This Month in Prophecy - September 2024

  • 2 weeks ago
Topics covered:

– Wars in Middle East and Ukraine and the connection to Bible prophecy
– UN Pact for the Future – plan for world government
– Pope says all roads lead to God. Babylon emerging

#babylon #BibleProphecy #faith #Israel #jesus #Messiah #middleeast #pactforthefuture #PopeFrancis #salvation #SignsOfTheTimes #ukraine #UnitedNations


00:00:00Okay, I'm going to sit down. Let's have a word of prayer as we come to the topic.
00:00:15So Lord, we thank you that we can come in the name of Jesus to look at your word
00:00:19and the events taking place in the world today. Pray you help me to speak and
00:00:23guide by your Holy Spirit into all truth. We ask this in Jesus Yeshua's name. Amen.
00:00:30I guess you probably agree that we are living in perilous times, do you? The Bible
00:00:36says that. It says in the last days perilous times will come. 2 Timothy
00:00:41chapter 3. And we see all around us very dangerous and threatening situations in
00:00:47Israel, the Middle East, in Ukraine, Russia and even in our own country we can see a
00:00:53number of things which we don't really like very much happening and which look
00:00:58like they're going to get worse and worse. And the answer of course is to
00:01:02look to Jesus. He's coming. He has come once as the Savior, the Messiah. He's
00:01:07coming back soon as the judge of the world to put things right. And one of the
00:01:12things which is very much in the Bible concerning the last days is the subject
00:01:18of the restoration of Israel as a Jewish nation. And we see that this has happened
00:01:23in our lifetime. Jeremiah 31 says, He that scattered Israel, hear the word of
00:01:29the Lord, O you nations. Declare it in the hours afar off and say, He that scattered
00:01:33Israel will gather him and keep him as a shepherd as his flock. Scattering of
00:01:38Israel is literal, therefore the gathering of Israel will also be literal
00:01:42and God will keep his people until the return of the Messiah. The book of Ezekiel
00:01:47we read, but you are mountains. This is 36 of Ezekiel, verse 8. You are mountains of
00:01:52Israel. You shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to my
00:01:55people Israel, for they're about to come. Indeed I'm for you and I'll return to you
00:02:00and you shall be tilled and sown. I'll multiply men upon you, the house of
00:02:04Israel, all of it, and the cities shall be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt. And
00:02:09verse 24, I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries,
00:02:13and bring you into your own land. But I will sprinkle clean water on you and you
00:02:18shall be clean. I will cleanse you from your filthiness and from your idols. I
00:02:21will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I will take the heart
00:02:25of stone out of out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I'll put my
00:02:31spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you shall keep my
00:02:34judgments and do them. Then you should dwell in the land that I gave to your
00:02:37fathers. You should be my people. I will be your God. Remarkable scripture. It
00:02:43speaks about, first of all, the renewal of the land, trees being built on the trees
00:02:47being planted on the hills of Israel, ancient cities being rebuilt, and it
00:02:53speaks also about the people returning from the nations. First of all, being born
00:02:57of the flesh, if you like. I'll be gathering you out of all nations, bring
00:03:00you into your own land. Then being born of the Spirit, as I will sprinkle clean
00:03:04water upon you, you should be clean. I will cleanse you from your filthiness,
00:03:07from your idols, give you a new heart and a new spirit. So God says that in the
00:03:12process of the last days, God's going to bring them first physically back to the
00:03:16land and then, through a time of trouble, bring them to recognize that Yeshua,
00:03:19Jesus, is the Messiah and to be born again of the Holy Spirit and to look
00:03:23upon him whom they pierced and mourn for him as for an only son.
00:03:27Zechariah 12 verse 10. Zechariah 12 also tells us that Jerusalem is going to be a
00:03:33burdensome stone, burdening all nations at this time. So something's going to
00:03:36happen which is going to cause Jerusalem to be in the frame of the world. We're
00:03:41going to be looking to Jerusalem, trying to sort out a situation about who
00:03:44should Jerusalem belong to. Should it be capital of Israel, capital of Palestine?
00:03:48Should it be an international city? What should it be? The Bible says actually it
00:03:53should be the city of God, where God's going to rule and where Jesus is
00:03:58going to reign at his second coming. There are a number of passages which
00:04:03speak about the end times which are relevant to the present situation. One of
00:04:08them is Psalm 83. Psalm 83 which speaks about the nations roundabout seeking to
00:04:14make an end of Israel and God intervening to save them. So do not keep
00:04:19silent O God, do not hold your peace, behold and do not be still O God.
00:04:23For behold your enemies make a tumult, those who hate you have lifted up their
00:04:27head. They've taken crafty counsel against your people and consulted
00:04:31together against your sheltered ones. They've said come let us take cut them
00:04:35off from being a nation that the name of Israel be remembered no more. They've
00:04:42consulted together with one consent, they form a confederacy against you. The
00:04:45tents of Edom, the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Cagarites, Gebel, Ammon and Amalek,
00:04:50Philistia and the inhabitants of Tyre, Assyria also has joined with them. They've
00:04:55helped the children of Lot. Confederation of nations, whether this is actually a
00:05:00war or just a state of mind is sometimes debated but it's a situation in which
00:05:05Israel is going to have nations coming against them which are geographic, those
00:05:09are actually surrounding nations who are going to be saying let us cut them
00:05:13off from being a nation that the name of Israel be remembered no more. Their goal
00:05:17will be the destruction of Israel, the end of Israel and its replacement with
00:05:22something which is not Israel. Do you see that happening in the world today? Look
00:05:28through Psalm 83, it tells you how God's going to intervene to save Israel from
00:05:31that fate. You also have the passage in the Ezekiel chapter 38, well-known
00:05:37prophecy of Gog and Magog, which an army comes from the north and again God
00:05:42intervenes to save Israel at this time. Ezekiel 38 verse 1, Now the word of the Lord
00:05:48came to me, son of man, set your face against Gog of the land of Magog, the
00:05:52prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him and say, Thus says
00:05:56the Lord God. Behold I'm against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.
00:06:01I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and lead you out with all your army,
00:06:05horses and horsemen all splendidly clothed, the great company with bucklers
00:06:09and shields, all of them handling swords. Persia, Ethiopia, that's Kush in the Bible,
00:06:16Libya, that's Put, are with them, all of them with shield and helmet. Gomer and all his
00:06:22troops, the house of Dagama from the far north, and all his troops, many people
00:06:27are with you. An alliance of nations which comes led by one known as Gog of
00:06:32the land of Magog. We'll see a little bit about who those countries might be, one
00:06:38of them is very clear who it is, it's Persia, but this alliance of nations is
00:06:41going to come against Israel in the latter days. Prophecy goes on to say,
00:06:46Prepare yourself and be ready, you and all your companies that are gathered
00:06:49about you, and be a guard for them. After many days you'll be visited, in the
00:06:54latter years you'll come into the land of those brought back from the
00:06:57sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel, which had long
00:07:03been desolate. They were brought out of the nations and now all of them dwell
00:07:07safely. You will ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, you
00:07:12and all your troops and many peoples with you. And that prophecy locates it in
00:07:16a time frame, it says, in the latter days, after the people of Israel have been
00:07:22regathered from being dispersed and are dwelling on the mountains of Israel,
00:07:27which had long been desolate, and they're going to come and come like a storm
00:07:32against the land. Prophecy goes on again to say how God is going to intervene to
00:07:37save Israel from this invasion coming from the north. Somewhere in between of
00:07:42that there's going to be some kind of a ceasefire or a temporary peace agreement.
00:07:46Daniel 9 verse 27 says, He, that's I believe the Antichrist actually, shall
00:07:51confirm a covenant or a strong agreement with many for one week, that's
00:07:55for a period of seven years, but in the middle of the week he'll bring an end to
00:07:59sacrifice and offering on the wing of abomination, shall be one who makes
00:08:02desolate, even until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the
00:08:07desolate. Consummation which is determined is the end of all things, which
00:08:10is going to be determined with the second coming of Jesus the Messiah, who
00:08:14pour out his wrath upon the one who makes desolate, who is the Antichrist and
00:08:18all the forces with him. But in the meantime there'll be some kind of a
00:08:22peace agreement coming out of all this turmoil which is there in the Middle
00:08:27East. Now let's leave the Bible for a moment and look at what is actually
00:08:32happening on the ground. If you noticed last week, on Friday in fact, Mr. Netanyahu
00:08:38gave a very powerful speech at the United Nations. He said he came to the
00:08:43New York to speak, quote, for my country, to speak for the truth, and here's the
00:08:48truth, Israel seeks peace, Israel yearns for peace, Israel has made peace and
00:08:53will make peace again, yet we face savage enemies who seek our annihilation and we
00:08:58must defend ourselves against them. A lot of you are nodding your head and it
00:09:03seems obvious, but a lot of the world it doesn't seem obvious that that's the
00:09:06case. But the fact is Israel is surrounded by enemies that seek
00:09:11their destruction. What are they going to do about it? Let them destroy Israel or
00:09:16take action against them. Netanyahu says obviously they're going to take action to
00:09:21defend the country. Goes on to say these savage murderers, our enemies, seek not
00:09:26only to destroy us, they seek to destroy our common civilization and return us
00:09:30all to a dark age of tyranny and terror. When I spoke here last year I said we
00:09:36have faced the same timeless choice that Moses put before the people of Israel
00:09:40thousands of years ago as we were about to enter the Promised Land. Moses told us
00:09:45our actions would determine whether we bequeath to future generations a
00:09:49blessing or a curse. And that's the choice we face today. The curse of Iran's
00:09:56unremitting aggression or the blessing of historic reconciliation between Arab
00:10:00and Jew. I spoke about the possibility of a peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia
00:10:07in the previous time when he spoke there a year ago, but I wrote about this in the
00:10:13Light for Last Days which came out in October last year. Unfortunately this was
00:10:17upstaged by the war which happened, but it contained some interesting
00:10:20information. I've got some copies on the table there if you want to know about the
00:10:24proposed peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia. If you look on this map he says
00:10:29here that the peace would bring a blessing, a blessing of communications of
00:10:33trade between East and West coming through Saudi Arabia, through to Israel,
00:10:38from India, through to Europe and further beyond. He says that would be the blessing of
00:10:44peace, be a blessing to Israel, a blessing to the Arab peoples and a blessing to the
00:10:50nations of the world. The opposite he said would be the curse, the curse which
00:10:55comes from the enemy nations, from Iran, from all its allies, arming themselves
00:11:00with weapons of destruction. He said the great achievement of the
00:11:04Islamic Revolution is to spread hatred, war and missiles aimed at destruction.
00:11:09Anybody tell them what good they've done, anything useful they produced? No, nothing
00:11:15except war, hatred and destruction. That's all that they managed to produce and
00:11:20they think that they're the last religion which has replaced Christianity
00:11:23and is the best one. Don't think so. But that's how it is and he speaks about the
00:11:30choice which is there today. He also went on to denounce the United Nations in no
00:11:35uncertain terms, calling it a swamp of anti-semitic bile. He said in the last
00:11:41decade there have been more resolutions passed against Israel in this hall in the
00:11:46UN General Assembly than against the entire world combined. Actually more than
00:11:50twice as many. So twice as many resolutions against Israel than against
00:11:55any other country, North Korea, Iran, Russia, any of those countries which do
00:12:00somewhat nasty things in the world. Only Israel gets the wrath of the world. And
00:12:08he concluded with these words. I have a message for you. Israel will win this
00:12:12battle. We'll win this battle because we don't have a choice. After generations
00:12:17which our people were slaughtered, remorselessly butchered, no one raised a
00:12:20finger in our defense, we now have a state. We now have an brave army, an army
00:12:25of incomparable courage, and we're defending ourselves. As the book of
00:12:30Samuel says in the Bible, the eternity of Israel will not falter,
00:12:37stumble. In the Jewish people's epic journey from antiquity and our odyssey
00:12:42through the tempest and upheavals of modern times, that ancient promise has
00:12:46always been kept and it will hold true for all time. To borrow a great poet's
00:12:51phrase, Israel will not go gently into that good night. We will never need to
00:12:55rage against the dying of the light because the torch of Israel will forever
00:12:59shine bright. To the people of Israel, to the soldiers of Israel, I say be strong
00:13:05and of good courage. I'm Israel Hai. The people of Israel live now, tomorrow, and
00:13:11forever. Good speech. Unfortunately, most of the hall walked out before they heard
00:13:17it. That's the United Nations for you. Okay, let's look at what's happening in
00:13:24Lebanon. Been in the news recently. There's Lebanon, just to the north of Israel,
00:13:30there's Syria, there's Jordan, there's Cyprus over there, and over that little
00:13:37country, both the little country of Israel and the little country of Lebanon,
00:13:41the storm is raging at this time. In the last week we saw some remarkable events
00:13:47taking place, which Israel has managed to take out Hezbollah's leadership,
00:13:52culminating in the removal of its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, and also destroying
00:13:59missiles and launch sites. How on earth did they do that with the walking talkies
00:14:04and the pages? Don't ask me. Incredible. They must have had all the addresses, they
00:14:10must have infiltrated the organization, produced the equipment, and then at the
00:14:15right time press the button and cause such havoc and confusion in the ranks of
00:14:20Hezbollah, eliminating many of their top commanders and also limiting their
00:14:25ability to communicate with each other. Amir Sofati says Hezbollah spent nearly
00:14:31two decades preparing for this moment, building bunkers, tunnels, and
00:14:35fortifications, but in that time Israel's technological advancements have vastly
00:14:40outpaced them. The IDF now possesses centimeter-accurate 3D models of every
00:14:45building in Lebanon, rendering Hezbollah's efforts to conceal weapons and
00:14:49positions obsolete. As their human shields flee north, Hezbollah is left vulnerable,
00:14:54scrambling to reach their rockets while being tracked and eliminated by Israeli
00:14:58forces. Israel's advanced capabilities may allow it to neutralize Hezbollah
00:15:03from the air without the need for a ground incursion. The real question
00:15:08remains, can Israel destroy Hezbollah's operations through airstrikes alone, or
00:15:12will a ground offensive be required? Probably we'll know that in the next
00:15:17week or so. I'm going to try and show you a little film now. Can you switch it on?
00:15:21This is a village in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah stores cruise missiles, rockets,
00:15:28launchers, and UAVs inside civilian homes, hidden behind the Lebanese population
00:15:36living in the village. We are monitoring these activities, locating the weapons,
00:15:43and destroying them with precise intelligence-based strikes. I want to
00:15:49show you an example of a strike carried out a few weeks ago. Here we are exposing
00:15:56Hezbollah's method of hiding a cruise missile inside a home. The terrorists
00:16:02create a designated opening for the missile launch. Here you can see how we
00:16:09identified the terrorist making an opening in the building that exposed the
00:16:14missile. In a precise strike, the IDF eliminated the terrorist and this
00:16:21missile launching infrastructure shortly before the launch.
00:16:27Oh, incredible, isn't it? So the IDF just showed these films showing Hezbollah
00:16:38storing the weapons. Imagine that they got 3D pictures inside the houses.
00:16:44Incredible. How do they do it? A bit worrying though, because if they can do it,
00:16:49can other people do it, and get 3D pictures of what's going on in our
00:16:53houses? Anyway, that's what happened, and yet they did this in order to remove the
00:17:01missiles. Amir Safati reckons about half of the precision-guided missiles they
00:17:06had on the eve of the war, and a quarter of them have been destroyed. A quarter of
00:17:12the rockets up to 40 kilometers that they had on the eve of the war remained.
00:17:18So half of them remain, most of them have been destroyed. Their ability to fire
00:17:23coordinated barrage of hundreds of rockets and missiles at the same time
00:17:26that would overwhelm the air defenses was severely damaged. Nevertheless, they
00:17:32have been firing missiles continually into Israel, to Haifa, to Nazareth, to
00:17:36Afula. Most of the rockets have been intercepted, but few did fall, either in
00:17:42open areas. Some actually fell in Arab villages, and rockets have now fallen
00:17:47further into Israel, including those aimed at Tel Aviv, but not hitting
00:17:51Tel Aviv. They've also been coming from the Houthis in Yemen, and just today I've
00:17:57learned that Israel is going after the Houthis. The problem is that
00:18:03Hezbollah has vast numbers of tunnels throughout Lebanon where they are
00:18:10storing these missiles, and unlike the tunnels in Gaza, they're deep in the
00:18:15rocks. They're much harder to get to. Missiles are stored there, and it's going
00:18:19to be very dangerous if the troops do go in, because they have got multiple
00:18:23tunnels, and the troops will face ambushes coming out of the tunnels, but
00:18:30also getting into the tunnels to destroy those rockets. It's going to be
00:18:34very difficult, and in some ways, although we can be quite pleased
00:18:41with what Israel has done in the last week in asserting itself, the situation
00:18:45remains incredibly dangerous. There's a picture of one of these tunnels with the
00:18:51missiles in it, and there's a danger of it spiraling out of control. Obviously, Iran
00:19:00and Hezbollah are threatening revenge. They want to activate their axis of
00:19:05resistance around Israel. The U.S. is already sending troops into the Middle
00:19:10East. Around a million Lebanese have been displaced and are moving north, and
00:19:19there are threats even to destabilize Lebanon and Syria. I don't know if you
00:19:24realize that the situation in Lebanon is very complex. There are three groups,
00:19:29basically the Sunnis, Sunni Muslims, the Shiite Muslims who are Hezbollah, and
00:19:34Maronite Christians. Also in Syria, you had Assad, who was basically what they
00:19:42called it, Alawite, who was a kind of Shiite Muslim, who was opposed by the
00:19:48Sunni Muslims in Syria, and in their kind of rebellion against Syria, the
00:19:54Hezbollah went in and helped Assad against the Sunni Muslims. If you work
00:20:00this out, it's not surprising that the Sunni Muslims actually despise and
00:20:03dislike Hezbollah. In fact, I heard that there were mosques blaring out triumph
00:20:09when they heard that Nasrallah had been killed in Syria. So it's not all a
00:20:14united front. In fact, there were people in Iran as well who were dancing on the
00:20:18streets when they heard that Nasrallah had been killed, because many of the
00:20:22Iranians who are opposed to the regime are absolutely furious that their government
00:20:26has spent billions supplying all these terror regimes throughout the Middle
00:20:31East with weapons and destruction, while neglecting their own people at home. And
00:20:35so it's a quite a complex situation, but it's also a very dangerous one because, of
00:20:39course, there are people who are very much for Hezbollah and are waiting to get
00:20:45their revenge on Israel. In the current situation, Israel's got three options of
00:20:51what to do. One is to limit the action to airstrikes from above, as they're doing
00:20:55now. That would actually be a safe method, because it wouldn't expose their troops
00:21:00to danger, but they wouldn't be able to destroy all of these tunnels. They need
00:21:05to go in and to just get the missiles, they need to go in and destroy these
00:21:09tunnels. They could possibly destroy the tunnels with very heavy duty bombs, but
00:21:17if they do that, they'll also flatten most of the country. And one of the fears
00:21:20is that if it does escalate and they start firing some of their precision
00:21:27missiles on Tel Aviv and on sites within Israel, then Israel will respond with
00:21:33heavy-duty weapons, which will basically flatten Lebanon.
00:21:38Now Hezbollah has stated that there'll be all-out war if the IDF crosses into
00:21:43southern Lebanon. And although it's discredited, it still has a large army
00:21:48with a strong arsenal and it still has these extensive tunnels. Also, Israel will
00:21:54not only be fighting Hezbollah, but Hezbollah's entire alliance, which is
00:21:57militants spanning Yemen, Syria, Gaza, Iraq, and all supplied and led by Iran.
00:22:08One commentator said Israel possesses far superior weaponry, but the combined
00:22:13forces of Iranian-led Axis of Resistance outnumber Israeli forces. Iraq and Yemen
00:22:20are also involved. If Hezbollah and Iran-led Axis starts using its long-range
00:22:24missiles to target population centers, Tel Aviv, the Haifa Bay, water and
00:22:29electricity facilities, gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea, IDF bases, and strategic
00:22:35civilian infrastructure, it'll pose a mortal danger to Israel.
00:22:40Yitzhak Brik, who is a former general in the IDF, told the Jerusalem Post that a
00:22:46full-scale war with Iran and its proxies could ultimately result in the
00:22:49destruction of the State of Israel. Now, I don't believe it's going to result in
00:22:53the destruction of the State of Israel, but you need to realize that the
00:22:57potential is there from what Israel is facing at this present time. Now, Netanyahu
00:23:02would never let it get that far. He has ultra-powerful weapons. He could end up
00:23:08bombing Lebanon back to the Stone Age. That's what one general said, that he could
00:23:14do that, in which case he would face the fury from the rest of the world. It's
00:23:20already beginning to happen with increasing demonstrations against
00:23:23Israel and around the world. If that happens, it would get even worse, and it
00:23:27could gather the armies coming down from the north in an Ezekiel 38-style
00:23:32invasion. Amir Sofati is actually more optimistic than this commentator, who is
00:23:39actually Michael Snyder. Amir Sofati said he thinks that Israel will prevail in the
00:23:43war, neutralize both Hamas and Hezbollah. They'll take out targets in Yemen
00:23:49and Iraq, leaving Israel's, Iran's strategy in
00:23:55missile failure, missile strategy in failure. They'll then prevent any resupply,
00:24:01which they're already doing, by bombing the airport and bombing any ways in
00:24:05which Iran could get missiles back into Lebanon. And what missiles remain in
00:24:11Israel, they'll be able to take out with improved anti-missile defense system. He
00:24:16says that Iran will then be humbled and will then seek an alliance with Russia
00:24:19and Turkey and other Muslims to combine later in the Gog and Magog war. He points out
00:24:25that Iran is already sending drones to Russia for use in the Ukraine war,
00:24:29expecting some help from Russia in return. If this is the case, then Gog and
00:24:35Magog will be delayed but not neutralized. It could also lead to some kind of a peace
00:24:42settlement along the lines of Daniel 9.27. That's a bit of speculation, but these are
00:24:48some of the possibilities. Whatever happens, we're living in perilous times
00:24:51and we certainly need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the region
00:24:56and for the whole people of the area. As Israel has said, we've got no quarrel with
00:25:04the people of Lebanon, only with Hezbollah who want to destroy them. In fact, the forces
00:25:11of destruction not only threaten Israel, they also threaten all of the Arab countries where
00:25:16they work, whether it's Iran, which is not an Arab country, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen.
00:25:25All those countries have faced trouble because of the importing of these forces of destruction
00:25:31on their own populations, let alone on Israel. Okay, so pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
00:25:39It's certainly not over yet, and who knows what will happen in the coming days.
00:25:43I don't pretend to be a prophet, but I do see that the prophecies of the Bible are lining up
00:25:48the events which are taking place right now. And as we sang earlier,
00:25:54he that keepeth Israel, God, neither slumbers nor sleeps, and will keep Israel,
00:25:59despite all of these enemies coming against them. Let's move on to the other danger point in the world today,
00:26:07which is the Russia and Ukraine. That's it. The Ukraine war has been actually a disaster for Russia.
00:26:19At present time, it is making some progress, but at enormous cost. According to many,
00:26:26they've lost some 600,000 men in the war, either killed or injured. A million men have left the country
00:26:32to avoid the draft, who are generally the educated and intelligent ones.
00:26:37Sanctions have caused results in severe effect upon the whole of Russian infrastructure and industry.
00:26:45Parts from the West are no longer coming in, and they're having difficulty maintaining their industry
00:26:50and spare parts to repair existing equipment. Virtually now they're relying on China,
00:26:58which is becoming almost a vassal state of China. The economy is in a bad way.
00:27:03They've had equipment destroyed, tanks, planes and ships. And now Ukraine is hitting targets inside Russia,
00:27:10blowing up oil refineries, airfields, ammunition dumps with drones and missiles,
00:27:16some at a considerable distance from Ukraine's border. It's also resulting in a growing domestic crisis.
00:27:24I read a report saying that soldiers returning from the front with injuries and psychological disorders
00:27:31are coming back committing crimes, including abuse within the family.
00:27:38Security inside Russia is deteriorating as the police and security forces are being diverted to the war.
00:27:44And there's a growing domestic crime wave, violence and disorder.
00:27:50Vladimir Putin is facing more and more opposition in the Kremlin as the oligarchs and politicians
00:27:54begin to voice anger over the war in Ukraine. You put all those things together,
00:28:00it makes it very difficult to imagine how Russia is going to start another war in the Middle East.
00:28:07However, there are things which are moving in that direction.
00:28:10A large shipment of Iranian drones recently arrived in Russia, offering Putin a critical firepower boost.
00:28:18And he's beginning to make some progress in Ukraine. The army is extending its grip in eastern Ukraine
00:28:24with advances in the strategic city of Pokrovsk. They're also sending glide bombs to attack Ukrainian targets.
00:28:33Meanwhile, Ukraine is also occupying part of Russian territory in the Kursk area,
00:28:37which is the first time since World War II that any part of Russia has been invaded and occupied.
00:28:44While all this is going on, Russia is increasing its warnings about World War III, nuclear warnings to the West.
00:28:56Russia says that NATO confrontation could escalate into a World War III, and it's issued a nuclear warning to the West.
00:29:07Putin said that aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state, with the participation or support of a nuclear state,
00:29:13will be considered as a joint attack on the Russian Federation.
00:29:19What that means is that if Ukraine starts hitting targets inside Russia with cruise missiles supplied by Western NATO allies,
00:29:27Putin will regard that as an attack directly by the country which supplied them.
00:29:36One of the countries which is supplying them is the United Kingdom.
00:29:40And the United Kingdom reportedly cleared for use its storm missile cruise missile to be used to go into Russia.
00:29:49This missile was developed in 1994, a long range launch cruise missile which can reach targets 500 kilometers away.
00:30:00At present time, President Biden is actually putting a stop on this,
00:30:04but our government and the French government actually say that they should go ahead and use these missiles against Ukraine.
00:30:13Now, Putin said on the 25th of September that Russia could use nuclear weapons if it was attacked by any state.
00:30:22He added that any conventional attack on Russia that was supported by nuclear power would be considered a joint attack.
00:30:29That goes back to what I told you earlier.
00:30:31They see a NATO country, if Ukraine hits targets inside Russia with cruise missiles supported by Western NATO countries,
00:30:38they would consider that an attack from that country.
00:30:42Is that serious? Is he bluffing?
00:30:47Now, a lot of our leaders say that they're bluffing.
00:30:50Russia said these kind of things before.
00:30:52They just don't mean it. They won't do it.
00:30:59Possibly they won't, but I wouldn't like to take a risk on it.
00:31:04And especially if Russia feels that their integrity as a state is threatened, they will take action to defend themselves.
00:31:11They've said that very clearly.
00:31:13Now, there was a pro-Putin news program which simulated an attack on London.
00:31:20Just the other day, a Russian television program broadcast a video that imagined what a nuclear strike on London would look like.
00:31:27The devastating nuclear strike on London, causing 850,000 deaths with 2 million injured,
00:31:32has been simulated by a staunchly pro-Putin propaganda TV channel.
00:31:38Is that scare tactics?
00:31:40Is Russia bluffing, knowing that any use of nuclear weapons would result in a devastating counterattack and the possible collapse of Russia itself?
00:31:50Now, most of our leaders, including Keir Starmer, are supporting the idea of allowing Ukraine to use these missiles against Russia.
00:31:58So Biden's a bit more cautious and he's put a bit of a stop on it at the present time.
00:32:02But they're still discussing it.
00:32:06Now, if it does come to this, it could actually unleash something really devastating.
00:32:12I don't want to scare you, but it's possible.
00:32:16And if that's the case, all of us would have to deal with the consequences of missiles flying backwards and forth all over the planet,
00:32:23which could bring about the end of civilization.
00:32:26Now, we've had that since this Cold War, I guess.
00:32:29And in the Cold War time, we were defended by what they called MAD, for MAD, which was Mutually Assured Destruction,
00:32:35which meant that nobody would fire a missile, a nuclear weapon, because they know that they'd have one fired back at them.
00:32:42And it could end up in a war in which both sides would be destroyed.
00:32:45And to a certain extent, it did keep the peace, actually, especially at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
00:32:51I remember when I was 16 years old at school and the teacher came into class and said that we could be on the brink of World War III.
00:32:57This is brinkmanship. And I freaked out at the time.
00:33:00I thought, well, what's the point of me studying for my A-levels to go to university if someone's going to blow me up?
00:33:06Let's just eat, drink and be merry and for tomorrow we die.
00:33:09Or let's try and stop it from happening. So it kind of changed my way of thinking.
00:33:13As it was, it didn't happen. And I pray God that it won't happen this time.
00:33:18But the fact is that they're talking about it and it's possible.
00:33:23Now, my reading of events is it will not come to a world war between Russia and the West at this present time,
00:33:30for reasons which tie in, actually, with some of the developments of Bible prophecy, which would be knocked out if that happens.
00:33:36But Jesus did say that in the time of the Great Tribulation, there would come a time that if God didn't cut short that time of trouble,
00:33:42no flesh would be saved. In other words, there could be unleashed a time of such great trouble in the world
00:33:48that it could bring about the end of life upon the earth.
00:33:52And that intervention would come, actually, through the second coming of Jesus.
00:33:56And if you read the book of Revelation, it does describe some pretty fearsome events taking place during the seven-year tribulation period.
00:34:05And when we hear some of these things I'm talking about, you could say that the world is building up towards that happening.
00:34:13One of the most famous, of course, is the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse passage that you have in Revelation chapter 6.
00:34:20Now, I saw when the Lamb opened one of his seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder,
00:34:27And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He sat on it, had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
00:34:34I actually believe that's the Antichrist coming with his peace pyramid, first of all.
00:34:39Then the second seal, the conflict on earth. When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying,
00:34:44Come and see, another horse, fiery red, went out, and it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth,
00:34:50that people should kill one another, and there was given to him a great sword.
00:34:56The third seal speaks of scarcity on the earth. When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say,
00:35:02Come and see, so I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales on his hand,
00:35:08and I heard a voice in the midst of the fourth living creature, four living creatures saying,
00:35:12A quart of wheat for a denarius, three quarts of barley for a denarius, but do not harm the oil and the wine.
00:35:18Briefly, that means scarcity on the earth, because a quart of wheat is a very small amount of food,
00:35:25a denarius is a day's wages at that time, so if you take it about 50 or 60 pounds,
00:35:30buys you a tiny amount of food, because there's not very much food left.
00:35:35Then the fourth seal, widespread death on the earth, then he opened the fourth seal,
00:35:40I heard a voice of the fourth living creature saying, Come and see, so I looked, and behold,
00:35:45a pale horse, and the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him,
00:35:50and power was given them over a fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword with hunger, with death,
00:35:55and by the beasts of the earth.
00:35:58The famous four horsemen of the apocalypse ends up with a fourth part of the earth, people on the earth being killed.
00:36:05That's about a quarter of the population. That's about two billion people in today's terms.
00:36:13If you go on to read in Revelation chapter 9, you have the passage about the locust being released,
00:36:19and Abaddon and Apollyon coming down from the abyss, coming up from the abyss, bringing great destruction on the earth.
00:36:27Read through that one, about a quarter of the world's population gets killed,
00:36:31no, about a third of the population gets killed in that one.
00:36:34Add a quarter to the third, you end up with half the world's population being killed
00:36:38by these judgments that come in the great tribulation period.
00:36:43Probably a good reason why you don't want to be around in the great tribulation,
00:36:47but it's a reminder that the world is actually in a very dangerous situation,
00:36:51and the Bible says in the last days it's going to come to this time of huge destruction.
00:36:56Now, probably you're feeling a bit anxious as I tell you this, but I'm just telling you what the Bible says.
00:37:03And it's on its way.
00:37:08It's interesting that when these things begin to strike the earth, they're given really as a judgment.
00:37:15It speaks about Abaddon and Apollyon.
00:37:20If you may remember, at the time of the Paris Olympics, they did a very strange ceremony at the end of it,
00:37:29which showed some kind of disaster coming on the earth,
00:37:33then this figure coming down who looked like some weird beastly figure,
00:37:37and then he organised the people and they started bowing down and worshipping him,
00:37:42so they saw it was a picture of the Antichrist, and they sang the hymn to Apollo, Apollyon.
00:37:49Some people saw it was like a picture of the coming time of the tribulation.
00:37:55And at the end of this passage it says,
00:37:59the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of their works or their hands,
00:38:03that they should not worship demons, and the idols of gold, silver, brass and stone,
00:38:09and they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual morality or their thefts.
00:38:16I think that's one of the saddest scriptures I've read.
00:38:20These judgments are hitting the world, surely people are going to repent and say,
00:38:23God save me, but instead it says they don't repent.
00:38:26This tells you at this time there's going to be such a rebellion against God
00:38:29that people will be so anti-God, anti-Christ, that they ignore the warnings
00:38:35and they go straight into this time of destruction without turning to the Lord.
00:38:40Now there is a way out of it, that's to repent and believe the gospel,
00:38:44and the good news I believe is that when Jesus comes,
00:38:47first of all he's going to take those who believe in him out of the world before the time of tribulation begins,
00:38:51in the event we call the rapture of the church,
00:38:53and then he's going to, at the end of the tribulation period,
00:38:56come back in person to judge the world in righteousness and set up his messianic kingdom.
00:39:01If that's not the case, then you go through the tribulation period and you may lose your life.
00:39:06Either way, the answer is to repent now and believe in Jesus and so be ready for what's coming.
00:39:12Be saved, ready for the coming of the Lord.
00:39:15But the scriptures are very solemn and they do warn us that these things are coming,
00:39:19and the current events are telling you that they could be happening as well.
00:39:24Finally, what about Russia and the war of Gog and Magog?
00:39:27We said earlier about the Ezekiel 38-39.
00:39:32In the passage it does speak about the leader of this alliance,
00:39:35who's going to come down from the outermost parts of the north,
00:39:39which include Persia, Togarmah, which is probably Turkey.
00:39:44Interestingly, it also includes Cush and Put.
00:39:50Strange that they should be, because Cush is the land south of Egypt,
00:39:55which corresponds today to Sudan.
00:39:58Put is the land west of Egypt, which corresponds to the land of Libya.
00:40:04And in both of those countries, Russia is actually active with its forces,
00:40:10working in the civil wars which are taking place there.
00:40:15What's Russia up to in Africa?
00:40:17A lot of bad stuff, actually.
00:40:19Not just in those countries, but also in Burkina Faso, in the Sahel region.
00:40:23There are Russian forces stirring up some of the troubles which are taking place in that part.
00:40:28And wanting to plunder the area.
00:40:30Russia actually wants to have a port on the Red Sea in what is Sudan.
00:40:36That's why they're working with the Sudanese to bring that war to a conclusion,
00:40:41which will be beneficial to them.
00:40:44So, is Russia involved in all this?
00:40:46Now, as I said earlier, one of the current weaknesses, of course,
00:40:49is Russia's situation in the Ukraine war.
00:40:53Something has to happen to bring that to an end.
00:40:56There will have to be some peace settlement if Russia is going to move to the Gog and Magog war.
00:41:04So watch out for that happening.
00:41:06It could happen.
00:41:08Especially if Donald Trump gets elected.
00:41:11And pressurizes Ukraine to accept a peace on Russia's terms,
00:41:15giving them the Donbass and the Crimea,
00:41:18and setting up some kind of border which Ukraine would then be protected by the West
00:41:22from any further incursions from Russia.
00:41:25But I would have a guess that sometime in the not-too-distant future,
00:41:28they will resolve, come to some resolution of the Ukraine war,
00:41:32without the nuclear stuff which I spoke about earlier.
00:41:38In which case, Russia could then build up its forces
00:41:40and be ready for the Gog and Magog war at a somewhat later date.
00:41:44That's actually what Amir Zafari said.
00:41:47He says that Israel will emerge victorious from the current war,
00:41:50will knock out the missile-based countries which are threatening it,
00:41:54Persia and Iran will push back,
00:41:56then it will gather together the alliance with the help of the Gog and Magog
00:41:59for the war of Ezekiel 38.
00:42:05Some others say actually that it's not Russia at all,
00:42:07it's Turkey who's going to leave the islands.
00:42:09And that's another possibility which I wouldn't discount.
00:42:14Joel Richardson wrote a book called The Islamic Antichrist,
00:42:16in which he says that the leader of the Gog and Magog war
00:42:19will actually be the Islamic power who come against Israel in the last days,
00:42:23coming from out of Turkey, allied to Persia, allied to other Arab
00:42:27and Muslim countries threatening Israel.
00:42:31Turkey has a large army.
00:42:33It's connected to the region through the Ottoman Empire,
00:42:36when it controlled Syria and Israel and Jerusalem.
00:42:41It's to the north of Israel, but not to the far north.
00:42:44And most significantly, its president, Erdogan,
00:42:47talked recently about invading Israel.
00:42:49I don't know if you noticed that one.
00:42:53And it's extremely anti-Israel and anti-Christian.
00:42:59So what's this space?
00:43:01Now I say I'm not a prophet, so I'm not telling you exactly how it's going to work out.
00:43:04I'm just giving you some of the parameters, some of the things which are happening today.
00:43:08But this is going to happen.
00:43:10Luke 21 says there'll be signs in the sun and the moon and in the stars
00:43:13and on the earth, distress of nations with perplexity.
00:43:16The sea and the waves roaring, men's hearts flailing them from fear
00:43:20and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth.
00:43:23For the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
00:43:25Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
00:43:29And when these things begin to happen, look up, lift up your heads,
00:43:32because your redemption draws near.
00:43:35Jesus is coming.
00:43:37Coming this time not as the suffering servant,
00:43:39but this time as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
00:43:41with all power of God at his disposal.
00:43:44At the time before he comes, there's going to be a time of great distress on the earth,
00:43:47distress of nations with perplexity.
00:43:50I've said it before, but the phrase with perplexity in Greek is aporia,
00:43:54which means with no way out.
00:43:56In other words, there's going to be some crisis on the face of the earth
00:43:59which no human government will have a possibility to sort out.
00:44:04And people are going to be afraid of what's happening.
00:44:07Then they'll see the Son of Man coming.
00:44:10And he says, when these things begin to happen,
00:44:13look up, lift up your heads, your redemption draws near.
00:44:16I would suggest to you that they have begun to happen.
00:44:19So it's the time to look up, lift up your heads,
00:44:21because your redemption is drawing near.
00:44:23These things happening, although they're scary and horrible,
00:44:26actually point us to the fact that there is a solution,
00:44:28which is Jesus coming back again.
00:44:31And he has a promise to his people.
00:44:33He says, behold, because you've kept my command to persevere,
00:44:36I will also keep you from the hour of trial,
00:44:38which will come upon the whole world,
00:44:40to test those who dwell on the earth.
00:44:42Behold, I'm coming quickly.
00:44:44Hold fast what you have, that no one take your crown.
00:44:48He's going to keep you from the hour of trial.
00:44:50You can explain that as being kept from the hour of trial,
00:44:53kept, taken out before the trouble begins,
00:44:55or kept in the hour of trial,
00:44:57kept by the Lord in the time of trouble.
00:44:59But either way, he's going to keep you if you trust in him.
00:45:03So the answer is to believe in Jesus.
00:45:06I spoke earlier about those who don't repent.
00:45:08They'll face the wrath of God.
00:45:10But if you do repent and you believe in Jesus,
00:45:13then you can face these things with confidence and hope,
00:45:15because you know that Jesus is coming, and he has the answer.
00:45:19And he's going to have the last word.
00:45:21And when Jesus comes, it's going to be a billion, billion times better
00:45:25than anything which you can imagine.
00:45:27And Jesus is going to reign the world, over the world,
00:45:30and bring peace and justice to it, and bring peace to it.
00:45:32May the people of the world, the Israelis, the Arabs, the Russians, Ukrainians,
00:45:39seek God, find that presence of the Lord in the cleft of the rock,
00:45:43in the grace of God.
00:45:45That's the only answer.
00:45:48Okay, we're going to carry on.
00:45:53I said there are some people also proposing different answers.
00:45:59One is the United Nations.
00:46:03United Nations, just this week,
00:46:09world leaders convened in New York to discuss and adopt the pact for the future.
00:46:15There's almost no comment on this in the world press.
00:46:19Maybe they don't want the public to know or to discuss its implications.
00:46:23But I think you'll see as I go through this that it does have implications.
00:46:28This is the end of the verses in Psalm 2.
00:46:34Why the nation's rage, people's plot a vain thing,
00:46:38the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together
00:46:42against the Lord and against his anointed, against his Mashiach, that it says.
00:46:47Saying, let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.
00:46:52He who sits in the heavens shall laugh.
00:46:54The Lord shall hold them in derision.
00:46:56Then he shall speak to them in his wrath and distress them in his deep displeasure.
00:47:01Yet I have set my king on my holy hill of Zion.
00:47:05Nations come together against the Lord, against his Messiah.
00:47:09Saying, let's get rid of all this slavery to God.
00:47:11Let's get rid of all these commandments and all this stuff.
00:47:14And God's laughing at them because he knows the end from the beginning.
00:47:18And this Psalm written before Jesus came the first time says,
00:47:21I have set my king on my holy hill of Zion.
00:47:24In other words, from God's point of view,
00:47:26even something that's going to happen only after the second coming of Jesus
00:47:29is already an accomplished fact.
00:47:33Okay, so what do we know about this pact for the future?
00:47:37It's a 56-page document that you can actually look up on the UN website,
00:47:43so a bit of light reading for you, especially if you have insomnia.
00:47:50It's a 56-page document that lays the foundations for a new global order
00:47:55that covers just about every conceivable area of human activity.
00:48:01Posted on the official UN website, it says,
00:48:03world leaders today adopted a pact for the future
00:48:06that includes a global digital compact, a declaration on future generations.
00:48:11This pact is the result of years-long process
00:48:15to adapt international cooperation to the realities of today
00:48:19and the challenges of tomorrow.
00:48:21The pact aims above all to ensure that international institutions can deliver it,
00:48:26deliver in the face of a world that has changed dramatically since they were created.
00:48:31As the Secretary General has said,
00:48:33we cannot create a future fit for our grandchildren
00:48:35with a system built by our grandparents.
00:48:39It will lay the foundations for a sustainable, just, and peaceful global order
00:48:43for all peoples and nations.
00:48:46That'd be good, wouldn't it?
00:48:48We're all looking forward to that.
00:48:50And it's interesting, all the things which they're proposing are good things.
00:48:54They don't want to bring in a totalitarian state.
00:48:57They don't want to bring in a war and desperate poverty.
00:49:01They want to improve the state of the world.
00:49:04So it's got a lot going for it,
00:49:05and a lot of people who are of goodwill will say,
00:49:07yeah, let's go for that.
00:49:09Let's work for this good global order.
00:49:14And he goes on to say,
00:49:15the pact covers a broad range of issues, including peace and security,
00:49:20sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation,
00:49:24human rights, gender, youth, and future generations,
00:49:28and the transformation of global governance.
00:49:32That's the bit which really interests us,
00:49:34the transformation of global governance.
00:49:36In other words, somehow taking control of the global government of the globe.
00:49:42They're working towards something which they call UN2, or UN Mark 2.
00:49:48They actually acknowledge that the world is not currently on track
00:49:51to achieve the sustainable development goals
00:49:53which are contained in its Agenda 2030 program.
00:49:57If you're wondering about that,
00:49:58it's a program which aims at imposing or bringing in this global order by 2030.
00:50:05That's in just five and a half years' time,
00:50:08which is the time they hope to bring this in.
00:50:11But they're saying we're not on track to doing this.
00:50:13We've got to speed it up.
00:50:15And it's calling on the nations to rethink, refocus, and recharge,
00:50:18and to transform the UN to give it power to impose its authority on the nations.
00:50:25This is how they describe UN2, UN Mark 2.
00:50:30UN2 encapsulates the Secretary General's vision of a modern UN family
00:50:35rejuvenated by forward-thinking culture
00:50:37empowered by cutting-edge skills for the 21st century
00:50:40to turbocharge our support to people and planet.
00:50:44We'll strive towards this vision with a powerful vision of innovation, data,
00:50:48digital foresight, and behavioral science skills and culture,
00:50:52a dynamic combination that we call Quintet of Change.
00:50:56It's about evolution towards more agile, diverse, responsive, and impactful organizations.
00:51:05Again, all that sounds good, doesn't it?
00:51:07A lot of jargon, but they're saying they're going to make the world a better place.
00:51:11Come on, you people. What are you so miserable about?
00:51:16Their major goals, they say, are fixing the environmental problem by sustainable development goals,
00:51:21working towards net zero on policies on burning fossil fuels,
00:51:27reform of the international financial architecture,
00:51:31mobilizing more financing from multilateral development banks
00:51:35to help developing countries meet their development needs,
00:51:37in other words, helping the poor, making it better for people in Africa, and so on.
00:51:41Good idea.
00:51:43Strengthening the global safety net in the event of financial and economic shocks
00:51:47through concrete actions by the IMF and member states.
00:51:51So dealing with any future shock which there might be in the economy,
00:51:55which there is going to be, by the way.
00:51:59And finally, improving how we measure human progress going beyond GDP
00:52:03to capturing human and planetary well-being and sustainability.
00:52:08So they're working on things that are going to be good for humans and good for the planet.
00:52:14Sounds great.
00:52:16But behind this jargon, there's actually a similar statement to what they're working on in the World Economic Forum
00:52:21with the Great Reset, which I've spoken to you about before,
00:52:25which, if you follow it through, is going to bring about a radical change in the way nations are governed,
00:52:30including our own.
00:52:32I have to say that our Prime Minister, Mr. Starmer, or Sir Keir Starmer, give him his full title,
00:52:38is fully signed up to this programme and approves of it.
00:52:44And if it comes along, it will actually bring in a control system.
00:52:49One of the titles I saw in one of the papers said Labour is aiming at control.
00:52:53And I think if you follow through some of the measures they're bringing in,
00:52:56it's going to bring more and more control over human activity, human thought,
00:52:59human ability to communicate, as I'm doing now.
00:53:02And you'll find if you're communicating the wrong things, you'll stop being allowed to communicate,
00:53:08which is what could happen to us sooner or later.
00:53:12A major issue they're trying to deal with is climate change.
00:53:16And they said that they have to keep the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels
00:53:24and to transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
00:53:32Labour actually wants to achieve electricity which will be fueled entirely by renewables by 2030 here,
00:53:40which is going to mean probably the lights are going to go out and your bills are going to go up astronomically.
00:53:46In one way or another, all forms of human activity contribute to climate change,
00:53:50farming, industry, travel, heating your homes, all this kind of stuff.
00:53:57Now, I've got a whole lot of information about how the climate change issue is being used to give world government forces an excuse
00:54:04to take over society and force their agenda on us.
00:54:07For the sake of time, I will share that another time.
00:54:10But I can tell you if you want it, I can send you information on this subject.
00:54:14Also you notice they're expecting future global shocks and preparing to meet them.
00:54:20So I say we recognize the need for a more coherent, cooperative, coordinated and multidimensional international response to complex global shocks
00:54:28and the central role of the United Nations in this regard.
00:54:32That means in plain English they're expecting a major global crisis,
00:54:37and in which case if there is a major global crisis in any of those areas which I've spoken of,
00:54:43power should be handed over to the United Nations who will end up telling you what to do.
00:54:50One of the examples of a crisis which has happened recently was the whole COVID thing,
00:54:55in which power was then given to globalists who brought in measures which affected all countries.
00:55:02That's what they want.
00:55:05So the UN telling us what to do, would that be a good idea?
00:55:10A critic of this process, a man called Alex Newman, who attended the conference, wrote,
00:55:15this is probably the most important story of the decade.
00:55:18Every world leader was there.
00:55:20This, in their own words, is going to morph the United Nations into UN Mark II.
00:55:25According to Newman, who has attended a number of such events,
00:55:29this proposed UN emergency platform will empower the Secretary General to seize the relevant functions of national governments
00:55:36in order to resist the alleged or potential new shock.
00:55:43Notice that seize the relevant functions of national governments.
00:55:48Exactly what constitutes a world shocking event?
00:55:50He says it can be anything, even black swan events.
00:55:55A black swan event is defined in dictionaries as a high impact event that is unpredicted or unexpected.
00:56:02In other words, anything which happens which causes a shock in world events.
00:56:08The recent COVID event was definitely such a black swan event,
00:56:12affected the whole world and resulted in changes to the way we lived, all of us.
00:56:18Future shock events include plans to save the world from climate change, from war and financial crisis.
00:56:27One aspect of this summit of the future will be proposals for what they call a global digital compact
00:56:32and reforms to the international financial architecture.
00:56:36In other words, the world economic system.
00:56:38Aiming at doing something to change the way you deal with money, where you exchange money.
00:56:45Where you exchange money between nations and within nations.
00:56:52This might seem a bit boring, but I'm telling you what they're saying.
00:56:55Actually, I think it's quite interesting.
00:56:57Among the proposals are a new apex body in charge of the entire financial system
00:57:01that will enhance its coherence and align its priorities with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
00:57:08According to Guterres, this could be done through a twice-yearly summit between the G20,
00:57:13the UN Economic and Social Council and the heads of international financial institutions.
00:57:19They will further integrate the G20 with the United Nations
00:57:22into a body that can be described as an economic security council.
00:57:27The G20 currently includes the US, UK, EU, Russia, China, Japan, Brazil, South Africa, Saudi Arabia and other leading nations.
00:57:37In other words, it includes both the Western-based alliance and also the Eastern alliance led by China
00:57:42and the BRICS countries, which are trying to set up their own kind of control system.
00:57:49They're trying to bring the whole lot together in one kind of system.
00:57:54Can you see any dangers in that?
00:57:56Yeah, a lot of people are nodding their heads here.
00:57:58I think probably you know where we're going with this.
00:58:01A vital part of the agenda is a digital connectivity, the establishment of a global digital compact
00:58:08that will create a digitally connected network of people, entities, devices and things directed by those who run the system.
00:58:17It's also what the World Economic Forum prescribed in their report,
00:58:20Unlocking Technologies for the Global Goals in 2020.
00:58:25A digital ID is a cornerstone in this work and it's seen, among other things, as a way to reduce poverty.
00:58:31The digital ID system is already in place in two of the most populous nations on the earth,
00:58:36in China with its credit card system and in India with its Aadhaar card.
00:58:41You've already got systems already in place with a way in which you are connected to a digital system,
00:58:47which has a unique number to you and you have to use that number in order to exchange goods or to buy and sell.
00:58:57Does that sound a little bit sinister?
00:59:00The risk is that this will develop into a dictatorial form of government that will use the social credit system
00:59:04and the central bank digital currencies, which they're proposing,
00:59:07to undermine human rights by controlling the money supply and people's ability to use it.
00:59:12It's already happening in China.
00:59:15But it's fully operationally programmed to make you obey instructions from the people who run the show
00:59:20in order to receive your daily bread and to find a place to live.
00:59:24People in power could declare a planetary emergency, as happened during the pandemic,
00:59:29then they take away our freedoms in order to save the world from disaster.
00:59:34Then the man with the plan appears and imposes the 666 system of Revelation 13,
00:59:39which you can't buy or sell without the mark of the beast.
00:59:44Is that what's behind all this?
00:59:47I think probably it is.
00:59:49Now I have to say there's a lot of resistance to the plan.
00:59:52There are internet platforms on the alternative media who are exposing it.
00:59:57If you do this, as I'm doing now, you'll probably be labelled a conspiracy theorist.
01:00:02You'll be debunked by fact checkers who are paid by the elite to control the flow of information.
01:00:09But there's a growing number of people who care about things like national identity, religious freedom,
01:00:16and are opposed to the globalization process.
01:00:20Now one of the things which we notice as Christians, actually, as part of the program,
01:00:25depends on breaking down allegiance to your country and to your faith and to your family,
01:00:30especially if it's faith in the Bible and in Jesus Christ as Lord.
01:00:35You've got a continual assault on these, partly through mass migration, especially from Islamic countries,
01:00:42then undermining traditional values and identity, especially through left-wing identity politics.
01:00:49The goal then is to create chaos and social breakdown in Western states,
01:00:52out of which they can then impose a new form of dictatorship,
01:00:55which is a kind of mixture of communism, fascism, and a new techno-control of the people.
01:01:01Meanwhile, they're educating the youth to despise the history and traditions of their nations,
01:01:05and their national loyalty.
01:01:08They take control of the media, education, and cultural activities, including churches,
01:01:13to ensure they don't promote anything that is for national identity and biblical Christianity.
01:01:21And incidentally, since Zionism is based on Jewish national identity,
01:01:24and a belief in the connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel,
01:01:28that's a big no-no for this process.
01:01:31So I expect that this process will also be anti-Israel and anti-Zionist.
01:01:38They'll labor their opponents as conspiracy theorists, far-right, fascists, Nazis, etc.
01:01:43If you note that the Labour government has already begun to do that.
01:01:47And I think that that is things we can see happening now, can't we?
01:01:52It's happening in our societies.
01:01:55Now, Newman contends that the creation of this global economic, political, and religious system
01:01:59is a top priority creating a one-world economic, political, and religious system worldwide.
01:02:07He says one major obstacle is a potential Trump presidency.
01:02:11Now, this might shock you a bit, but I'm not a total fan of Donald Trump.
01:02:15But I recognize that the opposition to Trump would be far, far worse,
01:02:20and would go right along with this plan and would bring America right in line with it.
01:02:25According to Newman, they despise Trump and will do everything they can to prevent him becoming president again.
01:02:33In his first presidency, Trump dismantled a number of building blocks of the one-world system.
01:02:38He got the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement, to de-industrialize America.
01:02:44He got kids out of UNESCO, the UN education agency entirely focused on brainwashing your children to be good global citizens
01:02:52in a one-world totalitarian, religious, political, and economic order.
01:02:56He says when Trump was in office, he was a one-man wrecking ball to this global governance.
01:03:01And he says this is a reason why they want Trump out of the way.
01:03:08Could be right, though.
01:03:10Again, I say I'm not a total fan of Donald Trump, but you can see that his policies are going against this and they want him out of the way.
01:03:18In fact, if he gets elected to president of the United States, from their point of view, it would be a disaster.
01:03:25So either they're going to stop it or it will be a disaster. We'll see what happens.
01:03:29Another threat is the dysfunction within the UN itself.
01:03:32Currently it's good at making resolutions, but it remains feeble in being able to implement them.
01:03:39David Miliband, brother of our Ed Miliband, who's the chief executive of the International Rescue Committee,
01:03:46former Labour politician, he commented on the debate,
01:03:50the point about international humanitarian law is not that it needs to be changed, it needs to be observed.
01:03:56And that's quite an astute comment, actually.
01:03:58The UN makes all these resolutions, then half the world doesn't keep them.
01:04:03Especially Russia, China, Iran, all those countries, they pay no attention to any of the climate change stuff.
01:04:10And that's a big problem to the UN.
01:04:16The UK will slavishly submit to them, by the way, under its present government.
01:04:21Also said in the US, 26 governors of Republican states say they will not comply with these conclusions.
01:04:29The petro-states, Saudi Arabia, all those countries which are dependent on production and export of oil and gas for their wealth,
01:04:36also had objections to the proposals, especially over the net zero aspect.
01:04:40Russia too put spanners in the works with a lengthy list of objections to passages on topics such as disarmament and digital technology.
01:04:48They proposed amendments and said Russia would distance itself from the consensus on this document,
01:04:53on the Global Digital Compact, if its amendment was not included in the Pax test.
01:04:59So the battle's not over and there are a lot of activists.
01:05:02Now some of the activists against it are not good people, actually, they're bad actors.
01:05:07But there is opposition to it.
01:05:10And you can expect that the globalists are going to be actively working on the implementation of this plan
01:05:15and looking out for these black swan events I spoke of.
01:05:20New pandemics, economic crisis, climate crisis, world war, as ways to bring it in.
01:05:27And because the forces behind it are fundamentally anti-Christian, anti-biblical Christianity,
01:05:33recognise they're going to come against you.
01:05:36Which brings me on to the church and state.
01:05:39So let's have a little few thoughts about the church and Christianity.
01:05:43One of the things which you notice if you look at these issues is that much of the official church
01:05:47seems much more interested in things like climate change, environmental issues, LGBT and diversity issues,
01:05:54apologising for the past sins in the areas of slavery and racism than in preaching the gospel.
01:06:00C of E bishops, leaders of different denominations, actually often deny the gospel, deny Bible teaching,
01:06:07deny the creation, the second coming.
01:06:10They made Jesus a kind of social worker, liberal left wing social activist,
01:06:14championing progressive causes, gay rights, LGBT, anti-Zionism, equality, diversity issues, climate change etc.
01:06:25They're very much against what they call fundamentalists, which really means Bible believers,
01:06:31which I think means you and me.
01:06:34They're generally liberal on moral issues, on family issues, relating to sexual morality and homosexuality in particular.
01:06:42In fact if you look today, the Church of England is in danger of splitting over such issues as liberals take over the leadership
01:06:49and evangelicals are put down over issues like homosexual blessing.
01:06:54And the official church is increasingly on the side of what I call the globalist agenda
01:06:59and opposed to those who expose its anti-Christian nature.
01:07:03Now part of the globalist agenda is to promote peace between people of different religions,
01:07:08which obviously we're in favour of.
01:07:12We don't want to have war, we want to have peaceful relationships with people of all different backgrounds and even faiths.
01:07:18The problem with all this is that it's okay, but for Bible believing Christians it comes at the cost of believing
01:07:25the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as the sole mediator between God and humanity
01:07:30on the basis of his sacrificial death on the cross for the sin of the world.
01:07:34Which brings in our friend the Pope.
01:07:37Now if you follow the news you may know that the Pope was recently in Indonesia
01:07:41and he had a tour around East Asia.
01:07:46He toured East Asia, Oceania, beginning his tour with a visit to Jakarta in Indonesia
01:07:55where he met with this gentleman, Indonesia's Grand Imam, Nasruddin Umar.
01:08:01And in the course of their discussions, they had interfaith discussions
01:08:07and the Pope received a kiss on the head from the Imam while kissing his hand in response.
01:08:13They met at a place called the Tunnel of Friendship
01:08:21which connects the Isketal Mosque to a nearby Catholic cathedral, Our Lady of the Assumption.
01:08:27Present were representatives of six religions that are officially recognized in Indonesia,
01:08:32Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Catholicism and Protestantism.
01:08:38The Catholic Pope and the Muslim Imam pledged to work together to fight religiously inspired violence
01:08:43and protect the planet.
01:08:45They issued a joint call for interfaith friendship and common cause
01:08:49at the start of France's visit to Indonesia.
01:08:53Encourage Indonesians of every religious tradition to walk in search of God
01:08:57and contribute to building open societies founded on reciprocal respect and mutual love
01:09:03capable of protecting against rigidity, fundamentalism and extremism
01:09:07which are always dangerous and never justifiable.
01:09:10Now obviously we're in favor of good relationships with people of all different backgrounds.
01:09:17I don't hate Muslims, I love Muslims.
01:09:20But I'm not a fan of Islam, I have to say.
01:09:22And it's the same with all other religions.
01:09:25We want to have good relationships with the people but we don't have to promote their religions.
01:09:28We don't have to put their religions as being equal to ours.
01:09:31That's the problem with the Pope and his agenda.
01:09:34Now he initiated something called the Istiklal Declaration
01:09:40which was signed by Pope Francis and this Muslim gentleman Umar at a formal ceremony.
01:09:46And it's basically a commitment to work together for peace and justice in the world.
01:09:55And I said obviously we agree with the need to build societies based on respect and mutual love.
01:10:02We also want to resist violence in the name of religion especially.
01:10:06But the problem with these declarations and pacts is that they put forward the mistaken belief
01:10:10that Christianity is equal in its validity as an approach to God with other religions.
01:10:16Whereas Jesus says, I'm the way, the truth and the life.
01:10:20No one comes to the Father except by me.
01:10:22John 14 verse 6.
01:10:24Now we went a bit further when he moved on to Singapore.
01:10:28During a three day visit to Singapore while attending an inter-religious meeting
01:10:33with young people at the Catholic Junior College,
01:10:36Pope Francis departed from his prepared remarks and declared to the gathering
01:10:40that every religion is a way to arrive at God.
01:10:43He continued with a sort of comparison.
01:10:47An example would be they're sort of like different languages in order to arrive at God.
01:10:52So you've got different languages and we try to understand each other.
01:10:57So you've got different faiths and they also try to understand each other
01:11:00and they're all leading to the same direction, leading us to arrive at God.
01:11:04Very clearly saying that all roads lead to God.
01:11:07The leader of the world's 1.4 billion Catholics continued along this universalist tack.
01:11:12He said that God is for all, God is God for all.
01:11:16If God is God for all, we are all sons and daughters of God.
01:11:19So you're a son or daughter of God just by being a human being.
01:11:23He lamented that some argue that my God is more important than your God.
01:11:30My God is more important because he's the true God.
01:11:34Anyway, he lamented that some say this.
01:11:38He asked if that is true.
01:11:40Answering his own question to the young people, the pontiff finished,
01:11:43there is only one God, each of us has a language, so to speak, in order to arrive at God.
01:11:48Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, there are different paths, understand,
01:11:53and the leaders on the stage representing various religions happily shook their heads in agreement.
01:11:58Now, this is a public statement before people of different religions
01:12:03by the leader of the largest denomination of Christianity,
01:12:07saying that every religion is a way to arrive at God.
01:12:11It's a deviation not just from New Testament teaching, but actually from Roman Catholic doctrine.
01:12:18In fact, there's a website called LifeSiteNews, which I often go on to.
01:12:23It's a traditional Catholic website.
01:12:24Though I don't disagree with them about Catholic things, aspects,
01:12:30they actually say a lot of sensible things.
01:12:32In fact, they're on the same page as us on many things.
01:12:36Calling this statement heretical, LifeSiteNews wrote,
01:12:40according to the teaching of the Catholic Church,
01:12:42the only true church is indeed the Catholic Church, the body of Christ.
01:12:46The exercise of the charge given by Christ to spread the gospel to all nations
01:12:51and bring souls to the church.
01:12:55Catholic author Eric Ibarra condemned Pope's statement as coming from a bottomless pit,
01:13:03said what the Pope is saying is that there is a variety of religions,
01:13:06all of which contradict each other theologically,
01:13:08and not any more in competition than the diverse languages of the world.
01:13:13Now, as an evangelical Christian, I disagree that the Catholic Church is the only true church, obviously.
01:13:18Salvation is by grace alone, by faith alone, and in Christ alone.
01:13:23It's available to all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and faith in the gospel,
01:13:28and the true church is made up of all who have accepted Jesus as saviour and lord.
01:13:33Historically, we have to say that the Roman Catholic system has deviated from New Testament Christianity
01:13:38and suppressed the gospel message.
01:13:41And it continues to teach false doctrines, including the doctrine of the mass,
01:13:45that when the priest celebrates the mass, he's re-sacrificing Jesus,
01:13:51and the bread and the wine have turned into the literal body of Jesus and the literal blood of Jesus,
01:13:56and he's sacrificed over and over again in an unbloody sacrifice.
01:14:00Totally against Bible teaching, because the Bible tells us that there was one God,
01:14:05one mediator between God and Jesus Christ, and he made one sacrifice in order to redeem us.
01:14:10It also teaches, basically, that you can pray to Mary as a mediator, which you can't,
01:14:17and that the Pope is the head of the church, which he's not.
01:14:20I actually wrote an article, which I have brought some along with,
01:14:25when this Pope took over, called First Pope, Last Pope,
01:14:29which gives you some of the issues which are between us and the Catholic Church,
01:14:34and also some interesting insights into the prophecies,
01:14:36including prophecies from the Catholic Church,
01:14:40which say that the last Pope, which they reckon corresponds to this Pope,
01:14:45will be an Antichrist Pope who will lead the church away from the truth.
01:14:49Quite interesting, I've got ten copies of that, which you can have afterwards,
01:14:53and I can send them on to you if you haven't got it.
01:14:56Now, coming back to the New Testament,
01:15:00we have to say that this is, obviously, heretical teaching,
01:15:03because there's one way to God.
01:15:07Now, what's interesting is that not only the Catholic Church,
01:15:11but also, increasingly, the Church of England, the Methodists, the Baptists,
01:15:14and churches in mainland denominations are saying pretty similar things.
01:15:19But they're contradicting what Jesus says, because Jesus is very clear,
01:15:23and the New Testament's very clear that there's one God, and one mediator between God, Jesus Christ.
01:15:28Jesus said, I'm the way, the truth, and the life.
01:15:30No one comes to the Father except by me. John 14, 6.
01:15:35Peter said about Jesus, there's no other name given under heaven,
01:15:38given among men, by which we must be saved.
01:15:41There may be lots of prophets and lots of teachers out there,
01:15:44but there's only one name by which you can be saved and have eternal life.
01:15:47That's through faith in Jesus. Acts 4, 12.
01:15:51Paul wrote, there's one God, and one mediator between God and men,
01:15:54the man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all.
01:15:57Why is Jesus the one way to God? Because he's given himself a ransom for all.
01:16:02He's given himself on the cross as a sacrifice for the sin of the world.
01:16:05If you deny that, you're actually not a Christian, or not a Bible-believing Christian.
01:16:10You may be a nominal Christian, you may give yourself the label of Christian,
01:16:13but you're not a saved believer in Jesus the Messiah.
01:16:16Now, coming back to the UN programme, the UN programme is working for world unity.
01:16:23We've just looked at it.
01:16:24And the Pope is playing his part in working for this programme
01:16:28in an attempt to destroy the biblical foundations of world Christianity
01:16:32and replace it with a one-world religious system, embracing all faiths as the way to God.
01:16:38Now, the Bible actually tells us that in the last days,
01:16:42or actually some say it's emerged right at the beginning of Christendom,
01:16:48will emerge something called Mystery Babylon the Great.
01:16:51Revelation 17.
01:16:57Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying,
01:17:02Come, I will show you the judgment on the great harlot who sits on many waters,
01:17:06with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication,
01:17:09and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
01:17:12So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness,
01:17:15and I saw a woman riding on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy,
01:17:18having seven heads and ten horns.
01:17:21The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls,
01:17:27having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.
01:17:32And on her forehead a name was written, Mystery Babylon the Great,
01:17:35the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth.
01:17:38Then I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
01:17:42When I saw her, I marvelled with great amazement.
01:17:46Historically, Protestants have seen the Roman Catholic Church in essence as this Mystery Babylon,
01:17:52drunk with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus,
01:17:56having a cup full of abominations and fornicating.
01:18:00In other words, fornicating with the world, bringing the world into the church
01:18:03and bringing the world into line with the world system,
01:18:06which is what the Church of Rome has done in the past.
01:18:10Corrupting Christendom in an alliance with kings and ruling powers of the earth.
01:18:15That certainly happened when the medieval papacy had power over the kings of Europe.
01:18:23But now the modern papacy under Pope Francis is attempting to bring together all religions in a force unity
01:18:30that is approved by the global political powers that seek a united world under the UN.
01:18:35I think this is an extension, if you like, of Babylon.
01:18:38You've got the global Babylon, the political system,
01:18:42and the religious system which is riding on the back of it.
01:18:46And such a religious system will inevitably come into conflict with the true teaching of Jesus Christ
01:18:53and faith, Christian faith, and persecute the saints who are true believers of Jesus.
01:18:59So the Bible tells you to come out of it.
01:19:02And it tells you to come out of it because Jesus is the answer.
01:19:06And let's conclude with the positive, Jesus is the answer.
01:19:11The remnant church, people who truly believe the Bible, believe in Jesus Christ.
01:19:16Are you part of that church?
01:19:18If not, become part of that church.
01:19:21Because it's the only way you can be saved from the wrath to come.
01:19:24I spoke earlier about some of the bad things which are coming on the earth.
01:19:27They are coming.
01:19:29There is one way to be saved from it.
01:19:31If you die without Christ, you face eternity separated from God in a place called hell,
01:19:37which God doesn't want anyone to go to.
01:19:38If you repent and believe, you have an assured place in a place called heaven
01:19:43where you can go and be safe for eternity.
01:19:46That's the choice before you.
01:19:48What we have to believe is the true message of the gospel,
01:19:52that Jesus Christ died for our sins, that he was buried, that he rose again on the third day,
01:19:57that he ever lives to make intercession for us,
01:20:00that he's alive today and that he's with us as we call upon his name.
01:20:04I was saying earlier about being in your presence.
01:20:06How can we be in your presence?
01:20:08We're in your presence as we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:20:11He said, where two or three are gathered together in my name, I'm there in the midst.
01:20:15So as we come to Jesus, we're in the presence of God through Jesus Christ.
01:20:19There's no other way you can get into the kingdom of God except through faith in Jesus.
01:20:24No matter what the Pope says, no matter what some churches say.
01:20:29Go by what the Bible says, what Jesus himself says.
01:20:32And at the same time, we know that the same Jesus is coming again,
01:20:36this time in power and glory to judge the world in righteousness.
01:20:40So if you know that, no matter how many gloomy things I've told you tonight, this is good news.
01:20:46It means that Jesus is coming and that he's going to have the last word
01:20:51and that those who believe in him are going to be on the victory side.
01:20:55So believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.
01:21:01Lord, we thank you for your word. We thank you for the truth of the word of God.
01:21:05We pray that each person listening to me tonight or listening on the internet
01:21:11may turn to you in repentance and faith and know that we have eternal life through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
01:21:20If you do have any questions on that, let me know and I'll give you some answers.
01:21:24And believe in Jesus and look forward to what you have in the days to come.
01:21:29And the eternal life which is given to us through Jesus.
01:21:33I continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for the people of the world who are suffering
01:21:38and for the gospel to go out and reach many people. Amen.