TNA Wrestling 9/26/24 – September 26th, 2024 full show Part 1

  • 2 days ago
TNA Wrestling 9/26/24 – September 26th, 2024 full show Part 1


00:00Spotlight's up in San Antonio for Santana, this is as personal as it gets, this is a Texas Deathmatch.
00:12More nasty, Santana crushes JDC, there's the pinfall, Mike Santana wins the Texas Deathmatch.
00:23Mike Santana found, oh, there is the face of the franchise.
00:27Mike Santana was out tonight to send a message in blood to the system, but it's Moose standing tall over Santana.
00:38Victory Road was special, I made a statement when I faced one of the very best to ever lace up a pair of boots in this company.
00:49The audience lifted me up, they're gonna lift me up to the TNA World Championship.
00:58And you know what disgusts me the most? The fact that you think you deserve a shot at the TNA World Title.
01:04Because if anybody deserves a shot, it's Frankie Kazarian.
01:08You call yourself the King of TNA.
01:11There's only one crown that matters around here, and this is as close as you're ever gonna get to it.
01:18Next week, it's gonna be Frankie Kazarian vs. Joe Hendry for the number one contendership match.
01:25And the winner of which is gonna face Nick Mamet at Bound for Glory.
01:33We are set for a colossal main event.
01:36It's Tasha Steeles and the TNA World Tag Team Champions, The System, against Marcia Slavich and The Hardys.
01:44Now Alicia Edwards trying to trip up Matt Hardy.
01:49Alicia ain't going anywhere, Tom.
01:52There's the former TNA World Tag Team Champions, The ABC.
01:57Twist of fate.
01:59One time bomb.
02:01Slavich and The Hardys win.
02:14TNA Wrestling is back for one more time.
02:17And the winner of this match is Tasha Steeles and The Hardys.
02:21And the winner of this match is Tasha Steeles and The Hardys.
02:25And the winner of this match is Tasha Steeles and The Hardys.
02:29And the winner of this match is Tasha Steeles and The Hardys.
02:33And the winner of this match is Tasha Steeles and The Hardys.
02:37And the winner of this match is Tasha Steeles and The Hardys.
02:42TNA Wrestling is back for one more night of action at San Antonio.
02:46And the march continues towards our biggest event of the year, Bound for Glory.
02:51Welcome everyone to TNA Impact.
02:58The following is a tag team match.
03:01Introducing team number one, first from NXT, Wendy June.
03:11Wendy June has returned to TNA territory after what we saw two weeks ago
03:16at Victory Road live on TNA+.
03:19Sold out here in San Antonio.
03:21You can relive it anytime on demand on TNA+.
03:24Wendy June challenged Jordan Grace for the Knockouts World Championship.
03:28Came up short, but after the fact, June and her tag team partner tonight
03:33took down the juggernaut.
03:41First partner from the undead realm, Rosemary.
03:55And this strange and frightening friendship that has developed
03:59between Wendy June and Rosemary has felt destruction along the way,
04:04especially for the Knockouts World Champion.
04:08Remember, it wasn't long ago that one of Jordan Grace's open challenges
04:11was answered by Rosemary.
04:14Tried to capture the Knockouts World Championship.
04:16That match was interrupted by Ash by Elegance.
04:19It was then, shortly thereafter, that Rosemary made her way to NXT
04:23and appears to have found a kindred spirit in Wendy June.
04:28Something of that ilk.
04:31And tonight they buy their trade as a team here in the Impact Zone.
04:38But tonight they have to deal with an angry juggernaut
04:41in Jordan Grace's home state of Texas.
04:54Their opponents, first, from Austin, Texas.
05:00She is the team's Knockouts World Champion,
05:04the juggernaut, Jordan Grace.
05:09Jordan Grace had so much support at Victory Road right here in San Antonio
05:13as we were sold out inside the Boeing Center at Techport.
05:17Jordan Grace, however, taken down after the fact by June and Rosemary.
05:23Grace last week came to the aid of Masha Slavich
05:26when the system was swarming her.
05:28And it was the liaison between NXT and TNA
05:32that helped facilitate this opportunity for Jordan Grace to get some payback.
05:38Speaking of which.
05:41As liaison, it is my duty to reveal and my honor
05:47to announce your mystery partner tonight
05:51and one of my best friends,
05:55Sol Ruka!
06:01That's one hell of a partner for Jordan Grace.
06:10It wasn't too long ago on NXT that Jordan Grace
06:15defended the TNA Knockouts World Championship
06:18for the first time ever on WWE television
06:21in an open challenge.
06:23That open challenge was answered by Sol Ruka.
06:27And if you've had your eyes on NXT at all,
06:30you know what an incredible athlete that Sol Ruka is.
06:35Case in point now, that matchup on NXT between Grace and Ruka
06:40was absolutely spectacular.
06:42However, it ended in a no contest because of Wendy Chu and Rosemary
06:46crashing the scene in the middle of the match
06:48and attacking the juggernaut.
06:50Just like that!
06:51Case in point.
06:52Rosemary and Wendy Chu going after Grace and Ruka.
06:56And this one immediately breaking down into chaos.
07:00And that's going to be the big question mark here.
07:02And this match is not yet officially underway.
07:04Our referee Daniel Spencer trying to gain some sort of control.
07:10Get him!
07:15A misfire for both teams.
07:17But it's Wendy Chu and Rosemary who go down.
07:20And a quick bit of teamwork there from Grace and Sol Ruka.
07:26And now Grace over the top and wipes out Rosemary and Chu.
07:30Again, this match is not yet officially underway.
07:33And look out.
07:34Ruka from the top!
07:36Moonsault by Sol Ruka!
07:39Landing on her feet to boot as well.
07:42What a way to kick off P&A Impact.
07:47And now Grace through the ropes.
07:51And again, the match has not even started.
07:53But take a look at some of the action.
07:55We got Sol Ruka with this moonsault all the way to the floor.
07:59And then the juggernaut following that up with a dive of her own.
08:04Now tossing Rosemary back inside the ring.
08:06Sol Ruka from NXT dives in.
08:08Daniel Spencer finally has some work.
08:11Calls for the bell.
08:12This match is underway tonight in San Antonio.
08:16Credit where it is due to Ruka and Grace for quickly forming some teamwork there.
08:23But Wendy Chu and Rosemary, they have this bond that cannot be explained.
08:30And I think they have a little bit more of the rapport that a tag team may need in this situation.
08:35And right now, that's paying dividends.
08:37Now Wendy Chu taking a cheap shot there on Sol Ruka.
08:40Chu now legal into the matchup against Ruka.
08:43This is a huge night of action for us here with Bound for Glory.
08:47Four weeks away from Saturday live on pay-per-view in TNA+.
08:50In Detroit, Michigan.
08:52Still to come tonight, Joe Hendry versus Frankie Kazarian.
08:56The TNA World Champion, Nick Nemeth.
08:58Will join us on commentary.
09:01And a kick out there by Sol Ruka.
09:03Hendry versus Kazarian.
09:05Will determine the number one contender to the TNA World Title at Bound for Glory.
09:10Also this evening, speaking of the knockouts, Heather Reckless goes one-on-one with Ziya Brookside.
09:16Laying Lee will make her TNA in-ring debut.
09:20And a huge six-man tag team matchup.
09:22The brand new X-Division Champion Speedball Mike Bailey plus Kushida and Leon Slater.
09:27Will face-
09:28Cover here from Rosemary to put it away.
09:30And a kick out by Ruka.
09:31Will face Zachary Wentz, the former X-Division Champion and the former TNA World Tag Team Champions, the ABC.
09:39All that still to come tonight here on Impact.
09:42And right here, right now in the opener to TNA Impact.
09:45The team of Rosemary and Wendy Chu putting a big hurting on Sol Ruka.
09:51Ruka, who desperately needs to get a tag to Jordan Grace.
09:54If she can get it.
09:56From the middle rope.
09:57Great cross body there by Ruka.
09:59Desperately needed that.
10:02Tag made.
10:03Wendy Chu diving into the ring and trying to take away the tag option of Jordan Grace.
10:08Trying and succeeding.
10:10And immediately, very wisely driving Sol Ruka back to their corner.
10:15Back to the dark and dangerous place that is the corner of Wendy Chu and Rosemary.
10:20A tag made.
10:21In comes Rosemary, who's a multi-time Knockouts World Tag Team Champion.
10:26Arguably the most prolific Knockouts World Tag Team Champion of all time.
10:35And so far, so good for Rosemary and Chu.
10:39Who had an opportunity to team up last week on NXT to take on Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley.
10:48Again, adding to that rapport, adding to that teamwork that they've been building.
10:58Now Ruka trying to reach out for the corner and dragged down by Wendy Chu.
11:03The referee admonishing Wendy Chu had a handful of hair.
11:07Now Rosemary running to pie face Jordan Grace.
11:12Managed to take off the juggernaut.
11:16Went for the double suplex and a double neck breaker instead for Sol Ruka.
11:21Tag made.
11:23And here comes the juggernaut. Here comes the difference maker.
11:30Now sending Chu into Rosemary.
11:36Back fist there by Jordan Grace.
11:38256 days now as Knockouts World Champion.
11:44Grace like a hot rod here, cannot be stopped.
11:49Got Chu up on the shoulders and the DVD straight into Rosemary.
11:57And now look at Ruka with a splash.
12:00Incredible teamwork here from Grace and Ruka.
12:04Excellent athleticism all together from Grace and Ruka.
12:10Face first goes Rosemary.
12:17Look out.
12:22Absolutely incredible.
12:24That could have been a victory.
12:26And now here's where the victory could be.
12:29Wait a minute. Let's go for the juggernaut.
12:31Driver could have scored the win but it's Taj De Steeles diving into this matchup and breaking things up.
12:37Attacking Grace and Ruka.
12:40Steeles, who was the one-time partner of Masha Slamovich at Victory Road.
12:48Stood in for Alicia Edwards.
12:51Oh, hold on.
12:53Some unfinished business between Steeles and Slamovich from Victory Road and last week on Impact.
13:02But Tasha Steeles gets on a dodge, makes her point here in the Impact Zone.
13:13Was Steeles sent by the system to wipe out Jordan Grace and so Ruka?
13:22Nonetheless, things are just getting started here on TNA Impact.
13:26For more on tonight's proceedings, let's check in with our broadcast colleague, Gia Miller.
13:32Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Frankie Kazarian. Thank you.
13:39Hi. Thank you for joining me, Frankie.
13:42Tonight in the main event, you'll go one-on-one with Joe Hendry.
13:46The winner of that match will be the number one contender for the TNA World Title opportunity at Bound for Glory.
13:52How are you feeling ahead of that?
13:54Gia, let me flip the script and ask you a question.
13:58Are you down with the king?
13:59The answer to that is yes.
14:01I got one more for you.
14:03Do you believe in Joe Hendry?
14:05The answer to that is no, because I don't believe in Joe Hendry.
14:09I've beat Joe Hendry once. I'm gonna do it again.
14:11And this time, it's gonna be so much sweeter, because this time, I defeat Joe Hendry.
14:15And I go on to Bound for Glory to challenge for the TNA World Title.
14:18And this time, I get to do it right in front of that J-Drew Nick Nimmoth.
14:22He gets to see me live in the flesh, the bell of the ball, the cock of the walk.
14:27He gets to see what's in store for his future.
14:31And he, just like you, just like Joe Hendry, and everybody else will understand
14:36that every head must bow, and every tongue must confess,
14:40and acknowledge Frankie Kazarian as the king of TNA.
14:48Stupid question.
14:50The Wanted Man is gonna be on commentary.
14:52Kazarian versus Hendry later on tonight.
14:55Who will challenge for the TNA World Title at Bound for Glory?
14:58Still to come tonight, a huge six-man tag team matchup.
15:01But coming up next, the X-Division takes center stage on Impact.
15:10And we are back here on TNA Impact, ready for an X-Division showcase.
15:15The following contest is set for one fall.
15:19Introducing first, from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, Laredo Kid!
15:27And it is good to see Laredo Kid back in the Impact Zone.
15:32Always a highlight reel when he steps between the ropes.
15:36Last time we saw Laredo Kid, he was in action against Kushida weeks ago here on Impact.
15:40That match was brutally interrupted by Josh Alexander in the lead-up to Victory Road.
15:46And now the former TNA Digital Media Champion, ready to tangle with The Octopus.
16:04His opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, The Octopus, Jonathan Gresham!
16:11Meanwhile, the last time that we saw Jonathan Gresham, he was victorious in action
16:15against NXT's Charlie Dempsey in a technical masterpiece right here on Impact.
16:21I mean, there is nobody on this planet who can doubt the in-ring acumen of The Octopus,
16:28of Jonathan Gresham, who has seemed to have a little bit of a recovery as of late,
16:34a little bit of a separation, a return to form, if you will,
16:38from that disturbing ink that was just infesting his system.
16:43And, not to mention, anyone who had came in contact with him here at TNA.
16:49And a reminder that every episode of TNA Impact, plus all of our live pay-per-views
16:54and monthly TNA Plus specials, including Bound for Glory, upcoming on October 26th,
17:00will be available in Spanish on TNA Plus.
17:03Now, head to and subscribe.
17:08This will be an interesting one to watch, a clash.
17:12Or maybe not so much a clash, a bit of a meshing of styles here.
17:15Gresham, of course, very technically sound, catch-style grappling.
17:20Laredo Kid, the lucha libre, the high-flying action.
17:28And this is the element of Jonathan Gresham that I don't think we've seen in quite some time
17:33outside of that Dempsey match.
17:35It had to have been about a year ago that we saw this fun-loving side of Jonathan Gresham in the ring.
17:40That's what I'm saying, a bit of a return to form.
17:42I mean, I'm happy to see it.
17:44That darker side of Gresham seems to have been kept at bay for now.
17:48Look at this.
17:50Gresham's showing some lucha libre of his own.
17:52So diverse in his skill set.
17:54Shoulders down.
17:55This could be it.
17:56Laredo Kid able to kick out.
18:01Big connection there by Jonathan Gresham.
18:04Gresham certainly has the strength and musculature advantage here over Laredo Kid.
18:12Jonathan Gresham who challenged for the TNA World Championship late last year.
18:16Great match against then champion Alex Shelley in Chicago.
18:19One I'll never forget.
18:20But this is, as I mentioned, an X Division showcase.
18:23And this is what this company was built on.
18:25This type of wrestling, these types of athletes, it's not about weight limits.
18:30It's about no limits.
18:31And bringing in influences from all over the world.
18:35Of course, Laredo Kid from Mexico.
18:38But Jonathan Gresham is a world travel athlete who brings styles from the likes of Europe and Japan.
18:43And obviously a little bit of Mexico as well in that lucha libre offense he showed us earlier.
18:50Did quite well against Dempsey.
18:51A little catch as catch can.
18:53That's what I said.
18:54Europe, Tom.
18:55Pay attention next time.
18:57Shut up.
19:01As here Gresham continuing to take the fight to Laredo Kid.
19:08Gresham to the outside.
19:09Grabbing a hold of the mask.
19:13That expression on Gresham's face.
19:17Calling back again, that side aggression, that sickness we saw him going through this summer.
19:23He was wearing a mask.
19:25The octopus mask at various points.
19:27Obviously, something still, some scars still remain from that time.
19:32Was Gresham having flashbacks?
19:34I don't know.
19:35Either way, the match continues here.
19:36And so does Laredo Kid.
19:38Head first into the midsection of Gresham.
19:41What is Spanish for torpedo, Tom?
19:43Because, man, he just nailed Gresham.
19:50Laredo Kid trying to get Gresham back inside the ring.
19:56There's a cover.
19:57Hooked to the leg by Laredo Kid.
19:59And a kick out by Jonathan Gresham.
20:02So far, a pretty even keel match here.
20:05Back and forth, Laredo Kid.
20:08Able to maintain the advantage.
20:09The moment.
20:12Nasty forearm shiver.
20:19Of course, we are here in Texas.
20:23We are not far from the Mexican border.
20:27The home of Lucha Libre.
20:29On for the middle rope.
20:30Went for the moonsault.
20:31And it's blocked by Gresham.
20:34That extra second was what Gresham needed.
20:37Gonna take Laredo Kid off of his feet.
20:41Standing moonsault there by Gresham.
20:43Here's the cover.
20:44Pulling back on the leg.
20:45Stands himself right back up off of Laredo Kid's leg.
20:48Using your opponent not only as a weapon, but as a kickstand.
20:53A Boston Crab by the octopus.
20:55There's center of the ring on Laredo Kid.
20:59And look at the way Gresham sinking down deep.
21:04Really bending the spine back of Laredo Kid.
21:09Laredo Kid, what's he gonna do?
21:10Trying to get himself to the bottom rope.
21:12To try and break up his submission.
21:13But Gresham drags him back closer to the center.
21:20That Boston Crab.
21:21Laredo! Laredo! Laredo!
21:24That Boston Crab cinched in deep.
21:29But Laredo Kid continuing to scratch and claw.
21:32This is where that compact, powerful build of Jonathan Gresham comes into play.
21:38Now converting to a single leg Boston Crab.
21:41And fully sitting down on the small of the back.
21:44On the lumbar of Laredo Kid.
21:46Who continues though to crawl and fight.
21:48And Laredo Kid has got to get himself to the bottom rope.
21:50If he wants to stay in this matchup.
21:52And he does.
21:53And our referee Frank Castano breaking it up.
21:56Much to the chagrin of Jonathan Gresham there.
21:59Don't forget still to come tonight the brand new X-Division Champions.
22:03Speedball Mike Bailey will team up with Kushida and Leon Slater.
22:06Against the former champion Zachary Wentz.
22:08And the former TNA World Tag Team Champions, the ABC.
22:12Our main event, Injury versus Kazarian.
22:15The TNA World Champion Nick Nemeth will join us on commentary.
22:19Hendry and Kazarian will determine the number one contender to the TNA World Title.
22:24And bound for glory.
22:26Huge cross body there from Laredo Kid.
22:29Momentum building back to his side here.
22:34And now Laredo with a suplex.
22:36And I have a feeling we could be going for three amigos.
22:41There's two.
22:44Can he hit the trifecta?
22:48Finishing it with a brain buster.
22:50Shout out to the late great Eddie Guerrero.
22:53Cover. Oh and a kick out.
22:55I know how important that is to you and your extended family.
22:58Absolutely, but in this case not enough for Laredo Kid to put things away here.
23:04Gonna have to dig down deeper into the repertoire.
23:09Gresham has absorbed quite a bit of punishment here from Laredo Kid.
23:13It's been a breakneck pace.
23:17Stopped right to the hand.
23:22Taking away every possible limb.
23:25Oh my god.
23:27Just dissecting the leg, the knee.
23:32From the middle rope. Gresham with a moonsault.
23:36Slides right through. Look at Gresham move.
23:39Again going to the knee.
23:41Smashing and bashing every joint he can.
23:46Now smashing the left knee of Laredo Kid into the canvas.
23:50Oh my god and finally Laredo Kid taps out to Jonathan Gresham.
23:58Here is your winner, Jonathan Gresham.
24:01The ferocity of Gresham there.
24:05The tenacity with which he was smashing the knee of Laredo Kid into the mat.
24:10Kid had to give it up.
24:12No shame for Laredo Kid.
24:14Jonathan Gresham took it to a whole nother level.
24:17It's necessary this time of year with Bound for Glory looming.
24:24Come over here.
24:26Come here.
24:27I told them and they don't seem to get it.
24:30But we're gonna get it this time.
24:32Let's go.
24:50Santana's clearly not done with the system while our evening continues.
24:54Later on tonight it's Kizarian versus Hendry.
24:56Who will challenge Nick Nimmit for the TNA World Title at Bound for Glory.
25:01Plus the in-ring debut of Laying Lee in TNA.
25:04But up next, an X-Division spectacle.
25:07A six-man tag team match is next.
25:14And we are back here in San Antonio, Texas.
25:17This is TNA Impact.
25:28The following is a six-person tag team match.
25:31Introducing team number one.
25:33First, representing the Rattles, Zachary Wentz.
25:39It's certainly been an emotional few weeks for Zachary Wentz.
25:42It was at Victory Road on TNA Plus, which he can live back anytime on demand.
25:46It was an instant classic.
25:47Wentz versus Bailey for the X-Division Championship.
25:50However, Speedball walked away with the title.
25:53And then this past Tuesday night on NXT,
25:56things went well beyond words between Wentz and Wes Lee.
26:00Those two collide in a street fight this coming Tuesday on NXT.
26:06Can Wentz focus on the here and now, however?
26:09Number one, ABC.
26:11Who they need? ABC.
26:14Who the best?
26:15His partner, the ultimate finesser, Chris Bay.
26:19Inevitable Ace Austin, the ABC.
26:24Victory Road, you could say, was equally difficult for Ace Austin and Chris Bay.
26:28Chris Bay, the night before, had sustained a rib injury
26:31at the hands of KC Navarro in first class
26:34in a Tornado Tag Match here on Impact.
26:36The following night at Victory Road,
26:38the system took back the TNA World Tag Team titles from the ABC.
26:42Now it's Wentz, Austin, and Bay set to team up tonight on Impact.
26:58Their opponents, first, from Bradford, England, Leon Slater.
27:04Well, how good was it to see Leon Slater return to TNA
27:08on the countdown to Victory Road?
27:10I mean, this young man lights up every ring he steps into.
27:15Absolutely incredible athlete, incredible presence.
27:19The sky is quite literally the limit for Leon Slater here in TNA.
27:25Slater lit it up with this man, his tag team partner tonight
27:31at the countdown to Victory Road.
27:34From Tokyo, Japan, Tom Slater, Kushida.
27:42Now, Kushida did get the victory against Leon Slater,
27:46but what effort by Slater that night.
27:48And this is another matchup, as we saw Laredo Kid and Jonathan Gresham
27:52earlier on this evening.
27:54This is another X Division showcase, so to speak.
27:57Some of the best of the best to ever compete in the X Division,
28:01many of which in this match,
28:03all who've competed for the X Division championship.
28:08This is some of what TNA wrestling is all about.
28:23Their partner, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
28:26he is the TNA X Division champion,
28:30Speedball Mike Bailey!
28:33At Victory Road, Speedball Mike Bailey
28:36became a three-time X Division champion.
28:39Other TNA stars to have captured the X Division title three times,
28:44Trevor Link, the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels,
28:48Ace Austin, and Amazing Red.
28:51That's some good company to be in if you're Speedball Mike Bailey.
28:57But if you're someone like Zachary Wentz,
29:00you've got to be a little heartbroken.
29:03Already everything going on with his former best friend, Wesley,
29:07and then to lose the X Division championship,
29:10potentially because of all of that turmoil in his life.
29:13You have to imagine he's got to try to focus now more than ever.
29:20And shades of what happened at Victory Road between Wentz and Bailey.
29:23You can see their hands behind their backs.
29:25These two were daring each other throughout the matchup right here.
29:28Sold out in San Antonio to go as hard as they possibly can,
29:33and they did that. It was a hell of a matchup.
29:36I mean, that is what the X Division is all about, after all.
29:39No limits. We say it all the time.
29:42A tag made there by Slater. Austin's legal.
29:44Thought he had the champion. Quick tags here in this six-man tag.
29:48Tags I'm not even seeing here. I'm not even registering things here.
29:51Another tag. Chris Bay is legal. Kashida's legal.
29:54It is a standoff here on impact.
29:58This one can break down very, very quickly here.
30:02Bailey, Kashida, and Slater against Wentz and the ABC.
30:05It continues, picture in picture.
30:08Now our referee, Paige Principale,
30:10just trying to gain a little bit of order here inside Boeing Center at Techport.
30:15Beautiful state-of-the-art venue here in San Antonio.
30:20And thankfully, for everyone involved, the cooler heads have prevailed.
30:25A little bit of respect among some of the X Division's finest.
30:30Good to see Chris Bay.
30:32Sounds like he's been doing better ever since Victory Road two weeks ago.
30:36Those damaged ribs caused by KC Navarro the night before.
30:41Of course, very hard to believe that that didn't play a role
30:47in them losing the tag team championships, him and Ace Austin.
30:52And you have to imagine they are concerned
30:54with their contractual rematch at some point, at some place.
30:58In comes Leon Slater.
31:01Turns 20 years old on September 27th.
31:05Please stop telling me that.
31:07I don't mean to remind, the reminder of how much this young kid
31:11has done in his short time.
31:15Absolutely incredible.
31:16I mean, he's been wrestling already for over 10 years.
31:19It's incredible.
31:22Oh, and now Chris Bay able to chop down the taller man.
31:25Here's the tag mate.
31:26And in comes Ace Austin.
31:30You've got five X Division championships on the team
31:33with Bay, Austin, and Wentz alone.
31:37Hell of a pedigree.
31:38Covered Austin.
31:39Can't put away Slater.
31:40Not to mention tag team champions in Wentz and, of course, ABC as well.
31:44A lot of gold in the resumes of everybody on that side of the ring.
31:51Kicks right to the chest here by Ace Austin.
31:57Then there's Kushida, who's the final piece of the New Japan Pro Wrestling
32:01Junior Heavyweight Puzzle, if you remember.
32:04It's a cover and a kick out.
32:05Well-decorated in New Japan.
32:07No doubt about that.
32:08Of course, we've listed off everything speedball.
32:11Mike Bailey has accomplished here in TNA.
32:13Leon Slater, the one who's on the rise.
32:15The young man who wants to start making a name for himself amongst those
32:19that we just listed.
32:21Collecting titles like those that we just listed.
32:25Slater backed into the corner of ABC and Wentz.
32:28About a year ago that the Rascals and the ABC were not exactly cozy.
32:33Here's a cover.
32:34Shoulders down and a kick out.
32:36That's what I was saying.
32:37Mixing it up over the tag team championships.
32:39Both teams trading it.
32:40Now, you know, common enemies or whatever,
32:43finding themselves on the same side of the ring.
32:46Bound for glory 2023.
32:48The ABC and the Rascals for the TNA World Tag Team titles.
32:51Another classic which you can relive anytime on TNA+.
32:55Head to right now and subscribe.
32:59A little bit of teamwork there.
33:00Hook to the leg by Wentz and a kick out by Slater.
33:05Wentz who now takes control of Leon Slater
33:08in this six-man X Division tag team matchup.
33:14And we are back here in San Antonio, Texas.
33:16This is TNA Impact.
33:18This six-man tag team matchup continues.
33:20It's the X Division champions,
33:22Speedball Mike Bailey, Kushida, and Leon Slater
33:25up against Zachary Wentz,
33:27the former X Division champion in the ring right now with Slater.
33:30Wentz teaming up with the former TNA World Tag Team champions, the ABC.
33:36And great job by Ace Austin there.
33:39Cutting Leon Slater back down
33:42and taking control of the matchup once again.
33:46Oh, maybe I spoke too soon.
33:48And a tag made. In comes Kushida.
33:50The ABC were trying to set up Slater.
33:52And now Kushida trying to destroy the left leg of Chris Bay.
33:56Just relentless there with those low kicks.
33:59Oh, cross body.
34:04Oh, thought he got the better of that.
34:06And instead a cartwheel dropkick by Kushida.
34:09Kushida absolutely turning this matchup on his head
34:13with that tag.
34:16Oh, and a shoté in the corner.
34:21Now Kushida
34:23going up top.
34:24Oh, the hurricanrana off the top.
34:27Wait a minute, Bay. Does he have it?
34:29Oh, and a kick out.
34:30Great counter there by Chris Bay.
34:31Able to roll through on that hurricanrana.
34:35Oh, and a kick by Bay.
34:37And down goes Kushida.
34:38Don't forget, still to come tonight,
34:40we'll be joined on commentary by the TNA World Champion, Nick Nemeth.
34:43As Joe Henry battles Frankie Kazarian.
34:46The winner of that match goes on to bound for glory
34:49to challenge for the TNA World Championship.
34:52Also, speaking of said title,
34:54we are due to hear from the former champion, Josh Alexander
34:58later on tonight here on the Impact Zone.
35:00Plus, Heather Reckless will go one-on-one with Xia Brookside.
35:03And one of the newest knockouts, Lian Li,
35:06will make her TNA in-ring debut this evening.
35:09All right, and how Tom, we are picking up where Victory Road left off.
35:14If you haven't seen it already,
35:16you've got to watch it back right now on demand on TNA.
35:19Plus, Wentz and Bayley with the X Division title
35:22at Victory Road was one for the ages.
35:25Wentz right now doing a great job
35:27compartmentalizing everything that's going on in his life and career here
35:31to focus the pain onto Mike Bayley.
35:35Knee right to the face.
35:36There's the cover and a kick out.
35:39And now Kushida, Austin, Slater, and Bay all dive into the ring.
35:45Great job making the save there by the ABC.
35:50Wentz charges at Bayley.
35:53Wentz does have a contractual rematch
35:55for the TNA World Championship,
35:57but Speedball Mike Bayley captured his third X Division title
36:01from Wentz at Victory Road.
36:03Great combination.
36:05Bayley getting pummeled here.
36:11And Kushida breaks up the pinfall.
36:14Just in the nick of time.
36:15There was no way, in my opinion anyway,
36:17that Bayley could have kicked out of that.
36:19Absolutely destroyed three-on-one action.
36:22You said before the break that every man in this matchup
36:25has either won the X Division title or competed for it.
36:28Well, this man, Leon Slater, the only man who can't say that.
36:32And I know for a fact this TNA kid from the United Kingdom,
36:36he wants the X Division Championship.
36:38That's absolutely in his sights.
36:40That's in his future.
36:42If you ask me, it's not a matter of if.
36:44It's a matter of when with Leon Slater.
36:47To the outside.
36:48There goes Bay.
36:49There goes Austin.
36:52Oh, and Kushida takes out the ABC.
36:56Great teamwork.
36:58Now Leon Slater.
37:00Oh, setting up Bayley.
37:02Bayley gets the ABC.
37:03Slater got the tag off of Bayley there as well.
37:07And look at this.
37:08Watch out.
37:09Slater going to take flight.
37:12Over the top, Leon Slater.
37:15You are incredible.
37:18Take another look at this as Leon Slater goes sailing
37:23over the corner post, landing on his feet,
37:26and taking up a competition.
37:29To the top turnbuckle.
37:32Can he hit the Swanton 450 on Wentz?
37:35Oh, able to roll through.
37:37Knee right to the face by Wentz.
37:40Look out.
37:42On the UFO counter by Wentz.
37:48Wentz and the ABC win.
37:52Here are your winners, the ABC and Zachary Wentz.
37:58Great job here.
38:00I especially want to call out ABC playing defense here
38:03while Zachary Wentz was able to hit the UFO cutter
38:08and get the one, two, three for him and his team.
38:12Wentz has a date with his former best friend Wesley
38:16in a street fight on October 1st on NXT,
38:19but tonight focuses on TNA business
38:22and gets the win on Impact.
38:29Come on.
38:30Let's go.
38:31Let's go.
38:32Another one.
38:33Let's have it.
38:34Jake, Jake, I need to talk to you.
38:36Come on.
38:38Cousin, I need to talk to you.
38:43You got something to say?
38:45You're making all the wrong choices, man.
38:47I don't understand what's gotten into you.
38:49You don't understand.
38:50Of course you don't understand.
38:51I am sick of you.
38:53I'm sick of the people,
38:56and I am sick of failure.
38:59You're not a failure.
39:01You just got to listen to the right people,
39:03and this is not the right person to be listening to.
39:05Who the hell do you think you're talking to?
39:08And who the hell do you think you are?
39:10Look at this.
39:11Look at this.
39:12We are winners.
39:13This is what champions made of, and this,
39:16this is pathetic.
39:19But you know what?
39:21If you think otherwise,
39:24why don't you prove it in the ring?
39:29I don't walk away from family,
39:32and I don't walk away from a fight.
39:35This might not be the best choice to make,
39:39but from here on,
39:41I'd be happy to punch you right in the mouth
39:43and do it for the people.
39:48Move along, Weasel.
39:50Let's get back to this workout, huh, Jake?
39:52Forget about that guy.
39:53Let's go.
39:54Empty the clip.
39:55Come on.
39:56Let's have it.
39:59Well, still to come tonight in our main event,
40:01Nick Nemeth will be on commentary.
40:03Who will challenge the Wanted Man
40:05for the TNA world title at Battle for Glory?
40:07Also, here in the Impact Zone,
40:08we'll hear from Josh Alexander following Victor Rhodes.
40:11But coming up next,
40:12Laying Lane debuts in TNA.
40:23Though I walk through the valley,
40:29I will fear no man,
40:34no evil.
40:37I told you, boys.
40:40Y'all playing in my world.
40:43Y'all locked in here with me.
40:46Week after week,
40:48month after month,
40:49no matter how long it takes,
40:52I'm gonna make each of you
40:55feel my pain,
40:58feel my agony.
41:02I want you.
41:05Until there's nothing left,
41:07I will fear no man,
41:10no evil,
41:16because I am the nastiest ever.
41:20Y'all gotta deal with me.
41:23I'm in my playground having fun.
41:28Let's get it.
41:51The following contest is a moment for introducing first,
41:55from Chongqing, China,
41:57Laying Lee.
42:03She has finally arrived in TNA.
42:06Laying Lee is a TNA knockout.
42:10I am excited to see this debut.
42:14We've been anticipating this for weeks.
42:26Her opponent,
42:28Hai Yan.
42:33We're ready for action here in the Impact Zone
42:35in San Antonio, Texas.
42:37Laying Lee, we've been looking forward to this
42:39for quite some time as a diverse
42:42mixed martial arts background
42:44in Muay Thai, kickboxing, taekwondo, kung fu.
42:48She started it all at the age of eight
42:50because she'd been bullied in school
42:52and has turned that into such an incredible skill set
42:55in MMA and in professional wrestling.
42:58Turned it into a hell of a career.
43:01So all this to say, basically,
43:03if there's anything on the human body she can hit you with,
43:06she will do it and with great effect.
43:12Arriving on the scene here in TNA
43:14at an incredible time of the year.
43:16We're just four weeks away from this Saturday
43:18from Bound for Glory,
43:20Saturday, October 26th, live on Pay-Per-View
43:22and TNA Plus in Detroit, Michigan,
43:24our biggest event of the year.
43:26Perfect timing for Laying Lee
43:28to make an impression in the Knockouts division.
43:31And to add to that incredible history
43:34here in the Knockouts division,
43:36consistently known as one of, if not the best,
43:39women's professional wrestling division on the planet.
43:42Lee adding to that legacy starting here tonight.
43:46Step suplex there by Lee.
43:50This calm confidence about her.
43:54I'm almost mad that you did,
43:56that we're thinking the same thing, Tom,
43:58because that's exactly what I was thinking.
44:00Coming into a new place like this,
44:02a brand-new Knockout, it's intimidating.
44:05Hyann rolls to the outside.
44:08Not wanting to interrupt any more offense from Lee.
44:11Oh! Pays for it on the outside.
44:14Yeah, Lee is not intimidated here whatsoever.
44:19Now Lee dives back inside.
44:22And the stoic, strong confidence.
44:25Up on the shoulders, oh, and Hyann went to the face.
44:28Wraps out of desperation at the way
44:30that Lee was rolling here in this match.
44:32And Hyann able to drive Lee down to the canvas.
44:39I mean, this would be a big feather in the cap of Hyann
44:42if she could shut down the debut of Laying Lee here.
44:47Off the ropes, oh, and holds back.
44:49Elbow by Hyann.
44:55Hell of a combo here from Hyann.
44:59Belly-to-back suplex there by Hyann,
45:01which is spoiled.
45:02Lee's TNA debut and a kickout at one.
45:07Obviously a lot of toughness,
45:09a lot of resilience in Lee there.
45:12None too pleased about being shown
45:15this level of ferocity right back to her.
45:18And there you go,
45:19showing that she's not going to sit there and take it.
45:27Went for a chop right to the chest
45:29and caught there by Laying Lee.
45:31There is a toughness and aggression here from Lee
45:34that is almost reminiscent of our Knockouts World Series.
45:38A hell of an addition to the Knockouts division.
45:41Jordan Grayson we saw earlier on tonight
45:43tagging with NXT's Sol Ruka
45:46against NXT's Wendy Chu and Rosemary.
45:49Involvement by Tasha Steeles destroying that matchup.
45:53Masha Slavich getting involved.
45:55Plenty of chaos right now amongst the Knockouts.
