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S1.E4 ∙ Astoria and the Beanstalk

Rose and Hawk are happy for their first day of Heroism Class. Their assignment is to get a golden egg from the giant's castle. Will our team accomplish this hard mission?


00:00Live in a fairy tale
00:07Side by side, together, forever
00:10Life is cool, this is Regal Academy
00:13Light a sparkle, make it shine
00:16And leave the magic, you know you're gonna make it
00:20Step by step, we will grow up together
00:23Friends are great, this is Regal Academy
00:27Find the key, unlock your dreams
00:29And leave the magic, the door is open
00:33This is Regal Academy
00:49Oh no! I'm gonna be late for heroism class!
00:56Gotta hurry! Gotta hurry!
00:59How does anyone have time for heroism with so many good shoe sales?
01:03Whoa! Mikey!
01:12I think it was bigger last time
01:20What have I done?
01:22My shoes!
01:24I just gotta catch up with my new shoes!
01:34Ooh, perfect! I didn't have time to change
01:43Someone save my shoes!
01:47I'm not a taxi!
01:49Ooh, soft bushes! Ow! Thorny bushes!
01:56Four a quarter!
01:58Hurry up, Miss Cinderella. Class is about to start
02:02Okay, thanks!
02:05Ah! The time! The time!
02:07A hero is never late!
02:10Especially to heroism class!
02:14Gotta hurry, gotta hurry, gotta hurry, gotta hurry
02:22Hey! Who just leaps on flowers?
02:25Oh, sorry
02:27Sorry? We're super delicate, you know!
02:30Oh, hey! It looks like it's raining!
02:33Oh! It's raining!
02:36This is the worst day ever!
02:39My bad!
02:40Old Sam time, class
02:42You're going to need your thinking cap
02:44Some heroic thoughts
02:46And an exploding number two pencil
02:48Question one
02:49Demonstrate a wrestling of the fog element
02:52I hurt!
02:53The flowers!
02:55Had to take them to the hospital
02:58Next, what's the best way to defuse a detonating drama queen?
03:03Uh, be a good listener?
03:05Excellent, Gerald
03:07And now, it's time for the take-home portion of the test
03:10It's so insanely dangerous
03:13Only the bravest of you will succeed
03:16You have to get a golden egg
03:18From Beanstalk Castle
03:20And have it in class by tomorrow
03:25The eggs have shells made of gold
03:28But the yolks can be used to make spells so powerful
03:32They even work on dragons
03:35I really want one of those eggs
03:37But Vicky, that's super dangerous
03:40I'm not going to fight the danger
03:43I'm going to join it
03:45Now the eggs spoil very easily
03:48So you must get them back
03:50And into the legendary magic container of preservation
03:57Isn't that just an old refrigerator?
03:59Uh, refrig-a-what?
04:01Uh, refrig-a-what?
04:03And to take notes, I've supplied you with exploding number two pencils
04:12Be brave, class
04:14And remember, if a worm eats you, you get a zero
04:19Vicky, I don't know
04:20I heard the giant is, um, giant!
04:23And I heard he smells really awesome
04:25Cyrus, giants aren't supposed to smell really awesome
04:28They don't even wash their hair
04:30Don't worry, I already sent a message to the master of Beanstalk Castle
04:35What was the message?
04:39I have a singing telegram for Vicky from the master of Beanstalk Castle
04:44I'm Vicky
04:48Beans? Ooh, a snack
04:50Ugh, no, Cyrus
04:52Let's hear it
04:55I'm master of the castle and I'd like to team up with you
04:59I smell really awesome and I'm also super evil
05:03I know that doesn't rhyme, but I don't care
05:06Because, like I said, I'm evil
05:15Well, that sounds promising
05:20No, absolutely not
05:22I've summoned too many magic armors today
05:26I'm tired
05:28We're not allowed to ride our mission dragons without regal armor
05:31Because we're still beginners
05:33It's too dangerous
05:35So then what? Climb the beanstalk?
05:38How about this guy?
05:40He looks... low-key
05:52Maybe too low-key
05:56Don't worry too much, Travis
05:58This dragon will get us there with no problem
06:06Okay, I'll save my worrying for everything else that could go wrong
06:11Come on, we get to fight a giant
06:13Today is gonna be great
06:15So how do we get in?
06:16Hawk is right
06:17Now let's go be heroes
06:26So how do we get in?
06:29Uh, knock?
06:31I could pretend to be a traveling frog salesman
06:34This is salon-grade shampoo
06:37Really expensive stuff
06:41The trail of soap goes all the way around the castle
06:56Well, I guess that's the giant everyone's talking about
07:01But I thought giants didn't wash their hair
07:03I better go tell the others
07:11What took you so long?
07:12Sorry, I had to visit the little harp's room
07:15But I delivered your message, Master Evil Magic Hen
07:20Everything is going according to my insanely evil plan
07:25You have a plan?
07:27Of course I have a plan
07:34I swallowed a bug
07:36I swallowed a bug
07:40So, now what?
07:42Now this
07:44Watch me
07:50Watch me
07:58Don't be stupid
07:59There's probably a trap
08:01Why would a giant need a trap?
08:03Regal Academy students constantly take his eggs
08:07So it's a bad idea to blow down the door
08:12Afraid I'll show you up, Hawk?
08:15No, Travis, don't!
08:20Told you
08:23Maybe the giant didn't hear that
08:29Uh-oh, the giant's coming
08:32It's up to me to play hero
08:34You're always a hero, Astoria
08:37Quick, climb up
08:41No, one at a time, it's too slow
08:45All right, I've got an idea
08:47Joy, grab onto my feet
08:50Okay, well, this is incredibly awkward, but I guess it's working
08:58Rose, what's wrong?
09:00Help, a giant worm is going to ruin my shoes
09:03And possibly eat me
09:06Oh no, then we get a zero
09:08Hold on
09:14Got it
09:22Stop, please
09:31Over here
09:34What's up, Astoria? Did you find a way in?
09:37You know, this morning my granny said I should lock myself in a tower so a hero could come rescue me
09:42But I told my grandma I could be the hero
09:45Grab on
09:48Is it me, or are we holding on to a lot of feet today?
09:55Now I've got to...
09:57They're gone
09:59I knew these boots would slow me down
10:01But they fit so nice, and they make you look really tough
10:06You think I don't know that?
10:08You guys are cutting off the circulation to my feet
10:11They're heading into the tower
10:13The tower? Now I've got to run up all those stairs?
10:17I just had a huge bowl of chili
10:23Already rumbling
10:25Everyone inside
10:27We're safe
10:28For now
10:30Cool as ice, Astoria
10:32You saved us twice
10:34So how did you know this tower was here?
10:36She's a Rapunzel, she knows towers
10:38Yes, that, and I also looked up
10:41It's a giant tower, hard to miss
10:44So, where are the eggs?
10:46Well, Joy's right
10:47As a Rapunzel, I do know tower layout
10:49There's usually a magic egg room right about...
10:56Wow, that's a lot of eggs
10:58Can we just take one?
10:59We need a fresh one
11:00Let's find a hen
11:04So, any idea how to find...
11:07Never mind
11:09You saved me!
11:13That magic hen!
11:15Can you please make a golden egg for me?
11:17Please, please, come on, just for me
11:21Uh, Rose, I think she needs a minute
11:24Did you just sprint up the stairs?
11:27No, I've been trapped up here for like a hundred years
11:32You just startled me, and I've got asthma
11:38Uh, can we have an egg?
11:41Well, I can just lay you an egg
11:43Once we escape the giant
11:53Fee, fie, foe, fum
11:57I smell...
12:00I know, right?
12:02It's his shampoo
12:04How can he be evil if he washes his hair?
12:07Makes sense
12:08No! It's just a wig, and he only wears it to eat people
12:12He's totally evil!
12:17Do we get to run now?
12:18No way! It's hero time, guys!
12:21Then let's see how he likes our explosive pencils!
12:33That was scary
12:35That was too close!
12:40I like that floor
12:41Everyone okay?
12:44Good thinking, Travis
12:46You cushioned our fall with your torso, thanks!
12:50No problem
12:53Hey! Where's Historia?
12:57You useless giant!
12:59Get up here, you big oaf!
13:10Now start sniffing! Smell them out!
13:13Smell something? What is it?
13:16That'd be me, and...
13:19It's called Ode to Evil, if you're wondering
13:23So, Master, I'm Vicky
13:26I got your reply to my message
13:32Actually, I'm the master
13:34I sent the harp, so here's the deal
13:37You help me dispose of your classmates, and then I'll send you an egg
13:41That's mean
13:42Those kids seem nice
13:44And the one girl has super beautiful hair
13:48Hey, that's me!
13:52Do as I say, or you will get no more of the eggs you so desperately need!
13:58Yes, Master
14:01Okay, here's the plan
14:03We have to go back and attack the giant!
14:05Wait! It's the hen!
14:08Hi, hen!
14:09Quick! We have to escape!
14:13Hey, that sounds like a chicken in combat boots
14:17Whoa! It does!
14:19But it's the giant!
14:20Let's go!
14:25We're going!
14:31He's right behind us!
14:33The hen will lay us an egg!
14:35Now all we've got to do is escape to get a perfect score!
14:38Astoria will be happy
14:42Oh no! We have to go back! We forgot Astoria!
14:53Um, you were saying?
14:55I'm sure Astoria's fine
15:01Everyone stand back! I've got this!
15:11All right! Awesome-smelling hair giant, make my day!
15:16Pumpkin magic!
15:24Uh, what are you doing?
15:26Pumpkins give me energy!
15:28Pumpkins give me energy!
15:30Pumpkins give me energy!
15:32Pumpkins give me energy!
15:34Pumpkins give me energy!
15:36Pumpkins give me energy!
15:38Pumpkins give me energy!
15:43I'd like to see you try that again!
15:48Super pumpkin power!
15:52Rose, stop helping!
15:55You know, this doesn't feel very growing
15:59Wow, I'm going to get a magic egg and be rid of that Cinderella at the same time
16:04Being evil is so awesome
16:14Good luck sliding down this beanstalk now
16:20I'm open to any ideas!
16:25I'm not finished yet! Watch!
16:29If aiming high doesn't work, I'll go low
16:39Yes! How do you like that?
16:45Yeah! Roller skates!
16:59Which side are you on?
17:02Hey, we're flying towards the beanstalk
17:05Yeah, but we're about to crash
17:08Travis, quick! Use your torso again!
17:18Awesome torso save, Travis
17:22Bad luck beast!
17:27We're almost free! Quick, slide down the beanstalk!
17:30Sure, no problem
17:32No, wait! The giant isn't evil!
17:36The hen is!
17:38That's crazy talk!
17:40Whoever heard of a nice giant or an evil hen?
17:43Slide down the beanstalk!
17:45Yeah, what are you talking about, Astoria?
17:48Look at his hair! I mean really, look at it!
17:57It's beautiful!
18:02You wouldn't hurt us, would you?
18:06I heard the hen do a deal with Vicky! She's booby-trapped it!
18:10How do you booby-trap a beanstalk?
18:14Oh, that's how
18:19Wow, if we'd slid down this, we'd have been totally doomed!
18:24You tried to doom us?
18:26You're going to pumpkin prison!
18:28No, wait! Not pumpkins!
18:32No! I'm allergic to pumpkins! They give me terrible gas!
18:38Oh, no! The gas can't escape!
18:44It's horrible!
18:48I'm going to pass out!
18:53What am I going to do?
18:55The hen's eggs used to keep my hair all shiny and bouncy!
19:01Perhaps I could recommend some hair care products!
19:04They're made with botanicals, organics, and a little bit of Rapunzel magic!
19:10Thank you! I guess I don't need this then! You can have it!
19:16Uh, okay, so how are we supposed to get down now?
19:20The beanstalk is a nightmare knife slide!
19:24Well, you are a Rapunzel!
19:27Let down your hair!
19:29Oh, no!
19:31Not again! I'll have split ends for weeks on the worm thing!
19:36This time we're taking the Ivy Train! Tower magic!
19:40On board!
19:46Assignment accomplished, team!
19:50Wow, how many times did Astoria save us today?
19:53I don't know, but I'm glad I didn't have to hold on to anyone's feet this time. That was getting weird.
19:59Still, you're a real hero, Astoria!
20:02Well, don't tell my grandmother!
20:07Ugh, this egg is starting to stink!
20:11I think it smells fantastic!
20:13Then you hold it.
20:15We better get it to Professor Wolfram before it goes completely bad!
20:19Leave it to me!
20:22Why am I not filled with confidence?
20:25Pumpkin magic!
20:28Oh, yes! I think she's improving!
20:31Oh, is that a pumpkin drag racer?
20:34Uh, that looks incredibly dangerous.
20:37The egg is spoiling! Do you want a day or not?
20:42Go left! Go left!
20:49Well, that wasn't so bad.
20:51I think I'm going to have to give up.
20:53I'm going to have to give up.
20:55I'm going to have to give up.
20:57I'm going to have to give up.
20:59Well, that wasn't so bad.
21:02How do we stop?
21:05It's not a parachute, silly!
21:13Okay, guess we're going to crash!
21:32What was that?
21:36Awesome! Evil wins again!
21:45Sorry, Professor. We, uh, lost the egg.
21:48Lost? This is disappointing.
21:51You not only failed, look at your uniforms!
21:55You hardly look the part of heroes.
21:59And I had such high hopes for your team, too.
22:03Hey there, nice girl. La-la-la-la!
22:07A thank-you gift for imprisoning my mean old master.
22:13Thank you!
22:18I guess I have to give you all a zero.
22:22Or you could give us perfect scores!
22:29We've got to get it in the legendary container of preservation!
22:35There we go.
22:37We did it!
22:41But why is it such a big deal if the eggs go bad?
22:54The egg's magic is too powerful to waste on heroism class.
22:59I'm going to create a new spell to control the Regal Academy Gate.
23:29We're gonna shine!
23:31We're gonna fly!
23:33We'll touch the sky!
23:35This is Regal Academy!
