Mit der Ankunft einer SpaceX-Kapsel auf der Internationalen Raumfahrtstation sind zwei Astronauten, die dort gestrandet sind, der Heimat einen Schritt nähergekommen.
00:00Again first we will be holding for soft capture when that soft capture ring makes contact with the space station that will then retract and begin hard capture but docking for us is called at the time of soft capture.
00:185 Meter.
00:20Base X Freedom hatch is open.
00:24Copy, hatch open.
00:30Freedom arriving.
00:36The bell has been rung. Alexander Gorbunow, the first through of Crew 9.
00:40Being welcomed by...
00:44Next up is Crew 9 Commander Nick Haig.
00:48Space Station and joining Expedition 72.
01:18On behalf of Expedition 72, I just want to say welcome to our new compadres from Dragon Freedom.
01:45It was an awesome ride.
01:47Coming through the hatch and seeing all the smiles and as much as I've laughed and cried in the last 10 minutes,
01:54I know it's going to be an amazing expedition.
01:57So I'm really looking forward to getting to work up here.