TNA Wrestling 9/26/24 – September 26th, 2024 full show Part 2

  • 2 days ago
TNA Wrestling 9/26/24 – September 26th, 2024 full show Part 2


00:00Literally climbing up high in there and striking down upon the skull.
00:05Now look at the strength of Lee.
00:08She's a multi-faceted performer here.
00:14Drives her opponent down.
00:19And Lee looks like she's in complete command.
00:24We want tables!
00:27And now, Leying Lee, she calls this Thunderstruck!
00:33Good night!
00:35Welcome to TNA, Leying Lee!
00:39Here's your winner, Leying Lee!
00:44Leying translates to Thunder Shadow.
00:48And hitting Thunderstruck there to take out her opponent tonight.
00:54Let's take another look at the ending to this matchup.
00:57You just said it, Tom.
00:59A little bit of Thunderstruck right upside the head of Ayan.
01:03And man, what an emphatic way to join the TNA Knockouts division for Leying Lee.
01:11Welcome to TNA, Leying Lee, on the road to Bound for Glory.
01:18Bailey, I'm so sorry, man. I let the team down.
01:26Don't apologize. You're in the most competitive division in professional wrestling.
01:31The sky's the limit for you, Leon.
01:33One piece of advice, chin up, chest out, keep coming forward.
01:37You're the future of this division.
01:41We're about to find out what the future holds for Bound for Glory.
01:45It's Kazarian versus Hendry, who will challenge Nick Nemeth for the TNA World Championship.
01:51Plus, Heather Reckless goes one-on-one with Zaya Brookside tonight.
01:55But coming up next, we'll hear from Josh Alexander in the Impact Zone.
01:59That's next.
02:04Hello, world.
02:06Right now, you see the ABCs.
02:09Right now, you see the ABC in all black.
02:12And there's a reason for that. There's a reason we chose this today.
02:14Because the ABC, we're in mourning.
02:16We are mourning the loss of our World Tag Team Championships.
02:21Which sucks, because it would be one thing if we would have lost them to better men.
02:24But that's not the case. We lost them to a crooked system.
02:27A system that continuously bends and breaks the rules to get whatever they want.
02:32And something has got to be done about it.
02:35If you thought we were going to just let that pass by, us personally, we can't let that slide.
02:41Let's talk about the history we're set up for now.
02:44Because we have the opportunity to win back the TNA World Tag Team Championships once and for all.
02:49And the system.
02:51So let's talk about the paperwork.
02:53A little something called a contractually obligated rematch.
02:56The system used their rematch to get back to us at Victory Road.
02:59And now, the tables are going to turn.
03:01Now, we are going to use our rematch.
03:03Let's talk about it.
03:04When would they both stop?
03:06B, C.
03:09You know, you're right. I know you have that rematch.
03:12But the last two times we've been in the ring with the system,
03:15we have beaten them clean with the twist of fate Swanton Bomb.
03:19So I think the Hardys have to be in consideration for that number one contendership as well.
03:24And really, at the end of the day, it doesn't make a difference who we face.
03:27We would rather face you.
03:30But regardless of the system or ABC,
03:33we are coming for the TNA World Tag Team Titles.
03:36It will probably be on us.
03:38It's gonna be us.
03:39It will be us.
03:40Okay, well, just so you know,
03:42nothing will stop this Hardy train.
03:47Is that so?
03:48Choo! Choo! Choo! Choo!
03:55That's new.
03:57That's new. That's new stuff.
04:00I respect it.
04:02I can't do nothing but respect it.
04:03Did he just blow her?
04:04He really did.
04:05What the?
04:08A crowded scene surrounding the TNA World Tag Team Titles
04:12with Bound for Glory fast approaching.
04:22Making his way to the ring,
04:24The Walking Weapon, Josh Alexander.
04:29Meanwhile here on TNA Impact,
04:31I understand that Josh Alexander requested this time
04:34here in the Impact Zone
04:36to address the events of Victory Road,
04:38his loss to Joe Hendry,
04:40but also what happened last week
04:42between himself and Eric Young.
04:45Eric Young trying to get to Josh Alexander,
04:48telling him he's going down a path
04:50that he might not be able to come back from.
04:59Choo! Choo! Choo!
05:02Utah Toh!
05:11Utah Toh!
05:16Utah Toh!
05:22Utah Toh!
05:30I deserve that totally deserve it I get it I've said a lot of questionable
05:36things last few months I've done a lot of questionable things the last few
05:41months I tapped out to I didn't keep it a secret before victory road I didn't
05:52believe in Joe Hendry but that was because no no that was because I didn't
05:59believe Joe Hendry believed in Joe Hendry truly in his heart in his soul
06:06believed that he could go on to be TNA world champion
06:12well hopefully now he does too because he got the best Josh Alexander at
06:30victory row he got the toughest fight I could bring and guess what I went out on
06:37my shield
07:00standing in this ring right now I'm getting a flood of emotions that just in
07:05this ring with these three letters on the canvas man it makes me think about
07:09the last six years I've had in this company the things I've been able to
07:13accomplish the things I've been able to do the epic matches in the world in
07:18front of amazing fans just like you here in San Antonio
07:30but I had I had a friend somebody I respect more than anybody in the world
07:34somebody who bleeds TNA he's the lifeblood of TNA he came to me and he
07:40tried to talk some sense into me and that's something that's been eaten away
07:43at me ever since so if it's the last thing I do I'm gonna handle this right
07:48now Eric Young please come down here
08:24listen if there's anybody in TNA that understands the ups the downs the good
08:30the bad the darkest of places and the best of times it's Eric Young Eric Young
08:36has been through and done everything there is to do in TNA and he's been down
08:43these paths before if there's anybody who can possess a guiding light it's
08:48Eric Young here I am and you know what this is what I've got to say ladies and
08:59gentlemen the real walking weapon
09:04a lifetime you guys seen this guy grow up and become one of the best wrestlers
09:33in the world right here under this banner that stands for professional
09:43wrestling excellence and nobody personifies it better than you do man
09:50if I'm the lifeblood then you're the heartbeat and man it feels so good to
10:10have you back man the real you the real you it took you a little bit and I'm so
10:22glad that this could become a pivotal moment in your life it can be something
10:27that some of the guys in the back and look they saw you going the wrong way
10:31and like a man you said I went out on my shield
10:36Joe Henry believed in himself I believe in Joe Henry just like these people do
10:52that's real that's real man that takes a real man to admit he's going the wrong
10:59way and I'm so glad that you decided to listen to what I said you did not go
11:05down the wrong path these people are better DNA will be better because of it
11:11I love you man
11:23Eric you're not just a friend you are a mentor everything you said it's true I'm
11:30just so thankful that I have you in my life to realize what really matters
11:40thank you
11:48and a feel-good moment here in the impact zone a hell of a change of heart
11:55from the walking weapon I'll admit I'm surprised to see it for a second there
12:02but respect overall between two of the best here to ever lace up a pair of
12:07boots no doubt about that
12:17hold the phone see the error in my ways
12:25me me no I'm exactly who I need to be and if you don't see that and I'm not
12:35burned this place to the ground with Josh Alexander showed his true colors I
12:47go for the same for spike but there is Steve Macklin coming to the defense of
12:53Eric Young Macklin who is sweaty he's got the back of Eric Young
13:02we hold up Travis Williams and Judas Icarus the tag team center and Saints we
13:09saw Josh Alexander approach them not too long ago thought it was an offer of
13:15mentorship I didn't know it was this time
13:20Williams Icarus and Alexander assaulting Macklin and young
13:32clearly Josh Alexander is a lady by example here he's doing exactly what
13:41Eric Young said he should do
13:51oh now the same for spike to Macklin
14:03that is the real Josh Alexander the heartless walking weapon
14:20oh well ladies and gentlemen still to come tonight in our main event Nick
14:28Nemeth will join us on commentary who will challenge the wanted man for the
14:31TNA world title at bound for glory but coming up next Heather Reckless collides
14:37with Zion Brookside here on impact
14:42I don't know if you know this but I myself had neck surgery so I know it's
14:46serious business and this can be a dangerous place so I think you should
14:52take some time focus on your health and maybe don't come around for a little bit
14:57you're so right but in the meantime do you need another assistant
15:03thank you very much please what are you still doing every get it you need neck
15:07surgery go get it get out of here please I'm sick of your bull you're a punk the
15:14way you talk to her but I got good news for you what's that you want PCO guess
15:19what I'm bound for glory you got PCO oh I'm always ready no problem in a
15:25monster's ball match no no monsters I didn't agree to that I don't want that
15:30no I'm gonna talk to the real man I don't have to agree I'm gonna talk to the
15:33always ready huh Santino six Cordova four I'm winning
15:45well the monster gets what the monster wants it's gonna be monsters at BFG
15:53the following contest is set for one fall introducing first from Tampa Florida Heather
15:59Reckless meanwhile there might be a monster inside Heather Reckless and the person cultivating
16:05that might just be Ash by elegance we all should be so lucky if Ash by elegance should take such
16:12an interest in Heather Reckless she knows how lucky she should be should that happen should
16:17Ash by elegance truly take her under her wing that would be a blessing in the knockouts division
16:38what the hell is this she's British we're in Texas she's assimilated
16:44well if they don't have cowboys in England trust me I bet they have sheep boys
16:52the last time we saw Ziya Brookside she was in action against Ash by elegance
16:57the peculiar part of that was the fact that Heather Reckless helped Ash by elegance defeat
17:03Ziya Brookside now remember on impact Heather Reckless had defeated Giselle Shaw it was the
17:08first match for Heather Reckless as an official member of the TNA roster however there was
17:13involvement in that matchup by Ash by elegance and the personal concierge I believe at the time
17:18Heather Reckless hadn't seen that involvement but ultimately as we've discovered Heather came to the
17:24aid of Ash by elegance something's brewing here and I don't like it I mean Heather Reckless realizes
17:32the power the the respect the the kind of position Ash by elegance holds here and
17:38understandably is trying to get in her good graces and who on God's green earth could blame her
17:48Heather Reckless just having some fun here at the expense of Ziya Brookside
17:53Ziya Brookside who is not going to stand for that type of shenanigans
18:02oh come on and Brookside now is the one having fun what happened to respect in pro wrestling
18:09it went out the door the minute Ziya Brookside put a cowboy hat on her head that's what happened
18:18a little Texas two-step there from Ziya Brookside having some fun tonight in San Antonio Texas
18:23off the elbow is the cover and a kick out we're going to be on the road tomorrow join us in
18:29South Carolina for two nights of TNA Impact the 27th and the 28th and then four weeks from
18:34Saturday we're going to be live on pay-per-view in TNA Plus in Detroit Michigan for Bound for
18:39Glory the following night October 27th TNA Impact in the Motor City join us in Fayetteville North
18:45Carolina at the Crown Arena for two nights of TNA Impact November 8th and 9th Thanksgiving
18:51weekend which they don't celebrate in England apparently join us for Wrestlecade we'll be
18:56routine a turning point on TNA Plus in Winston-Salem North Carolina November 29th
19:01your cover here from Reckless to put away Brookside kick out at two and we round out 2024
19:07in Atlanta Georgia we're going to be live for final resolution on TNA Plus at center stage
19:13on December 13th and look who's here what I tell you taking a special interest in Heather Reckless
19:23you're not going to talk about Ash by elegance's cowboy boots and hat
19:26she's American at least give me a break by birthright she gets to do it and she looks
19:34freaking great doing it as well Ash by elegance and I guess the personal concierge impressed by
19:42what they see in Heather Reckless oh they know potential when they see is the cover up to the
19:51leg and a kick out and here's the thing I think everyone in TNA sees the potential
19:55of Heather Reckless but why do you have to bother to listen to someone like Ash by elegance
20:04the way she wants carries herself with such esteem she's got a personal concierge for
20:08crying out loud listen we saw before the commercial break the decision by Travis
20:13Williams and Judas Icarus to stand by Josh Alexander as he pulled one over on Eric Young
20:19and Steve Macklin and some of these choices they can cause irreparable harm for your career
20:26or it can cause you to get a lot of great wins and rise to the top faster than you would
20:32otherwise kick to the face by Reckless here's the cover hook to the leg and Zaya Brookside
20:38is staying in this matchup while Zaya Brookside who's done everything the right way in this
20:43company she showed up at hard to kill back in January didn't have a contract at the time
20:47needed an ultimate x that night put on a hell of a showing and earned herself a contract here in
20:53TNA in a very short amount of time she was able to challenge for the knockouts world championship
20:58because she earned it oh man and all that self-respect and earning it man it sure keeps
21:05me warm at night with all you know all that cash it brings you all that gold it brings you oh wait
21:11no it doesn't now Brookside cover shoulders down oh and a kick out no no that's what Ash
21:19by Elegance is all about she knows how to get to the top she knows how to rise in prominence
21:24and in elegance obviously and I wish there was someone old like an Eric Young who tried to
21:29get Josh Alexander to not go down the wrong path clearly the walking weapon has chosen his but
21:34still no one's getting in the ear of Heather Reckless except for Ash by Elegance and that
21:39putz the personal concierge right now Zaya Brookside oh trying to oh was trying to put
21:46this one away setting up for broken wings I now Brookside with a baseball slide
21:58Zaya Brookside looking very confident and oh hey come on now
22:03some of Heather Reckless's extensions
22:10long history between Brookside and Ash by Elegance this year heck of a nasty rivalry
22:17and she needs to be paying attention to Heather Reckless though not the incredible
22:21the beautiful Ash by Elegance at ringside suplex on the outside count of four from our referee
22:28Paige Princivalli both have it to the count of 10 to get back inside the ring so this match
22:32can continue Brookside rolls inside resets the 10 count goes back after Heather Reckless
22:41and again Zaya Brookside she's um she's taking the you know as the Brits like to say I'm trying
22:47to be classy here out of this whole matchup Heather Reckless just went face first into
22:56the steel post and Zaya Brookside is sick of dealing with the likes of Ash by Elegance
23:02well she should be focusing on Heather Reckless now it seems like she finally is
23:09now Reckless rolls outside the ropes
23:12Ash by Elegance personal concierge taunting Zaya Brookside from the outside that caused
23:18the distraction Reckless able to drag the throat of Brookside into that top rope
23:26oh wait a minute look at this off of the top oh my god a little rarefied air from Heather Reckless
23:32and Reckless gets the win against Brookside
23:37here is your winner Heather Reckless well when you learn from the master
23:42you cause Zaya Brookside some disaster how do you like that Miss Brookside
23:49Raywall it's pretty clear that Heather Reckless has chosen her path and
23:52expressed how much she believes in Ash by Elegance and I cannot blame her one little bit
24:07well the time has come do you believe in Joe Hendry or is Frankie Cazarian one step closer
24:12to being the king of TNA who will challenge Nick Nenek for the TNA world title at Bound for Glory
24:18we'll find out next concierge my feet are killing me listen I limo it's it's on the way didn't you
24:27get the limo I have a masseuse waiting at the hotel would you hurry up did you guys see that
24:32did you guys watch my match I did the rarefied air yeah I saw that how do I look look you look
24:41reckless I mean listen there's definitely something about you kid you got moxie you got panache
24:47but look at you I mean you're a mess but there's something about you you're missing
24:56elegance but I think we can help you first of all this what is this we don't need this
25:03why don't you come with us I think we got some ideas for you it's ready my feet let's let's go
25:10let's get you you're gonna come with us I got some ideas for you here's what we're gonna do
25:14next Thursday on an all-new TNA impact the demonic duo of Rosemary and NXT's Wendy Chu
25:21team up with the boricua badass Tasha Steeles against Masha Slamovich NXT's Sol Luka and TNA
25:28knockouts world champion Jordan Grace plus the elegant makeover of Heather Reckless begins
25:34after a brutal assault Eric Young and Steve Macklin look to get revenge against Judas Icarus
25:40and Travis Williams and Matt and Jeff Hardy clash with former TNA world tag team champions ABC
25:47in a first time ever matchup it's an all-new episode of TNA
25:51impact next Thursday at 8 Eastern on AXS TV
26:00but tonight here in San Antonio we are set for our main event who's going to bound for glory
26:07well one person we know who will be there will be the champ himself tonight in our main event
26:15we decide who will face the man the champ at the biggest show of the year for TNA wrestling
26:24Saturday October 26th live on pay-per-view at TNA plus in Detroit Michigan get your tickets
26:32now at we are set for our number one contenders match to the TNA world championship
26:38come bound for glory Joe Hendry versus Frankie Kazarian who is going to challenge the one in
26:45man for the most prestigious prize in TNA wrestling by all means by all means
26:51join us
26:54Nick you're going to get a front row seat just like Frankie Kazarian did for your main event
26:58matchup at Victory Row. I gotta say Frankie brought me a scarf what do you got something for me um
27:03I just brought the greatest prize in pro wrestling I mean that's that's I just touched it it was
27:07pretty awesome you can look but you can't touch
27:21He appears
27:23I believe in Joe Hendry
27:27I believe in Joe Hendry
27:37The following is a number one contenders match
27:39first shot at the TNA world title
27:41at bound for glory
27:43introducing first
27:45from Edinburgh, Scotland
27:47Joe Hendry
27:51So Nick you said last week that you believe in Joe Hendry
27:53what did you think especially about
27:55his victory against Josh Alexander
27:57at Victory Row
27:59absolutely phenomenal match
28:01we know what Josh Alexander is capable of
28:03we know where he's been we know what he's done we know he's champ
28:05and dominant
28:07this kid right here has got something special
28:09I'm rooting for him I know I know it's a possibility
28:11that he's coming after this title if he comes out on top tonight
28:13but how do you not get behind
28:15someone like this I've seen this happen before
28:17in the business
28:19sometimes one little spark is all it takes
28:21to take him all the way to the top
28:23I was gonna say if you've seen all types
28:25come through this business
28:27how do you capitalize on something like this
28:29that's the question
28:31here's how you capitalize
28:33you don't always get lots of opportunities
28:35sometimes it's one maybe tonight is the kids night
28:37to make it happen
28:49his opponent from Yucca Valley California
28:51Frankie Kazarian
28:53now Frankie Kazarian
28:55has clashed with Joe Hendry
28:57before it was this past summer
28:59at the Against All Odds event
29:01which you can relive on demand anytime
29:03but TNA Plus Frankie Kazarian
29:05used what we discovered out to the pack
29:07was a set of brass knuckles
29:09he pulled them out of his pocket
29:11and he's got them back
29:13he's got them back
29:15he's got them back
29:18he's got them back
29:20he's got them back
29:22he's got them back
29:24he's got them back
29:26he's got them back
29:28he's got them back
29:30he's got them back
29:32he's got them back
29:34he's got them back
29:36he's got them back
29:38he's got them back
29:40he's got them back
29:42he's got them back
29:44he's got them back
29:46he's got them back
29:48he's got them back
29:50he's got them back
29:52he's got them back
29:54he's got them back
29:56he's got them back
29:58he's got them back
30:00he's got them back
30:02he's got them back
30:04he's got them back
30:06he's got them back
30:08he's got them back
30:10he's got them back
30:12he's got them back
30:14he's got them back
30:16he's got them back
30:18he's got them back
30:20he's got them back
30:22he's got them back
30:24he's got them back
30:26he's got them back
30:28he's got them back
30:30he's got them back
30:32he's got them back
30:34he's got them back
30:36he's got them back
30:38he's got them back
30:40he's got them back
30:42he's got them back
30:44he's got them back
30:46he's got them back
30:48he's got them back
30:50he's got them back
30:52he's got them back
30:54he's got them back
30:56he's got them back
30:58he's got them back
31:00he's got them back
31:02he's got them back
31:04he's got them back
31:06he's got them back
31:08he's got them back
31:10The winner of the 2024 Antonio Bandera's Lookalike Competition
31:19He is the dad from Spy Kids
31:24I don't know his name
31:26He is Puss in Boots
31:30Do we have a censor bar?
31:34And I know you think you're the king of TNA but
31:36Puss in Boots
31:38Puss in Boots
31:40Puss in Boots
31:42I love wrestling
31:44And I know you think you're the king of TNA but
31:46I'm looking at that sign right there
31:48and I'm thinking that you're not the king of TNA
31:50That's what you get
31:52That's what you get
31:54Oh wait, you want to call him
31:56and say that he looks like one of the sexiest men alive
31:58Oh nice end zone
32:00And then he takes our ring announcer's job
32:02Oh my god
32:04That's your hero
32:06And there's the bell
32:08Frankie Kazarian vs. Joe Hendry
32:10is officially underway
32:12The winner of this matchup moves on to
32:14Bound for Glory in Detroit, Michigan
32:16Live of Pay-Per-View and TNA Plus
32:18to challenge Nick Nebbeth
32:20for the TNA World Championship
32:24Hendry though
32:26able to regain the advantage here
32:28Down goes Kaz
32:30We are just getting started here
32:32This is our main event
32:34Bound for Glory
32:38Who will earn a TNA World title shot
32:40This match continues
32:42Picture in picture
32:44Frankie Kazarian
32:46was about to get dumped
32:48one more time
32:50able to escape there for a second
32:52And it's Joe Hendry
32:54goes throat first
32:56And a backstabber there
32:58by Frankie Kazarian
33:00Big clothesline Nick
33:02You're no stranger to being in the ring
33:04one on one with Kaz
33:06Yeah absolutely
33:08And you can tell when he jumped
33:10Joe Hendry to start this match
33:12you can tell there's these
33:14no matter how confident he appears
33:16with those sunglasses on
33:18when they come off
33:20he knows how big this match is
33:22and you can tell he's a little nervous
33:24You can tell he's just a little bit nervous
33:26about this crowd behind Joe
33:28This is critical
33:30What gas station do you think he stole those sunglasses
33:32Come on Nick
33:34Are you really telling me nervous
33:36Frankie Kazarian
33:3820 plus year veteran of the sport
33:40You think he's nervous in a main event matchup
33:42It happens if you're not getting nerves
33:44thinking about becoming a world champion
33:46then you're not in the right business
33:48But of course not the right gas station
33:50Party City Elvis costume
33:52I'm making notes of all this
33:54and I will tell the king when we are done
33:58Under protest later
34:00Ever heard of Uber Eats it's on the way
34:02Right now Frankie Kazarian doing work
34:04in the middle of the ring
34:06working his way
34:08towards a number one contendership
34:10I wouldn't laugh so much Mr. Nevis
34:12That's my father's name I think
34:14No you can see the look on his face
34:16he's playing off the crowd that is here
34:18clearly behind Joe Hendry
34:20You can be a veteran
34:22but you can be nervous about someone who just may have your number
34:24I agree with you Nick
34:26and you've beaten Frankie Kazarian
34:28one on one the 20th anniversary
34:30of TNA Impact this past summer
34:32You understand what it's like to be in the ring with him
34:34but also Frankie Kazarian
34:36been talking such a big game this entire year
34:38and his lone TNA world title
34:40shot came two years ago
34:42so you can understand the amount of pressure
34:44he's probably putting on himself
34:46I've been there before been there done that
34:48but you know you're in the peak
34:50of your life, career, wrestling
34:52you name it
34:54it's been two years since the title shot
34:56he knows how important this match is here
34:58no matter who the champion is
35:00Joe Hendry a little flurry there
35:02but it's stuffed out by Frankie Kazarian
35:04Great job by Kaz
35:06controlling the pace of this one
35:08and that's what you're going to see the entire time
35:10that is I will give credit to Kaz here
35:12he is the veteran he will pace this match
35:14it will be his match not Joe Hendry's
35:16he hasn't had the experience yet
35:18and that could be what cost him at the end
35:20Joe Hendry learned a valuable lesson however
35:22against Josh Alexander at Victory Road
35:24it did appear that the walking weapon controlled the pace
35:26of that matchup but I said it on air
35:28at Victory Road it's the strength
35:30that physical strength of Joe Hendry
35:32which is so impressive and on top of that
35:34the mental fortitude the belief
35:36is not just something he says
35:38it's real right and it's grass roots
35:40and organic from the fans
35:42and if you feed off of that
35:44you can just see it in his eyes
35:46and he's going to need all of that
35:48to beat Kaz here in the main event
35:50and we are back here
35:52on TNA Impact this is the number one
35:54contenders match for Bound
35:56for Glory Joe Hendry one on one
35:58with Frankie Kazarian one of these two
36:00men will move on to Bound for Glory
36:02Saturday October 26
36:04live in Detroit to challenge
36:06our guest on commentary Nick Nevin
36:08for the TNA world title
36:10will it be Kazarian?
36:12will it be?
36:14and a kick out by Joe Hendry
36:16the longer this goes the weaker those
36:18kick outs are from Joe Hendry
36:20the more the clock is ticking for him
36:22Kaz has him going right now
36:24you know what?
36:26do you believe in Joe Hendry?
36:28do you?
36:30do you?
36:32do you?
36:34do you?
36:36do you?
36:38do you?
36:40and I do not believe
36:42in Joe Hendry
36:46no surprises there
36:48the only one he needs to believe in is himself
36:50Frankie Kazarian
36:52took a little bit too long there
36:54he cost himself
36:56you talk the trash and go out of your way to grab
36:58the microphone you're letting up when you were
37:00just dictating the pace and this could be
37:02crucial time for Joe Hendry
37:04to strike
37:06back up to his feet big right hands
37:08dropping bombs here on Kazarian
37:10this is the moment if Hendry is going to turn
37:12this around he needs to keep his foot
37:14on the gas pedal
37:16here we go
37:18and now the belly slam
37:20by Hendry
37:22there's where he feeds off that
37:24crowd and I'm telling you as long as he doesn't take too much
37:26time acknowledging them feed off
37:28them use it
37:30he's got to keep all his focus
37:32on Frankie Kazarian
37:34oh now
37:36he's going for it is it time
37:38for the standing ovation
37:40chicken wing
37:42not all the way
37:44not fully locked in
37:46Hendry had that one scouted
37:48on the middle rope
37:50Joe sidestep Kaz
37:52I appreciate
37:54that move well done
37:56alright now he's got to strike though
37:58let's go
38:00he did it
38:02pop up power bomb
38:04Hendry going about for glory
38:06and a kick out
38:08I wonder if he hooked both legs just now
38:10maybe he could have kept him down for three
38:12you got to remember that fatigue setting in he was beaten down
38:14oh wait a minute
38:16ankle lock
38:18by Joe Hendry this is how he got
38:20Josh Alexander to submit
38:22at Victory Road
38:24Hendry wants to see if Lightning
38:26can strike twice this time and can earn him
38:28a number one contendership
38:30look out
38:32and a kick out
38:36Kazarian trying to end the fairytale
38:38story of Joe Hendry
38:40cover is Kazarian headed
38:42to bound for glory no a kick out
38:46you can tell what this means
38:48to them with that clothesline from Kaz just a
38:50little bit more bounce
38:52in it than it normally would a little more striking power
38:54because he knows that he's got a chance
38:56and here come the puss in boots chance
38:58oh hold on a second now thinking about
39:00this could end the night for Hendry
39:02and dash his dreams
39:04back to the ankle
39:06ankle lock again by Hendry
39:08has anyone ever
39:10inadvertently passed the torch to somebody
39:12with their own move before this is now
39:14his adopted instantly
39:16he's a thief
39:18wrestling court after this but
39:20he might tap him out right here
39:22it's Kazarian gonna submit
39:24to Joe Hendry just a little bit more
39:26pressure to have that ankle twist just a little bit
39:28more and he won't be able to take it but he's got it
39:30almost at a 90 degree angle
39:32is Kaz gonna tap is Kaz gonna tap
39:34no Kazarian gets to the bottom
39:36rope oh thank god
39:38here's a bit of the amateur part
39:40where it doesn't come into play for Hendry you could have
39:42held it for a four count while still following
39:44the rules done a little bit more damage to that ankle
39:46and he's gotta hobble around the rest of the way that
39:48could be what possibly
39:50a veteran like Kaz would have held it to four and a half
39:52Nick I have to ask are you in any way worried
39:54about the momentum that Hendry has built
39:56this year if you do have to face him
39:58at Bound for Glory absolutely not I love it
40:00I'm rooting for him I feel that I get shivers
40:02up and down my arms when his entrance comes
40:04out but I am not oh no
40:06wait a minute slingshot DDT
40:08could it be Kaz and Nevin
40:10at Bound for Glory and a kick out
40:12I'll ask something on the flip side
40:14then are you worried about seeing everything
40:16Kaz has done in his matches
40:18to get to that world title are you worried about
40:20that I know that he's willing to do
40:22just about anything and that's what scares me a little bit more
40:24than a loud crowd getting behind somebody
40:26and feeding off of them so either
40:28way they both have their positives and negatives but right
40:30now here's where it comes down to who wants it
40:32more in the final minutes the last couple
40:34of pieces out to the floor
40:36and Kazarian sent hard to the
40:38outside by Joe Hendry
40:40in this number one contenders match
40:42how's the strength of Hendry there coming
40:44into play we know the power game
40:46that Hendry brings to the table
40:48he doesn't act like it but he's got some
40:50strength in there and you can see it in those moves
40:52launching someone out to the floor
40:54he's going to act like it right now
40:56pound for pound the strongest man in TNA
40:58and a suplex
41:00to Kazarian on the outside
41:04you can tell what he's willing to do for this
41:06to suplex someone on the floor it hurts you
41:08almost as much as the other guy but he knows it'll take
41:10just a little bit more out of Kaz
41:12smart move by the kid Hendry rolls back
41:18and Hendry
41:20maybe he's reaching for another pair of sunglasses
41:22he's checking
41:24wait a minute
41:26ref he's got a set of brass knucks
41:28easy snitch
41:30what are you doing
41:32to be fair it's only cheating if you get caught
41:34it's clever as day
41:36let him handle his business
41:38let him handle his business
41:40there's no instant replay
41:42Kazarian cracked Hendry with the brass knuckles
41:44the ref didn't see it
41:46don't end a contender like
41:48Kazarian's going to
41:50pound for glory
41:56I want the rightful
41:58fighter to be fighting me no matter what
42:00hang on a second
42:02wait what is he doing
42:04didn't he just
42:06say it to me
42:08oh come on what is this
42:12Nick Nemeth is showing the brass knuckles
42:14to the referee
42:16it's only right
42:18he literally just said
42:20it's only if you get caught
42:22you have to do the right thing here
42:24Nick Nemeth wants to face the rightful
42:26winner of this match
42:28what nevermind you're ganging up on him
42:30there's another referee
42:32coming down here to reinforce the decision
42:36you cheated Kaz
42:42oh come on now
42:44now the director of authority is here
42:46Santino Morella
42:48is on the case
42:50hey Kazarian
42:52you see these white
42:54balls in my skull those are my eyes
42:56and they just saw
42:58what you just did ok
43:00and because this match has
43:02implications for pound for glory
43:04not to mention the complete disrespect
43:06and disregard for the rules
43:08I'm sick to my stomach
43:10I'm ordering this match by the power
43:12invested in me
43:14to restart right now
43:16oh come on
43:18it was over
43:20that's the right call
43:22it was over
43:26come on finish him off Frankie
43:28finish what you started
43:30I can't believe this
43:32look out
43:34and now Hendry
43:36can he surprise Kazarian
43:38shoulders down and a kick out
43:40a pinfall here could be the last
43:42off of the ropes Kazarian
43:44with a big clothesline
43:46back in control now hey
43:48win the match in the ring
43:50let's fight and pound for glory for the title
43:52if you earn it earn it right now
43:54earn your fight
43:56that shot with the brass knuckles
43:58did it just spell the beginning of the end
44:00for Joe Hendry
44:02by the way he might just be belonging
44:04to the inevitable here it looks like he can barely get to his feet
44:06he needs some kind of strike
44:08last little shot
44:10this might be a slow brutalizing end
44:12but you know what
44:14following the rules after breaking them
44:16the right thing has been done
44:18he's going to finish what he started
44:20he's going to end this with an exclamation point
44:22he's going to make sure all these
44:24so called believers
44:26see it go down clear as day
44:32chance of let's go
44:34in his sights
44:36oh he caught him
44:38oh my goodness
44:40come on
44:42Hendry is
44:44pound for glory
44:46here is your winner
44:48and the number one contender
44:50for the GNA world title
44:52Joe Hendry
45:02I cannot
45:04I cannot believe
45:06how this all went down
45:08Frankie Kazarian had it on lock
45:16Joe Hendry
45:18has knocked down obstacle
45:20after obstacle this year
45:22his one goal
45:24the entire time
45:26has been to capture the TNA
45:28world championship
45:34Joe Hendry
45:36has earned his place
45:38in Detroit, Michigan
45:40it will be Nick Nimmin
45:42and Joe Hendry
45:44for the TNA world championship
45:46at pound for glory
46:04pound for glory
