• last year
In this wild and messy challenge, contestants battle it out to see who can last the longest in a giant pit filled with slime! The rules are simple: don’t leave the pit if you want a chance to win $20,000. Watch as the slime gets thicker, the competition gets tougher, and the stakes get higher. Who will come out victorious in this slippery showdown?"

#SlimePitChallenge #LastToLeave #20KChallenge #SlimeFun #EpicCompetition #MessyGames #ChallengeAccepted #SlimeBattle #YouTubeChallenge #FunAndGames #WinningMoment #HighStakesFun


00:00This is a pit of slime you guys will get in it
00:03I don't care which one of you it is last one of you guys to leave this slime gets 20 grand Chris start us off
00:09Hop in
00:13Whoa, this is weird
00:15Contestant number two is Chandler, please hop in the slime Chandler you lost the circle video and the Lambo video
00:22This is redemption time the viewers want you to win. Are you gonna let them down?
00:26Oh, it's like crushing my leg. All right, Garrett your turn. Ooh flexibility. Oh
00:33Are you gonna win?
00:35You haven't gotten a dub yet either contestant. Number four is Ethan. Who's that?
00:41He edits videos
00:42It's time to get him our editor a chance to win Ethan also known as the guy that we destroyed his car in
00:47And our final contestant. Can you guys guess who it is? Chandler? Who's the final?
00:53Is it Santa yeah, it's Chandler's dad
01:01Since Chandler lost the last two his dad came to show Chandler how it's done
01:06They're gonna be a hallow alliance going on here with you and your dad
01:12Chandler how long are you willing to stay in this slot? Are you gonna impress your dad?
01:16I'm gonna beat my dad. You can't call your dad for support this time
01:20Garrett how long are you gonna stay in? So everybody else is gone. What would you buy with the 20 grand?
01:24I think I'd upgrade the Beamer or just get another one be a double Beamer boy. Okay, so a new car Chris
01:30What about you you won 20 grand what you buying? I'm going to buy
01:34McDonald's a McDonald's a McDonald's friend. Well to buy McDonald's you're gonna have to last a long time
01:39How long you willing to go about three? Okay good Ethan you willing to last longer than three forever
01:43But more importantly than all of you guys Chandler's dad
01:47What are you gonna do if you win 20 grand? I'm gonna give me something to ride around. Okay, I bought six cars
01:53All for my kids and I'm only one without a car now Wow
01:56Oh the Sun blew mine up. This has the check for 20 grand
01:59I'm gonna put it in a safe spot whoever gets out last
02:02Come grab the check from over here Chandler and his dad are going up against the other three. It looks like there's
02:29My vehicles, which is what I call my testicles are being squeezed right now by the water. So yeah, that's going on right now
02:35Hey, I mean this boy right here. We definitely get
02:40We're definitely with oh, yeah, we're not sharing but I'm just saying the day one of us is gonna win
02:45Cuz they cheated and they plotted against us I'm wait, I'm gonna be here for the next 82 hours
02:49Yeah, until your shift at Domino's calls and does you come in?
02:54Chris is getting naked
03:05Oh, wow, it gets really cold really quick. Hey keep your body in size
03:09That's it. That is a warning. You can throw a thing of slime at Chris because
03:33Alright guys, I'm gonna go get your food
03:36I'm waiting in the drive-thru for their pizza. I wonder what they're doing. They've got to be running out of energy, right?
03:52No joke when I spent 24 hours in slime
03:54It was the hardest challenge I've ever done to be frank
03:57You have to pee in your wetsuit when I spent 24 hours in it
03:59Like obviously I had to pee so I was sitting in my pee. I was freezing, you know in the parts
04:04I didn't have my pee, you know, I got a rash. I was miserable. It was terrible
04:08I highly doubt any of them are gonna last 24 hours, but 20 grand is a lot of money. So we'll see
04:14So half an hour ish. I have peed twice now. It's a little cold. Come here. Come come to the pee. Come to the pee
04:20Okay. Well, he left my pee. Have you peed in it? Yeah
04:28How you feeling help me Jesus help you Jesus, how you doing I'm doing great
04:34You look great Chandler. Thank you. How you doing better than ever. I'm gonna call brother Bobby. I need some encouragement all this smack you
04:45I know you ain't quit already. Chandler you can do this man. We've been here for 10 hours though. We've been here for an hour. Oh my god
04:55Here you go, wait you managed to make Chris be quiet you did when you brought food
05:00Oh, dude, I know he doesn't stop talking. How you guys doing? I'm freezing. He's cold. He's trying to get me out
05:05He's like I'll give you two grand
05:07Dude, that's pretty good. I'd get out if I were you. I'm getting 20 grand. Why would I want two grand? Oh true
05:12What would you give Chandler if he got out now five grand? Whoa
05:17That's only if he won though
05:19He already complained about being cold. You've already said twice you want to get out me
05:23Yeah, I said he wants to get out like twice. That'd be setting a bad example for your son. What do you think?
05:27I got a phone. Oh
05:28I'm not good now
05:31It's your other son
05:33Hey your dad's in slime. There he is
05:37Do you have any words of encouragement for your dad he gets 20 grand if he wins
05:41Wait, who do you think has a better chance of winning your dad or Chandler Chandler doesn't have a good history
05:47So who you voting for Chandler or your dad?
05:49All right. Well, I'm gonna let them go tell them that they need to win 20 grand
05:56Chandler your brother needs a haircut. You better not get out
05:59Chandler your brother needs a haircut. You better not get out
06:04Oh Chandler's dad asked if he could smoke a cigarette no, we're gonna break your nicotine addiction with this challenge
06:10Oh my god, do you want 20 grand or do you want a cigarette?
06:18Ethan you're two hours in how you feeling Chandler get away this is in there
06:21But I'm not leaving you're not leaving 20 grand is a lot 72 hours. I'll be in here Chandler two hours. How you feeling?
06:28Ethan's cold. You're not. Nope. Good Chris. I mean, I don't want to hear about you. Fantastic Garrett. What about you?
06:36Cool Chandler's dad. I'm still here. One of these days. We'll learn your real name. That's right. Chandler's dad's good
06:41Okay, that's your two-hour update. You all seem fine
06:47I'm trying to pee but everyone's talking and I can't focus. I'm a shy peer. You gotta pee don't look
06:54Pee pee Chandler, can you not pee when people look at you?
07:03Guys and girls do not smoke do not smoke. It will stunt your growth. You'll be that tall like Garrett
07:09Right Chandler. How you doing, bud? Are you still trying to pee? Yes
07:15Concentrating Chandler's one of those people who can't pee when people are watching him
07:19So Chandler you have over 10 million people watching you right now
07:22I bet Ethan a hundred bucks that I can stay quiet longer than he can. Sounds good. All right starting now shake hands
07:28We're having a dance-off. Come on. Ethan go
07:37My gosh Ethan calm down. The boy got a massage chair in this corner or something
07:45Freaking cold. No, he's shaking man. Look at
07:49What words of encouragement do you have for him 20 grand is on the line
07:55It's freezing Hannah, really? Yeah, it's cold. Who do you want to win him or Chandler?
08:03Chandler hasn't won one yet. Chandler's 0 for 2
08:10Agree Chandler. Yeah, promise her you'll win. I'll win promise. I promise
08:16Hate can't feel like from my thighs down. You wanna you want to call your dad for some support? Yeah
08:24What's happening you doing all right now hang in there, but we need the money I know I know it is cold
08:30I can't feel my legs
08:44Want to give me a hundred bucks and you gotta last I gotta get out of here man. No, you're staying
08:49I'm your lips are turning blue boy. Come on. Get your lips. They're blue. That's the M&Ms
08:55The hell makes you think I got last another minute you claim yours. I ain't claim nothing boys code is Helen here
09:02Do your lips no joke are really blue like you literally look like you have hypothermia code what time is it?
09:08So really it's only three it felt like I thought it was three an hour ago. It ain't three o'clock
09:12Yeah, it's only three o'clock. Are you serious right now? Oh my god, man
09:16Is it Domino's gonna need you back at some point, bro?
09:28You get it
09:31It's only three o'clock imagine how you're gonna feel at like 10 o'clock tonight. I don't care man. I don't need no money
09:36I'm being broke 57 years only in the difference
09:41Alright Domino's man, give me your pizza power. Can I go back to work?
09:49We're six hours in mr. Chandler's dad, how you doing?
09:52Not too good, but you should act like you've got in the bag cuz like you're struggling gives them confidence
09:58Oh, they're real happy with themselves over there. But yeah, I'm not leaving. Are you gonna leave anytime soon?
10:03He's ready to bounce
10:03You said you're gonna win this one think of all the viewers that will be mad if you get out the hallows are falling apart
10:08So if any of you three win, you'll give a thousand dollars
10:14You're gonna bail on your that you're leaving your 50 freaking six-year-old old man
10:18They have an arthritis. You're the one who said you could beat me see this
10:22Alright, you channeling us $1,000 from our pool our prize pool if we win
10:27This you're leaving your father you sure
10:32Think of what you could buy with 20 grand. He's already out
10:37Chandler is officially out. It is now Chandler's dad having to carry the torch. He could have won 20 grand. Oh
10:46Why don't you join his team and split the money with him if you win instead having to split it three ways you don't
10:50Have to split it one. I already got a split mom and Chandler split what?
10:53I'm not
10:57So Chandler bailed on you, how does that make you feel lonely? Yeah. Yeah you versus these three
11:03It's cuz his girlfriend freaking came up here. I don't know. I think his girlfriend was giving him strength
11:08You'll notice there's one. Hello missing. What? Yeah, your son already got out
11:14Yeah, he got out literally like five minutes ago. Are you talking to me? Oh Cassidy just FaceTime me. I'm a wing girl
11:20They claim I'm gonna lose
11:22Look around who's not here anymore
11:25Where is Chandler?
11:30That's what Garrett said these three are against me they all made a deal but I won't get the victory. Yeah, right
11:40They all got coffee
11:42Yummy, I'm gonna stay jacked up. So I never have to sleep. Whoa
11:45How does it feel to know you were abandoned by your own flesh and blood be honest with you?
11:49I knew it's gonna leave first. Did you have no faith in him? Oh, no, I had faith. He was gonna leave first
11:54So yes, I had great faith in him. I am surprised. He lasted as long as he did
12:08Seven hours in how are you doing?
12:11Chandler's dad seven hours in how you doing? Great. Everybody just steak. Yeah grill put together
12:17They're gonna make steaks in the slime. How about you Chris seven hours in I'm pretty cold, but I mean, it'll be all right
12:23I'm gonna get Ethan seven hours in how you doing?
12:27Chandler you can throw Garrett's
12:29His boots nasty. I can smell it coming up his back
12:33Rub your poop on him. No
12:37Don't give up. Oh, they're really 10 million plus people will see this don't let him down. I will not let y'all down
12:43Don't I won't I won't eat him. Here comes the food how much wood can a woodchuck wood if you could
12:50That's not a good idea, dude, yeah, you just put your hands are flammable
13:07Ethan you gonna eat your steak
13:16Just don't mind in the water
13:20Ethan are you still alive? Oh, I feel your pulse actually is really slow. Hey Ethan, you're not gonna win
13:26So you might as well get out now. I'm gonna win. You can't spend 20 grand if you're fucking dead
13:31Are you still gonna give them a part of your winnings? Heck? Yeah, we're splitting 5050. I didn't think you could divide by zero
13:38That's pretty funny. It took me a second to get it
13:43I've got a deal in the makings viewer. So I'm gonna go ahead and cut out of here
13:50Chris's now out Chris you officially survived nine hours. I have hypothermia Emily
13:57Mosquitoes aren't here
14:09Eat then come on get out before you get hurt. Come on, you know you want to
14:16Not doing a crazy yeah
14:20Do you feel better now that you're up?
14:22Yeah, I know did warmer and I did not feel any better when I got out. All right guys
14:26You're the only two that remain that keep that torso down
14:31Yes, you can pelt them with slime if you want
14:35Once whoa, whoa, I got hit Jamie went to go get his towels cuz he thinks we're about to quit soon
14:40But I still got some fight in me. So we've been in here for a minute since me and Chandler's dad. We've been we've been chilling
14:45Wearing for a long night. Hey guys Chandler's dad. Um, well, my man go rich going in. This was the beat Chandler. Where's Chandler?
14:53Gone to be Chris
14:57He's nowhere to be found. Ethan that boy was so cold. We paid Ethan to leave
15:01He was getting really cold. We didn't want the boys feet to fall off
15:04And now it's me and this dude
15:06So, who do you think's gonna win the cat in the hat or Chandler's dad who was frozen got frostbite?
15:11I'm really crying on the inside, but I'm not gonna let Garrett know
15:16Lord I do need to ask you a question
15:19What your little secret weapon when you said you pooped in your pants was that just to get us to get out?
15:23Maybe it was tell the truth now. It's just me. Yeah, it was I didn't poop my pants. I know you didn't do that
15:28Yeah, that's pretty nasty. I wouldn't do that. I would have got out before I did. I didn't think you did
15:32I don't think you're that crazy
15:38Hey guys, it's Garrett here
15:40Conditions are getting pretty pretty bad. We knocked the grill over. So it's just been getting colder and colder right now
15:45It's 31 degrees outside. It feels like it's freezing in here. I think I can last this one out
15:49I'll finally get the W bring it home so y'all can stop making fun of me
15:53But I think I got this one on the back as you can tell by the sound of my voice
15:56I am freezing and I'm dying. I really don't think Jimmy's coming back. I don't know man
15:59But uh, yeah, I'm about to freeze to death and Jimmy was supposed to get his towels about an hour ago
16:04Yeah, my lips have been purple. I'm really cold. We'll see what happens. I
16:11Just got back with the towels what you want to say I gotta get out man. Yeah
16:15Are you sure you're gonna let Chandler down this boy needs to win, but I really I really need to win worse than him
16:21But yeah, I'm too old dude. I can't take much. Yeah, we had to do man. Yeah, that's not fair Garrett
16:25You're like young and you're old
16:32You sure you want to do this if you step out you don't get $20,000
16:39Garrett you won
16:44Alright man, I appreciate you. It was a good
16:48Fight well deserve victory. Oh, yeah, Garrett you won
16:53$20,000 that envelope over there doesn't actually have any money in it
16:56But you lied and I will I will write your checks where my life you have 20 G's you are the only one left 20 grand
17:02I will give to you. I promise man. What are you gonna buy with 20 grand?
17:06Do I was gonna buy I was gonna buy another beamer. Wait, really? You're gonna buy another car. Yeah
17:09All right, dude
17:11Another car and I'll have one car. I mean
17:17You can drive Garrett's car at least you outlived your son
17:20It's my first W and I'm super happy about it. Can't wait to go home driving my new Beamer stay tuned for the next one
17:27We don't get that W
