Watch Devara Latest full movie now - Link Description

  • 2 days ago
An epic action saga set against coastal lands, which briefs about rip-roaring ,emotionally charged incidents in the periodic timeline, also comprises the titular protagonist being the rescuer to deprived and fear to evildoers.
Devara Latest full movie(hindi) -
Devara Latest full movie(Tamil) -
Devara Latest full movie(malayalam) -
Devara Latest full movie(Telugu) -
00:01I had a nightmare last night, Jogla.
00:05Our sea has really turned red with blood.
00:10And I'm the one who did this.
00:25If you want to cross fear, listen to the story of the Gods.
00:29If you want to understand fear, listen to the story of Devra.
00:44There is one Devra in the sea.
00:47Another Devra stands on the mountain.
00:50What will happen to you, Bhairav?
00:59I knew it, ever since we were kids.
01:09The coming days are not auspicious, Devra.
01:13The ones you consider your own, are not your own.
01:17If you want to rule the sea, you have to go inside it.
01:54Devra nekuchimanga.
01:58Samjo keh diya.
