got another $5,000.
20:1320 seconds on the clock and remind us all the answers that Toto gave us.
20:32Tell me how many different insurance policies you have?
20:39What color leaves turn in autumn? Orange.
20:42What beverage people drink with lunch? Tea.
20:46Something you do to cakes? Ice them.
20:49Try again. Bake them.
20:51Your favorite television network?
20:54I'm sorry you guys, ABC.
20:57Try again. NBC.
21:00How many different insurance policies you have, you said?
21:14You need 20 points for the money.
21:16Survey said.
21:49Okay, 15, over $16,000 they've won so far for the
21:54Elite School for Seriously Disturbed Children.
22:01And I'm sure all the rest of you know how much General Hospital has won.
22:08Thank you, sir.
22:11And tomorrow we play Boca Sot with the highest winning scores, I can tell you right now.
22:17Tomorrow's gonna be men versus men for the big day of $10,000.
22:21$10,000, you're on the bounty.
22:31This is Gene Wood speaking for Family Feud,
22:34a Mark Goodson television production.
22:38From classic funny moments to vintage names,
22:40you'll see them all on Wide World of Games next.
22:43Then tune in for To Tell the Truth at midnight,
22:45only on Game Show Network.
22:51You're watching Game Show Network.