• last year
00:00I know Matthew Slater joined the staff, and I think his title is assistant to the head coach,
00:05but I'm curious, how much has he helped out with you and the special teams?
00:10I mean, he's phenomenal. Just his insight and whatever I need from him, because he's pulled
00:16in so many directions. He's such a guy that's so well-respected that Coach Mayo's using him a lot,
00:22and everyone on the building's using him for everything, and he helps with our leadership
00:25council. So for me, I'm not like, he's not going to be in my room game-planning all day,
00:29and things like that, but what he does do is he's always on the field helping me out.
00:33He's always giving me insight on little things I might have forgotten to mention,
00:36or a little technique that I'm teaching. He comes in and says, hey, man, I've done that before,
00:40it doesn't work like that. So all right, well, how do you think we should teach this later?
00:44So, and even in game days on the sideline, he's phenomenal. So having a guy like that,
00:47as long as the rest of my crew, I got, you know, Tom Quinn's my assistant,
00:51Colby Tippett. I mean, I got a phenomenal crew of guys that just do a really good job,
00:54and help me, keep me honest, and it's been really good.
