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00:46像狼烟怒斩封天 Like a wolf's rage, I'll cut through the sky
00:51心若成空 雪地星河 My heart is like a vacuum, the snow is like a galaxy
00:58生死和魂魄踏破时空只为与你相见 I'll travel through time and space just to meet you
01:16天下为谁和 今生却为谁挫破 Who is the world for? Who is this life for?
01:26战火短眸 圆灯火 心若成空 雪地星河 My heart is like a vacuum, the snow is like a galaxy
01:39生死和魂魄踏破时空只为与你相见 I'll travel through time and space just to meet you
02:09我的最后一个神池 My last divine pool
02:40念离到底干了什么 What did he do?
02:46我要杀了你们 I'll kill you all
03:01念离 Nie Li
03:05他肯定从神池拿了什么东西 He must have taken something from the divine pool
03:07一定要夺回来 We must get it back
03:09抓住念离 Catch Nie Li
03:30念离 Nie Li
03:33你们先撤 你们先撤 Don't worry about me
03:35干掉念离 Get rid of Nie Li
03:41这六瓶宝气的结界也快抵不住了 I can't hold on to the six bottles of magic anymore
03:43结界破碎我就死定了 If the barrier is broken, I'll be dead
03:51高子 Gao Zi
03:54快 别让他们跑了 Hurry, don't let them run away
03:56时空波动 小语的这枚戒指居然是时空宝气 The ring of Xiao Yu is actually a time-space treasure
04:02快 Hurry
04:04快追 Hurry
04:06一个都别让他们跑了 Don't let any of them get away
04:08杀呀 Kill
04:10所有人分头撤退 Everyone, retreat
04:12快 Go
04:14快 Go
04:16快 Go
04:18快 Go
04:20快 Go
04:22快 Go
04:24快 Go
04:26快 Go
04:28快 Go
04:30快 Go
04:32快 Go
04:34快 Go
04:50你连毁人神池这种事都能干得出来 You can even do this kind of thing
04:53我不信长老们会坐视不理 I don't believe the elders will sit by and do nothing
04:56顾飞 Gu Fei
04:57我倒要看看你的第一顺位继承人之位还能不能做得稳当 I'd like to see if you can keep your first place as the heir
05:03走 回羽神宗 Let's go back to the Winged clan
05:08他俩怎么还没回来 Why haven't they come back yet
05:10这都一天了 It's been a day
05:13宵羽最后释放的似乎是一个时空冥魂法阵 Xiao Yu's last release seems to be a time-space spell
05:17应该已经传送到安全的地方 It should have been sent to a safe place
05:20反正大家都已经安置了命魂 No need to worry too much
05:22不必过分担心 Everyone has settled the soul
05:24对也是 Yes
05:26贝爷贝爷 I just got the news
05:27我刚刚得到消息 Gu Heng他们正在联络家族的长老准备弹劾你 The elders of the family are preparing to impeach you
05:31弹劾我 Impeach me
05:33好像是因为天性盟和妖盟毁了他们三座神池的事情 It seems to be because of the Tianxing Alliance and the Demon Alliance that destroyed their three sacred pools
05:37他们纠集了顾氏的十多个长老联合起来向家主施压 They gathered more than ten elders of the Gu family to pressurize the master
05:41让您放弃第一继承人之位 要么赔偿三个神池的损失 Let you give up your first place as the heir or compensate for the loss of three sacred pools
05:47这回顾恒想要借家族的势力对付我 This time Gu Heng wants to deal with me with the strength of the family
05:50顾北 你准备怎么办 Gu Bei, what are you going to do
05:53顾腾 给我去调查调查清楚 顾恒都联络了哪些长老 Gu Teng, go and investigate which elders Gu Heng has contacted
05:58是 Yes
06:00又有的忙了 I'm busy again
06:22念离 我被龙炎击中 已经难以治疗了 Nian Li, I was hit by the Dragon Flame. I can't be cured
06:26你干脆了结我吧 让我直接回魂殿复活好了 Just let me go back to the Soul Hall and revive
06:30我的错 当时应该给你也准备一套宝器的 It's my fault. I should have prepared a set of weapons for you
06:37不过你的伤也不是没救 只要灵魂海还没彻底碎裂 那就难不倒我 But your injury is not incurable. As long as the soul sea is not completely broken, it won't be difficult for me
06:45还是算了吧 Forget it
06:47既然有救 你干嘛要放弃治疗 调一阶修为怎么都不划算吧 说来真没想到你还藏了一手 这好像是一件时空系的上古宝物 好像跟你血脉相连 融为一体了 It's not worth it to lose some of your cultivation. I didn't expect you to hide a set of weapons
06:56这好像是一件时空系的上古宝物 好像跟你血脉相连 融为一体了 It seems to be a timeless ancient treasure. It seems to be connected to your bloodline and merged into one
07:05不破而后立 当是如此 这一生强大的地方不仅仅是我今世拥有的记忆 还有今世的一切 Everything in my life is not just the memories I have now, but everything in the past
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