Eastenders 30th September 2024

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Eastenders 30th September 2024


00:25Bloody hell. It's just... I've got a lot on.
00:30OK, fine. What time?
00:32Right, see you then.
00:34What was that about?
00:36Um, just a client. My boring numbers stuff.
00:41What have we got there?
00:43Your favourite green fingers.
00:45Oh, well, didn't have to do that.
00:47Well, you've got to keep your strength up, haven't you?
00:49After this plea hearing, Sonia will be one step closer to coming home.
00:53And we have got to stay focused for her, yes?
00:55Yeah, you're right. For Sonia.
00:57Let's do this.
01:01Lads, come on, keep up the pace, otherwise your mum's going to have my guts.
01:04First lessons only, lads. I hate this a lot.
01:06Tommy, what happens when you turn up late
01:08and everybody knows in your class what comes after nine except you, eh?
01:11Right, hold it, hold it, hold it.
01:14OK, listen up, keep your head down, all right?
01:17I don't want your mum to know that we're running late.
01:19Why would she care? What?
01:21Now that ginger spice is gone.
01:23Spice girls? When did you learn about them?
01:25Tommy, I'm going to turn into Scary Spice unless you move your backside, all right?
01:29Push, push, push. Come, come, come, come, come, come, come.
01:32Ooh, I'd stay down here if I was you.
01:35I just got caught up in Kim's rut.
01:39Are you all right, baby?
01:41Oh, don't tell me she already got to you.
01:43Me? No, it's just something silly.
01:45What is?
01:47Get on my nerves! Just come on!
01:49We're going to be late! Again!
01:53These kids, man!
01:55Well, at least Chelsea has taken Jordan.
01:57And Denise could have taken Raymond, you know.
01:59I mean, who does she think I am? Nanny Mac Fox?
02:01Right. Kim, have you seen my school bag?
02:04You've got eyes in it. Don't look for it!
02:08Listen, man, we all got things to do.
02:10Nobody's got time for Kim's show this morning. Please.
02:13Auntie, you still going to see Amy later?
02:15All right, well, she's not been to school.
02:17Leave me on read.
02:19I'm not texting back.
02:21Don't worry, I'll talk to her.
02:24I think she needs some encouragement to get out and about anyway.
02:26Thank you. See you guys later.
02:28All right.
02:31Come on! Now!
02:36Hey, so...
02:38She wants to say something, just...
02:40This came this morning.
02:43The prayer group are doing a collection for the Harvest Festival.
02:46You remember the festival last year?
02:48Your squash was so big, we had to take it back home.
02:53And look at us now.
02:56The only thing growing in that allotment are weeds.
02:59Oh, look at us.
03:03If you're worried about going empty-handed...
03:06It's not that.
03:09People gossip.
03:13I don't think I can face it.
03:15Yeah, but nobody knows that you had anything at all to do with Clayton.
03:19Don't let him have this.
03:28Woman is always leaving her keys.
03:45Yolande, good to see you.
03:47We have some news regarding the case against Gideon Clayton.
03:51Is now a good time to chat?
03:57Morning. Hello, love. I come bearing gifts.
04:00Oh, should be me giving you treats.
04:03Mind you, I never really was the baking kind of mum, was I?
04:06Anyway, I'm just glad you're finally out and about.
04:08Can't be good for you lot to wear in that pub.
04:11I just thought it might be best to keep a low profile, you know?
04:14What about me? I am your mum.
04:16And Ian's Bobby's dad. And he made his feelings pretty clear.
04:20Oh, don't worry about him. What you did was your choice.
04:23It's none of his business.
04:25Has he been speaking to Bobby?
04:28Bobby's a big boy now. He'll be fine.
04:31What about you and Freddy?
04:35There isn't a me and Freddy.
04:37I reckon it's best to just keep our distance.
04:41Well, I think life is far too short to derive yourself of happiness.
04:44What about me and these muffins?
04:47As you know, it's always difficult to gather concrete evidence in cases like this.
04:53But we now have a third woman who's made allegations against Pastor Clayton.
05:00This is good news for your case.
05:03It means he'll face multiple indictments.
05:06Another woman has suffered at the hands of that man.
05:11I can't see any good in that.
05:13Maybe you can take comfort in knowing that your strength
05:17will bring those two women one step closer to justice.
05:22If anything else comes up, I'll be in touch.
05:25I'll see myself out.
05:30Thank you, Detective. Thank you.
05:33Hey, now that another woman has come forward,
05:37he might change his plea to guilty.
05:40And what?
05:42And what? Spoil his reputation?
05:47Yeah, but it's still good news. Huh?
05:54The more people that come forward,
05:56the more it will prove that he...
06:00..abused his position.
06:04Right. Yeah. You're loundy.
06:06Leave it.
06:08I am going to see Amy.
06:13Just waiting till next year before she gets a trial.
06:16That'll be Sonia, spending Christmas alone in a jail cell.
06:19It's just not fair.
06:21I should have been there.
06:23You're all right. She don't need an audience.
06:26She had plenty of eyes on her.
06:28Why do they need court security? It's only Sonia.
06:32Sweet, homeless Sonia.
06:34How does she look?
06:36Like they ain't feeding her enough.
06:38I just want her over.
06:40I just want her home, Kat.
06:42I'm going to have to get back to the store,
06:44otherwise shrimpy's going to blow her fuse.
06:47You know where I am if you need me.
06:49Actually, Martin, you couldn't spare a couple of courgettes, could you?
06:52The prayer group are collecting for the Harvest Festival,
06:54and I said I'd volunteer.
06:56Yeah. Yeah, of course. Thank you.
06:58I'd better get going, too.
07:00Not today. Thank God, all of a sudden...
07:02After all the community have done for us,
07:05it's only right I give back.
07:07It's what Sonia would want.
07:11I'm volunteering today.
07:13The day of Sonia's plearing. Don't you think that's a bit weird, Kat?
07:16Maybe the bloke's just looking for a distraction.
07:18Look, what you should be focusing on right now
07:21is looking after yourself, all right?
07:23You just forget about Rhys.
07:25See you later.
07:33Hello, there. You weren't supposed to be at school.
07:35I was there.
07:37Your mother didn't say anything to me.
07:39I did tell her, but she doesn't listen.
07:41Oh, just a little bit less of the lip, OK?
07:43Oi! Why aren't you at school?
07:46What's happened to your jacket?
07:48Oh, I've done it playing football.
07:50It's quite an abject.
07:52I've got the money to buy you a new one.
07:54Before it's getting ours done every week, so we can't be that badly stocked.
07:56Everyone just hold their horses a bit.
07:58How about you come and spend the day with your old man, eh? Great idea.
08:00And the bookies? Nah, they're all right.
08:03Tommy, just...
08:05No, listen, you need to talk to him, yeah,
08:07because I can't take much more of this.
08:09Because money's tight enough as it is.
08:11Oi! I painted these myself!
08:13Yeah, all right.
08:17Right, everyone, I need you out. OK, shine sharp early.
08:19Mo, you as well. Come on, sweetheart.
08:21Everyone out. Let's go. Come on, chop-chop.
08:23Cheers, buddy. Mo, come on, now. Let's get out.
08:25Yeah. That customer service mean nothing to you.
08:27Honestly, this place has gone to the dogs.
08:30Yeah, well, have a move on. Go, go, go, go, go.
08:34Tommy! Tommy, hold on!
08:38Thank you for lunch, Auntie Yolande.
08:40I never knew chicken could taste so good.
08:42It's only a sandwich.
08:44Well, I really appreciate it. All of it.
08:46I think I was just being paranoid for no reason.
08:49Well, this is a big step you should be proud of yourself.
08:51A big step? Really?
08:53You know...
08:55Did you know the prayer group is doing a collection?
08:59You should go. You'll love it.
09:01I mean, it'll be more fun than pushing me around.
09:03Yeah, well, I don't mind pushing you.
09:05And you need some fresh air. Honestly.
09:08I should probably head home now.
09:10These painkillers, they'll send me to sleep soon.
09:12And besides, it's Denzel's birthday next week.
09:16Any excuse to do some online shopping.
09:20Maybe you could do this again, if you've got time?
09:23Of course. You see?
09:25It wasn't as scary as you thought.
09:27But, you said, all you need to do is face it.
09:29I've spent enough time
09:31worrying about what other people think.
09:36Very good. See you later.
09:47Hey, son.
09:49Got something for you.
09:51Thanks, Harry. No worries, mate.
09:53Sorry you made a trip.
09:55Give me a second, mate.
09:57Keep it coming.
10:05Yes, I know, Mum, but unless there's solid proof
10:07that Sonia's innocent, there's really nothing we can do.
10:15I've got to go. I'll phone you back.
10:22What's the matter? What's that?
10:24It's just a speeding ticket.
10:26I was running late for a visit with Sonia a couple of weeks.
10:29Right, listen, I need to get on.
10:35I've got to go.
10:54I didn't know that you were part of the prayer group, no?
10:56First day.
10:59I've been whilst in your school, actually.
11:01You know how I am.
11:03I sought myself my first day of school,
11:05and this comes better.
11:09I'll just...
11:13You decided to come back.
11:15I thought, um...
11:17maybe you could do with some more hands.
11:22We have some new members.
11:24Maybe we could show them the ropes.
11:27Give us a hand with the packing.
11:29I would love to.
11:36Let's go.
11:46Welcome back.
11:48Thanks, babe.
11:50I heard Vinnie on the phone the other day,
11:52ordering the wrong stock.
11:57He's all over the place, man.
11:59Reckon I should pull him on it before we waste some money.
12:02Look at you, man.
12:04Punch your head.
12:06Look, it ain't as if Vinnie will listen to you anyways.
12:09He doesn't work for us.
12:13I mean, we could hire someone.
12:15What, like, hold interviews?
12:19I mean, Sukiya hasn't replaced Mum yet,
12:21and he's only right that we're the ones who get to choose.
12:23Do you know what I mean?
12:26We need a manager,
12:28and we'll make sure that they know who the real bosses are.
12:30Now you're talking.
12:34Oh, OK.
12:36I thought boys your age had a big appetite.
12:39I'm not in the mood.
12:43Tommy, pay attention. Eyes on me.
12:45I get it, all right?
12:47You're a teenager, your hormones are all over the place,
12:49but that is no excuse.
12:51Now, this attitude you've got might wash with your mates in the playground,
12:53but not here, and not with your mum, all right?
12:58And let's see the eye rolling.
13:00At the end of the day, you can't choose your family, but you're lucky.
13:02You have a family that love you very much
13:04and they'll do anything for you,
13:06but the least you can do is just show some respect, all right?
13:08Now, what I need you to understand...
13:10What your boy is up to?
13:12Uh, nothing, Fred. It's just not a good time at the moment, mate.
13:15Bobby still won't text me back.
13:17Anna won't even look at me. I'm Billy no mates.
13:19OK, OK.
13:21Hey, listen, maybe Anna's waiting for you to make the first move?
13:23Do you think?
13:25Yes, I think.
13:27All right?
13:29All right, see you later.
13:32Hey, I'm going out with Jack.
13:34What was I saying? Just hold on.
13:36Tommy, every day you're getting bigger, I get it, OK?
13:38But I need you to step up
13:40and be a good example to your brothers,
13:42and let's just drop this hard man act, OK?
13:44Cos real men, they take accountability.
13:46And that's...
13:55Yeah. Hello, darling.
13:57Yes, sweetheart, I know it's closed,
13:59but I just had to bomb back to the flat
14:01cos I left the iron on,
14:03and it's literally opening as we speak.
14:05Yep. Catch you soon. Bye-bye.
14:08Come, we need to go.
14:10So much for taking accountability.
14:12Can I help?
14:14Any hands make light work and all that?
14:21I couldn't believe it when I heard about the pastor.
14:24I mean, it's horrifying to think of something like that
14:26happening so close to home.
14:28You know,
14:30I haven't stopped praying for those poor women.
14:34Whoever they are.
14:42I owe you an apology.
14:44The way I treated you before.
14:46The accusations. I...
14:51I'm ashamed of myself, Yolanda.
14:53I mean, I don't expect you to forgive me.
14:55I just needed you to know how sorry I am.
15:04I get that.
15:12I am too old to hold such grudges.
15:19I hope you're going to keep coming back.
15:21It's not been the same without you.
15:34I was hoping we could chat.
15:44Look, it's Ginger Spice.
15:46Oi, you stupid little sod.
15:48Go on.
15:50This ain't the first time I've seen you loitering about here.
15:52Listen, this morning Rhys got a call.
15:54When I asked him about it, he looked well shifty.
15:57And then, then he had this letter.
15:59And when he opened the letter, he looked like he'd seen a ghost.
16:01I mean, there is something
16:03that he does not want me to know, Kat.
16:05Yeah, the blood drains from my face to Norman.
16:07I'll get me heating bill.
16:09Don't you think you're picking at Crumsby?
16:11Jumping from one thing to another.
16:13I'm worried about you, all right?
16:16It's getting worse.
16:18He's not doing you any good.
16:20Don't turn this on me. I'm doing this for Sonia.
16:22You think this is helping her?
16:24If you really care about your sister, you'd be keeping your head down.
16:26And as for Rhys, he ain't exactly Norman Bates, is he?
16:28I really think it's time you cut him some slack.
16:34Go on, boys.
16:39These allegations...
16:41He's getting late. I need to get out of here.
16:43They're ruining his life.
16:45And it's not just his life. It's mine, too.
16:47Your husband's ruination is long overdue.
16:53And it is nothing to compare
16:55with what I and the other women went through.
16:57That is suffering.
16:59How do you even know these women are telling the truth?
17:02People envy success.
17:04They'll do anything to knock someone down.
17:06So you want to stand there and tell me that those women are lying?
17:09That I am lying?
17:11What do you mean?
17:13I'm just...
17:16Yolandi, don't walk away from me.
17:19These women, they're sheep.
17:21They'll follow suit.
17:25If you retract your statement, they might do the same.
17:40Oh, Rhys. I need to talk to you.
17:42N-n-now's not a good time.
17:44Look, I'm the sort of person that just jumps into things headfirst, yeah?
17:48I just get an idea and then I run with it.
17:50But sometimes it, er...
17:52it goes a bit too far.
17:56from now on, I'm just going to stay out of your business.
17:59So as long as you're honest with me,
18:01we've got nothing to worry about, yeah?
18:03That's great. We're under the bridge.
18:34Who's a bleeding hell are you?
18:36Bianca, this is, um...
18:39Brenda and Hugh, Debbie's parents.
18:41And I'm Julia Nunn, legal executor of Debbie's Will.
18:45I-I'm afraid this is a closed conversation.
18:47You've got to be joking, ain't you, love?
18:49You'd better take it somewhere else, cos this is my sister's house.
18:52And your sister is the reason that we're here.
18:55If you could give us a moment, please.
19:02Is that who you were on the phone to this morning?
19:05How could you bring him here for his today of all days?
19:08I-I didn't have any choice.
19:10Look, y-you said you'd stay out of it.
19:12Now would be a good time to start.
19:18He devoted his whole life to the church.
19:21He made sacrifices to serve.
19:23And now these women come out the woodwork making claims.
19:26It's nothing short of a disgrace.
19:28These women don't want to do this.
19:30They are doing it because now is their chance.
19:34Well, it doesn't mean anything.
19:36Innocent people are wrongly convicted all the time.
19:41There is nothing innocent about what your husband do to me.
19:45He singled me out.
19:49He made me feel special.
19:51You warned me, remember?
19:53You warned me.
19:56And then when I told him
19:58that there was something wrong in his behavior,
20:00he made me feel like it was all in my mind.
20:03That I was the one who was inappropriate
20:05to even suggest such a thing.
20:11And then he violated me.
20:16Do you know how that made me feel?
20:19Do you know how that made me feel?
20:22Do you know how that made me feel?
20:26It made me hate myself.
20:30Your husband made a fool of me.
20:35And from where I am standing,
20:39I look like I'm like a fool of you too.
20:42Don't be ridiculous.
20:44I'm not some... some victim.
20:48I'm his wife.
20:50His wifey.
20:54But you still don't get it, do you?
20:57He takes advantage of you.
21:00He uses your marriage as camouflage.
21:04A devoted married man
21:06to a young, beautiful wife.
21:11Who would suspect?
21:14Why you think he moved church so often?
21:17People are moved all the time.
21:19I know that is not true.
21:23And yet you're still protecting him.
21:29Don't you think you deserve better?
21:34You are a smart woman, Stella.
21:37You are smarter than he gives you credit for.
21:43Look at me, Stella.
21:45Woman, look at me.
21:50Don't you think
21:53that we have been silent
21:56for long enough?
22:10I should never have come.
22:15I'm sorry, Atlantic.
22:17I'm sorry, Atlantic.
22:24I'm sorry too.
22:38Alfie, you got a minute?
22:40Hey, Olga, long time no see. I hope you're well.
22:43Do you mind if this waits till tomorrow?
22:45I'll come in early, just before my shift at nine o'clock, yeah?
22:47Your shift starts at eight.
22:49Do you know how many angry panthers I had on the phone today?
22:51Yeah, yeah.
22:53We operate on strict business hours, so no more excuses.
22:55And it's clearly been a long time
22:57since you went anywhere near nine.
22:59What? Okay, it's just...
23:02Between me and you, I'm just going through some personal issues.
23:04My boy is just going through a lot at the moment.
23:06I don't want to hear it, Alfie. You're a liability.
23:08Just give me the keys.
23:10I've got no choice but to let you go. Just give me the keys.
23:12Olga, please listen to me, all right?
23:14I really need
23:17this job.
23:20Do you know how much kids' clothes cost these days, really?
23:22Well, you will get a week's wage, so better make a stretch, yeah?
23:34So, Debbie requested that her entire estate
23:36be divided between a number of charities.
23:38However, in the event that she...
23:40...survived by either her father, mother or both...
23:42...she leaves full financial control to them
23:45and names them as absolute beneficiaries.
23:47What does that mean, full financial control?
23:49It means any money Debbie has goes to you.
23:51What left of it do you mean?
23:53I don't understand.
23:55Did Debbie and I agree that we'd leave everything to each other?
23:57She requested to amend her will...
23:59...one week prior to her stroke.
24:02Oh, my, my, my, why would she do that?
24:04I don't know.
24:06I don't know.
24:08I don't know.
24:10I don't know.
24:13Can we get on with it?
24:15The sooner this is done, the sooner we can grieve our daughter...
24:17...and wash our hands of you.
24:24With regards to her personal belongings...
24:26...she requested that her vast collection of records...
24:28...be donated to the local community centre...
24:30...where she volunteered.
24:32Oh, she volunteered, yes.
24:34Every month.
24:37They loved her.
24:39Said she lit up the room.
24:42Her oak rocking chair to be donated...
24:44...to the maternity unit at Parkview Hospital.
24:48Oh, I remember that.
24:50I put it together myself.
24:52It was meant to be for a nursery.
24:54I'd like to keep it.
24:56I'm afraid the requests in the will are final.
25:00But you are mentioned here...
25:02...to her husband, Rhys Colwell.
25:04She leaves her antique doll's house.
25:09There's a note.
25:12I hate that dusty old thing.
25:14It gives me the creeps.
25:16This doesn't make any sense.
25:19Doesn't it? Oh, count yourself lucky.
25:21If it were up to me, you'd be left with nothing.
25:36Are you all right?
25:41Yeah, look, there was just something that I wanted to say.
25:46If you don't want to talk, I'll get out.
25:48I miss you, Fred.
25:53I thought space would be a good idea.
25:56But it's just making me more miserable.
25:59And I could...
26:01...rarely do with a mate right now.
26:03It's been very quiet without you.
26:06Well, if you do want to hang out later, I'm going birdwatching.
26:09I mean, I've even started recording birds.
26:11Doesn't scream exciting.
26:13I'd love to.
26:17As mates, yeah?
26:19Of course.
26:22See you later.
26:32Yeah, I mean...
26:34Yeah, I mean...
26:37Now that another woman has come forward,
26:39I just hope they throw the book at him.
26:41Good riddance to bad rubbish.
26:43Yolandi seems to be doing all right, though.
26:45All things considered.
26:47She's just not her usual self now.
26:52And look at me now.
26:54I sit in here in my favourite place,
26:56in my favourite seat, with my favourite drink.
26:59With your favourite people, yeah?
27:01Yeah, but without Yolandi.
27:04I just don't feel right.
27:12I come in.
27:17I come in perfect time and the bam is soon ready.
27:24What are you doing here?
27:26You're being all run in that mouth of yours again.
27:29Get out.
27:31I mean it. Please.
27:33Get out.
27:35I'm not going anywhere.
28:03I'm not going anywhere.