Greek Mirthology Popeye the sailor Cartoon (short 1954) animated film CARTOON CA

  • avant-hier
00:00Open your mouth and close your eyes, here comes a nice surprise, skittity-dum and skittity-doo, I got some spinach for all of you!
00:10Here you are! Pippi, Peepi, Puppi, and Poopi!
00:15But we hate spinach!
00:21You gotta eat your spinach if you want to be strong like your great-great-great-great-great Uncle Hercules!
00:30Hercules, our uncle, he was strong, he was great, did he get that weight from the spinach he ate?
00:36It's a hysterical fact! I'll tell you the story how it happened.
00:43Once upon a time, a long time ago, in a distant land far away, there lived the strongest man in the world, and the people's best friend, Hercules.
00:58One day while Hercules was riding along in his chariot, he saw a baby boy fall off a tree.
01:07Jumping out of his chariot, he ran to the boy to see what happened.
01:13Now, so as he can help the boydy, he has to get strength, so he takes a piece of strong garlic and sniffs it.
01:24And with his strength, he smashed and smashed and smashed the big tree into the ointment.
01:43Hercules was awful strong, but very weak.
01:49Hercules was awful strong, but very tender.
01:54It was garlic that made him strong. Where does the spinach part belong?
01:59Don't come to inclusions. You ain't heard everything yet.
02:03Like I was saying, one day, a big, blue-headed bully come to Hercules' neighborhood.
02:12So, Hercules thinketh him strongest man on earth.
02:19In my hands, he be like dirt.
02:32Spram it! Help it! Help it!
02:37Play it for thy life!
02:48Hercules, I challenge thee!
02:52I accept it! I accept it! I accept it! I accept it!
02:58So Hercules accepted the big bully's challenge to feats of strength.
03:04Stop this sport!
03:20Gee, Uncle Popeye, it still wasn't finished what made him win.
03:23Don't interrupt me. I ain't finished yet.
03:26So, mounting to mountings, the men challenged each other.
03:31Mounting to mountings, the men challenged each other in a tug of war.
03:36Get it ready! Set it! Go!
04:01Ha! Ha! Ha!
04:31The garlic!
04:36I'll fix that for good.
04:49I'll fixeth thee and how.
04:55Mine's straight. Good.
04:58Mine good blow and thou art true.
05:15Spinach! A strange weed this be.
05:19What restoreth my vitality?
05:28How come you got strength without garlic?
05:31Better than garlic is spinach.
05:34So, Hercules, knock the big bully for a row of ash cans.
05:44So, kiddies, that's why you has to eat your spinach. Huh?
05:49Ice cream is hot stuff.
05:52You said it, sport.
06:19To be continued...
