Prime minister of Pakistan meeting with Palestine president Mahmood abas

  • last month
Prime minister of Pakistan Shahbaz Sharif meeting with Palestine president Mahmood abas in usa
00:00to show our complete solidarity with the people of Palestine and the atrocities committed
00:11by Israel in Gaza for the last one year, genocide.
00:18We strongly condemn this barbaric act on the part of Israel and I have come here to convey
00:28the feelings of the people of Pakistan, that their hearts beat with the hearts of our Palestinian
00:36brothers and sisters.
00:39This is, in the last one year, 41,000 Palestinians have been martyred, young boys, babies, girls,
00:51fathers, brothers, cities after cities have been razed to ground, towns, villages, hospitals,
01:02schools, infrastructure.
01:04I think this kind of terrible act of barbarism hasn't been witnessed by mankind, not only
01:17in recent history, for, I think, for ages and time has come that we must all get together
01:25and in a united fashion we should demand two things, immediate ceasefire in Gaza, immediate
01:34ceasefire in Gaza and creation of a state of Palestine, without which, without that
01:45peace will not return in this part of the world and if this situation is allowed to
01:52linger on for a period of time, then, God forbid, things can become very, very tense
02:00around the globe.
02:01What is the message to the Palestinian people from Pakistan?
02:06The message is that the sacrifices of Palestinian brothers and sisters, their patience, their
02:15bravery will not go waste and, inshallah, it will result in an independent state of
02:23What would you say about the response of the Muslim world?
02:26I'll say one thing, Pakistan, since the very, very beginning, I mean before 1948, till now
02:35their position is fully with the Palestinian people and they help the Palestinian people
02:42as much as they can, not only, for instance, students or helping or tents, no, in the international
02:56community the position of Pakistan is the same, full support to Palestine.
