• last year
Nineties Eastenders (29th April 1997)
00:00I just think you could have tried a bit harder, that's all.
00:28Look, I said I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do.
00:31I just can't shut the cafe down for the night.
00:33It just seems such a shame.
00:34I know, but not earning money so we can get out and spend some
00:37doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
00:40It's only one night, you know, it's our anniversary.
00:42I just thought it'd be nice to go out and celebrate.
00:43Look, you know I would if I could, don't you?
00:47I'm sorry. I know.
00:48I really wanted to do something special, you know.
00:50Yeah, a bummer, isn't it?
00:58I know.
01:23There you go, three grand.
01:26Some ground rules.
01:27This is strictly between you and me, Sanjay.
01:29I don't want any of this leaking out to the other market traders.
01:31Yeah, yeah, I know. I mean it, Sanjay.
01:34Getting involved with you like this can be pretty unethical.
01:36What's with the sudden bang of conscience?
01:38You give me some money, you get a lot more back.
01:41Come on, it's just one deal, innit?
01:44It's not like you're giving me preferential treatment, is it?
01:46No, I'm giving you three grand. Yeah, exactly, you're giving me.
01:49Now, if I was giving you, that might look a bit funny.
01:52Oh, nice distinction.
01:53Tell you what, why don't you go round there and tell that to Big Ron or Winster?
01:56I hope they see it your way.
01:58Yeah, exactly.
01:59Her life would be a lot simpler if nobody knows I helped out, OK?
02:03Yeah, whatever you say.
02:04I've not seen man about a package.
02:09Yeah, of course, when I looked in the wardrobe,
02:11there was nothing of the light. Do you know what I mean?
02:14Yeah. I mean, does that happen to you?
02:16Don't you wake up, look at your clothes and think,
02:19I'd like to wear something, I don't know, a bit different today?
02:21No, not really.
02:23No, maybe not.
02:24Anyway, what's all the fuss about?
02:26It's not as if this is your first date with George, is it?
02:28Oh, you youngsters, you've got no sense of occasion.
02:31You have to put a little effort in sometimes.
02:33Anyway, I can't hang about, I've got a lot of things to do.
02:39You OK?
02:40Fine, I'll just hang up my coat and I'll check the soft drinks.
02:42Look, Lorraine... Look, I know I'm a bit late,
02:45but really, it won't take a minute to do.
02:47So, are you still mad at me?
02:49Why should I be mad at you?
02:50I mean, all you did was announce out of the blue
02:52that you were going after Courtney.
02:54You didn't discuss it with me first,
02:56you didn't bother to find out what I thought.
02:58You just made up your mind and you expected me and George
03:00to go along for the ride.
03:02What's to be mad about?
03:04All right, I'm asking you now.
03:06And I'm telling you, I haven't the room for another family.
03:09Look, I know you don't want to have any more kids.
03:11I mean, this is different.
03:12Why? Because Courtney's Tiffany's?
03:15And do you think I would be comfortable
03:17taking Tiffany's child? Have you any idea what that would mean?
03:19She's my kid as well.
03:20And have you thought who's going to look after her?
03:22I mean, Jo's in Norfolk State and I need to get a job.
03:24You've got a job. A proper job.
03:27Are you going to give up work to look after her?
03:29Or are you planning on propping her up on the bar
03:31next to Queen Victoria?
03:32All right, all right.
03:35I wasn't thinking.
03:37But most of all, there's Jo.
03:39He couldn't handle something like a baby just now.
03:41You don't know that.
03:43Believe me, he's not up to it.
03:44But if he was... He's not.
03:47OK, OK, I was being stupid. You've got enough on your plate.
03:50Right, now, I'm sorry.
03:52There's just too much going on.
03:53All right, I understand.
03:55Well, I just had to put it on the back burner, eh?
03:58So, er, still friends?
04:01I suppose.
04:02Now, really, I do have to sort out the soft drinks.
04:05It's already been done.
04:14Come on.
04:15Hello, Cathy.
04:19You're looking well.
04:21I mean, Doc!
04:22Yeah, I'm pleased to see you and all.
04:24Sorry, it's just a surprise, that's all.
04:26I never thought we'd see you back here again.
04:27Oh, well, I've come to look after Ethel in her hour of need.
04:30I'm not one to be found wanting.
04:32No, I'm sure you weren't.
04:33Perhaps we could have a cup of tea later on.
04:36You know, catch up on all the news.
04:38Only I've got to see Dr Legg first.
04:40Oh? Yeah, clear up a few things.
04:43Well, I'll see you later then, Doc. That'd be nice.
04:45Yeah, babysitting, are you?
04:47No. Haven't you heard?
04:49He's mine. Yours?
04:50I'll give my best to Dr Legg.
04:54I'd feel better if I could get his doctor to see him.
04:57Well, that's not a problem. Just ring him up.
04:59He's on holiday.
05:00They only told me today, like it didn't matter yesterday.
05:04Well, there must be someone you could speak to.
05:06Well, they suggested the CPN, but I don't want to do that.
05:10And then they asked if Joe was a danger to himself or anyone else,
05:13which he isn't.
05:15They said my best bet was to wait for Chalmers to come back next week.
05:18Well, call him back.
05:20Oh, I don't know.
05:22You know, maybe I shouldn't go for this interview tomorrow.
05:24Maybe I should stay with Joe.
05:26Well, you know how I feel about you getting another job.
05:28I need a job, Grant.
05:30And it's not just the money.
05:31OK, look, whatever Joe needs now, he needs you to be strong and happy.
05:34Yeah, maybe you're right.
05:36Perhaps he just needs to get back on his pills again, eh?
05:40Look, would it help if I went and talked to him?
05:43It might.
05:44All right, well, you worry about the hospital,
05:46and I'll go and talk to Joe, OK?
05:52Let's look at this.
05:53Careful now, Sanjay. What's he got there?
05:55Just some more stock.
05:56Does your stock always come looking like it's come from a newspaper?
05:59Sometimes. Anything wrong with that?
06:01No, it just seems very peculiar, that's all.
06:04Not the way I would do business.
06:05Yeah, but is everything all right?
06:07I'm dying, I've gone to heaven.
06:08Let me see. Is this stuff any good?
06:09Any good? This is dynamite, this stuff in here.
06:12You would not believe. Look at these names.
06:13I mean, they're all genuine.
06:15And the prices we pay for them, you couldn't fake them cheaper.
06:17Sanjay, look at all this sportswear.
06:18Can you get some more?
06:21Well, I don't know. It doesn't matter, though. This will sell out nicely.
06:23Sanjay? Yeah, once we shift this, we can get more stock, better stock.
06:25Sanjay? We can make serious money.
06:28I'm telling you. And in time, maybe a shop...
06:30No, a chain! I'm telling you, Mum, this is just the beginning.
06:32Sanjay! What?
06:34I asked you last week about another stall for the stock.
06:37So just one question, hotshot. Where is it?
06:40Yes, I know he's on holiday.
06:42No, I can't wait, actually.
06:46Look, I've told you, it's not actual danger.
06:50Look, I told this to whoever I spoke to this morning.
06:55No, no, I don't know who it is.
06:57No, please, don't put me on hold.
07:00Look, Mum, I'm just going out for a bit.
07:02What, now? Well, it's quiet. It won't be long.
07:04Oh, why didn't you warn me, Grant?
07:06Something came up, all right?
07:09Look, everything's going to be fine, I promise.
07:12Yes, hello?
07:14Yes, well, I've been waiting ages.
07:16You all right, Mum?
07:18What are you doing here? Geography fieldwork.
07:20Claire and me are enumerating. That means counting.
07:23The number of cars passing a fixed point on the high road
07:26between 11.15 and 11.45.
07:28But where's Claire? In the caf.
07:29We're collating our figures.
07:31You know, gathering them together, sorting them out.
07:33What do you mean, making them up? Oh, would I?
07:38So, Mum, you and Alan going out tonight?
07:41No, we can't, I'm afraid.
07:42Are you kidding? Well, it would be nice,
07:44but we can't afford it. It's all the time.
07:46Well, it is your anniversary. Yeah, I know,
07:48but with the caf and everything, Alan can't just close it down.
07:50Can't he get someone to cover? Not all night.
07:52No, it's hard to find someone to do that at short notice.
07:54You can't just let it go by without some sort of celebration.
07:56I know, but what can I do? You've got to go out.
07:58Yeah, like I said, I wish I could.
08:00Wait a minute. Why are you so keen that we go out tonight?
08:03I just thought it would be nice, that's all. Oh, yeah?
08:05Honest. What have you got planned, a party?
08:07Nothing. You were counting on us going out tonight.
08:09Look, I'd better get back to Claire. Sonia, see you late, Mum.
08:15Er, Jo, the reason I came round was because...
08:22..your mum, she's worried about you.
08:30Jo, I'm talking to you.
08:32You know, I used to think this stuff was the best.
08:35But it tears and it goes yellow.
08:38This stuff, this is much better, because there's not a mess.
08:42And when you're sticking, you don't get the glue everywhere,
08:46and you can get it right where you want it,
08:48and you don't get any on your hands.
08:50This, right, it's the future. It's neat, it's efficient.
08:54It's a miracle.
08:56What do you think?
08:58About what?
09:00Erm, which is better for sticking?
09:05Oh, right, the stuff you've got, yeah, that's a lot better.
09:08In fact, I think it's amazing.
09:12Like this? Yeah.
09:15Amazing. Yeah.
09:17You think so? Oh, don't you?
09:19It's just glue.
09:22Look, Lorraine, your mum, she's really worried about you, Jo.
09:27Did you know that the worst hurricane to hit America
09:30was Hurricane Andrew, and it's half your dad currently?
09:33In Miami on August 24, 1992?
09:35Is that right?
09:37Are you and Mum splitting up, then?
09:41Oh, you weren't here last night?
09:43Yeah, that's right, I wasn't.
09:46Is it cos of me? What?
09:48Is it cos of me, cos of me, that you're splitting up?
09:51Why not?
09:53Promise? Yeah, I promise.
09:56The reason I wasn't here last night was because something came up,
09:59you know, something that was better off that I dealt with on my own.
10:03Look, no-one's thinking of splitting up, Jo.
10:05In fact, I want us to become a family, you know, the three of us.
10:09Family. Family's nice.
10:11Yeah, yeah, it'll be good, you'll see.
10:14Will it be like it was before with Karen?
10:17Yeah, a bit, maybe.
10:19I, um... She was OK.
10:21You know, for her sister, she was OK.
10:25I miss her.
10:27Yeah, yeah, I know you do.
10:29So how would you feel about having, you know, another little sister?
10:32What do you mean?
10:34Well, you know, another sister.
10:36Like Karen?
10:38Yeah, someone you could look after, someone you could care for.
10:43Don't believe this. What did I say about our arrangement, mate?
10:46That it's just between ourselves, but you should see...
10:48Just between ourselves, Sanjay.
10:50So what's the first thing you do? You come into the office asking for another store.
10:53Nobody's going to notice that.
10:55Look, there's so much stock, I ain't got the room, mate.
10:57But if I had a separate store, different stock, different prices.
11:00Do you realise how many people have got lined up waiting for a store?
11:03What will happen if they don't get the store, but my special friend Sanjay does?
11:06Why worry about someone you don't even know? We're sitting on a goldmine here.
11:09I worry because it's my job.
11:11Maybe I shouldn't have got involved in this.
11:13Yeah, but you did, and you're going to make some money out of this, a lot.
11:16But only if I can shift the gear.
11:18The quicker I sell it, the quicker you're going to get your money.
11:22All right, let me think about it.
11:24Great, but no promises, OK?
11:26All right.
11:30You know, I was reading Sharmila's story last night before she went to sleep.
11:33Oh, yes? Yes. There was a picture of a white horse.
11:36She pointed to it and said, Kalki.
11:38I asked her what she meant, and she said the white horse was Vishnu.
11:41Did she really? I wish she wouldn't tell Sharmila these stories.
11:44But you don't do any harm.
11:46I just don't want her head filled with all that stuff.
11:48I'm sorry you feel that way. Yes, well, I do.
11:51But there's no need to be quite so protective.
11:54What I'm trying to say is I don't want Sharmila to be confused.
11:57All right. I was only trying to help.
11:59If you want me to, I'll stop. Thank you.
12:04It's in the bag. Michael agreed.
12:06He said he'd think about it. That's not quite the same thing, is it?
12:09Oh, come on. He came up with the money, didn't he?
12:11Don't worry about Michael. He'll see sense.
12:13I'm telling you, we're on our way.
12:15Custody. That's right.
12:18And I reckon I'll win.
12:20What, with you and your money?
12:22And I reckon I'll win.
12:24What, with you and your mum, we can provide a proper family for Courtney.
12:27Any cop will see that she's better off with me than she is with Tiffany.
12:30What, here?
12:32That's right.
12:33Living here?
12:38So, um...
12:40What am I going to do? Where am I going to go?
12:43Well, you'll be here with us.
12:46I don't know what you're doing.
12:48Joe... It's not going to work, Bob.
12:50Just calm down, yeah?
12:53This is why you came over here, isn't it?
12:55I came round here cos I thought...
12:57Well, I wanted to let you know that whatever happened the other night,
13:00we know it wasn't anything to do with you and that we care about you.
13:03No, that's what you want me to believe!
13:05I know better, though.
13:07Joe, you got it all wrong, mate.
13:09See, once you've got your kid going, you won't want me. That's your plan, isn't it?
13:12Of course I'll want you. We both want you.
13:14No, this is just a put-up job.
13:16You get me to trust you and then what? I'm out?
13:18Joe, you're being ridiculous.
13:23I know you.
13:28I know who you are.
13:30Look, Joe, just calm down, yeah?
13:32I've always known you.
13:34What are you on about?
13:36I should have never trusted you.
13:42But I know now, so, um...
13:45I think you'd better go.
13:48I mean it! You'd better go!
13:57Cos remember, Grant?
13:59I'm watching you.
14:01I'm onto you.
14:04I'm onto you.
14:07Onto you.
14:10Onto you.
14:14All right?
14:16Just been down the town all, you know, donkey work for the paper.
14:19Plus I could do a bit of background stuff on my article.
14:21Ah, brilliant. How's it going?
14:23Pretty good. I'll have something by the end of the week.
14:25Yeah, well, they won't know what's hit them.
14:27Yeah, they will. I've got my name on it.
14:29Listen, don't get mad at me, but I said we'd babysit Courtney tonight.
14:32Tiff wants to go out. She said she's been climbing up the walls.
14:35Fine. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.
14:38Don't bother me. Are you sure?
14:40Si, I'm completely cool about it, all right?
14:42Don't mind I'm not Courtney's dad.
14:44Actually, it's a way off, know what I mean?
14:46Yeah, but even so...
14:47I reckon I've got enough to think about without some kid getting in the way.
14:51Look, I'd better be getting off. I'll see you later, yeah?
15:01Um, fine.
15:02Well, how was he?
15:03Joe, he's OK. Yeah.
15:05Look, I'm sure everything's gonna be fine.
15:08So how'd you get on with the doctor?
15:09Well, apparently there is someone who stands in for Chalmers,
15:11but they won't be there till tomorrow.
15:13I don't know. I'm just so worried that, you know,
15:15they're not taking it seriously.
15:17What, do you want me to have a word with him?
15:20Well, I'd like to help.
15:21No, I think it's best if I keep at it.
15:23I am his mum.
15:25Well, if you're sure.
15:26Thanks, anyway.
15:30Oh, thanks, Chrissie.
15:34Here you go.
15:35Oh, thank you.
15:37Seen a lot of changes round here since you went away.
15:39Oh, one or two.
15:40That's a bit odd.
15:41Well, it is, really, yes.
15:43I mean, all sorts of changes, you know.
15:45People going, getting married,
15:48having babies.
15:50Obviously, Nigel didn't tell you.
15:52I'm married to Phil Mitchell.
15:53That's our son, Ben.
15:55Phil Mitchell?
15:56That's right.
15:58No, well, Nigel didn't tell me very much, really,
16:00but then you know me, Kev.
16:02I ain't one to cry.
16:04But who'd have thought it?
16:08Married to a Mitchell.
16:09It's not that strange.
16:10Oh, no, no.
16:12But, I mean, them Mitchells,
16:14they're all under the shelf, aren't they?
16:16They always have been.
16:17Well, everything's fine.
16:18Thank you very much.
16:19Oh, yes, I'm sure it is, Kev,
16:21because if anyone can keep an eye on Phil Mitchell,
16:23it'll be you.
16:24Tell me something.
16:26You and Phil,
16:28was that before
16:30or after Sharon?
16:32After, Doc.
16:34A long time after.
16:36I thought you didn't like to pry.
16:39Healthy curiosity, Kev.
16:41There's a difference.
16:43Come on, come on, what's in the inbox?
16:45Two messages, yes!
16:47OK, here's mine.
16:48Hi, son.
16:52Oh, I see, son.
16:54Hi, son, how you doing?
16:56Went out to the pub last night and got drunk.
16:58Hope you're well. Big kiss, whiz boy.
17:00Well, is that it? Is that all there is?
17:02My turn.
17:04Oh, wow, wow!
17:06Rapper's only gone and written me a poem. Listen to this.
17:08She can kill me with a smile, she can ruin with her eyes,
17:11she can ruin your faith with her casual eyes,
17:13and she only reveals what she wants you to see.
17:16She hides like a child, but she's always a woman to me.
17:18Oh, he wrote that. Isn't that just so cool?
17:20It's all right. It's brilliant.
17:22Bit poncy, if you ask me.
17:24Shh, stop.
17:28Hello, Claire, son, you may...
17:30You want to be careful of them things?
17:32Computers? Don't be silly. Anyway, you didn't mind them yesterday.
17:35You want to mark my words, they ain't good for you.
17:38Don't worry, this one's perfect.
17:43Sanjay didn't have to go out for food.
17:45I could just as easily have made us something here.
17:47We wanted a takeaway. But it's such a waste.
17:49If I were you... But you're not.
17:52You know, we do things a certain way because that's how we like to do them.
17:56It's all right, Geeta. I understand.
17:59Understand what? The pressure you're under. Sanjay's told me everything.
18:02Told you? I don't follow.
18:04Not being able to have children, when that's the one thing you want,
18:07is a terrible burden. But you mustn't give up hope.
18:10You just have to keep trying.
18:12What has Sanjay been saying?
18:14It's not unusual for women to have difficulty conceiving.
18:16You think I'm the one who can't?
18:18But you mustn't let it get you down.
18:20Not let it get me down?
18:22And you must try not to think of it as your fault.
18:24I'm sure Sanjay doesn't.
18:26All right, family size, thin crust, no olives,
18:29an all-vegetarian four-cheese extravaganza.
18:32Sanjay, you and me in the kitchen now.
18:35What, now? What about...
18:41Ta-da! How do I look?
18:43Wow. So I look OK?
18:45Mum, you look the dog's.
18:47Thank you, darling. I'll take that as a compliment.
18:49I just hope George likes it.
18:51He'll love it. What time's he picking you up?
18:53About ten minutes ago. You mean he's not here yet?
18:55No sign. Oh, that's not like him.
18:57He'll be here. Don't worry.
19:00How could you? It wasn't as simple as you think.
19:03I got confused. Confused? Yeah.
19:05You have low sperm count, so we can't have children.
19:08Now, exactly which bit of that do you find confusing?
19:10Look, that's not what I meant. Well, go on, then. I'm listening.
19:13It started in India, right? Mum kept asking me why we only had one child.
19:18You told her it was my fault?
19:20No, of course I didn't. I just told her there were a few problems
19:23and just left it at that. So you found it easier to let her think
19:26that I was the one with the problem, right?
19:29You're 32 years old, Sanjay.
19:31Isn't it time you stopped behaving like a 12-year-old?
19:33That's not fair. I told you, it got complicated.
19:35It was pathetic. You don't understand.
19:37There are some things you cannot talk to your mum about.
19:40Oh, clearly. I'm sorry.
19:43There are times, Sanjay, when sorry's just not good enough.
19:57I bumped into Kathy today.
19:59You never told me that she was married again and had a baby.
20:03To her age? I don't think it's very nice.
20:06I mean, a mother again.
20:08Her boy's younger than her grandchild.
20:10What do you think, Nigel?
20:12I think you're enjoying every minute catching up with the gossip.
20:15Well, I am rather.
20:17Well, I think you're enjoying every minute catching up with the gossip.
20:20I think you're enjoying every minute catching up with the gossip.
20:23Well, I am rather.
20:24Now, I've been thinking, Nigel, I can't stay on here forever.
20:28I mean, if I do stay, I'll have to get me own place.
20:32I mean, I suppose I could try the council,
20:35but you know them waiting lists, as long as you're armed.
20:38Well, you'd stay here with me.
20:39Oh, I couldn't. I couldn't possibly.
20:41Of course you could. We'll manage.
20:43Well, what about Clare? They'll rent the room.
20:45We'll make the room.
20:47Listen, Mrs C, this is something I want to do.
20:50When I first arrived here, you looked after me, fed me, cared for me.
20:54Yeah, but I was on my own, weren't I?
20:56No, listen, I don't know what I would have done without you.
20:59Now I can help you.
21:01It's payback time.
21:03Let me do this for you.
21:05Oh, Nigel.
21:08Still at it? Nearly done.
21:15I think you're doing this...
21:18Yeah, well, I think it's really good.
21:20Yeah, I didn't think it would be so much fun, you know,
21:23telling it how it is, blowing the lid off.
21:25Blowing the lid off? Technical term.
21:28I've just looked in on Courtney. She's fine.
21:31Oh, yeah? Good.
21:33I think you've been really great about all this.
21:36About what?
21:37Well, you know, all this business about Grant being Courtney's dad.
21:40Like I said, it's a relief, really.
21:42Yeah, but even so, I know you really wanted it to be yours,
21:46and I think that you...
21:48Sorry, miles away.
21:50Look, I've really got to get on with this, you know?
21:56Sure, whatever.
22:02Oh, Robbie, do me a favour, will you?
22:04Take this over to Alan. He left it behind this morning.
22:07Oh, no, Gran, I'm busy.
22:09No, Robbie, before it's too late.
22:11Kind of way, it's getting to a good bit.
22:13But you're watching the telly too.
22:15No, no, I've seen it before.
22:17You mean, this was no accident?
22:33Hi, Joe.
22:46There's lots of cars, aren't there?
22:48Too many if you ask me, but, you know, it's one of those things.
22:51What can you do?
22:52You all right, love?
22:54Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm completely fine.
22:58All right, then, er...
23:00See you.
23:04So, well, who's to have plans?
23:07Plans instead.
23:09Never mind, I've still got my eye.
23:11Yeah, thanks.
23:12Hello, Mum.
23:13Rossum said you left this behind.
23:15I'll put it round the corner.
23:17Happy anniversary. Another red-letter day for the Jacksons.
23:20Oh, Alan!
23:21Don't worry, it's just a fuse. Hang on.
23:23Oh, Mum, come over here in case you fall over.
23:31If we can't go to the party, the party can come to us.
23:34Your idea?
23:36And I thought you were up to no good all this time.
23:39That's all right, Mum. I'll forgive you.
23:44Hello, Joy.
23:45His mobile's switched off.
23:47What's the point of a mobile that's switched off?
23:50What's the matter with him? I don't understand it.
23:53Where could he have got to?
23:55George is a big boy. I'm sure there'll be a simple explanation.
23:59Yeah, well, there'd better be.
24:01Yes, please.
24:02Find a better place.
24:03You don't know anyone with a blue Metro, do you?
24:06No, why?
24:07I think some kid's letting down his tyres.
24:09Looked like he'd done a couple of other cars.
24:11A kid?
24:12Yeah, about 15, 16.
24:14Floppy hair, muttering to himself.
24:26Looked a bit paddled, if you ask me.
24:30Mum's serving, will ya?
24:36Joe, what are you doing?
24:38No, you see, they can't communicate now.
24:40It's all right, cos I'm protected anyway.
24:42I'm protected anyway, but it doesn't last forever.
24:44That's why I had to demobilise him.
24:46All right, all right.
24:47Oi! That's my car!
24:49What are you doing in my car?
24:51Look what he's done to my car!
24:52You've got to pay for that!
24:53All right, mate, just send me the bill.
24:55Please send me the car, all of you.
24:57All right, I'm getting the plates.
24:59It's a lot safer than being out here.
25:01You know what he's done to my car?
25:03Good night, love.
25:04Sleep tight, yeah?
25:06Thanks a lot.
25:07Have fun, yeah?
25:10Bye-bye, Grant.
25:16All right?
25:19You know that today I heard that committal proceedings were a couple of weeks?
25:23No, but it means in a few months' time Billy will have to testify.
25:25He'll be fine.
25:26Are you sure we're doing the right thing?
25:28It's a hell of a lot for him to go through. He's only small.
25:30Look, we'll get through this together.
25:32Will we?
25:33Look, I mean, it's months away.
25:35Who knows what'll happen between now and then?
25:37Those scumbags might change their plea.
25:39The cops may find another witness. Who knows?
25:41I know you're right.
25:42One step at a time, eh?
25:43Yeah, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, yeah?
25:45That's the one.
25:46Do you realise we've spent more time apart since we've been married
25:49than we ever did when we were just living in sin?
25:51Yeah, well, let's hope we can do better this year, eh?
25:56Come on, love, let's get this thing on.
25:58It's not safe!
25:59It'll be perfectly safe, trust me.
26:01Sit still and let me do the buttons.
26:04It's quiet down there. They've all gone.
26:06Yeah, it'll be all over the square soon enough.
26:08You don't know that, do you?
26:10I'm worried this is happening all over again.
26:13Come on, love, let's get you to bed. Come on.
26:16Come on.
26:18What is it?
26:21They're coming for me.
26:23No, listen, please, just listen, listen.
26:26They're gonna come for me.
26:30Because they know that I got away from them last time.
26:33And they never make the same mistake twice.
26:35Twice. They don't.
26:38Can you not see? Please say you can see. Can you not see?
26:41They're everywhere.
26:43You can't trust anyone. You can't trust anyone, Mum.
26:46Come on, lovely.
26:51I'm scared, Mum.
26:53I know. I know.
26:56Can you help me?
26:57I know. Come on. Come on.
26:59Anything. I will.
27:08I love you.
27:38I love you.