The Billionaires Accidental Bride 1

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Despite his infidelity, Emma planned to go through with the marriage, then divorce Nathan for half of his fortune as payback.
00:10Please leave a message at the tone.
00:12Voicemail again?
00:16God, who's late to their own wedding day?
00:20But Emma never cared about money. She loved Nathan, and secretly hoped that things could still work between them.
00:27Finally, Nathan, where the hell have you been?
00:31Emma, Emma, listen. Something's come up. Amber is sick.
00:35Amber? Who cares? How is that your problem?
00:38You know she's my agency's top model, and she's supposed to pose for the Bellam Jewelry Show today.
00:42Today is our wedding day, you slimy piece of...
00:47Bellam is an important client. I can't afford to disappoint them.
00:50Besides, Amber is your friend. I thought you'd have a little compassion, Emma.
00:56Look, I can't talk right now. We'll reschedule the wedding. Goodbye.
01:03Oh, he hung up on me?
01:10What was supposed to be the happiest day of her life had become a total nightmare.
01:16No, Dad, I have no idea why she left. Maybe one of your ridiculous contracts scared her off.
01:21I want you to take responsibility. You're supposed to be the CEO soon.
01:26Don't you care about the company?
01:28Appearances matter, Eric. The board won't accept a bachelor as their CEO.
01:35Fine. Find me a suitable bride, and I will sign the paperwork.
01:39I had a suitable bride. You scared her off.
01:42Find yourself a wife in the next 24 hours, or our company goes down the drain.
01:47And put the damn bow tie back on.
01:51Interesting. Hot, eligible bachelor looking for a wife.
01:57I added a few names, sir.
01:59I don't have a choice. So just get somebody here as quickly as you can, okay?
02:03Right away, Mr. Rabbit.
02:05A wild idea struck Emma like a bolt of lightning.
02:09This was how she would get revenge on her cheating fiancé.
02:14Hi. My name is Emma.
02:18Hi. My name is Emma. Emma Miller.
02:22That was fast.
02:24Uh, Eric. Eric Roberts.
02:30I heard you're in need of a bride, so here I am.
02:36Walk with me. I don't remember seeing you on my list of potential brides.
02:41Oh, uh, yeah, I was a late addition. You must have just not noticed me.
02:47I doubt that. It would be impossible not to notice you.
02:53Uh, listen, Mr. Roberts, I...
02:56Eric, please.
02:58Eric, um, I'm sort of trying to get revenge on my cheating ex-fiancé by marrying you,
03:05so you'd be doing me a favor with this wedding.
03:09That's good, because you'd be doing me a favor as well.
03:13So, what do you say?
03:18Oh, uh, how?
03:23Emma Miller, will you marry me out of the sheer convenience for us both?
03:32Okay, let's do this.
03:34Let's go.
03:36I now pronounce you husband and wife.
03:40You may kiss the bride.
03:42As their lips touched, Emma's mind went blank.
03:46She had never been kissed like this.
03:48For a moment, she forgot all about Nathan.
03:52And the fact that Amber was now pregnant with his child.
03:56Oh my God, that was...
03:58Fun? Exhilarating?
04:01I was gonna say crazy, but...
04:03God, yeah, it was exhilarating being married to a complete stranger.
04:07Um, about that.
04:09Now that we're married, I think there's maybe a few things you should know about me.
04:13Don't tell me you are a masked vigilante by night.
04:17Nothing that heroic, I'm afraid.
04:21I'm somewhat of a public figure.
04:23My family's company has generated a considerable amount of wealth.
04:29You say that like it's a bad thing.
04:32As a wise man once said,
04:34no money, no problems.
04:37Mr. Roberts, is it true that you tied the knot?
04:39Does this mean you're the CEO of Kaleidoscope Entertainment?
04:42That's enough, that's enough!
04:45Kaleidoscope? How rich are you?
04:52You know what, you should take that.
04:54When you're done,
04:56why don't you meet me at this hotel?
05:03Miss, over here!
05:05I'm right here.
05:07What do you want?
05:09Don't hang up.
05:11Where have you been? I tried calling.
05:13Oh, I was busy. It is my wedding day.
05:16Listen, I need your help.
05:18Amber is too sick to model for the Bellarm show.
05:20I need you to step in for her.
05:22Oh, now you need me?
05:24Well, gee, I wouldn't want to take such a big opportunity away from precious Amber.
05:29Baby, I know I messed up.
05:32You have every right to be upset.
05:34Yeah, gee, you think?
05:36You're the only available model I could possibly get here in time.
05:39This show is for the Bellarm Crown Bracelet.
05:41The prize of the collection.
05:43This could make or break a career, understand?
05:45This is your time to shine, Emma.
05:48You're right.
05:50It is my time to shine.
05:53All right, I will be there as soon as I can.
05:56And when I get there, you and I are going to have a little chat.
06:06Where to, Mr. Roberts? Back to the manor?
06:08Not yet.
06:10I want you to pull up everything you can find about my new wife, Emma Miller.
06:19Let's see where she's headed.
06:23As Emma arrived backstage at the Bellarm Fashion Show,
06:26she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope until she saw Nathan.
06:30What took you so long?
06:32Are you kidding me? You just left me at the altar.
06:34You're a mess. You're not even wearing shoes.
06:36Can we get our camera ready, please?
06:38Do what you can.
06:41Okay, here is the centerpiece of the crown.
06:51What's wrong?
06:52It's too big.
06:54It was fitted for Amber, not you.
06:56My God, we're so f***ed.
06:57We don't have time to do this.
06:58I will make it work.
07:03Here, put this on.
07:05What's this?
07:06What does it look like?
07:07It's a mask. For your face.
07:09Don't look at me like that.
07:11Bellarm insisted.
07:12They want to highlight the bracelet.
07:15Maintain a certain mystique.
07:19Oh, I get it.
07:21Like a mystery.
07:22Like when you don't know the sex of your unborn baby.
07:27Baby, I don't know.
07:29Just put the mask on, alright?
07:31Sure, Nathan. Whatever Bellarm wants.
07:34Curtain in five.
07:36Thank you, five.
07:44Hey, girly.
07:45How's my favorite client?
07:47And yes, I tell all my clients they're my favorite.
07:50But with you, I mean it.
07:52I'm at the fashion show.
07:54Nathan wants me to fill in for Amber.
07:56That's great. This could be your big break.
07:58Not great.
07:59Amber is pregnant with Nathan's child.
08:01And is out with morning sickness.
08:03Oh my God.
08:04Oh my God!
08:06Yeah, I know.
08:12Also, I got married this morning to someone that I just met.
08:17Girl, I have to ask.
08:19Are you having a psychotic episode or something?
08:23Okay, listen.
08:24Nathan wants me to wear this ridiculous mask.
08:27He says that the client wants it.
08:29But I know it's because he just doesn't want me in the spotlight.
08:31That's your friend and manager.
08:34I won't let him get away with it.
08:36Don't worry.
08:37I have a plan.
08:40But I'm going to need your help.
08:42Ladies and gentlemen.
08:44Ladies and gentlemen.
08:45Welcome to this year's annual Bellarm Jewelry Show.
08:58Finally, it was Emma's moment to shine.
09:01Julius, Bellarm's founder himself.
09:04I hope everything is to your liking, sir.
09:06Nathan, why is Amber wearing that god awful mask?
09:10Oh, we thought it would add like this nice...
09:13See, I don't pay you to think.
09:15This better go good, Nathan.
09:17Or your head is going to roll.
09:19Bellarm is thrilled to present the star of our spring collection.
09:24The crown bracelet.
09:26Sorry, folks.
09:27I'm not sure what's going on.
09:29Our model Amber was supposed to be wearing the...
09:35Where is my bracelet?
09:40There it is.
09:41There it is.
09:42This stunning piece was designed by our founder, Julius Duran.
09:47For his beloved daughter.
09:49And worn in an unconventional, yet memorable style.
09:53But then, something caught Emma's eye.
09:56A face in the crowd.
09:58But not just any face.
10:05Then, disaster struck.
10:20I knew it.
10:22You're an imposter.
10:23Somebody get this imposter off my stage.
10:25She broke the crown bracelet.
10:27I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
10:28It was an accident.
10:32Who the hell do you think you are?
10:34That's Emma Miller.
10:35She used to be a hot model until her career tanked a few years back.
10:38Let me rephrase.
10:40What is she doing on my stage?
10:42Where is the girl that I hired?
10:44Amber fell ill at the last minute.
10:47Emma must have snuck in wearing the mask.
10:49Why, I wouldn't be surprised if she poisoned Amber to steal the spotlight.
10:53Oh, you begged me to take over, you lying son of a...
10:56I'm not!
10:58I should have you arrested.
11:00You are ruined.
11:02Your career is over.
11:04The only career that's ending today is yours, Julius.
11:09Unless you change your tone, I'm back away from Miss Miller.
11:16Mr. Roberts, my apologies, sir.
11:19Clearly, your manners aren't as polished as your tacky jewelry.
11:25If you would be so kind as to come with me.
11:28I'm sorry, Eric was it?
11:30You can call me Mr. Roberts.
11:33Kaleidoscope Entertainment.
11:37Show some respect, nitwit.
11:40This is Kaleidoscope.
11:41They can buy global 20 times over.
11:48Miss Miller.
11:50Be so kind as to join me.
11:54Wait a minute.
11:55Hey, baby, Emma!
11:59Do you know this guy?
12:02Are you jealous?
12:04I've long been a fan of Miss Miller's career.
12:07I'd like to see her succeed.
12:10Unlike some people.
12:12Let's go.
12:22You will be hearing from my lawyers.
12:28I can't believe that just happened.
12:30You just swooped in there and snapped your fingers and...
12:34Hey, what are husbands for?
12:36Oh my god.
12:37You're my husband.
12:39And I'm your wife.
12:41I'm so sorry.
12:43I ruined the Belham fashion show.
12:45The media is going to have a field day.
12:46Nathan is going to destroy me.
12:48They will do nothing of the sort.
12:51I meant what I said in there.
12:55I meant what I said in there.
12:57I really want to see your career flourish.
13:00Are you real?
13:02Were you made in some kind of like perfect man lab?
13:06Trust me.
13:07I'm far from perfect.
13:10We all have our secrets.
13:13Oh, it's all right.
13:16Emma suddenly realized that her fairytale wedding might be over unless she acted.
13:23Eric, there's something that you should know about me.
13:26Emma Miller.
13:28Grew up in Ohio.
13:30Promising modeling career until two years ago when your idiot fiancé made a bad business decision.
13:36Bachelor's degree.
13:37Donates to charity.
13:39Even though you're broke.
13:41And you have a cat.
13:43Named Daisy.
13:44Okay, how did you know?
13:45I had my assistant run a thorough background check on you.
13:49You are not one of the women from the pre-approved list.
13:52I'm really sorry.
13:53You were just, you were there and you needed a wife and I was devastated.
13:57It's okay.
13:58I knew right away.
14:01And I'm glad.
14:02You are?
14:03I could never end up with somebody that my father approves of.
14:08Some stuffy aristocrat with no personality, poor manners and even worse breath.
14:15But Emma, you are a gift.
14:20Sorry, it's my manager.
14:24It's fine.
14:25You can take it.
14:30How bad is it?
14:36This just in.
14:39This just in.
14:41Bellarm show spiraled out of control when former model Emma Miller went full stolen identity
14:49and replaced Amber Lee, Global Entertainment's top model.
14:54Although, she did end up breaking a priceless bracelet.
15:02She also absolutely served.
15:07She is in her queen era and we are here for it.
15:12Are you seeing this?
15:14Not now, babe.
15:15I need to think.
15:16Emma is blowing up.
15:18The media is taking her side.
15:20That was supposed to be my moment.
15:23This skank is humiliating me.
15:26She probably broke that bracelet on purpose.
15:29We can't let her get away with this.
15:31I want you to grow a pair.
15:34As the father of my unborn child, you need to take control of the narrative.
15:38Tank Emma's career and put me back in the spotlight.
15:42Okay, darling.
15:44I'll fix it.
15:46That night, Eric brought Emma to the honeymoon suite of the most lavish hotel in the city.
15:52This room is incredible.
15:54It's bigger than my last apartment.
15:56Well, I hope you don't mind the honeymoon suite.
15:59My father has people watching my every move, so I need to make the marriage look legit.
16:04So you can be the CEO of Kaleidoscope?
16:07That's right.
16:08It is all my father talks about.
16:12You know, frankly, I don't have any interest in the family business.
16:17Well, I say if you don't love it, then don't do it.
16:20Is that right?
16:21Weren't you the one that was about to marry their cheating fiancé before I showed up?
16:29I'm sorry, that came out wrong.
16:31No, you're right.
16:34I love Nathan despite the way he treated me, and I'm such an idiot.
16:38No, no, no, no.
16:39You are not an idiot.
16:43You're incredible.
16:45You're gorgeous.
16:48Maybe a little impulsive.
16:50He is a fool for letting you go.
16:54I would never let something like that happen.
17:08I'm going to go take a shower.
17:10A very cold shower.
17:14Wait, just wait a second.
17:19What's wrong?
17:20Are you okay?
17:21No, this is great.
17:22I mean, this is crazy hot, and you're perfect.
17:25It's just...
17:27It's okay, you can tell me.
17:29Is it my breath?
17:33I've never...
17:37This would be your f...
17:40This would be your f...
17:43Oh, wow.
17:45You're a famous model.
17:47You have a fiancé, I just assumed that...
17:49Nathan's the only man I've ever been in a serious relationship with.
17:53And he was the one who said that he always wanted to wait until marriage,
17:56and I always thought it was a religious thing, but...
17:59turns out he wasn't waiting.
18:01He just didn't want to be with me.
18:04That guy is an idiot.
18:07And you have nothing that you need to worry about.
18:10Yeah, I want to.
18:11I mean, believe me, I do.
18:13It's just that all this is happening so fast.
18:15I mean, God, I don't even know your middle name.
18:18It's okay.
18:20I am in no rush.
18:23We have all the time in the world.
18:30It's Tucker, by the way.
18:34By the way.
18:37Eric Tucker Roberts.
18:39I know, I know, it's a family name.
19:05Sorry, I didn't want to wake you, but I thought that you might be hungry.
19:09Oh, I have your espresso.
19:20It's Nathan.
19:22Surprised it took him this long.
19:24Should I answer?
19:25I've got a few words for that guy.
19:27Okay, thanks, but I can't have you fighting all my battles for me.
19:32Suit yourself.
19:35What do you want?
19:37So good to hear your voice, babe.
19:39Wish I could say the same.
19:41Where the hell are you?
19:42You disappeared after the whole Belon fiasco.
19:44You mean after you threw me under the bus and tried to ruin my career?
19:50Listen, babe.
19:55I know that now.
19:57Everything's a mess.
19:59I'm sorry.
20:01I just want a chance to make things right.
20:03Please, Emma.
20:04I have to see you.
20:05You're still my fiancé after all.
20:07Yeah, about that.
20:09What's that supposed to mean?
20:11It means that we should discuss some things.
20:17I mean, okay.
20:19Let's meet up and talk.
20:21We can go out to a nice dinner, just like old times.
20:23What do you say?
20:29Fine, I'll see you tonight.
20:32Thank you for coming.
20:36I hope you're hungry.
20:37Chef has been cooking up a storm.
20:39You hired a private chef?
20:41Best in the city.
20:42He comes highly recommended.
20:43Only the best for you, my love.
20:49I'm having the chef prepare your favorite, don't you worry.
20:52May I?
20:54So, where's Amber?
20:56I thought she'd be staying here.
20:58They're keeping her overnight in the hospital for observation.
21:02Gosh, I hope she pulls through.
21:04What's her diagnosis?
21:06I think she has a growth of some kind.
21:08Yeah, definitely some kind of growth.
21:11You know, I have a feeling that she'll get better in nine months.
21:18Listen, babe.
21:21I'm sorry I pushed the wedding.
21:23I got so caught up in work, I lost sight of what's important.
21:29Amber got in my head, but you're my priority.
21:32Your steak, sir.
21:38Sure, your favorite.
21:40Five years, Nathan.
21:42We were together for five years.
21:46I'm a vegetarian.
21:48Are you sure?
21:50And for the lovely lady, spaghetti pomodoro.
21:54That's not right, she ordered a steak.
21:56No, this is my favorite meal.
21:59How did you know?
22:00Courtesy of Mr. Roberts.
22:02He'd like to pay for tonight's dinner and sends his congratulations on your wedding.
22:08I guess that's the least he could do.
22:10Well, it was a little early.
22:12We're not even married yet.
22:13He's talking about our wedding.
22:16It was a mistake coming here.
22:18Emma, wait, wait!
22:22My life is a wreck.
22:24Global Entertainment is going up in flames.
22:26How is that my problem? You dug your own grave.
22:30I need you to put out a statement saying the whole Bellarm thing was your idea.
22:34That you broke the bracelet to get attention.
22:36Absolutely not!
22:38I am so sick of taking the blame for your mistakes!
22:42You have manipulated me enough.
22:44Goodbye, Nathan.
22:47Blah, blah, blah. I don't want to hear that. No.
22:51I'm going to have to call you back.
23:01Oh God, what is that?
23:03Irish coffee. Without the coffee.
23:06What happened?
23:07Nathan. Just when I thought that he couldn't sink any lower.
23:11I never liked that guy.
23:14So what's the plan?
23:15Well, Nathan wants me to put out a statement about what really happened at the Bellarm show.
23:20So, that's exactly what we're going to do.
23:23Stop the presses.
23:25We have just received a jaw-dropping statement from Emma Miller's manager.
23:31Claiming that Global Entertainment forced Emma to stand in for Amber Lee on numerous occasions.
23:40Then, digitally editing the pictures to make it look like Amber did all the work.
23:47Emma, you are a clever woman.
23:50They also claim that Nathan Davis of Global Entertainment has been having an affair with Amber.
23:58Cheating on his Beyonce, Emma.
24:06Babe, calm down.
24:09I have had it.
24:14What else do you want?
24:15I just tried to convince Emma, but I can't control her.
24:17What else do you want from me?
24:25I'm tired of watching you fail.
24:29It's my turn now.
24:31That night, when Emma returned to the honeymoon suite, she was stunned to find a gorgeous array of flowers from Eric.
24:39But little did Emma know, her luck was about to run out.
24:47Hello, Emma.
24:49Amber, how did you get in here?
24:51Oh, this little game has gone on far too long.
24:58I'm here to discuss the details of your unconditional surrender.
25:02I already told Nathan I'm not going to take the blame for the mess that you two caused.
25:06Yes, you are.
25:08You will go on live television to admit that you lied about everything.
25:13That you took my place and broke that bracelet on purpose.
25:18All in a desperate attempt to kickstart your failing career.
25:24And if I refuse?
25:26Global Enterprise will sue you and your little manager for breach of contract.
25:34You can't do that. Lisa didn't even do anything wrong.
25:38She didn't? Because you both worked for Global and you leaked confidential information.
25:46And if that doesn't work, then we'll go for slander.
25:50Point being, I'll win.
25:54Why? Why are you doing this to me?
25:57Isn't it enough that you took my fiancé?
26:02I guess I just like to take out the trash.
26:04You're sick.
26:06You know, you two really deserve each other.
26:09Oh, you're just upset that you can't keep a man happy.
26:14You're pathetic.
26:16That's why Nathan chose me to carry his child.
26:20And Eric will get bored of you within a few days.
26:24And kick you to the curb too, like garbage.
26:27Well, this was fun. I will see you at the press conference.
26:31That night, Emma went to her friend Lisa for comfort.
26:35Too embarrassed and heartbroken to see Eric.
26:41You know I'll stand by you no matter what.
26:43You don't have to do this.
26:45Yes, I do. I can't have them ruin your career too.
26:51Eric again?
26:53He wants to know where I went.
26:56Why don't you just talk to him? I'm sure he can help.
27:00I can't. I can't let him see me like this.
27:04Emma was right. I'm pathetic.
27:07And I can't keep expecting him to fight all my battles for me.
27:11You know what? You look a mess.
27:14Why don't you go get cleaned up and I will make you a drink.
27:18And I will make you a drink.
27:27Hey, listen.
27:29We don't know each other, but we both care about Emma.
27:32And well...
27:36She needs you.
27:38I don't have money for this beer.
27:40You showed up!
27:42Ha! Oh, how the mighty tables have crumbled.
27:45What does that even mean?
27:47It means you were...
27:50No, I'm the one.
27:52Don't hurt yourself, Joey.
27:55Well, go ahead. Gloat.
27:59You know I would, but I'm feeling a little tired.
28:03Being pregnant can be such hard work.
28:06Not that you would know.
28:08Okay, so how are we going to do this?
28:12I'm going to need you to stick to the script.
28:15Word for...
28:20Whatever, let's do this.
28:22Right this way, I see.
28:24Emma bravely took the stage, ready to lie and publicly admit wrongdoing
28:29in order to save her friend, Lisa.
28:32Hello, my name is Emma Miller.
28:36I'm here to admit that...
28:39Emma's heart skipped a beat when she saw her husband, Eric, in the crowd.
28:45You don't need to do this, Emma.
28:52Yes, you do.
28:54It means the world to me that you're here, Eric, but...
28:59This is my battle.
29:09I take full responsibility for the Belle-Anne fiasco.
29:14It was my idea and mine alone to impersonate Amber and steal the spotlight.
29:21I'm truly sorry.
29:24Just to be clear, none of this was my global entertainment's fault.
29:30It was all Emma.
29:33I won't now take any questions.
29:35Right here, Miss Miller, Miss Miller.
29:37Right here, Miss Miller, right here.
29:39How about you?
29:41Is it true that you and billionaire playboy Eric Roberts are an item?
29:45Next question.
29:46Stop, stop.
29:47Next question.
29:48Stop, stop.
29:49Does anyone have a good question?
29:55I'm getting reports that you and Mr. Roberts have been holed up in a honeymoon suite for days.
30:02And this is all in response to your fiancé Nathan's infidelity.
30:08Care to comment?
30:11I, um...
30:12Okay, no, no, no, no.
30:15Stop it.
30:16Stop asking questions about Emma's love life.
30:19She sabotaged me, you idiots.
30:22How are you not seeing this?
30:25She's the villain.
30:27This is about me, okay?
30:29I am the star and I...
30:31Oh, watch out!
30:34What will happen to Amber and her unborn child?
30:37Will Emma come out on top or will Nathan continue to torture her?
30:41Can Emma and Eric find happiness?
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