• last year


00:01:55In the nestle wonder get this and see me on dollar
00:02:04Must love to sprechen Josh, sonst kann ich dich nicht verstehen
00:02:11Sags me mein fehler über springen wir die discussions fase, okay
00:02:17Mal sehen was deine familienmitglieder sagen
00:02:30Erkennt jetzt die regeln jeder verliert ein weiteres auge oder
00:02:35du rettest dich und deinen liebsten
00:02:39und tötest stattdessen ein angehörigen eines freundes
00:02:43Aber wenn ihr beide blau wählt sterben beide eurer angehörigen
00:02:49Möchtet ihr noch was sagen
00:02:59Roskin be either
00:03:06Ich bin dein blut
00:03:08drückt blau
00:03:09Nimm, keine rücksicht auf mich
00:03:14Rette dich selbst ein mann nach meinem geschmack
00:03:21Zeit sich zu entscheiden
00:03:55Keep our valve account in dry
00:04:42What about this love
00:05:27Nine stunden flug nur um weiter auf euer handy zu sterben da hättet ihr auch in england bleiben können
00:05:39Du wolltest doch nicht arbeiten
00:05:43Mach ich nicht und wem schreibst du
00:05:48Kate komm schon ich versuche nur ein anständiges restaurant zu finden
00:06:07Du bist wie deine mutter sie hat alles organisiert wenn ich mit euch kindern in den urlaub gefahren bin
00:06:13Erinnerst du dich an die reisepläne die sie ausgedruckt hat
00:06:17Wann kommt denn dieses hotel endlich?
00:06:20Ich fühle mich als sesse ich ewig in diesem bus klar kumpel ich gewinne uns in den urlaub und du beschwerst dich immer noch
00:06:26Fühl dich frei auszusteigen
00:06:28Auch wenn ich später eingestiegen bin
00:06:34Meine mom hat immer gesagt diese spiele ruinieren dein leben ja naja wir sind auf dem weg zu einer fünfsterne villa wegen
00:06:40diesem spiel also kann sich deine mom verpissen
00:06:44Mein gott du bist unmöglich
00:07:29An unsere preisträger
00:07:31Wir möchten sie und ein gruppenmitglied ihrer wahl einladen an einer sondersitzung teilzunehmen morgen um zwölf
00:07:37Wir hoffen sie können es einrichten mit freundlichen grüßen von allen bei der pro games viel spaß bei uns
00:07:46Also wie lange noch bis es eintrifft das geld nicht lange so zwei drei monate vielleicht
00:07:56Ihr habt doch schon den anderen investor an bord richtig ja wir müssen nur noch den papierkram erledigen dann geben sie das geld frei
00:08:04Na ja ich freue mich drauf verwöhnen zu werden wenn es rein kommt
00:08:24Ein stimmungskiller
00:08:32Bevor ich vergesse wir brauchen ein blick aufs barmenü das ist recht voll also sollten wir was buchen
00:08:44Wie lang ging er fremd ich habe keine ahnung
00:08:54Könntest du sie ja ich habe sie ein paar mal getroffen
00:09:01Kante kate sie
00:09:04Ich weiß nicht
00:09:06Aber ich meine es tut mir leid und es ist vorbei ich weiß nicht warum wir alle wieder drüber reden
00:09:14Tut mir eher leid dass er erwischt wurde wie lange sind sie zusammen
00:09:18Er und kate lange neun zehn jahre vielleicht
00:09:27Das beweist nur dass man ein nie wirklich kennt
00:09:36Wollte sie kinder mit ihm ich weiß nicht
00:09:41Meine mann sagte immer wenn du einen mann halten möchtest sag ihm dass du seine babies willst ist das so
00:10:55Brauchst du das nicht
00:11:00Ich bin
00:11:06Ich möchte zur abwechslung mal was fühlen
00:11:18Sagt mir was ich tun kann
00:11:25Du kannst sagen was du willst ich glaub dir kein wort mehr
00:11:38Das habe ich verdient
00:12:03Sie mich an
00:12:14Ich werde ich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:18Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:20Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:22Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:24Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:26Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:28Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:30Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:32Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:34Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:36Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:38Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:40Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:42Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:44Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:46Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:48Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:50Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:52Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:54Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:56Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:12:58Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:13:00Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:13:02Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:13:04Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:13:06Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:13:08Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:13:10Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:13:12Ich werde mich niemals wieder anlügen
00:13:14Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:16Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:18Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:20Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:22Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:24Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:26Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:28Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:30Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:32Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:34Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:36Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:38Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:40Ich werde mich niemals wieder anliegen
00:13:44Jude ist definitiv einmalig
00:13:52Wie lange bist du jetzt mit ihm zusammen?
00:13:56Es sind jetzt
00:13:58vier Monate bald
00:14:00glaube ich
00:14:08Schau es dir an
00:14:10Ja, ist was anders
00:14:14Weißt du, was das Beste daran ist?
00:14:16Es ist alles verdammt umsonst
00:14:22Oh, Kumpel
00:14:24Ich mag Heather sehr
00:14:28Ich weiß, ich sag's jedes Mal, aber
00:14:30sie ist so cool
00:14:32Und Kumpel, der Sex
00:14:34ist verdammt ekelhaft
00:14:38Hey, ich
00:14:40ich freu mich für dich, ehrlich
00:14:42Danke, Mann
00:14:44Schau mal, mit dir
00:14:46und Kate
00:14:48Nur damit du es weißt, wenn du mal reden willst
00:14:50Ich bin da, genau das wollte ich mal sagen
00:14:52Danke, Mann, aber ich verstehe es
00:14:54aus ihrer Perspektive
00:14:56Ja, ich meine
00:14:58du hast Mist gebaut
00:15:00Ich setze definitiv die Zeit ab
00:15:04Wo ist eigentlich dein Vater?
00:15:06Er liest wahrscheinlich irgendwo
00:15:08im Schatten, wie ich ihn kenne
00:15:10Hör mal, ich hatte noch keine
00:15:12Gelegenheit, mich ordentlich zu bedanken
00:15:14Für seine Einladung, meine ich
00:15:16Seit Mom gestorben, es war
00:15:18Es war hart
00:15:22Klar, Mann
00:15:24Natürlich, keine Sorge
00:15:26Ich hab's gern gemacht
00:15:28Ihr seid wie Familie für mich
00:15:32Leider ist er das auch
00:15:34Ach, was soll's?
00:15:38Was für ein Arschloch
00:15:40Ich wundere mich, dass du ihn einlädst
00:15:42Ja, naja, ich war's ihm schuldig
00:15:44Er hat mir letztes Jahr
00:15:46Geld geliehen und ich warte immer noch
00:15:48darauf, dass mit dem Geschäft alles gut läuft, also
00:15:50Aber ich dachte, du hättest Investoren
00:15:52Oh ja, nein, nein
00:15:54Das hat mit der Firma nichts zu tun
00:15:56Das ist eine ganz andere Sache für sich
00:15:58Du spielst doch nicht wieder, oder?
00:16:04Was schuldest du ihm?
00:16:08Hey, tu mir den Gefallen
00:16:10Erwähne gegenüber Heather nichts
00:16:12Wir sind noch nicht an dem Punkt, an dem ich mich
00:16:14dabei wohlfühle, ihr von meinen Finanzen zu erzählen
00:16:20Ich weiß, jeder denkt, ich bin Goldgräberin
00:16:22Das ist nicht wahr
00:16:24Sein Bruder hat es wortwörtlich zu mir gesagt
00:16:26Im Flugzeug
00:16:28Oh, wow
00:16:32Naja, Henry ist...
00:16:34Ein Arsch?
00:16:38Mir egal
00:16:42Ich habe noch nie so etwas
00:16:44für einen Mann empfunden
00:16:48Und ich weiß, er
00:16:50ist nicht perfekt, aber
00:16:52Ich denke, dass
00:16:54er es sein könnte
00:16:56Du weißt schon, wie ein Hausmeister
00:17:00Ja, es stimmt wohl, was man sagt
00:17:02Da draußen gibt's
00:17:04für jeden jemanden
00:17:12Sieh mal
00:17:14Es tut mir leid, ich kann mir nicht helfen
00:17:16Wenn Kate sich entschließt, sich von mir
00:17:18scheiden zu lassen, dann...
00:17:20Ich werde sie dir scheiden lassen
00:17:22Meinst du?
00:17:24Nein, ihr seid schon seit dem College ein Paar
00:17:26Sie liebt dich
00:17:28Du musst ihr nur Zeit geben, runter zu kommen
00:17:32Vertrau mir
00:17:36Ich liebe dich, Mann
00:17:38Ich liebe dich auch
00:17:40Alles klar, beeil dich, wir müssen zu einem Meeting
00:17:42Ein Meeting?
00:17:44Die Firma, von der ich den Urlaub gewonnen habe, hat eine Notiz hinterlassen
00:17:46für ein geheimes Meeting
00:17:48Wahrscheinlich wird ein Preis für Ungeheuerlichkeit
00:17:52Vermute ich
00:17:54Komm schon
00:17:56Gewinnen wir den Preis für Ungeheuerlichkeit
00:20:06Ja, das wird spannend
00:20:10Bitte setzt euch, setzt euch
00:20:12Jute, now you look much better in natura.
00:20:17And you are?
00:20:19I'm Andy. Sorry, that's my buddy.
00:20:21Andy. Nice to meet you. Here, these are for you.
00:20:25Thank you very much.
00:20:26Thank you for being with us today.
00:20:28No problem. I mean, you pay for it.
00:20:30Well, you deserve it.
00:20:32I'm sorry, you are...
00:20:34Excuse me. I'm the game manager of the app that Jute played.
00:20:39And I wanted to say how impressed we are by your performance in Jute.
00:20:45That's why we asked you to come here today.
00:20:48We want to give you the opportunity to qualify in an exclusive game that is played here live for the pleasure of our solvent donors.
00:20:57But this time you need a partner to play.
00:21:00Wait a minute. Is there a higher level than the profit of a vacation?
00:21:04The game is about 20 million dollars.
00:21:09Excuse me. Did you just say 20...
00:21:15Oh, damn. She's making fun of us. You're kidding, aren't you?
00:21:20I mean, we're a game company. That's what we do. We fool people.
00:21:26What do we have to do?
00:21:28It's basically the same as with the games in the app. Only now it would be live for our guests.
00:21:33And we're both playing.
00:21:35You're both playing.
00:21:36Yeah, but where's the hook?
00:21:39Clever man. Yeah, there's always a hook, isn't there? That's life.
00:21:44To make sure that as soon as you start, you finish the game, we'd like to tie you to the table.
00:21:53What does that mean? Like handcuffs?
00:21:56Something like that. It's just a matter of form.
00:22:00You know, our investors risk a lot to make everything possible.
00:22:03So we can't start the game if we're not sure you'll pull it off.
00:22:08No, no, no, no, no. Fuck it.
00:22:10Whoa, whoa, no, no. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Yeah, sorry. We're interested. Are we?
00:22:14Yeah, no, we just have to negotiate the details.
00:22:17Are you my manager now?
00:22:19Buddy, calm down. It's okay.
00:22:22How about this? In the first round, you're almost at no risk.
00:22:26And if you don't want to continue afterwards, you can leave the table and go away.
00:22:32When would we play?
00:22:33Tomorrow. My employees will pick you up at nine o'clock.
00:22:37Kate wants to go hiking tomorrow.
00:22:40Buddy, it's about $20 million. Buy your mountain, then she can hike whenever she wants.
00:22:46Come on.
00:22:50No risk at all.
00:22:56Good man.
00:22:57Wonderful. My producers will be happy.
00:23:03We can't wait to see what you're up to.
00:23:08Have fun.
00:23:11Kate will kill me.
00:23:13No, she won't, buddy. You're going to be a millionaire! A millionaire!
00:23:20Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:23:22She's pretty hot. By the way, I'm drinking yours.
00:23:43Where are you from?
00:24:02You really don't want anything to drink?
00:24:03I'm sure of that.
00:24:05It'll calm you down.
00:24:21What do you want?
00:24:25Strange. Then I shouldn't have drunk that.
00:24:55Good morning, gentlemen.
00:25:03Good morning.
00:25:05I'm glad none of you have changed your mind.
00:25:08Not a chance.
00:25:09And you?
00:25:11If he's happy, I'm happy too.
00:25:14You talk like a true friend. Keep that.
00:25:20Please, I'll show you the set.
00:25:23You can show us the money.
00:25:54There we are.
00:25:58Please, take a seat.
00:26:08All right.
00:26:10So, I was asked to direct the play, and it's called We or Them.
00:26:15It's a variant of the prisoner dilemma.
00:26:18It's a paradox in the decision-making analysis,
00:26:20where two people are supposed to make a decision in their own interest
00:26:24to achieve an optimal result.
00:26:27Well, in the end, you have the chance to share,
00:26:30and that's a big sum of money.
00:26:32But until then, Andy, I promised you,
00:26:36you have the chance for one round,
00:26:38and if you don't want to continue afterwards, you can leave.
00:26:41And in this free round, it's about $10,000.
00:26:47$10,000, just for taking part, buddy.
00:26:51The rules are simple.
00:26:53In front of you, you have two buttons, a red one and a blue one.
00:26:56If you both choose the red button, you get the sum in equal parts.
00:27:01If one of you chooses red and the other blue,
00:27:03the blue player gets the full sum of the money,
00:27:06and the red player has debts over the same amount.
00:27:09And if you both choose blue, you both get nothing,
00:27:12and both of you owe the company $10,000.
00:27:16You will have a certain amount of time to discuss
00:27:19before you make your decision.
00:27:21Did you both understand that?
00:27:26I have a question.
00:27:31Well, I think, obviously, they make money when we lose.
00:27:35That's like the rules in the casino,
00:27:37the players against the house.
00:27:39Sure, but for whom is that?
00:27:43For those who are watching.
00:27:47For those who are watching.
00:27:49That's not really their answer, is it?
00:27:51Listen, I'd like to answer all your questions,
00:27:53but we're in a bit of a hurry,
00:27:55so if you don't mind, let's get started.
00:28:09Obviously, we just press red.
00:28:11That's right. It's simple.
00:28:14Yes, I told you, buddy.
00:28:15This thing is about strategy.
00:28:17We play the game, and the money is ours.
00:28:23I think the idea is that the money is getting more and more,
00:28:26we get greedy, and we try to get shit on.
00:28:29Exactly, which we won't do.
00:28:38And now we wait.
00:28:41Yeah, do we have to wait? Can't we just press?
00:28:43I'm not afraid.
00:28:45There's a certain order we have to follow,
00:28:48so we have to be patient.
00:28:59The easiest ten giants I've earned here.
00:29:03Five giants.
00:29:06Yes, buddy, calm down.
00:29:14I just remembered.
00:29:16You owe Henry 9000.
00:29:19So what?
00:29:21That's a pretty good reason for you to press blue,
00:29:23that's what I thought.
00:29:25Fuck you, Andy, as if.
00:29:29Buddy, are you serious?
00:29:31Yes, I mean it seriously.
00:29:33I can't afford to owe $10,000
00:29:35because of a stupid game.
00:29:38Man, how long have we known each other?
00:29:40Exactly. I know who you are.
00:29:45I'm just saying.
00:29:47What are you saying?
00:29:49Forget it.
00:29:51No, no, come on, say it.
00:29:53Now stop it.
00:29:54Ask me, buddy.
00:29:56Ask me.
00:29:58Are you going to press the blue button or not?
00:30:00Fuck you, asshole, I wouldn't do that to you.
00:30:04You're an asshole because you think so.
00:30:10To be honest,
00:30:11you have a success rate for such things.
00:30:14What things?
00:30:19Good, now it's getting silly.
00:30:20Come on, we both press red.
00:30:22It's okay.
00:30:24Are you making fun of my side jump?
00:30:28It was hardly a side jump, was it?
00:30:30As if you'd never done it.
00:30:31I didn't.
00:30:33That's a lie.
00:30:34I don't judge, I just say.
00:30:37Maybe you don't know me as well as you think.
00:30:39Don't I?
00:30:45Okay, let's not be stupid.
00:30:46You press red, I press red.
00:30:48All good.
00:30:54Sorry, buddy.
00:30:56I shouldn't have mentioned the affair.
00:30:58Side jump.
00:30:59That was...
00:31:01completely inappropriate.
00:31:03You'd rather press red.
00:31:05I do.
00:31:08How much longer do we have to wait?
00:31:11Not much longer.
00:31:14Hey, man, I'm sorry.
00:31:18Because I'm literally your only friend.
00:31:21He's not my only friend.
00:31:22He's not my only friend.
00:31:23Yes, I'm his only friend.
00:31:24Believe me.
00:31:25Even his mother thinks I am.
00:31:28Thinks you are?
00:31:31I'm sorry.
00:31:34All right.
00:31:38That should be enough.
00:31:42make your decision.
00:32:03In three,
00:32:13Both chose red.
00:32:15Congratulations, gentlemen.
00:32:17$5,000 has just been transferred to your accounts.
00:32:21Please check this.
00:32:23$5,000 has just been transferred to your accounts.
00:32:27Please check this.
00:32:34Yes, it's been transferred.
00:32:38Yes, mine too.
00:32:39I told you, buddy.
00:32:44This is the end of our free round.
00:32:47So, if you want to continue playing,
00:32:50you will be tied to the table with your left hand
00:32:53and stay until the game is over.
00:32:55Oh, wait a minute.
00:32:56I thought that was a joke from you.
00:32:59that's even a little perverse for me.
00:33:01That's rather creepy.
00:33:05we have $5,000.
00:33:06Let's get out of here.
00:33:09All right.
00:33:10Look, look.
00:33:11What if we just sign something,
00:33:12no one is tied to the table,
00:33:13and then we promise not to leave?
00:33:15I'm not going to decide that.
00:33:17It just works that way.
00:33:18So, I'm obliged to the producer.
00:33:21We just made a lot of money.
00:33:24Let's go back,
00:33:25have a beer,
00:33:26and celebrate.
00:33:29What's the next round about?
00:33:42Come on, we can do it.
00:33:45Can we?
00:33:47Let's do what we just did.
00:33:48It's simple.
00:33:50These are always warm-up rounds.
00:33:53No, I think the game stays the same.
00:33:55Only the money is more.
00:33:59You know,
00:34:00I'm happy with the money I have.
00:34:03But I'm out.
00:34:05I want to be honest with you.
00:34:07If you don't play the game,
00:34:08I won't pay you.
00:34:09So it's definitely in my interest
00:34:11to persuade you to stay.
00:34:13Why don't we do it this way?
00:34:15We'll give you some space.
00:34:16You can go over there
00:34:17and talk it over.
00:34:20Can I ask you something?
00:34:22How often do you think
00:34:24you have a chance
00:34:25to win $20 million?
00:34:35And what would that cost us?
00:34:38Everything has a price, Andy.
00:34:41What's yours?
00:34:44Come on, let's talk.
00:34:45She said we could talk,
00:34:46so let's do it.
00:34:48Take your time.
00:35:02$20 million,
00:35:03which we share, buddy.
00:35:04Think about it for a second.
00:35:07If we win.
00:35:08We will win.
00:35:10anything can go wrong.
00:35:11We argued
00:35:12when we were warming up.
00:35:14that wasn't arguing.
00:35:15That was...
00:35:19I don't want to get caught.
00:35:21Wouldn't be the first time.
00:35:23You don't take it seriously.
00:35:27Imagine what our life
00:35:29with so much money looks like.
00:35:34What happens if it goes wrong
00:35:36and you owe this sum?
00:35:37That's what it really looks like here.
00:35:39It's like in a casino.
00:35:41The house always wins.
00:35:45if we lose,
00:35:46we sign a contract
00:35:47and we live with it.
00:35:48They can't take what we don't have.
00:35:53think of Kate
00:35:54and your father.
00:35:58What did your mom do?
00:35:59Leave it.
00:36:10We'll just do the same thing.
00:36:12We'll just do the same thing.
00:36:20Why do I still regret it?
00:36:24You'll be a very rich man soon.
00:36:26Yeah, yeah.
00:36:27Just don't do anything stupid, dude.
00:36:28I won't.
00:36:29I'm serious.
00:36:30I'd rather be a fortune teller.
00:36:31When did you become a fortune teller?
00:36:40I'm pretty excited.
00:36:42You're such a kid.
00:36:48We're in.
00:36:51And you both want it?
00:36:52Oh, yeah.
00:36:57Yeah, sure.
00:37:02And now give us your watches and cell phones.
00:37:06We don't want any distractions.
00:37:15Don't scratch them.
00:37:38That's really damn tight.
00:37:39Yeah, she said that.
00:37:41Jude, I'm warning you.
00:37:42You'd better take this seriously.
00:37:44Yeah, buddy.
00:37:45I've never taken it as seriously as I'm doing now.
00:37:49Let the games begin.
00:37:53At the beginning of each round,
00:37:54I'll explain to you what it's about.
00:37:56In this round, we're playing for $100,000.
00:38:00And just like you,
00:38:01we're playing for $100,000.
00:38:05And just like before,
00:38:06if you both press the red button,
00:38:08the money will be split equally.
00:38:12There's always a but.
00:38:15In this round, you'll also lose a finger.
00:38:19Excuse me, what did you say?
00:38:23I think she said we'd lose a finger.
00:38:26But if one of you presses blue
00:38:28and the other one presses red,
00:38:30the blue player gets the full $100,000
00:38:33and his hand stays intact.
00:38:34The red player is in debt with $100,000
00:38:37and also loses a finger.
00:38:43Are you kidding us?
00:38:45Buddy, she's kidding us.
00:38:48I don't think she's deaf.
00:38:51If you both press blue,
00:38:52you both owe $100,000
00:38:54and also lose your whole hand,
00:38:56from the wrist downwards.
00:39:03What the hell is this?
00:39:04It's just a test of teamwork.
00:39:08Now you have a certain amount of time
00:39:10to discuss your final decision.
00:39:13So use it wisely.
00:39:15For those who are watching.
00:39:17For those who are watching.
00:39:19Your time starts now.
00:39:23I want to get out of here.
00:39:24Do you hear me?
00:39:25No, buddy.
00:39:26I have rights.
00:39:28Andy, you knew the rules
00:39:30and made up your mind.
00:39:31You agreed not to leave
00:39:33until it's over.
00:39:34So please.
00:39:36Okay, buddy.
00:39:37I know what's going on here.
00:39:38They're filming us.
00:39:39This is a reality TV show, right?
00:39:41It's like a prank show.
00:39:42It's good, it's funny.
00:39:43I get it.
00:39:44Does she look like she's making jokes?
00:39:46Andy, don't buy that.
00:39:48Think about it.
00:39:49Who cuts people's fingers?
00:39:50We're in the middle of nowhere on an island.
00:39:52They can cut off whatever they want.
00:39:54Who wants to stop them?
00:39:55Buddy, there are laws.
00:39:56They don't give a shit.
00:39:59Nobody knows where we are.
00:40:00Buddy, calm down.
00:40:01Don't tell me I should calm down.
00:40:02You broke into our house.
00:40:04What's your plan now?
00:40:07Gentlemen, the clock is ticking.
00:40:09You should really discuss
00:40:11what you're doing now.
00:40:12Red or blue.
00:40:15You're so stupid.
00:40:17I'll just give the people what they want.
00:40:19Andy, let's finish the round, okay?
00:40:21This is a joke.
00:40:22It has to be.
00:40:23And if I refuse?
00:40:25If I just don't press anything?
00:40:26Then we'll fire you right away.
00:40:28What's that supposed to mean?
00:40:30It means who uses a word like fire.
00:40:32It's good.
00:40:34I'm far from relaxed, Jude.
00:40:36I can't believe I agreed to this.
00:40:39We could have a beer on the beach now.
00:40:41But no.
00:40:42Maybe we could get a beer?
00:40:43Can you be serious for a fucking second?
00:40:45And what?
00:40:46Upset me like you?
00:40:48Exactly that.
00:40:49Buddy, you're taking things too seriously.
00:40:52If you cut off a slice of me,
00:40:54you wouldn't have so much debt.
00:40:57And if you cut off a slice of me,
00:40:59you wouldn't have fucked the intern and ruined your life.
00:41:03My life would be fine if it weren't for you.
00:41:06It was already broken when you opened your mouth to Kate.
00:41:10Yeah, what did I say?
00:41:11You planted the seed of doubt.
00:41:13The seed of doubt?
00:41:14Of course, Shakespeare.
00:41:15No, you were caught red-handed.
00:41:16I didn't do anything.
00:41:17It's not my fault that your wife is a neurotic pessimist with trust issues.
00:41:2130 seconds, gentlemen.
00:41:22Come on.
00:41:25Jude, I don't think this is a joke.
00:41:27Andy, I promise you that Kate will get out of there at any moment and everything will be fine.
00:41:32If it's a joke, you press red.
00:41:34I don't know.
00:41:35How do I know that you press red?
00:41:37Damn it!
00:41:38Press red.
00:41:39I'm serious.
00:41:41The time is up.
00:41:42Gentlemen, make your decision.
00:41:54In three...
00:42:04Andy pressed red and Jude believed him.
00:42:07Okay, Andy, that's nonsense, man.
00:42:09You have to trust me.
00:42:10Everything will be fine.
00:42:11Are you completely crazy?
00:42:31Congratulations, Jude.
00:42:33$100,000 has just been deposited into your account.
00:42:37What the hell is wrong with you?
00:42:39Andy and you owe the company exactly this amount.
00:42:46Jesus Christ.
00:42:47Oh, fuck.
00:42:50We'll get ice cream.
00:42:51We'll get ice cream.
00:42:52We'll get ice cream.
00:42:53You can put it back on.
00:42:54You'll be healthy again.
00:42:58Put it back on, you bastard!
00:43:02The next round is about $500,000.
00:43:08Fuck you!
00:43:12You too.
00:43:13Andy, I'm sorry.
00:43:14I didn't know that was going to happen.
00:43:21Let's play.
00:43:23That's the right attitude.
00:43:26What the hell is wrong with you?
00:43:29I'm just doing my job.
00:43:49The rules are the same.
00:43:51If you both press red,
00:43:53you get the same share of the $500,000,
00:43:56but you lose a finger.
00:43:59If one of you presses blue and one presses red,
00:44:02the blue player gets the entire amount
00:44:05and his hand stays put.
00:44:07The red player is burdened with the same amount
00:44:10and also loses a finger.
00:44:13Bring your card.
00:44:17Just put your little speech behind you.
00:44:21If both players press blue,
00:44:23you get $500,000
00:44:25and lose your entire hand from the wrist downwards.
00:44:29Please, discuss.
00:44:32For those who watch.
00:44:34For those who watch.
00:44:37Who are you talking to?
00:44:39Who are you talking to?
00:44:45You've put me in some uncomfortable situations.
00:44:48But this time, you've really outdone yourself, Jude.
00:44:54There must be a way to get us out of there.
00:44:57We can do something. Tell us.
00:44:59Jude, the only way out is to end it.
00:45:02You know the rules.
00:45:04Yes, but who made the rules?
00:45:06We don't know why this is happening.
00:45:09Why do you think this is funny?
00:45:15Maybe you'll learn your lesson now.
00:45:17What a stupid lesson, Andy.
00:45:19What a lesson that I should be more like you?
00:45:21Because from my point of view, your life doesn't look good.
00:45:24And whose fault is that?
00:45:31Hey, I'm sorry, okay?
00:45:33But you and I, we have to work together
00:45:35if we want to get out of this.
00:45:39Now he wants to work together.
00:45:41I didn't know you were doing this with your finger.
00:45:43That's literally what you said.
00:45:45Word for word.
00:45:46Andy, I wouldn't have pressed blue if I thought it was real.
00:45:52That's what it is.
00:45:54You're afraid I'll press blue.
00:45:58Buddy, none of us press blue.
00:46:00I can basically press whatever I want.
00:46:02Andy, I'll press red, I promise you.
00:46:04Your promise means nothing to me.
00:46:07But of course you should take responsibility this time.
00:46:10Lose a finger one way or another.
00:46:13Stab him? Buddy...
00:46:15You said we were brothers, right?
00:46:17Yeah, but...
00:46:18But what?
00:46:20I lose a finger for you, you lose a finger for me.
00:46:25Yeah, but buddy, that's not all the questions are about, is it?
00:46:29Who doesn't offer to give something for the team
00:46:33after what I just went through?
00:46:37Unless it's about the money.
00:46:43Buddy, the business... I...
00:46:48You fucking greedy asshole.
00:46:52You're unbelievable.
00:46:53Buddy, that's not fair.
00:46:56I just lost a fucking finger because of you.
00:47:00A walk in the park isn't fair to me either.
00:47:02Oh, here we go again.
00:47:04It's always about you, isn't it?
00:47:06Have you ever done anything selfless in your life?
00:47:11Yeah, selfless.
00:47:13For someone who's not you.
00:47:15Someone you didn't benefit from.
00:47:17Oh, buddy, don't start with that.
00:47:20Why not?
00:47:23And? Do you?
00:47:25Because I haven't decided yet which button I want to press.
00:47:28And that could affect my decision.
00:47:31That's exactly what I thought.
00:47:39I knew your mother would die.
00:47:47What's that supposed to mean?
00:47:48We all knew my mother would die.
00:47:50Yeah, because I persuaded her to tell you.
00:47:55No, you're just making a fool of yourself.
00:47:57No, you're just making a fool of yourself.
00:47:59She knew for months that she had cancer before she told anyone.
00:48:03She didn't mean to say anything.
00:48:05She thought it would be better if she just quietly sneaked out at night.
00:48:08I had to beg her again to tell you.
00:48:22How long did you know?
00:48:25That doesn't matter. What matters is that I brought her to...
00:48:29How long did you know?
00:48:35Six months.
00:48:43Six months.
00:48:44Six months.
00:48:50We had three weeks to pack her things and say goodbye.
00:48:55And you two knew for six months?
00:48:59She just wanted to get on with her life, buddy.
00:49:03So that I understand correctly, she told you and not me?
00:49:10I was ready to keep it a secret from you, but I had to swear not to tell anyone.
00:49:17Why did she tell you?
00:49:20She needed someone to take her to the hospital for appointments.
00:49:23She wanted to protect you and asked me to do it.
00:49:29And that was when you two really got close?
00:49:33Hey, I wanted to tell you.
00:49:36But I could see how confused you were at the time with everything that was going on with Kate.
00:49:40But at the same time, I could see how unfair it was that your mother didn't tell anyone.
00:49:44So I tried to persuade her every day to say something until she did.
00:49:55Now you know.
00:49:58Only if it would have given you an advantage, you would have told me.
00:50:01Buddy, that's not true and you know that.
00:50:04Oh, the time is up.
00:50:08Please make your decision.
00:50:19Oh, that's exciting.
00:50:25In three, two, one.
00:50:37Very interesting.
00:50:48Oh, my God!
00:50:56Oh, God!
00:50:59Oh, God!
00:51:03Oh, God!
00:51:07Oh, God!
00:51:13Oh, God!
00:51:19Oh, God!
00:51:23Oh, God!
00:51:33Oh, God!
00:52:05How many rounds are left?
00:52:09Where would the fun be if you knew that?
00:52:12Well, my fingers are going numb.
00:52:17What do you have of all this?
00:52:24So this is just a job for you.
00:52:27Oh, I know you think I'm the bad guy here, but if there wasn't a market for this kind of thing, we wouldn't be here, would we?
00:52:35And as you both know too well, money counts.
00:52:39If not, you wouldn't have come back to the table.
00:52:43You say all that we're doing here is just someone else's fault?
00:52:48You see? You got it.
00:52:51You got it?
00:52:53Oh, how impolite of me to fiddle around with my finger in your current situation.
00:52:58You really are a piece of crap.
00:53:00Oh, you should be happy, gentlemen.
00:53:03We're doing real art here.
00:53:05And the best is yet to come.
00:53:13In the next round, it's about a million dollars.
00:53:17Well, we can't just chop off one or two fingers for so much money.
00:53:22So it's time to raise the stakes.
00:53:25Oh God, no.
00:53:27What the hell is this?
00:53:33Let him out of there. He's had enough.
00:53:37Unfortunately, our viewers don't agree.
00:53:41Dad, it's okay. Everything will be fine.
00:53:44Now that you know what you can lose, I'll explain what you can win.
00:53:48If both players press red, you get the million for the same amount.
00:53:52But your loved ones' eyes will be burned out.
00:53:55They will be completely blind.
00:53:57And if one of you presses blue and one presses red,
00:54:01the blue player gets the full amount, and his relative will leave without fail.
00:54:05The red player is in the same amount, and his relative will be dismissed immediately.
00:54:15Henry, I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was getting myself into.
00:54:19If both players press blue, you both owe a million dollars,
00:54:23and your relative will be dismissed immediately.
00:54:26What the hell is this? You're a damn psychopath!
00:54:30No, no, no, no, no. Take my hand instead.
00:54:33Cut the whole thing off. Take both of mine.
00:54:36Let my dad out of there and let him go.
00:54:37How sweet. Thank you, but no thank you.
00:54:40You have time to talk before you make the decision.
00:54:43For those who are watching.
00:54:45For those who are watching.
00:54:47Andy, Andy, what do we do now?
00:54:49I don't know.
00:54:51You just have to say the price. Yes?
00:54:53And we'll pay him, and then it's good.
00:54:55And you can let them go. Please, please, this is my little brother.
00:54:58There's red or blue, Jude.
00:55:00You have no other choice.
00:55:02We're talking about the lives of innocent people here.
00:55:04Innocent people?
00:55:06Don't you have a family?
00:55:08Things like that don't happen in my family.
00:55:11Then put yourself in our shoes, damn it.
00:55:14How would you feel?
00:55:16I don't need that.
00:55:18That's why we're watching what you're doing.
00:55:20So you're leaning back and watching us
00:55:23watch our family get hurt?
00:55:25I'm just leading the game.
00:55:27You're here right now.
00:55:29Nobody else. You're alone.
00:55:31You can let them go.
00:55:32We're not alone.
00:55:36Wait, are you afraid of them?
00:55:38Is that what it is?
00:55:40The customers get what the customers want.
00:55:42Gentlemen, you're just wasting time,
00:55:44and we have a tight schedule here, so hop, hop.
00:55:46You're playing the game all the time
00:55:48and don't know anything about the company?
00:55:50That's an app I downloaded.
00:55:52I don't know what kind of shit that is.
00:55:54You have to know something.
00:55:56Don't you think I would have said something
00:55:58if I knew what could help us?
00:56:00You have to do something, Jude.
00:56:02We'll just do the thing
00:56:04that causes the least amount of time damage, okay?
00:56:07We'll press red.
00:56:09They'll blind my father.
00:56:11And Henry?
00:56:13Why don't you think of an alternative
00:56:15because I'm doing this?
00:56:17Why don't we hear what you have to say?
00:56:19Maybe it'll help with your decision.
00:56:21I'll give you both ten seconds
00:56:23to present your arguments.
00:56:25Present your arguments?
00:56:27What kind of joke is that?
00:56:29What's that supposed to be?
00:56:30You don't know, Dad.
00:56:32No, I really wish it were true.
00:56:34Then call the police or something.
00:56:36The time is stupid.
00:56:38I love you, my son.
00:56:40The game is on.
00:56:45This time you've outdone yourself, brother.
00:56:48I'm sorry.
00:56:50I didn't know what that was, brother.
00:56:52I don't care. I don't care.
00:56:54Okay, I...
00:56:56I don't know what's going on here,
00:56:58but I can't be blind.
00:57:00We're getting married next year.
00:57:02I still have my whole life.
00:57:05Not for nothing.
00:57:07But Samuel has a long life ahead of him.
00:57:10Please, please don't do this to me.
00:57:12How am I supposed to work?
00:57:14Who's going to take care of you?
00:57:16Okay, the time is up.
00:57:18Please, please.
00:57:23Not a bad argument.
00:57:25No, no, no, no, no, Dad.
00:57:29Andy, listen to what he's saying, buddy.
00:57:31He's asking you to do the right thing.
00:57:33Get a grip, Jude.
00:57:36Don't even think about it.
00:57:38We both press red. You said it.
00:57:40We just press red.
00:57:42That's the only way.
00:57:44Then we can all live.
00:57:48Shut up, Andy. Let me think, okay?
00:57:50I have to be able to trust you, man.
00:57:52That's the life of a father when you press blue.
00:57:54I don't know if you don't press blue, okay?
00:57:56I mean, come on, you don't like Henry.
00:57:58I like him.
00:58:00No, you don't like him. You call him an asshole.
00:58:02There's no reason to kill him.
00:58:04So you do hate him?
00:58:08Damn it, can't you just let her go?
00:58:11Pressing this blue button is murder, Jude.
00:58:14And I could say the same about you, man.
00:58:16My father drives you crazy.
00:58:18I took him on vacation.
00:58:20After I practically harassed you.
00:58:23Buddy, he doesn't even like me.
00:58:25He doesn't hate you.
00:58:26He doesn't love you.
00:58:28He just thinks you have a bad influence.
00:58:30That's what I'm saying.
00:58:32No, no, no, listen, listen.
00:58:34My father loves you, okay?
00:58:36You, you, you belong to the family.
00:58:38Okay, I don't want to hear this all day.
00:58:41Your time is up.
00:58:43Make your decision.
00:58:47You have ten seconds.
00:58:50I'm sorry, Dad.
00:58:51I'm sorry, Dad.
00:58:56I love you, Henry.
00:59:00In 3...
00:59:06No, no, no, no, no, no!
00:59:08No, no, no, no, no!
00:59:10No, no, no, no, no!
00:59:12No, no, no, no, no, no!
00:59:14No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
01:00:15You saved him.
01:00:22You liar!
01:00:25Did you really kill him?
01:00:39Okay, enough talking.
01:00:42There is money to be earned.
01:00:44Let's go to the next round, okay?
01:00:48No, no, no, no.
01:00:50Don't do it, damn it.
01:00:56We came to Sextel.
01:01:01We all know what's coming, don't we?
01:01:04Bring her in.
01:01:06No, no, no, no, no, no!
01:01:17No, no, no, no, no, no!
01:01:19You can't do that!
01:01:21You can't do that!
01:01:22Please, please, please!
01:01:24It's all right, baby.
01:01:25It's all right.
01:01:26Oh, damn it again.
01:01:27Oh, God, no!
01:01:28Please, I beg you.
01:01:29I beg you.
01:01:30The rules.
01:01:31Stop it!
01:01:32So, if you both press red, you get five million dollars for the same share.
01:01:36But your loved ones get their tongues cut out.
01:01:40However, if one of you loses, you lose.
01:01:45However, if one of you presses blue and the other presses red,
01:01:49the blue player gets all the money and his loved one is spared.
01:01:53The red player...
01:01:54We know the rules.
01:01:56You don't need to repeat them, please.
01:01:58As you wish.
01:02:00Then you can discuss among yourselves.
01:02:03For those who watch.
01:02:05For those who watch.
01:02:06I'm so sorry.
01:02:07This is such a shitty situation.
01:02:08We had no choice.
01:02:10Don't lie to her.
01:02:12We had no choice.
01:02:14Not about that.
01:02:16How should we know that this would happen?
01:02:18Because wherever you go, you go to shit.
01:02:20That's why.
01:02:24Oh, Gate.
01:02:26I'm so sorry for everything.
01:02:28I was...
01:02:30selfish and confused.
01:02:33It's not fair.
01:02:34None of this is fair for you.
01:02:37I would give my life just to get you out of there.
01:02:43I promise you.
01:02:45When we get out of here, things will change.
01:02:47Okay? Whatever you want.
01:02:50I love you.
01:02:54Why don't we hear what the ladies have to say?
01:02:57I'll give you 15 seconds each to present your arguments.
01:03:02You should be ashamed.
01:03:05Hey, hey, don't panic.
01:03:06But I'm scared.
01:03:07No, no, no, no, no.
01:03:08Everything will be fine.
01:03:09We'll get through this, okay?
01:03:12If this is the last time I'm on board...
01:03:17I love you.
01:03:19I've always loved you.
01:03:25I'll never forgive myself for what happened.
01:03:28But I'm able to leave it behind.
01:03:33That's more than enough for me.
01:03:35Okay, time's up.
01:03:36No, no, no, please.
01:03:38Kate, I love you.
01:03:40Heather, 15 seconds.
01:03:43Baby, I swear, everything will be fine.
01:03:45I'm pregnant.
01:03:49I'm pregnant.
01:03:54Are you sure?
01:03:55How long have you known?
01:03:58Not long. I didn't know how to tell you.
01:04:00I'm sorry.
01:04:01No, no, you don't have to be sorry.
01:04:03You don't have to be sorry.
01:04:04You heard her. She's pregnant.
01:04:06Time's up.
01:04:07No, no, no, no, she's pregnant.
01:04:09For God's sake!
01:04:10You can't do this to her, please!
01:04:14Yes, who would have thought?
01:04:16Are you serious? We're having a baby?
01:04:19Andy, please tell me you hear this.
01:04:22I heard it.
01:04:24I heard it.
01:04:28Let her go.
01:04:29Let her go right now.
01:04:30I swear to God, I'll kill you personally!
01:04:33Jude, I won't pass on this kind of behavior.
01:04:37I'm only doing this for the viewers.
01:04:39Okay, then tell him.
01:04:41Tell him you'll let her go.
01:04:43I don't have that power.
01:04:45I'm just moderating.
01:04:46That's not true. You killed my brother.
01:04:49You did.
01:04:53I don't know what to say anymore.
01:04:57Okay, I'll give you a little more time to make your decision.
01:05:02Jude, listen to me.
01:05:06We can't let this repeat itself.
01:05:11No, we're doing this for each other, okay?
01:05:14Yes, yes.
01:05:20Okay, time's up.
01:05:22And now decide.
01:05:25Everything will be fine.
01:05:26And now decide.
01:05:28Everything will be fine.
01:05:37In three...
01:05:52You damn liar!
01:05:53You damn liar!
01:05:55No, I...
01:05:56I swear to God, I'll kill you.
01:05:58Andy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I couldn't...
01:06:03Andy, you chose red.
01:06:05And you, Jude?
01:06:06Well, you chose blue.
01:06:08Five million dollars were just transferred to your account.
01:06:16You murderous whore.
01:06:18And that's my wife!
01:06:20I'm sorry.
01:06:24No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:06:26Please don't. Please.
01:06:27I'll do anything.
01:06:58You know, Hermann.
01:07:02You're the scourge with her.
01:07:05And with you it was basically over.
01:07:09Fuck you.
01:07:23Fuck you.
01:07:53Fuck you.
01:08:08So, no more guests.
01:08:15You've already taken everyone who meant something to me.
01:08:20Well, that's not right.
01:08:22What about Jude here?
01:08:36All right.
01:08:37Let's continue.
01:08:39In the next round it's about...
01:08:41ten million dollars.
01:08:44If you both press red, you get the money in equal parts.
01:08:47But one of your eyes will be burned out.
01:08:49But if one of you presses blue and the other red,
01:08:52the blue player gets the full ten million dollars.
01:08:55The red player owes the same amount and gets both eyes burned out.
01:09:00If you both press blue, you will be dismissed immediately.
01:09:04Please discuss.
01:09:06For those who are watching.
01:09:08For those who are watching.
01:09:10For those who are watching.
01:09:16Time is money, gentlemen.
01:09:22I don't need time.
01:09:25What does that mean?
01:09:29I press blue.
01:09:33What? Andy, no, no, no, no.
01:09:36I've made up my mind.
01:09:40I know you're upset.
01:09:47You have murdered the only two people who mean something to me
01:09:51and you think I'm a little upset?
01:09:53Do you really think I wanted any of this?
01:09:58I press blue.
01:10:00Okay, Andy.
01:10:01Listen to me.
01:10:03You can't escape from now on.
01:10:05This has to be the last round.
01:10:07Then let's press red.
01:10:09We lose an eye, but we keep our sight and leave.
01:10:12It's too late for that.
01:10:13Buddy, we're leaving together.
01:10:15Why shouldn't you want that?
01:10:26You killed Kate.
01:10:29There's nothing more to say.
01:10:32I'm going to press blue.
01:10:34And you can press whatever you want.
01:10:37So you're going to let them blind me, is that it?
01:10:42I choose blue.
01:10:47And if I press blue?
01:10:50Then we both die.
01:10:53Think about what you're saying.
01:10:57There's no version where we just leave.
01:11:03You're not so stupid not to recognize it.
01:11:08Time is up.
01:11:09Make your decision.
01:11:13I'm ready.
01:11:19Me too.
01:11:24Oh, I love this.
01:11:33In three...
01:11:44Well played, Andy.
01:11:49The same amount of money was transferred to your respective account.
01:11:54Now be brave.
01:11:56This can burn a little.
01:11:58Now be brave.
01:12:00This can burn a little.
01:12:06Oh, wait.
01:12:07Wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:12:09That doesn't have to happen.
01:12:10Wait, please, please, please.
01:12:11No, no, no, no.
01:12:12No, we can't.
01:12:25No, no, no.
01:13:56Let's put an end to this. Agreed?
01:13:58And how do we go on now, damn it?
01:14:03All of this would be nothing without a twist in the last minute.
01:14:07Let's go back to Heather.
01:14:19No, no, no, no, that's not fair. She was done. You can't...
01:14:22You can't bring her back in. You can't do that to her.
01:14:25Don't point that thing at her.
01:14:29Baby, are you okay? Did they do something to you?
01:14:32Your eye!
01:14:34Don't worry, Heather. They'll survive. Or not.
01:14:38It's really your fault.
01:14:42It's okay, Heather. Listen to me. Listen to me. Everything will be fine, okay?
01:14:45You'll be okay again. I promise you that.
01:14:47I promise you.
01:14:54He's so funny. He says that all day long.
01:15:06This round you will play together as a team.
01:15:12Against Heather.
01:15:14Oh my...
01:15:16Andy, you make the decision in the name of your team.
01:15:18And Heather, you hold up the card of your choice when you're asked.
01:15:25If both teams choose red, the 20 million dollars will be split between you.
01:15:29But everyone will also get an eye.
01:15:32If one team chooses blue and the other team chooses red, the blue team will get 20 million dollars.
01:15:37And the red team will be dismissed immediately.
01:15:40If both teams choose blue, you will all be dismissed.
01:15:43You have time to discuss your final decision.
01:15:47For those who watch.
01:15:48For those who watch.
01:15:51It's okay.
01:16:02So, how does it work? We all choose red and then we live?
01:16:08And I and Jude are blind forever.
01:16:10Come on, Andy. Just do the right thing and choose red.
01:16:18I don't know.
01:16:20She's pregnant, man.
01:16:27I don't want one of us to die.
01:16:28What then?
01:16:29And I should actually believe someone like you doesn't press blue and takes all the money?
01:16:34Someone like me?
01:16:36You're such a gold digger.
01:16:38Damn it, Andy! Press red!
01:16:48Let's say I'm going to do it.
01:16:50And press red?
01:16:54Should I trust her?
01:16:58Trust me, buddy.
01:16:59All right?
01:17:00Look, we both made mistakes today.
01:17:02We both lied.
01:17:03But at the end of the day, you and I are still family.
01:17:09That's convenient.
01:17:12Because I don't have a real family anymore, thanks to you.
01:17:19Look, I don't know what happened today and...
01:17:23I'm really sorry about Kate.
01:17:27I'm really sorry about Kate.
01:17:32But please don't do this.
01:17:36I choose red.
01:17:38I love Jude.
01:17:41I don't want anything to happen to him.
01:17:47I don't want to live without him.
01:17:53We don't have to be family or even friends.
01:17:56But we can all get out of here.
01:18:27Make your choice.
01:18:29Blue or red?
01:18:32Us or them?
01:18:41Make your choice in three...
01:18:57Ever, congratulations.
01:18:58You're going home with 20 million dollars.
01:19:03Or would you like to say something else?
01:19:07I don't understand.
01:19:10I'm sorry.
01:19:13We've only been together for four months.
01:19:15I don't think I should...
01:19:18I don't think I should...
01:19:21I don't think I should...
01:19:24You brought this on yourself.
01:19:26And I have my whole life.
01:19:29I'm sorry.
01:19:35Okay, thank you, Ever.
01:19:37Time for you to go.
01:19:43Are you even pregnant?
01:19:57Then we would have done everything right now.
01:19:59Exactly in time, well done team.
01:20:09Do you have anything to say to each other?
01:21:12Why are you doing this?
01:21:25If the guests like you,
01:21:27the producers will always bring you back
01:21:29in one way or another.
01:21:31We'll see how you pull through
01:21:33so you don't have to do it yourself again.
01:21:35Everyone here played the game.
01:21:38And if you don't play along,
01:21:40we won't get paid.
01:21:43So let's finish this.
01:21:46Then we're all done here.