• last year
In this enchanting children's tale, "The Tailor and the Elephant," viewers are invited to embark on a heartwarming journey that emphasizes the importance of kindness and compassion. Follow the story of a talented tailor who forms an unexpected friendship with a gentle elephant, showcasing how acts of kindness can bridge differences and create lasting bonds. This delightful narrative is perfect for young audiences, encouraging them to embrace empathy and understanding in their everyday lives. Join us for a captivating experience that will inspire both children and adults alike. #ChildrensTale #KindnessMatters #Empathy


00:00Once, an elephant happened to pass by that village.
00:04He drank water from the river.
00:07He was just looking here and there as he was passing by.
00:11Some people gave him fruits.
00:13Some people gave him water.
00:15But the tailor was mischievous.
00:18When the elephant kept his trunk in front of him, the tailor took his needle and pinched
00:25him with it.
00:26Then the elephant went to the river to drink water and he filled his entire trunk with
00:33water and mud.
00:35He started walking into the village again and he went near the tailor's shop.
00:41At that time, he shook his trunk in front of the tailor in such a way that the tailor
00:47thought that he was bowing before him.
00:50So the elephant poured all of the muddy water from his trunk onto this tailor.
00:57This is because the elephant wanted to take revenge as tailor hurt him with his needle.
01:04So children, the moral of the story is never hurt anyone, otherwise the other person may
01:12take revenge.
