Historia Roja cz. 2

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00These people did not understand that the place of the Polish proletariat is in the great family of communism.
00:00:10The only ones taught in capitalist Poland how to kill could not adapt to the peaceful message of our fatherland.
00:00:18For the crimes mentioned above, against the Polish nation and against public security, the highest level of punishment is demanded.
00:00:27Death penalty by hanging.
00:00:29Do the accused want to speak?
00:00:32As a professional soldier who swore an oath of loyalty to the Polish state,
00:00:57I want to say that I did my best in this oath.
00:01:08Let someone pass this on to my children.
00:01:14Tell them that I loved them very much.
00:01:20I love.
00:01:22I will love.
00:01:26Apologize to them that I will not be with them when they grow up.
00:01:32Let them not believe what these paid Soviet bastards say about me.
00:01:38These paid Soviet bastards.
00:01:44Because it is not they who will judge me.
00:01:47Long live Poland!
00:02:56Today a shameful sentence has just been issued.
00:03:16A death sentence for a patriot, a hero, a commander like me.
00:03:25A man who valued honor and duty above his own security.
00:03:32Hail to Captain Las.
00:03:42Prosecutors, on the other hand, have decided in their service to dictate to their NKVD agents to give an example of shame and contempt.
00:03:54This cannot be tolerated by the Polish state.
00:03:58For those who serve the enemy, there can be only one punishment.
00:04:05The same for the enemies.
00:04:38Sit down.
00:04:46Listen, Wyszomirski.
00:04:48Your comrades-in-arms, the bandit nation, have murdered our best Soviet and Polish soldiers.
00:04:58The bandit you pretended to want to catch.
00:05:01If you hadn't locked me up, I would have had him a long time ago.
00:05:07Excuse me.
00:05:09We can say that the information about your shameful activities during the occupation came from the circles of comrade Wiesław.
00:05:17And this information is substantiated by the fact that comrade Wiesław was dismissed for national deviation and betrayal of the party's interests.
00:05:28Is that all?
00:05:51You, comrade Wyszomirski, as I was told, are a mean man.
00:05:57Just a scoundrel.
00:06:00It's not a pity to kill you.
00:06:02It's a shame to drink vodka with you.
00:06:06But I will not remember this now.
00:06:10If you don't bring me the corpse of Rui,
00:06:15you can bring a living one.
00:06:18As you wish.
00:06:20If you don't bring me the corpse of Rui, I will kill you and your family.
00:06:26Do you understand?
00:06:50If you don't mind, I would like to say a few words to the assembled.
00:07:08In this hollow of Polishness, in the Church of Christ, we, Poles, want to share our concern with you.
00:07:18You see how Satan has divided our society.
00:07:22The Bolshevik Antichrist has unleashed the worst features in us.
00:07:26He unleashed fear in us.
00:07:29He unleashed hatred in us.
00:07:34I know today's Gospel, but I don't come to you with an olive branch.
00:07:40Because how can you save a nation when the opponent understands only one argument?
00:07:43He doesn't back down on a raised cheek.
00:07:47I want you to know, to remember, that Poland is us.
00:07:52You and us.
00:07:54And not those who have come here from the Soviet Union.
00:07:58Not those who have freedom for nothing, property for nothing and honor for nothing.
00:08:05Dear brothers, don't be afraid.
00:08:08The Polish army will not hurt you.
00:08:12We can forgive.
00:08:15But never forget.
00:08:20But I have also come here to remind those who think they can kill, murder,
00:08:30go to the service of the enemy of the nation and the Polish state.
00:08:34To remind all those that justice is not only God's, but also human.
00:08:41That the time of communism and traitors will not be eternal.
00:08:44That the day of liberation is getting closer and you will have to pay the price.
00:08:51So help me God Almighty in the Trinity.
00:09:14The end
00:09:29It is now known that the comrade was not in any NSA and did not murder any Jews.
00:09:40Especially that he is a Jew himself.
00:09:43Are you a Jew?
00:09:46My ass!
00:09:47Sit down!
00:09:56I can even be a Russian Jew.
00:10:00And I will kill those Poles like a bastard.
00:10:05Like a bastard!
00:10:07You are not alive anymore!
00:10:13The end
00:10:23Vodka for everyone!
00:10:26Bravo for the comrade!
00:10:30We are from the burnt villages.
00:10:33To the mountains!
00:10:35We are from the burning cities.
00:10:39For bullets, for blood.
00:10:41We are from the burnt villages.
00:10:44To the mountains!
00:10:46We are from the burnt cities.
00:10:49For bullets, for blood.
00:10:53We are from the burnt cities.
00:10:56To the mountains!
00:10:58We are from the burnt cities.
00:11:12This is the house of my commander.
00:11:15Romka's friend.
00:11:18Don't cry, Mom.
00:11:20They are not here, but we are.
00:11:23My dearest son.
00:11:33I don't care about you in my army.
00:11:35You have to take care of Mom, Regina and Romka's grave.
00:11:38And you?
00:11:39My grave too.
00:11:41Listen, this is very important.
00:11:43You have to leave Maków as soon as possible.
00:11:46They will come for you.
00:11:48You have to promise me that you will take care of it.
00:11:50This is an order!
00:11:51Yes, sir!
00:11:52Do you like this girl?
00:11:56Yes, sir!
00:12:09How did you like the sermon?
00:12:11Very patriotic.
00:12:13Is it bad?
00:12:14The church taught me to be nice.
00:12:17And about what?
00:12:18About love.
00:12:19About love?
00:12:23But not what you think, sir.
00:12:26How do you know what I think?
00:12:30Because I think the same.
00:12:33Ladies and gentlemen, I want to tell you something very important.
00:12:38Listen, this is the greatest day during this whole war.
00:12:43Yes, it is!
00:12:44And even in my whole life.
00:12:47Listen, this is a free country.
00:12:49This is Poland!
00:12:50This is Poland!
00:12:51This is Poland!
00:12:52This is Poland!
00:12:53This is Poland!
00:12:55Listen, and that's why I'm very happy.
00:12:58And on this very day, I want to tell you something very, very, very important.
00:13:02Well, Vilot, we're listening.
00:13:04But there are two things, and I don't know where to start.
00:13:06Go in order.
00:13:07No, but there's a problem with this order, because we want to give up and we're going to have a baby.
00:13:15This is Poland!
00:13:17I didn't know it would ever happen.
00:13:21It has to be a boy!
00:13:22A boy!
00:13:23It has to be a boy!
00:13:24A boy!
00:13:25I want a boy!
00:13:27This is Poland!
00:13:28This is Poland!
00:13:29This is Poland!
00:13:30This is Poland!
00:13:31This is Poland!
00:13:32This is Poland!
00:13:33This is Poland!
00:13:34This is Poland!
00:13:35When they were talking about their Poland, I didn't fucking know what was going on, you know?
00:13:44When they were praying to their God, I thought, fuck, where is this God, you know?
00:13:52Where is this God?
00:13:53This God fucked up my life.
00:13:57Rydz-Piszczek, fuck, he's fucking insane.
00:14:01And what do they do?
00:14:03Like everyone else does.
00:14:07Eat it quickly.
00:14:09Or I won't let you go.
00:14:18Comrades, fuck!
00:14:20We're going to Tehran!
00:14:24Our soldiers are marching,
00:14:28their guns are flashing,
00:14:30their uniforms are grey.
00:14:33And in front of them trees are flying,
00:14:37because they are our Polish heroes.
00:14:53What are you doing?
00:14:55What is it?
00:14:57Don't you recognize me?
00:15:00Look closely.
00:15:02It's me!
00:15:13What have you done?
00:15:15What have you done?
00:15:16What have you done?
00:15:17What have you done?
00:15:18What have you done?
00:15:19What have you done?
00:15:20What have you done?
00:15:22What have you done?
00:15:44Where did you find it?
00:15:48Where did you find it, I don't know.
00:15:55Where did you find it?
00:16:09Where did you find it?
00:16:11Oh my God.
00:16:30Shut up.
00:16:34Shut up.
00:16:36Shut up!
00:16:42Did he really say that you are a whore?
00:16:45Yes, he did.
00:16:47But I immediately cut his head off.
00:16:51Fuck, don't you know what a whore looks like?
00:16:58Was it a letter?
00:17:01It was a letter, but it was a general image.
00:17:05Besides, it was dark.
00:17:07What about the black lemon?
00:17:12Who the fuck drives a black lemon, huh?
00:17:19We drive a black lemon.
00:17:22That's right, comrade.
00:17:24This bastard has never driven such vehicles.
00:17:27We know that he is able to drive what he wants.
00:17:30And suddenly you see him in the window.
00:17:32And then you look, and he's not there.
00:17:34You think it seemed to you, and he's in the other window.
00:17:37So you shoot at him, but he's not there.
00:17:39He's a corpse, my friend.
00:17:41So where did this corpse come from, when this bastard is not here?
00:17:44What the fuck are you talking about?
00:17:59You see for yourself.
00:18:18Let's go!
00:18:35Are you leaving?
00:18:38I haven't unpacked my things yet.
00:18:42So why did you come back?
00:18:44This is my place on Earth.
00:18:49And closer to your son, right?
00:18:52We're actually friends with your son.
00:18:56Besides, I was under Roman's command.
00:19:02Can you imagine that since his funeral
00:19:05I can't meet Mietek anywhere.
00:19:09I mean, I met him once.
00:19:13But we didn't get along.
00:19:17Where is he?
00:19:19I don't know.
00:19:21You said you met him.
00:19:24What's his name? I don't know him.
00:19:26He's the most wanted bandit in Masovia.
00:19:35You don't know that?
00:19:38So why did you come back to Makov?
00:19:42I want to die here.
00:19:45So what? We won't make it hard for you.
00:19:53Take her away.
00:19:55Why do you think I'm taking her away?
00:19:57I have collective responsibility in Poland.
00:20:00This is all your fault!
00:20:03You should be ashamed of yourself!
00:20:23Look, look and talk.
00:20:26Let him find out.
00:20:30Get drunk today.
00:20:33Go to a local pub.
00:20:35Don't talk too much.
00:20:37What should I say?
00:20:39Tell them we're taking them from Makov to Warsaw tomorrow.
00:20:46Why are they driving so slowly?
00:20:49There's nowhere to hurry.
00:20:51They'll shoot us like ducks.
00:20:54Are you afraid?
00:20:57No one told you to work in UB.
00:21:00You should've left the carousel in the town.
00:21:03I'm not afraid.
00:21:05But they'll shoot me.
00:21:27Come on.
00:21:58What the fuck is that?
00:22:03A bullet.
00:22:10Didn't it hit you?
00:22:14Does it hurt?
00:22:21It was an accident.
00:22:27All our corpses.
00:22:30Maybe they left.
00:22:33People, people.
00:22:58I love you.
00:23:01I love you too.
00:23:27I love you too.
00:23:30I love you too.
00:23:33I love you too.
00:23:56You're bleeding.
00:23:58I'm alive.
00:24:03I'm alive.
00:24:27Mrs. Bukacka, marry Marta.
00:24:30You took her like your own daughter.
00:24:32Quiet, woman.
00:24:34If someone beats up a girl, he doesn't ask for her hand.
00:24:37That's enough for me.
00:24:39The commander asked for my daughter's hand.
00:24:43It's an honor for me.
00:24:52You won't give me Bukacka's daughter.
00:24:56I won't.
00:24:59The army is in the village.
00:25:02The army is in the village.
00:25:20What are you looking for?
00:25:22We're looking for bandits.
00:25:24Where are the bandits from?
00:25:27Watch out!
00:25:30Watch out!
00:25:46Leave it!
00:25:50You have to decide.
00:25:52Either you live in the old Poland or in the new one.
00:25:55I hope God is the same.
00:25:58You're stupid, old man.
00:26:19I love you.
00:28:06Where's your brother?
00:28:19Where's your brother?
00:28:22He went to the army in 1949.
00:28:26How old is he now?
00:28:34You haven't seen him for so many years?
00:28:38I don't know anything.
00:28:42You don't know what I want to ask you.
00:28:46And you're already silent.
00:29:11I'm leaving.
00:29:14This is our last meeting.
00:29:17I hope you'll find a place for yourself.
00:29:25I won't leave with the whole unit.
00:29:28Should I leave them in the woods?
00:29:31My family in prison?
00:29:34I can't.
00:29:36Your mother would like that.
00:29:39I can't.
00:29:42Will there ever be a normal life in this world?
00:29:45What do you mean?
00:29:47That the best will win.
00:29:50I don't think so, but we have to try.
00:30:05I almost forgot, I got a call from Młota.
00:30:08He's alive and well.
00:30:11He says he's proud of you.
00:30:15And that you were right.
00:30:18I was right?
00:30:20That's what he says.
00:30:31Where's the cat?
00:30:33I'd like to eat something.
00:30:37You want to eat the cat?
00:30:40If you keep doing that, I'll eat it.
00:30:47What a mess.
00:30:54New man.
00:30:56We're waiting for you.
00:30:58It'll be a girl.
00:31:00So there won't be a war.
00:31:02A girl is also a man.
00:31:10I'm sorry.
00:31:22Run to the shelter.
00:31:24No, I'm not going anywhere.
00:31:26Tell him how I was to you.
00:31:34Leave me alone.
00:31:36I don't understand.
00:32:30Go to the shelter.
00:33:27I got a call for an Uber.
00:33:29The police were in a hurry.
00:33:34My mother was crying.
00:33:36She cursed you.
00:33:39There was a Uber.
00:33:41He said he knew I was your fiancée.
00:33:51I'll come to you anyway.
00:33:57Let's do this.
00:33:59You'll become my agent.
00:34:01Then I'll know every king.
00:34:03What are you talking about?
00:34:05You'll give him my cap.
00:34:07You'll say it's Roy's cap.
00:34:09Then I'll give you my left shoe.
00:34:11No, it's weather shoes.
00:34:13You'll give him my underwear.
00:34:15Next time you come to Wyszymilska,
00:34:18I'll give you my gun.
00:34:20You'll shoot me in the head.
00:34:22Have you ever shot with a gun?
00:34:24Try it.
00:34:35Let's go.
00:34:51Stop or I'll shoot.
00:35:50They're more afraid of me than of you.
00:35:56They have to be afraid.
00:35:58What did you want to do when you bought the gun?
00:36:01Who did you want to become?
00:36:04A doctor?
00:36:07Would you join the Party?
00:36:10Even if I would, so what?
00:36:26He's not my son.
00:36:29What kind of son is he,
00:36:31who didn't even take care of his mother?
00:36:34Mom, it's me.
00:36:36I don't know myself.
00:36:38But it's me.
00:36:40My son looked completely different.
00:36:43Not like this scum.
00:36:46This is what my children are called!
00:36:51If I could choose again,
00:36:54I would choose children,
00:36:56a wife.
00:36:58I would work like a slave.
00:37:00Maybe you wouldn't recognize me.
00:37:03Maybe you would give me peace.
00:37:06Rue, what are my children called?
00:37:09I don't know.
00:37:11And you, go ahead.
00:37:13If you don't know what you're doing.
00:37:18I won't give birth in prison!
00:37:21You will, you will.
00:37:23They all gave birth.
00:37:25If you don't want to give birth,
00:37:27then don't give birth!
00:37:29There is no choice or freedom in the law of nature.
00:37:36I have to hit a clone in the head
00:37:39and make it so that a tigress hits my head!
00:37:44It's not that simple!
00:37:46Did I say there would be a girl?
00:37:50End of the war, Mr. Rue.
00:37:53Women will find other men.
00:37:58Rue, I'm not evil at all.
00:38:01Wyszomirski told me one life or four.
00:38:04So I'm probably good, right?
00:38:07You are good.
00:38:10You were supposed to be an engineer.
00:38:13You were supposed to be an engineer.
00:38:19Maybe I'll become an engineer, a doctor?
00:38:24You won't become an engineer or a doctor.
00:38:28You'll get out of prison,
00:38:30but you'll be afraid of your own shadow.
00:38:38I wasn't Pogoda or Rue.
00:38:44I could have been.
00:38:48You took a worthy death from me.
00:38:57But there was no other solution, you know?
00:39:02And if there wasn't,
00:39:05what's the point of all this?
00:39:13I'm not who you think I am.
00:39:43You just won a fight with death,
00:39:46and I don't feel lost.
00:39:51Where am I?
00:39:54In the ruins of my family fortune,
00:39:57in a manor in Konsocin,
00:40:00which is now owned by the PGR,
00:40:03but the head of this institution,
00:40:06who was a foreman here,
00:40:09left me for life.
00:40:13I'm Countess Gąsowska.
00:40:17Two weeks ago, a man buried you,
00:40:20and when the Soviets left, he dug you up.
00:40:23I had nothing to do,
00:40:26so I watched you.
00:40:28The doctor and the priest came by.
00:40:31I am...
00:40:33I know who you are.
00:40:36You're an outcast.
00:40:42I've had enough of my own people.
00:40:49If you start shaking up the reasons for your actions,
00:40:53you've lost.
00:40:56God, honor,
00:41:00only give strength if we don't underestimate
00:41:03the basic meaning of these concepts.
00:41:32Let the Polish Army of Documents Control be praised.
00:41:50I know you.
00:42:07Look, Mazur.
00:42:11Jan Wodzyński,
00:42:13City Security Office in Ciechanów.
00:42:16Identity card.
00:42:20We're in trouble.
00:42:23Come on, come on.
00:42:25Come with us, brother.
00:43:01The Polish Army is doing a search.
00:43:04Under the wall.
00:43:06Under the wall.
00:43:10How many are there?
00:43:12More than 46,500.
00:43:21Don't be afraid.
00:43:23Don't be afraid.
00:43:25There's nothing to be afraid of.
00:43:27We'll get out of here in a minute.
00:43:32You have a ring.
00:43:34Give it back.
00:43:36We'll be in town in two hours.
00:43:38Let them look for us.
00:43:48Long live free Poland!
00:44:02Death to communists and occupiers!
00:44:13Who are you looking for?
00:44:15The commander.
00:44:17Yes, the commander.
00:44:19Three of you.
00:44:26Who are these kids?
00:44:28Whose kids are you?
00:44:30We're Tadzki's.
00:44:32The traitor's.
00:44:34Dad, they gave us this letter and told us to give it to the commander.
00:44:42Will the commander show us the gun?
00:44:46He will.
00:44:54Come here, little one.
00:44:58Put your foot forward.
00:45:00In your right hand.
00:45:04I can't.
00:45:06Come on.
00:45:08One more time.
00:45:13Come on, Mazur.
00:45:16We're going to Zarenczyn tomorrow.
00:45:21Close the door.
00:45:33If you want, I can go alone.
00:45:41You won't go anywhere without me.
00:45:51You bastard!
00:47:02He'll come.
00:47:05The kid brought the message.
00:47:08It can't be a bad message.
00:47:12If he comes, it means it's for you, girl.
00:47:23We're both orphans.
00:47:26We're family.
00:47:29We're both orphans.
00:47:32Our families are in prison.
00:47:39People don't want us anymore.
00:47:45It's time to get married.
00:47:53To the weather.
00:47:57To the storm.
00:48:03To the spade.
00:48:07To the mountain.
00:48:11To the forest.
00:48:15To the hammer.
00:48:22To you and Marta.
00:48:25Tell me.
00:48:27Do you have a ring?
00:48:31I do.
00:48:36To the pilot.
00:48:40To the clone.
00:48:44To the tigress.
00:48:55To you and Marta.
00:49:25To you and Marta.
00:49:29To you and Marta.
00:49:33To you and Marta.
00:49:37To you and Marta.
00:49:55She's not here.
00:49:59She'll come.
00:50:03You were looking for a solution.
00:50:07And you didn't find it.
00:50:11I know why.
00:50:15I know why.
00:50:19I know why.
00:50:23I know why.
00:50:26Because he's not here.
00:50:29It's worth checking one more thing.
00:50:34I've been thinking lately.
00:50:39That we're immortal.
00:50:49I thought the same after the war.
00:50:52If we're immortal,
00:50:55we won't be able to help Poland.
00:51:00But if we're immortal,
00:51:03Poland will be alive.
00:51:22I love you.
00:51:26I love you.
00:51:51You can hide the ring.
00:51:55We couldn't have done anything more, could we?
00:52:04Were you happy in this house?
00:52:12This is a good place.
00:52:16Let's go.
00:52:24I'm starting to get scared.
00:52:27We can do it, Rui.
00:52:30We just have to hold on.
00:52:47I'm ready.
00:53:16Let's go.
00:53:46Let's go.
00:54:16Let's go.
00:54:46Let's go.
00:55:16Let's go.
00:55:46It's him.
00:55:53It's him, isn't it?
00:56:00Him? Who?
00:56:10It's your son, Mieczysław Dziemieszkiewicz.
00:56:24He's not my son.
00:56:28You'll never find him.
00:56:44You'll never find him.
00:56:48You'll never find him.
00:56:52You'll never find him.
00:56:56You'll never find him.
00:57:00You'll never find him.
00:57:04You'll never find him.
00:57:08You'll never find him.
00:57:12You'll never find him.
00:57:16You'll never find him.
00:57:20You'll never find him.
00:57:24You'll never find him.
00:57:28You'll never find him.
00:57:32You'll never find him.
00:57:36You'll never find him.
00:57:40You'll never find him.
00:58:10You'll never find him.
00:58:14You'll never find him.
00:58:18You'll never find him.
00:58:22You'll never find him.
00:58:26You'll never find him.
00:58:30You'll never find him.
00:58:34You'll never find him.
00:58:38You'll never find him.
00:58:42You'll never find him.
00:58:46You'll never find him.
00:58:50You'll never find him.
00:58:54You'll never find him.
00:58:58You'll never find him.
00:59:02You'll never find him.
00:59:06You'll never find him.
00:59:10You'll never find him.
00:59:14You'll never find him.
00:59:18You'll never find him.
00:59:22You'll never find him.
00:59:26You'll never find him.
00:59:30You'll never find him.
00:59:34Te brudne twórce, gdzie spotykam ją,
00:59:38Te tłumy, które cicho klą,
00:59:42Ten pijak, który mruczy coś przez sen,
00:59:46Że póki my żyjemy, ona żyje też.
00:59:56Nie pytaj mnie.
01:00:00Nie pytaj mnie.
01:00:04Co ciągle widzę w niej.
01:00:08Dlaczego widzę w niej.
01:00:12Nie pytaj mnie.
01:00:16Dlaczego ciągle chcę zasypiać w niej i budzić się.
01:00:20Nie pytaj mnie.
01:00:24Dlaczego jestem w nią.
01:00:28Zobaczę, że nie ma dla mnie innych miejsc.
01:00:52Nie pytaj.
01:00:54Co ciągle widzę w niej.
01:00:58Nie pytaj.
01:01:00Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:01:06Nie pytaj.
01:01:14Nie pytaj.
01:01:16Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:01:20Nie pytaj.
01:01:28Nie pytaj.
01:01:58Nie pytaj.
01:02:00Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:02Nie pytaj.
01:02:04Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:06Nie pytaj.
01:02:08Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:10Nie pytaj.
01:02:12Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:14Nie pytaj.
01:02:16Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:18Nie pytaj.
01:02:20Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:22Nie pytaj.
01:02:24Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:26Nie pytaj.
01:02:28Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:30Nie pytaj.
01:02:32Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:34Nie pytaj.
01:02:36Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:38Nie pytaj.
01:02:40Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:42Nie pytaj.
01:02:44Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:46Nie pytaj.
01:02:48Dlaczego jestem w niej.
01:02:50Nie pytaj.
01:02:52Dlaczego jestem w niej.