• last year


00:00Take us through the process of creating your sound.
00:09Like you can find post-punk, hyper-pop, you can find a little bit of afrobeats, you got
00:13the Jersey Club.
00:15When was the first time that you decided to kind of mix and fuse the sonic worlds that
00:19inspired you?
00:20For me, it's just constantly just going on a different era and making it every sounds
00:25like make sense as the journey goes on and bringing each element along to the next sound
00:31and next phase.
00:32Bringing like hyper-pop elements with like the chopped vocals, we're bringing that in
00:35to like the more drill stuff and stuff like that and singing on it and giving R&B feel.
00:40So yeah, it's just definitely a journey each time.
00:42So yeah.
00:43So thinking about how different all of those genres are, if you just look at them face
00:47value, what is it that you think you gravitate towards a sound where you're like, no, I want
00:51to hop on this?
00:52Like what's that one thing that you're looking for?
00:54A good melody.
00:55Because I feel like melody sells a song.
00:57Like even before I even put words to anything, I freestyle melodies.
01:02That's my thing is like freestyling all the time.
01:04The first thing that comes to my mind, because that's the first thing that you feel.
01:07So it's like sound frequency.
01:08So whatever I'm feeling, that's what I'm going to put down and I'm going to write to that.
01:11And I know you use TikTok as a tool to kind of one, create community and build community
01:16also to promote yourself in ways.
01:19But what inspired that choice to be like, hey, y'all, like I have this melody.
01:22Like, what do you think?
01:23Like, yeah.
01:24Try to build on this.
01:25Like, when did you decide to open up your process to your fans and kind of bring them
01:29into your world?
01:30To me, it helps me because I feel like it's like they're part of the creative process.
01:33You know what I mean?
01:34And they're kind of like they're picking the songs.
01:36So it's like when something goes viral and everyone's like, oh, TikTok found this.
01:39To me, it's like it's a good thing because like that means a majority of people liked
01:43It's an algorithm.
01:44If they like it, they like it.
01:45It is what it is.
01:46The people are choosing.
01:47We're not choosing.
01:48So that's that's the benefit of TikTok to me.
01:49People are choosing.
01:51You can't blame people for that.
01:52And they have taste.
01:54I mean, taste is taste.
01:56So thinking about that as you continue to grow and expand your sound, how do you think
02:00you're going to keep integrating a little bit of what they say, but also making sure
02:03that it's still you picking and choosing where you're going sonically?
02:08Just to make all the different elements make sense and actually blend together.
02:13So that's what I'm working on at the moment is taking it on a journey, but not running
02:16away from the elements that I did start with, playing with my vocals, playing with different
02:20styles of the way I do things, but still keeping that same raw energy that I say in
02:24my lyrics or how I am as a person.
02:27You've had a really busy year.
02:29It's been a big one.
02:31So what are the things that you're experiencing in life that you're excited to bring into
02:35the music that you're creating and maybe something that you're excited to share with us?
02:40I think right now it's like the way that I'm thinking about things.
02:44I'm thinking about things a lot more openly and I'm breaking things down.
02:48So I think now in my life, it's just like putting that into the music and breaking things
02:51down and going to the root of something rather than just the surface.
02:55So you're a student of the craft right now.
02:57You're dialing in.
02:58A hundred percent.
03:00So tell me how your upbringing kind of manifests itself in your music.
03:05What is something undeniably Belfast about you, hometown about you, that maybe someone
03:12like me from Texas wouldn't know, but you're like, nah, that's us for real.
03:17The Belfast thing is like, they like to humble you.
03:20That's a big Belfast.
03:21They have to humble you.
03:22So I think that keeps me always, I don't get lost in the source.
03:26I'm always making the music to make the music, making it as best possible as I can make it.
03:31That's me humbling myself and making sure that, yeah, this is the best I can make it
03:34before I get gassed about it.
03:35You know what I mean?
03:36I saw you posted about the Spider-Verse.
03:40Y'all were like, put me on that.
03:42I should be on that.
03:43I mean, yeah.
03:44I saw there was a comment and it was like, I can see like miles falling into the portal,
03:49like at the drop of this song.
03:51What is it about gaming that inspires the music that you create?
03:54And why do you think that Spider-Verse just kind of like really fits with the world that
03:58you create?
03:59Because I feel like the image of things, that's why I like videos so much, like music videos,
04:01because I feel like it goes along, it's like a theme to the music.
04:05So when you're creating and seeing it, it's a whole vision, you're picturing the whole
04:09Sometimes when I create music, I like to see like a visual or watch a visual to a music
04:13video and just mute it and just make music because I feel like I can see something I'm
04:17creating it.
04:18You know what I mean?
04:19So let's talk about this vision that you have, right?
04:21Because Kehlani is everywhere.
04:24And you manifested Kehlani on the track.
04:27Of course.
04:28Like talk about that process of like when she's like liking your posts and like maybe
04:32when the DM comes through and then when the verse comes through, like what were you thinking
04:35at that time?
04:36It was great.
04:37Like I was just excited, especially the first post because she liked the first post.
04:40Like she's really active on social media.
04:42I was like, oh, wow.
04:43She liked the first post.
04:44I was like, okay, but I'm going to keep pushing until she comments and she comments.
04:46Then I dropped the song straight after she commented.
04:48I didn't really waste time and try to like just rinse it before I just dropped it anyways.
04:52Even like doing the features, crazy because she FaceTimed me and I was like out, out on
04:56a night out.
04:57So I had to like send her an open verse and I was like in the club just trying to, yeah,
05:00it was crazy.
05:01But yeah, she's, she's amazing.
05:02Like the way she was and everything, she dropped the verse and she did like, I think like two
05:06versions of the verse, which was amazing.
05:09So what else are we manifesting?
05:10You have this power to manifest things as we can see.
05:13So what else is Jordan manifesting right now?
05:17Definitely going on tour.
05:18Eventually, once I get all my new music out, that's kind of what I want to do next.
05:21That's my manifestation.
05:22So it's going around and performing the new music that I've created and creating the whole
05:26new world.
05:27Obviously they know me from Killarney, but now they're going to reach the next level
05:31of what I'm ready to show them.
05:34What do you think that new music has that you're really like excited to continue growing
05:41and sitting into and, and bringing that to us?
05:44What's that one thing?
05:45It's like a new R&B.
05:46That's how I feel it is.
05:47It's like so many sounds, but it's like still got that dark R&B feel.
05:50It's kind of from a lot of my inspirations, like The Weeknd and stuff like that.
05:54I feel like that is going to show.
05:57So you said new music.
05:58Is there an album, mixtape?
06:00Are you going to, are you going to drop similar to how you do on TikTok or is this going to
06:03be a departure?
06:04I'm never slowing down on TikTok, but I feel like I'm definitely going to, um, I'm still
06:10figuring out how I'm going to package the songs and get delivered them to you guys.
06:13But like, I feel like in general, um, yeah, I'm still using TikTok.
06:16So you're going to hear snippets on TikTok all the time.
06:18So we might see some little, little breadcrumbs here and there to tell us where we're going.
06:24To the future.
06:25To the future.
06:26To the moon.
