00:00:26I'm coming
00:00:37Was your morning
00:00:44One no, I don't
00:00:51Well, I have some interesting news for you, where were you Tess
00:00:55West End district
00:00:57Hey, we had a drop to make we
00:01:00We had a drop to make well, you wanted to be left alone. Remember?
00:01:07So I'll take one guess the whole deal went south and the client made off with our pills, is that about right
00:01:14Deal went off without a hitch
00:01:16Not ration cards to last us a couple of months easy
00:01:20You won't explain this. I was on my way back here and I got jumped by these two assholes. All right
00:01:26yeah, they got a few good hits in but
00:01:30Look, I managed
00:01:32Give me that
00:01:35These assholes still with us
00:01:38That's funny
00:01:40Let's find out who they were. Yeah, look they were a couple of nobodies. They don't matter
00:01:44What matters is that Robert fucking sent them?
00:01:48Our Robert he knows that we're after him. He figures he's gonna get us first son of a bitch smart. Yeah
00:01:57He's not smart enough
00:02:00I know where he's hiding like hell you do
00:02:04Old warehouse in area 5 can't say for how long though. Well, I'm ready now. Yeah. Oh I can do now
00:02:31The checkpoint still only on a few hours left until curfew we better hurry up then
00:02:44I've been selected for outside work duty
00:03:18Look at that ration line hasn't opened yet
00:03:45Don't even care anymore
00:04:01You leave me alone
00:04:07Seems like more people are getting infected that just means more people are sneaking in
00:04:17I got us all new papers. They shouldn't give us any static
00:04:33See you I need there you go
00:04:38What's your business here got the day off visiting a friend. All right, no one through. Thanks
00:05:00Let's go
00:05:18So much for the easy route catch yourself up, all right
00:05:32They're gonna close all the checkpoints
00:05:35We're gonna have to go around the outside
00:05:38Outside the wall or we could just let Robert go
00:05:45Hey Tess, you see that shit I was there. Hey, how's the East Tunnel looking? It's clear. I just used it
00:05:52No patrols. Where are you off to gonna pay Robert a visit you too?
00:05:58Marlene she's been asking around trying to find him Marlene
00:06:02What are the Fireflies need with Robert?
00:06:05Think she'd tell me well, what did you tell her the truth? I got no idea where he's hiding good, man
00:06:11Hey, you stay out of trouble. All right military's gonna be out in force soon. Yeah. See you around
00:06:22Marlene looking for Robert. What do you make of that? I don't like it
00:06:26You better find him before the Fireflies do
00:06:39This is us
00:06:40Hey guys, how's it going?
00:06:43Shit stirring up out there. How are we looking over here? It's been quiet. No signs of military or infected. That's what I like to hear
00:06:56Joel give me a hand with this
00:07:06Y'all take it easy out there
00:07:14There be light
00:07:22Need to watch the throw away down here. Let's grab our gear
00:07:37Our backpacks are still here from last time
00:07:46Lot of ammo make your shots count
00:07:59All right, Texas boost me up
00:08:08Ready yes, ma'am
00:08:17Come on
00:08:32Go on
00:08:41Be careful, what am I not had a trick question?
00:09:07Ain't been out here in a while. It's like we're on a date. Well, I am the romantic type got your ways
00:09:24Where's the ladder there's got to be around here somewhere got it
00:09:41He's first lady you must be thinking of someone else
00:09:47It's all relative this way
00:10:51Down through here
00:10:54Think robbers still got our guns for his sake be better once we get our merchandise back. It should be easy to unload
00:11:01Speaking of merchandise, when's that next shipment deal?
00:11:08Emily always shows up with something should keep us busy for a while. Hold up spores
00:11:21If the hell are all these coming from place was clear last time they're coming out of something stay alert
00:11:35There's our culprit bodies not that old better keep your eyes and ears open
00:11:48Should be able to fit through here
00:11:53Okay, yeah damn ceilings falling apart be careful
00:12:18What do you want to do poor bastard
00:15:53Got infected trying to sneak into the zone
00:16:01Wishing they were living on the inside
00:16:32That's the one thing I love about the outside
00:16:35I'm gonna hate the smell of the city. Why don't you ask bill to get you some of them air fresheners?
00:16:40Hey, they weren't expired. That'd be a good idea
00:16:50After you cover the entrance I got it
00:17:19Damn it plank fell down
00:17:36Pass it to me. It's a bit heavy. I think I can handle it. All right
00:18:04There we go
00:18:08Your ass up here, let's move bossy today
00:18:16Getting close
00:18:41Make sure there ain't any soldiers around it. It's clear. Come on
00:19:26Pick up that ammo sure. We'll need it
00:19:44Little man make sure the coast is clear. No soldiers. None are Roberts men. Yeah
00:19:59Know he's expecting us. Well, then I make it more interesting
00:20:09Good to go
00:20:22Now hear me
00:20:47If you ain't got ration cards don't even waste my time I'm not interested in bartering for bullets
00:21:05Touch it you buy it
00:21:17Where do you think you're going? Oh, sorry Tess didn't realize you two were together
00:21:28Who's that an old headache don't ask
00:21:46I'm looking for Robert
00:21:49You come through here half hour ago you went back to the war he's there now
00:22:13Here we go
00:22:19Let us through you guys need to turn around and head back if you know what's good for you
00:22:25Our beef isn't with you. We just want Robert. You don't want to do this
00:22:30Turn the fuck around and leave now. I'm not going anywhere without Robert, bitch
00:22:36I will bash your skull unless you turn around and get your dumb ass out of here
00:22:41Fuck this
00:22:43Take cover
00:22:46You ready? Yeah
00:22:48Cover you get the angle on them
00:23:15Nicely done Texas
00:23:17You too, how the hell did he get all these guys if Roberts good at one thing, it's right in blank checks
00:23:24Let's go put an end to that
00:23:47Not going through here. Hey boost me up
00:24:05Give me your hand
00:24:49More Roberts guys
00:24:53How do you know they're coming two of our guys died trying to take Tess out
00:24:57Guarantee that she and Joel are on their way here right now to get Robert Jesus
00:25:02We shouldn't have taken this job
00:25:04Not our call
00:25:05Let's spread out and make sure no one's creeping around in here
00:25:45Meant to tell you
00:25:57Lined them up against the wall
00:26:03Shit I hear it's like that all over the city cracking down on them hard
00:26:19Let's search the area
00:27:37Consolidated the crates in the South warehouse supplies are locked up good. Let's do another once over and then head out
00:27:43What about Robert who's he holing up with tonight guys too paranoid to stay here by himself
00:29:51This is bad
00:30:33God damn it. Oh
00:30:40My god
00:31:05We should have brought more people they just slow us down
00:31:18Come on the docks are this way let's do this
00:32:47There's our boy
00:32:54That cocky son of a bitch, let's go wrap this up
00:33:04Let's be smart about this
00:33:27You're inside going outside the wall the suicide
00:33:36What he's gonna happen here once the flies run out I'd still take my chances in here
00:33:55Looks like you are good for something
00:35:51We can work something out, okay
00:36:01Good to have you around
00:36:10Over there
00:37:36That office Robert must have run in there let's go
00:38:21Guess wheeling and dealing with everyone in town
00:38:56Leave it to Robert to piss everyone off
00:39:32Let's not wait around
00:39:54We just want to talk Robert we get fucking nothing to talk about put your gun down
00:40:01Go fuck yourself. He's running
00:40:06Robert Joel this way
00:40:11Come on he ran in here
00:40:34He's right there
00:40:41Hello Robert
00:40:44Yes, Joe
00:40:48No hard feelings right none at all
00:40:58We missed you
00:41:00Look whatever it is. You heard it ain't true. Okay. I just want to say guns you want to tell us where the guns are
00:41:09Yeah, sure, but it's complicated look all right just hear me out on this I got
00:41:21Stop stop stop
00:41:25Quit your squirming you were saying I sold him
00:41:33Excuse me. I didn't have much of a choice. I owe someone you owed us. I say you bet on the wrong horse I
00:41:41Just need more time just give me a week. You know I might have done that if you hadn't tried to fucking kill me
00:41:48Who has our guns I?
00:41:54Can't just give me a couple
00:42:01Has our guns
00:42:06It's the fireflies I owe the fireflies
00:42:15They're basically all dead we can just just go in there finish them off. We get the guns. What do you say?
00:42:24Come on fuck those fireflies, let's go get them
00:42:30That is a stupid idea
00:42:37Well now what
00:42:40We go get our merchandise back how I don't know we explain it to them
00:42:46Look let's just go find a firefly you won't have to look very far
00:42:53There you go
00:42:55Queen firefly
00:42:57Why are you here?
00:43:02You're looking so hot
00:43:05Where's Robert I
00:43:13Needed him alive
00:43:15The guns he gave you they weren't his to sell I want them back
00:43:20Doesn't work like that test the hell. It doesn't I paid for those guns
00:43:25You want him back you're gonna have to earn him
00:43:32Many cards are we talking about I don't give a damn about ration cards I
00:43:38Need something smuggled out of the city you do that
00:43:42I'll give you your guns back Benson
00:43:47How do we know you got him
00:43:50Well you hear the military's been wiping you guys out
00:43:55Right about that
00:43:57I'll show you the weapons I
00:44:01Gotta move what's it gonna be? I want to see those guns
00:44:10We got to get out of here now
00:44:20Through here
00:44:22I know a way around this come on
00:45:04Shit is that your people what's left of them? Why do you think I'm turning to you guys this way?
00:45:14So why now we've been quiet
00:45:22It's like they did we're trying to defend ourselves
00:45:53So give me a hand with this
00:46:11Hey, how you holding up I'll live
00:46:39Hold up soldiers
00:46:41That's the way out the door under the bridge
00:46:44Ain't a big fan of these odds. We can sneak by them even though. I know that's not your style. We'll see how it goes
00:46:52Let's get moving
00:46:59We need to get to that door
00:47:36Picked the wrong day
00:48:09Won't buy you anything kill me
00:48:27Okay watch yourselves
00:49:03They're out in numbers today
00:49:59Heard something stay alert
00:50:10There you go, man
00:50:52Much further now
00:52:05Where are we going Merlene this way? It's not far now
00:52:22You okay, I'm running on fumes, but I'll make it
00:52:34The place is right up ahead
00:52:41Anyone caught outside without proper authorization will be arrested and prosecuted
00:52:57Hello we smuggled
00:53:30Joe give me a hand with this
00:53:42Let her go
00:53:45You're recruiting kind of young she's not one of mine shit
00:53:52What happened? Don't worry. This is fixable. I got his help
00:53:59But I can't come with you
00:54:03Well, then I'm staying Ellie we won't get another shot at this
00:54:09We're smuggling her there's a crew of Fireflies it'll meet you at the Capitol building
00:54:14That's not exactly close
00:54:16You're capable
00:54:19You hand her off come back. The weapons are yours
00:54:22Double what Roberts told me speaking of which where are they?
00:54:26back in our camp
00:54:29We're not smuggling shit until I see them
00:54:34You'll follow me you can verify the weapons I can get patched up
00:54:40But she's not crossing to that part of town. I
00:54:43Want you all to watch over her?
00:54:50How do you know them I
00:54:52Was close with his brother Tommy
00:54:54Said if I was ever in a jam, I could rely on him. Was that before or after he left your little militia group?
00:55:00He left you too
00:55:03He was a good man. I
00:55:06Could just take her to the North Tunnel and wait for me there. He's just Christ. Just cargo Joel
00:55:13No more talking
00:55:16You'll be fine
00:55:22Now go with him
00:55:25Don't take long and you stay close let's go
00:56:06Heard all the shooting but
00:56:08What happened
00:56:12Same thing's gonna happen to us if we don't get off the street the pro. I'm just following you
00:57:12Don't hear
00:57:19Don't keep up
00:57:42We're going up there that'll get us to the North Tunnel, how are we supposed to reach that just give me a minute
00:58:50This tunnel you use it to smuggle things. Yep
00:58:54Like illegal things sometimes you ever smuggle a kid before no, that's a first
00:59:01What's the deal with you and Marlene anyway, I don't know she's my friend I guess
00:59:08Your friend
00:59:10You're friends with the leader of the fireflies, what do you like 12?
00:59:15She knew my mom
00:59:17And she's been looking after me and I'm 14. Not that that has anything to do with anything. So, where are your parents?
00:59:24Where anyone's parents?
00:59:26They've been gone a long long time
00:59:29So instead of just staying in school you decide to run off and join the fireflies that it look
00:59:35I'm not supposed to tell you why you're smuggling me if that's what you're getting at
00:59:38You'll know the best thing about my job. I
00:59:41Don't gotta know why be honest with you. I give two shits what you're up to. Well, great good
01:00:29What are you doing killing time
01:00:32Well, what am I supposed to do I am sure you will figure that out
01:00:46Your watch is broken
01:01:02You mumble in your sleep I hate bad dreams
01:01:12Yeah me too
01:01:22You know, I've never been this close it's the outside
01:01:29Look how dark it is
01:01:35Can't be any worse out there
01:01:40Can it
01:01:42What on earth do the fireflies want with you?
01:01:46Sorry, it took so long soldiers fucking everywhere. How's Marlene?
01:01:51She'll make it. I
01:01:53Saw the merchandise. It's a lot
01:01:56And do this yeah, let's go