
  • 2 days ago
00:005 Effective Tips to Darken Your Mande Stain
00:08Get coffee-like dark henna with these 5 tips.
00:10Worried about your henna not staining dark enough?
00:13Try these 5 tips and get a coffee-like dark henna stain.
00:19Carom Seed Smoke
00:21Exposing henna to carom seed smoke helps darken the color.
00:27Camphor and Lemon
00:29Apply a mixture of camphor and lemon after removing henna to darken the color.
00:36Clove Steam
00:37After the henna dries, expose your hands to clove steam to darken the color.
00:44Mustard Oil
00:45Apply mustard oil after removing henna to help darken the color.
00:52Lemon and Sugar
00:54Apply a lemon sugar solution after the henna dries to darken the color.