• last year
00:00♪ La, la, la, la, la, la la la la la la la la la la la la la, la la la la la, la, la, la, la, la la la la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la, la la la la la la la.
00:12I can't believe you didn't see this.
00:14I saw it. I saw it.
00:20This is a big treasure.
00:24You shouldn't eat it.
00:25You can't do this.
00:27You are very bad to me, Macky Bey.
00:29Oh, girl, let him try one.
00:32Eat it and enjoy it.
00:33Oh, honey.
00:35Well, from now on,
00:37I won't come empty-handed.
00:39I'll buy gifts for everyone.
00:40Hey, that's great.
00:42I don't want you to take this the wrong way.
00:44Tell me.
00:45Don't you think that lately
00:46you've been spending too much money for no reason?
00:49I've been calculating part of my money.
00:51Even if I keep spending at this rate,
00:54I won't be able to spend it all in this life, so...
00:59But control yourself.
01:00Hey, don't exaggerate.
01:01I only ate a piece.
01:03I didn't say it for you.
01:04I meant Melat with the money.
01:07And by the way,
01:08I bought new furniture
01:09and I'm bringing them this afternoon.
01:10Do you think you can come help me?
01:11Of course.
01:12Yes, yes, of course.
01:13But I'm going to ask you another question.
01:16When do you transfer the money to the account?
01:20My brother came yesterday.
01:21He asked me for money to pay the lawyer and the notary.
01:24I took it out of the account and gave it to him.
01:27And you have to pay for it?
01:29What if I have to pay for it?
01:31Of course, because I'm going to inherit a fortune.
01:33I'll have to pay for it.
01:36Even so, I advise you to be careful.
01:39Don't be so naive.
01:41You know what?
01:43When I have the money,
01:44we'll go on vacation to have a good time
01:46and have fun
01:47because the three of us deserve it.
01:50Wow, Melat.
01:51How generous.
01:52Ha ha.
01:53That's why I like my neighbor very much.
01:56Ha ha.
01:58I just hope that all that inheritance goes well for you.
02:01But don't spend so much, friend.
02:03If the others sign a contract with a famous man,
02:06it is most likely that we will lose the campaign.
02:09Don't worry so much.
02:13Do you have a plan?
02:15A good strategy is not planned.
02:17We will do something.
02:23I don't understand.
02:25It's all Mr. Selim's fault.
02:27Why are you worried?
02:29I'm not worried.
02:30What's going on?
02:32You're right.
02:33We can't change what happened,
02:35but we'll be more cautious.
02:37We have to get rid of pessimism.
02:41Tell us what had happened to you, Deren.
02:43Well, I've been thinking about working
02:45on previous Dreams campaigns
02:47to find a strategy that can compete
02:49with his philosophy and proposals.
02:51Musa, the other agencies have begun to attack.
02:53We have to think of a plan B.
02:55Before thinking of a plan B,
02:57we have to have a plan A, and we don't.
02:59That's why we have to think of a plan B.
03:01If that doesn't work, we'll move on to plan C,
03:03because if another agency wins us the job,
03:05they'll fire us.
03:06Ah, of course.
03:07So plan A is Mr. Yan's.
03:09Let him think of something.
03:10Plan A is the boss's.
03:11We'll start with plan B, of course.
03:14That's why we don't have a plan A.
03:17Ah, well, we also need a plan D.
03:19We don't have plan B yet, and you're moving on to D.
03:21We have to think of a plan C that Mr. Yan won't use
03:23to fire us.
03:24That's why we have to think of a plan D.
03:26You're very stubborn, Musa,
03:27and you thought I was the pessimist.
03:29Try to be a little more optimistic.
03:30I'm not a pessimist.
03:31If I didn't tell you about plan A,
03:33I insist on having a plan D.
03:34I mean, the best in the worst,
03:36that's how it should be.
03:37You're getting me in trouble
03:38with the letters of the alphabet.
03:39We better work with the vowels.
03:41So did you know that all this was planned by Yan?
03:44No, I found out when you had already left.
03:46The truth is that now it did come to light.
03:50At least what I remember,
03:52because I was drunk.
03:54It was a beautiful night.
03:56I understand.
03:58Hey, you already spent the night with Yan.
04:00Now you could think a little about the campaign.
04:02I'm serious, sister.
04:04We have a lot of employees, a lot of expenses,
04:06and if we don't get this client,
04:08we won't be able to pay the salaries.
04:10Do you know what would happen
04:12if we couldn't pay anyone?
04:15They'll leave.
04:16They'll leave the agency.
04:17So focus on your work, please.
04:19Well, I'm going to think of a slogan.
04:21Forget the slogan.
04:22We've already done it.
04:23We won't throw the towel without fighting.
04:25We have to give it our all.
04:26And be very creative.
04:28Has she gone mad?
04:29Who possessed my sister?
04:31She's more manly than usual.
04:33She talks and looks like a dragon,
04:35with blue eyes that pierce your gaze.
04:38Why did we return to the neighborhood, Musa?
04:40Are we walking in circles or what?
04:42Yay, yay.
04:43Our magnificent rain of ideas
04:45must have dragged us all the way here.
04:47Yes, a lot of rain of ideas,
04:49but the best thing that has happened
04:51is eating a hot sausage.
04:53It's been a brilliant idea.
04:55They were very tasty.
04:56Ten points.
04:57Yes, they were delicious.
04:58It's been good.
04:59I'm going to get some rest.
05:00I'm going to get some rest.
05:01I'm going to get some rest.
05:02I'm going to get some rest.
05:03I'm going to get some rest.
05:04I'm going to get some rest.
05:05I'm going to get some rest.
05:06I'm going to get some rest.
05:08This has been a good idea,
05:10and I love how you've prepared the sauces.
05:11How about the sauces?
05:12They're great!
05:13They put me to sleep!
05:14The bad thing is that they kind of overdo it.
05:16Listen, are we gonna take a tea break, or how about a coffee break?
05:18You see?
05:19That's right, this is an excellent idea!
05:20Although it doesn't help the Agency easily,
05:22we have to think about ways to find a campaign.
05:24Let's think of a different idea.
05:26This isn't worth it.
05:27Yay, yay.
05:28There's no sense in lying to ourselves.
05:30What should we do if they close the Agency, Musa?
05:32I don't know.
05:33What should we do?
05:34We have to think of a plan, just in case.
05:36No vuelvo a preguntarte nada.
05:38¿Y a dónde vas?
05:39A tomar un café o un té.
05:41¿En serio? Es la mejor idea que he oído, además de la salchicha caliente.
05:45Lo sentirás en lo profundo de tu ser.
05:52Tú no empieces. Estoy intentando trabajar.
05:56Para los que no se conforman y buscan algo extra.
06:03Espera, empiezas a confundirme.
06:05¿Por qué? ¿Qué fue lo que hice?
06:10Jan, por favor, estoy buscando un buen eslogan.
06:13Tal vez podría ayudarte.
06:17Es que aún no está.
06:19Oye, quiero verlo. Soy tu jefe.
06:21Pero los jefes no le toman la mano a las empleadas. Está muy mal visto.
06:26Y tampoco las empleadas se enamoran del jefe. ¿Qué es eso?
06:30Que es que...
06:35Jan, te buscan.
06:36Hola, ¿qué tal?
06:37No traigo buenas noticias, Jan.
06:40¿En serio? Acompáñame a mi oficina.
06:43Está bien. Yo también iré.
06:48Tómalo. Y repárteselo a los demás.
06:51Que no le falte a nadie.
06:53Hola, Sanille.
06:56¿Y todo esto? ¿Quién se ha muerto?
06:58Por favor, nadie. No te platiqué lo que me pasó.
07:01Entonces te lo voy a contar.
07:03Que mis padres con...
07:05¿Qué haces?
07:06Cállate, es por tu bien.
07:08¿Te acuerdas del gatito al que Melat le daba de comer delante de su peluquería?
07:12Ese gordito...
07:13¿De gordito?
07:14Está muerto.
07:15Así que esa es la razón por la que Melat está repartiendo todo esto.
07:20¡Ay, no me digas!
07:21¿Se nos murió gordito?
07:22Con lo bonito que era ese gatito.
07:24¿Y cómo fue?
07:25¿Lo atropelló un tráiler, verdad?
07:27¡Pero qué terrible! ¡Lo ha de ver embarrado!
07:29No, fue muerte natural, gordito. Ya estaba muy viejo.
07:32¡Pero un gato no se puede morir en cuatro años, presidenta!
07:35¡Ayer mismo lo tuve en mis brazos! ¡Lo estaba acariciando!
07:39¿Qué quieres, Musa? ¿Hacerle la autopsia?
07:42Me siento mal, Yei-Yei. Hay que sentarnos ahí.
07:44Sí, yo te acompaño.
07:46¿Por qué estás diciendo todo esto?
07:48Porque vas por ahí pregonando a todo el mundo que te has hecho rica.
07:52En serio.
07:53No toda la gente que te rodea es buena.
07:56Y si lo oye alguien que no debe, podría llevarte un susto.
08:01No se me había ocurrido.
08:03Pues claro, es lo que pasa cuando tienes dinero.
08:06Tienes que estar en todo.
08:07Así es.
08:08Es muy difícil.
08:09Musafer, no está bien. Hay que decirle que el gato vive.
08:11Sí, vamos.
08:12¡Ay, mi gordito!
08:14¿Dónde estás?
08:17Debido a mi posición, no puedo darles detalles de la competencia,
08:20pero les quería advertir.
08:22Tampoco te lo preguntaríamos. Eso no es ético.
08:26Tenemos mucha seguridad.
08:28Lo que sí les digo es que pronto firmarán un contrato con una famosa.
08:32Pensé que deberían saberlo.
08:38Conocen bien el negocio. Mi tío quedará impresionado.
08:41Yo los prefiero a ustedes, pero...
08:45Esta vez lo van a tener que sorprender.
08:47Y era una amiga de la familia.
08:50Nunca le dije nada a la gente,
08:52porque siempre he sido una persona muy discreta,
08:55y a mí no me gusta estar presumiendo las cosas.
08:58Eso es estupendo. Me alegro por ti.
09:00Me hiciste el día y es mucho dinero.
09:02¿Puedes decirnos si es una fortuna?
09:05Sí, mucho.
09:07Oye, dime, ¿ya te vas a ir?
09:11¿A dónde vas a ir?
09:13Sí, mucho.
09:15Oye, dime, ya que estamos en confianza,
09:19¿alcanza para hacer una inversión?
09:21¿No creen que preguntan demasiado? ¿Por qué?
09:25Escuchen, es que JJ y yo hemos estado pensando en un plan,
09:29y lo hemos llamado plan E.
09:31Es el plano. Plano.
09:32Aún no tenemos el plan E.
09:34Ah, es el O, perdón.
09:35Hemos pensado en muchos planes y es un poco confuso.
09:38¿En qué consiste el plan?
09:39Tenemos pensado invertir en algo.
09:41Pero la empresa se va a la quiebra y nos acaban despidiendo,
09:44entonces hemos llamado a ese plan, plan D.
09:47Muy bien.
09:48Y si no funciona, pasaríamos al plan O.
09:50Así es.
09:51Muy probablemente el plan E, y si no, el plan U.
09:53Es verdad.
09:54¿Y quieren sacarle dinero a Melat para poner un negocio imaginario
09:58en caso de que la empresa se vaya a pique y los despidan?
10:01Bueno, ya sé que a simple vista parece que queremos sacarle dinero a Melat,
10:05pero no, te juro que no tiene nada que ver con el dinerito.
10:08No te lo dije, ahí lo tienes justamente.
10:11¡Llévense todo, rápido!
10:16¡Ah, qué bien huele!
10:17Oye, sigo el olor desde la casa.
10:19¿Dónde está la comida?
10:20Nos la hemos comido.
10:24Oye, qué feo.
10:26No me causes problemas.
10:27Si no me haces caso, le cuento a todo el mundo
10:30la pesadilla que tuviste anoche.
10:33¡Ay, mi Mevkivet!
10:34¡Te echaba de menos!
10:35Solamente vine a darte un abrazo.
10:37Eres la más bonita y la más guapa.
10:39Bueno, me regreso a la tienda porque la dejé sola.
10:41Hasta luego.
10:43Adiós, mujer.
10:47Aquí está.
10:56Laila, te traje las imágenes terminadas.
10:59Te lo agradezco, Deren.
11:00¿Investigas a la competencia?
11:02Esa mujer, Aysel, ¿estuvo trabajando para nosotros?
11:05Sí, te llevabas bien con ella.
11:07¿Cómo que no la recuerdas?
11:08¿No la habías reconocido?
11:10Diría que ha cambiado mucho.
11:12¿Qué haces?
11:13Quiero ver ahora lo último que ha publicado.
11:17Esa es la peluquería muy cerca de aquí.
11:19Laila, no puedes ir.
11:20¿Y por qué no puedo?
11:21Tengo que averiguar lo que tienen en mente.
11:23O vamos a perder al cliente.
11:25Ya oíste lo que dijo Aysel.
11:27Oye, las cosas no funcionan así.
11:29¿Has olvidado lo que nos ocurrió en el pasado?
11:31No, claro que no.
11:32Pero eso saldrá bien.
11:33Laila, espera.
11:38Gracias por la advertencia.
11:41Pudiste llamar.
11:43Bueno, es un tema muy serio y prefería decírselos en persona.
11:47Por cierto, Yan, vamos a subir una montaña el fin de semana.
11:50¿Nos acompañas?
11:51La verdad es que me vendría muy bien para relajarme un poco de todo esto.
11:54Sí, es buena idea para eso.
11:56De acuerdo, si surge algo, me apunto.
11:58Muy bien, nos vemos.
12:04¿Qué te pasa?
12:06Nada, nada.
12:08Ay, me voy a trabajar.
12:10Tengo muchas cosas que hacer.
12:17Piénsalo bien.
12:18Tenemos que aprovechar esa herencia a como dé lugar.
12:20Tienes razones.
12:21Mucha cantidad de dinero.
12:22Ojalá Melat quisiera adoptarme, ahora que mi madre no está por aquí.
12:26Oye, entró un mensaje de la oficina.
12:29¿Qué dicen?
12:30Que Aisha ha ido con el chisme de que Zanem y Yan están juntos.
12:33¿De verdad?
12:34¡Qué buena noticia!
12:36Eso no lo sabemos.
12:37Deberíamos estar ahí, pero estamos aquí paseando para nada.
12:40Oye, Jay, teníamos que pensar en una idea brillante.
12:42El plan y...
12:43No, pero hemos dado un paseo.
12:45No se trata de solo caminar.
12:47Ha sido un viaje interior en el que nos hemos encontrado a nosotros mismos.
13:02Hotel Hilton.
13:16De acuerdo.
13:30Bueno, entonces yo voy por el auto.
13:34Espérame, Aysel.
13:35Ya voy.
13:42Oye, un segundo.
13:45¿Qué pasó?
13:47Lo siento mucho, discúlpame.
13:49Pero, ¿cómo puedo ser tan torpe?
13:55¿Qué haces aquí?
13:57Amiga, qué coincidencia, ¿no te parece?
13:59Sí, lo lamento mucho.
14:01Voy a llamar al seguro ahora mismo y que ellos se encarguen.
14:04No seas exagerada, si no pasó nada.
14:07Oí lo del accidente.
14:08Qué pena.
14:09¿Estás bien?
14:10Sí, todo bien, gracias.
14:11Me alegro, estás estupenda.
14:13¿Quieres ir a tomar un café ahora?
14:15Yo encantada, pero tú me conoces.
14:17En la oficina estoy muy ocupada.
14:19¿Te llamo para verte otro día?
14:21Está bien, pero ¿no tienes como media hora?
14:23No, perdóname.
14:26Creo que sí.
14:27Lo acepto, vamos.
14:29Ve por tu bolso.
14:30Sí, iré por él.
14:39Es increíble.
14:42¡Qué coincidencia!
14:43Lo sé, tenemos tanto que platicar.
14:44¿Cómo te va?
14:45Mucho trabajo.
14:47Encontré unos eslogans y quería que los viera, señor.
14:55¿Vuelves a tratarme de usted?
14:57¿Qué te pasa?
14:58¿De qué está hablando?
14:59Pensé que quería ver los eslogans.
15:02Entiendo, pero ¿qué te pasa?
15:04Solo traje los eslogans, ¿sí?
15:06No dejo de pensar en ti y no puedo trabajar.
15:09Dime algo.
15:11No dudaste en decir que sí para su excursión.
15:14Sí, pero tú también puedes venir.
15:16No, ¿cómo crees?
15:17Yo no sé nada de escalar.
15:19Pues aprende, es fácil, puedes iniciarte.
15:22¿Cómo que iniciarme?
15:23Si me lo puedes decir, ¿no?
15:25Sí, pero tú también puedes venir.
15:27No, ¿cómo crees?
15:28Y yo no sé nada de escalar.
15:30Pues aprende, es fácil, puedes iniciarte.
15:32¿Cómo que iniciarme?
15:34No tengo ni idea, ¿no lo ves?
15:42En estas carpetas están las últimas campañas
15:44hechas por ellos.
15:46En este momento se encuentran en la cima.
15:48No digas cima.
15:50¡Qué fastidio!
15:57¿Y qué tal te ha ido?
15:59¿Te casaste con Emre?
16:01Me llevé una sorpresa, pero me alegro.
16:03Sí, todo fue muy rápido.
16:04A mí también aún me sorprende.
16:06Me imagino.
16:07Y dime, ¿en qué trabajas?
16:08¿Qué tal la agencia?
16:10Pues la verdad es que en la agencia me va muy bien.
16:12Formamos un buen equipo.
16:14Estoy muy contenta.
16:15Ah, estuve en el hospital visitando a Jan.
16:19Pero al final no me dejaron verlo.
16:21¿Cómo sigue ahora?
16:22¿Se recuperó bien?
16:23Sí, ya está bien, recuperándose día a día.
16:25Ah, me alegro.
16:27¿Y qué más?
16:28Cuéntame, dicen que tienen una nueva campaña
16:30¿Es cierto?
16:32Sí, es verdad.
16:33Pero preferiría no hablar de trabajo.
16:35¿Te parece?
16:36No, no.
16:37Es que escuché que firmaron un contrato con Kylie Jenner.
16:40Está en boca de todos.
16:41Y ahora que te veo quería felicitarte.
16:44No hay nada firmado.
16:47¿Lo harán con una famosa de aquí entonces?
16:50No hemos firmado con nadie.
16:52Así que están buscando firmar con alguna famosa extranjera.
16:56¿No es así?
16:58Leila, esto lo has aprendido de Deren.
17:00Te enseña esas cosas.
17:01Qué tristeza.
17:03No, qué cosas.
17:05Sé que competimos por la misma campaña, Leila.
17:07¿Te refieres a las cremas de Sanem?
17:09Ay, para nada.
17:11Desde la agencia solo intentamos apoyarla.
17:13Pero en ningún caso se trata de un proyecto importante
17:15para la empresa, claro.
17:17De verdad, eres increíble.
17:20Golpeaste a la puerta del auto a propósito.
17:22Te desconozco, Leila, en serio.
17:24Ay, Sel, no digas ocasiones.
17:26Estoy muy sorprendida.
17:27Sé que Deren es una manipuladora,
17:29pero viniendo de ti, no me lo esperaba.
17:32La verdad, me voy.
17:33Amiga, no, ¿a dónde vas?
17:35Espera, siéntate, hay que hablar.
17:37Me malinterpretaste.
17:38Eso no tiene nada que ver.
17:40Solo quería hablar contigo.
17:45Qué tontería.
17:48No puede ser.
17:50¿Ahora qué haré?
17:52¿Ahora qué haré?
18:01Ay, estaba esperándote.
18:04Pero, ¿qué te sucede?
18:07¿Por qué tienes esa cara?
18:09Mi hombre se enteró del amor que vivimos por mi libro,
18:11¿y tú?
18:12Pues yo no tengo ni hombre, ni libro.
18:14No tengo nada.
18:16Ay, ¿pero qué vamos a hacer, Mirivan?
18:18No tengo idea, Sanem.
18:23¿Qué haces?
18:24Organicemos una noche de chicas.
18:26Buena idea.
18:28Una noche sin hombres, ni siquiera hacen falta.
18:30¡Nosotros somos mejores!
18:32Así se dice.
18:33A la taquilla.
18:36¿Y por dónde empezamos?
18:42¿Qué le pasa?
18:43No sé, ni idea.
18:50Near, near.
18:52Le hablan.
18:54¿Qué le pasa?
18:55No, ni idea.
18:57¿Qué le pasa?
19:00¿Qué le pasa?
19:03¿Qué le pasa?
19:05No sé, ni idea.
19:08What's wrong with him?
19:10How am I supposed to know?
19:12Well, if JJ were here, he'd know for sure.
19:19But JJ's not here anymore. We can't do anything.
19:29For my husband who's on a trip.
19:38If he's on a trip, what are you doing with him, Aizel?
19:43You already look like you're smiling.
19:48What if it was for his husband?
19:50No, no. Not at all, Mezquivé. Not yet.
19:58I'm sorry.
19:59I'm sorry.
20:00I'm sorry.
20:01I'm sorry.
20:02I'm sorry.
20:03I'm sorry.
20:04I'm sorry.
20:05I'm sorry.
20:07It's over. She's fine.
20:13Hey, Emre.
20:15Can we go out for a bit? I'm stressed, honey.
20:17Yeah, I noticed. Let's go.
20:19Go out and get some fresh air, honey.
20:22Hey, listen to me.
20:24You're on a trip, but don't come back until you know what's wrong with him.
20:28I'm counting on you.
20:29Yeah, sure. I'll find out.
20:31Find out everything.
20:32Yeah, don't worry.
20:37Don't make me laugh anymore.
20:39Put your finger. Put your finger.
20:40Come. Come. Come here. Come here.
20:43Come here, honey.
20:44Come on.
20:45What are you doing?
20:47My brunette.
20:50My beauty.
20:52Sing well.
20:54I'll hug you.
20:56I'm going to burn.
20:59I love you so much.
21:03I see you're having fun.
21:06What's going on here?
21:08Girls' night.
21:10You tell him.
21:11Are you going to kick me out?
21:16There can't be any men tonight.
21:21And that?
21:22Because they're very annoying.
21:28I understand.
21:29What do you understand?
21:31That tomorrow there will be things that you will not remember.
21:37Oh, the monument of oblivion speaks.
21:40The great master of oblivion.
21:43Do you remember me?
21:47Sanem, don't be so bad.
21:49He had a very serious accident.
21:51Wait a second.
21:54Pay attention.
21:55And you too, so you can learn.
21:57There are many accidents.
21:59But only he forgets the woman he loves.
22:01And why?
22:03I know.
22:04I know.
22:05As time goes by, you will have Heimer.
22:07Isn't it?
22:08But what was I saying?
22:11I know.
22:12If you forget the love you felt, it's heart amnesia.
22:15You get drunk.
22:16It's the medical term.
22:17Or not?
22:18To hell with the medical terms.
22:20Of course.
22:23Well, I don't bother you anymore.
22:25See you tomorrow.
22:28My love.
22:32Oh, what a laugh.
22:33I just hope I don't get blind tomorrow.
22:35Where are you?
22:36I don't see you.
22:39Alcohol is very harmful.
22:41Do you hear me well?
22:43I was rude to him.
22:45I don't know.
22:46I don't know.
22:47I don't know.
22:48I don't know.
22:49I don't know.
22:50I don't know.
22:51What's wrong with him?
22:52Because he had a serious accident in my candy and I threw it in his face.
22:55Hey, what are we drinking?
22:56I don't see you anymore, Miribat.
22:58Here I am, baby.
22:59Give me your hand.
23:00My hand?
23:02That's how I focused you.
23:04My love.
23:05My love.
23:06My beauty.
23:07My beauty.
23:08My beauty.
23:09How long have I slept?
23:19My love.
23:20Let's go.
23:22Hey, does your foot hurt?
23:24No, no.
23:25It will pass.
23:26Sit down.
23:28How big is this?
23:29Yes, it's huge.
23:31Well, I'm going to the bathroom quickly and then we'll order, okay?
23:34Yes, my love.
23:35I'll be right back.
23:50Oh, my God.
24:24Leila, what are you doing here?
24:26Well, look, I came to show you this picture here.
24:31Come on, give it to me.
24:32I want the campaign file.
24:34What kind of bug did you become, Leila?
24:37I'm not a bug.
24:38I came with my husband.
24:40And your husband is aware of these toys you make?
24:43And yours is aware of the toys you make him?
24:47Yours is aware of the toys you make him?
24:52Look closely.
24:57This can't be.
24:58Come on.
24:59In this memory is everything you want.
25:02No cheating?
25:03Look, you're the only cheater here.
25:06Shut up.
25:17My love, do you want us to order something?
25:19Let's go, Emre.
25:20Hey, but why do we have to go?
25:22Did you want to come here?
25:23It's just that I don't like this place.
25:25What do you mean you don't like it?
25:26Did you want to come?
25:27Yes, yes, I know.
25:29But when I came in, I was a little disappointed.
25:32We have to go.
25:33Come on.
25:38It's not Aysel.
25:39I think so.
25:40Now she works at Dreams.
25:42Don't tell me.
25:43The truth, I had no idea.
25:48Comrades, here is the campaign of our rivals.
25:58Leila, that's the whole presentation.
26:00How did you get it?
26:02It doesn't matter, I just gave it away.
26:04Hey, I'm going to answer that saying with another saying.
26:07The one who plays with fire always ends up burning.
26:10Please, I'm not playing with fire, okay?
26:12This is not right.
26:13I'm going to close it.
26:14I can't.
26:15Yes, it's not right.
26:17What are you saying?
26:18We have his presentation and we're not going to see it?
26:24Don't see it if you don't want to.
26:26But I know all the details.
26:28And I confess to you that his campaign is much better than ours.
26:31It's very good.
26:32Don't have any doubts.
26:34I looked over it and if it's true,
26:36this campaign is much better than ours.
26:39I looked over it and if it's true,
26:41this work is amazing, guys.
26:45I'm not an expert analyzing, but it looks like they have talent,
26:48that they are ambitious and also intelligent.
26:51What they have is hunger.
26:53That's why we're going to lose.
26:54We'll be in the ruin.
26:55No, we're going to change the campaign.
26:57We're going to discard everything.
26:59The idea, the slogan, we'll change everything.
27:01The presentation needs new ideas.
27:09I know what we're going to do.
27:10A demo, guys.
27:11Great, good idea.
27:13Tell everyone not to go home.
27:16Let's start.
27:21Let's go.
27:22Go ahead.
27:23Bring us tea.
27:26Come in, Leila.
27:28Why did you do it?
27:32I don't want to lose the first campaign I run.
27:35With doing your job, that's enough.
27:38Unfortunately, I'm afraid not.
27:41Are you serious?
27:43I know very well what you're going to do.
27:45I don't want to lose the first campaign I run.
27:48Unfortunately, I'm afraid not.
27:50I know very well what you're going to do.
27:52Are you serious?
27:54I know very well what you're going to do.
27:56The blackmail and the dirty game.
27:59Do you know where they're going to take you, love?
28:01To success.
28:05What's wrong with you, Leila?
28:08What's wrong with everyone?
28:10Did you think I did all this just for me?
28:14Well, I do it for you.
28:16For my sister, for Jan, for all that agency.
28:19There's a lot to lose.
28:20I'm not willing to do that.
28:21What's wrong with that?
28:22It can't be.
28:30It looked like you were talking to Nailin.
28:33Well, yes, Deren.
28:34That's what it looked like.
28:36I'm going out to get some air.
28:38I need it.
28:39I'll see you later.
28:45No one understands me.
28:47You always said that when you were little.
28:50They say that in love and war, everything is worth it.
28:52It's just that only I remember.
28:53It seems like everyone has forgotten.
28:55That motto is not the most appropriate.
28:57And if you end up believing it, you can make a lot of mistakes.
29:01You too, Sanem.
29:02You too.
29:04I give up.
29:05Sister, look, listen to me.
29:07Talking about a war is already big words.
29:10There's no need to discuss it.
29:12The campaign is very important, right?
29:14But more than you.
29:15That's right.
29:18Now let's focus on the campaign.
29:21And work a little.
29:22Unless you have another crazy espionage plan in mind.
29:25No one understands me.
29:27And they also started calling me a spy.
29:29How nice.
29:30We have to work and make an effort.
29:32Think of brilliant ideas.
29:33It's fine.
29:35I always have brilliant ideas.
29:38Tell me, Mr. Can.
29:41Again, sir?
29:43Anyway, I won't say anything.
29:45Sanem, why did you make that cream?
29:49What do you mean?
29:50Think for whom?
29:51I don't know.
29:55For my mother.
29:58You made it for her.
30:02She told me she wasn't a good daughter and that she didn't do anything for her.
30:05Taking advantage of the fact that I make creams,
30:07I wanted to make one for her so that my father could see her a little younger.
30:10So in the end I had to make her cream.
30:21I have it.
30:36Emre, what's wrong?
30:39It's nothing.
30:41Are you sure?
30:43Leila is the reason?
30:49I know that look.
30:51Yes, I know.
30:52Something happened.
30:54Wait, I'm going to open and I'll be right back.
31:01What a surprise!
31:02Come in.
31:03I wanted to see you.
31:04Hello, Emre.
31:05Come in.
31:06Yes, but I was leaving.
31:08I'm sure I interrupted you.
31:10Yes, please sit down, Emre.
31:12In this house I am not a stranger.
31:14Keep talking about business.
31:16We were chatting.
31:17Do you want a tea?
31:18Better a coffee.
31:19Excuse me, they're calling me.
31:21Tell me, Leila.
31:22Love, we have a brilliant idea for the campaign.
31:25You have to go home right now.
31:27But why do I have to go home instead of going to the office?
31:33Why are we going to shoot our ad with ordinary people, without celebrities?
31:37The housewives will be protagonists.
31:39That is, my mother, Melat, Mirivan.
31:42I think it's great.
31:43It's very good.
31:44Well, I'm going there.
31:47But how are they going to get Medkivey and the others?
31:50It's an important ad.
31:52Soon you will find out everything, mother.
31:55Now it's a secret.
31:56It's a very important ad.
31:58They have to work on it with absolute seriousness.
32:00This is a very serious matter.
32:03Think about it.
32:08Well, isn't that woman Melat?
32:11The one from Erencia, love?
32:14It's the hairdresser.
32:16It's the hairdresser and the others.
32:18Oh, but what a coincidence.
32:21Of course.
32:23You are the princess.
32:24What do you think?
32:26You're right.
32:28Let's see.
32:29Woman Art is an important company.
32:32No, no.
32:33My children have gone crazy.
32:35Listen to me.
32:36They will ruin the agency again.
32:37You'll see.
32:38If you want, let's go to the neighborhood.
32:40You could convince them.
32:43I'd better not get involved.
32:44Jan will get angry.
32:48But if you change your mind,
32:50I'll go with you.
32:51I'm delighted.
32:52So that you don't go alone to the neighborhood.
32:54Oh, what would I do without you?
32:56Oh, my love.
32:57Well, I'm going to cut the cake.
32:59A coffee, right?
33:00Yes, please.
33:10I'm not old enough for those things.
33:13Hey, don't say that.
33:14Of course.
33:15What will everyone say?
33:17Who cares?
33:18You're an actress, Nata.
33:19What do you mean?
33:20Do you remember when Dad wouldn't let them do anything
33:22and we had to act to convince him?
33:26Do you remember when we pretended to convince Mom?
33:30Then these two did what they wanted with you.
33:32Take this.
33:33I'm on a diet, but...
33:36Nihat, do you have a diabetic coma?
33:40And now what's wrong with him?
33:41Nihat, wake up.
33:42Nihat, react.
33:43Wake up.
33:48Tell me.
33:49Aren't you going to help me?
33:51You have to do something to convince my mother.
33:54I already did my part, Sanem.
33:55Don't tell me.
33:56But what have you done?
33:57I called my mother.
33:58The typical reaction of men.
34:00When something gets ugly, they run to call Mom.
34:03Don't worry.
34:04My mother will convince yours.
34:07Your mother wouldn't convince mine to go to heaven.
34:10Yes, it's true.
34:11But if I know my mother well,
34:13she will force her to appear in the ad.
34:15I'm going to lose my mind.
34:16I'll go crazy.
34:25Jan, good morning.
34:27Will I be in that ad?
34:29If we convince her.
34:32Not yet accepted?
34:36I'll take some shoes.
34:37You take some too.
34:38And is it here, honey?
34:39Yes, of course.
34:40It's here.
34:41Oh, good.
34:42I'm going to talk to her.
34:46Well, here everyone does their own thing.
34:48Oh, the shoes.
34:50Nihat, my love.
34:52Look who's here.
34:56Nice to see you.
34:59Hi, how are you?
35:00Hi, how are you?
35:04And this gentleman?
35:05He's my friend, Selim.
35:07Selim, nice to meet you.
35:08Thank you, likewise.
35:09Sit down.
35:10It's a pleasure.
35:11Hi, how are you?
35:12I'd introduce you to my husband,
35:13but now he's in a diabetic coma.
35:16You can introduce me later.
35:17I hope so.
35:18And you must be Melat.
35:19Ah, yes, I'm Melat.
35:20It's a pleasure.
35:24We have been offered to appear in an ad.
35:27And I refuse.
35:28Ah, well, I'm glad.
35:31I think...
35:32That's fine, thank you.
35:33That you have a lot of personality.
35:35Thank you very much.
35:38What do you mean, what?
35:39That I don't have it?
35:40Is that what you mean?
35:41Don't underestimate me.
35:42Don't try to cure this boy's amnesia
35:44with a strange infusion.
35:46Oh, no.
35:48Dad, he doesn't know what he's saying.
35:50And you know why?
35:51That's not true.
35:53Because he's eaten a lot of candy and he's diabetic.
35:55It's the fault of all these candies,
35:57just so you know.
35:58Hold on.
35:59Everyone knows their limitations
36:02and knows what their place is.
36:04And what's my place?
36:05Well, the house, the kitchen, the cleaning,
36:08and all that stuff.
36:09But not an actress.
36:11That's clear.
36:13Of course.
36:14You don't have the talent of an actress.
36:16You lack presence.
36:18What do you mean, no?
36:19Are you saying I'm ugly?
36:20Are you calling me ugly?
36:21No, woman.
36:22That's not it.
36:23But your face is not television.
36:26Because you say it.
36:27I have a face of what I feel like.
36:29And I'll make the announcement.
36:30You're misinterpreting me.
36:31I didn't mean to say that.
36:33Jan, write it down.
36:34Yes, I will.
36:35I'll make that announcement
36:37that's just to annoy you.
36:39That's it.
36:40Like my name is Vicky.
36:41Write it down.
36:42No, no, no.
36:43No, no, no.
36:44No, no, no.
36:45No, no, no.
36:46No, no, no.
36:47No, no, no.
36:48No, no, no.
36:52Jan, you've dislocated everybody.
36:54I could not help it.
36:59Your idea did work.
37:00What a surprise.
37:01I know what I'm doing.
37:04I wish your plans
37:05would also have had good results.
37:08The infusion,
37:09the plants,
37:10the rosemary.
37:11All of those strange things and that.
37:13My mother did everything possible to help you.
37:16What did you want?
37:17Hope is the last thing that dies.
37:36I can help you.
37:37This is the same as Jan and Sanen, right?
37:47This story can be better than theirs.
37:50What are you talking about, Mr. Selima?
37:52Since I saw her, I lost my mind, really.
37:55Shut up! You are with Uma.
37:57That was before I met her.
38:00Me? But I'm a humble neighborhood hairdresser.
38:05And she's a glamorous woman.
38:07That's not true.
38:10Haven't you seen what she told Mrs. Mbethime?
38:13That she didn't have a presence?
38:15Well, if she doesn't have a presence,
38:18with hers, they don't stand a chance.
38:21I'd say this is out of place.
38:23I don't think so.
38:25Since when is falling in love out of place?
38:28Since when?
38:29Excuse me?
38:30I like Melat.
38:32Why? Why me?
38:34She's with a beautiful woman.
38:36Why are you looking at me?
38:38She's not real.
38:40But you are.
38:42Although, if you don't like me,
38:46this is over.
38:48Yes, I like you.
38:52I like you.
38:58with Uma.
39:00And of course, she's Uma.
39:02There's no other way.
39:04If that's an obstacle,
39:07I'll knock it down.
39:10I'll finish her.
39:12Finish her.
39:13You wait for me.
39:14I'll be here.
39:16Leave her and come to me.
39:17I'll come back for her and we'll run away together.
39:20Run! Run!
39:24How are you?
39:26Come in.
39:27Yes, thank you. See you later.
39:31Hey, Melat.
39:33Are you okay?
39:34Yes, why wouldn't I be okay?
39:36I'm very well.
39:38Look, I'm going to be famous.
39:40I'm a rich woman.
39:42And apparently, very attractive.
39:46Thank goodness.
39:48I was wrong. I'm going the other way.
39:50Very well. It was that way.
39:52Very interesting.
39:58Is something wrong?
40:00I know I exaggerated a little today.
40:03A little?
40:04I admit it. You're right. I exaggerated too much.
40:07Forgive me.
40:09Very well.
40:11If you admit your mistake, I'm satisfied.
40:16My dear...
40:19Let's go.
40:20I'll serve the tea.
40:22It's okay. I'll help you.
40:24Very well. Thank you.
40:27Hey, look what a beautiful cup.
