Killer Heat (2024) Movie

  • 2 days ago
Killer Heat (2024)

Follows twin brothers who find themselves in a dangerous love triangle on an isolated Greek island. The investigation is given to "The Jealousy Man," a wounded detective.
00:00:30There's that old Greek myth by the guy who flew too high
00:00:43Icarus was named near the pair of homemade wings
00:00:49They thought he could just keep going up forever higher than anyone higher than the gods
00:00:59He knew what would happen if he got too close to the Sun
00:01:57The Icarus myth was set on the island of Crete
00:02:03Not apparently nobody there had learned much from this story
00:02:08Of course neither would I
00:02:12Not yet
00:02:18That's the thing about myths easy to ignore
00:02:27The family of the falling guy were rich really rich
00:02:32They're in shipping
00:02:33They ran the island to violence and extortion and they were only half Greek
00:02:39That's hubris for you
00:02:41fatal flaw of the gods and all the rest of us
00:02:53Welcome mr. Bali. Thanks so much. Here you go. Enjoy your stay. All right. I'll give it a visit. I'll talk to Chuck netter
00:03:01Okay, what do you do?
00:03:05She sent a message with the plane ticket said to look for the vintage brown Benz she didn't mention the white pants
00:03:17Missed the far darkest you can call me Penelope. Okay. I appreciate you coming. Mr. Bali Nick is fine
00:03:23Sally Burnham is a friend of mine. She told me that you helped her with a little problem in Athens
00:03:27Sorry, could I ask you a favor? You mind taking off your sunglasses? Excuse me. I don't mean to be rude
00:03:32I just like to look people in the eye when I talk to him. I
00:03:37Have a problem of my own I can't trust the local police. Why is that my husband's family owns them
00:03:42The Bardakis's are like gods here in Crete. No one goes against the gods
00:03:49We buried my brother-in-law two days ago, he died climbing on the island I read about him. Sorry for your loss. What a terrible accident murder
00:03:58No one will investigate
00:04:00It's not a narrative that works for my husband's family. They run your address the shipping company, right?
00:04:04I know it anything other than an accident could cause turbulence to the stock and they won't have that
00:04:09I need a private investigator to sort this out for me
00:04:12My question to you is why?
00:04:15Your husband's powerful man. This might make trouble for him for his family your family. I
00:04:21Knew Leo before I ever met my husband
00:04:23He was a good person a friend of mine and if I don't do this, no one else will
00:04:30I'll double your rate
00:04:33Thank you, this has to stay between us no one can know that you're working for me, of course
00:04:42I've arranged your accommodation
00:04:45You can follow me
00:04:47I've been doing PI work in Athens following cheating husbands and wives, but
00:04:52This felt different
00:04:54She made me feel less like an investigator and more like her accomplice
00:05:37What is this place
00:05:39Found it a few years back some monks have an extensive library. They let me use she stuck me in a monastery
00:05:45There's the last place I wanted to be. I
00:05:48Wasn't looking for redemption no churches, no confession. No. Thank you
00:06:10This is mr. Bali
00:06:14Was here that is the monastery mass that was but these are the mean and oh, he's
00:06:36There's a calculus to drinking and if I got the math right I'd land in the perfect blackout
00:06:44No memories
00:07:55Ten minutes, it's all the time I need
00:08:03His injuries are consistent with a fall from a height of 30 meters
00:08:07Multiple skull fractures major brain trauma and what's this on his fingers?
00:08:14Climbing chalk, uh-huh. And
00:08:17By the broken fingers, it's common with rock climbers a lot of pressure on the hands
00:08:21He must have been trying to hang on. So this is an equipment failure. No, there was no equipment
00:08:28She climbed free solo no ropes and that kind of risky
00:08:34Are we done here? Yeah, one more thing. You got the name of the investigating officer. It's a George Mensah
00:08:41Thanks a lot
00:08:44Sometimes you use a carrot sometimes you use a stick sometimes you just lie your ass off
00:08:59Detective Mensah who let you back here. Sorry to disturb. I'm from Eastern Global Life Insurance
00:09:04I'm head up investigations with our American office. Leo Vardakis had a policy with us. Look at this guy
00:09:09I had a dog just like this when I was a kid. Hey, baby
00:09:13You don't mind I'm busy
00:09:17This is just a formality as far as I'm concerned some rich guy fell off a rock because it was too vain to use a
00:09:22Rope, but I do need some details
00:09:24You could have picked up the phone would have saved you a lot of trouble to come all this way find out the case is
00:09:29Closed. I'm not sure you realize how much money is involved here
00:09:32It's a very high value account
00:09:33So the company doesn't part ways with that kind of cash without sending somebody in person for due diligence
00:09:38Good-looking family quite a funeral. I don't know what you're hoping to find the official report recorded it as an accidental death any witnesses
00:09:45What was the time of death?
00:09:47It's in the report. Great. Could I see that? No
00:09:52It's bad luck though, just just fall without anybody else around don't you think doesn't matter what I think
00:09:59When did forensics make their determination cause of death a day after he died last week
00:10:04Two days ago you shut up to his funeral for the camera
00:10:09And looks like they were all there
00:10:13The widowed matriarch Audrey Verda case
00:10:16Leo's twin brother Ilias CEO with his perfect wife a
00:10:22clan worthy of Tolstoy
00:10:25Right each unhappy in their own way
00:10:28But who was unhappy with Leo?
00:10:30But who was unhappy with Leo you must have some idea I
00:10:37Could just get a half hour with this stuff before it's archived
00:10:40Me both that blue says not me boy. He says feeling moon. Is that supposed to be Greek? I am Greek
00:10:46My dog is more Greek than you are
00:10:49All I need is just a quick look stop
00:10:53Bribery is punishable by imprisonment under Greek law. So if the next thing that comes out of your pocket is money
00:11:03Be in town a few days anything changes the case. Let me know case is closed. You said that I rain
00:11:10Zoom. Yeah panda. I'm a little rusty. Obviously. What's that mean again? They live forever
00:11:17It's all that to leave our dockets
00:11:43Somedays the gods are just on your side
00:11:59The family was sitting out there in a 250 million dollar fishbowl coming unwound
00:12:10Rich people always look guilty. This guy was no exception
00:12:19Parading around barefoot in his white pants
00:12:36Tough day on the yacht
00:14:04Elias Vardakis
00:14:08His brother had just died climbing free solo, but there he was without a rope
00:14:16You might call that confidence
00:14:19I'd say yet something to prove
00:14:24Just like Icarus some guys need to feel like they're above everyone a
00:14:32Lot of climbers out today, there's usually more it's too hot. Mm-hmm. You fine. No, it's not my thing. My name is Nick Bali
00:14:39I'm here to talk to you about Leo with the National Intelligence Service an American on the Greek NIS
00:14:43I know I'm actually a Greek American expat. He brought for a moon and in a Cali a lot the Cataferno
00:14:49There's a couple of us in the organization
00:14:51They bring us into situations like this where your company's taking heavy investment from my side of the pond. Well, of course
00:14:57Can I see some ID?
00:15:04I'm trying to be discreet out of respect
00:15:07But if you want I could go now and then bring back a couple more agents
00:15:11We could search your house your car. My mother's not to be disturbed
00:15:16All right, so let me buy you a coffee
00:15:31Was told the police had closed their investigation
00:15:33Yeah, they have it's just
00:15:35Your family's profile being what it is. It's important that we come in and dot the I's cross the T's
00:15:40Move any suspicion there's been criminal activity. Is that what you think happened?
00:15:45If you don't mind could we start with the morning of your brother's death
00:15:50Where were you at home in bed? My wife came in woke me told me Leo's body had been found
00:15:54Mm-hmm. And what time is that? 830 is she's usually up for a swim by 7 has a breakfast by the pool
00:16:03What's the last time you saw your brother alive
00:16:06It's three weeks before he died three weeks since you've seen your brother
00:16:11That's so strange
00:16:13When'd you last see your brother? I don't have one. Well your family then your mother father wife
00:16:23It's an island I just figured we run into each other
00:16:29You hear this anyway, so I'll tell you myself last time Leo and I were together we had a fight
00:16:34Okay, what was it about?
00:16:36Don't remember
00:16:38They were drunk
00:16:40My father pitted against each other from an early age gave us boxing gloves when we were four it stuck as a habit
00:16:47So you two you didn't get along
00:16:52We were monozygotic twins, mr. Bali you don't get closer than that. I
00:16:59Love my brother. I just wish I'd been there for him
00:17:06This must be a very hard time for you and your family your wife
00:17:10Uh, was she very close with your brother?
00:17:14Not really
00:17:23My apologies, I have a business matter I need to attend to the life of a CEO of a multinational like you're at us
00:17:28Listen, I'll get the coffee
00:17:29You've been very generous with your time
00:17:31If you think of anything else or if perhaps your mother would be willing but I am happy to help you
00:17:36Leave my mother out of this
00:17:38She's lost a husband and a son in the space of 18 months. I don't want anything else upsetting her
00:17:56You get all that why don't we listen back to it together we can compare notes
00:18:08First you have to let me know who you really are because one minute you're from an insurance company and now you're in is I
00:18:14Was a detective for the NYPD now, I'm doing PI work out of Athens
00:18:19Why Athens because my uncle owns an apartment here. It's a piece-of-shit place, but it's cheap. It's someone who escaped him
00:18:26What are you escaping from?
00:18:31Family things look I
00:18:33Can imagine how the Bardakas family treats people on this island
00:18:37So I can also imagine why a good cop like you would want to knock him down a peg if you saw a way
00:18:42And so why don't you leave?
00:18:47Each other out a little bit
00:18:53Come on
00:18:58Was last time that you saw your brother alive
00:19:01Three weeks before he died. Oh, they've been three weeks since you'd seen your brother
00:19:06so strange
00:19:08There's last time you saw your brother. I
00:19:10Don't have one. Are you family down your mother father?
00:19:16Smart turning around on me. He's good under pressure. You think he's hiding something?
00:19:19Yeah, he was fussing with his wedding ring right there and he scratched his chin
00:19:23His scratching was a sign of guilt my dog would be doing 20 years to life
00:19:29Was she very close with your brother
00:19:33Don't really he hesitated there and he's too emphatic way shuts it down
00:19:37He's jealous something someone I can feel it, but he's got everything a man could possibly want
00:19:42Money power a beautiful wife if anyone would have been jealous. It was Leo. Yeah, that's the part
00:19:47I'm stuck on something doesn't fit. Could you send me a copy of that audio file? Yeah
00:19:54Who's this?
00:19:56That's Janice Demetrio
00:19:58local fixer
00:20:00When high rollers come into town, he hooks them up with whatever they need drugs parties women human alias of good friends
00:20:07Sorry, I gotta go
00:20:09So you still think he's just some rich guy who slipped off a rock. You still think the case is closed officially sure
00:20:15Unofficially I never did but let's keep all this between us these walls of big ears
00:20:50Did you speak with Elias
00:20:56You have to ask me before you talk to anyone in this family was Elias jealous of his brother
00:21:02Why would he be jealous? Oh, I'm trying to figure out but you knew Leo before you knew him, right?
00:21:06Sure, you know and tell me about that
00:21:09What do you wanna know?
00:21:11Tell me the whole story
00:21:15All right, I met Leo freshers week at Oxford I
00:21:18I didn't come from money. So I had to work my ass off to get a scholarship
00:21:27Even with the scholarship I still had to get another job just to offset those
00:21:31I didn't have any free time for friends or social life. I like a little pressure that didn't stop Leo from hanging around
00:21:38It was strange, you know, I didn't really know what to make of it first
00:21:41you know this rich kid who went to the best boarding schools his entire life and and
00:21:45Him showing attention to me it was flattering don't get me wrong, but
00:21:51There was just always something that was very
00:21:53He was trying really hard and it came across as desperate and needy
00:21:58When we first spoke you said he was sweet and kind now you're saying he's desperate and needy. So which is it?
00:22:03Well, both things can be true
00:22:06Okay, and tell me how Elias enters the picture
00:22:10It's late. I should go
00:22:13I'm just trying to understand what happened here. Okay, you brought me into this you ever do something you regret and
00:22:20No matter how hard you try to make it right you just can't
00:22:27Sure, how are you left New York?
00:22:37I'll take you to where it happened tomorrow
00:23:10Not done yet, I can't believe I get to be with you stop it. What are y'all dressed up for? I'm gonna meet someone
00:23:16Oh, yeah, that sounds cool
00:23:22I can remember the exact moment. I first felt real jealousy
00:23:28She hadn't even crossed any lines not yet
00:23:31But it didn't matter
00:23:33From then on it was like I'd been poisoned
00:23:41It owned me and I held on so tight killed her marriage
00:23:50It did make me better at my job
00:23:55Knowing that kind of jealousy I
00:23:59Could now see in suspects what I saw in myself
00:24:07Assume that you're gonna want to see Leo's apartment, right? Yeah
00:24:21Digging into other people's pain I could somehow put a band-aid on my own
00:24:49Saw the deceased had a thing for his brother's wife
00:24:56The mother was clearly a crazy person
00:25:01And then there's always the friend
00:25:31Don't wanna drink
00:25:35You sure about that I
00:25:38Wanted to ask you about Leo Vargas your friend right you read his funeral you've a Victoria the kiki, right? Yes
00:25:47Elias told me that he and Leo had a fight a couple weeks before he died at a bar. Was that this bar?
00:25:58Are you a friend of Elias
00:26:01Talk to him a little bit, but I'm actually not sure how I feel about
00:26:09What do you want to know who started the fight I
00:26:13Didn't hear it. We were busy
00:26:16You have no idea what is about
00:26:19Could it have been about money?
00:26:22Leo didn't need any money. He had a salary from the family business
00:26:26mostly for appearances
00:26:28Audrey but I kiss cares very much about appearances
00:26:31She's British, but she married into a Greek family. So she's always trying to act Greek
00:26:37We have a word for this
00:26:41It's not a good word. Yeah, it sounds pretty bad
00:26:44So she didn't trust him around the business
00:26:47he was more a
00:26:49Creative soul and for his family. They thought this made him weak
00:26:54but um
00:26:57Leo was strong. He had endurance. He could um, stay the course. Yeah
00:27:03They were wrong about him and about it. Yes
00:27:07Well, what about Elias?
00:27:10He's a he's a bullshit man
00:27:14Leo hated how his brother treated people, especially his wife. Did Leo love Penelope?
00:27:27How do these feel about that how would I know and what about you
00:27:34Is that tough for you Leo hasn't feelings for her
00:27:39Sorry, I no judgment. I just don't know how it feels
00:27:46Leo was a friend, but um, I know my place
00:27:50He was the son of a billionaire and I'm a I'm a daughter of a bartender and I hope he wasn't for money
00:27:55Well, I'm not Penelope
00:27:59None of us are
00:28:01You think she married the wrong man
00:28:04Her life would have been easier with Leo
00:28:06But I guess Elias won that much
00:28:10Because as always what happens Elias has to win but even if it means killing his own brother, I
00:28:17May not like him, but I don't think he's capable of that if Leo threatened
00:28:21Elias you said yourself Leo didn't like how Elias treated people
00:28:25so if he had a story something really juicy and he was threatening to go public like
00:28:29That could be damaging to CEO of billion-dollar company impact the stock price. I don't know
00:28:34I mean Elias runs the company, but Audrey runs the family you understand. Uh-huh
00:28:41But who am I no, no keep going. What do you mean? Audrey? Sorry. Sorry. I
00:28:47Mean you don't stand against this family not someone like me
00:28:52I just pour the drinks
00:29:03No judgment
00:29:21Leo has been climbing that rock since he was a boy
00:29:26Soon as I heard about the accident I knew something didn't fit. I hope you find whoever killed him
00:29:51Don't have long. How's that? There's a benefit tonight to reelect the governor the whole family is gonna be there
00:30:00Like fun
00:30:18This is where they found us, but
00:30:21It's always this quiet. Yeah, you can only get here by water, which is why Leo liked to climb
00:30:27It's very remote peaceful
00:30:30Perfect place to kill somebody
00:30:39This is where they found his body here, yeah
00:30:45Spoke someone at the morgue. They said he fell 30 meters. There's a path up I can show you
00:31:16Wow, so he climbed that with no rope. Yeah. Yeah, both brothers grew up climbing free solo
00:31:21Their dad was adamant that I would prepare them for a life in business
00:31:25Audrey pushed in a different way. It was psychological with her and Leo really took the brunt of that. I
00:31:30Talked to a Victoria like I key. She also thinks Leo was murdered
00:31:35Probably the first thing she and I have ever agreed on. Oh, you don't like her
00:31:38She thinks I broke Leo's heart. Uh-huh. And
00:31:41Did you I?
00:31:45Knew Leo had a twin, but I had never met him before. What's your name then?
00:31:51Penelope you fucked her yet
00:31:55Ilyas had been working with their father. So he started a semester late
00:32:11I got a message one night asking if we could study together. I was falling behind with all the shifts
00:32:17I was doing so I was actually really grateful that he'd asked
00:32:42You didn't bring your books
00:32:44We don't need them. It was him, but yeah, he was different
00:32:48He had this confidence to him that Leo never had it was like he was just completely present I'll go if you asked me to
00:33:22Really had no idea that it was Ilyas not Leo that night. I
00:33:33Ilyas and I started seeing each other. I
00:33:37Met his parents and it was obvious. He was Audrey's favorite
00:33:42She was so protective of him I
00:33:45I just had no idea how much Leo was excluded from the family
00:33:52Or how deep the rivalry was with his brother I
00:33:59Must have been very painful to Leo being in love with you watching you fall for him
00:34:18Elias and Leo got in a fight last time. They saw each other before Leo died
00:34:22Did Leo know something about your husband that got him killed?
00:34:26Killed by who by someone with a vested interest in keeping Ilyas in power
00:34:32I'm gonna talk to Audrey
00:34:34Well, it's not gonna happen if Leo was threatening Ilyas threatening the company threatening the family Audrey would know
00:34:41Yeah, but even if she did she wouldn't say anything to you that's why I want to see her face when I bring it up
00:34:46Oh, you're not gonna get anywhere near her. She's security and ever since Ilyas his dad died. He's been very protective of her. Yeah
00:34:54Okay. What about the
00:34:56Thing tonight the benefit that's an exclusive event and it's on the yacht. It's an exclusive. What are you protecting her?
00:35:01Oh god, no, then get me on the list
00:35:04You don't understand. I'm trying to help you
00:35:07Ever found out that I was the one who arranged I'm gonna know that I don't know that
00:35:16Okay, all right, okay, okay
00:35:21You can't go looking like that though, I'll have something sent over whether looking like what
00:35:28The suit she had sent over cost more than a decent car and guess what color the pants were
00:35:55Keep this brief. I just want to thank you all for joining us this evening to support the re-election of our governor
00:36:01Costas your Otis Costa Sela panel
00:36:08Island has always been a haven for our family. Never more so than this past week, which has been the hardest that we've known
00:36:15Governor your artists and the entire police department have made my family feel protected and safe
00:36:20Which when you lose someone is what matters most if Karis don't feel a move
00:36:25With your help we can give this good man another term in office to protect us all
00:36:32Can't stop our polio to steer it she says
00:36:59All right
00:37:02Whiskey all his power without the video back on
00:37:07Elias's words were perfect
00:37:09Sorry, I should introduce myself a neck a friend of Leo's my family. I was used to vacation here
00:37:14They still do actually so there were a whole bunch of us that used to hang out
00:37:18Victoria, you know, yes, of course
00:37:20I'm so sorry for your loss
00:37:24Thank you
00:37:28Know it's a console. It's so creative. He was a dream man
00:37:35Yeah, he was and Elias is holding up, okay considering what happened strange way that Leo died
00:37:42You don't believe this thing they're saying about it being an accident do you I mean Leo was a good climber he would just fall
00:37:49I'm used to people coming after me and my family
00:37:53So let's cut the shit Nick
00:37:55Why did you buy a new suit and come here tonight? What do you want?
00:37:59Trying to understand what really happened my friend get away from her. I told you to leave her alone
00:38:03You know this much. He said he was NIS looking into Leo's death. He's a fucking liar. He's a PI
00:38:08Who hired you Victoria? I'm afraid that's between me and my client. My brother's death was an accident
00:38:14I don't think so. Is that what you're trying to prove bribing your way into the morgue hanging around the police station?
00:38:19It's pathetic man gets no more cooperation from now on. Do you understand I'll get the fuck off my boat before I throw you off
00:38:24Oh, was that a confession?
00:38:26I'll go back to Athens better yet. Go back to New York
00:38:30It's the wife and kids you walked out on
00:38:44Governor my apologies some people have too much to drink
00:39:14Got a call from my boss if I'm seen within three feet of you then I'm suspended I
00:39:20I can't risk it. You should just go
00:39:36Maybe you should call this all this a day
00:39:41Whatever's going on here. It is not worth it. The police are gonna reopen the case
00:39:47Just go live your life
00:39:52Well life, I don't fucking life
00:39:56Guys like that. I get the life and get everything. I want something. They just fucking take it. They got money
00:40:03Dressed like a male fucking model
00:40:06Whole world wants to suck his dick. You know what that guy's scared
00:40:10He's fucking scared and fucking should be
00:40:17Careful my friend a man like that. He doesn't ask twice you should go
00:40:30He was right, of course he was but
00:40:35I've never been great at letting things go
00:40:52When I caught her she didn't hold back on her reasons
00:40:58She told me that I worked too much that I drank too much if she wasn't happy, but did I let it go
00:41:42Any reasonable person would have been off that island before breakfast
00:41:47But the monks made really good coffee
00:41:52And I am NOT a reasonable person
00:42:13Don't know I mean Elias runs the company, but Audrey runs the family you understand
00:43:07Icarus didn't make his own wings
00:43:10his father made them and
00:43:12Ilias never made his own money, but he didn't seem to mind spending his dad's
00:44:55Anything I've got everything
00:45:36Stop you wait there. He's just one American one American. Oh, yeah, I need
00:46:08Told you to leave the island I won't tell you again next time we see you you're fucking dead
00:46:57Don't mind getting beat up
00:47:00There's a certain dignity in it
00:47:04But that doesn't mean I'm forgiving
00:47:12If you hit me I'm gonna hit you back
00:47:19Just like if you fuck my wife
00:47:22I'm gonna do something about it
00:47:49Thank you for not blowing my cover on the yacht what happened
00:47:58Like to look people in the eye when I speak to them
00:48:05You did this
00:48:09Followed Elias in a catheria last night, so I'm give you honest some cash. They spotted me
00:48:14I should be more careful. Yes, did this the honest technically Nick they could have killed you
00:48:19Yeah, and if he finds out that you hired me, what do you think he's gonna do to you?
00:48:23I'm not afraid maybe should be
00:48:32These ruins date back to the 7th century BC
00:48:36The city was named after the Scottish Leto story goes that Zeus fell in love with her
00:48:41But he already had a wife Ida. She told me the myth behind these ruins
00:48:45About the gods of this island and their jealousies the lesson is do not betray the gods
00:48:51But Ilyas is not a god this island he is
00:48:55People like Giannis they do anything he tells him to
00:48:59He's the first person Ilyas calls when we land here gets him anything he wants. I heard about that drugs parties
00:49:07You can say it you don't have to be coy I know my husband fucks other women
00:49:13It's been going on for years
00:49:15Started right after we got married. I called him out about it early on but somehow there's always my fault
00:49:20Like I was the one who drove him to do it. Why don't you just walk away?
00:49:25People do if it was that easy. Don't you think I would
00:49:28I've tried he doesn't listen to me. I tell him I need to leave. He tells me I can't
00:49:35It was on and on about being in love with me how if I ever did leave he'd kill himself or kill me
00:49:42He promises he'll change, you know, they don't do anything. The fucked up thing is that he actually does change
00:49:48Just long enough to make me believe
00:49:53Know that that sounds weak. It is weak. I've just never been strong enough. Oh, I had an affair with Leo
00:50:03He left a hair tie his apartment it's the same one you were using when you were swimming at the villa
00:50:10You lied to me I
00:50:12Went to that party thing and it was blackmail thinking the whole gigantic family business was at stake and that Audrey was involved
00:50:17I asked you is there any reason Ilyas would be jealous of Leo? You said no. I never said no fine
00:50:22But the whole time you were covering up an affair. Why didn't you tell me I couldn't risk that I
00:50:27Didn't trust you yet
00:50:30Saying you trust me now, maybe you trust me. I don't know you cheated on your husband
00:50:41Ilyas doesn't know about Leo. I think he does I
00:50:44Could tell that guy was jealous of something now
00:50:46I know what guy's brother slept with his wife killed him for it about an old story. I
00:50:51Don't she need to prove it
00:50:53Beach where Leo died the person swim those waters
00:50:58About two miles of rocky coast in either direction and the currents are very strong. So maybe a boat
00:51:04He said the cliffs inaccessible by land
00:51:06So whoever killed Leo had to get to the beach and then leave the beach again by sea if they can't swim it
00:51:11Maybe there's a boat waiting
00:51:13First time we were there. I noticed some fishermen offshore. Maybe someone saw some
00:51:17If they did you really think they're gonna say anything to you?
00:51:20Don't betray the gods. This is what I'm saying. He listens everywhere on the silent
00:51:27Maybe not everyone
00:51:31But I cut off hey, I owe you one
00:51:34Listen I need a favor. What happened to you owe me one. It's the last time. Okay, can you come meet me?
00:51:39I don't know man Penelope Vardakis. Okay, that's who hired me
00:51:53I need you to bring me the fishing charts for the coastal waters around the island, especially the northern edge license numbers
00:52:02Wait, wait, wait
00:52:07Northern northern edge. Yeah. Thank you. Which boats?
00:52:14What about
00:52:16This boat here BL 42. What about it?
00:52:19I mean, it's out on the water at the day that Leo Vardakis dies
00:52:22But there's not a catch recorded for months before that and then nothing since that's strange. That is strange, right?
00:52:38Knew him you knew him. I mean knew him. Was he dead six months ago heart attack
00:52:44Okay, then
00:52:46We got a phone bl 42. I see that
00:53:32Know the Kiki BL Salon de Teo
00:53:36Big zero. Oh, wait Salon de Teo. Thanks
00:53:46Hey, man, Janice is shipping the boat to Africa tonight seriously. Yeah, the serial numbers match
00:53:52We should have enough evidence to detain him. Okay, uh
00:53:54Text me where you are
00:53:56Yeah, I'm coming to you all right
00:54:01Gentlemen if I restore
00:54:10You think the boat is coming or you know that the boat is coming the boat is coming
00:54:16They're gonna ship it to the Gambia from here, okay
00:54:20The Gambia
00:54:22Yeah, that's what you call it. The Gambia. Yeah, it's called the game. Never heard that before. It's called Gambia
00:54:27No, the Gambia one of the few places with the in front
00:54:32Never heard that. There's the Bronx
00:54:35the Bronx
00:54:37The Bronx, you know the Bronx come on, what are you saying?
00:54:40No, well, you think people just call it Bronx. Let's go uptown to Bronx
00:54:46Yeah, yes, no
00:54:50No, let's say the Brooklyn why is that funny if they're saying the Bronx why don't they say the Brooklyn I don't know man
00:55:03Why did they say the Gambia because of the river Oh
00:55:06The Gambia River. I didn't know I didn't know it was a river. Why'd they call it the Bronx? I don't know. Nobody knows that
00:55:12You know from there I'm from Queens
00:55:15Not the Queens
00:59:18It was already knee-deep in this when I met him, but I dragged him in deeper I
00:59:23Wouldn't let him escape
00:59:26Now his blood was on my hands
00:59:30This was all on me
01:00:07You think he's hiding something he's jealous something somebody I can feel it pain can be illuminating
01:00:14It can also drop you into darkness
01:00:17Hey, buddy, I need a favor
01:00:19Hey, I got a number. I just need an address
01:00:22When you're driven by jealousy
01:00:25You know what you're doing isn't right
01:00:28But you do it anyway
01:00:36Why the broken fingers if anyone should have been jealous it was Leo
01:02:14Don't let Ilyas leave the house. I'm coming over now. You're gonna need to let me in your house. Yeah, I figured it out
01:02:23Let the security detail go and come open the gate in five minutes five minutes, okay
01:03:20This is a mistake you have to where is he?
01:03:23What are you gonna do listen to me? We got him. Okay, tell me where he is
01:03:31Call the police bring Audrey
01:03:36Nick you gotta trust me go get Audrey. I'll meet you outside
01:03:57Then II who is at the door
01:04:10What are you doing in my house see this it's not your house
01:04:18I'm calling the police. They're already on their way
01:04:22No, why would they already be on their way? I'll tell you in a sec, but I want your mother to hear this
01:04:26You're trespassing you need to leave this is where doc is
01:04:29If you noticed that your son has been unable to fulfill his duties as CEO since his brother died
01:04:33The first time we met I posed as an NIS agent and he believed me because I said your company's taken heavy investment from my
01:04:39side of the pond
01:04:40of course
01:04:42But I looked it up later and the year at a shipping company doesn't have any American investors does it you're financed by a credit
01:04:48Facility with a Swiss bank. What is he talking about? No idea. He's making things up. Actually. I have evidence
01:04:51Could you send me a copy of that audio file? Yeah
01:04:54Like this where your company's taken heavy investment from my side of the pond, of course
01:04:59I see some ID. So my voice that is your voice, but it's not Ilyas because you're not him. Mrs. Vardakis. This is Leo
01:05:07Cuz you're out your fucking mind. You murdered your brother and you took his place
01:05:11It was Ilyas going climbing that morning not you but you knew where he would be because you two been climbing that rock since you
01:05:16Were kids right Ellie. What is he talking about? He's a drunk don't listen to a word
01:05:19He says the beach is inaccessible by land and you knew Ilyas would take the speedboat which meant you needed a different boat
01:05:24So you went to Giannis?
01:05:26Hosing as Ilyas and he got you a boat with a fishing license
01:05:30so if anybody looked twice it wouldn't seem out of place on the water and
01:05:34Then he waited for you while you went and did what you came to do
01:05:37I was asleep when my brother died Penelope can vouch for that. Can't you? Uh, I was swimming
01:05:44You told me that yourself. She's usually up for a swim by 7 then has breakfast by the pool. I
01:05:49Gave you about 90 minutes
01:05:52But you still had to hurry so you could beat your brother to the top of the cliff
01:06:21He fell 30 meters and he died on impact just like you planned
01:06:25You've been wanting to kill him since college since he stole Penelope from you
01:06:29Cuz it should have been you
01:06:31Introducing your parents this amazing woman. You would never forgive him even after all these years
01:06:38But you didn't just want to kill your brother
01:06:41You wanted to beat him
01:07:11You knew that even with an autopsy you'd be in the clear you told me that too we were monozygotic twins, mr. Bali
01:07:17You don't get closer than that
01:07:20Monozygotic, I'd look that up. It means your DNA is a hundred percent identical. I gotta hand it to you, man
01:07:27It's a well-played trick. You had everyone convinced you fooled your mother
01:07:31You fooled your brother's best friend. You even got into bed with his wife
01:07:41I knew it. I fucking knew it. I know something was different. You told me you were just grieving
01:07:46Wait, he didn't do this. He was jealous Penelope told me about that night that he took her from you
01:07:52What did she tell you you fucking quiet?
01:07:55What did she say?
01:07:58She said that your brother was like you but he was different very different
01:10:15Doesn't listen to me I tell him I need to leave he tells me I can't you're not hearing me. I am miserable here
01:10:21I am trapped
01:10:25Murder is that what you think happened? Do you trust me you fucking quiet? I
01:10:32And if I don't do this no one else will
01:11:06What are you doing
01:11:09When you and I first met you told me that Sally Burnham that recommended me to you
01:11:16That wasn't true was it I
01:11:22Don't understand well Sally and I didn't part on such good terms
01:11:29Bet would be you heard from her that I was mess
01:11:32And that worked for you because you wanted someone you could lead around by the nose
01:11:35I have no idea what you're talking about. You don't need a lie anymore
01:11:39not to me I
01:11:43Remember something on the plane something you said it reminded me of something that my wife said
01:11:52You said you wanted to leave your husband, but he wouldn't let you
01:12:00You were in on it the whole time you wanted Ilya's dead
01:12:33Both didn't
01:12:36The plan was that I
01:12:38Would walk away and that he would take over the company he would take over the company as Ilyas
01:12:44as Leo
01:12:46Which is what he always wanted
01:12:49But really he didn't care about that company. What he always wanted was you I
01:12:54Didn't know how much
01:12:58So you were the one that told Leo that Ilyas was gonna go climbing that morning
01:13:08And Giannis might have arranged that boat, but he was never on it
01:13:14That was you
01:13:22Yeah, and then once he came back he just changed the plan
01:13:30Got it cuz you were supposed to walk away, and then he wouldn't let you mm-hmm just like his brother. I mean it was different
01:13:43With Ilyas it was complicated, but it was love
01:13:49It was real love and when Leo it was just scary
01:13:59Told me that uh
01:14:03He told me that he'd lost me once and he wasn't gonna lose me again
01:14:08That eventually I would learn to love him
01:14:13And he'd be a better husband to me than his brother was
01:14:19So that's why you needed me to expose him
01:14:22You know once you had me on the hook you made it easy
01:14:46You're not too easy
01:14:55Why don't you just tell Audrey I couldn't tell Audrey
01:15:00She wouldn't believe me I mean even if she had Leo would have found a way to spin it and pin it on me I
01:15:09Needed someone else to find out the truth I
01:15:13Knew that once Audrey found out she would do something. I just didn't I didn't know that she would
01:15:39Think Nick
01:15:44What now
01:15:50You saved yourself I'm not gonna hold that against you
01:15:54Man you love didn't give you the life you deserve. He says you want it out
01:15:59He just should have let you leave. Do you let your wife leave I?
01:16:07Wanted to kill her
01:16:09And the guy she'd been seeing I almost did too I could feel it
01:16:14Coming up in me
01:16:19But you didn't
01:17:13Saved yourself, too
01:17:17You didn't hurt anybody
01:17:21Your daughter gets to grow up with a mother and a father
01:17:26I'm no good to her not in Athens
01:17:31You're much better man than you realize Nick
01:18:20What did you whisper to him
01:18:25Now I'm free
01:18:33That's what Icarus wanted and he ended up dying for it
01:18:38It's what Penelope wanted and she was willing to kill for it
01:18:54I'd like to think of myself as free
01:18:59But I'm not sure that's right I'm as caught up as anyone
01:19:08But right then I was tired of flying into the Sun
01:19:19What I want to talk to Cleo
01:19:34Daddy hey, sweetie, where are you? Are you coming home? Yeah, I'm coming home