I stand on the edge of the universe

  • last month
I stand on the edge of the universe
00:00At the Edge of the Universe I stand at the edge of the universe.
00:05A place dreamed of by scientists, philosophers, and poets.
00:09A place that no one has ever seen.
00:12Yet here I am, and reality has turned out to be much stranger than I could have imagined.
00:17The journey to the edge.
00:19It all started with an incredible discovery in the scientific world.
00:23In a distant corner of space, strange fluctuations in spacetime were detected that didn't fit
00:28any known laws of physics.
00:30These signals came from the very boundary of what we could observe, beyond the edge
00:35of the visible universe.
00:37Our telescopes caught anomalies that seemed to be coming from something bigger.
00:41I was one of those chosen for the expedition to this boundary.
00:45We didn't know what awaited us, but scientists believed that at the edge of the universe
00:50might lie the key to understanding the very nature of existence.
00:53Galaxies, stars, and even time itself appeared different as we approached.
00:59With every light year we traveled, it seemed like the laws of physics were starting to
01:05But we kept moving forward, meeting the void.
01:08And now, here I am, before me, an endless darkness.
01:13No stars, no light, no sound.
01:16Only absolute emptiness.
01:18But this emptiness strangely attracted me.
01:21I felt my body begin to stretch, yet it held its shape.
01:25It was as if all reality around me was slowly shifting, not collapsing, but transforming
01:30into something else.
01:32When you look into this darkness, it feels like time no longer has meaning.
01:36The past, present, and future merge into one.
01:40It seemed like I could glimpse moments of my childhood or see into the future.
01:45Everything was so close and yet so far.
01:47I tried taking a step forward, and suddenly…
01:50I felt the space beneath my feet begin to disappear.
01:53I stepped into the void.
01:55The mysterious horizon.
01:57I crossed an invisible boundary.
01:59This moment was a turning point.
02:02Everything around me changed.
02:03Ahead stretched an endless horizon glowing with a soft, strange light coming from nowhere.
02:09The light was warm but not blinding.
02:12It seemed to invite me closer.
02:14I tried to understand what this place was.
02:17Perhaps it was the very edge of the universe people spoke of, but what lay beyond this
02:23What was behind the boundary?
02:24Every cell in my body screamed with curiosity and fear.
02:28My instruments showed no data, as if physical reality had stopped functioning.
02:33At that moment, I realized I was not just an observer.
02:36I was part of this light, and every thought, every action mattered.
02:41The space before me wasn't just empty.
02:43It was waiting to be filled, like a blank canvas waiting for the first stroke of paint.
02:49The voices appear.
02:51At this moment, I heard strange voices.
02:53They didn't sound like ordinary sounds.
02:56They didn't travel through the air, because there was no air in this part of space.
03:00These voices spoke directly into my mind, like thoughts, but they weren't mine.
03:05They told stories of beginnings and ends of countless universes, each with its own laws,
03:11its own worlds, its own beings.
03:14The voices whispered to me that the universe I knew was only one of many, and that beyond
03:19this horizon of light, there were doors to other realities.
03:24Some of these realities were similar to ours, while others were completely alien and incomprehensible.
03:29You've always been part of this, one of the voices whispered.
03:34You were created from the same elements as the light of this horizon.
03:38Now it's time to understand your place.
03:41Crossing the boundary, I took a step forward.
03:44The light around me became denser, but it exerted no pressure.
03:48At some point, I felt the boundaries of my body start to dissolve into this radiant emptiness.
03:54I was no longer a separate being.
03:56I became part of something larger, part of space and time itself.
04:01Every thought, every feeling became so clear that I realized, here, I could create anything.
04:07In this place, beyond the edge of the universe, everything was possible.
04:12I could send myself back in time or create a new reality.
04:16There were no limits here except the ones I set for myself.
04:19I understood that this edge of the universe was not the end, it was the beginning.
04:24The beginning of something infinite, where any wonder or mystery was possible.
