• last year
00:00Pájaro soñador
00:10Estoy feliz de haber venido. Lo disfruté mucho.
00:16¿Y Jan?
00:20Piensa lo que te dije.
00:22Tú no eres un hombre de ciudad.
00:25Así que escucha a tu corazón y vea dónde te lleve.
00:29¿De acuerdo?
00:30Lo pensaré.
00:31Muy bien. Nos vemos.
00:33Hasta luego.
00:50¿A dónde?
00:51Para Estambul, Sanem.
00:52No, yo mejor me voy en autobús, Jan.
00:54En autobús, Sanem. Dame eso.
00:56Bueno, como quieras.
01:27Ay, perdóname.
01:28¿Enciéndelo tú?
01:29No, tú enciéndelo.
01:31No, tú.
01:32No, da igual.
01:33Hazlo tú.
01:35Tú elígelo.
01:36Me gusta la música que escuchas.
01:38Tienes un buen gusto.
01:39Puedes elegir la música que quieras.
01:42Entonces esta canción es de parte de Sanem.
01:56¿Qué tal?
02:22Qué bonita es esta carretera.
02:23Sí, es verdad. En primavera se ve mucho mejor.
02:25Podemos venir.
02:28Quiero decir, con la gente de la agencia,
02:30podríamos venir todos juntos a este lugar.
02:32Sí, podríamos venir un fin de semana.
02:35Bien pensado.
02:42Pues bueno, no vas a creerlo.
02:44Llevo dos días fuera y extraño a Deren.
02:46¿A Deren?
02:49¿Podríamos ir directamente a la agencia?
02:51La aprobación del texto de McKinnon va a llegar hoy.
02:54Así es, tenemos mucho que hacer.
02:57Quiero decir, ya verás cómo entre todos los sacamos.
03:00Yo te voy a ayudar con el trabajo.
03:02No te preocupes.
03:24No te preocupes.
03:26¿Qué tal?
03:52Tienes que estar cansada.
03:55Si quieres, voy yo.
03:57Tomaré nota de todo y te mando un correo.
04:01No te preocupes por nada.
04:03Sanem, no voy a entrar.
04:06Ya lo sé, por eso te lo estoy diciendo.
04:10Yo tomaré notas.
04:15Y más tarde te mandaré un correo con todo.
04:25Sanem, mañana tampoco voy a venir.
04:36¿Cómo dices?
04:39He decidido aceptar la oferta de Polen.
04:45Me marcho.
04:48¿Entonces te vas?
04:55¿Estás seguro?
04:57Sí, Sanem.
04:59Muy seguro.
05:04Lo decidí.
05:05Me voy.
05:10Si ya lo decidiste, está bien.
05:18Pero quiero decirte algo.
05:25Cometí muchos errores.
05:27Porque no quise perderte, Jan.
05:31Pero me esforcé de verdad.
05:35Y después me esforcé más por ti.
05:37Sabía que iba a ser muy difícil, pero al menos yo lo intenté.
05:42Pero ¿y tú?
05:45Te rendiste, Jan.
05:50Y ahora huyes.
05:51Huyes de todo.
05:52De tus problemas conmigo, de tu madre.
05:54No quieres saber nada de nadie.
05:56Estás enfadado con tu madre, pero te comportas igual.
05:59Si tienes ganas de irte, yo no lo puedo impedir.
06:03No puedo.
06:06Como ya está decidido.
06:10Ya vete.
06:20Entonces se va.
06:22¿Y te lo dijo así como si nada?
06:24Sí, así como te lo estoy contando.
06:27Va a aceptar la oferta de Polin.
06:30Mira, a lo mejor entendiste mal.
06:33¿No será que él te está tratando de poner a prueba?
06:36Leila, es como te lo he dicho.
06:38Incluso lo miré con lágrimas.
06:41Y no le importó.
06:43No hizo ningún esfuerzo.
06:46La verdad, yo también estoy cansada.
06:51Y por mucho que lo ame,
06:54no puedo ir detrás de alguien que no me quiere.
06:57Ay, Sanem, claro que te quiere,
06:59pero creo que no está claro con sus sentimientos.
07:02Está confundido y quizá ni siquiera sabe lo que está haciendo.
07:06No puedo quedarme en la agencia, así que...
07:14Sanem, espera.
07:15Una decisión como esa no se puede tomar a la ligera.
07:18Tranquila, solo piénsalo.
07:20Ay, mira.
07:22Ya no me quiere y por eso se marcha.
07:24No tiene ningún sentido que me quede aquí.
07:26Me pasaré todo el día acordándome de él.
07:30acabas de comenzar tu carrera profesional
07:33y estás progresando.
07:36Nosotros te queremos.
07:37Te necesitamos.
07:44Es que así no puedo trabajar.
07:46Es imposible.
07:48Sí, voy a renunciar.
07:54¿Qué haces? ¿Vas a escribir la renuncia?
08:02Esta no pinta.
08:03Esa debe ser una señal, así que luego la escribes.
08:07Dame algo para escribir, por favor.
08:08No puedo, porque no tengo más aquí.
08:10Y ya no hay papel.
08:15Solo pediré a alguien más.
08:17Oye, Sanem.
08:18Ay, eres muy necia.
08:30Pero me esforcé de verdad.
08:33Y después me esforcé más por ti.
08:36Sabía que iba a ser muy difícil, pero al menos yo lo intenté.
08:41Pero y tú.
08:43Te rendiste, Yara.
08:44Y ahora huye.
08:46Húmele de todo.
08:47De tus problemas conmigo, de tu madre.
08:49No quieres saber nada de nadie.
08:51Estás enfadado con tu madre, pero te comportas igual.
08:54Si tienes ganas de irte, yo no lo puedo impedir.
08:58No puedo.
09:29¿Qué estás haciendo?
09:30¿Por qué miras a Sanem así?
09:32Intento evitar que escriba usando todo el poder de mi poderosa mente.
09:35¿Por qué? ¿Qué escribe?
09:37Estoy intentando leer la pluma.
09:40¿Leer la pluma?
09:41¿Y eso es igual que leer los labios?
09:43Gulis, no voy a decirte nada.
09:45Cuando lo haya escrito, todos podremos saber de qué se trata.
09:48Pero antes, ¿no entiendes?
09:50¿Por qué lo dices?
09:51Sanem es muy buena escritora.
09:53No sé qué trae entre manos, pero seguro que será algo muy bueno.
09:56No es nada de eso.
09:57¿Y qué es? ¿Por qué no me lo dices?
09:59Me vas a matar de curiosidad.
10:00¿Qué escribe?
10:01Su carta de renuncia.
10:02¿Qué? ¿Sanem se va de aquí?
10:04¿Y qué dice el señor Yara al respecto?
10:06Se marcha porque él se va a los Balcanes.
10:08¿Él también se va?
10:09¿Cómo sabes lo del señor Jan?
10:11Tú lo dijiste.
10:12¿También dije que Sanem se va?
10:14Lo acabas de decir ahora.
10:16Qué fuerte.
10:18Hablo demasiado.
10:19No puedo mantener la boca cerrada.
10:22Bravo, Yeye.
10:24Bueno, tú sigue leyendo la pluma porque yo tengo muchas cosas que hacer.
10:29Vete a trabajar.
10:30Tengo que liberarme de toda la energía negativa con la que me impregnó Gulis.
10:35Tengo que concentrarme.
10:38A ver.
10:49Bien, tíralo.
10:51Está funcionando.
10:56Tengo noticias.
10:57Jan va a aceptar la oferta.
10:59Y además terminó con Sanem.
11:01Está escribiendo su renuncia en este momento.
11:05De acuerdo.
11:07Un beso, querida.
11:18Sanem, ¿qué haces?
11:19¿Tú qué haces?
11:21No, antes tenemos que hablar.
11:22Dámelo, Yeye.
11:23Sanem, creo que te estás precipitando.
11:24Oye, ¿qué haces?
11:25Dame eso.
11:27No seas inmaduro.
11:28No tiene nada que ver con ser inmaduro.
11:30No seas impulsiva.
11:32Sanem, ¿qué haces?
11:34¿Está ocurriendo algo?
11:36Bueno, esta...
11:38es mi carta de renuncia.
11:40Como el señor Jan no está y también eres mi jefa,
11:44te la presento a ti.
11:46No pienso aceptarla de ninguna manera, Sanem,
11:48porque es una tontería con todo lo que has trabajado para esta agencia.
11:52¿Por qué quieres irte ahora?
11:56Por motivos personales.
11:57¿Qué motivos personales?
11:59Es que el señor Jan quiere irse con la señorita Polén a los Balcanes.
12:03¿Jan se va?
12:04Se nos va.
12:06¿Cómo se va a ir?
12:08Pues en avión, ¿en qué más?
12:09No puede irse.
12:10Tenemos mucho trabajo que hacer y pendientes en la agencia.
12:15Es Jan Divit.
12:16Puede hacer lo que se le dé la gana, sea lo que sea.
12:19Pero, ¿tú por qué quieres irte, Sanem?
12:21Bueno, Deren, resulta que mientras siga trabajando aquí,
12:25verá al señor Jan en todas partes.
12:27Esta agencia siempre le va a recordar a él.
12:29Por eso se nos va.
12:30No podías dejar de ser tan chismoso.
12:32Bravo, Yeye.
12:33Te felicito.
12:34Sí, ese es mi problema.
12:35Si ya me conocen, ¿para qué me invitan?
12:37Ya lo saben.
12:38Así soy.
12:39No sé callarme.
12:40Así, así, así, así soy.
12:42Así soy yo.
12:43Está bien.
12:44La verdad, te entiendo.
12:46Te han roto el corazón.
12:49Y no es fácil recuperarse.
12:52Pues sí.
12:53Por eso yo...
12:55Yo no la acepto.
12:57No puedo firmártela.
13:00Entrégasela a Emre.
13:02Que él te la firme y que tome una decisión.
13:06Yo no me siento capaz.
13:17De acuerdo.
13:18Luego te llamo.
13:21Señor Emre, ¿tiene un momento?
13:22Claro, Sanem.
13:23¿Se han reconciliado?
13:27No, para nada.
13:29Qué mal.
13:31Señor Emre, voy a dejar el trabajo.
13:35Esta es mi renuncia.
13:38¿Qué dices, Sanem?
13:40¿Pero por qué?
13:41Pues porque estoy cansada.
13:48Llevo esforzándome mucho desde el día en que llegué,
13:51tratando de alejarme de todos los engaños y las mentiras.
13:56Y no pude.
13:58Yo no lo culpo, no lo tomé mal.
14:01En serio, yo no culpo a nadie.
14:05Todos somos un poco culpables.
14:09He intentado que Ceylan me perdonara por cada uno de mis errores.
14:15Pero no pude.
14:17No me perdonara.
14:21Y ahora se va.
14:26¿Aceptó la oferta de Polen?
14:29No veo ninguna razón para quedarme.
14:34Por cierto, también quiero devolverle el dinero que me prestó,
14:41aunque se lo iré pagando a plazos poco a poco.
14:45Sanem, no lo hagas.
14:50Se lo devolveré, señor Emre.
14:52Sanem, no hay deuda, ¿oíste?
14:56No insistas.
14:58Pero aún así yo prefiero pagarle.
15:00Escúchame, ¿sí?
15:02No te precipites.
15:04Conozco a mi hermano.
15:06Se va a arrepentir y te va a llamar.
15:09Me parece que esta vez no hay nada que hacer.
15:13Si algo no funciona, es mejor no forzarlo.
15:27Sanem, ¿cómo estás?
15:29Voy a recoger mis cosas.
16:13Adiós, Sanem.
16:38Tómalo, llévate a Yerim.
16:40Cuando te pongas triste, habla con él.
16:43Verás cómo te responde.
16:45Y no es de pilas.
16:59Cuídate mucho.
17:05¿Qué pasa aquí?
17:07Pues, que Sanem deja la agencia.
17:11¿Por qué?
17:13Por motivos personales.
17:15Claro, es normal.
17:17Cuando se mezcla el trabajo con la vida privada,
17:19suelen ocurrir este tipo de cosas.
17:23Da igual, querida.
17:26Deseo que te vaya muy bien, Sanem.
17:50Déjalo, yo me lo llevaré.
18:04Los quiero, amigos.
18:08Y muchas gracias por todo.
18:11Llámanos. Cuídate mucho, Sanem.
18:17Buena suerte.
18:21Pero que dejes la agencia
18:24no significa que no puedas venir a visitarnos.
18:30Nos vemos.
18:32Estamos acostumbrados a ti.
18:34Por ejemplo, yo.
18:37Cuídense mucho.
18:39Cuídate mucho, Sanem.
19:22The number you have dialed is not available.
19:36But I realized that those princesses I dreamed of
19:39didn't have the life I imagined.
19:41And so the dream ended.
19:43Dreams don't end.
19:46But they can break.
19:54But I prefer to keep dreaming.
19:57I did it because I love you.
19:59And I think you love me too.
20:01And I'm sure that together we can overcome the problems, Jan.
20:05Don't say that word again!
20:07Together? We're not together at all!
20:09Get it out of your head!
20:11If everything was so special, this wouldn't have happened.
20:14From now on, you're one more.
20:27Sanem, I'm not coming tomorrow either.
20:32I decided to accept Polen's offer.
20:44You're not fighting, Jan. Fight.
20:47And if you loved me, you wouldn't run away.
20:49You would forgive me.
21:03Are you okay?
21:05Are you hurt?
21:07Hey, are you okay? Answer me. Help me, please.
21:10I'm fine.
21:12Don't move. I'm going to call an ambulance.
21:14No need. I'm fine.
21:16I just hit my head a little.
21:19What's wrong? Don't move.
21:23Does it hurt? Are you okay? Can you stand up?
21:27Be careful, miss.
21:29Gentlemen, please help me.
21:34I'll take you to the hospital. Open the door.
21:36Don't worry. It's happening to me.
21:38It's nothing.
21:39Of course it is. Let's go, please.
21:41To the hospital?
21:42We have to go to the hospital.
21:44There's no need.
21:45There are no excuses. I'll take you and that's it.
21:50Let me help you.
22:12You have an emergency brake.
22:15I think it's my fault.
22:18That doesn't matter right now.
22:29I'm sorry.
22:31I'm sorry.
22:33I'm sorry.
22:35I'm sorry.
22:37I'm sorry.
22:39I'm sorry.
22:41I'm sorry.
22:43I'm sorry.
22:45I'm sorry.
22:47I'm sorry.
22:49I'm sorry.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
23:22Please give me the patient's report.
23:25You can't see anything in the X-ray.
23:28But they want you to stay under observation to rule out complications.
23:32Thank you very much. And sorry for the inconvenience.
23:35No, not at all. On the contrary.
23:37You're here because of me.
23:39You could even report me if you wanted to.
23:44This was my fault. How can I report you?
23:47If you want, you can leave.
23:49You don't have to waste any more time with me.
23:52I'd rather make sure you're okay.
23:54We'll take your blood pressure and then I'll ask you a few questions.
23:59I'll wait in the hallway.
24:01Don't you want me to tell your family?
24:03No, my parents will be worried.
24:06But it would be nice to call my sister.
24:08If you want, I can call her.
24:10No, thank you.
24:12And my bag?
24:13It's in the car. I'll bring it to you.
24:18You're a little pale.
24:20And you have low blood pressure.
24:22I'm fine.
24:23You should see a doctor.
24:25Then we'll take you to a room.
24:50She has low blood pressure. She's resting.
24:53The doctor will see her soon.
24:55Is she okay? Is it serious?
24:57No, don't worry. She'll go to a room right away.
25:00You wanted to call your sister?
25:02I was going to give her the phone.
25:04So if you want, I can give it to her.
25:07Let's see. I can't find it.
25:10Here it is.
25:12Thank you very much.
25:16I don't know why he quit. I can't explain what happened.
25:19No, thank you.
25:20If they fire you, they must compensate you.
25:22And how long have you been working here?
25:24What were they going to pay you?
25:26You know everything, Gulis.
25:27How much has each of you worked?
25:29What compensation do we get?
25:30How many years do we have left to retire?
25:32Yes, I also wanted to quit.
25:35But Sané convinced me to stay.
25:38And now she's gone.
25:40His sister was promoted.
25:42Even to say goodbye, you have to follow an order.
25:44There is a strict protocol.
25:46The first one should be the one who came in first.
25:48You, Gulis, you started working before me.
25:50Come on! Get up!
25:52Go write your resignation letter and take it to Mr. Yan immediately.
25:55Hey, Jay, I started after you, so you start first.
26:02He, you, you came in before me.
26:04You must quit.
26:05Write it.
26:06Take a pen and write your resignation letter.
26:08Come on.
26:09And you too.
26:10Or I'll hang you.
26:11And you must quit in style.
26:12Or you must cry like a baby.
26:14Of course.
26:18An accident?
26:20How did they run over her?
26:22Sané suffered an accident.
26:24An accident?
26:25Yes, she was run over.
26:26How is that possible?
26:27What happened?
26:29I'm on my way.
26:30What happened, Leila?
26:31They ran over Sané.
26:32She says she's fine, but I have to go.
26:34I'll be right there.
26:35Wait, I'll take you.
26:48Please, let me know as soon as something happens.
26:51It's unbelievable.
26:52Why do these things always happen to us?
26:54Could it be bad eyesight?
26:58Emre is calling.
27:01Tell me, Emre.
27:02Hey, brother, it's good to see you.
27:04Don't get upset, please.
27:06Sané suffered an accident.
27:09How is she?
27:10What happened?
27:11Tell me, Emre.
27:12What happened?
27:13Was it very serious?
27:14Well, she's fine.
27:15They called Leila from the hospital and they have her under observation.
27:18We're on our way.
27:19Where is she?
27:21You're going to be very happy and satisfied.
27:23You wash your hands with this soap at night and you're going to be wonderful.
27:27Look, it's not like those soaps that are sold out there.
27:31Not at all.
27:32Ours is a totally natural soap.
27:35I assure you.
27:36Don't tell me.
27:37As if mine were made in a car factory.
27:40They are also packaged in machines.
27:41They are not touched by the human hand.
27:43They are perfectly reliable and healthy.
27:45They are made like this.
27:47That's what it's about.
27:48Ours are made by hand.
27:50They are sold by machines.
27:51The raw material is worked by the human hand directly.
27:54And they go from nature to the pantry.
27:56Did you understand that well?
27:57I wonder what those hands will have touched.
28:02That's very disgusting.
28:04I want to see you in a couple of days when you check that you don't have the bills
28:08and you have to ask me for a loan for your debts.
28:10What I was missing.
28:11Don't give me that kind of nonsense.
28:14Now go sit in your store with all your artificial products.
28:18Ours are also organic, but they are packaged differently.
30:40Uh, well, uh, it's the guy who ran me over, his name is Jigit.
30:47Uh, Jigit, he ran me over.
30:50Exactly, it was me.
30:53My car ran over Sanem, yes.
30:55What do you mean your car ran over Sanem? Is that what he said?
30:58Look, first of all, nothing about Sanem.
31:00In any case, Miss Sanem.
31:02And now, secondly, how can you say that your car ran over her?
31:06The blame is on your car, and if I hit her and say it was my hand and not me, what would you think?
31:11That's not what he said.
31:12That's what he said, as if it were the car.
31:14You are a danger, he could have killed her.
31:16Well, I wouldn't describe myself like that.
31:18You think I'm a monster, Sanem, right?
31:20And how would you describe yourself?
31:21I was driving slowly, okay?
31:23And then, out of nowhere, Sanem comes out, and he barely gave me time to brake.
31:27Of course not, to run over someone, you have to go at a certain speed.
31:30What speed did he come at so as not to see her in front of you?
31:33I wasn't even going at 50, that's why I was able to brake.
31:35You know everything is under control, where does that confidence come from?
31:38You don't even know where he's driving.
31:40I was referring to the medical part, not the traffic.
31:42If you let me, I would like to rest.
31:44And it's true, the accident was my fault.
31:47I crossed the street without looking to call a taxi.
31:50Of course, he didn't have time to react.
31:53It was for that.
31:54Yes, of course, relax.
31:56Now don't choke and don't move much, stay calm.
32:00What I don't understand is that this man touches you.
32:02And besides, he treats you with so much confidence.
32:04They just met, and on top of everything, he just ran over you with the car.
32:07It's something I can't understand.
32:08It's a short time, but we've been through a lot.
32:11The accident, then coming to the hospital, the tests, all the income.
32:15I brought you your belongings, we've been getting to know each other.
32:18Now there's confidence.
32:19You took a lot of confidence.
32:20It doesn't seem like you're enjoying it very much, isn't it?
32:27Come, please.
32:28Sister, what happened?
32:29Are you okay?
32:30It's just in time.
32:31I was distracted.
32:32But are you okay?
32:33Yes, I'm fine.
32:35Who is he?
32:36I introduce you.
32:37The one who almost crushes Sanem with his car, my brother Emre.
32:40Emre, he's the one who almost crushes Sanem with his car.
32:46There are a lot of people here.
32:47Do you want me to open the window?
32:48Of course, open it.
32:49Yes, right away.
32:50Please, I'm not cold.
32:51I'll be out in a moment.
32:53Was there a lot of traffic on the way?
32:58Emre, son?
32:59Tell me, mom.
33:00I was worried about Sanem.
33:02How did everyone run away from the agency?
33:05I don't want to bother you if you're in the hospital, but I'm worried.
33:08Calm down, it's okay.
33:10It was just a few blows.
33:11Oh, that's good.
33:12I'm glad to hear that.
33:14Well, tell him to get better soon.
33:16Yes, okay.
33:17And tell the people at the agency not to worry, it's okay.
33:23Oh my God, what a relief.
33:25What a great relief.
33:27So he brought me to the hospital?
33:29Oh, you were very lucky.
33:32Fortunately, nothing happened to you.
33:36You must have been scared too.
33:38And I'm glad you stayed in that.
33:40Just a scare.
33:41Yes, I think so.
33:42The important thing is that Sanem is okay.
33:52I talked to everyone at the agency and told them you were okay.
33:55Thank you very much.
33:56Yes, I appreciate it.
34:01You can go.
34:02She's done enough, thank you.
34:04I've been with her so far, but she doesn't have to stay here.
34:07Seriously, you can go.
34:09What was missing.
34:10Sorry, but you didn't let me explain.
34:12No need.
34:13Well, I'm not leaving until the doctor confirms that Sanem is okay and nothing happened to her.
34:17I want to have a calm conscience.
34:19Well, calm your conscience out there.
34:21There can't be so many people with a patient.
34:24The doctor will come right away and he won't like it.
34:27Yes, let's see if he comes.
34:29Now that you've seen that she's okay, you can go out and wait.
34:32Call me if you need me.
34:34Well, yes.
34:35Sanem would be there at the door, okay?
34:37All right, Leila.
34:42And you?
34:43Me what?
34:45They already left.
34:47One person can stay in case you need anything.
34:52I said outside.
34:54I'm going out.
34:59I'll be out there.
35:01Did you hear?
35:02In case you need me.
35:06Maybe I'll have some tea.
35:10Thank you very much.
35:11You're welcome.
35:13We have entered fully as a cyclone in the organic market.
35:16And we have also entered the world of advertising.
35:19I have many plans and we just need to solve one thing.
35:22A little problem.
35:25Let's see, what problem is that?
35:27There are posters and your own brand.
35:29And the products are announced in the campaign.
35:32What do we lack?
35:33Of course we have all that, but how are we going to advertise it?
35:37That's why we have to find a celebrity and tell her to consume our products.
35:42It's a way to emphasize the business.
35:44A well-known face always gives a boost to sales.
35:46Just one thing.
35:47The question is, where do we get it?
35:49Where do we get a celebrity?
35:53I looked in the neighborhood, but there is no one here who can be called a celebrity.
35:56There are no celebrities.
35:57But there are a couple of people who are trustworthy.
36:00And well, one of those people is you as president.
36:04And the other one is me, the vice president.
36:07I have prepared a great surprise.
36:09Don't open it.
36:11Ta, ta, ta, ta.
36:13Oh, Musaferi, I look great.
36:16I love it.
36:18And there's more.
36:19Oh, and that's your poster, right?
36:21Yes, of course.
36:22I printed them with the highest quality, with the latest technology.
36:25They are a real wonder.
36:26The best in posters.
36:27I already felt it.
36:28The best is Musafer.
36:30The best is Musafer.
36:31Yes, it's fine, it's fine, but that's enough.
36:33Please, we have to work.
36:35We have to stick them everywhere, on doors and also on windows.
36:39So I'll stick mine right there.
36:43Musafer is such a good boy.
36:46Look at that, Nihat.
36:47That's what I call professionalism.
37:00Why doesn't it work?
37:01I don't understand.
37:02If the TV doesn't work, why do they put it on?
37:05And besides, I'm fine.
37:06Why don't they let me go?
37:07Because they want to make sure there are no complications.
37:09It's for your own good.
37:11That's why they haven't fired you yet.
37:13I understand.
37:17Tell me, how was the accident?
37:24I quit.
37:26What? Are you quitting now?
37:30Not now.
37:33It was before the accident.
37:35I turned in my resignation to Mr. Emre.
37:37I was distracted on the street.
37:43And then it happened.
37:47And why did you quit?
37:49It's just...
37:51I can't stay there.
37:56I'm leaving the agency.
37:59And you, you have a lot of talent.
38:01You're very good.
38:05Quitting halfway through your career is absurd.
38:07No, it's not.
38:08Quitting halfway through your career because of us is absurd.
38:11It's throwing everything you've done to the trash.
38:14I decide about my career, okay?
38:16If I leave or enter, it's my business and no one else's.
38:19I thought we didn't give each other advice anymore.
38:22You can't quit.
38:24I already did.
38:25You can't leave the agency so quickly.
38:27It's over and I left the agency.
38:30You have to do what stipulates the contract.
38:32You have to give a warning.
38:34How long?
38:35The normal thing in these cases.
38:37You tell them you're leaving and you keep working 15 more days.
38:41It's the norm in all companies.
38:4315 days?
38:44That's what the law stipulates.
38:45Good morning.
38:46The doctor has the results.
38:50It seems everything is correct.
38:52If she's feeling well, we can discharge her right now.
38:55I'm fine.
38:57Discharge me right now, please.
39:00I told you she wanted to leave.
39:04She can't shut up.
39:07Doctor, why don't you tell this man that there are no more visits?
39:18Are you okay?
39:20You can take my arm if you want.
39:22I'll go get the car.
39:23Put the heating on so it doesn't get cold.
39:25Go slowly, sister.
39:26The doctor said it was just a few blows.
39:28I want to get home.
39:29Do you want me to take you home?
39:30Hey, friend, please.
39:31This is too much.
39:32What do you want?
39:33I'm nervous.
39:34What's going on?
39:35I'm usually a calm guy,
39:36but so much unnecessary courtesy makes me feel bad.
39:39What do you want?
39:40What are you looking for?
39:41Doesn't it seem like you've already helped a lot?
39:43Or is it an angel who's going to follow you from here to there?
39:46Or what do you want?
39:47I try to be kind, a good person.
39:50It's amazing.
39:51Really, Sanem.
39:52Hey, it doesn't cost me anything.
39:53You're here because of me.
39:54Let me take you to make up for it.
39:56Sanem, do you want me to take you to the doctor?
40:03I don't know if it's a lot of trouble.
40:05No, of course not.
40:06It's not a bother.
40:07I'm going to the parking lot by car.
40:08It's not a bother, Angelito.
40:10Be careful.
40:12Don't run over someone on the way.
40:14Look where you're going.
40:17What's all this?
40:18What's this about?
40:19Why are you doing this to me?
40:21Why are you going with him if you don't know him?
40:23He's a stranger.
40:24I'm not going with him.
40:25I'm going home with my sister.
40:27If I'm a person to you,
40:29why does it bother you?
40:30I don't understand you.
40:31Don't be exaggerated.
40:32I didn't say that.
40:33Why are you going with that man?
40:34He's a danger.
40:35He's running over people on the street
40:37and it looks like you don't care.
40:39That guy is a criminal.
40:40Let's go.
40:41He's a complete stranger.
40:42Come with me or my brother if you want,
40:44but why are you going with that guy?
