Transformers One (2024) Movie Review

  • 2 days ago
Robots learn that bad truth and how to transform.
00:00Now we review
00:02Transformers 1
00:05Does it feel like they're biting off Godzilla
00:09All right, ladies and gentlemen, I have seen the latest animated Transformers film
00:16Transformers 1 I think I
00:20Don't remember
00:23They don't do it. They don't really do it
00:26title drop in there so much as I recall but
00:29Yeah for every thousand subscribers, I got a new purchase one of these
00:33Bracelets from 4ocean. 4ocean pulls a pot of trash out of the ocean every time I do that if you'd be so kind as comment
00:39Like and subscribe you'd be doing your part for a better world now Transformers 1
00:45It takes us to a world where the Transformers live in a class society
00:51run by Sentinel Prime and
00:54you know, there's
00:57Transformers who can transform and there's miners who can just mine
01:01They cannot transform and the reason they cannot transform is there is a cog in the chest of every
01:09Transformer that gives them the ability to transform. Okay
01:14The miners are mining because the matrix of leadership has been lost in a war
01:22The surface is controlled by the enemy. I think
01:28They need the energon
01:31That they mine from the planet
01:35In order to
01:36You know fuel their society. So energon is their form of food and you know
01:42It's like the miners. They just have to keep mining and mining and mining and mining
01:47well, the
01:48Transformers are
01:51Leading a better life. All right
01:53This is all because of a war that the Transformers lost where the matrix was
02:01Lost okay, and then, you know, you've got Orion packs and
02:11Proto-optimus prime he's in the Superman colors. I noticed that you've got Megatron
02:20Beforehand bumblebee and and that one chick transformer that I don't remember the name of
02:25Okay, and and there they exist. They're all miners and capable of transforming and they
02:32Have to go find the MacGuffin the matrix of leadership
02:37Understand something my first introduction to optimists are to Sentinel prime
02:42Was in the Michael by think it was a Michael Bay film
02:48You know, I didn't know anything about the character
02:53This is not in continuity with that you cannot consider this a prequel to that
02:58This is definitively its own thing in this particular world
03:02Cybertron is a living being and
03:07it bestows the matrix of leadership on to you and
03:11This is basically the origin story or an origin story of the autobots and the Decepticons
03:17who are both transformers and
03:22There is a third faction I forget who they are they're basically the Robo squid people and
03:28the Robo squid people are just pure evil whereas
03:32The dichotomy between optimus prime and Megatron is they both wanted the same thing?
03:38They wanted freedom
03:40Justice and to reach their full potential. It's just one of them
03:46Had limitations and the other one didn't
03:49You know, and this is this is actually very
03:53Very simple or very common in storytelling. I mean if you look at say waking Ned divine
04:00You know the hero of the story. I forget his name is
04:04Essentially greedy, but he has limits and the villain of the story
04:10Greedy, but has no limit. She's like I'm gonna take it all for myself
04:14This is the the difference between the hero and the villain
04:17They generally want or they often want the same thing
04:21It's just one has limits and the other one doesn't you know, if you look at
04:27Alan Quartermain and King Solomon's mines
04:31Alan Quartermain wants to find the jewels and get rich and
04:35The Germans want to find the jewels and fund their war
04:38The difference being Quartermain doesn't go around hurting people to get what he wants
04:43The Germans are evil and we'll stop at nothing. That's the difference
04:48So you have that dichotomy now, I have to admit this this
04:57This movie reminded me of my college days and
05:02In my college days. I was a theater major at a certain point and
05:06And the people who were making money in theater were teachers and they were like, yes making money is for us
05:14This school is here for us
05:16You're just here to give us money to support us
05:21That's what the miners are like in this movie. That that's what I remember from my college days and that's what
05:28That's what that reminded me of. So yes, the frustration of being an automaton toiling in the American dream
05:35toiling in the American economy is
05:40Present here it is is a present kind of a thing if you're a modern American
05:47Living in this world where you you you feel like you can't get a leg up
05:52This is a movie that's going to appeal to you. I mean my inner 14 year old was like, yes, this is awesome
05:59I will say for for being a Transformers movie
06:04For being something that was designed for kids this movie is pretty brutal. I
06:10mean, you know
06:13there are a bunch of
06:15Guards who are defending a certain character and they're just getting wiped out left and right and you're like wow. I
06:24do their lives not matter as much as this one guys because
06:29You know, they're people too aren't or they're Transformers but their characters to their their real things with family
06:37I don't know how it works in this particular
06:40World, I don't know. I don't know if Transformers have parents, but apparently they are born
06:48That is a plot point in this that they are born a certain way and we never see what that way is
06:55We don't we don't understand how they're born, but there is clearly a
07:00Concept this is kind of like a beehive society where you know, the Queen Bee
07:06creates drones
07:07really I
07:10Kind of get that feel but it's never expressly stated
07:14So yeah, there's a lot of the modern frustration in the world. We live in where we're all just kind of
07:21You know working in the mine trying to make a living trying to survive and being pushed and
07:29That is something that it's not
07:32100% what this is about
07:34But it's there. It's an element that's there. It's the element that's going to appeal to the general population
07:40Beyond that I do have to admit. There's a lot of
07:45cool like there are these robotic deer things and
07:50It kind of feels like they didn't have the budget to create more of the wild
07:58cyber creatures
07:59You know the cyber creatures and the cyber landscape seemed pretty limited and that's probably because of budget constraints
08:07But they were still cool to look at they were very interesting. You know, the deer had these sort of antler things that
08:14Detected their environment and lit up and that was a fun fun fun sort of a thing
08:21Looking at this digital landscape. These are all things that they feel like they're gonna be Lego sets at some point. I'm
08:28Proud of pretty sure that there's gonna be some toys made for this movie and
08:33It does suffer a certain level from the Michael Bay problem, which is earth
08:39What is the the problem? Is it the DC? It's a common issue in modern cinema. You have a bunch of things that just
08:48Look so much like each other that they kind of blur together and that's one of the the issues here
08:54Is that yes, there are a lot of?
08:57Factions like there's a faction called the high guard. I guess if you're a
09:02Transformers fan you may know about them. I've never heard of them before. It's a common name. You've got the bad guy faction
09:08You've got the miners are technically a faction and then you've got the Transformers who are the main faction and all of them kind of
09:16Look alike. I mean knowing the difference between them. It's not easy to spot and
09:22It's like, you know when when you get like your Independence Day to one of the problems with that movie is like, okay
09:30you've got the the
09:31human planes which are
09:34Based on the alien technology. You've got the alien planes now
09:37They're all flying together and it's just this big soup of of explosions and awesome
09:43But it's hard to understand what's really happening
09:47The B character the bumblebee character is probably he's just so happy
09:53because he's hard-boiled been working in the under underbelly of the city so long that he's just
10:01Scrambled and that's kind of where his character comes from. I don't remember what he was like in the
10:09Cartoons when I was a kid, he is a likable character. He's
10:13Enthusiasm. He's sort of this. I mean, he's a fan favorite. So he's he's got this very likable quality to him
10:23Megatron or proto Megatron, I mean, you know who he's gonna be for the entire time, but
10:29You can see how he's just boiling with rage when he finds out what's going on
10:34And he was always kind of an angry person to begin with
10:37But this started out as a
10:39friend's relationship between these two characters who become the arch nemeses of each other and
10:47Yeah, you know, this is a solid film. I enjoyed it
10:50I will say that if you're thinking this is a great film for young children. It is not it is
10:56kind of on the violent side and
10:59That's one of those things, you know this it feels I don't remember the rating
11:04But it should be a pg-13
11:06Because there is a lot of robot death in there. These characters are not being brought back
11:11There's actually one point where you kind of see these
11:15Destroy hulks of
11:19Transformers and you know, it's a concept of death. That's something that is in this movie again
11:28Understand this much
11:31This film does not necessarily fit into the continuity of anything else
11:37It really should be seen as something that stands alone
11:40Forget what you know about the franchise and you'll do a little bit better
11:47Understanding this but it does belong in the upper middle of your watch list. It is a fun film. I
11:54Enjoyed watching it. I never really wanted to walk away. I never really said, you know what?
12:00This is just driving me nuts. I enjoyed it. It is a fun
12:05I'll be a juvenile film that will make your inner 14 year old go
12:10Awesome. I love explosions and lasers
12:15Anyway, that's just my opinion. I'd love to hear yours down the comments below. I of course am Richard
12:20All right, ladies and gentlemen
12:23It's me Randall yet again
12:25And you can see in addition to my bracelets from for ocean each one representing a pound of trash pulled out of the ocean
12:32I got me some scooby-doo and save the planet to
12:36Metal from Cronker around my neck. Yes
12:40Corrigan conquer something or other anyway, look
12:45Here's how this works
12:47You walk you sign up for this thing like the owner of this channel you walk they plant five trees and send you this
12:54You know
12:55scooby-doo thing
12:57You could scooby-doo and save the planet to just like was done for this channel
13:02So you could help this channel scooby-doo and save the planet to by commenting liking and subscribing
13:08Or you could you would go do it yourself?
13:12So if you're lazy
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13:21Go sign up, you know, maybe maybe do some trick-or-treating walk out of the house and
13:28Then I want your face
13:31Which is a perfect thing to do right now
13:34How I love human face
