NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The First Turtles 2 Pack

  • 2 days ago
NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The First Turtles 2 Pack


00:00looking back at the history of the half shell heroes here's a look at the brand
00:04new NECA toys Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the first
00:30Impress your friends with this historic set of NECA action figures we are
00:47celebrating 40 years of turtle power with these 7-inch action figures based
00:51on the original drawings that started it all from TMNT co-creators Eastman and
00:55Laird this radical action figure to pack includes extra hands extra heads and all
00:59the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles signature weapons comes in a collector
01:02friendly packaging with original box art by Kevin Eastman and celebrating slip
01:06cover featuring lenticular art card opening up the old turtle time capsule
01:11just before of course we get a closer look at the new NECA 40th anniversary
01:14the first turtles I'd like to thank the folks over at NECA that were kind enough
01:17to provide this sample originally this was a 2024 con exclusive a pre-order
01:21though was available at one point on their site for $69.99 by no surprise at
01:26all it has unfortunately sold out but you can select the option notify me when
01:29available and they'll let you know when stock comes back we're gonna start with
01:32the bigger of the two this larger turtle is gonna stand at about five and a half
01:36inches in height or he's gonna be about 14 centimeters tall then to the smaller
01:40of the two this turtle is gonna then be standing at five inches in height and
01:45flip that around two centimeters you're looking at 13 centimeters tall speaking
01:48of time capsules when we bring in one of the earliest NECA Ninja Turtles this one
01:52happened to be based on the original Mirage comics NECA had done two
01:55different versions of these guys one being all color so obviously they all
01:58the four brothers would have red headbands it's really only just by their
02:01weapons alone that you would know one brother to the other this happens to be
02:04low Leonardo they had also done a run of black and white turtles would love to
02:08have got my hands on those but they're going for some crazy money nowadays just
02:12as though a side note I don't know if NECA does have the rights still to those
02:15original molds but I would love to see them do re-releases of them from the
02:18standpoint of what they look like from turtles you would probably say that
02:21maybe the newer sketch designs are kind of more cruder and designs they look a
02:24little less like turtles maybe not as much as the ones we get from Mirage now
02:28maybe your first introduction to the turtles may have been from the cartoon
02:31so I wanted to bring at least in a cartoon turtle again here's Leonardo I
02:34don't why I'm seem to be bookending both of them with Leonardo's Leonardo though
02:38is gonna stand almost about the same size at the smaller he's a little bit
02:42though shorter as the bigger and bulkier one maybe perhaps your first
02:45introduction was the 90s movie well then we can also bring one with it we also
02:48got from NECA here's what the figures look like with Michelangelo I guess
02:54early while we're also talking about turtle history bringing in the box that
02:56contains the two first turtles one thing I really like is this lenticular card
03:01that they got on the front well again on the back this is basically what would
03:04look like I guess that would maybe be the front you've got a sketched image
03:06the two different takes on the turtles but then if you flip it around to the
03:09other side this is the thing that's got me the most interested it's a lenticular
03:12card and I don't know if you can see it goes from black and white to color now I
03:17don't know if this is something that's removable I was kind of just kind of
03:20peeling the corners and I feel like it's fully attached I would honestly
03:24really like to be able to take this off and there might be a way to do it
03:26without maybe damaging the box because I would love really to have this off and
03:30perhaps even hanging it as it is or maybe even possibly framed very cool box
03:35let's move that though out of the way and let's look at all the accessories
03:38that come include the turtles we get quite spoiled with I feel this release
03:41now being that they are of course red headbands you would then decide for
03:45yourself which turtles are gonna be based on really all of their accessories
03:48you want to have Leonardo obviously you're gonna have them displayed with
03:50katanas if you want to have them as Michelangelo you get the idea suppose
03:54nothing that really is necessarily specifying a turtle one of the excesses
03:58one of the accessories included with them is a tomfa tomfas are gonna start
04:03the trend here of a brown plastic that's all got this additional panel lining in
04:07it so it kind of makes it look like wood now I've already taken the liberty of
04:10removing the hands technically when you get them out of the packaging they have
04:13pairs of relaxed hands which the hands themselves are fantastic panel lining
04:18is just adorned on all of these figures from top to bottom and even like the
04:21hands themselves get them as well the hands were simply just a case for
04:24moving them on me obviously or you know I mean if you're looking at the peg and
04:27you're looking at the form you already can kind of gauge for yourself how these
04:29would have been removed just pop them off the forearms and replace them with
04:33these instead from what I've seen at least and very experienced this all of
04:37the weapons can be wielded with either one of these with the grip that they've
04:40been assigned even though one's got larger hands one's got smaller hands the
04:44grip is exactly the same so it doesn't have to be the case where katanas can
04:47only go to the bigger boy you can really have them displayed with any of
04:50the turtles okay so what do we got here okay we've also got a pair of smaller
04:55relaxed hands which again would have been originally on this turtle I just
04:58removed them you want to see what it looks like okay just take the hand you
05:01just want to wiggle it off the provided post there we go so I basically would
05:07have popped that off this is what the hand would have started with yeah okay
05:10got it good okay pop that back in place probably will I just end up leaving the
05:14hands gripping just so that I can actually then change around the hands if
05:17I wanted to let's start maybe with Michelangelo's accessories only simply
05:22just because there's two variations of the nunchuck for starters you get
05:25yourself a loose variety of nunchuck that actually have connecting chains
05:28you know one in the middle village the other end and then of course a
05:31connecting bridge the bridge itself is actually using real metal links a really
05:36nice touch he gets two very well he gets a pair of those then the figure also
05:40comes included with a spinning version of the nunchuck now the nunchuck does
05:44also have a hinge right here so you can bend it up you can bend it straight you
05:48bend it down and of course that also spins as well some really cool looking
05:51details going gives you at least the idea suggested idea that looks like it's
05:55spinning I suppose they probably could have made this all translucent plastic
05:58as we've gotten before but I think it lends better to the idea that this was a
06:02drawn image of it that they probably would have even just drawn multiple
06:05looking like the batons I suppose of the nunchuck so it looks like it's
06:10deliberately looking like this so it's pretty cool here's where one thing it's
06:14rather interesting with the turtles you'll be noticed right away that neither
06:16though neither of them have belt or weapon storage if you're looking at the
06:20front of them or you're looking at the back of them it really won't matter
06:22there's no place to store the weapons so what they ended up doing when they first
06:26were designing the turtles is that they stored the nunchuck on their wrists you
06:30get two variations of that so you get one that's for the smaller turtle and
06:33one for the bigger turtle and you'll know the difference between the two
06:35because the larger nunchuck does have the chain that's going to go to the
06:38larger turtle the bigger man has the bigger porkchop goes this one that's an
06:42SCTV reference I don't know how many of those maybe you guys will actually get
06:45that there's a little as you can see clip on the side so like for example if
06:49you're looking at the turtle here looking at the side here there's a
06:51little indent see the little slot right there okay so what you'll do is you'll
06:55take the nunchuck and I'll just slot up the side now this would only really
07:00make sense if you want to have the figure displayed without weapons I
07:03suppose like if he's gonna be wielding nunchuck then it probably doesn't make
07:06any sense then at all that you're gonna have then nunchucks let me just make
07:09sure I got this lined up here yeah it doesn't really make much sense that
07:12you're probably gonna have the nunchuck displayed on their wrists if obviously
07:15they're gonna be holding them in their hands as well so that's what the bigger
07:18guy doing it then with a smaller one he has also and I again with this one you
07:22have to kind of bring the arms down I bring the hands down and see right there
07:25probably can see it there's a little slot and that just fits up I find
07:29actually of the two the smaller one is a little harder to do you really want to
07:33make sure like the hand is down as far as you can get it just so that it
07:35clears enough of it clears enough of a path then you can get the nunchuck
07:39slid up there I don't know how often I'm really gonna want to do this just
07:43because the nature of the peg I mean like it's a pretty thick enough looking
07:45clip but still I worry though like you know you really would hate to have that
07:49break on you again that just slides up right in there technically really they
07:55came out of the packaging with the nunchuck already attached on to their
07:57arms so really if you had no plans at all to remove them you just leave them
08:01on leave them on the figures also come of course included with a bow staff so
08:06if you want to have the figure displayed as Donatello you can certainly do that
08:08all of the weapons by the way again are universal so it doesn't matter what you
08:12use it for the smaller one or use it with a bigger one you can use it for
08:15both the figures also come in clear with a pair of sigh the sigh also match the
08:20colors to what they've done on the ends of the nunchuck they also match happen
08:23they happen to match the same blaze though for the katanas and again really
08:27nice really nicely detailed again if you wanted to you can fit them into their
08:30hands I know already I sound like a broken record for saying this but they
08:33didn't just fit into his hands the one thing about it though is that the hands
08:36at least are softer plastic so you may look at this and think yourself there's
08:39there's no way I'm gonna be able to properly fit that in his grip no you can
08:43no you will there you go and then of course last rounding up the rest of it
08:48you get yourself the pair of katanas again no weapon storage at all on these
08:52guys so it's either gonna be displaying in their hands or you're likely probably
08:55just gonna be putting them back in the tray as for the other remaining things
08:59that come include these turtles the turtles do come include their alternate
09:02head sculpts now maybe for this what I'll end up doing is let's first remove
09:05the side that's the most likely thing to break and maybe what I'll also do too
09:09is I'll just remove the nunchuck just because again eventually when we'll get
09:12to the articulation on the figure I don't want to have to worry that
09:14nunchuck are gonna get in the way of things let's just go ahead and remove it
09:17and you see how easy it is to remove these pop it off the other side and we
09:22just put it down here okay so you get two different alternate head sculpts
09:26well you get two head sculpts for each of the figures if you were to look at
09:29the larger one first you get a neutral expression and then you get this one
09:32that has a little bit of grimace on the side a precursor perhaps of what we
09:36would have get event eventually down the road with the other turtles I mean
09:38turtles were always really known for having little sneers on the sides the
09:42thing that's neat about these is that all the bandanas have movable like
09:45little knots on the end like this one rotates this one's a little tighter of
09:48the two but just show you on the back of this one as you can see it's free to go
09:52wherever it needs to go the coloring isn't quite the same so you can kind of
09:55see they probably would have molded this I think in this color of plastic they
09:58probably may would have painted this so the colors don't quite 100% match
10:02but you know what it's close enough of course you can rotate it back and forth
10:05these aren't necessarily on ball joints they're more on peg joints so you're
10:09only gonna be able to do windshield wiper back and forth if you did want to
10:15change out the head though this is a case of and I actually was surprised how
10:19easy it was to remove these just pop them off the provided peg take the new
10:22head that you want to use and just plug it in place you might if anything have a
10:27harder time putting the new head in but removing the heads doesn't seem to be
10:30that difficult at all so you get that one and I guess really while we are
10:34holding this figure let's get a closer look at them if you are again familiar
10:37with the earlier sketches of the TMNT from Eastman and Laird like you're
10:40pretty much familiar I'm sure by now but with with the way that they were very
10:43round very large very rotund the likelihood of these guys actually really
10:47being able to move around at a fast pace would be very slim to none of course
10:51larger arms on this guy as well short short legs but still has sort of again
10:55like the cart the Carl's the carling cards boy I'm having a hard time getting
10:58that out all the calling cards all the checked off boxes you would expect with
11:01a turtle so he's got little wristbands he's got the elbow pads got the knee
11:04pads way way down below but much larger feet funny though enough the figures do
11:09have peggles and bombs of their feet but yet they don't come in clue with the
11:12display stand I suppose if you want to use a display stand but I mean for the
11:15size of their feet the figures seem to stand fine I mean it's just a case of
11:18really getting their feet to be flat like this no real issues where I have
11:22had any of the turtles toppling over that's what the figures articulation at
11:26least on the large one and it really will also apply to this guy also as well
11:29the heads gonna be on a ball joint so first of all it does rotate back and
11:32forth I want to make sure I've got the head all the way on their head looks
11:35down the head looks up but also you may already be noticing that the neck is
11:39also on a ball joint too so it can rotate all the way around it look down
11:42it can look up and all the things in between the shoulders come out nice to
11:46see really first of all that all the joints really tighten these figures as
11:48well you can move the arms forward and back the figure has only just a single
11:52hinge in the elbow that same rule applies when we also look at the smaller
11:55one as well so bend at the elbow a rotation back and forth and the hands
11:59you rotate all the way around when you're looking at the body here from the
12:02side there is no actually no waist swivel the legs however though will
12:06split and one of the coolest things about the urge of earlier turtles is the
12:09fact that they did have tails something that was really done away with a little
12:12bit later just for the obvious reasons of you know how that would look from the
12:15front the legs though move forward and back there is though no bend that I can
12:20see in the knee it doesn't seem to move at all not necessarily needed it either
12:24I mean like if you're looking at the size this guy I mean yes he has toe his
12:27foot articulation and I guess really that all that matters because if you're
12:30looking at his knee pad his knee is so far down anyways why not just have this
12:34be the point that moves anyways so there's the larger of the two turtles
12:37which is really the more the turtle that when I think of like the original sketch
12:41designs that Eastman Laird did it's generally this one here I'm not as
12:46familiar with this one but I really like the look of him quite a lot now he one
12:50thing that's different about him is the fact that his mask as opposed to
12:52stopping usually around the nose it just continues on its merry little way
12:56it's a little bit more of a beak on this actual turtle than the original the
13:01original one would just been more of a flatter face but it has sort of a charm
13:04to this one that I really did quite a lot the bandana still rotates on the
13:07back so you can spin this around like a whirly bird it does also have again an
13:12alternate head sculpt which I love again you got that sneer on the sides very
13:17very cool though and again just to change out the heads just pop that off
13:20the ball joint this guy's a little bit easier to change this because it got a
13:23little bit smaller of a head and just pop that back in place he also has
13:27notably a much longer neck and a much longer torso proportionately like this
13:32guy's a little wider than he is longer this guy's a little bit longer than he
13:35is wider shorter arms though I mean we get a little bit more closer to the idea
13:39of what a ninja turtle now would look like still has the over a span he
13:42doesn't really have as much of an elbow pad as he has basically now just another
13:46wristband you can see right there very cool design on the shelves I don't know
13:50if I really spent any time to show you guys what the shelves look like there's
13:54much larger plates obviously on the back of the bigger turtle much smaller plates
13:58or certainly a lot more of them this one has a lot more cool texturing on the
14:02back there as well you can see all these very neat looking spots all over the
14:04place still got the tail so the tail hasn't been done away with yet has feet
14:08but not as nearly as big as this guy right here but he still has peg holes
14:12for all things even though again these figures don't come included display
14:15stands so the articulation on this guy will be exactly the same heads gonna be
14:19again ball joints ball joint neck hinges on arms the arm move forward and back
14:24single hinge elbow rotation their rotation in the hand and again when
14:28you're looking at it from the side there is no waist articulation that's okay it
14:31doesn't necessarily need it ball joints in the legs you can move them forward
14:34and back this guy actually I should say does have one thing that's different and
14:38you probably can already see for yourself instead of having first of all
14:41a knee pad this guy had it this guy doesn't he actually has an hinge joint
14:45in his knee this guy does this guy doesn't so you can actually bend the
14:48knee you can also rotate the leg and you can also have now the additional
14:51articulation with the ankle back and forth this way and an ankle rocker as
14:55well love love love love the look of these guys and again like for me when I
15:00go back to my turtle history my knowledge of it I was always really more
15:03familiar with this design because again like when you see like turtle
15:05documentaries it tends to usually be referencing this image of the turtle not
15:10necessarily this one and again like when we look at all the other turtles where
15:13we've gotten and come from this is probably one of the closest things we
15:16have to like the og it is literally the first turtle and I think neck has done a
15:21bang-up job on this I would be very curious and very interested to see if
15:25NECA perhaps could do a similar casting of these molds maybe not necessarily in
15:29color but in black and white instead originally being offered at San Diego
15:33comic-con at NECA's booth three five four five which is finding good
15:36obviously if you live anywhere near the area it's so easy then to get your legs
15:39down there to get your hands on a set for yourself if you can't and you're
15:42unable to NECA at least made a pre-order available on their site for
15:46sixty nine dollars and ninety nine cents with even adding the caveat of four per
15:50customer even the day that I remember that they post this on their socials I
15:54went over there within the hour or two with the hopes of grabbing one for
15:56myself and would you believe they had completely sold out for those that
16:00abused the idea of getting four in there in their shopping cart would at least
16:04know that they could keep one for themselves and sell the other three in
16:07the aftermarket the benefit at least though of this set is that it hasn't
16:10increased in price that much in between takes it just happened to check back
16:14over to eBay and getting a set of the original turtles would probably set you
16:18back anywhere now from 105 to 120 dollars originally thinking that they
16:23were gonna be well within the $200 price range that's not the case at all so if
16:27you are looking to get a set for yourself it's not that much more than
16:30what NECA was originally offering it at their site I didn't make mention I think
16:33earlier also talking about I would love to see them release this set in black
16:37and white to some extent they have and there's sort of hesitation with the way
16:42that I said that they have released a black and white set of these although
16:45the headbands are still red it's definitely a set I'd be interested to
16:48get and ironically enough I guess no not ironically enough the black and white
16:52sets going for a little bit more but I would love to get my hands on that one
16:55at some point things I really like about the size that you get two incarnations
16:58of the Turtles even if they just only released the big and bulkier one that's
17:02the one I'm the most familiar with but the idea that they also released these
17:05smaller sleeker looking turtle is a really nice touch too I also think it
17:10was smart on NECA's part not to double dip and then increase the quantity of
17:14the accessories that come included these turtles because they could have easily
17:17done smaller pairs of katanas smaller pair of Sai but by making the the hands
17:22universally gripped it means that either one of the turtles can wield the exact
17:25same weapons not only does it keep the quantity count down on the accessories
17:29but it also means it keeps the cost down of getting the set for yourself big
17:33thank you once again to the folks over NECA toys that did provide this sample
17:35of the brand-new Eastman and Laird the first turtle what do you guys think the
17:39set let me know down below in the comment section have you guys already
17:41had the chance to grab one for yourself and how interested would you be to get a
17:45set also again if you guys are interested and would like to stick
17:48around more to this channel first of all if you guys did enjoy this video do it a
17:51solid throw it a like but you guys want to stick around for more so I hope so
17:54hit the subscribe turn on that Bell and of course come back as always thanks
17:58for watching see you guys next time
