
  • yesterday


00:00Who really does say supercop?
00:02Have you got anywhere with that cipher? Anywhere at all?
00:05So since you've been here you've solved four murders and not a single letter of that thing.
00:09I need the source code.
00:10Right, well work out what and where it is then.
00:13Oh no, that computer woman's here. She almost caught me this morning.
00:16Caught you doing what?
00:17Chief Constable Ziegler has been accessing a lot of files lately from your computer.
00:22Even on the days he's not been there.
00:24What do you think you're playing at?
00:25Who is this?
00:30I don't know.
01:01Mr. Doros?
01:07Mr. Doros?
01:08I told you, it's locked from the inside.
01:24Mr. Doros?
01:25I told you, it's locked from the inside.
01:31Mr. Doros?
01:40Have you got somewhere to be?
01:41Yes I have.
02:01Out! Out now! Out! Everybody out!
02:08Go! Go! Get out!
02:14What's happening? What's going on?
02:18Freya, what is it?
02:30Freya, what is it?
03:01You didn't go back to bed. We all agreed to go back to bed.
03:06Are you not going to ask us what we found out?
03:08You found something out?
03:10James's phone has been cracked.
03:14Really? It was fine when I had it.
03:17What? No. Crack. Hacked.
03:19Someone's tampered with the software. Set it so that you can't withhold numbers anymore.
03:23That asterisk before the number that called last night, that's what it was.
03:27That asterisk before the number that called last night, that's what that means.
03:30It was supposed to be withheld. They didn't know we could see it.
03:33That's weird, right?
03:34I did some googling. Networks can do it, but users shouldn't be able to.
03:38It's hardly James's area of expertise.
03:42She does seem good at that sort of thing.
03:44Well, maybe she's been helping Dad all along.
03:46She doesn't seem to like me. Or rather him. Possibly a bit of both.
03:50You need to talk to her today. Alone.
03:55You need to get on with it, because we've hit a dead end here.
03:57Yeah, we tried calling it back, but it doesn't take incoming.
04:00It's his old partner, Matt Neville. It has to be.
04:03If it is him, then he's ex-directory.
04:05The area code is for Manchester, but you can buy area codes. He could be anywhere.
04:11If you knew the address, you'd insist on going to see him.
04:14And I'd tell you that that was too dangerous, and you'd tell me,
04:17OK, I won't go then, but then you'd just go and see him anyway.
04:19Don't you have a detective to impersonate?
04:23And talk to Holly.
04:38If I told you I might know a way to get an ex-directory address,
04:42would you be willing to not make a big thing about how I know?
05:12Ah, there you are, Gov. Great timing.
05:15Let's go.
05:16Go where?
05:17Back to school.
05:24Well, my school certainly never looked like this.
05:27Mine did.
05:29We even had a clock tower, just like that one.
05:40Oh, morning, Govs.
05:42The body's already gone.
05:44Saw it, though. Not pretty.
05:46I'm going to say it'd be in here a couple of days at least.
05:49Caretaker broke in with a drill. Door was locked from the inside.
05:52Looks like a suicide. There's even a note.
06:00So the deceased was the headmaster?
06:02Yes, sir.
06:03Ian de Rose. Been here 20 years.
06:05Promoted from head of English in 2015.
06:07Head of English, eh?
06:09Standards must have plummeted. Two double negatives, no apostrophes.
06:13And how did he do the deed? Jump off the desk?
06:16Leaving no footprints, no shoe marks, not disturbing a single thing.
06:19I mean, that's the straightest pile of papers I've ever seen.
06:22I've seen straighter.
06:24But, yes, if you're alluding to the fact this scene appears staged,
06:27I would agree.
06:29This wasn't suicide. This was murder.
06:32Yes! Knew it.
06:34Sorry, sirs. It's just...
06:36It's just that's what I was saying earlier, wasn't it?
06:38Yeah, I'm glad I didn't take the bet now.
06:40I'm... I mean, I'm...
06:42I'm glad that there wasn't a bet, because why would there be a bet?
06:46We don't bet.
06:48We don't bet.
06:50Don't bet.
06:54If it was a murder, though, how did the killer get out?
06:58I mean, the windows are painted shut and the door was locked from the inside.
07:02No, it wasn't. Oh, it definitely was, sir.
07:04No, it can't have been.
07:06Don't really think it's in question, boss.
07:08Sorry, it was locked from the inside. The key's still in it.
07:12Well, seeing as you're not here to collect your winnings,
07:14Detective Sergeant, what do you have for us?
07:17Right, yes, sorry.
07:19We've shut down this building and the pupils have been moved to the sports hall.
07:22I think they're sending them home.
07:23And who's in charge? There's a deputy head, I presume?
07:26Miss Cordwell. She's a bit shaken up.
07:28She found the body.
07:32Uh, Gav?
07:37How do you know how to do all this?
07:39You did say you wouldn't ask that.
07:41That was before I found out it was on the dark web.
07:44I mean, isn't that where you buy drugs and hire hit men?
07:48Possibly. I don't know.
07:50I do know you can get extra directory addresses on it, though.
07:55Okay, a friend, not me, used it to send a fleet of taxis to our drug review teacher's house.
08:01One an hour, all night long.
08:03That is quite funny.
08:06I mean, I will pass that on.
08:11Oh, I've got it.
08:13Yeah, it's an address in Wales.
08:15It's registered to a woman, not a man.
08:17Gillian Botley.
08:19Do you know her?
08:22Are you sure?
08:23Of course I'm sure.
08:27You're not going to go, are you, Mum?
08:30Only, I do think Uncle John's right on this one.
08:33Dad's letter says trust no one, and if you don't even know who this family is...
08:36Oh, Henry, don't give over. You're starting to sound like him.
08:38I'm not going anywhere. I do have a day job, you know.
08:41Go and have a shower.
08:49Thanks, Henry.
08:51Don't ever go on the dark web ever again.
08:56The post-mortem will either confirm or deny this, but for expediency, we need to work on the assumption that it was.
09:04But the door was locked from the inside.
09:06Yes, which is really annoying. Have you any idea how that happened?
09:10Perhaps a better starting question would be, when was the last time you saw Mr Durows?
09:16Just before I left. I saw him heading to his office.
09:19He often worked late. I do too, but it was a Friday after a long week, and I just wanted to get home.
09:27And where is that home?
09:29I have a cottage here on Staght. And so did Mr Durows.
09:33But you were here, basically at the school, all weekend. And you live alone?
09:37No, I live with my… well, fiancée now, actually. Though I don't have a ring yet.
09:44Mr Bishop. He's a sportmaster here. He was away over the weekend, house-sitting for his parents up in the Highlands.
09:53Very nice. You didn't go with him?
09:57No, we had to give. But it doesn't matter now.
10:02And you didn't see anybody else on that Friday evening?
10:05One of the housemasters. He left late. I saw him out the window, heading to a car.
10:12But he's not all there sometimes. He used to be our math teacher, but he doesn't actually teach anymore.
10:18Probably fell asleep in the office. Wouldn't be the first time.
10:23Mr Todd?
10:28What do you know?
10:36Mr Todd.
10:38Oh, hello.
10:40Morning. Sorry to intrude.
10:42No, you're not intruding. I'm just doing the morning puzzles.
10:47Which ones?
10:50Well, my name's D.I. Russell Carter, and this is D.C.I.
10:55Well, I actually believe you two may know each other.
10:59Oh, yes, it's Taylor, sir. I attended St. Edward's. Taylor, the Taylor boys.
11:06Taylor boys?
11:09Oh, yes, I remember the Taylor boys. Yes, Jacob and Joshua.
11:19No, sir, James and John.
11:21That's right. Which are you?
11:26Master James, of course. You were the nervous, awkward one.
11:33No, that was my brother.
11:36Yes, really. Sorry, would you mind if I just...
11:40No. Well, what is it I can do for you, gentlemen?
11:44Well, obviously, we're here to investigate the death of Mr DeRose.
11:47Oh, yes, of course, of course. I'm so sorry. I was having a senior moment, I'm afraid, yes.
11:56Mr DeRose was a good, kind man. He's thrown me for quite the loop.
12:02Whatever I can do to help you, just say.
12:05I understand you may have been working late Friday evening?
12:09Possible. Friday is... What day is it today?
12:14It's Monday, sir.
12:15Ah, thank you, Taylor. Oh, I recall now. Yes, I did leave early that day.
12:22I'm rather embarrassed to say I may have had a little doze.
12:26Do you not think you should wear your glasses when reading?
12:30My glasses?
12:31My glasses?
12:44Well, that all seems in order.
12:47Miss Cordwell believes she saw you leaving at around 7pm?
12:51I wouldn't dispute that.
12:53Do you recall whether you saw anybody else, or indeed anything out of the ordinary?
12:57A vehicle you hadn't seen before?
12:58Nothing like that at all, I'm sorry.
13:00You know, I'm not actually sure that I'd spoken to our headmaster that day.
13:06Or even seen him!
13:08Oh, no, yes, I did see him, just before final bell.
13:14I didn't talk to him, though.
13:16I'm afraid he was having a rather heated exchange with our sportsmaster.
13:22Mr Bishop? That's Miss Cordwell's fiancé, right?
13:28And they were engaged?
13:30No, no, no, I don't think so.
13:32Um, okay.
13:34What was this heated exchange about, sir?
13:37I'm afraid I don't know. I'm not one for eavesdropping.
13:40And I avoid Mr Bishop like the proverbial plague.
13:44The man's a bully, and I hate bullies.
13:46And I certainly don't like them as teachers.
13:50So, young James Taylor, eh?
13:55And how's your brother?
13:58I was always very fond of him.
14:00He was very fond of you too, sir.
14:03I imagine he has a family brother, does he?
14:06A family?
14:08Yes, he has family.
14:29Are you okay, Gov?
14:31Must have been weird bumping into your old teacher like that.
14:34He got nearly half those puzzle solutions wrong.
14:41So, he was the most brilliant man I've ever known.
14:45What happened?
14:47Well, nothing happened, Gov.
14:49He just got 30 years older, that's all.
15:02Nice shorts your mum got you then, did she?
15:05Well, yes.
15:07What are you stood here for? Aren't you meant to be in P.E.?
15:12Well, go on then.
15:14Don't want to be late, do you?
15:16No, I don't want to be late.
15:18I'm not going to be late.
15:20I'm not going to be late.
15:22I'm not going to be late.
15:24I'm not going to be late.
15:26Don't want to be late, do you?
15:30Everything in order, gentlemen?
15:34Yes, sir.
15:36Ah, Master Taylor.
15:40Is it John or James?
15:42John, I believe, yes.
15:45Wow, excellent timing.
15:47I need a hand sorting some papers.
15:50I've got P.E., sir.
15:52Well, I'll write you a sheet.
15:53And you two shut that door.
15:56There's a terrible draft in here.
16:17Are you police?
16:19Detectives, yes.
16:21What, both of you?
16:27You carry on, there won't be a moment.
16:30I was in at seven, packing all that up.
16:33Supposed to be taking a rugby team on a two-day outbounder.
16:36Really? All my P.E. teacher ever did was make us run around the field.
16:39You need to train up willpower as well as just muscle.
16:42Forty-eight hours roughing it with scant provisions is worth a hundred laps around the track.
16:46Obviously, had to cancel it now.
16:50Your fiancée mentioned you were away for the weekend.
16:52She's your fiancée, right, Miss Caldwell?
16:54There seems to be a bit of confusion over that point.
16:56We got engaged this weekend.
16:58I thought you were in Scotland?
17:00I do have phones in Scotland.
17:02You got engaged over the phone?
17:04Over video, if you must know.
17:06But I don't see what that's got to do with anything.
17:08It hasn't, we're just clarifying.
17:10What we did want to talk to you about is your relationship with Mr. DeRose.
17:13We understand you had some sort of argument with him on Friday afternoon?
17:16What? That wasn't an argument.
17:20Ah, right, sure.
17:22Yeah, the nutty professor.
17:24I wouldn't listen to much of what he says.
17:26He's on the verge of being let go as it is.
17:28Why would the school want to lose Mr. Todd?
17:30Have you met him?
17:32He doesn't even teach anymore, hasn't done for two years now.
17:34They gave him some pity job as housemaster
17:36and now he just sits around earning 60 grand a year for doing nothing.
17:39Even a place like this is feeling the pinch these days.
17:42DeRose was planning on letting him go, everybody knew it.
17:45Including him?
17:46Of course.
17:48You didn't tell us what the argument was about.
17:51Upton! Get out of here.
17:57Isaac Upton is the captain of our rugby team.
18:00Last week he was caught smoking marijuana on the school premises.
18:04That's illegal.
18:06It was just half a joint.
18:08That doesn't make it half legal.
18:10Yeah, well I don't care whether it's legal or not.
18:12What I care about is a rugby player inhaling smoke into his lungs.
18:14But Mr. Upton here isn't the most academic of boys.
18:17He is however on course for a sports scholarship right here in Cambridge.
18:21Is that what you were arguing about?
18:23I wasn't arguing.
18:25I was pointing out that any suspension or disciplinary action on his record
18:30will affect the rest of his life.
18:32And did Mr. DeRose agree?
18:34He said he'd need to ask advice from the board.
18:36I don't know whether he ever did.
18:40Well under the circumstances and just to draw a line underneath it
18:41we need to ask whether you have an alibi for Friday evening.
18:45Er, yeah. I was at my girlfriend's.
18:48Sasha Sparks. Head girl.
18:50Right, go on. Finish unpacking then clear off.
18:58He's a moron.
19:00But he's a moron that's won us two trophies this year.
19:02Now, anything else?
19:05Er, yes.
19:07Do you have an alibi?
19:09I was several hundred miles away.
19:11Do you need an alibi?
19:13No, it's just the truth.
19:15But I'm sure one of the locals would have seen me at some point
19:17if you really need an alibi.
19:19Yes, please.
19:21It might be helpful.
19:26I'll have a think.
19:42So, what are you thinking Gov?
19:44I'm thinking he did it.
19:46I sense you're not a fan of PE teachers.
19:48Two things can be true at once.
19:58I'm telling you sir, it was locked from the inside.
20:01The key was still in it
20:03and multiple witnesses saw it being drilled open.
20:05But he can't have been.
20:07So we have statements from the entire staff.
20:0930 in total.
20:11There's a hundred more coming from the students.
20:13We'll need them all.
20:15The headteacher is the type of victim
20:17that has almost an endless pool of suspects.
20:19That being said, we have a few prime candidates
20:21that have found their way to the top.
20:23Starting with the heir to the throne.
20:25Someone with everything to gain
20:27which presumably includes a giant leap in salary.
20:29She comes up in quite a few of the statements.
20:31She actually seems well-liked as a person
20:33but there's definitely a split among staff
20:35when it comes to her politics.
20:37Mr Durow's was pretty old school.
20:39Pardon the pun.
20:41She was quite aggressive.
20:43She apparently tried to push quite a few policy changes,
20:45genderless uniforms, that sort of thing.
20:48But they were all rejected.
20:50We have a student, Isaac Upton.
20:52Rugby hero with a bright future
20:54that was on the verge of a crash and burn.
20:56He was caught smoking weed
20:58which could potentially scupper his scholarship.
21:00Mr Durow's was going to write a letter to the board
21:03asking for advice on how to proceed
21:05but we're not sure whether he did that or not.
21:07Contents of his bin included
21:08healthy and unhealthy snacks,
21:11several discarded letters,
21:13though there were two rather than from him
21:15and they were just about general everyday school stuff.
21:18There's his computer, of course,
21:20which is presumably where everything is typed and saved
21:23but Holly's on that.
21:25Holly's here?
21:27Well, downstairs in her office, yes.
21:29Is she coming up later?
21:31I don't know, Gov.
21:33If she finds something, I guess.
21:35And there's a sports master
21:36who spent the weekend alone in the middle of nowhere?
21:39He came back to us with an alibi.
21:41Passed a couple of hikers.
21:43Didn't know any of them, all untraceable.
21:45What about his motive?
21:47Well, take your pick from the first two, Sergeant.
21:49Either manipulating his fiancée into a position of power
21:52or ensuring his sports star can continue to be his sports star.
21:57And then there's Mr Todd,
21:59ex-maths teacher, current housemaster
22:01and apparently, according to rumours,
22:03not long for employment.
22:04No alibi for him either.
22:06Everyone seems to think that he was on borrowed time.
22:08Yeah, a couple went to pains to point out
22:10how he never married, never had children,
22:12nothing but an empty house to come home to every night.
22:15This job was his whole life.
22:17It's a strong motive but this is a complicated,
22:19risky and seemingly impossible crime.
22:22And having spoken to him for five minutes,
22:24there's just, there's no way he could have done it.
22:26Could it be a trick lock?
22:28Are those a thing?
22:34Gillian Botley.
22:36Do you know who that is?
22:38Never heard of her.
22:40Are you sure?
22:42Yes, I'm sure.
22:44Why does everybody keep asking me that?
22:47It's just another dead end.
22:49Fake address, fake name.
22:51Well, I mean, we don't actually know.
22:53I'm a little bit disappointed with you, John.
22:55You couldn't find five minutes to talk to Holly.
22:57But she never came upstairs.
22:59Why didn't you go downstairs?
23:01I can't go down there.
23:02I'm not allowed.
23:04Says who?
23:06I think she mentioned it once.
23:08But you're a DCI, she's a civilian.
23:10You can go wherever you like.
23:12I'm sure she'll come upstairs tomorrow.
23:15Talking of tomorrow, I've got an assignment.
23:17A big wedding, too big to turn down.
23:19I have to stay over.
23:21It's in Leeds.
23:23Why would someone from Leeds hire a photographer from Cambridge?
23:25Because I did her last wedding.
23:27She liked the photos, just not the groom.
23:29She can cope for one day without me.
23:30Can make a lad's night of it.
23:32A lad's night?
23:34What exactly does that entail?
23:36I don't know, I've never been a lad.
23:38Neither have I.
23:40Yeah, and I'm pretty borderline, to be fair.
23:42Goodness me, do you want me to cancel it?
23:44Is that what you want?
23:46No, of course not.
23:48No, of course you must go.
23:50All right, then.
24:01Oh, morning, boss.
24:03Post-mortem confirms strangulation.
24:05Not hanging?
24:07Your instincts were right.
24:09Yeah, yeah, yours too.
24:11Oh, these.
24:13200 student statements.
24:15Feels like we've been doing homework ourselves.
24:17D.I. Carter's already back at the school.
24:19Wants you to join him.
24:21Yes, but the chief superintendent would like to talk to you first.
24:23She's in your office with Holly.
24:27What are they talking about?
24:28I don't know, sir.
24:30The case?
24:32The case, yes.
24:34That would make sense.
24:37Well, I'd better go in there, then.
24:42Off I go.
24:59Morning, D.C.I. Taylor.
25:01Have you seen this?
25:03Headmaster of a posh, expensive school.
25:06They're loving this.
25:08And with a couple of hundred pupils all on Instagram,
25:10there was no way of keeping it quiet.
25:12So, all eyes on us again, I'm afraid.
25:14Do I need to give you my customary speech?
25:16Um, no.
25:20Good, because as you can imagine,
25:22I've had Chief Constable Ziegler in my ear all morning.
25:24I've sent D.I. Carter straight back there.
25:25Plus, we have some new information for you.
25:27I got into DeRosa's computer.
25:29There was a letter about Isaac Upton unfinished.
25:31There was another letter, too, completed but unsent,
25:33regarding a Mr. Bishop
25:35and rumours of inappropriate conduct with a female student.
25:39What sort of inappropriate conduct?
25:41If you can't guess that, D.C.I. Taylor,
25:43maybe you should go back to school yourself.
25:45I'm just saying.
25:49Um, was that all you wanted to talk to me about?
25:52Is that not enough?
25:53Oh, no, no, of course it is.
25:58How are you, anyway?
26:02Yeah, I'm fine.
26:04Right, good.
26:06Are you two just staying here, then?
26:08In my office?
26:10Is that a problem?
26:35Spoken to the super.
26:37Lessons all cancelled and students were told to stay at home,
26:39but apparently rugby practice is far too important to miss.
26:42You heard about the letters, I take it?
26:46I haven't spoken to him yet because this bloody thing's been going on
26:48since I got here.
26:50Run, run!
27:03Upton, that's my lad!
27:06Great work.
27:09If there was a letter about me, it's the first I've heard of it.
27:12I actually can't believe Mr Geroge would have listened to that sort of rubbish.
27:15You'd heard the rumours, though.
27:17I look younger than I am and I take care of myself.
27:19Girls get crushes, they fantasise, they make stuff up,
27:22they tell their friends.
27:24Whoever this one is, she isn't the first and she won't be the last.
27:27Well, I presume it was Sasha Sparks.
27:30I saw you touch her.
27:32I'm sorry, Detective.
27:34Can you say that again, please, just so I can remember it for my lawyer?
27:39Gov, you saw him touch her.
27:41Oh yes, didn't you?
27:43Just now, on the playing field.
27:45I patted her on the back. Her boyfriend had just won the game.
27:47What's wrong with you?
27:49I don't think we need to get confrontational.
27:51I'm getting confrontational. It's your little friend here that's all been accusing me of...
27:53Mr Bishop!
27:58Let me make this very, very clear for you.
28:02I don't listen to rumours.
28:04My fiancé doesn't listen to rumours.
28:06And if you had any idea how this sort of place works,
28:09neither would you.
28:11And I follow the first and only rule of sport.
28:14I never cheat.
28:25Hi, Mrs Taylor?
28:29I'm just calling from the school.
28:31Henry didn't appear to be at registration this morning,
28:33so we just want to check everything's okay.
28:37Yes, er, tummy bug. Sorry, I forgot to call.
28:41Oh, that's fine. We just needed to...
28:43What do you think you're doing?
28:45What do you think you're doing?
28:47I might suck at geography, but I'm pretty sure Leeds is north.
28:52You did know the name Botley, didn't you?
28:55Matt's wife's maiden name.
28:58Dad and I were at their wedding.
29:00Matt Neville. I knew it.
29:02Okay. Pull over, let me get in the front.
29:05No, no, no, no, no. You're not coming with me.
29:07No? What are you going to do?
29:10Leave me on the side of the road,
29:12or drive three hours back to Cambridge?
29:17Side of the road is pretty tempting.
29:20Oh, you wouldn't.
29:33Oh, hi.
29:35Oh, oh my goodness, I'm so sorry.
29:38I've just spoken with Mr. Bitshock.
29:41I heard the rumour too, but it's not uncommon,
29:44especially for someone like him.
29:46Someone who looks young and keeps himself in shape.
29:49Is that how you put it?
29:51Well, I'm not too sure.
29:53No, more like someone who still thinks and acts
29:56like he's one of a sitcommer himself.
29:58It makes him over-friendly with them.
30:01That's always been the problem.
30:03Is that what your tiff was about?
30:05No, no, not really.
30:07Well, not at first.
30:09I was actually the one that caught Isaac with the joint.
30:12That was what it was about mostly.
30:14He didn't think I should report it.
30:16I knew I had to.
30:18Quite right.
30:20And unfortunately, that was also the night he left for Scotland,
30:22meaning we didn't actually part on good terms.
30:24So the tiff continued all weekend.
30:25I wrote him essays,
30:27just poured it all out,
30:29every insecure thought I ever had about him and me.
30:32Got a lot of okays and right,
30:34and go on, and not much else.
30:37He finally ran on Sunday about one o'clock.
30:39I'd gone for a walk
30:41and came back to a long video message,
30:43mostly rambling apology.
30:45And then suddenly, out of the blue,
30:47ended with a proposal,
30:49as if he'd only just realised it himself.
30:52He added,
30:54I really mean that.
30:58And he did.
31:00I could see it.
31:02And that sent him more than the proposal to me.
31:13I don't suppose you brought anything?
31:15A toothbrush?
31:17Yeah, I did nothing.
31:19No, no.
31:20Well, would you mind, darling?
31:23Chop, chop.
31:30Slight change of plan.
31:32Henry had a couple of study days,
31:34so I roped him into helping me.
31:36So you mean I'll be home alone?
31:40You've lived alone for 30 years, John.
31:42Yes, but in my home, not yours.
31:44Where are you?
31:46A hotel.
31:48Wedding's in the morning.
31:50Is Henry with you now?
31:54Oh, hello.
31:56You take care of your mum, OK?
31:58Yeah, I will.
32:05He knows.
32:07Of course he doesn't.
32:12Gov, everything OK?
32:14Shall we head back to the station?
32:16I'll meet you back there.
32:17I need to see a man about a door.
32:42Oh, do...
32:44have a seat.
32:45Have a seat, Taylor.
32:50Now, in case you haven't figured it out,
32:56I don't really have any work for you.
32:59But I presume you don't really want to go to PE
33:02or walk past those boys again, huh?
33:05Bullies are insecure.
33:07That's why they bully.
33:09Always remember that.
33:20What do you make of that?
33:22I don't know, sir.
33:24What is it?
33:26Well, it's a puzzle, isn't it?
33:30Why don't you have a crack at solving it?
33:32Is it for a test, sir?
33:34No, no, no.
33:36It's just for me, really.
33:38I like making them.
33:40I find the process quietens a busy mind.
33:42Might be something you should try sometime.
33:43An especially over-busy mind yourself.
33:46So, you just made this up, sir?
33:51It's not hard.
33:53Well, hopefully the puzzle is, but making it isn't.
33:56You merely start with a solution, work backwards,
34:00and then layer in a few false paths
34:04to confuse the less lateral-minded amongst us.
34:10Is this a three, sir?
34:13I had a feeling about you, Taylor.
34:27Ah, Taylor!
34:29How are you?
34:31Oh, I'm sorry.
34:33Did we have a meeting scheduled?
34:35No, sir.
34:37I was just...
34:39I actually wanted to ask you a question, sir.
34:44I'm a bit stuck on a...
34:47Well, on a puzzle, I suppose.
34:50And I know that was always your forte, so...
34:54Oh, please. I'm all ears.
34:57A man was killed inside a locked room.
35:00His body was discovered three days later
35:03with the room still locked from the inside.
35:06There's only one way in or out.
35:08How did the killer leave again
35:11and re-lock the door behind them?
35:15They didn't.
35:17But they did.
35:19No, on the contrary, the one thing we know for certain is they didn't.
35:22Because that would be impossible, wouldn't it?
35:28Oh, do stop butting, Taylor.
35:30Honestly, boy, you know this.
35:32If a solution is impossible,
35:34then it's impossible by design.
35:38By making it...
35:40A false path.
35:44One that was deliberately layered in.
35:46So what's the real solution?
35:49Well, you tell me. It's your puzzle.
35:52You do understand that I'm talking about
35:55the murder of Mr. Duroze, sir?
35:57Oh, I do apologize.
36:00I thought it was just...
36:02Ah, yes, Mr. Duroze.
36:06Of course, that was a terrible thing.
36:19Off, are you, Detective?
36:29Can I ask you something?
36:31What was it that made you decide to pursue a murder?
36:35Well, it led to a career in the police.
36:38It just sort of happened.
36:40Did it?
36:42I've heard there's always two types that join up.
36:45Alphas and betas.
36:47Alphas because it's a natural fit.
36:50And betas because authority over others
36:54is the only way that they can make up for their shortcomings.
36:57I thought that was PE teachers.
37:01It's very awkward for you, isn't it?
37:04That door being locked from the inside.
37:08Makes me wonder if justice will ever be served.
37:12Oh, I promise you it will.
37:31I knew it.
37:33It was Mr. Bishop.
37:35He did it. He's the killer.
37:37Oh, yes!
37:39That is two cans of Coke and a Freddo, you know.
37:42No, no, no, that is not fair.
37:44You knew I was going to choose him.
37:46That's why you said it first.
37:48Yeah, yeah, sorry.
37:50Can we all just slow down for a minute?
37:52He practically confessed.
37:54You have a confession?
37:56I mean, not technically, no.
37:58But he was very sarcastic.
38:00Well, can you prove it?
38:02That he was sarcastic?
38:04No, Detective Chief Inspector, that he did it.
38:08And it seems impossible that he did.
39:26How are you?
39:28Enjoying having the house to yourself?
39:30No, I hate it.
39:32You liked your own company.
39:34I don't know, what gave you that idea?
39:36The last three decades.
39:38John, are you okay?
39:40No, I'm not okay.
39:42I didn't manage to talk to Holly.
39:44I know who killed the headmaster, but I can't prove it.
39:47I've just spilt tea all over my puzzle
39:49and I can't stop thinking about my old maths teacher.
39:52Hmm, that last one's a bit weird.
39:54He was my mentor, Lucy.
39:56My inspiration.
39:58The only person who ever actually made sense.
40:00He was me.
40:02Still is.
40:04He's the me I'm going to become in another 20 years.
40:06A sad, lonely old man with nothing in his life
40:10but an empty house.
40:12No, that's not true.
40:14You'll meet someone.
40:16No, I won't.
40:18That was my brother's path, not mine.
40:20I never even cared about it.
40:22Because as far as I was concerned,
40:24I'd always have my mind.
40:26It didn't occur to me that
40:28that could vanish too.
40:30It has for him.
40:32You're not alone. You'll never be alone.
40:34Listen, this is what we're going to do.
40:36As soon as James gets back, we're going to
40:40build you a granny flat
40:42right on the side of the house.
40:46I never wanted you not to be in my life.
40:50You were the one who always...
40:59Are you there? John?
41:01Yes, hello, sorry.
41:03I was looking at a banana peel.
41:07I've got to go.
41:11A granny flat.
41:27Oh, great, you.
41:30Don't tell me you've solved it.
41:32Some of it.
41:34What are you doing here?
41:36Well, it's called overtime.
41:38Holly, wait.
41:41I, um...
41:43About that thing the other day
41:45with the logins and stuff.
41:49Why did you call me?
41:51Well, I thought it might be a good idea
41:53to ask you about it.
41:55Why did you cover for me?
41:57Are we really going to do this, are we?
42:00Are we really going to keep pretending
42:02like nothing happened between us?
42:06The Christmas party?
42:08You kiss me, remember?
42:10Not the other way around.
42:12All right.
42:14So you're just going to deny it, are you?
42:19I can't.
42:22You can't.
42:52You can't.
43:23I can't.
43:37Are you waiting for something?
43:39What are we even doing here?
43:51OK, then.
43:54I don't know if any of you know this,
43:56but Mr Todd here,
43:58as well as being a terrific teacher,
44:00is also one of the greatest puzzle setters
44:02this country has ever seen.
44:04I asked his advice
44:06on this little locked room puzzle of ours.
44:09He said the solution was impossible.
44:12He was correct.
44:14By trying to answer the question
44:16of how the killer
44:18left an office that was
44:20on the other side,
44:22we were being led down a false path
44:24that had been deliberately layered in.
44:26The killer never actually
44:28left the office at all.
44:30That doesn't make sense.
44:32I think that was probably the idea.
44:34I mean, who needs an alibi
44:36for a murder that wasn't possible?
44:39It was a shame that
44:41camping trip you were going on
44:43was cancelled, Mr Bishop,
44:45though in fairness you had just
44:47returned from one of your own.
44:48You were in your own space
44:50with scant provisions,
44:52equipped with nothing but
44:54the iron willpower needed
44:56to bed down on a hard floor
44:58next to the corpse
45:00of a man you murdered.
45:06Is this a joke?
45:08It's interesting.
45:10How did he get out again, Taylor?
45:12Oh, quite easily, sir.
45:14The body was clearly visible
45:16from the door.
45:18We had to figure out
45:20what the reaction would be
45:22once it was open.
45:49What's happening?
45:51What's going on?
45:53I threw out a banana peel
45:55last night.
45:57Two hours later it was already browning.
45:59There was an apple core
46:01in the headmaster's bin.
46:03It had barely turned its shade.
46:05It could only have been eaten
46:07that morning inside that locked room.
46:09Breakfast, was it?
46:11A bit absent-minded of you
46:13to throw it in the bin
46:15when you'd obviously gone to all the effort
46:16and remove everything else
46:18you'd been surviving on.
46:20But, given how poorly
46:22you faked the suicide,
46:24I can't say I'm surprised.
46:26Well, take a DNA swab, if you like.
46:28But I can tell you now
46:30that I ate that apple on Friday
46:32in this office
46:34in a meeting with Mr Geroves.
46:36And as for its colour,
46:38well, you're a science teacher.
46:40Tell him.
46:42Oh, um,
46:44it depends on many factors
46:46but, um,
46:48so you even got this apple core anymore?
46:51How brown is it now?
46:53He called out evidence.
46:56Oh, I doubt it would even make it to trial
46:58if that was all we had.
47:00But fortunately we can do a lot better.
47:02I'm afraid to say
47:04that you were rather integral to his plan,
47:06Miss Cordwell.
47:08I don't know if the accusations against him were true,
47:10though one doesn't tend to kill over rumours.
47:12But I do know that with his partner
47:14in charge of the school,
47:16he could have gone further.
47:18But that part had started to go wrong,
47:20hadn't it, Mr Bishop?
47:22The row you orchestrated
47:24to give yourself the excuse
47:26to disappear for the weekend
47:28had been instrumented a tad too aggressively,
47:30leading to your having to spend the whole weekend
47:32desperately messaging back and forth
47:34to a woman who was beginning to ask herself
47:36if you even had a future together,
47:38resulting in your impromptu
47:40and romantically questionable
47:42video proposal.
47:44Constable Evans.
47:48Oh, sorry.
47:51Miss Cordwell was kind enough
47:53to share this with us.
47:55I know that I can sometimes be,
47:57but it doesn't mean that...
48:00Crash, I want to spend
48:02the rest of my life with you.
48:04I want to marry you.
48:06I mean,
48:08will you?
48:10Will you marry me?
48:12Oh God, I actually really mean that.
48:17I'm sure you never expected
48:19something so personal to be shared
48:21with anyone other than your fiancée.
48:23And you also knew that she
48:25wouldn't have been able to hear
48:27what we just did.
48:29I presume we all heard it.
48:31Heard what?
48:33The bells, of course.
48:34We had a clock tower at my old school.
48:36I always hated it.
48:38I think you're going to spend
48:40the rest of your life hating yours, too.
49:13Father Bishop, I'm arresting you
49:15in suspicion of murder.
49:17You don't have to say anything...
49:19I do hate Elizabeth.
49:37What are you doing here?
49:39You called James two nights ago.
49:42It wasn't James, was it?
49:44Where is he?
49:46I don't know.
49:48But if he knew you were here, then...
49:50What's going on?
49:55No, no, no, no.
49:57We've got to go. We have to leave.
49:59We don't have to leave.
50:01How do you know she wasn't followed?
50:03Is this all connected to the Sinclair case?
50:05The one that you and James were working?
50:07The blogger?
50:09Matt, please?
50:12We don't know who she's been talking to.
50:14You what?
50:16My husband's no longer on the force
50:18and you need to leave now before you get us all...
50:20Get us all what?
50:26Everything's okay. Everything's fine.
50:28Don't you fancy a trip away?
50:30You, me and Daddy?
50:35Hang on a second.
50:37Matt, come on.
50:39Lucy, I'm sorry.
50:41Please, come on.
50:43I'm sorry.
50:55Taylor, do come in.
50:58It's okay, sir. I'm not stopping.
51:00I just wanted to say goodbye.
51:03And to thank you for your help.
51:06Oh, not at all.
51:08Glad I could be of assistance.
51:10Was I of assistance then?
51:13It's all you've ever been, sir.
51:17Taylor, do you mind if I ask you a question?
51:22Why are you pretending to be your brother?
51:25Do you think I don't know my students?
51:28You're not James.
51:30You're John.
51:32So what's it all about?
51:35This ruse you're engaged in?
51:39It's, um...
51:41complicated, sir.
51:45But it's all for a noble reason.
51:48Ah, that's what I hoped.
51:50Sir, I've been doing this for a while now.
51:53I go to work every day,
51:56and I'm surrounded by detectives,
51:58sergeants, superintendents, trained sleuths.
52:03None of them has worked out
52:06that I'm not who I say I am.
52:11But you did.
52:15You did.
52:17But you did.
52:21I can't tell you how relieved I am to know
52:24that you're just as brilliant now as you ever were.
52:27I always had a good feeling about you, Taylor.
52:32Thank you, sir.
52:47You're not going to talk to me for the whole journey, no?
52:53You shouldn't have gone there alone.
52:55Yes, well, I did, and as I said, the place was abandoned.
52:58They'd moved on,
53:00if, indeed, they'd even been there in the first place.
53:03I don't believe you.
53:05And neither will Uncle John.
53:07Yes, well, we're not going to tell Uncle John, are we?
53:11Look, Henry, if he thinks we're going to go,
53:14look, Henry, if he thinks either of us have put ourselves in danger,
53:18he'll pull the plug on the whole thing.
53:20The place was abandoned.
53:36See you tomorrow, sir.
53:39Oh, stop sulking.
53:41Hey, you might win the next one.
53:43Stranger things have happened.
54:12You're up.
54:14Yep, here I am.
54:17Oh, any news? Did you speak to Holly?
54:20I mean, yes, but it wasn't what we thought.
54:23What was it then?
54:27She just likes clearing logins, I think.
54:30That's not possible.
54:31That doesn't make any sense.
54:32How was the wedding?
54:33The what?
54:34Yes, fine.
54:37Nothing to report then?
54:42Very much like yourself, it would seem.
55:14Lucy Taylor?
55:16I'm Holly, I work with your husband.
55:22Sorry, how...
55:24How did you get my number?
55:26I can't sit with this any longer.
55:28I need to talk to you in person.
55:32Tonight? I'm not sure that I...
55:34It's about James.
55:36I'll text you the address.
55:40Please come.
56:42Your wife has been arrested on suspicion of murder.
56:44You think it was them?
56:46Of course it was them.
56:48And whoever they are, they are here now.
56:50From all I know, they're right outside this door.
56:52I do have a strong working theory on how Lucy didn't do it.
56:55I think you should come with me.
56:57But both of you, get away from this place.
56:59No more conspiracies, no more murders, no more danger.
57:02No more murder.
57:04No more murder.
57:06No more murder.
57:08No more murder.
57:10No more murder.
57:12Is this a dream?
57:42No more murder.
57:44No more murder.