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#CanadasWonderland #AlpenFury #HauntUpdate #ThemeParks #ThrillRides #CanadaAttractions #SpookyFun #AmusementPark #HauntedEvents #Adventure
#CanadasWonderland #AlpenFury #HauntUpdate #ThemeParks #ThrillRides #CanadaAttractions #SpookyFun #AmusementPark #HauntedEvents #Adventure
00:00Alrighty, I have a construction update for you guys today.
00:04This was filmed on Friday, September 20th.
00:07As you can see, there are lockers at Front Gate now.
00:10And for those of you that remember previous seasons of Halloween Haunt, you might know
00:15why those lockers are being added to the Front Gate area.
00:18I think that's actually such a smart move for the park to do.
00:24So as you can see here, Wonderland has added lockers.
00:27These will be used because, if you remember, Halloween Haunt has a no-bag policy.
00:33So with the no-bag slash, sorry, no-large-bag policy, they have implemented these lockers.
00:39So instead of people throwing their bags into trees and hoping no one steals them, or into
00:44bushes, they can now come over here and rent a locker.
00:47It's a win-win.
00:48Now, I will say my one complaint about this is there are hardly any lockers.
00:53Those will get used up in the first 10 minutes.
00:56Heading on over to Alpenfury's construction.
01:00As you can see, nothing has really progressed here.
01:04There was some slight tree removal in between those two buildings there.
01:10And some leveling of land that occurred, as you saw in my previous drone footage.
01:15Nothing too exciting.
01:16But here are some shots of all the tree removal that has occurred over in the final part of
01:24Alpenfury's ride.
01:27So as you see here, a lot of brush, a lot of pine trees, a lot of the smaller trees
01:32have been removed.
01:33It's quite sad.
01:34It looks very barren.
01:38And yeah, so definitely, it's going to be an eyesore for a bit, unfortunately.
01:44A lot of the Christmas lights were just cut up, as you can see there.
01:47So yeah, I mean, it's painful to definitely look at, especially when you are there in
01:54the park looking at this.
01:57It's just, the video doesn't do it justice.
02:00So these are some shots to try and show you the generalization.
02:05To be honest, I'm going to try and grab a 0.5 shot.
02:09I missed getting that today.
02:10I would have loved to have a 0.5 shot of the pathway for you guys to show you the justification
02:17of this entire area.
02:19So definitely crazy.
02:22But I promise you, or I shouldn't promise you, no, I do not promise you, do not hold
02:26me to that.
02:27I have a feeling it's going to look okay once it's all done.
02:30Wonderland does do good with their newer stuff as well, with theming and replanting and bringing
02:36the whole atmosphere together.
02:38So I think Yukon Striker looks amazing.
02:41I'm expecting something very similar in terms of, you know, laying down the appropriate
02:45foilage and theming.
02:47So we'll have to wait and see.
02:50Outside of that, I'm trying to think of what else I need to show you.
02:56Oh, Extreme Skyflyer's Plot of Land.
03:00So over at Extreme Skyflyer, I completely forgot to insert those.
03:05Over at Extreme Skyflyer's Plot of Land, there has been tree removal as well.
03:09As you can see here, right next to that drink, that, what do you call it, where you can purchase
03:16They removed those trees, those giant pine trees.
03:19Really gorgeous.
03:20So sad there.
03:21They've worked on a lot more footings in this area.
03:24They are hard to spot with all this mounds of dirt in the area.
03:29So it's hard to show you everything.
03:32And there's also a giant Halloween haunt stage there.
03:35But if you look here, there's a lot of rebar cages.
03:38And as you can see, there's some startings to the footings, the caissons right there.
03:43So that's really exciting.
03:46They have worked a long time in this area, a lot longer than I thought they would have.
03:51But accordingly, they are not behind schedule, even though to us who are used to Yukon, Behemoth
03:57and Leviathan construction, they are on schedule.
04:00So it's a little hard to believe, but they're on schedule.
04:05The garage door has been shut to Tunnel 2, the west side tunnel.
04:12It is now closed.
04:13We can't see in there.
04:14Sad face.
04:16So yeah, nothing too much to report on Elp and Fury.
04:19There is no new track as of yet.
04:21Again, from my reporting, Amusement Insider's reporting, I am telling you guys that that
04:28track just started fabrication.
04:31So I know there's been things said elsewhere, even the park.
04:36We had someone we know got a tour of the facility and they were just starting working on the
04:41We know those track pieces that we saw on that tour are the ones that arrived and they
04:47weren't painted when they were spotted.
04:48So I can tell you guys track has just started and it's being delivered as it's being made.
04:53So it is going to be a slow process over here for Haunt.
04:57Now that we're going to head into our Haunt update, Cornstalkers looks to have a new entrance
05:00like I was predicting.
05:02I thought it was going to be vice versa that you were going to enter over on the other
05:06end and exit over here.
05:08It looks like you might actually enter here and exit where you normally exit and there
05:11will be some sort of new setup for that.
05:14So that's interesting.
05:15We'll have to wait until Halloween Haunt to fully get an idea of that.
05:19They're also setting up Trick or Treat.
05:21As you can see, it's stored there in the back area and they'll be moving it out into the
05:25actual Trick or Treat scare zone area.
05:29Trick or Treat is actually one of my favorites, but I definitely like the one over by Time
05:33Warp the best.
05:35That is the best scare zone ever created at Wonderland.
05:39But definitely second favorite is Trick or Treat.
05:42So yeah, I'm trying to think of what else I have to show you guys for Halloween Haunt.
05:50Give me a second.
05:51I think I forgot a couple of things.
05:54I have to show you guys the merch.
05:55So over here you can see those bats, those Squishmallow bats from last season are back.
06:01They're absolutely adorable.
06:03I might actually have to grab myself one.
06:05I don't own actually any Squishmallows for rides anymore.
06:08I gave them to my niece and other people as well.
06:12But yeah, here's the Haunt merch.
06:15To be honest, I wish we had one exciting piece of Haunt merch.
06:19Cedar Point does a really good job on that.
06:21But these look really good.
06:23I really like that middle hoodie.
06:25But yeah, the Halloween boutique will be in the same location it was previously.
06:32I really like that Halloween store as well.
06:35And there'll be a show for Halloween Haunt right here.
06:40I like the backdrop.
06:41I like the setting.
06:42Not quite sure what this one's going to be.
06:44It doesn't look like Day of the Dead.
06:47So I'll have to wait and see which one that is.
06:50The giant pumpkin is all set up.
06:52The other show, The Hanging or whatever it's called.
06:57I'm totally mixing up the name.
06:58That's not the name of it.
06:59It's going to be in Medfair on that new giant lighthouse.
07:03I love the front display.
07:05So here's the front display for Halloween Haunt.
07:10It is that beautiful mix of Halloween Haunt slash fall set up.
07:15I absolutely think this was the best thing the park ever did.
07:18It looks great.
07:19I love it.
07:20It reminds me of Dollywood with all that greenery and the colors.
07:25So one of my favorite things that they ever brought, I think they started this two or
07:29three years ago.
07:30I could be wrong about that too.
07:31I believe it was after COVID that they started this.
07:34But let's not hold me accountable to that.
07:38Outside of that, I don't think there's anything else to show you except a little bit of merch.
07:42I might actually just end the talking here.
07:45I'm really excited about Demons of the Deep.
07:49Can't wait to show you guys that.
07:52And yeah, this is going to be a really busy week for me, guys.
07:56So if I am slow uploading this week, I will be uploading to Patreon a couple of days this
08:05But if I am slow uploading to YouTube, we are working on some paid projects, a first
08:10for us.
08:11So we're really excited about that.
08:13And we'll be checking out a few other parks while we're at it and attractions.
08:18So yeah, stay tuned.
08:21Really excited about this one.
08:22We're bringing some people through a haunted house and recording their reactions that don't
08:27do well in haunted houses, including myself.
08:30So we're going to be experimenting with a few things as we do some pretty cool stuff
08:34that we haven't been able to do previously.
08:37But we're starting to get ourselves a little more structure over here.
08:42We have a really good team and we've got some level heads over here now.
08:45And we've got a lot to show you guys.
08:47So this is our week.
08:48Stay tuned, guys.