• last year
01:51Yeah, it's true
01:52You can make it well
01:54I can't believe it. What are we going to do?
01:57Who's going to take care of the store today?
01:59I have things to do in the association because I'm the president. Remember that.
02:03I'll do it, Mefkibe. I've done it for 26 years and I'll keep doing it.
02:07Good. Have fun.
02:09Thank you. You too, president.
02:21What are you trying to do, Aileen?
02:24Jan. Jan.
02:29We're ready. Are you okay?
02:34Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Yes.
02:39I'll be there in two minutes.
02:43Okay. I'll be in the meeting room with everyone.
02:46Yes, I'm coming.
04:45Please remember that.
04:46And talk to Mr. Jan right away, okay?
04:51Leila, is the meeting going to start?
04:53Okay, Gulis. I'm coming.
04:55I have to go to a meeting. See you later.
05:08What happened?
05:13I told you, Emre.
05:15I told you that Leila was going to betray you.
05:17And once again, I'm right.
05:19Aileen, enough.
05:20Isn't it true?
05:21You said she'd do anything for you.
05:23Well, she's not as weak as you thought.
05:25Aileen, shut up!
05:26It's true.
05:27Isn't it, Emre?
05:28She's betrayed you.
05:29Didn't you trust her?
05:31Maybe she reacted that way.
05:32It's because she's worried about me.
05:34Those are stupid things, Emre.
05:36What are you going to do now?
05:37Tell your brother the truth?
05:40If you were in my place,
05:41you'd know how complicated this is.
05:43Emre, please don't do it.
05:44I'll talk to my brother.
05:46I'll end this once and for all.
05:48My love, it's nonsense.
05:50Think about it.
05:51Sanem has left the job.
05:53Jan could leave the country
05:54and the company would be yours again.
05:56You just need Leila to keep her mouth shut.
05:58But what do you say?
05:59Was that enough?
06:02That was enough.
06:03I won't lie.
06:05What do you think is going to happen?
06:07Listen up, everyone.
06:08As you know,
06:09Compas Sport sells outdoor sports products.
06:12And they want to change their agency.
06:14It's a leading company in the sector.
06:16And their advertising budget is very large.
06:18If we get this job,
06:19we'll be in an excellent position.
06:21Our responsibility is to present a project
06:24that you haven't seen.
06:25There will be five more competing agencies
06:27and they'll choose us
06:28because I'm sure we'll win.
06:30They'll be our clients.
06:31I'm telling you this because I trust you.
06:33I trust your creativity and your talent.
06:37We've had a tough time.
06:39And it's time to overcome all the difficulties
06:41by working hard,
06:42with commitment,
06:43to get results.
06:44And that's why I'm asking you.
06:46Are we ready to win this competition?
06:52Then let's have tea and coffee and get to work.
06:55Yay, yay.
06:56A tea and chai.
06:57Of course.
06:59I'll put some lemon juice in it.
07:01It's good for diarrhea.
07:02Oh, yay, yay.
07:03Lemon juice?
07:04Yes, of course.
07:05Well, listen.
07:06What comes to mind when you think of sports?
07:09I want rain of ideas now.
07:10That's what we'll start with.
07:12Very good.
07:13Let's start.
07:14Let's start, yes.
07:28Me que ve, presidenta me que ve
07:44Presidenta me que ve
07:48Presidenta me que ve
07:55¡Feliz Navidad!
07:56¡Feliz Navidad!
07:57¡Feliz Navidad!
07:58¡Feliz Navidad!
07:59¡Feliz Navidad!
08:00¡Feliz Navidad!
08:01¡Feliz Navidad!
08:02¡Feliz Navidad!
08:03¡Feliz Navidad!
08:04¡Feliz Navidad!
08:05¡Feliz Navidad!
08:06¡Feliz Navidad!
08:07¡Feliz Navidad!
08:08¡Feliz Navidad!
08:09¡Feliz Navidad!
08:10¡Feliz Navidad!
08:11¡Feliz Navidad!
08:12¡Feliz Navidad!
08:13¡Feliz Navidad!
08:14¡Feliz Navidad!
08:15¡Feliz Navidad!
08:16¡Feliz Navidad!
08:17¡Feliz Navidad!
08:18¡Feliz Navidad!
08:20¿De qué regalos hablas, Mozafer?
08:22Esto no es una boda, moza.
08:24Suegra ahora es la presidenta.
08:26Y la asociación tiene un capital variable.
08:28¿Y por qué no tenemos un capital variable?
08:30Porque vivimos de donaciones.
08:32Luego todo el mundo viene a tomar té y café.
08:34Y todos sus gastos, lo mínimo que pueden hacer
08:36es dar un donativo para ayudar a la asociación.
08:39¡No puede ser!
08:40Por ejemplo, tú, Osman, eres carnicero.
08:42¿Por qué viniste con las manos vacías?
08:44Podrías haber traído una vaca o un toro, ¿no es verdad?
08:48¡Es increíble!
08:49Mozafer, ¿quieres callarte?
08:51Deja que la presidenta hable.
08:53¡Es cierto!
08:54Todos guarden silencio.
08:55¡La presidenta habla!
09:01Bueno, queridos vecinos y vecinas.
09:06No soy muy buena hablando en público.
09:08Amigos y amigas.
09:10Hermanos, hermanas.
09:11¡Hijos e hijas!
09:14¡Muy bien!
09:15¡Muy bien dicho!
09:16¿Usted sabe cómo se habla?
09:18Vecinos, porque me estoy emocionando hasta las lágrimas.
09:21A partir de ahora, esta casa es de ustedes.
09:23¡Ya dije, ya dije!
09:25Y pueden contar conmigo para cualquier problema.
09:29Bien dicho.
09:30Que sepan que pueden contar con nosotros y que les ayudaremos.
09:33Este vecindario volverá a ser el más bonito de la ciudad.
09:36Yo me encargaré de eso y de mucho más.
09:39¡Me quité, presidenta! ¡Me quité, presidenta!
09:42¡Me quité, presidenta! ¡Me quité, presidenta!
09:45¡Me quité, presidenta! ¡Me quité, presidenta!
09:47No pierdan el tiempo aquí.
09:48Vuelvan al trabajo.
09:49Gracias por venir.
09:50Sí, no fue nada.
09:51En verdad, les agradezco su apoyo.
09:53No pierdan nuestro tiempo aquí.
09:55¿En serio?
09:57Dejemos trabajar a la presidenta.
09:59No hay que molestarnos.
10:05No te preocupes.
10:07Hasta pronto.
10:08Cuídense mucho.
10:10Ven aquí, Melas.
10:11Que les vaya bien.
10:12Me da tanto gusto.
10:13Cuidado con el sol.
10:14Luego te veo.
10:15Voy a necesitarte con algunas cosas.
10:17Después pasaré a verte.
10:18Por supuesto, amiga.
10:20Que tengas un buen día.
10:21Seguro te irá genial.
10:23¿Tú te quedarás?
10:24Así es.
10:25Tengo que ver unos asuntos.
10:26Está bien.
10:28Que les vaya muy bien.
10:29Hasta pronto.
10:31Cuidar de estas personas no es nada sencillo.
10:34Muzafer, muchas gracias.
10:36Pero ya puedes irte a tu casa.
10:38¿A casa?
10:39Qué linda palabra.
10:41Se refiere a un lugar cálido.
10:44Dulce hogar.
10:45Esa palabra significa mucho.
10:47Pero no tengo un lugar.
10:49No tengo dónde dormir.
10:50No tengo un hogar dónde vivir.
10:52No tengo una casa dónde ir.
10:54Y me he quedado en la calle.
10:56Me han corrido.
10:58¿De qué estás hablando?
11:00¿Cómo que te quedaste sin hogar?
11:04Mi madre me echó como un perro.
11:07¿Te corrió?
11:09Mi madre me corrió de la casa.
11:10Me dijo, vete, vete de aquí.
11:11No quiero volver a verte en mi vida, mal hijo.
11:13¿Cómo una madre puede correr a su propio hijo?
11:15Le dije, mamá, ¿en verdad me estás corriendo?
11:17¿Y qué me dice?
11:18No te quiero volver a verte por aquí.
11:20Así que me tuve que salir de mi casita.
11:25Pero esta señora no tiene conciencia.
11:28Pobre de tía.
11:30Lo lamento tanto, hijo.
11:33Esto lo hizo porque me apoyaste en las elecciones.
11:36Sí, pero ¿por qué actúo de esta forma?
11:38Todo el mundo tiene un punto de vista político.
11:40¿Dónde está la democracia?
11:44Hijo, te nombro, te nombro vicepresidente.
11:50¿De verdad, vicepresidente?
11:51Estoy muy motivado en este momento.
11:53Estoy listo para servir a mi comunidad.
11:55Gracias por la oportunidad.
11:56No te arrepentirás.
11:57¿Qué haré?
11:58Pues, preguntar a los vecinos.
12:00¿A los vecinos?
12:01A los vecinos.
12:02Ah, ¿sí?
12:04Te juro que eres muy inteligente, muy lista.
12:07Me encanta como piensas.
12:08Serás una buena presidenta.
12:10Ni siquiera sé cómo me tengo que dirigir a ti,
12:12pero ya lo resolveré.
12:13Así que, anda.
12:14Bueno, hablaré con nuestros vecinos
12:16para saber qué quieren.
12:18Hasta pronto.
12:19Me equivé ahí.
12:29Súper, súper.
12:30Discutamos cómo integrar eso a la campaña.
12:33Jan, el señor Fabri llegó.
12:35Lo recibiré, ¿sí?
12:43Adelante, por favor.
12:46Parece que están ocupados.
12:48Sí, estamos trabajando para un nuevo cliente,
12:50pero llegaron a tiempo.
12:54Casi lo olvido.
12:55Dere, necesito algunos documentos importantes
12:57de su departamento de finanzas.
12:59¿Te importa si voy por ellos?
13:01Por supuesto.
13:02Songül, por favor, acompáñala, señorita.
13:04Te lo agradezco.
13:05Omer, ven con nosotras.
13:07Fabri, no tardaré mucho.
13:14Jan podrá recibirlo.
13:17Vamos a mi oficina.
13:19Lo que necesite, puede llamarme.
13:30Anoche desapareciste de la fiesta, Jan.
13:32¿Por qué?
13:42Me fui temprano.
13:44¿Se fue la señorita Zanem?
13:46¿Está enfermo?
13:47¿Tiene algún problema o algo?
13:49A Zanem no le gustan las imposiciones.
13:51Debió sentirse incómoda.
13:55Exactamente, ¿sí?
13:57No le gusta que hagan cosas a sus espaldas,
13:59y a mí tampoco.
14:00Debe saberlo.
14:03La conozco bien.
14:04Soy su exnovio.
14:06Mira, yo solo quería darle una linda sorpresa.
14:10Hay una gran diferencia entre imposición y sorpresa,
14:13pero creo que eso ya lo sabes.
14:15Bueno, lo lamento.
14:18Aunque no entiendo qué tuvo eso de malo.
14:22Mira, Jan.
14:25Lo más importante creo que es la felicidad de Zanem.
14:32Porque yo creo que merece ser feliz.
14:35¿No lo crees tú?
14:37Escucha, Fabri.
14:38Realmente aprecio que trabajes con ella.
14:40No es asunto mío, pero debo confesarte
14:43que tu interés en ella me está molestando mucho.
14:46Pero entonces no...
14:48¿No terminaron?
14:50Sí, hace poco.
14:52Como es reciente, es claro que ella necesita espacio.
14:56Bueno, para serte sincero,
14:57no creí que la estuviera agobiando.
15:00Ya te lo dije.
15:03Entonces, debe ser una diferencia cultural
15:06porque en mi país, cuando las parejas se separan,
15:09no siguen viéndose.
15:11Son libres de hacer lo que quieran.
15:15Pueden tener citas o coquetear.
15:19Claro, es verdad.
15:21Los hombres turcos somos diferentes.
15:23Así que ten cuidado, ¿de acuerdo?
15:25Vamos a trabajar.
15:39Está bien, gracias.
15:41Te llamaré más tarde.
15:43Chicos, ¡Zanem está aquí!
15:56Zanem, bienvenida.
15:57Te estás viendo muy profesional al venir a la oficina.
16:00Así es.
16:01Al parecer, quienes no son profesionales son mis compañeros.
16:05Muy bien, Zanem.
16:06Yo haría lo mismo si fuera tú.
16:08Lo hiciste muy bien para callar los rumores.
16:11Ahora observa bien.
16:14Y aprende lo que es ser una profesional.
16:25Zanem, hola, buen día.
16:27Buen día.
16:29Estaba preocupado por usted.
16:31Se fue temprano anoche.
16:32¿Todo está bien?
16:33Pues no, señor Fabri.
16:36¿Qué es esto?
16:38Su regalo.
16:40Qué bueno que nos encontramos aquí porque quería entregárselo.
16:51No entiendo.
16:52¿Pero por qué?
16:54No me gustan las imposiciones, señor Fabri.
16:57El señor Yan me dijo lo mismo.
16:59Sobre que no le gustaban las imposiciones.
17:02¿Él le dijo eso?
17:04Así es.
17:05Es claro que la conoce desde hace mucho tiempo.
17:09Pero créame, de ahora en adelante,
17:12seré más cuidadoso con estas cosas.
17:14No se preocupe.
17:15Está equivocado.
17:17Y espero que no se repita.
17:21Para mí, esta situación fue muy incómoda.
17:25Yo solo quiero que nos conozcamos y...
17:28Nos conocemos lo necesario para los negocios que tenemos que hacer.
17:33No me ponga en esta posición de nuevo.
17:40Está bien, está bien.
17:42Me disculpo por haberme equivocado.
17:47Está bien, está bien.
17:49Me disculpo por haberla incomodado, Sanem.
17:52No fue mi intención.
17:55Espero que esto no afecte nuestra relación laboral.
17:58Trabajaremos juntos en el perfume que usted hará como lo prometió.
18:04Si se comporta profesionalmente, mantendré mi palabra, señor Fabri.
18:07No se preocupe.
18:09De acuerdo.
18:12Bueno, espero verla muy pronto.
18:16Nos vemos.
18:18Señor Fabri, olvido esto.
18:33Muchas gracias por venir.
18:35Hasta luego.
18:39Sanem, you were incredible.
18:42It was so professional.
18:44It was excellent.
18:45It was as professional as it needs to be in business.
18:48I hope that all people can be as professional as we are.
18:51Did you hear that?
18:54There is one more thing that I have to solve.
19:00My formal resignation.
19:17I will write this down correctly.
19:20I want to get out of here.
19:28Where do you live?
19:38I'm sorry.
19:49Society contract.
19:59Sanem, what are you doing here?
20:03Why are these documents in your office?
20:05Sanem, I can explain.
20:07Why do you have this?
20:09Sanem, I'll explain.
20:10It's not what you think.
20:12And what am I thinking, Leila?
20:14Talk to Mr. Emre.
20:16I already talked to him.
20:17With Emre?
20:18Did you talk to him?
20:20Don't try.
20:21I know you would do anything for him.
20:23Sanem, I talked to him and I will tell the Lord the whole truth.
20:26You don't need to explain yourself.
20:28You made it very clear.
20:31Mr. Emre asked you to steal these documents from me.
20:33It's not true.
20:35But I don't need these documents anymore.
20:39I'm tired of lies and Mr. Emre.
20:42Do it, Sanem.
20:43Be brave.
20:44Finish this once and for all.
20:46Just one more step.
21:01What is it?
21:02It's my resignation.
21:04It's a little wrinkled, but...
21:07Forget that nonsense.
21:10I told you last night at the party.
21:13I just thought it was more professional to give it to you this way.
21:20Are you sure?
21:28I am.
21:31I'm sorry.
21:34I'm sorry.
21:37I'm sorry.
21:40I'm sorry.
21:43I'm sorry.
21:46I am.
21:53So, you're leaving?
22:01That's right.
22:11Because I can't work with someone who judges me
22:14and who doesn't let me defend myself.
22:19When your actions define you,
22:23there's no need to give more explanations.
22:27So, I don't understand what you mean.
22:31I see.
22:33You'll never understand.
22:37Then explain it to me.
22:42Goodbye, Sanem.
22:57Café del Barrio.
22:59Very good. There you are.
23:01Neighbors, I've come to talk to you.
23:04I'm Muzafer, the new vice-president of this neighborhood.
23:08I'm here to listen to your problems and try to find solutions.
23:12Here are the polls, Mr. Ilias.
23:15Speaking of which...
23:19Come on, sit down.
23:22We need more information.
23:25Yes, yes, yes.
23:28Of course, I'll write it down.
23:30Of course, I'll write it down.
23:32Of course, I'll write it down.
23:35Of course, I'll write it down.
23:48What did I do?
24:05What did I do?
24:26Mr. Jan.
24:28Not now, Leila.
24:32Mr. Jan, I have to give you something.
24:40Sanem went to your house the other day.
24:42He took a folder, but it was empty.
24:44The document that was there was this one.
24:47Sanem forgot it at home.
24:49I found it and gave it to him, but it was too late.
25:01So they were together from the beginning.
25:03Sanem wanted you to know this, but he couldn't give you the document.
25:07And you didn't want to listen to her.
25:11And I beg you to forgive him.
25:14Mr. Jan, please listen to me. Mr. Emre...
25:49Dinner, Mevkiveh.
25:51What are we going to eat?
25:53Nothing, nothing.
25:54What do you mean nothing?
25:56There's no food, Nihat.
25:58I've been reading the same line for a long time because of you.
26:01I couldn't cook today. It can't be.
26:04But I'm hungry.
26:06That's why I'm asking, Mevkiveh.
26:07I'm sorry.
26:09But you won't cook anything, not even some eggs?
26:12Nihat, I don't have time.
26:15Don't you see how much work I have?
26:17Do you understand?
26:18It's a lot of responsibility, the work I have.
26:21I know.
26:23Enough, Nihat. Please.
26:25Do you want me to be the president,
26:27to work in the store, and to cook for you?
26:30Help me, please.
26:33If I were one of those authoritarian husbands,
26:35I would now hit and demand my dinner.
26:38But I'm not like that, and you know that well.
26:40Or not?
26:45I know how much women work.
26:51Then, Nihat, support me.
26:54Yes, Mevkiveh.
26:55Then I'll make something quick.
26:58We'll eat something and you'll understand better what you read.
27:01I'm going to make dinner.
27:03Otherwise, we won't eat anything.
27:06Good evening. I'm going to my room.
27:09My princess has arrived.
27:11Now you'll make a delicious dinner,
27:13the beautiful daughter with her father.
27:15Right, daughter?
27:16Of course, dad.
27:19That's right.
27:20Hey, mom.
27:22Don't distract her. Come.
29:11We're repeating the same thing. I'm leaving.
29:15Emre, don't be silly.
29:16You're behaving like a child.
29:18Please, sit down and talk.
29:20Talk about what, Aylin?
29:22About our lies?
29:23About what we planned behind my brother's back?
29:25Calm down.
29:26We haven't done anything wrong.
29:28We've had problems, it's true.
29:30But in the end, we've stayed together
29:32and we've overcome all the difficulties.
29:34That's the important thing, Emre.
29:37You mean people.
29:40People with feelings.
29:44No more.
29:48I'm leaving.
29:50Leave me.
29:53Give me another chance.
29:55For us.
29:56It's over.
29:58I'm not coming back.
30:11What is this?
30:13What is this contract?
30:14It's written here that you're Aylin's partner.
30:16What is it?
30:17I can explain.
30:18Jan, listen.
30:19Shut up.
30:20What are you going to explain?
30:21What are you going to explain?
30:22How you betrayed me?
30:23Forget about me.
30:24You betrayed our father.
30:25How are you going to explain that?
30:27Or are you going to explain how you've been in love
30:29with a psychopathic woman who has no limits to deceive everyone?
30:32And how you two were playing behind my back?
30:34What are you going to explain to me?
30:36How you ruined the lives of innocent people?
30:38Please listen to me.
30:40Listen to me.
30:41Listen to me carefully.
30:43I don't have a brother from now on.
30:51Brother, listen to me.
30:52Please listen to me.
31:00I don't want to see you again.
31:20Jane Austen.
31:21Pride and Prejudice.
31:30I'm sleeping.
31:36I told you I was asleep.
31:40Sister, please listen to me.
31:44Forgive me.
31:47Please forgive me, Zanem.
31:51Zanem, I believed Mr. Emre.
31:54I don't know.
31:55He was very affectionate.
31:57And I never thought he could do those things.
31:59I didn't know.
32:01And I thought that by giving him those documents,
32:03the problems would be solved.
32:05I thought the same way you did.
32:07But look what happened.
32:09I told Mr. Jane everything.
32:11I already told him.
32:14Maybe someday you'll forgive me for betraying you, sister.
32:32I need air.
32:33I'm going out.
32:34It's okay, Zanem.
33:05You trusted Leila and you saw what she did.
33:07She chose to go with Jane to tell her everything.
33:12You said she would save you, but she ruined you.
33:17I don't know.
33:20I understand why she didn't want to give it to me,
33:22but why did she go with Jane?
33:28You saw it.
33:31We can't count on anyone, just the two of us.
33:34Just you and me, Emre.
33:36I can only trust you.
33:40And you can only trust me.
34:12It can't be.
34:14This door has been open for years,
34:16and now it doesn't work.
34:17I'm sure she changed the lock.
34:19Of course she changed the lock.
34:22That's bad.
34:23How could she do this?
34:24I can't go in now.
34:29I was so scared.
34:30I knew you wouldn't let your son sleep on the street,
34:34You know what they say.
34:35When one door closes, another opens.
34:37Well, I'm going in.
34:38Excuse me.
34:40You didn't understand.
34:43You'll understand better with this.
34:45What is this?
34:46Here are your things.
34:48All of them.
34:49Now go.
34:51Where am I going?
34:52Where, mother?
34:53At least give me an address so I can go.
34:55That's it.
34:56You should have considered it before voting for that lady
34:59and choosing her as the neighbor's president
35:01before applauding for other people instead of your mother.
35:04Mother, please understand that what I did is called democracy,
35:07and thanks to this, now I'm the vice president.
35:10Ah, vice president.
35:12You should be ashamed of what you did, ingrate.
35:15Now take your things and get out of my sight.
35:18I don't know you, mother.
35:21Don't do this, mother.
35:23Where am I going to sleep?
35:24At least give me some money to pay for a hotel or something.
35:29I can't believe you're doing this to your son.
35:31How sad.
35:34Not even a suitcase.
36:04Don't be sad.
36:07Don't sleep.
36:10I have a mirror, too.
36:14Don't wake up.
36:18Come to my water.
36:22Talk to me.
36:26Let me kiss you and open a rose for you.
36:33Let me warn you of the unhappiness
36:41that man creates for himself.
36:49Give us a chance, don't be crazy.
36:56We have a chance with you.
37:03Dance with me.
37:07Let me kiss you and open a rose for you.
37:26Let me warn you of the unhappiness
37:32that man creates for himself.
37:38Let me warn you of the unhappiness
37:44that man creates for himself.
37:50Dance with me.
37:53Talk to me.
37:57Let me kiss you and open a rose for you.
38:04Let me warn you of the unhappiness
38:12that man creates for himself.
38:19Give us a chance, don't be crazy.
38:26We have a chance with you.
38:34Dance with me.
38:38Let me warn you of the unhappiness
38:45that man creates for himself.
38:52Give us a chance, don't be crazy.
39:00We have a chance with you.
39:04Dance with me.
39:07Let me warn you of the unhappiness
39:15that man creates for himself.
39:22Friends, the situation is like this.
39:24I swear.
39:25My mother kicked me out of the house
39:27and even blocked my credit cards.
39:30Now I have nothing.
39:31So you go, my friends,
39:33to my sister and my brother.
39:35I can't stay for a while.
39:37A while?
39:38How long, for example?
39:42I don't know.
39:43My mother kicked me out of the house.
39:44I don't know when I'll be able to come back.
39:46Okay, fine.
39:47I'll go make a bed so you can sleep.
39:50Don't worry about anything, Musafer.
39:54You can't.
39:55Aylan, I'm bothering you.
39:56Make a comfortable bed, please.
39:58And warm.
39:59Put a pair of blankets
40:00because it's cold at night.
40:03I need a pajamas.
40:04I think I have one around here.
40:12Musafer, you don't have to take everything out.
40:15Calm down.
40:17What are you doing?
40:18These are my private belongings.
40:20You don't need to help me.
40:21I know where all my clothes are.
40:30My neighbor feeds stray cats
40:32and I don't want him to do it.
40:37My neighbor's guests always park in a double line.
40:40That bothers me.
40:43I caught my neighbor eating cat food.
40:47He's sick.
40:50Why does a person have a rooster on their balcony?
40:53It's always here.
40:55What's going on?
40:57Did something happen to the girls
40:58or did something happen to you?
41:00Nothing's going on.
41:01I'm just working.
41:02The neighbor needs to take care of him.
41:04Go to sleep, honey.
41:07What time is it?
41:08Why don't you go to sleep?
41:09I can't, Nihat.
41:11People have problems and I have to solve them.
41:14Go to sleep.
41:15I'm going to sleep.
41:18The ceiling has drips.
41:20What are they going to do?
41:22My neighbor upstairs
41:23throws garbage out the window.
41:25Sign the one below.
41:28Let the sea reach the neighbor.
41:30It's too far now.
41:32Oh, please.
41:34What have I gotten myself into?
41:36It's unbelievable.
41:38It can't be.
41:39The same thing always happens to me.
41:41I don't understand.
41:43It's all my fault.
