Hiya Toys Godzilla x Kong The New Empire Energized Godzilla

  • 2 days ago
Hiya Toys Godzilla x Kong The New Empire Energized Godzilla


00:00if you're starting to think he's tapping in then you better be tapping out. here's
00:04you look at the Hayato's Godzilla x Kong the new empire exquisite basic energized
00:20introducing electrifying addition to the Hayato's exquisite basic series the
00:24energized Godzilla from Godzilla x Kong the new empire delve deeper into the
00:29origins of these Titans with this meticulously crafted 7 inch tall figure
00:32based on the original CG data from the movie every detail of Godzilla's
00:37imposing form has been faithfully recreated with multiple layers of paint
00:41capturing the intricacies of his body special fluorescent coatings adorn his
00:45dorsal plates and skin which glow under UV light simulating the energy coursing
00:50through his body after absorbing power preparing for his next devastating heat
00:53ray attack yeah I guess it goes without saying if you see this guy glowing you
00:58probably should be leaving just before of course we get a closer look at the
01:00new Godzilla x Kong the new empire energized Godzilla like if I can to
01:05thank the folks over at Haya that provide this sample we could have a look
01:07at this guy is actually slated to release in June 2025 so he's about a
01:11half a year away pre-orders are already showing up online for $50.99 if you're
01:17interested to get this one for yourself grabbing now of course the tape measure
01:20I'm gonna measure from the end of the snout to the end of its tail now to be
01:24told again you don't have to necessarily have them in this configuration but I
01:27did want to start the reviews as I generally like to do just to show you
01:30guys he has again the ability to stand on his hind legs with that in mind of
01:35course we're gonna start the tape measure in inches and we're gonna go
01:37from the front of his face to the end of his tail and Godzilla is gonna be about
01:4114 and a half inches in length or it's gonna be about 36 centimeters long just
01:47turning this guy sideways if you are familiar though with the Haya toys
01:50Godzilla brand and you already have a couple of those pieces as part of your
01:53collection then you may recognize right away that in fact once again they are
01:57using the same mold just to cast here the energized Godzilla I'm gonna bring
02:01in the original not necessarily the original Godzilla that's not really fair
02:04I probably have like five of these by now but I did at least want to do apples
02:08to apples orange to oranges or in this case King of the Monsters with King of
02:11the Monsters actually you know what let's just get his legs straight instead
02:13of having to worry all this time about getting this guy to balance they are
02:17using essentially the exact same figure I was trying to look and see the
02:20differences between the two and I can't seem to see any the dorsal fins are
02:24exactly the same the new colored articulation pieces now of course that's
02:27been present for a while with the new Godzilla releases is also there as well
02:31it literally is just a carbon copy with a different deco of paints actually
02:35that's not a hundred percent true one thing at least that energized Godzilla
02:38can say that all the others haven't is that this guy does also come in clue
02:42with some swappable hands which is a bit strange for me to even say that Godzilla
02:46by nature generally just that tends to have a relaxed pair of hands but this
02:50guy a guy actually does have gripping hands what he's actually gripping I
02:53don't really know it almost even just looks like he's mustering up the energy
02:58these hands by the way can be swapped out with the ones that he has right now
03:01again so strange because I've never had to really do this with Godzilla's in the
03:05past it's just a case of removing the hands kind of have to hold on to the
03:08forearms and then just wiggle the hands off the post take the hand that you want
03:12to then use whether you're a king of the monster or not the thumb rule still
03:16applies and then you're just gonna want to twist the hand back in place now I
03:20have had some struggle to actually get this properly onto the ball joints
03:24heating the hand probably would have been the smarter route to have gone but
03:27again you're just gonna put the little bit of pressure and you're gonna pop the
03:29new hand back in place here's honestly speaking though I don't know
03:34necessarily if there's really much difference I mean I mean looking at the
03:37two there's clearly a difference between this being kind of a grabbing hand or
03:41mauling hand and that's being one that actually looks like it's intended to
03:44hold something I know obviously there's a difference between the two but I don't
03:47think it's enough really to justify its inclusion I think of anything I would
03:52have probably used the dedicated plastic to give him some swappable hands and
03:55just as an example I'm gonna bring in a couple of these right now I don't this
03:59obviously wasn't part of the release of this figure I just happen to grab these
04:02from a DC multiverse figure I actually would have loved to see especially this
04:06guy being an energized release of Godzilla maybe including some energy
04:10effects just things that maybe for example you could have wrapped around
04:13his dorsal fins for example I mean I'm only again like roughly doing this just
04:18so you guys can get the idea I know very well in advance that this figure does
04:21not have these but just kind of picture if you want like look at this if you
04:25will and just think to yourself how much cooler would that have been had Haya
04:29just included like electricity effects if it wasn't for this color I'm sure I
04:32probably could have find maybe something with blue I think that would work really
04:35well I mean just to intermingle that wrap them around the fins for example I
04:39think that would just added some really cool energy effects the Godzilla honestly
04:43I would have probably gone with that rather than swapping out a hand just
04:47because it adds a little bit more shelf appeal to the figure removing that right
04:50now I'm putting off to the side I want to also make sure to I've got the hand
04:53all the way on there there we go so again if you are familiar with the head
04:57sculpt then you will be automatically familiar with this one as well I mean
05:00essentially they're taking the body from the original Godzilla and not even
05:04really the Godzilla X Kong release either they're taking the Godzilla
05:07essentially once we've gotten ourselves the adjustable collar piece because the
05:11first release of Godzilla only had a single collar this how now has
05:14interlinking links allows them of course some additional possibility there as
05:19well but if you were to look at the figure it's only really more again
05:22cosmetic changes really between the two releases it does though grant one other
05:26thing to his advantage as well and that may involve me bringing in a black light
05:30if you take a black light and you shine it all across Godzilla wouldn't you know
05:34it the figure does glow it glows on the inside of his mouth probably not not a
05:39good idea again so close to his mouth like this but you can see how brightly
05:41that glows his teeth his eyes and then if you run the light continuous down his
05:47body you can see it also glows it almost even just looks like he's got like
05:50glowing molten lava underneath his skin carries nicely also here as well to the
05:55door dorsal fins now this really again can only be effectively done if you're
05:58using a black light you're using just a regular light you're not gonna be
06:01getting that same effect but you can see though how well that glows very very
06:06cool one idea I almost even had in mind I might even just continue with that
06:09idea is maybe looking online to get myself like a little black light bulb
06:13something that if I do put this Godzilla on the shelf not a not a full bulb not
06:17something where the entire room is gonna have black light illuminating it but
06:20just a little small if I can like a little office lamp something it just
06:24presses a button and illuminates down if I can find something like that that is
06:27solely just black light I would love to have this guy displayed which is that
06:30black light illuminating down or even if anything shiny out from the bottom
06:34so again like if you had then had this guy displayed he would certainly stand
06:38out from the crowd with the illumination that this guy now possesses of course
06:42for the rest of the figures body if if you already have a couple of these
06:45Godzilla's under your wing by now you already are familiar with all the things
06:48that this guy does possess I mean I'm not trying to sell this guy short he's a
06:52good-looking Godzilla for what he is but if you already have a Godzilla for what
06:55they are you're pretty much getting the same idea which I think again it would
06:59be nice if they could have include some energy effects just so something again
07:02you could have attached onto the tops of his fins running through the figures now
07:06articulation we're gonna start obviously first with his head sculpt it does move
07:09obviously freely back and forth and up and down I feel unfortunately by the
07:14sacrifice of losing his I mean obviously he benefits from having glowing eyes but
07:19you're not always gonna have a light source like this shining on his face all
07:22the time once you really remove it all the way altogether then I find like
07:26maybe his eyes get a little bit lost in the shuffle I mean they're there and at
07:29least they're painted differently from the all the rest of the body around it
07:32but I feel like it probably could have been just a little bit brighter that's
07:35just my own personal opinion now again look looking at the articulation back
07:39and forth on the head it goes it goes up and down as well of course you can open
07:42up his mouth too there's no hole inside the head to accommodate for example like
07:47an atomic breath this guy doesn't happen to have it but we've gotten Godzillas in
07:50the past that have so again like he's got that there he's got now counting off
07:55with me so he's got one two and three interlocking links what basically is
07:58just the way like one long post that runs from here to here and they'd
08:01basically just run around collar pieces so it does add a little bit more
08:05creativity when it comes to posing this guy so you can move his head up and down
08:08you can move it back and forth there's only so much though that you can do with
08:12this much neck as for the arms though they rotate well first of all you can
08:17hinge them outward but hinging them out I mean I'm using that term only loosely
08:21I mean it comes out to about here and of course from there you can kind of move
08:25the arm all the way around if you wanted to the figure does also have a
08:28hinge in the elbow here so you can bend it there you can also hinge the arm back
08:32and forth and yeah you can rotate the hand all the way around whether you want
08:35to use this hand whether you don't want to swap it out with this hand the hand
08:38works the exact same way the upper torso is gonna be on a ball joint and it's a
08:43little harder to accommodate this it almost feels like you're grabbing
08:46yourself a giant lobster you're trying to separate at the tail the top of the
08:49torso does rotate back and forth it only moves just only by a little bit moves up
08:53and down this way as well but while you're doing this too you're clearly
08:55gonna be pricking yourself with all the spice sticking out from his body the
08:59back of his legs do split out but they start basically like that they go to
09:03about that and then you can also move them of course forward and back the
09:07figure does have two places in his knee that bend so there's a point here in
09:10this point here so you can move it about that much not a lot but just enough to
09:15get the job done speaking of getting the job done it certainly will get the job
09:18done better if the figure does have an ankle pivot and luckily this guy does
09:21still feel in a way this guy could have probably used peggles and bombs of his
09:25feet so again if you guys wanted to have him in a walking pose it's a little
09:28easier to pull off if they actually gave himself a display stand then when we get
09:32to the tail here's where a whole lot goes on so the tail itself has you
09:36probably even see it for yourself it's probably even easier if you just tilt it
09:39on an angle so every one of these little ledges is a point of articulation so he
09:44moves his tail first of all at the main base back and forth a little bit up and
09:48down but then each one of these also have their own dedicated art level of
09:51articulation so you can move it here here here well again continue the trend
09:56you only really continue the trend to get you get to about here and then this
10:00whole last tail piece this part right here is all one standalone piece it's a
10:04little bit on a more softer side of plastic as well so again like it has all
10:08the same levels of posability it's a good-looking Godzilla though I mean I I
10:11hope if anything I'm not underselling how cool the figure does actually look
10:16but if you have already been collecting Godzilla's which again I'll just bring
10:20back in the one that we got specifically from Godzilla X Kong so
10:22it's the closest one in proximity yeah it's essentially this figure and it's
10:27just been painted this way it does have again the selling point at least if you
10:31have yourself a black light that you can shine it in front and all around Godzilla
10:34so it does look like he glows and if anything again the figure can be
10:39having some touting the fact that he does also come include some swappable
10:42hands now again like this is what we start with this is what we can go to I
10:45don't know I don't know if I just would have spent the plastic to produce extra
10:49hands like this one I mean feel I still feel like I think I would have liked to
10:53prefer get electricity effects instead now again these aren't with the figure
10:57these didn't come include with the figure I'm just I happen to pull them
10:59from my tickle trunk of other accessories but I mean just think how
11:02cool this would have been had they included like these little blue energy
11:05effects that you know again if you wanted to just wrap them around his body
11:08like that and it just looks like Godzilla's just energizing up that would
11:12have been a nice little way an extra way to to kind of give the incentive
11:16that perhaps were maybe on the fence maybe looking at this and thinking
11:19themselves well I already have this guy and I have maybe another three of the
11:23guys that look like this I don't know if that's enough that I want to get a blue
11:27version of Godzilla I still think it's a it's a cool looking design Godzilla for
11:31the sense that he does have all this additional blue and the white highlights
11:34frosted on the tops of the tips but again like I think one nudge in the
11:38right direction would have been including just extra things that we
11:41don't tend to normally see with other Haya toys Godzilla releases while in the
11:46end energized Godzilla is just a fresh coat of paint on the same old monster
11:49mold at least the figure does look very much different and breaks the mold of
11:53what we're used to seeing with Godzilla releases from time to time there has
11:57been color variations of them so this isn't the first time that high has done
12:01this and experimented with the mold but I like at least the idea that you can
12:05incorporate a black light if you happen to have one that is and it leaves it
12:08gives the chance for the king of the monsters to glow now something I did
12:12mention in this review is the fact the figure does come includes some
12:15additional swappable hands I don't feel like the hands necessarily upcharge this
12:19guy to a different price category at least looking at the listings online
12:23energized Godzilla is going right now for $50.99 I can't look at that and
12:28think additional dollars were added simply just because they added some
12:31additional hands I feel like the price would have stayed the same no matter
12:34what but if they are wanting to use different means of adding extra plastic
12:38pieces I don't know if hands I don't know if hands would have been the maybe
12:42the best route to have gone something though I had mentioned in this review as
12:45an idea they could entertain is why not adding energy effects just lightning
12:49bolts you could wrap around his dorsal fins around his arms and hey why not
12:53around his legs this guy's getting supercharged I think that would have
12:57also really made a good way of this guy's separating from the rest of the
13:00Godzilla crowd as an idea thinking outside the box if Haya toys want to
13:04entertain the idea of doing more molds of this particular Godzilla why not have
13:09accessories that are exclusive to those releases of Godzilla maybe think of the
13:13idea of adding broken buildings or smaller little things that could be
13:17displayed along with Godzilla that if collectors are looking at this and
13:20thinking I don't know if I need a necessarily a blue Godzilla they can at
13:24least be nudged with the idea that this Godzilla is coming with something that
13:26hasn't been seen any times before now this guy is slated to release in June
13:312025 if you're looking at the calendar right now we're not even into October
13:35and there's still a couple months to go before we get to the end of the year
13:38you got to also tack on six months on top of that but it gives you plenty of
13:42time if you want to get on to the pre-orders right now if you want to get
13:45this guy and add him to your collection a big thank you once again to the folks
13:48over at Haya that did provide this sample of the brand new Godzilla X Kong
13:51energized Godzilla that we had the chance to have a look at this review let
13:55me know what you guys think of this guy down below in the comment section it
13:57probably be a better idea to ask those that already have been collecting
14:00Godzilla's from Haya toys if you already have enough of them in your
14:03collection would you be all that interested in the idea of getting this
14:06one and how open would you be to the idea that Haya include extra accessories
14:11with their figures broken little buildings smashed up cars in this case
14:15energy effects I think the idea would be kind of cool if you guys did enjoy this
14:19video do it a solid throw it a like you guys want to stick around for more so I
14:22hope so hit the subscribe turn on that Bell and of course come back as always
14:27thanks for watching see you guys next time
