Secret of reaching Your Dream Life - Spiritual Dreams Come True - nde like

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Sep 27, 2024
Sabrina interviews Heather Giamboi on Tales of Resilience about reaching your dream life, making spiritual dreams come true. Heather shares different out of body experiences of many levels of heaven to return home.

I apologize to individuals and our students about the delay in not posting for over six weeks. We had an emergency. Thank you for your patience and divine love.
00:00I had an out-of-body experience where once I was in a convention center and there were
00:05thousands of people there and I just filled myself with a tremendous amount of love and
00:13appreciation for each person there.
00:15It's sort of like I could sense beyond time the God spark in them, the spark of God that
00:22they were so blessed to reach that point.
00:25And I was filling myself with love and then all of a sudden I was shocked because I was
00:31hovering over a hundred feet above on the ceiling like a bird.
00:36And I had this panoramic bird's eye view all around of these thousands of people below
00:42and I saw myself sitting in a chair, my physical body.
00:47But what was shocking, what kind of startled me was, I was a little shocked about this,
00:52because I noticed that above me were hovering these five, there were these five bodies.
00:59In my chair was my physical body, sitting way down there.
01:04Then above that was a light body that most people see when they have an NDE, near-death
01:08experience and it was shimmering like light but it looked, sort of resembled the physical
01:14body with the same shape.
01:17And then above that was another body, was the causal body, which corresponds with the
01:21Akashic records, past, present and future.
01:25And then above that is the mental body, from the mental plane, with a heaven of mind.
01:31And then the etheric, which is the unconscious, well, the mental and the etheric are sort
01:36of the same.
01:37And then it was me as pure soul, which, not really a body but just like pure light and
01:43And the moment I saw this I was shocked and then all of a sudden, have you ever seen those
01:48Russian dolls that fit in each other?
01:52Well, then what happened was, the bodies, they went one into the next, into the next
01:56until boom, I was sitting in my chair and I was like, whoa.
02:02But the reason that I bring this up is because each of those bodies corresponds with a different
02:08level of heaven.
02:10And most people know about the astral body, but not everybody knows about those other
02:17And each body has different, you could say, senses.
02:23So the astral body, for example, someone who has a highly developed astral body will have
02:30They can see what is invisible to the physical.
02:34They can hear on the astral level.
02:36So someone who's physically advanced has advanced physical senses, like with their sight, their
02:42hearing, their skills, but the astral too.
02:45But then the causal, when people have a developed causal body, then they can see the Akashic
02:51They have certain other skills.
02:52When they have a developed mental body, then they become someone like Einstein, who could
02:56access certain things on that level.
02:59And then the etheric body is the unconscious mind, which is even more advanced.
03:04And the soul, when we become awake in the senses of soul, we have what's called knowingness,
03:12which is like a vision, it's like spiritual x-ray vision.
03:15It's different than intuition.
03:17It's like you're just there, and you just know.
03:21It's like an awareness.
03:24I just thought I'd share that to answer your question before.
03:29I love that.
03:31And tell me, how can we, is there, so the way I can envision these different bodies,
03:39is I tend to think if I want to pick up a skill, say running or physics or whatever,
03:44I need to study it.
03:46So with these different bodies, can we become better and access all the benefits that you've
03:53mentioned by training, if it were these different bodies?
03:57And how would we even start to do that?
04:02Well, related to spirituality, it's just like when somebody becomes a teacher or a doctor
04:10or any profession.
04:13It takes years to train and to develop certain abilities and skills.
04:19Really, though, the goal is not to just have all these abilities and powers.
04:26The goal is jaya-vimakti, which means spiritual freedom, and reaching self-realization and
04:33God-realization, to become masterful, mastered in it.
04:41One of the things I should mention is that in the lower layers or levels of heaven, I
04:47think Ipimana could show a chart, in the lower layers or levels of heaven, like the astral
04:55plane, which is the plane where people have near-death experiences, or the causal plane
05:00where the Akashic records are.
05:03These levels of heaven are so beautiful and such a gift, like God is giving the person
05:08a gift.
05:10At the same time, most people don't know that these lower layers of heaven are the domain
05:16of the negative power and heavens of reincarnation, where souls get trapped.
05:23Swami, you mentioned that some of the heaven realms where people go when they have NDEs
05:31are in hands of a negative power.
05:35My question here, because I can almost see the comments that I sometimes receive on NDEs,
05:41is why?
05:43Is there a test to it?
05:45What is the purpose of this negative power having those planes and offering these experiences,
05:52if you will?
05:53And then, if we have one of those NDEs, one of those experiences, we feel love, we feel
06:00bliss, how do we know or how can we test it in the moment to understand if that experience
06:07is a positive for us, or if it's a trap that we shouldn't go into?
06:12Well, every experience is a gift from God, but a lot of times people, it's like they
06:20take a stepping stone, but if they don't move further, then they get stuck.
06:24And that is an issue, that there is powerful illusion in the lower levels of layers of
06:31heaven, and one of the things is developing knowingness and developing certain spiritual
06:37abilities in out-of-body travel, so that you can tell where you are.
06:42There are different ways of being able to know what plane you're on.
06:46For example, this is just an example, the astral plane, it has this brilliant white
06:53light, and the higher you go, the brighter the light, and it's subtle pink, and there's
06:59a certain light and sound and vibration, consciousness.
07:04It's the plane of near-death experiences, it's the plane of paranormal, it has hells
07:09and heavens in it, but there are like thousands and thousands of regions.
07:15And related to the negative power, the negative power, it exists because the lower worlds,
07:21the lower worlds, when I say lower worlds, I mean lower layers of heaven, and universes,
07:25planets, and so forth, they're all a school for soul.
07:32And what it is, is God, which I call Hure, God wants souls to reach a certain level of
07:41readiness, like a fruit that's unripe is green, and it wants soul to be ripe for certain things,
07:51so because of that it's sort of like the negative power is this gigantic filtration system,
07:56and it filters out any who are not ready to reach the upper levels or layers, self-realization
08:04and God-realization, so the negative power tests individuals to see what level they're
08:10ready for, and they have to, it's sort of like they have to care.
08:15One of the things that's pushed is the idea that you can just, you just have an experience
08:20and that's it, you don't have to do anything.
08:23Alan and I remember past lives, you know, there was one past life we had on another
08:28planet, sorry, there's a, but in any case, it's sort of like the negative power tests
08:35souls to see what they are ready for, and when they pass certain tests then they move
08:42on to the higher levels of consciousness, and suffering and difficulty in dark ages,
08:49the negative power in dark ages, souls undergo suffering and difficulty, and it helps them
08:56to learn to appreciate the spiritual things, and then in the positive, or golden ages,
09:04the negative power has a smiling face of light and world reform and positivity, and sometimes
09:11that can be even more powerful, because it feels positive, so it's important to develop
09:19certain skills spiritually, to see through the illusion and the truth.
09:25And speaking of skills, tell me about how you started out-of-body travel together with
09:31your husband.
09:32Well, we had both been studying for decades, for me, I first started, I was, when I was
09:4117 years old, I went to an art college in New York City, and I was searching, I was
09:47reading, like, from the college library, 10 books a week, and meeting with mentors
09:53in Manhattan, and everything I looked at, it just felt like there was some wisdom there,
10:01but there was something missing, and I couldn't figure out what it was, and finally I became
10:06frustrated, and I put my head on the dormitory wall, and I just started to cry, and I said,
10:13if there is a God, please show me a real teacher, because I realized that maybe it wasn't even
10:20there, what I was looking for, and it was shortly after then I was guided to a new college,
10:25and I closed my eyes the first week I was there in the college library, and I closed
10:32my eyes and I said, what am I ready for now?
10:35And my hand felt like it was guided to a book, and I pulled the book out, and it was a book
10:41of what I practice now, but immediately I had this out-of-body experience, where it
10:49was like the flash of this universe, this white universe that went on for thousands
10:55and thousands of miles endlessly, and a beautiful sound of heaven, and it was deep in these
11:02God worlds, deep in the pure positive God worlds, the heaven of God realization, and
11:09I was like, wow, this is what I've been looking for, and my husband, same thing with
11:16him, he studied 25 years this advanced form of out-of-body travel, and when we met, we
11:23had studied it for many years, it was interesting, but it was, we had a sort of matrix moment,
11:31where we realized that we thought that we were on the highest path ever, and we had
11:36this, we kept seeing the movie Matrix over and over again, it was like divine spirit
11:41was revealing to us through that movie that we were about to have an experience that was
11:47like the Matrix, where we were going to be unplugged, and realize that this spiritual
11:52path that we thought was the very highest in the universe, because we practice out-of-body
11:55travel to heaven, you know, how could this not be the highest?
11:58That we were missing something, and so we had an experience, and met this master, this
12:05ancient one, and when my husband first told me, he said, I found this master, I'm like,
12:11what are you talking about?
12:12We already studied with someone, you know, we're already studying with the highest teacher,
12:18you know, I looked at him like he had three heads, and I took a while before I actually
12:25became interested, or less afraid, and when I finally became a part of it, I think it
12:33was like the first day, the first day, I had felt like I was trapped in reincarnation,
12:39and I was even talking to my Christian hairdresser saying, you know, I feel like I'm trapped
12:43in reincarnation, and he's looking at me like, yeah, sure, you know, but the first day that
12:52I spoke to this master, I was shocked, because he literally, I felt like he pulled me right
12:59out of these lower levels, the lower worlds, like astral, and deep into the God worlds,
13:06and I felt like a tiny light bulb being plugged directly into the sun, it was overwhelming,
13:14and beautiful, beautiful, the sense of God's presence, and it was difficult, because usually
13:22you don't jump up that many levels, it's not even, it's never done that way, but our lower
13:28bodies were like, freaking out, like our emotional body, we were getting emotional
13:31about stupid things, like, oh, I forgot, I started, it was ridiculous, but it was a miracle
13:38in my life, and in Alan's life, and it was like, as soon as we got together, we immediately
13:46started to help each other to reach those goals, our spiritual goals, and that was when we found
13:51the master. And how can I imagine these more evolved realms of heaven, compared to the lower
14:01ones? So, what was the feeling that you had when you were there? Yes, well, in the lower levels
14:11of heaven, how to describe this, it's almost like that saying, as above, so below, have you ever
14:17heard that saying? For instance, in the lower layers of heaven, you have some things that may
14:23resemble the God worlds, like there are oceans in the lower levels of heaven, there are beautiful,
14:29beautiful, beautiful light, like people in the lower layers of heaven will experience
14:35what feels like the presence of God at that level, but it's not the actual home of God,
14:42the home of God is deep in the God worlds, it's the ocean of love and mercy, which is like a vast
14:48ocean of light and sound, and what it is, is in the God worlds, it's sort of like the lower worlds
14:54are contained best, energy, space and time, but because it's so minute, the matter is so minute,
15:02that it appears matterless, and the time, it just sort of, it's not fixed so much, so it appears
15:11timeless, and as you go higher and higher, there's less and less matter, so in the astral plane,
15:17there's some matter, but more spirit, and then in the causal plane, there's even less matter,
15:23and even more spirit, but in the God worlds, what's different is that there's no illusion,
15:30it's just pure spirit, no matter, no energy, no time or space, it's just pure spirit,
15:38and you have a sense of knowingness, like omnipresence, it's sort of like soul is this
15:44spark of God, like a spark from God, and has the awareness and powers of God, and is destined to
15:53return to God, there's this sound that we ride in out-of-body travel, on this returning wave,
16:00home to God, and what makes the God worlds, the pure positive God worlds different,
16:06is they are beautiful regions of light and sound, it's the light and sound of God,
16:12it's the voice of God, the way that it communicates with soul, and it's just beautiful
16:20universes of light and sound, that they have no end, and it's just like being in the presence of
16:29God, and having access to this vast wisdom, but it's different, because in the lower worlds you
16:34have vast wisdom too, there's some people who have near-death experience, and they'll hover
16:39above the planet, and they'll be shown the lower universes and galaxies, or they'll be shown the
16:44Akashic records, and they're like, wow, look at all this wisdom, all of this understanding,
16:52and the way to tell the difference is through knowingness, developing knowingness of soul,
16:59where it's like spiritual x-ray vision, you just know a soul, but people have to be very careful,
17:06because one of the biggest traps is, on the opposite side of the coin, one of the biggest
17:11traps is, people develop a little bit of skill, or they have some out-of-body experiences,
17:16like they have an NDE, or they have OBEs, all of a sudden, or somebody reaches their third
17:21initiation in foreign car, all of a sudden they're having these wonderful experiences,
17:26and they develop too much confidence, and believe that they have found everything,
17:32like I'm done, I've found it, and then they don't move on to the higher levels, and they get
17:37trapped there, because of vanity, or over-confidence, and then they start to argue with God,
17:44or the masters, and they're like, I know better, it's another trap, but knowingness, you can kind
17:49of see through things. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, and I think when you said that people can
17:55fall into traps because of vanity, it's almost like what we have in our current physical world,
18:02right, that there's so much of that, and it's so easy to get a big head, and to let yourself just
18:08be guided by temptation, by ego, instead of really looking out for our soul. Yes, yes, that's why it's
18:17so important to be able to face things, and be humble. For Alan, my husband, and Spirit, and I,
18:25to be able to find the master, we had to face painful things, like yeah, we reached a high point,
18:32but no, we don't know everything, you know, we have to start over kindergarten style, and for a lot
18:38of people that's too difficult, or too painful to do, because they, you know, people, you like to feel
18:44that you know, but really God knows more than we do, in the little self, it's sort of like, not my will
18:52be done, thy will be done, show me thy ways, you know, it takes a humility to start over again,
19:00over, and over, and over again, because each plane, you're learning a completely different
19:05universe, so it's like you have to start over again, and again, it's like one of our teachers,
19:11Rebazar, says, I know that I do not know, and you have to have that kind of humility to progress to
19:16the higher levels, really. And tell me about how the relationship between you and your husband
19:24changed after he passed away. Yeah, well, what changed about it was, it became deeper,
19:33in a sense, because here's like two people that mastered out-of-body travel, suddenly one of them
19:39translates or dies, and what, initially I was in so much pain that I couldn't connect with him
19:46for days, but then we began to connect every day, initially when I first connected with him,
19:55he would give me messages, and guidance, and help, so he would say, you know, Heather, move to Florida,
20:03and I'm like, Florida? You know, the world is getting weird, this was like 2021,
20:08the world is getting weird, and you want me to move to Disney World? You know, it's just like,
20:12I didn't want to. I did, I moved to Florida, and before he died, everywhere I went, I'd see puppies,
20:19like I'd go to the grocery stores, puppies, go in the parking lot, puppies, he was comforting me, and
20:27oh, I should mention this too, one week before he died, one week before he died,
20:35well, actually, I'm sorry, let me correct that, several months before he died,
20:40I was in a lot of pain seeing him suffer, because he had end-stage heart failure,
20:45his body was bloated with water, and he was very, very, and there were things going on in the world
20:52that were painful, you know, it was like 2021, COVID, and I just, a part of me didn't want to
20:57be there, didn't want to be here anymore, and so I'm driving in my van, and then all of a sudden,
21:05I'm driving on my van, bright daylight, on a 65 mile an hour highway, and I faint, I just go
21:12unconscious, and then all of a sudden, I open my eyes, and I notice the car is driving itself,
21:18and the moment the lane next to us opens up, the car steers itself, when an opening appears,
21:26it steers itself into the middle meridian with a field, and like the ice capes, just glides to a
21:33perfect stop, and when I get home, I tell Alan, I tell him what happened, and he said, he said that
21:39you wanted to leave, you wanted to leave this world, and you know, you almost manifested that,
21:45he said, don't do that again, he said, you're under the Master's protection, but don't do that again,
21:51but anyway, certain things like that happened before he died, you know, he was giving me all
21:56this protection and comfort, he was, as the Master, and so when he translated, he began to
22:04help me a lot, because I was in so much pain, I remember at one point, like every time I was
22:12about to cry and feel agony of his loss, a student would call me and talk, like the second,
22:20every single time, like clockwork, he'd know the exact second and call, and many months later,
22:26the student who practices out-of-body travel told me, he said that what would happen is, Alan G.,
22:33my husband, would visit him on the inner and heavenly planes, and say, like, and tell him,
22:39comfort her, comfort her, and so, because he, and then he would, you know, be told by my husband to
22:47call me to comfort me, because, you know, my students practice out-of-body travel, so they
22:51can hear these things, and it was funny, and sometimes I was in pain, so he'd give me instructions
23:00about how to heal myself, so at one point, Alan G. came to me in heaven, and he said, go to
23:08the ocean, so I went to the ocean, and I was told to surrender all of the pain and the loss of our
23:17current relationship into the ocean, and that what would come back as the returning wave would be
23:24his love and our new relationship, and when I did this, it was funny, because I felt,
23:31all of a sudden, after doing it, it's like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders,
23:36and I felt so much lighter, it was like I had healing, and he was always doing these things
23:42with, on the inner, like giving me healing, and giving me protection, and having these experiences,
23:49you know, a God presence in these God worlds, and so our relationship changed, he also said,
23:56had a funny sense of humor, too, we, he had passed lives as slaves, so he didn't like wedding rings,
24:06I gave him like a, you know, one of those toy gummy wedding, toy gummy rings that glow in the
24:12dark, and have little tentacles, it changed colors, it would flash blue, and red, and green, yellow,
24:17and at one point, I find this gold wedding ring, and I said, where did this come from,
24:23I'd never seen this before, and Alan G. tells me in heaven, he, like, when I saw him, he says,
24:28he tells me in heaven, he says, I should have married you when I was alive, we were married,
24:34but it was not official, official, he would joke in different ways, like, say, like, now that I'm
24:40in heaven, you know, I'm in, there are, you know, I'm in the sea of puppies, and so instead of
24:46crying, I would be, you know, laughing, imagining him and all these puppies, but he had a fierce
24:52sense of humor that way, but in terms of other things, our relationship deepened, it was like
24:58an old relationship died, but a new relationship was born, and as I started having all these
25:05experiences, I had a friend who was a mystic, who said to me, she said, she said that, that, that,
25:12she was saying that Alan and I were destined to write a book together, um, destined to write a
25:18book together that would be the answer to many people's prayers, and she said that most books
25:24and teachers, teachers and the books out there are beginner level, but that this book would be
25:28advanced, or like, intermediate to the advanced, leading to the advanced, and, um, and so after this,
25:36I realized, okay, you know, I'll do it, so, um, Alan wanted me to write this book, so every day,
25:45I mean, I lost my house, you know, I sold my house, and I was in a room rental in Tampa, Florida,
25:51sleeping on a cheap little cot that I bought, it's a camping cot, and I'd hold Alan's picture in
25:56front of me, Angie's picture in front of me, and close my eyes and visualize him with me,
26:04and I could experience him on multiple layers of heaven, so I would see him on the super physical
26:11level, like his light body, uh, astral, and then I'd also see him at the same time, deep in the god
26:18worlds, in the pure positive god worlds, like the Anami lock, which is a heaven of pure light,
26:24and, uh, light that's like a whirlpool, and the sound that's like a whirlpool that I hear, usually high
26:30vibration sound, and, um, and I would meet him in heaven, and he began to, we'd have all these
26:38different experiences in heaven, it's what I practice, what we practice, it's dying daily,
26:44which means, like, uh, it's almost like having a near-death experience of heaven every day,
26:49and, um, or almost every day, but it can be more subtle, sometimes in the higher levels, because
26:54there's less matter, and so every day I would do this, I'd meet him in heaven, and also, like, write
27:01down things he said, you know, if he said, he would say, you know, something I'd talk to him about, and
27:07I would write down what he said, and what we'd talk about, and it was magnificent, it was such a
27:16such a joy, like, he shared so much wisdom of how, I mean, of how to become closer to god,
27:24and to have a communication with deceased loved ones, and it was, and then it relationship deepened,
27:31so, um, because we had this inner relationship that became so much more, because I could meet him in
27:38heaven, and we could talk about anything, and he would also protect me, uh, this is kind of weird,
27:47but, um, after I wrote the book, um, all of a sudden I started having a lot of weird stuff happen, I'm
27:55not going to go into it all, but, um, there were certain beings that didn't, people that didn't want
28:01the public to get my book, and, um, and so I was having certain emergencies and problems, and Alan G
28:07would always, and other guides that I worked with, would always tell me how to protect myself,
28:14like, one morning I would, I would wake up, and in the heavenly worlds, Alan would tell me, he'd say,
28:20stop driving your car, stop driving my car, you know, it's like, stop driving my car, you know, I've
28:26been driving for years, I've never stopped driving my car before, and, um, he told me just to stop
28:32driving my car, and so the next, that day I canceled my car insurance, and stopped driving for six
28:37months, and he told me why, I can't say why, but that I was in danger, and so I found out, uh, six
28:46months later, it was confirmed that he, it's true, that, um, that I was in danger, and that I had to do that,
28:53and he gave me a lot of, um, guidance like that, um, so I had, you know, protection, and the spiritual part
29:01was the most beautiful, like, the wisdom about returning to God. So what is the book about, what
29:09does it teach, and if you want to answer that, why is it dangerous, or why would you be in danger because
29:19of writing it? Um, well, I could show you the, um, this is the book, Closer to God. Well, uh, I guess you could
29:28say that there were, there were certain people in the negative polarity that didn't want people to
29:37access this, um, but one of the things that they didn't realize, and I know this sounds rather
29:43strange, is that, you know, similar to the woman who, um, rescued, who's an out-of-body traveler,
29:50Christian out-of-body traveler who rescues people from hell, um, one of my specialty areas is helping
29:57people in the negative polarity. I've had certain out-of-body experiences of assisting them, and, um,
30:05I realized later that, that one of the reasons why there was this conflict, too, was because
30:12it was to get my attention, that I was supposed to help them. Um, I guess I could give an example of
30:18that. There was one person who, who was a Satanist who was attacking us with demons, uh, for six
30:27months or so, and at one point, I'm seeing this person on the inner, and I'm just thinking, oh,
30:33this is terrible, you know, this person is trying to pull me down, um, but then, to my shock, one
30:40day, I just looked, and divine spirit showed me that this person was spiritually advanced,
30:48and that they didn't know it, which was surprising, because their behavior certainly didn't
30:52suggest they were advanced, so it was kind of mean, um, and at that moment, I realized that
30:59they weren't just trying to pull me down, although, yeah, they kind of were, uh, but
31:03that they also wanted to be pulled up. It was almost like they were asking me for help,
31:07and so at that moment, when I realized that, it's like suddenly divine spirit came through me and
31:12pulled them out of this, like, sea of agony and suffering that they were going through into regions
31:20of, like, more light, and then it was right after that, that my husband did a record reading on me,
31:27soul record reading, and he said that, Heather, this is just one of your specialty areas, you help
31:32people negative to have breakthroughs. I mean, not everybody negative polarity is ready for
31:39Vardenkar, per se, but, um, sometimes I help them with other things, and I think one of the reasons
31:46why their attention was drawn to me negatively was because divine spirit was trying to give them
31:51an awareness that there was a blessing for them, but also, you know, like, you know,
31:57in negative polarity, you know, the word God is a curse word to them. It's like a four-letter word,
32:03so, yeah, yeah, there's a lash back, and yeah, it was, uh, it was religious persecution,
32:11a lot of what happened. I mean, I was chased right out of the country, but, um, it was destined to
32:17happen before I was born. It was destined to happen for a reason, so, yeah, um, what was your
32:25question again? My mind went blank. I love what you did with it. I think the part that maybe we
32:31can go a bit deeper into was what can we learn from the book, and I think it's also an opportunity
32:38to maybe mention what you teach as well, because I know that you do much more than just the book.
32:45Yes, well, deceased husband in spirit, former husband in spirit, LNG, he helped me write this
32:52book together. We met every night in heaven, and, or every day, and the purpose of it, it's called
32:59The Secret Ways That Bring Us Closer to God, and it's how to use out-of-body travel to return
33:07to God, meaning the purpose, the real purpose of out-of-body travel, um, is not to have some,
33:16you know, like movie cinematic experience that's really exciting and fun, you know,
33:21it's not entertainment, and the purpose of out-of-body travel, it's not to just access
33:28lower information. Even, even wisdom, the purpose is to return to God, and that's the real purpose,
33:36and only purpose is to actually return to God, that God is so high in vibration that it can't
33:44come into the physical as anything other than divine spirit, which is a voice of God, this
33:49light and sound, the barden, and we have to, as spirit, learn to leave our physical body and rise
33:58up, return to it, in its realm, to the, in the Godhead's realm, in this pure ocean of light and
34:05sound, the ocean of love and mercy, which is the home of God, and so it's a process, too intense
34:13to happen all at once, so you go through steps, like a ladder, there are different initiation
34:19levels, like, my husband and I, one of the things that we always did was, we would review, like,
34:25the progress with different students, like, every couple months, like, how is this person doing,
34:31like, are they able to, are they having trouble leaving their body, or, you know, that they're,
34:36they have addictions, or, you know, they have certain problems, that, are they ready for
34:42initiation, they're doing really well to go to the next higher plane, what is the process
34:48where you take, just like in elementary school, you know, you're in kindergarten, and you're just
34:54learning how to run, you know, and how to do certain things, and then you're in first grade,
34:59and then you're in second grade, it's the same way with spirituality, it's like, you're gaining more
35:05spiritual understanding, and so what we do, we teach people how to, how to reach deeper levels
35:12spiritually, until they reach self-realization, which is, it's, we call it, it's jivanmukti, meaning
35:20they become freed from reincarnation, they don't have to reincarnate anymore,
35:24which means, which is kind of difficult, it makes it difficult, but they have to work out
35:31all their karma, they met with the master's help, and then they reach God-realization,
35:35and mastership, so those are the goals, because when they reach mastership, it means they've
35:41returned to God, the individuals return to God, because their consciousness, it's sort of like my
35:49heart is in heaven, but my feet are on earth, so it's a state of consciousness, where you're there,
35:56like even if you're awake talking to somebody, a part of your awareness is still in that, with God,
36:03consciously dwelling with God, so it's a process of training, like first they have training
36:10wheels, you know, like doing different practices, and then eventually the training wheels come off,
36:16and they're doing it by themselves, they're riding the bike by themselves, it's like that.
36:20And how do we break free from reincarnation?
36:24How do we free from reincarnation? Well, there are different, there are many different paths to God,
36:32and all of them are beautiful, I believe it was Betty Edie once said, she had an out-of-body
36:38experience with Jesus, and she said, why isn't there just one, like, one teaching that everybody
36:44can go, like, one true teaching, and she said that in heaven Jesus told her that there are many
36:51different paths, each because there are, you know, different people that need them, and that's true,
36:56there are many different paths, it's just some are quicker than others, some take longer, and
37:03can you repeat the question, my mind just went blank, sorry.
37:07No problem at all, no, the question was, how do we avoid reincarnating, or how do we free
37:14ourselves from it, and it would also be interesting to understand why this happens on those lower
37:22heavens, as you were mentioning, why does this happen, is it a positive thing, and how do we
37:29break free of it? Well, in terms of that, the best way I could put this is that, when somebody chooses
37:37a spiritual teacher, a master, a guide, guru, whatever word you want to use,
37:44they are also choosing a destination, so they're, for example, one person has their consciousness
37:51established in the astral plane, and they're experiencing this beautiful heaven of light,
37:56but it's like, they can only go as high as that teacher who's working with them has gone, and
38:03usually they reach one plane below that teacher, so people who is a teacher in the causal plane,
38:09accessing Akashic records, a lot of their students might be on the astral level, so the rays up to
38:14the astral, somebody on the mental plane, they'll have a lot of astral and causal students,
38:21so when somebody chooses a teacher, they're also choosing a destination, so that's why it's very
38:29important, like for myself, when I was looking, when I was seeking or looking, I had to really go
38:35in deep and contemplate it, and ask God for help, and confirm, like get confirmation, what was true
38:43and what was real, because I knew how powerful the illusion is, and I had to know for certain
38:50what was right, you know, because spirituality is the most important thing in my life,
38:54and I would say that in terms of graduating from reincarnation, there are two different systems,
39:00there is the regular system, which is run by the lords of karma, a lot of people see them as like
39:06sort of like judges, or beings that after they die, they're given a life review, and these beings
39:13that are very powerful and wise, they have domain over this person's reincarnating, they're
39:19in charge or responsible for their reincarnational cycles, and karma, and all that positive karma,
39:25negative karma, but in the other system, there's an ancient one, husband, he was the master,
39:34he was before the master, before he died, an ancient one, the title is the Murgatma, the living
39:40barden master, the word living is emphasized because the person has to have a physical body
39:46in order to connect the person on different levels to the returning wave, but what it is, is
39:54the teacher, this ancient one, who is now Phupi Kwan's, I'm the outer teacher, and he is like
40:00the inner teacher, this being, or this ancient one, is given certain, let's say there's
40:09this beam of light that comes from God, it's like, I can't go into all the details about it, but
40:15he's able to bypass the normal system of reincarnation, what it was, was God, let me put
40:21it like this, long ago, God saw that many souls would get hopelessly trapped in reincarnation,
40:28lifetime after lifetime, and never be able to escape, because the illusions were so powerful,
40:33so because of this, God created sort of a loophole, a direct path, like a way where
40:43souls could get directly from point A to point B instantaneously, because souls were just
40:49trapped, and so it created an ancient one that beings could understand and emulate, so that
40:56they could go through a process of reaching spiritual freedom more quickly, and that's
41:02what the whole training in Outer Body Travel is about, through this process, because the master
41:08can take over the individual's karmic accounts, instead of the Lords of Karma, and then bypass
41:14like the old system entirely, and even some of the rules of the old system, so it's interesting.
41:24Definitely, and you also mentioned earlier that in some of your Outer Bodies, you traveled and
41:34saw past lives that you've had together with your husband, and that you also had past lives
41:40on other planets, so could you share a bit more about that, because I think it's fascinating for
41:46for us to hear? Alanji and I, my husband and I, one of the things we did sometimes in our
41:52free moments, was he would give students readings, but also we would sometimes just
41:59reminisce and go over different past lives that we shared together, especially past lives that
42:04we shared together studying foreign car, and all different kinds of past lives, I mean
42:10sometimes simple things like, you know, we had past lives where we were knights together,
42:16like we were in the Middle Ages, we developed this philosophy of you always have your friends back,
42:22you know, because if you don't protect, if you both have swords and someone doesn't protect
42:26your friends back, you could get hurt, so you look out for each other, no matter what, and
42:32oh god, there are some things we would joke about, you know, like in the Middle Ages,
42:38how he had his hot blonde lifetime, it was a night in that lifetime, but I learned some painful
42:43lessons, and then other other lifetimes where we were sisters, or brothers, or other things like
42:50that. I guess some of the ones that meant a lot to me though, some of the lives that meant a lot
42:56to me was when I studied with barden masters, like my past life I studied with Plato, and he
43:04publicly, he taught certain things, but that was his watered down version, because secretly,
43:11in secret, he taught the students, he taught us out-of-body travel, and he taught us, like a lot
43:19of times when he used those analogies of birds flying, he was talking about out-of-body travel,
43:23you know, but he didn't tell people that publicly, but the whole purpose of the Socratic
43:30method that he used in class was to, I guess you could say, like push people out of their mind,
43:37depending on their mind, because a lot of people are stuck in their head, and they think that their
43:41thoughts are reality, and so he would try to shake people up, like his teacher taught him,
43:49by having to let go of depending on the mind, so he'd startle them with a question that they
43:55didn't expect, and then they would have to rely on spirit more, like their sense of knowingness more,
44:03and it was wonderful studying with him, although he told me, he was like, you know,
44:08you have to live more to your potential, he gave me a soul record reading, saying you have to do
44:12better, you know you can do better, you're not living to your potential, I'm like, you're right,
44:17sorry, and we studied with Zada, a beautiful master, gray, brilliant gray eyes, and a long
44:26white beard, we would sit in these beautiful fields with the wind and the sunlight, it was
44:32Greece, ancient Greece, and he would teach us, just seven of us, we just had seven students,
44:40and he would teach us out-of-body travel, and we'd share our experiences, and he
44:46disciplined the ones that would forget their exercises, like if they did it three times,
44:50they were out, you know, and later on, what I learned about this past life, because Alan and I,
44:59we're just having fun, right, like, hey, let's talk about past lives we had in foreign corps,
45:03and we started remembering this beautiful lifetime with Zadok, and how he was teaching us,
45:08and I was like, oh, I miss Zadok, and then at one point, this past life took a weird turn
45:16that kind of shocked me, because then Zadok said to us, after a certain number of years, he said to
45:22us, I have to leave, like, and I'm going to a far-off land, and you won't see me again, and I
45:28started to cry, and then we found out later that, wait a minute, he's going to Judea, he was one of
45:37the Essenes, one of Joshua's teachers, and I was surprised, because that took a completely
45:44different direction than I was expecting. I was like, oh, this is getting interesting,
45:51and so, like, just hearing about lifetimes like that, especially with the travelers that we study
45:57with, but when we started looking at past lives where we studied with them on other planets,
46:01that got even more interesting. I mean, I could share a little bit about, well,
46:07well, there was one lifetime that we had on a planet called Eltron, it's a long time ago,
46:14where it was a silver age, I mean, it was not negative, but it was not totally positive either,
46:20it was sort of like a little bit in the middle, and in this planet, I think people were about
46:25six or seven feet tall, and they had thousands of years to study, they had longer lifespans,
46:32so they had thousands of years to study. My husband, Anji, in that lifetime, he was a space
46:36scientist, and he would get into this spaceship and go on these expeditions, I wouldn't see him
46:42for a long time, because he was traveling, his particular team studied different forms of,
46:49like, different forms of animal and plant life on different planets and different universes,
46:54different places. But these ships were incredible, because they could hover above a planet and then
47:00have a panoramic view, where it would become clear like glass, they'd just be able to see through.
47:06And then he would, the ship had special features where they could zoom in on any animal without it
47:13seeing them, and be able to see its chemistry, its bone structure, its biology, its cells,
47:21structure, everything, on a deep level. And he did that, like, for thousands of years.
47:27And a part of that, the part of the karmic reason why he had to do that was because
47:34in past lives, he was a warlord, and he was a little bit too trigger happy,
47:42and he would blow things up a lot. So the reason he had that past life experience was because,
47:49like, he was being taught that, to really value every little creature. So he was studying, like,
47:57every little, you know, rodent, its, you know, its habits, its cells, its, you know, the chemistry,
48:05all about its, you know, how it lives, its habits. And after a while, he became very profoundly bored,
48:12but it was to teach him the value of life forms. Sorry, I just think that's kind of funny.
48:18But we also had another lifetime, and I'm not going to go into any depth about it,
48:23a lifetime on a planet called Sirius, planet Sirius. And it had two suns,
48:29very high vibration, golden age planet, lived for up to 6,000 years. And we studied, we studied
48:36Barncar on that planet, too. It was called, on Sirius, it was called the Way of the Eternal.
48:41But people didn't speak in, like, we speak in dark ages, they spoke telepathically. And there was an
48:48enormous, like, book, book, it was pretty tall. So it was like three feet, three feet wide by four
48:54feet long, or something like that. And it was really thick, like, really, really thick, because
48:59they had 1000s of years to write. And what was interesting was it taught out of body travel to
49:05return to God then, too. And, and it was, it was interesting, because, like, when you see things,
49:12you can take a step back, and it shows you, like, looking at it from another planet, like, gives you
49:18a different perspective on it all together, where you can see through things. But they had, like,
49:22the same kinds of illusions, even though it was, like, so technologically advanced, and they were
49:28so psychic, they still had the same kinds of illusions of being trapped in reincarnation.
49:33But because it's so high vibration, and because there's so much more wisdom, and things manifest
49:40more quickly, that it gives this illusion of freedom. So there's so many traps. But there
49:46were also so many beauties, too. That makes me wonder, when we reincarnate,
49:54could we potentially reincarnate then on one of those other planets? Well, a lot of people that,
50:01like, when an individual is, like, really fascinated by things, like, they love Star Trek, or they
50:08love, you know, sci-fi, or they're interested in other planets, a lot of times that interest comes
50:13from the fact that they probably were reincarnating on those planets, which is why it's such an
50:18interest to them. You can usually have some sense of what your past lives were by what you feel
50:25drawn to. Like, it kind of gives it away. But yeah, it's an interesting thing.
50:33Definitely. And I spoke with somebody recently who told me that any skill that you master in this
50:40life will translate to your next lives. And I wanted to hear your take on it. So, say I'm a
50:48world-class swimmer in this life, and I'm really good at it, maybe Olympic level. Do I then, in my
50:55future lives that I will have after this one, does this translate to me being exceptionally good and
51:01picking up really quickly swimming? Yes, actually. If you ever see a child that is a virtuoso
51:11in music at a very early age, like, they're three years old, and they're playing these
51:16complicated concertos or, you know, they're writing symphonies or whatever it is at the age of three,
51:23that's usually a strong indication that they had maybe practiced that for many lives,
51:30maybe eight hours every day for who knows how many lifetimes. And so they become more
51:37strong at that. But I would say that developing spiritually, because you also bring spiritual
51:45stuff with you, very important. But yeah, like, and there's positives and negatives. Like, sometimes
51:52if you see also, like, a child maybe born into poverty or abuse or other things, that also can
51:59relate to cause and effect, because we're the creators of our reality. It's like, if somebody
52:06invests their time and energy into developing a certain skill, like you said, like with swimming,
52:12then they become better and better at it and stronger. And it's also the same with our negative
52:17actions to cause and effect. So we're creators of our reality. And if we're creating certain skills
52:23and talents, that's good karma. It's almost like a bank account where you increase a good karma,
52:28or giving love and other things to other people. That's like good karma. And then there's negative
52:37action that can create, like, somebody comes in and their parents are drug addicts, or, you know,
52:43or they have, like, certain conflicts with certain individuals. Some people wonder, like, why was
52:50there this painful thing between my spouse? And they don't know, like, in a past life, they were
52:56drawn to that person for karmic reasons. Like, they were soldiers and killed each other in a
53:01past life. So now they're trying to develop love, you know, just kind of like, um, you know,
53:06people don't and then or, like, somebody has a grandchild, and they don't know that that that
53:11person was someone they knew in a past life who was a close friend or a family member.
53:19So tell me about how we can find your work. And how can we connect with you?
53:24Well, we have a YouTube channel. It's Out of Body Travel to God Realization, Vardankar,
53:33V-A-R-D-A-N-K-A-R. And then there's also And we'll show you the spelling
53:42here. You see that the spelling is right there, Vardankar. And we have a website
53:51And on it, we have a training program. Some people who are students train. But also we have free
53:59videos and free videos and everything on our YouTube channel. And we also have books on Amazon,
54:06so forth.
