Govinda Best Action Movie Scene(Tasty.Vibes)

  • 2 days ago
Govinda Best Action Movie Scene(Tasty.Vibes)


00:00What's wrong with me? Why am I speaking the truth?
00:04Good morning, sir.
00:06Won't you tell me how I look today?
00:09Srideviya Madhuri.
00:11Sir, tell me.
00:13Please, sir.
00:14You look like a devil's aunt.
00:15You look like a bomb that can explode at any time.
00:17Why don't you wear a burqa?
00:18Do you know how scared the kids will be seeing you?
00:22Oh, mean sir.
00:23No, I am not mean.
00:25When you sit, you look like a buffalo sitting in water.
00:31Okay, I resign.
00:37Sir, sir, sir.
00:38How do I look?
00:39Don't I look like Mr. Dharam?
00:41Oh, Mr. Dharam's insult.
00:43You don't look like Mr. Dharam, you look like a monkey.
00:45You walk around like a chicken.
00:47You eat like a dog all day.
00:48One day you will explode like a bomb.
00:50Your dead body will be lying on the road.
00:51You will have to call the police to pick you up.
00:52And sometimes you take a bath like a buffalo.
00:54Your clothes stink so much.
00:55The entire staff is worried about you.
00:57If your clothes are smelled instead of the chloroform in the hospital,
00:59the patient will go into a coma.
01:04Don't pull my stomach.
01:05Your stomach stays out despite pulling it.
01:06Cutting dead hair doesn't make it lighter.
01:09What nonsense am I talking?
01:10What am I saying?
01:11In my control?
01:12You come in control.
01:13Otherwise, I will cut you and throw you.
01:16Darling, Sona, love, my baby.
01:18What are you doing here?
01:19You go away from here.
01:20I won't meet anyone today.
01:21Please, please you go away from here.
01:22I have not come to talk to you.
01:23I have just come to ask that what did you tell daddy
01:25What did you tell him?
01:26That his BP has become low.
01:27I had to call a doctor for him.
01:28Oh, so the old man is saved.
01:30I thought he must have left by now.
01:32What nonsense are you talking?
01:33I am not talking nonsense.
01:34I am telling the truth.
01:35I told him clearly that I got married to you because of his name and wealth.
01:38Yes, I was lying behind you.
01:40I also lied in front of your car.
01:42But you are such a stupid girl that you couldn't catch such a small lie.
01:45I kept worshipping your father's face with his ears, nose and mouth fitted in a watermelon.
01:49Thinking that he will become the umbrella of my life.
01:51But you, you removed the umbrella from my head.
01:52You removed the umbrella from my head.
01:53Because of respect and dignity, you left me as a widow.
01:59I am sorry.
02:00I am sorry, Sona.
02:02Sona, forgive me.
02:04Sona, what should I do?
02:05My words are coming true.
02:07You said it.
02:09I will give my answer in the court.
02:14Oh God, no one can save me from getting divorced.
02:16What has happened to me?
02:18Only my son Chintu can save me.
02:19Chintu, my son, I am coming.
02:22I am coming.
02:25Listen, let's go to St. Andrews school.
02:27Brother, did you recognize me?
02:30Ladoo Singh. Brother, we are Ladoo Singh.
02:31Whatever it is, let's go.
02:32Sit, brother.
02:33Ladoo Singh has come.
02:34I don't know who Ladoo Singh is.
02:35Brother, that is not the car.
02:37Let's go quickly.
02:41Brother, didn't you recognize me?
02:43When you went to Mumbai for the first time, I dropped you at Anand Mahal.
02:48And you advised me that it is better to hire a taxi.
02:52Never buy your own car.
02:53First of all, are you Anil Kapoor that I can recognize you by your face?
02:57There are 1.5 lakh taxi drivers in this city.
02:58I will remember all their faces.
03:00And the second thing is that I must have advised you..
03:02..because I must have recognized you by your face..
03:04..that you don't have the capacity to buy a cycle..
03:05..and you will buy a taxi.
03:07And what do you eat?
03:08Do you eat grains or grass?
03:09Which passenger is sitting in which mood?
03:11He is not in his senses.
03:12You have started spoiling him.
03:13And your wife must be helpless.
03:14She must have to live with you.
03:16If I was your wife, I would have kicked you out of the house.
03:19And I would have divorced you.
03:23Hey, you idiot.
03:25Mr. Laddu, get down.
03:27Get down.
03:28I made a mistake.
03:29Get down.
03:30Just a minute.
03:31I said get down.
03:32Mr. Laddu.
03:33Come on.
03:34I couldn't bear it.
03:35I am in trouble.
03:38Chintu, my son.
03:39My yellow.
03:40My blue.
03:41Everything is yellow here.
03:44I am not Chintu.
03:49Come here.
03:51I am in trouble.
03:52I can't say anything but the truth.
03:53Tell your mother not to leave me.
03:54What happened?
03:55God has accepted my wish.
03:56What wish?
03:57Daddy, last night I gave my shattering star and wished that you never lie.
04:03It would have been better if you wished from God that your daddy dies.
04:06From morning till now, half of the world has become my enemy.
04:08Son, tell God to cancel your wish.
04:10Otherwise, your daddy will die.
04:13Daddy, last night I gave my shattering star and wished that you never lie.
04:17From where should I bring stars during the day?
04:20You have made a good arrangement, my son.
04:21Go and play.
04:22Bye, daddy.
04:23Go and play.
04:27Is it possible?
04:31Hey, lawyer.
04:33In the court, in front of the judge, your wife was standing upside down.
04:37She was very broad.
04:38Now she has become thin.
04:39Come on, brother.
04:40Call her.
04:41Hey, you old man with an empty bottle of cold drink and straw.
04:43Dirty Kolhapuri slippers.
04:44Hey, look at this.
04:45Look at this.
04:50Hey, did you go to the court with brandy in the morning?
04:52Or did you spill your own mud?
04:53Hey, believe me, brother Karna.
04:55I am not able to lie.
04:56Shut up.
04:57Shut up.
04:58You are such a big liar that after being born from a mother's womb.. must have cried for the first time by lying.
05:03Hey, lawyer.
05:04Whatever happened to brother Vinod..
05:06..he didn't open his mouth and put his face inside his stomach like a paper ring.
05:10Hey, open your mouth.
05:14What happened?
05:15You are a dry rat.
05:16You are a stale papad.
05:17Why do you always give me a gun?
05:20Did you forget how my wife slapped you that day?
05:23She showed you stars in the day but you didn't reform.
05:25And you keep showing me a gun.
05:27Do you ever use it?
05:28Get lost.
05:29Raj, Raj, Raj.
05:30What are you doing?
05:31We are your well-wishers.
05:32Why are you calling us well-wishers?
05:33You keep dancing on the gun point like girls.
05:35And you call yourself well-wishers.
05:36Should I become a well-wisher?
05:37Hey, hey.
05:38Don't shout.
05:39You always keep shouting like a dog.
05:41What did you tell me that day in my office?
05:43That I will shoot you.
05:44Who will fight with you?
05:45Don't you know how to talk?
05:47Why did you call me that night?
05:49Do you know that my wife left me because of you?
05:51Don't you know how to talk on the phone?
05:54God has made you a human.
05:56You are a donkey.
05:57You are a donkey.
05:58You are a bull.
05:59You are a bull without horns.
06:00You have ten dogs in your backyard.
06:02You think you are a lion.
06:03Look, brother Raj.
06:04Don't call me brother.
06:05You keep calling me brother.
06:06Hey, brother, listen to me.
06:08Catch him.
06:13No, no.
06:15I will kill him.
06:16What are you doing?
06:17I won't spare him.
06:18What are you doing?
06:19Have you gone mad?
06:20Have you gone mad?
06:21If he dies, your brother will be hanged.
06:23Didn't you hear what he said to me?
06:24He is not at fault in this.
06:26He left his wife because of me.
06:29And your man brought him to the gun point.
06:31Anyone can go mad.
06:35What didn't he do for me?
06:36He killed himself to save your brother.
06:39Let him work his way.
06:41Just give me the gun.
06:42You relax.
06:44Let him go.
06:45Come on.
06:46Let him go.
06:48Raj, have you gone mad?
06:49Have you gone mad?
06:50What is your problem?
06:51You misbehaved with Mr. Tejpal.
06:52You talked nonsense in sister-in-law's face.
06:53You made enmity with brother Kalra.
06:54That means you lost your house, your respect.
06:55And now you are going to go to Germany.
06:56The whole city is running to kill you.
06:57I am not doing anything.
06:58Everything is happening on its own.
06:59I can't lie.
07:00You can't lie.
07:01You are telling the biggest lie now.
07:02Sit here.
07:06You think I am lying, don't you?
07:08Come on.
07:09You can ask me any question.
07:10You think I will lie.
07:11Come on.
07:12Ask me.
07:14Then tell me.
07:15Tell me your opinion about me.
07:16Our friendship will be broken.
07:18Let our friendship break.
07:19You tell me what is your opinion about me.
07:20We will have enmity.
07:21Let it go.
07:23We will have enmity.
07:24You tell me what is your opinion about me.
07:25Ask me some other question.
07:27Why should I ask you some other question?
07:28First tell me what is your opinion about me.
07:29So listen.
07:30I have not seen a bigger fool than you in my life.
07:33I have not seen a bigger fool than you in my life.
07:34In the city where people don't give water to anyone.. gave me your room to stay.
07:38And then how did you think that I will consider you.. king Harichandra?
07:40At that time you fell from my eyes so much..
07:42..that I believed that I have befriended a fool.
07:44Then I came to know why you couldn't become a big lawyer..
07:47..despite staying in Mumbai city for 10 years.
07:49And one more challenge.
07:50If you stay in this city for the next 10 years..
07:52..then you will be standing outside the same court..
07:53..under the same pillar because you are not a human.
07:55You are a pillar.
07:58Will you call me later, please?
08:06Why is this truth coming out of my mouth?
08:08No, no.
08:10I didn't feel bad about what you said.
08:13Give me my phone.
08:15In fact, I am very happy today.
08:18You can really speak the truth.
08:21I wish this truth would come out.
08:23You can really speak the truth.
08:26I wish you would have got used to speaking the truth long back.
08:30Then you wouldn't have been alone in such a big house.
08:32Sister-in-law wouldn't have left the house.
08:34Chintu would have stayed with you.
08:37Raj, I request you.
08:41Save me.
08:42Save your broken house.
08:45Shall I tell you one more truth, Mohan?
08:46When you do this, I feel like slapping you.
08:50What do you do?
08:54You are a master.
08:57You are a master.
09:08Hi, dad.
09:09I saw the shattering star tonight and took back my wish.
09:13Now you can open your heart and lie again.
09:18There is no need for that, son.
09:20Now whatever fight I will fight, I will fight with the truth.
09:26Your Honour.
09:28I agree that the day Anand Mahatre was killed, my client was in Mumbai.
09:32But this doesn't prove that my client killed him.
09:36Because the letter from Anand Mahatre's pocket clearly proves that he committed suicide.
09:41Your Honour, Anand Mahatre was a fighting man.
09:43He was not one of the people who committed suicide because of the situation.
09:46And according to the defence, if he committed suicide because of the situation,
09:49then I would like to know about those situations.
09:51Your Honour, Anand Mahatre committed suicide because his wife's disloyalty was worse.
09:57Objection, Your Honour.
10:00The defence is making baseless allegations on my client.
10:03He is trying to defame a very decent widow, sir.
10:06One minute, my friend.
10:08Your Honour, I can prove it.
10:11Mr. Mishra, are you the neighbour of the deceased Anand Mahatre?
10:15Yes, sir. I have been his neighbour for 20 years.
10:18Then you must know who used to come and go to his house.
10:20Yes, sir.
10:22Was there any special person who used to come in his absence?
10:25Yes, sir. He used to come.
10:28The thin man sitting there.
10:33Yes, sir. This man used to come to his house often.
10:37Sir, there was no fixed time for him to come and go.
10:38Sometimes he used to come during the day and sometimes at night.
10:41What did he come to do?
10:42Sir, what did he come to do? I don't know.
10:45Sir, I don't know what he used to do inside the house after it was closed.
10:51And when did he leave?
10:53He used to leave as soon as Anand Mahatre came.
10:57Yes, Your Honour. It is true that he used to go to Anand Mahatre's house day and night.
11:01But he used to threaten to vacate his house.
11:03No, Your Honour.
11:05He used to go to meet Anand Mahatre's wife.
11:08I will request the court to call Anand Mahatre to the court.
11:11Yes, he used to come.
11:13He loved her. He didn't steal her.
11:15No, he is lying.
11:18Tell me one thing, Mr. Kala.
11:20What was the limit of your relationship with Mrs. Mahatre?
11:24What are you saying, sir?
11:25Is there any limit to love?
11:28Assume that all the limits were broken, sir.
11:32Your Honour, please.
11:34This man is doing despicable things to save his boss.
11:36Let it be, Mr. Lawyer.
11:39Why are you insulting a woman by making me open my mouth?
11:44Now that you have made me open my mouth, listen to me.
11:47Call a lady constable.
11:49Ask her to go to the ladies bathroom with this woman.
11:52And check.
11:53There is a spot on her back which only her parents saw in her childhood.
11:57Her husband saw it after marriage.
11:59And I saw it during the time of romance.
12:01Does the prosecution have any other evidence?
12:05Yes, Your Honour.
12:07But to present it, I want a small break, sir.
12:12Okay. Time is granted.
12:14Whenever he takes a break, he does something.
12:17We will have to keep an eye on him.
12:19Mohan Pyare, this is such a big problem.
12:22Till the time I was fighting the war of lies..
12:24..I had a line of false witnesses and false evidence.
12:27And today when I am fighting the war of truth..
12:30..I have become so lonely.
12:32Oh, my brother.
12:33What is the use of regretting now?
12:35The way you saved Vinod Kalra and trapped Pange.. the same way Adarsh proved Anand's murder to be suicide..
12:41..and proved his wife to be infertile.
12:44Oh, my brother.
12:45This is what happens these days with those who fight the war of truth.
12:48It is possible that this reporter Rajat may not have met with an accident..
12:50..but he may have been murdered.
12:53I am sorry.
12:55I am sorry.
12:56What happened?
12:57I want to talk to you.
13:04Whose cassette is this?
13:08It came in the form of silence.
13:24What are you doing here?
13:25I don't even want to see your face.
13:26Then get out of my way.
13:27I have not come to show off in front of you.
13:29I have come to take my cassette.
13:31Which cassette?
13:32The same cassette which I gave you as a gift the other day.
13:33The IT was in it.
13:34This is what the IT gave me that day.
13:35Don't touch me.
13:36Get out of my house.
13:37Get out.
13:39Earlier you used to call and ask when I would come.
13:40Now when I come home you ask when I will go.
13:41You are a woman's style.
13:42God has saved you.
13:44This is the entire cassette.
13:45I have kept it in my house.
13:46I have kept it in my house.
13:47I have kept it in my house.
13:48When I come home, you ask me when I would come.
13:49You are a woman's style.
13:50God has saved you.
13:53The entire cupboard is filled with all my gifts.
13:55Are you fine?
13:56If I had given half of the gifts to my wife, she would have kissed me all her life.
13:57But no.
13:59I have never given my wife even a flower pot from the streets.
14:00Don't know what is this?
14:01What kind of love letter is it?
14:02I have written so many lies in this.
14:03I have never seen a shameless person like you.
14:04Don't even see.
14:05Do people of my level get born again and again?
14:06You should tell me one thing.
14:07I had fallen in love with you.
14:08I had come to marry you.
14:09Later I realized what I was doing.
14:10My wife and kids ruined your life.
14:11By the way, I fell in love with you.
14:13I came here to get married.
14:14And then I realized what I was doing.
14:16My wife and child, your life will be ruined.
14:18What about me? I am a shameless man.
14:28Listen. Go from the back way.
14:41Where are you going in such a hurry?
14:43Go right.
14:48Hey, lawyer, did you change the lane?
14:49I will catch you at the corner.
14:51Start the car.
14:59Hey, lawyer, I will come to you.
15:00You run away.
15:02Lawyer, I will come to you.
15:03You run away.
15:05Hey, lawyer, I will come to you.
15:06You run away.
15:07Hey, lawyer, I will come to you.
15:09You run away.
15:10Hey, lawyer, I will come to you.
15:12You run away.
15:31Hey, lawyer.
15:33Running away is for thieves.
15:35Not for lawyers.
15:37What is this?
15:38Stand still. Listen to me.
15:39When ten men are chasing a man, it's important for ten men to stay together.
15:43Otherwise, you know what happens?
15:44Am I alone?
15:53You hit me a lot alone.
16:00Why am I fighting with my hands instead of my brain?
16:02Get out, you psycho!
16:04Get out, you psycho!
16:08He's on the cycle again!
16:31Get out, you moron!
16:34Get out, you psycho!
17:00You're here!
17:02What do you mean, you're here?
17:10Thank you!
17:13Are you a court for girls?
17:14Why don't we get caught?
17:15Hurry up!
17:17Your Honour, this is a court, not a TV game show...
17:20...where you can take a break at any time.
17:22And how long will you keep giving Raj Malhotra a break?
17:25I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
17:32I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
17:53After waiting for an hour, the court has reached the verdict...
18:00...that they have no evidence left to present before the court.
18:06Therefore, the court declares that...
18:09Excuse me, Your Honour!
18:17Before the court comes to a conclusion...
18:19...I would like to present this evidence to you.
18:27What is this?
18:30Your Honour, this is the evidence presented by the court.
18:33I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
18:36I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
18:39I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
18:42I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
18:45I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
18:48I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
18:51I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
18:54I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
18:57I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
18:59I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
19:02I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
19:05I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
19:08I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
19:11I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
19:14I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
19:17I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
19:20I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
19:23I request the court to hear the verdict of this case without waiting.
19:35What have you done?
19:38You killed him.
19:39I threatened him to vacate the house.
19:42You murdered him.
19:49I will kill you.
19:51Hit him.
19:54Hit him.
19:59What are you doing?
20:01I will kill you.
20:02How can you kill innocent people?
20:04Come here.
20:09Leave me.
20:12Where are you going?
20:37Well done.
20:41Well done, Raj.
